BScCM FYP Proposal Cover

|Student Name/EID |: |CHAN Long Yin/ 53075908 |

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|Student Name/EID |: |CHUN Tsz Fung/ 53078646 |

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|Student Name/EID |: |CHAU Ching Skye/ 53075195 |

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|Programme Code |: |BScCM – SM4602 & SM4701 |

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|Supervisors |: |SCM: Yim Chun Pang |

| |: |CS: Yuen Chun Hung Joe |

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|Version# & Date |: |Version 2 & 2015/9/30 |

Proposed Project Title

Script-Based Combat (NOT YET CONFIRMED)

Project Objective

Our FYP project, a script-based game, would like to mainly provide experience of simple scripting to control a game flow. Hence, even children can learn scripting through gaming.

Moreover, we aim to create a remote control online fighting game through 2 mobile devices(Android/iOS) to a computer(Windows/Mac OS X). And additionally, players can also play the game under these 3 situations.

1. 1 mobile (offline/ mobile play),

2. 2 mobile (online/ mobile play),

3. 1 mobile+ PC (offline/ console/ full experience)

One of our aims and reason to create this game is, players can enjoy it under situation of without any special devices like leap motion sensor, and hence the target player can be increased as mobiles and PC is common in daily life. We think the game has a probability to sell through online mobile store and PC gaming platform, like Google Play Store, App Store; Steam.

Project Description

As descripted, our game uses system of control a turn-based scripting fighting game of a PC main screen by at most 2 mobile devices. Players can only control everything through their mobile devices.

The PC main screen would show the whole battle scene. As we would like to encourage players to have a full experience of the game, the main screen would show two characters fighting like a normal fighting game, and also with better effects and 3D character and background models.

Mobile screen, on the other hand, let players mainly control everything from game menus to control of the game. As mobile devices with touch screen is easier to handle select complex menus selection then a controller, players will control everything through the device.

1. Game menu

2. Characters selection

3. Equipment preview and selection

4. Tuning ability statistic for a better fighting strategy.

5. Script selection from selecting choices.

While combating, mobile screen will display character’s point of view in 2D plain sprite.

The attracting point of our game is, it is not a normal real time fighting game, but a strategic turn-based fighting game. Players have to think of many situations to win the opponent.

Main Point 1: Arm different equipment in different combinations to head, left hand, right hand, body and foot

Explanation: Different equipment will have different statistic like Attack power, Defense power, Hit Range. There are also different AI-condition skills choices bound and offer for our game main idea, SCRIPTING function.

Main Point 2: Tuning aggressive bar and attack type bar

Explanation: Aggressive bar let players tune how aggressive the character want to attack or hence walk back and defense. Attack type bar will be for tuning chances of using which attack type like Defense Breaker, Striking, Knock-out Punch. Each type will have advantage and disadvantage to one another.

Main Point 3: Learn opponent’s combat style

Explanation: We let players to rearrange all script once lose a round. Learning opponent’s style can help improve your gaming strategy. **Please mind, there are chances that character equipment is being broken when combating. Skill and statistic inside will be out of function.

Main Point 4: Choose the best AI-condition combination

Explanation: Players are only allowed to set AI-condition choices(if-then condition of scripting) from equipment. IF: what will trigger in order to use the condition; THEN: (ACTIVE/PASSIVE skills) triggering attacking/ defensing skills or buffs to increase statistic of the character.

It is because we identified one of the main problems of making a fighting game is balancing. We will, of course, fine tuning after semester A. We have already thought of a system to decrease the unbalanced chances.

Firstly, we set the game in at most 5 rounds and at least 3 wins.

Secondly, once one of the player loses, the winner will remain HP of the previous round. Thirdly, the AI condition will be strict in usage by a system called AI gauge bar, which allow players to gather stamina for exchanging an “AI GEM” (at most 3) by hitting or being hit. Therefore, when situation of AI condition is fulfilled and one AI GEM is contained, AI condition skill will be triggered automatically.

Fourthly, guarding is not invincible but less damaged.

Moreover, we concerned how the server be built that let players have a fluent network environment to play online.

Also, we need to solve cross-platform bug if happening as we can’t ensure will there any problem of Unity output game running in different platform and online at the same time.


A PC as the main screen of the game, and a mobile app for players to control their characters and update data to the server.

Equipment and Resources

Software: Unity3D 5.1, Maya 2014, 3dsMax, MagicaVoxel

Hardware: TV screen, Mobile Device(Nexus5/7) x2

Project plan




As our game mechanism will be using phones to connect each other and send the final combating screen to the TV.

This probably will use the synchronize technique, holding a server receiving data transferred by two mobile phone.

There are two games using similar technique:

Chrome Super Sports Sync and Chrome World Wide Maze

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Players need to turn Chrome to browse to the game website by a computer. Then following the instruction to sync to the Chrome turned on by mobile phone. Then the game screen of the computer side will be controlled by Players’ mobile.

Chrome Super Sports Sync

Chrome World Wide Maze

Similar Game - The King of Fighters: Kyo

The King of Fighters: Kyo is an adventure visual novel game. The gaming system is very like to our game.


Once the game started, there is a skill selecting page to allow player to choose specific skills for the round within a limited time.


The system will define which player will have the higher priority to attack others by the specification of the skills.


There are positive or negative effects on the player after each round.


The Design of GUI is one of the most important element of a game, and for a Combat Game, it is also really important as there are a lot of information which needs to be show up, such as the Player Name, Health Bar, Timer, Number of win matches, Skill Gauge, etc. The behavior of the player maybe be change according to those information, and in such a fast pace environment like a combat game, the GUI needs to be unique.


The Layout of Street Fighter GUI


The GUI reference of Street Fighter on Mobile Device

As for mobile device, they need to insert the controls on the game screen, it will consume space, so that they make the controls transparent.


The GUI reference of Street Fighter on PS4


The GUI reference of King of Fighter


The GUI reference of King of Fighter on mobile device


Character design is a very important part for the game.

Here are some references for it.

We tried to take some reference from Street Fighter, as it includes variable unique character designs:


Under our discussion, we may also adopt cute style for character design like the game Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden


However, we may not use very realistic style on character as it may not match the theme.



Mood Board & Theme



Our game will be created with Unity3D engine with multiplayer function.

There are several methods to build an online server.

1. Unity3D Multiplayer

• Adv: easy to build

• Dis: still in beta version

2. Unity3D master server

• tutorial:

3. Simple TCP/IP Server

• socket server

• [pic]

Similar game with related server and control technique


Game Detail

1) Backend Data Flow

The Game mainly consists of three components, the Player A Mobile controller, the player B Mobile Controller, Computer Game and the Backend server. Data will be passed to the server and submit to different parts of the game, the detailed flow is shown on the following graph:


2) Mobile Game Controller

Script Based Combat is a 2-player multi-player game, two mobile devices (either IOS or Android) is required to play the game. Each Player will control one of the mobile device, they will set their equipments, basic behavior, AI Actions, and other basic game controls here.


a. Character Statistic

The Character Statistic of SBC is different from tradition combat games, as it is a passive combat game, while it actually lays to the static game side a little bit. In order to define the AI behavior of the Character and maintains a fighting game play, the following Statistic are designed.

HP: To determine the amount of Hit points of the character, HP in SBC is more important than HP in other fighting games. As SBC uses a 5-rounds-3-wins game play and the HP of the round winner will remain to the next round, while the losing player will regain full health the next round. This will bring more variation of game play to the game as players can use different styles in order to win.

Damage: Each Weapon has its own level of damage, as players can equip different weapon on left and right hand, the damage due is specific the weapon in each hand, but not the combine of two weapons.

Range: Range of each weapon determines how far the weapon can hit. As the map of SBC is a linear grid, the range number determines how many grids away the weapon can hit. Most Melee weapon only has a range of 1, and there are also different kinds of ranged weapon with different effects.

CoolDown: Each Weapon has its own Cooldown, with a lower CD, the faster the player can use the weapon in that hand. As SBC is similar to turn-base game, so that the CD number is actually number of turns the player can use that weapon again. The lowest CD of weapon is 1, so that if the player equips two weapon with 1 CD, they need to take turns to use the weapon in his left and right hand; in other words, this means that the player is possible to use both their weapon. Usually, the Weapon with Higher Damage or Range will have a longer Cooldown to maintain the game balance.

There are also other Character Statistics such as Knock-back Chance, Critical Chance, Stun Chance, Block Chance, Dodge Chance etc. Which have a chance to affect the Game play, and the percentage of these stats can be Modify by the selection of equipments.

b. Equipment Customization

Players need to choose five different piece of equipment, including Head-piece, Left-Hand-Weapon, Right-Hand-Weapon, Armor, and Boots. Each equipments will have their own stats and skill sets. There will be both Positive and Negative stats for each weapon and skills will be use in the AI Action which will be discussed later.

c. Behavior Setting

The Behavior setting is one of the most important part of the Game. Although the Equipment will shape the statistic of your character, but if you don’t set the Behavior correct to fit your equipments and to counter your opponent, you will eventually lose the Game.


There are mainly two sets of Behavior which needs to be modified, which are the Attack Behavior and the Movement Behavior.

- Attack Behavior

Players need to set the percentage of Hard Attack, Medium Attack and Light Attack. Changing the scale will change the percentage of using each type of attack. The choosing of three types Attack will not affect the Damage deal to the enemy (Hard attack doesn’t means hit harder). However, the attack will counter against each other, just like paper-rock-scissors. When two type of attack hit with each other, only the winner can deal damage to your opponent. That’s why the Attack Behavior maybe more important to win games than equipment. Furthermore, there will be special effects attach to each type of attack, so that players can choose their attack behavior to combine the best play style with their equipments.

|Attack: |Wins: |Special effect when hit: |

|Hard Attack |Medium Attack |High Chance to Knock-Back |

|Medium Attack |Light Attack |Slightly Increase AI gauge |

|Light Attack |Hard Attack |High Chance to break Block |

- Movement Behavior

Players need to set a scale of movement behavior. They can choose to move Passive or Aggressive. There are four types of Moving actions, where the character will follow, including: Stay, Move Forward by 1, Move Forward by 2, and Move Backward. To chose between passive movement and Aggressive movement will change the chance that the character performs these four types of actions. Players need to decide a scale of behavior movement which fits his equipments and attack behavior.

Block Action

And for Move Backward, it is a special action, as it also indicates the chance to perform the action of Block. Normally, when move backward is performed, the character will step back for one grid. However, when the character is beginning attacked while performing Move Backward, the character will stay at the same place and performs Block instead. While blocking, the character will take a take lower damage, so that it is a good move to waste the attack or the AI action of your opponent. So chose wisely to tune up Passive in order to Block.

3) AI Action

Players will have chance to use AI Coins to activate the AI Actions in order to perform more complex and situation based actions. By using specific actions in such a random environment, you can gain more controls to your character, which means a smarter AI.

When you was hit by your opponent, your AI Gauge will store up, to a certain level of AI Gauge stored, you will gain an AI Coin, and a maximum of 3 AI Coins can be stored up. You will consume a certain amount of AI Coins to perform your AI Action.


An AI action is constructed by one Condition and a set of Skills. When you set your equipments, you will follow with a set of Conditions and Skills. You can combine Conditions and Skills from different equipments to create unique actions, here are some examples of Conditions and Skills:


Just like Programming you can chose between ‘if’ ‘switch case’ ‘while’ etc. You can tune the value inside the condition, and combine them to create a situation. For example:

(If) [Self_HP] (C. There are 0.2 seconds interval in between turns.

Once player die because of 0 HP, the game will be stopped.

For instance, the camera is added anti-aliasing, FXAA3, bloom effect and distance blur in order to enhance the video quality with some testing of system requirement to see how high quality computer can run the game.


BScCM Final Year Project 2015 – 2016

Research and Development Report

| Group No. 8 Wanderlust |

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City University of Hong Kong

Department of Computer Science

School of Creative Media


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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