Computer Basics – Study Notes

Computer Basics – Study Notes – Grade 10



← Computers solve problems based on the information we give them; this information is called INPUT

← The unit of the computer responsible for gathering the input is called the Input Unit

← After the computer has the information, it has to do work to solve the problem; this stage is called PROCESSING

← The unit of the computer responsible for processing is called the Central Processing Unit or the CPU

← The computer needs to output the results of the work. This stage is called OUTPUT

← The unit of the computer responsible for output is called the Output Unit

The Computer System


Hardware and Software

← In a computer system, hardware consists of the physical components you can touch

← Examples: keyboard, monitor, processor, hard disk, memory

← Another important part of the computer that you can’t touch is called software

← Software is the set of instructions that controls the hardware


← Each complete set of instructions with a specific purpose is called a program

← Examples of programs…

← Microsoft Windows, MS Office, Video Games, MSN Messenger, viruses, hardware drivers

Memory Unit

← To run or execute a program means that the set of instructions that makes up the program have to be followed by the CPU

← A program is like a recipe; when a computer runs a program, it is like a person following a recipe

← While a computer is running a program, the instructions for that program have to be stored in memory which the processor can access

← RAM stands for Random Access Memory and is sometimes called primary memory or main memory

← Because the CPU requires RAM to function in a meaningful way

← RAM or main memory is essential to a computer, but tends to be expensive

Secondary Memory

← Larger, cheaper secondary memory can be used to store large amounts of data that are accessed infrequently

← Examples of secondary storage…

← Hard disks, CD-ROMs, flash/USB drives, floppy disks



← All instructions in a computer are either control instructions or arithmetic/logic instructions

← So each instruction is either handled by the ALU or the control unit


← Most computer operations are executed in the arithmetic and logic unit or ALU

← The ALU is responsible for performing mathematical as well as logical operations

← Mathematical operations include addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, modulo

← Logical operations include evaluating conditions

Control Unit

← The control unit is the nerve centre of the computer

← It handles instructions dealing with control signals

← You can think of the control unit as a manager that controls information flow in a computer

Computer Performance

← The most important measure of a computer is how quickly it can execute programs

← The processor is controlled by a clock where one basic instruction is completed in one clock cycle

← So if a clock cycle is shorter, then the computer takes less time to execute a basic instruction

← Let P be the length of one clock cycle

← The measure of a computer is the clock rate, R = 1/ P

← Thus, when P is small, R is large

← R is measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz)

← Computers today have clock rates in the billions

← The term “million” is denoted by the prefix Mega (M) and “billion” by Giga (G)

← So a 500 MHz processor operates at 500 million cycles per second

← A 2 GHz processor operates at 2 billion cycles per second

← This is the number of basic instructions the processor can go through in 1 second

Understanding how to buy a computer in modern times project

← L2 Cache

← Different processor families (Intel Core, Pentium, Celeron, AMD, etc.)

← What to consider when buying a computer

Sample Problems for Computer Performance

1) If the processor in your computer is 2 GHz, what is P (the length of one clock cycle)?

2) If the processor in your computer has a clock cycle length of P = 0.8 nanoseconds (0.0000000008 seconds), what is the clock rate of your computer? (in other words, how fast is your processor?)


Input Unit



Output Unit


Input Unit

Output Unit

Memory (RAM)



Arithmetic and

Logic (ALU)



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