URINARY SYSTEM TERMINOLOGY- Key - Lepore's Life and Health Science Corner


Term pyel/o pyelocystitis pyelostomy pyelotomy pyelonephritis pyelolithotomy

pyelectasis pyelography pyeloplasty pyelitis pyelocystostomosis

pyelonephrosis pyelopathy pyeloplication pyeloscopy retrograde pyelogram IVP

ren/o renography renal failure = ARF / CRF


renogastric renogram

renopathy renal calculi renal biopsy renal failure renal scan

glomerul/o glomerular glomerulitis glomerulonephritis

glomerulopathy glomerulosclerosis

Meaning Renal Pelvis Inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder Creation of an opening into the renal pelvis Incision of the renal pelvis Inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis Removal of a stone from the pelvis of the kidney through an incision Dilation of the renal pelvis A radiograph of the ureter and renal pelvis Surgical repair of the pelvis of the kidney Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney Surgical establishment of communication between the Kidney and bladder Any disease of the pelvis of the kidney Disease of the renal pelvis Shortening of the wall of the dilated renal pelvis Examination of the renal pelvis Endoscope is used to visualize the renal pelvis and ureter A pyelogram in which a radiopaque material is given intravenously Kidney Radiography of the kidney; recording of the kidney Acute rise in the serum creatinine level of 25% or more (Can last days or weeks before resolving) Chronic (end-stage) renal disease Enzyme produced by the kidney that stimulates vasoconstriction and secretion of aldosterone Pertaining to the kidneys and stomach Record of the rate of removal of an intravenously injected dose of radioactive iodine from the blood of the kidneys Disease condition of the kidney A stone in the kidney Obtaining renal tissue for analysis Acute rise in the serum creatinine level of 25% or more A method of determining renal function, size and shape. A radioactive substance that concentrates in the kidneys Glomerulus Pertaining to the glomerulus Inflammation of the glomeruli Nephritits in which the lesions involve primarily the glomeruli Any disease of the renal glomeruli Fibrosis of renal glomeruli associated with protein loss in

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nephr/o hydrohematonephrosis hydronephrosis/nephrohydrosis

nephralgia nephrectomize nephrectomy nephric nephridium

nephritis nephroabdominal nephrocalcinosis nephrocardiac nephrocele nephrocolic nephrocolopexy nephrocoloptosis nephrocystanastomosis

nephrocystitis nephrocystosis nephrogenetic nephrography nephrology

nephroma nephromalacia nephromegaly nephron


nephropexy nephroptosis nephropyeloplasty nephropyosis nephrorrhagia nephrorrhaphy nephrosclerosis nephrosis nephrostomy nephrotomography

the urine Kidney Bloody urine distending the pelvis of the kidney Stretching of the renal pelvis as a result of obstruction to urinary outflow Renal pain To remove, surgically, one or both kidneys Surgical removal of a kidney Pertaining to the kidneys A segmented excretory tubule present in many invertebrates Inflammation of the kidneys Concerning the kidneys and abdomen Calcinosis of the kidney Concerning the kidneys and heart Renal hernia Renal colic; concerning the kidney and the colon Surgical suspension of the kidney Excision of the renal capsule Surgical formation of an artificial connection between the kidney and the bladder Inflammation of the kidneys and the bladder Formation of renal cysts Arising in or from the renal organs Radiology of the kidneys The branch of medical science concerned with the structure and function of the kidneys Renal tumor Abnormal renal softness or softening Enlargement of the kidney Glomerulus and renal tubule where filtration, reabsorbtion, a secretion take place Inflammatory, degenerative & sclerotic lesions of the kidney Surgical fixation of a floating kidney Downward displacement of the kidney Repair of the kidney Purulence of a kidney Bleeding of the kidney Surgical procedure of suturing the kidney Hardening of the connective tissues of the kidney Degenerative changes in the kidneys The formation of an artificial fistula into the renal pelvis Tomography of the kidney after intravenous injection of radiopaque contrast medium

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nephrotoxin nephrotropic

meat/o meatal meatorrhaphy meatoscope meatoscopy meatotome

meatotomy cyst- cyst/o

cystalgia/cystodynia cystectomy cystitis cystoadenoma cystocele cystoenterocele cystography

cystojejunostomy cystolith cystolithectomy cystolithiasis cystoma cystometrography cystopexy cystoplasty cystoplegia cystoptosis cystorrhagia cystorrhaphy cystorrhea cystoscope

cystoscopy cystotomy cystoureteritis cystoureterogram


cystourethrography cystourethrography

Toxic substance that damages kidney tissues Affecting the kidneys Meatus (passage) Pertaining to the flesh Suture of the severed end of the urethra to the glans penis A speculum for examining a meatus Instrumental examination of a meatus Knife with probe or guarded point for enlarging a meatus by direct incision Incision of urinary meatus to enlarge the opening Bladder, Sac Pain in the bladder Removal of a cyst or bladder Bladder inflammation usually from urinary tract infection Tumor containing cystic and adenomatous elements A bladder hernia that protrudes into the vagina Hernia of the bladder wall Radiograph of cyst into which a contrast medium has been instilled

Joining of an adjacent cyst to the jejunum Vesical calculus Excision of a stone from the bladder Formation of stones in the bladder A cystic tumor Graphic record of bladder pressure at filling stages Surgical fixation of the bladder to abdominal wall Plastic operation on the bladder Bladder paralysis Prolapse into the urethra of vesical mucous membrane Bleeding of the bladder Surgical suture of the bladder Discharge of mucus from urinary bladder An instrument for interior examination of the bladder and ureter Examination of bladder with a cystoscope Incision of the bladder Inflammation of the ureter and urinary bladder A radiograph of the bladder and ureter obtained after instillation of a contrast medium Radiograph of bladder and ureter obtained after instillation of a contrast medium Radiography of the bladder and urethra Radiography of bladder and urethra by using radiopaque contrast medium

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vesic/o vesicotomy vesicocele vesicoclysis vesicofixation

urethr/o urethrorrhaphy urethrostomy urethrotrigonitis urethrodynia/urethralgia urethratresia urethrectomy urethrography/urethrograph urethrometer urethrorrhea urethroscopy/urethroscope urethrospasm urethropexy urethroplasty urethrotomy urethritis TUR

ureter/o ureteral ureteralgia ureterectasis ureterocolostomy ureterocystoscope ureterography


ureteroplasty ureteronephrectomy ureteropyelitis ureteropyelonephrostomy ureteropyeloplasty ureteropyosis ureterolithiasis ureteritis ureterolithotomy ureterocele ureterolysis ureterectomy

Bladder Incision of the bladder Hernia of bladder into vagina Injection of fluid into the bladder Attachment of the uterus to the bladder or the bladder to the abdominal wall Urethra Suture of the urethra The formation of a permanent fistula opening Inflammation of the urethra and the trigone of the bladder Pain in the urethra Occlusion or imperforation of the urethra Surgical excision of urethra Radiography of urethra Instrument to measure diameter of urethra Abnormal discharge from urethra Examination of the mucous membrane of urethra Spasmodic stricture of the urethra Surgical fixation of urethra Reparative surgery of urethra Incision of urethral stricture Inflammation of urethra Transurethral resection Ureter Concerning the ureter Pain in the ureter Dilation of the ureter Implantation of the ureter into the colon Cystoscope combined with a ureteral catheter Radiography of the ureter after injection of a radioactive substance Dilation of the ureter & pelvis of the kidney resulting from obstruction Plastic surgery of the ureter Kidney and ureter removal Inflammation of pelvis of the kidney and a ureter Removal of the renal pelvis and ureter Plastic surgery of the ureter & renal pelvis Suppurative inflammation within a ureter Development of a stone in the ureter Inflammation of the ureter Surgical incision for removal of a stone from ureter Cystlike dilation of ureter Rupture of a ureter Excision of a ureter

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ureterotomy ureterorrhagia

lith- lith/o lithocystotomy lithogenesis lithology litholysis lithonephritis lithotome lithotomy lithotripsy lithectomy nephrolithiasis nephrolithotomy lithoclast

azot/o azoturia albumin/o- albumin albuminaturia albuminuria

ur- ur/o, urin/o urodynia urography

urologist urology / urinology

uroscopy glycosuria dysuria nocturia anuria oliguria pyuria polyuria hematuria uremia / urinemia diuretic diuresis enuresis urinal urinalysis urinary urinate urination urinometer

Incision or surgery of the ureter Hemorrhage from the ureter Stone Incision of the bladder to remove a kidney stone Formation of calculi Science dealing with calculi Dissolving of stones Inflammation of the kidney because of a stone Instrument for performing lithotomy Incision especially of the bladder for removal of a stone Use of shock wave or sound waves to crush the stone Surgical removal of a calculus The presence of calculi (stone) in the kidney Renal incision for removal of a kidney stone Forceps for breaking up large calculi Urea, nitrogen Increase in nitrogenous compounds To provide collide osmotic pressure. Prevent plasma loss Presence of albuminates in urine Amounts of serum protein Uria, urine Pain associated with urination Radiograph of the urinary tract after the introduction of a contrast medium A physician who specializes in the practice of urology Study of the urinary system, study of urine Examination of the urine Abnormal amount of glucose in the urine Painful or difficult urination Frequent urination at night (after bedtime) Absence of urine Low urine output (less than 400ml/day) Pus in the urine Excessive discharge of urine Blood in the urine In patients with renal failure Increasing urine secretion The secretion an passage of large amount of urine Involuntary discharge of urine Container into which one urinates Analysis of the urine Secreting or containing urine Pass urine from the bladder Release of urine from the body A device for determining the specific gravity of urine

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urinoma BUN

OTHER TERMS: micturate incontinent distention retention stricture atony bougie

flank orifice reflux trigone catheter filtrate meatus sphincter fulguration retroperitoneal polycystic kidney specific gravity

cortex / medulla

pelvis pyramid


A cyst containing urine Blood, urea, nitrogen

To pass urine from the bladder Loss of self-control The state of being distended The act of keeping possession or holding in place Narrowing or constriction of lumen of a tube Lack of normal tone of strength A slender, flexible instrument for exploring and dilating the organs Part of the body between the ribs The mouth, entrance, or outlet of any anatomical structure A return or backwards flow A triangular space between two openings A tube passed into the body for evacuating fluids The fluid has been passed through a filter Passage or opening Circular muscle constricting an orifice Destruction of tissue using high frequency electric sparks Behind the peritoneum and outside the peritoneal cavity Multiple cysts on or in the kidney Ratio of weight of substance compared to equal volume of water Outer layer of organ as distinguished from inner, or medulla Any basin-shaped structure or cavity Any part of the body resembling a pyramid; cone-shaped structures making up the medulla of the kidney Benign prostatic hypertrophy Acute tubular necrosis

Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures



PSA test

Measurement of levels of prostate-specific antigen

in the blood

Semen analysis

Microscopic examination of ejaculated fluid


Surgical excision of testicles or ovaries


Surgical procedure to remove the prepuce of the


Digital rectal examination (DRE)

Finger palpation through the anal canal and rectum

to examine the prostate gland

Photoselective vaporization of the

Removal of tissue to treat benign prostatic

prostate (Green Light PVP)

hyperplasia using a green light laser (laser TURP)

Transurethral resection of the prostate Excision of benign prostatic hyperplasia using a

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(TURP) Vasectomy

resectoscope through the urethra Bilateral surgical removal of a part of the vas deferens

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