Pennsylvania - Department of Human Services


Department of Public Welfare

Bureau of Information Systems


Batch Operations Manual

Version 5.11

September 18, 2006

PACSES Server Batch Operations Manual

1.0 Introduction

This document was prepared by members of the PACSES Server development team in collaboration with the Server Batch Support Team, the OIS DBA, and the Application Architecture and Batch Operations teams.

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the details of the PACSES Server Batch Operations, processes, error handling, standards, naming conventions and escalation procedures and contacts.

This document provides a step-by-step overview of PACSES Server batch operations, as well as a detailed description of the functionality of each batch process. This document serves as a reference guide to assist both the PACSES Server development team, the Server Batch Support Team and the Department of Public Welfare (DPW) Batch Operations in supporting PACSES Server Batch Operations.

Any changes to batch architecture, processes, or requirements will be reflected in this document and published for the use of the PACSES project team and the OIS batch operations support team

2.1 Overview

This document focuses on the PACSES Server batch process from the point where the PACSES mainframe data extract files have been successfully transferred from the PACSES DMS database. This document does not describe the processes that extract and transfer the data from the PACSES mainframe to OIS.

The PACSES Server Batch consists of the following main processes are categorized as follows:

• PACSES CSV Daily Load: This process begins after the source files have been successfully transferred via FTP from the PACSES mainframe to the OIS FTP server. This process loads the majority of the PACSES source data into Oracle. This process is an integral part of core application processing for the PACSES CSV application.

• PACSES CSV Weekly Docket Load: This process loads PACSES docket data into Oracle from the source files that were transferred from the PACSES mainframe.

• Daily Member Information Update Report: This process generates a file from the PACSES CSV database that contains a listing of all updates to member information (email address, mailing address, date of birth, phone number etc) received through the PACSES CSV application during the previous day. This process transfers the file via FTP from OIS to the PACSES mainframe application for updating in the source system.

• Daily Employer Update Report: This process generates a file from the PACSES CSV database that contains updated Employer information received through the PACSES CSV application during the previous day. The process then transfers the file via FTP from OIS and sends a report back to EMU Coordinators with the Employer-modified information.

• E-Tips Daily Report: This process spools a file each morning to the County Domestic Relations Section (DRS) directors for the employment tips received through the PACSES CSV application the previous day.

• WebPACSES Daily Application Security Load: This process begins after the PACSES mainframe batch extracts files containing Login and Screen access information of all active users who have access to the PACSES Mainframe applications. The process then transforms and loads into the Oracle database refreshed files first by truncating the existing data and then loading a complete table each night.

• JNET: This loads the Bench Warrant table from the extracts from mainframe which is indicated by the arrival of the trigger.trg file on pwishbgftp01 server

• PTS – PTS Batch processing involves loading new AOP records received from BCSE, sending new and changed records to DOH and PACSES, sending quarterly file to PACSES, processing the PACSES file, executing the duplicate batch process and purging older files from data location.

▪ BCSE AOP Load: This job copies the BCSE AOP file from FTP server to Utility server. This job checks if the AOP file has already been processed. If the AOP file has already been processed, then it sends an email notification to respective parties and the processing stops here. If the AOP file has not been processed, then it validates the AOP records and loads them into corresponding tables.

▪ DOH New and Change AOP File: These jobs extracts all new and changed AOP records from PTS table on a daily basis and then FTPs the extract file to webMethods server for eGovernment exchange to DOH.

▪ Daily PACSES file: This jobs extracts new and updated PTS records from PTS table and then FTPs the extract file to PACSES.

▪ Quarterly PACSES file: This job selects records with blank member and case ID from PTS table on a quarterly basis and then FTPs the extract file to PACSES.

▪ PACSES mainframe file processing: These jobs copy the PACSES file, received from PACSES mainframe, from FTP server to Utility server and load matching data received from PACSES mainframe to PTS table with PACSES Case ID and Member ID.

▪ Duplicate process: This job finds duplicate records in PTS table and populates them to the PTS Duplicate table.

▪ Purge file: This job deletes older data files in the archive folder.

2.2 Functionality of Batch Jobs:

This section provides a description of the individual Batch jobs that constitute the different Batch processes for the PACSES Server. The jobs described under each Batch process are nominally also in the order that the actual jobs would execute in production.

PACSES Daily Load

Note: the PACSES mainframe jobs PTPCAL and PTPCNT must be completed prior to beginning the execution of the Daily Load jobs (2.2.1 through 2.2.13) listed below.

2.2.1 PCSPRDYLOD1 – Load Staging Tables

Job Command Line

d:\apps\pacses\application\batch\Daily Load\DailyLoad_cspp.bat STG > c:\smalog\lod1.txt

Days/ Time

Tuesday – Friday: 12:00 midnight (latest start = 06:30)

Saturday: 18:00

Runs Before


Runs After

t_table_log.txt file is transferred from the PACSES Mainframe to the folder location \\pwishbgftp01\schcom\pacses\prod (OIS FTP Server: IP Address - Following the arrival of this file, the Argus file watcher indicates to OpCon/xps LOD1 is prepared to run.

On Failure



PCSPRDYLOD1 is initiated by the existence of the t_table_log.txt file on PWISHBGFTP01 (OIS FTP Server: IP Address -, indicating that all the daily files have been transferred via FTP from the PACSES mainframe to PWISHBGFTP01 (t_table_log.txt is the last of the daily extract files to be transferred). PCSPRDYLOD1 performs the following functions:

• Calls DailyLoad_cspp.bat with as the input parameter. This program performs three major functions:

1. Calls truncate_table_stg.sql – this script truncates the following tables in the Staging schema:

• t_disbmt_log

• t_rect_hist












• T_SO




2. Calls load.bat once for each file with the following file names and as input parameters. This process performs the following three functions:

o Loads the following tables from the extract files into the Staging schema:









• T_SO






The T_LIEN and T_MEMBER_SCHD_ACTV tables are populated through stored procedures

o Establishes the location of various control and log files:

• CTL_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\CONTROL\ .ctl

• DATA_FILE = \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\ .txt

• BAD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\bad\ STG_ _ .bad

• LOG_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\log\ STG _.log.

• DISCARD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\ apps\pacses\application\batch dailyload\discard\ STG_ .

o Sends an email with a copy of the log file to the PACSES DBA

3. Calls thresholdStg.bat – this process compares the record count for each file in the Staging schema with those in t_table_log.txt. If the total records loaded in the Staging schema are less than 99% of the total records in the control file, the script will indicate a load failure (ret_val = 1) and send an email informing the PACSES DBA that the staging load process has failed. Otherwise, the script will indicate success (ret_val = 0). Note, the return code and message are written to the ThresholdsForloadingstg.lst file.

2.2.2 PCSPRDYPAG1 – Start Maintenance

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance\start_maint.bat > c:\smalog\pag1.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYLOD1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYLOD1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYLOD1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure




PCSPRDYPAG1 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYLOD1. This process performs the following functions:

• Calls start_maint.bat – this process performs the following function:

• Calls webrun.vbs with the following URLs as an input parameter:



• These URLs brings up the PACSES website maintenance page () on PWHISHBGIIS32 and PWHISHBGIIS33 respectively (the production web servers). Each of the URLs listed above send an email notification to alerting the PACSES development team that the maintenance page has been brought up.

2.2.3 PCSPRDYEMP1 – Process Updated Employer Wage Attachment Information

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\EMPLOYER\emplr_start.bat > c:\smalog\emp1.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYPAG1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYPAG1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYPAG1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYPAG1 completes successfully

Runs Before



Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMP1 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYPAG1. This process performs the following functions:

• Calls Emplr_Start.sql - this script populates the t_wage_atchmt_update table with all wage attachment records (cde_iactvt = 'Y') contained in the t_wage_atchmt table that have been updated within the past seven days.

2.2.4 PCSPRDYLOD2 – Load Production Tables

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\DailyLoad\DailyLoad_cspp.bat PROD > c:\smalog\lod2.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMP1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMP1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMP1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMP1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYLOD2 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMP1. PCSPRDYLOD2 performs the following functions:

• Calls DailyLoad_cspp.bat with as the input parameter. This program performs three major functions:

1. Calls ThresholdsForloadingProd1.sql – This script updates the cnt_record_prev fields t_table_log with the count of records that currently exist in t_disbmt_log and t_rect_hist

2. Calls truncate_table_prod.sql – this script truncates the following tables in the Production schema:












• T_SO



3. Calls check_finance_duplicate.bat to check if there are any duplicate values in the finance tables between PACSES old and PACSES_STG new schemas. If there is then it first deletes duplicates before loading.

4. Calls load.bat once for each file with the following file names and as input parameters. This process performs the following three functions:

a. Loads the following tables from the extract files into the Production schema:










• T_SO





The T_LIEN and T_MEMBER_SCHD_ACTV tables are populated by stored procedures.

b. Establishes the location of various control and log files:

• CTL_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\CONTROL\ .ctl

• DATA_FILE = \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\ .txt

• BAD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\bad\ PROD_ _ .bad

• LOG_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\log\ PROD _.log.

• DISCARD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch dailyload\discard\ PROD_ .

c. Sends an email with a copy of the log file to the PACSES DBA

5. Calls thresholdProd2.bat – this process performs the following functions:

a. Calls ThresholdsForloadingProd2.sql – this script compares the record count for each file in the Production schema with those in t_table_log.txt. If the total number of records loaded in the Production schema are less than 99% of the total number of records in the control file, the script will indicate a load failure (ret_val = 1) and send an email informing the PACSES DBA that the staging load process has failed. Otherwise, the script will indicate success (ret_val = 0). Note, the return code and message are written to the ThresholdsForloadingProd2.lst file.

2.2.5 PCSPRDYLODS – Loads T_CNTC_LOG with Schedule Event Information

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\Dailyload\Load_Schd_Actv.bat > c:\smalog\lods.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMP1, PCSPRDYLOD2 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMP1, PCSPRDYLOD2 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMP1, PCSPRDYLOD2 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMP1, PCSPRDYLOD2 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYLODS calls Load_Schd_Actv.bat – this process perform the following functions:

• Calls Load_Schd_Actv.sql – this process executes a stored procedure that is responsible for loading the Scheduled Events for the members in the table T_CNTC_LOG.

2.2.6 PCSPRDYLOD3 – Update “Table Update Log” Table

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\Dailyload\t_table_update_log.bat > c:\smalog\lod3.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After



On Failure



PCSPRDYLOD3 calls t_table_update_log.bat – this process performs the following functions:

• Calls t_table_update_log.sql – this process updates the dte_update field in the t_table_update_log table with the previous day’s date (i.e., the date corresponding to the data in the database)

2.2.7 PCSPRDYEMP2 – Update Wage Attachment Table

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\EMPLOYER\emplr_end.bat > c:\smalog\emp2.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After




On Failure



PCSPRDYEMP2 calls emplr_end.bat – this process then calls Emplr_End.sql which updates the cde_iactvt, dte_update_last, and adr_ip_update fields in the t_wage_atchmt table based on the records processed from the t_wage_atchmt_update table during PCSPRDEMP1. This process then clears all the updated records from t_wage_atchmt_update

2.2.8 PCSPRDYPAG2 – End Maintenance

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance\end_maint.bat > c:\smalog\pag2.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYLOD2, PCSPRDYLODS, PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYEMP2 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYLOD2, PCSPRDYLODS, PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYEMP2 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYLOD2, PCSPRDYLODS, PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYEMP2 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD2, PCSPRDYLODS, PCSPRDYLOD3, PCSPRDYEMP2 completes successfully

Runs Before



Runs After





On Failure




PCSPRDYPAG2 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMP2. This process performs the following functions:

• Calls prod_db_health_chk.bat that does a complete DB health check (valid index, populated table data and compiled procedures) before running end_maint.bat.

• Calls end_maint.bat – this process performs the following function:

▪ Calls prod_db_health_chk.bat – this runs prod_db_health_chk.sql which evaluates if all the indexes are in usable state, all tables have data and all packages are in compiled state.

▪ Calls webrun.vbs with the following URLs as an input parameter:

• /csws/maintenance_mode.aspx?id=8ujyttdfe555r

• /csws/maintenance_mode.aspx?id=8ujyttdfe555r

▪ These URLs brings up the PACSES website (Index page) on PWHISHBGIIS32 and PWHISHBGIIS33 respectively (the production web servers). Each of the .asp pages listed above sends an email notification to alerting the PACSES development team that the website has been brought up.

2.2.9 PCSPRDYFTP2 – Backup Production Files

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\Dailyload\move_files_daily.bat > c:\smalog\ftp2.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYPAG2 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYPAG2 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYPAG2 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYPAG2 completes successfully

Runs Before

Not Applicable – No job is dependant on this job

Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYFTP2 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYPAG2. This process transfers all production data files from \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\ to \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\backup

2.2.10 PCSPRDYEMR1 – Generate E-Reminders

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\ereminder.bat > c:\smalog\emr1.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYPAG2, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYPAG2, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYPAG2, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYPAG2, PCSPRDYLOD2 and PCSPRDYLODS completes successfully

Runs Before











Runs After




On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR1 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYPAG2. This process executes the following three stored procedures:

1. pkg_EReminder.proc_Ereminder_AmtHeld: This procedure populates the t_cntc_log table with all members who currently have money on hold due to incomplete or incorrect address information

2. pkg_EReminder.proc_Ereminder_EFT(:a): This procedure populates the t_cntc_log table with a listing of members who have received payment via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

3. pkg_EReminder.proc_Ereminder_SVC(:a): This procedure populates the t_cntc_log table with a listing of members who have received payment via Stored Value Card (SVC).

Note: These Stored Procedures are designed to be able to handle Batch failure for up to 7 consecutive calendar days. If eReminders have failed for 7 calendar days, it may then be necessary to generate e-mails manually. PCSPRDYEMR20 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat 0> c:\smalog\emr20.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR20 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in ‘0’. PCSPRDYEMR21 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat 1> c:\smalog\emr21.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR21 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders events for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 1. PCSPRDYEMR22 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr22.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR22 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 2. PCSPRDYEMR23 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr23.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR23 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 3. PCSPRDYEMR24 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr24.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR24 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 4. PCSPRDYEMR25 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr25.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR25 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 5. PCSPRDYEMR26 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr26.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR26 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 6. PCSPRDYEMR27 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr27.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR27 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 7. PCSPRDYEMR28 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr28.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR28 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 8. PCSPRDYEMR29 – Process E-Reminders for Scheduled Events

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\Send_EReminders.bat > c:\smalog\emr29.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYEMR29 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR1. This process calls PA.DPW.PACSES.CSWS.Batch.exe, which then performs the following functions:

• This would send all e-reminders for the next 7 days email notifications to the members with the member ids ending in 9.

2.2.12 PCSPRDYEMR3 – Update data as of date

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\e_reminder_eftupd.bat > c:\smalog\emr3.txt

Days/ Time

1st of Month: After PCSPRDYEMR20-29 completes successfully

Tuesday – Friday: After PCSPRDYEMR20-29 completes successfully

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR20-29 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR20-29 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



• PCSPRDYEMR3 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYEMR2.

• Calls e_reminder_eftupd.bat. This process performs the following function:

• Calls EFTupd.sql which calls the stored procedure pkg_EReminder.proc_Ereminder_EFTUpd which updates the EFT Run date in t_table_update_log with the batch run date.

2.2.13 PCSPRDYANPA – Analyze Job

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Maintenance\pacses_analyze.bat > c:\smalog\anpa.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After PCSPRDYEMR3 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYEMR3 completes successfully

Runs Before

Not Applicable – Last job in the load batch

Runs After


On Failure



• PCSPRDYANPA analyzes the PACSES schema objects at 33% estimate stats using DBMS_STATS job in Oracle.


Note: the PACSES mainframe jobs PTPCAL and PTPCNT must be completed prior to beginning the execution of the Docket jobs (2.2.14 through 2.2.18) listed below.

2.2.14 PCSPRDYPAGD1 – Start Maintenance

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance\start_maint.bat > c:\smalog\pagd1.txt

Days/ Time

Monday: 18:00

Runs Before


Runs After

Not Applicable – First job of the Docket batch

On Failure




PCSPRDYPAGD1 performs the following functions:

• Calls start_maint.bat – this process performs the following function:

a. Calls webrun.vbs with the following URLs as an input parameter:

i. http:// /csws/maintenance_mode.aspx?id=uiuiuiu868686

ii. http:// /csws/maintenance_mode.aspx?id=uiuiuiu868686

b. These URLs brings up the PACSES website maintenance page () on PWISHBGIIS32 and PWISHBGIIS33 respectively (the production web servers). Each of the .asp pages listed above sends an email notification to alerting the PACSES development team that the maintenance page has been brought up.

2.2.15 PCSPRDYLOD5 – Load Docket Data

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\Dailyload\Docketload_cspp.bat PROD > c:\smalog\lod5.txt

Days/ Time

Monday: After PCSPRDYPAGD1 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYPAGD1 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure




PCSPRDYLOD5 calls docketload_cspp.bat – this process performs the following functions:

• Calls truncate_table_docket.sql – this script truncates the following table in the production schema



• Calls load_docket.bat once for each file with the following file names and as input parameters. This process performs the following three functions:

a. Loads the following tables from the extract files into the Production schema:



b. Establishes the location of various control and log files:

• CTL_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\CONTROL\ .ctl

• DATA_FILE = \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\ .txt

• BAD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\bad\ PROD_ _ .bad

• LOG_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\apps\pacses\application\batch\dailyload\log\ PROD _.log.

• DISCARD_FILE = \\pwishbgutl32\D$\ apps\pacses\application\batch dailyload\discard\ PROD_ .

c. Sends an email with a copy of the log file to the PACSES DBA

2.2.16 PCSPRDYLOD6 – Update Data as of date

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\application\Batch\Dailyload\t_table_update_log_docket.bat > c:\smalog\lod6.txt

Days/ Time

Monday: After PCSPRDYLOD5 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD5 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure




PCSPRDYLOD6 calls t_table_update_log_docket.bat – this process performs the following functions:

Calls t_table_update_log_docket.sql which updates the t_table_update_log with the date on which the docket data was loaded.

2.2.17 PCSPRDYPAGD2 – End Maintenance

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance\end_maint.bat > c:\smalog\pagd2.txt

Days/ Time

Monday: After PCSPRDYLOD6 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYLOD6 completes successfully

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure




PCSPRDYPAGD2 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDLOD6. This process performs the following functions:

• Calls end_maint.bat – this process performs the following function:

▪ Calls webrun.vbs with the following URLs as an input parameter:

• http:// /csws/maintenance_mode.aspx?id=8ujyttdfe555r

• http:// /cswsmaintenance_mode.aspx?id=8ujyttdfe555r

▪ These URLs brings up the PACSES website (Index page) on PWHISHBGIIS32 and PWHISHBGIIS33 respectively (the production web servers). Each of the .asp pages listed above sends an email notification to alerting the PACSES development team that the website has been brought up.

2.2.18 PCSPRDYFTPD2 – Backup Production Files

Job Command Line

d:\apps\pacses\application\Batch\DailyLoad\move_files_Docket.bat > c:\smalog\ftpd2.txt

Days/ Time

Monday: After PCSPRDYPAGD2 completes successfully

On Request: After PCSPRDYPAGD2 completes successfully

Runs Before

Not Applicable – No job dependant on this job

Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYFTPD2 runs upon successful completion of PCSPRDYPAGD2. This process transfers T_DOCKET.txt and T_DOCKET_LOG.txt data file from \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\ to \\Pwishbgftp01\schcom\Pacses\prod\backup


2.2.19 PCSPRDYMEM – Member Updates

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Member_Update\Member_Update.bat > c:\smalog\mem.txt

Days/ Time

Mon-Fri: 17:00

Runs Before

Not Applicable – The only job in the Member batch

Runs After

Not Applicable – The only job in the Member batch

On Failure




PCSPRDYMEM is an independent batch process for creating and FTPing the Member (Defendant and Plaintiff) address, e-mail address, date-of-birth and phone number change made in the Portal database that needs to get migrated to Mainframes for data consistency. The defendant information is passed along to the counties for confirmation and the plaintiff’s information is immediately updated in PACSES.

• Calls Member_Update.bat which performs the following function:

▪ Calls PayeeAdress.sql, PayorAddress.sql, PayeeDOB.sql, PayorDOB.sql, MemberPhone_Email.sql , employer_update.sql each of which spools the respective .lst file

▪ Calls Member_Update.ftp

▪ Sends e-mail notification to


2.2.20 PCSPRDYEMU - Employer/Wage attachment updates

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\EMU\employerupdate.bat > c:\smalog\emu.txt

Days/ Time

Everyday: 23:56

Runs Before

Not Applicable – The only job in the Employer batch

Runs After

Not Applicable – The only job in the Employer batch

On Failure



PCSPRDYEMU This is an independent batch process for creating an EMU report for all Employer Address and Wage Employment changes made in the Portal database by the employer. This report created is analyzed by the PACSES EMU team and the relevant change is made in PACSES.

Calls employerupdate.bat which performs the following function:

• Calls EmployerAddress.sql, EmployerWageAttachment.sql, BackupPayeeAddress.sql, BackupPayorAddress.sql, BackupPayeeDOB.sql, BackupPayorDOB.sql

• EmployerAddress.sql and EmployerWageAttachment.sql spool the respective .csv files

• BackupPayeeAddress.sql, BackupPayorAddress.sql, BackupPayeeDOB.sql, BackupPayorDOB.sql spool the respective .txt files

• Send E-mail notification to


2.2.21 PCSPRDYTIP1 – Process E-tips

Job Command Line

d:\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\etp\joblib\pcsetp000.bat –P

Days/ Time

Everyday: 1:00 am

Runs Before

Not Applicable – The only job in the E-Tips batch

Runs After

Not Applicable – The only job in the E-Tips batch

On Failure



PCSPRDYTIP1 is an independent job.:

• It sends emails containing employer tip information submitted by members to the respective county director

• An email report is also sent out to indicating the number of etips sent to each county.

webPACSES Application Security

SPECIAL NOTE: Operations is required to always notify the Server Batch Support Team (via pager) concerning the successful or not successful completion of these Security jobs (LNID, SCRA, DFMV, and ANLZ). In addition, if these Security jobs have not been run by 23:00, they are to notify the Server Batch Support Team (via pager). If the pager is called and no response is received within 15 minutes, the Operation staff must begin the escalation process for PACSES Batch Support.

Note: the PACSES mainframe job PBUSXT must be completed prior to beginning the execution of the webPACSES Application Security jobs (2.2.22 through 2.2.25) listed below.

2.2.22 PCSPRDYLNID – Update Application User Table

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch\PCSDLDYLNID.bat > c:\smalog\lnid.txt

Days/ Time

Monday - Friday: between 19:00 and 00:00

Runs Before


Runs After

Availability of usx5busxt.txt file

Location : \\\schcom\PACSES\prod\Security

*Webmethods package web_PACSES_SYNC would be disabled in all environments

On Failure



PCSPRDYLNID is initiated by the existence of the usx5busxt.txt file on PWISHBFTP01 and performs the functions in the following order:

• Execute SQL*LOADER to load usx1busxt.txt into the T_APPLN_USER table. The Control file used to load data has instructions to do both truncate and load. The load utility will truncate only if the load will be successful.

• If Step 1 is successful the compare the row count in the usx4busxt.txt file to that of the physical row count in the T_APPLN_USER table in the database. If the difference of the counts is equal to 0 then move the data file to archive folder and return success; else there might have been a bad data or a problem during load and hence follow the escalation process.

2.2.23 PCSPRDYSCRA – Update Access Screen Table

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch\PCSDLDYSCRA.bat > c:\smalog\scra.txt

Days/ Time

Monday - Friday: After successful completion of PCSPRDYLNID

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYSCRA executes after successful completion of PCSPRDYLNID and executes and performs the functions in the following order:

• Execute SQL*LOADER to load usx2busxt.txt into the T_SCREEN_ACCESS table. The control file used to load data has instructions to do both a truncate and load. The load utility will truncate only if the load will be successful.

• If Step 1 is successful, then compare the row count in the usx5busxt.txt file to that of the physical row count in the T_SCREEN_ACCESS table in the database. If the difference of the counts is equal to 0 then move the data file to archive folder and return success; else, there might have been bad data or a problem during load and hence follow the escalation process.

2.2.24 PCSPRDYDFMV – Move File to backup folder

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch\PCSDLDYDFMV.bat > c:\smalog\dfmv.txt

Days/ Time

Monday- Friday: After successful completion of PCSPRDYSCRA

Runs Before

Not Applicable – last job in sequence (runs parallel to ANLZ)

Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYDFMV executes after completion of PCSPRDYSCRA and moves PACSES web application data files to the backup folder on web Methods server.

2.2.25 PCSPRDYANLZ – Analyze tables

Job Command Line

d:\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch\PCSDLDYANLZ.bat > c:\smalog\anlz.log

Days/ Time

Monday- Friday: After successful completion of PCSPRDYLNID, PCSPRDYSCRA

Runs Before

Not Applicable – last job in sequence (runs parallel to DFMV)

Runs After


On Failure



PCSPRDYANLZ executes after successful completion of PCSPRDYLNID and PCSPRDYSCRA which is responsible to analyze the PACSES_FRAME schema. The batch file ANLZ.bat calls the ANLZ.sql file that executes a stored procedure PACSES_FRAME.USP_Analyze_Schema. There are two input parameters to this stored proc; the first is the percentage estimate and the second are the table names. Default value is set as null which does a compute statistics to the entire schema. Currently the values are set to NULL. If this job fails, it can be re-started later at an appropriate time and is thus considered as a Tier 3 job, but notification to the PACSES Batch Support personnel is still required.


SPECIAL NOTE: Operations is required to always notify the Server Batch Support Team (via pager) concerning the successful or not successful completion of these JNET jobs (JNET1, JNET2, JNET3, JNET4 ,JNET5,JNET6). In addition, if these JNET jobs have not been run by 22:00, they are to notify the Server Batch Support Team (via pager). If the pager is called and no response is received within 15 minutes, the Operation staff must begin the escalation process for PACSES Batch Support.

Note: the PACSES mainframe job PATJNET must be completed prior to beginning the execution of the JNET jobs (2.2.26 through 2.2.31) listed below.

2.2.26 PCSPRWKJNET1 – Load to Staging Area

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\start_refresh.bat > c:\smalog\start_refresh.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: 9:00

Runs After

File trigger.trg arrives at the location:


Runs Before


On Failure



This validates the extract file by loading it to staging area and then removes the access of bench warrant table from JNET_APP_USER.

2.2.27 PCSPRWKJNET2 - Populate the T_JNET_ACCESS_LOG table

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\t_jnet_access_log_load.bat> c:\smalog\t_jnet_access_log_load.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After successful completion of PCSPRWKJNET1.

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



It populates the T_JNET_ACCESS_LOG table by getting all the SELECT statements raised by JNET since the last refresh. Also causes cleanup of the FGA Audit trails from the data dictionary view which are older than 15 days.

2.2.28 PCSPRWKJNET3 - Generate the weekly report

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\jnet_weekly_report.bat > c:\smalog\jnet_weekly_report.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After successful completion of PCSPRWKJNET2

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



• This generates the weekly report based in the JNET Access Log data of previous week. (From last Saturday to Last Friday)

2.2.29 PCSPRWKJNET4 - Load the Bench Warrant table

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\load_bw.bat > c:\smalog\load_bw.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After successful completion of PCSPRWKJNET3

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This loads the Bench Warrant table from the new extract that comes from mainframe. Also this deletes the duplicate record with blank SSN.

2.2.30 PCSPRWKJNET5 - Re-enable the access of bench warrant table

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\end_refresh.bat > c:\smalog\end_refresh.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After successful completion of PCSPRWKJNET4

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This completes the refresh process and re-enables the access of bench warrant table to JNET_APP_USER

2.2.31 PCSPRWKJNET6 - Move files to back up folder

Job Command Line

d:\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\move_files_jnet.bat > c:\smalog\move_files_jnet.txt

Days/ Time

Saturday: After successful completion of PCSPRWKJNET5

Runs Before

Last job of the batch

Runs After


On Failure



This moves the processed extract files from main folder to BACKUP folder.


2.2.32 PCSPTS001 - copies file bcseaop.txt from FTP01 to UTL32.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts001.bat -P bcseaop.txt

Days/ Time

Mon-Fri: After arrival of file bcseaop.txt and between 18:00 and 6:00

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This is a job that will be used to copy BCSE AOP file from the FTP server to the utility server. This job decouples the dependency of batch jobs receiving input files from different resources.

2.2.33 PCSPTS002 – Loads the AOP File.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts002.bat -P

Days/ Time


Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



Once every week, BCSE deposits a text file, named AOP (Acknowledgement of Paternity) file, received from the vendor on the FTP server. The batch program checks for the existence of that file on the FTP server every day through OpCon scheduler. The file name (bcseaop.txt) is consistent and remains the same every time. This enables us to look for that specific file only through OpCon.

Once the AOP file is detected for processing by OpCon scheduler, it is loaded to the paternity staging table T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_STG. A comparison is then conducted on T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_STG and T_PTRNTY_ACKGT. If there is a match of more than or equal to 80% of records based on record number we determine the file has already been processed. The following email notification will then be sent out and the file will be moved to the backup folder.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: AOP File Already Been Processed

o Email body: “As of July 20 2005 14:20:00, the AOP file, BcseAop.txt, with first record number 001 and last record number 200 was identified as having been processed previously.”

If there is no match or a match of less than 80% of records, the file will be validated with the validation rules listed below. The valid records will then be inserted into the valid AOP table T_PTRNTY_ACKGT. The invalid records will be inserted into the rejected AOP table T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_REJECT. An email notification with the numbers of valid and invalid records will be sent out.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: AOP File Processed Successfully

o Email body: “The AOP file, bcseaop.txt, has been processed successfully on 5/24/2006 6:08:10 PM.

Total number of AOP records processed: 9

Total number of valid AOP records: 6

Total number of system rejected AOP records: 3.”

The AOP file is renamed by attaching the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss to the name and then moved to the backup folder.

Update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG with the system date for this batch job.

Note: Since it is unknown when the AOP file will be deposited on the FTP server during a week, this job is scheduled to run on a daily basis.

Validation rules

Mother SSN

If the SSN is blank, populate it with all zeros

If the SSN is less than 9 characters, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid SSN.

If SSN is not numeric, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid SSN.

Father SSN

If the SSN is blank, populate it with all zeros

If the SSN is less than 9 characters, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid SSN.

If SSN is not numeric, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid SSN.

Mother Last Name

If the last name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Mother Last Name.

Father Last Name

If the last name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Father Last Name.

Childs Last Name

If the last name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Child Last Name.

Mother First Name

If the first name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Mother First Name.

Father First Name

If the first name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Father First Name.

Childs First Name

If the first name is blank, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Child First Name.

Record Number

If the record number is not numeric, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Record Number.

If the record number is more than 6 characters, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Record Number.

If record number already exists in the valid AOP Record table, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Duplicate Record Number.

Birth Dates

If date of birth doesn’t have enough characters or invalid format, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid DOB.

If Child’s date of birth is greater than AOP signed date, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid DOB.

If Child’s date of birth is future date (greater than today), populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – DOB > Today.

If Child’s date of birth is greater or equal to father’s or mother’s DOB, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid DOB.

AOP Signed Date

If AOP signed date doesn’t have enough characters or invalid format, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Date.

If AOP signed date is greater than 18 years from Child date of birth, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Date.

If AOP signed date is greater than future date (greater than today), populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – AOP Signed Date > Today.

If AOP signed date is less than child’s date of birth, populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Date.

Transaction Type

If the transaction type is not ‘A’, then populate the “reject reason” with a rejected record reason – Invalid Transaction Code.

HBU Code

If the HBU code is blank and has not been provided, the HBU error field is populated with an error message “Invalid HBU Code - Blank HBU Code”.

If the first character of the HBU code is 0, 1, 2 or 3, search the hospital name table for a match. If a match is not found, the HBU error field is populated with an error message “Invalid HBU Code – Does Not Exist in Hospital Code Table”.

If the first character of the HBU code is 6, the second and third characters must be 01 or 02 or 03 or 04 or 05. The last two characters must be either a valid two digit county code or a two letter country code. If there is no match, the HBU error field is populated with an error message “Invalid HBU Code – Does Not Exist in DFO Area Code Table”.

If the first three characters of the HBU code are 880, use the last two characters to search the foreign country reference table. If a match is not found, the HBU error field is populated with an error message “Invalid HBU Code – Does Not Exist in Country Code Table”.

If the first three characters of the HBU code are 999, then search the FIPS state code table using the last two characters of the HBU code. If a match is not found, the HBU error field is populated with an error message “HBU Code's 2-digit Birthplace Indicator, Last 2 Positions, is Invalid”.

If the first character of the HBU code is 7 or 9 (eliminating the records where the first three characters are 999) then check that the second and third characters are a valid county code (>0 and last batch run time and transaction type = “A”) for the AOP forms received from the vendor (IMR) OR added online with HBU code starting with 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 (PA Hospitals) or 6 or starting with 7 or 8 or 9 where the last two digits of HBU code is 42.

Following matrix depicts the definitions of HBU codes starting with 7, 8, or 9:

|HBU codes starting | |

|with |Definition |

| |HBU codes for the 67 county Domestic Relations Sections will always begin with 7 followed by the two-digit county |

|7 |code and then State numeric code. |

| | |

| |Example: Adams County DRS 70142 |

| |The HBU code starts with 8 when the child is born in another state and an Acknowledgment of Paternity is received |

|8 |from that state, but the child is a resident of Pennsylvania, OR |

| | |

| |When the AOP is received for a birth that occurred in Pennsylvania, but the child's current residence is another |

| |state, OR |

| | |

| |The five-digit code is defined as: 8 followed by the FIPS of the State completing the form and the FIPS of the |

| |state of child's birth. |

| | |

| |Examples: |

| |A child born in WV, but is a resident of Pennsylvania. The code will be 85454. (8, WV's FIPS, WV's FIPS) |

| | |

| |A child is born in Pennsylvania, but the AOP was completed by an agency in WV. The code will be 85442. (8, WV's |

| |FIPS, PA's FIPS) |

| | |

| |A child born in France. The code will be 880FR. (880, Frances' two alpha characters) |

| |The HBU code starts with 9 when the AOP is received from a Pennsylvania County Assistance Office (CAO) or directly|

|9 |from the parent, no matter in which state the child was born |

| | |

| |Examples: |

| |A child is born in PA and the AOP is completed by a Pennsylvania CAO, in this example, Dauphin CAO. The code will|

| |be 92242. (9, Dauphin's county code, PA's FIPS) |

| | |

| |A child born in Ohio, but the AOP was completed by a Pennsylvania CAO, in this example, Dauphin CAO. The code |

| |will be 92239. (9, Dauphin's county code, Ohio's FIPS) |

| | |

| |A child born in PA and the parents completed the AOP form. The code will be 99942. (9, code for parent |

| |completion, PA's FIPS) |

| | |

| |A child is born in Ohio and the parents completed the AOP form. The code will be 99939. (9, code for parent |

| |completion, Ohio's FIPS) |

2. Exclude AOP forms added using online ADD AOP Record screen with a transaction type “C – Claims”

3. Leave both transaction type and reason code fields as blank on all new AOP records

The PTS-DOH daily new file is then sent to BIS eGovernment Exchange and then to DOH-DVR. An email notification is also sent with the following content.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: PTS To DOH Daily New Job Completed Successfully

o Email body: “The PTS-DOH daily New file has been FTPed to DOH on 5/25/2006 10:00:38 PM. A total number of 1 record were included.”

The file is rename by prefixing the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss and moved to the backup folder.

Finally, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table for this job with the system date.

2.2.35 PCSPTS004 - extracts updated AOP records from PTS table and then FTPs the extract file to DOH.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts004.bat -P

Days/ Time

Mon-Fri: 22:30

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



On a daily basis, this job extracts AOP change records from T_PTRNTY_ACKGT into a formatted file based on the following validation rules. The file is saved to PTS-DOH Change file on the FTP server for eGovernment exchange process.

Validation rules

1. Send all the AOP records for which the transaction type and/or any other field for the AOP record have been changed on that day where DTE_CHANGE_LAST > last batch run time.

2. Exclude changed AOP records with transaction type “I – Impounded” or “D – Deleted”.

3. Exclude changed AOP records that have Child’s DOB prior to 1998

The PTS-DOH daily change file is then sent to BIS eGovernment Exchange and then to DOH-DVR. An email notification is also sent with the following content.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: PTS To DOH Daily Change Job Completed Successfully

o Email body: “The PTS-DOH daily Change file has been FTPed to DOH on 5/25/2006 10:30:18 PM. A total number of 0 records were included.”

The file is rename by prefixing the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss and moved to the backup folder.

Finally, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table for this job with the system date.

2.2.36 PCSPTS005 - Job pcspts005 extracts newly updated PTS records from PTS table and then FTPs the extract file to PACSES.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts005.bat -P

Days/ Time

Mon-Fri: 19:00

Runs Before

pcspts006 (runs first Friday of every quarter)

Runs After


On Failure



This job extracts newly updated PTS records from T_PTRNTY_ACKGT table into the formatted PTS-PACSES daily file on a daily basis.

Database (Trigger)

Whenever a record is updated in the Paternity Acknowledgment table, a "Before Update" trigger will be executed that will check for the following criteria and set the PACSES Indicator (CDE_PACSES) to “Y” or “T”:

The PACSES Indicator will be set to Y IF:

1. AOP Record has Case ID and Member ID AND Transaction Type is “A”

• Child State/Country of Birth changes OR

• Paternity Establishment Date changes OR

• Transaction code of "A" changes to "I", "C", "V" or "R"

2. AOP Record does not have Case ID and Member ID AND Transaction Type is “A”

• Child's first name has changed OR

• Child's last name has changed OR

• Child's DOB has changed OR

• Father's first name has changed OR

• Father's last name has changed OR

• Father's SSN has changed

The PACSES Indicator will be set to T IF:

• The transaction code changes from "V", "I", "R" or "C" to an "A".

Validation rules

These edits will be performed in PTS while creating the daily files for PACSES:

o Records must contain a transaction type

o Records must contain the Father's SSN

o Records must have the Fathers first or last name (necessary for matching)

o Records must have the child's first or last name (necessary for matching)

o Records must have valid child's DOB

o Records must have child age below 18

o Records that must have the state code

o Records must have valid transaction type (A, C, I, R or V; No D)

o Excludes records with father’s SSN = ‘000000000’.

o Includes records that child birth state is obtained either from the STATE reference table or COUNTRY table. If no state or country is found, exclude the record

o For ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS only (Transaction type is “A”):

o If the paternity established date is provided:

▪ Records must have valid paternity established date

▪ Records must have past paternity established date (less than system date)

▪ Records must have established date greater than the child's DOB (paternity cannot be established before the child is born)

o Send records only when CDE_PACSES = ‘Y’ or ‘T’.

o If CDE_PACSES = ‘Y’, send records with last updated date (or input date if last update date is null) > batch run date;

o If CDE_PACSES = ‘T’, send records to PACSES with blank member id and blank case id (even if the member id and case id in PTS table are not empty), and last updated date (or input date if last updated date is null) > batch run date.

o After the file is FTPed, update the ‘Y’ or ‘T’ value in CDE_PACSES to NULL.

The records are formatted to a fixed length txt file and saved into PTS-PACSES daily file. The file is then sent to PACSES via FTP for processing.

An email notification is sent out with the following content.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: PTS To PACSES Daily Job Completed Successfully

o Email body: “The PTS-PACSES daily file has been FTPed to PACSES on July 20 2005 at 14:20:00. A total number of 200 records were included.”

The file is rename by prefixing the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss and moved to the backup folder.

Finally, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table for this job with the system date.

2.2.37 PCSPTS006 - This job selects records with blank member and case ID from PTS table on a quarterly basis and then FTP the extract file to PACSES.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts006.bat -P

Days/ Time

Quarterly: Runs first Friday of every quarter

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This job is almost same as Job 5 except that the entire T_PTRNTY_ACKGT table is checked and only records with blank member ID and case ID will be sent to PACSES. This job runs once every three months (first Friday of every quarter – Jan, April, July, October).

Validation rules

These edits will be performed in PTS while creating the daily files for PACSES:

o Record must contain a transaction type

o Records must contain the Father's SSN

o Records must have the Fathers first or last name (necessary for matching)

o Records must have the child's first or last name (necessary for matching)

o Records must have valid child's DOB

o Records must have child age below 18

o Records that must have the state code

o Records must have valid transaction type of A - Acknowledgment

o Excludes records with father’s SSN = ‘000000000’.

o Includes records that child birth state is obtained either from the STATE reference table or COUNTRY table. If no state or country is found, exclude the record

o For ACKNOWLEDGEMENT records only:

o If the paternity established date is provided:

▪ Records must have valid the paternity established date

▪ Records must have past paternity established date (less than system date)

▪ Records must have established date greater than the child's DOB (paternity cannot be established before the child is born)

The records are formatted to a fixed length txt file and saved into PTS-PACSES quarterly file. The file is then sent to PACSES via FTP for processing.

An email notification is sent out with the following content.

o Email sender: ServerBatchGroup@

o Email receiver: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

o Email subject: PTS To PACSES Quarterly Job Completed Successfully

o Email body: “The PTS-PACSES quarterly file, has been FTPed to PACSES on July 20 2005 at 14:20:00. A total number of 200 records were included.”

The file is rename by prefixing the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss and moved to the backup folder.

Finally, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table for this job with the system date.

2.2.38 PCSPTS007 - loads updated data from PACSES mainframe into PTS table.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts007.bat -P

Days/ Time


Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



On a daily basis, the mainframe performs a matching process on the PTS-PACSES file. Once a match is found, the record number, member ID and the first available case ID are written into the PACSES-PTS daily file and sent back to update PTS data. If member ID is returned but case ID is blank, update member ID in PTS and leave case ID as is.

This job first checks the existence of PACSES-PTS daily file on the FTP server. If the file exists, go on processing the file; otherwise stop processing. The PACSES-PTS trigger file is used to make sure the PACSES-PTS daily file is transferred to the FTP server completely.

The PACSES-PTS daily file is first loaded into table T_PACSES_PTS_STG using SQL Loader and then loaded to T_PTRNTY_ACKGT based on Record Number with member ID and case ID retrieved from the mainframe during the matching process.

Upon the completion of the load, an email notification is sent out to BCSE.

• Email from: ServerBatchGroup@

• Email to: PTSProductionBatchSupport@

• Email subject: PACSES To PTS Daily Job Completed Successfully

• Email body: “The PACSES-PTS file has been loaded to PTS on 5/31/2006 6:01:16 PM.

Total number of records updated: 1

Total number of records not updated due to record number and/or Case ID and/or Member ID not found: 0”

The PACSES-PTS daily file is renamed by prefixing the processing date yyyyMMdd.hhmmss to the file name and then moved to the PTS backup folder.

Finally, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table with the system date for the batch job.

2.2.39 PCSPTS008 - copies file bcseaop.txt from FTP01 to UTL32.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts008.bat -P opts-0opts.txt

Days/ Time

Mon-Sun: After arrival of file opts-0opts.txt and between 18:00 and 6:00

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This is a job that will be used for all jobs that need to copy PACSES file (opts-0opts.txt) from the FTP server to the utility server. This job decouples the dependency of batch jobs receiving input files from different resources.


2.2.40 PCSPTS009 - This job finds duplicate records in PTS table and populates them to the PTS Duplicate table.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts009.bat -P

Days/ Time

Mon-Fri: 21:30

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This job runs to check duplicate records in T_PTRNTY_ACKGT table on a daily basis. All duplicate records should be populated to T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_DUP table. The columns IDN_RECORD_PTRNTY, IDN_RECORD_PTRNTY_DUP, CDE_TYPE_DUP and DTE_DUP are populated for each duplicate. IDN_RECORD_PTRNTY contains record number, IDN_RECORD_PTRNTY_DUP contains the duplicate record number, CDE_TYPE_DUP contains the code for duplicate type (1 or 2) and DTE_DUP contains date of duplicate creation. Duplicate type is 1 when two records have same Mother’s SSN, Child’s first name, Child’s last name, Child’s date of birth and Father’s last name. Duplicate type is 2 when two records have same Child’s first name, Child’s last name, Child’s date of birth and Father’s last name.

The other two tables involved in the duplicate AOP processing are the Duplicate Summary table and Update Log Table.

Duplicate Summary Table (T_DUP_SUM_PTS)

Columns: Duplicate Date (DTE_DUP – Duplicate Batch Run Date)

New Duplicates Count (CNT_NEW_DUP – Count of new duplicates added)

Resolved Duplicates Count (CNT_RESLVD_DUP – Count of duplicates resolved or reconciled)

Primary Key: Duplicate Date (DTE_DUP – Duplicate Batch Run Date)

Table Name: Update Log Table (T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG)

Columns: Table Name (NAM_TABLE) – PTS_DUPLICATE

Batch Update Date/Time (DTE_UPDATE) – Current Batch Run Date/Time

Last Batch Run Date/Time (DTE_START_BATCH) – Previous Batch Run Date/Time

The following are the steps for the batch process:

1. Delete duplicate records from Duplicate table with duplicate create date < Previous batch run date/time (DTE_START_BATCH) from Update Log table

2. Flag all records in Duplicate table with Batch Update Date/Time (DTE_UPDATE)

3. Run today’s duplicate batch and populate duplicate table with duplicate records and duplicate create date (current date)

4. Calculate and populate Duplicate Summary table (T_DUP_SUM_PTS) with current date metrics – new and resolved duplicate counts.

5. New Duplicate Count – Present in today’s duplicate table, but not yesterday’s duplicate data.

6. Resolved Duplicate Count – Present in yesterday’s duplicate table, but not today’s duplicate data.

7. Update ‘Update Log’ table (T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG) with today’s batch date (system) in Batch Update Date/Time (DTE_UPDATE) column and last batch run date/time in Last Batch Run Date/Time (DTE_START_BATCH).

Validation rules

Two types of criterions are used to retrieve the duplicate records from the valid PTS table.

1. Type 1 where T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_DUP.cde_type_dup = ‘1’.

i. Mother’s SSN

• Child’s First Name

• Child’s Last Name

• Child’s Date of Birth

• Father’s Last Name

2. Type 2 where T_PTRNTY_ACKGT_DUP.cde_type_dup = ‘2’.

• Child’s First Name

• Child’s Last Name

• Child’s Date of Birth

• Father’s Last Name

2.2.41 PCSPTS010 - Job pcspts010 deletes data files in data\archive folder that are more than 3 months old.

Job Command Line

\\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\pcspts010.bat -P

Days/ Time

Runs on first Friday of every quarter at 23:00

Runs Before


Runs After


On Failure



This job deletes files that are more than three month old in the backup folder on utility server. It runs on the first Friday of each quarter (January, April, July, October).

Upon the completion of process, update T_TABLE_UPDATE_LOG table with the system date for the batch job.

Validation rules

1. Find files that are more than three month old by checking the file name.

2.3 Batch Setup Details: Directory Structure for Batch files

File location for Database server:

\\\ D$\apps\pacses\application\batch \dailyload – CSV

\\\ D$\apps\pacses\security\batch - webPACSES

File location for Application server:



File location on FTP server:


2.4 Batch Setup Details: Input/Output Files and Locations

|Batch |Input Files |Output Files |

|PCSPRDYFTP1 |t_lien.txt | |

| |t_so_obln.txt | |

| |t_schd_actv.txt | |

| |t_login_alert.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_log.txt | |

| |t_member_case_cref.txt | |

| |t_wage_atchmt.txt | |

| |t_rect_hist.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist0.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist1.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist2.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist3.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist4.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist5.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist6.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist7.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist8.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist9.txt | |

| |t_member_adr.txt | |

| |t_docket.txt | |

| |t_case_base.txt | |

| |t_case_insta.txt | |

| |t_case_mobl.txt | |

| |t_so.txt | |

| |t_emplr.txt | |

| |t_member.txt | |

| |t_case.txt | |

| |t_table_log.txt | |

|Path: \\pwishbgftp01\schcom\pacses\prod |

|PCSPRDYLOD1 |Control files |t_lien.log |

| |t_lien.ctl |t_so_obln.log |

| |t_so_obln.ctl |t_schd_actv.log |

| |t_schd_actv.ctl |t_login_alert.log |

| |t_login_alert.ctl |t_disbmt_log.log |

| |t_disbmt_log.ctl |t_member_case_cref.log |

| |t_member_case_cref.ctl |t_wage_atchmt.log |

| |t_wage_atchmt.ctl |t_rect_hist.log |

| |t_rect_hist.ctl |t_disbmt_hist.log |

| |t_disbmt_hist.ctl |t_member_adr.log |

| |t_member_adr.ctl |t_docket.log |

| |t_docket.ctl |t_case_actv.log |

| |t_case_actv.ctl |t_so.log |

| |t_so.ctl |t_emplr.log |

| |t_emplr.ctl |t_emplr_adr.log |

| |t_emplr_adr.ctl |t_member.log |

| |t_member.ctl |t_case.log |

| |t_case_base.ctl |t_table_log.log |

| |t_case_mobl.ctl | |

| |t_case_insta.ctl | |

| |t_disbmt_hist.ctl | |

| |t_table_log.ctl | |

| |Batch files | |

| |Dailyload_cspp.bat with STG as command line parameter | |

| |ThresholdStg.bat | |

| |Member_Schd_Actv_STG.bat | |

| |Sql files | |

| |ThresholdForLoadingStg.sql | |

| |Member_Schd_Actv_STG.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload\control |

|PCSPRDYEMP1 |Batch files | |

| |Emplr_Start.bat | |

| |Sql files | |

| |Emplr_Start.SQL | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\employer |

|PCSPRDYLOD2 |Control files |t_lien.log |

| |t_lien.ctl |t_so_obln.log |

| |t_so_obln.ctl |t_schd_actv.log |

| |t_schd_actv.ctl |t_login_alert.log |

| |t_login_alert.ctl |t_disbmt_log.log |

| |t_disbmt_log.ctl |t_member_case_cref.log |

| |t_member_case_cref.ctl |t_wage_atchmt.log |

| |t_wage_atchmt.ctl |t_rect_hist.log |

| |t_rect_hist.ctl |t_disbmt_hist.log |

| |t_disbmt_hist.ctl |t_member_adr.log |

| |t_member_adr.ctl |t_docket.log |

| |t_docket.ctl |t_case_actv.log |

| |t_case_actv.ctl |t_so.log |

| |t_so.ctl |t_emplr.log |

| |t_emplr.ctl |t_emplr_adr.log |

| |t_emplr_adr.ctl |t_member.log |

| |t_member.ctl |t_case.log |

| |t_case_base.ctl | |

| |t_case_insta.ctl | |

| |t_case_mobl | |

| |Batch files | |

| |Dailyload_cspp.bat with Prod as command line parameter | |

| |ThresholdProd.bat | |

| |Member_Schd_Actv_PROD.bat | |

| |Sql files | |

| |ThresholdForLoadingProd1.sql | |

| |ThresholdForLoadingProd2.sql | |

| |Member_Schd_Actv_PROD.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload\control |

|PCSPRDYLODS |Load_Schd_Actv.bat | |

| |SQL Files | |

| |Load_Schd_Actv.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\DailyLoad |

|PCSPRDYPAG1 |Start_Maint.bat | |

| |VBS Files | |

| |Webrun.vbs | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYLOD3 |T_table_update_log.sql | |

| |T_table_update_log.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload\control |

|PCSPRDYEMP2 |Batch files | |

| |Emplr_End.BAT | |

| |Sql files | |

| |Emplr_End.SQL | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\employer |

|PCSPRDYPAG2 |End_Maint.bat | |

| |VBS Files | |

| |Webrun.vbs | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYFTP2 |Data Files | |

| |t_lien.txt | |

| |t_so_obln.txt | |

| |t_schd_actv.txt | |

| |t_login_alert.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_log.txt | |

| |t_member_case_cref.txt | |

| |t_wage_atchmt.txt | |

| |t_rect_hist.txt | |

| |t_disbmt_hist.txt | |

| |t_member_adr.txt | |

| |t_docket.txt | |

| |t_docket_log | |

| |t_case_actv.txt | |

| |t_so.txt | |

| |t_emplr.txt | |

| |t_member.txt | |

| |t_case.txt | |

| |t_table_log.txt | |

| |Batch files | |

| |MoveDataFiles.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload\control |

|PCSPRDYEMR1 |Batch file | |

| |Ereminder.bat | |

| |Sql file | |

| |Ereminder.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYEMR20 - PCSPRDYEMR29 |Batch file | |

| |Send_EReminders.bat | |

| |.NET files | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|\\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance\EReminder |

|PCSPRDYEMR3 |Batch file | |

| |Ereminder._EFTupd.BAT | |

| |Sql file | |

| |Ereminder_EFTupd.SQL | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYTIP1 |Batch file | |

| |pye_tip.BAT | |

| |ASP file | |

| |pye_empl_tip.asp | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYPAGD1 |Batch file | |

| |Start_Maint.bat | |

| |VBS Files | |

| |Webrun.vbs | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYLOD5 |Batch file | |

| |Docketload_cspp.bat | |

| |Load_docket.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload |

|PCSPRDYLOD6 |Batch file | |

| |T_table_update_log_docket.bat | |

| |Sql file | |

| |T_table_update_log_docket.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\apps\pacses\application\batch\Dailyload |

|PCSPRDYPAGD2 |Batch file | |

| |End_Maint.bat | |

| |VBS Files | |

| |Webrun.vbs | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\maintenance |

|PCSPRDYFTPD2 |Data Files | |

| |t_docket.txt | |

| |t_docket_log.txt | |

|Path: \\pwishbgftp01\schcom\pacses\prod |

|PCSPRDYMEM |Batch files |MemberPhone_Email.lst |

| |Member_update.bat |PayorAddress.lst |

| |Member_Update.ftp |PayeeAddress.lst |

| |Sql files |PayorDOB.lst |

| |PayorAddress.sql |PayeeDOB.lst |

| |PayeeAddress.sql | |

| |PayorDOBsql | |

| |PayeeDOB.sql | |

| |MemberPhone_Email.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\Member_Update |

|PCSPRDYEMU |Batch file |EmployerAddress_.txt |

| |EmployerUpdate.bat |EmplrWageAtchmt_.txt |

| |Sql files |PayeeAdd_.txt |

| |EmployerAddress.sql |PayeeDOB_.txt |

| |EmployerWageAtchmt.sql |PayorAdd_.txt |

| |BackupPayeeAddress.sql |PayorDOB_.txt |

| |BackupPayeeDOB.sql |SpoolEmpWge.sql |

| |BackupPayorAddress.sql |SpoolEmpAdr.sql |

| |BackupPayorDOB.sql |Spool.sql |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Application\Batch\EMU |

|PCSPRDYLNID |Data file |Bad file |

| |T_Appln_User.txt |T_Appln_User.bad |

| |Control file |Log file |

| |T_Appln_User.ctl |T_Appln_User.log |

| |Batch file | |

| |PCSDLDYLNID.bat | |

| |PCSLOAD.bat | |

| |Sql file | |

| |ThresholdCompute.sql | |

| |TruncateTable.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch |

|PCSPRDYSCRA |Data file |Bad file |

| |T_Screen_Access.txt |T_Screen_Access.bad |

| |Control file |Log file |

| |T_Screen_Access.ctl |T_Screen_Access.log |

| |Batch file | |

| |PCSDLDYSCRA.bat | |

| |PCSLOAD.bat | |

| |Sql file | |

| |ThresholdCompute.sql | |

| |TruncateTable.sql | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch |

|PCSPRDYDFMV |Data file | |

| |T_Appln_User.txt | |

| |T_Screen_Access.txt | |

| |Batch file | |

| |PCSDLDYDFMV.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch |

|PCSPRDYANLZ |SQL file |LOG file |

| |PCSPRDYANLZ.sql |ANLZ.log |

| |Batch file | |

| |PCSDLDYDFMV.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch |

|PCSPRWKJNET1 |Batch file | |

| |start_refresh.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPRWKJNET2 |Batch file | |

| |t_jnet_access_log_load.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPRWKJNET3 |Batch file | |

| |jnet_weekly_report.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPRWKJNET4 |Batch file | |

| |load_bw.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPRWKJNET5 |Batch file | |

| |end_refresh.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPRWKJNET6 |Batch file | |

| |move_files_jnet.bat | |

|Path: \\pwishbgutl32\apps\PACSES\Application\batch\JNET\ |

|PCSPTS001 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts001.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS002 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts002.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS003 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts003.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS004 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts004.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS005 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts005.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS006 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts006.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS007 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts007.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS008 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts007.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS009 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts009.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|PCSPTS010 |Batch file | |

| |pcspts010.bat | |

|Path: \\[[UTL32]]\apps\pacses\application\batch\prod\pts\joblib\ |

|Path of ini file for environment variables: \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\Pacses\application\Batch\csv.ini |

|\\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\PACSES\Security\Batch\PACSES.ini : \\pwishbgutl32\d$\Apps\Pacses\application\Batch\jnet\jnet.ini |

2.5 Batch Notifications: Contact Information


|Tier 1 |Send Email to SERVERBATCHSUPPORT@ |

| |Call Batch Coordinator Pager PACSES@ @ (717) 780-8900. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone number |

| |(with area code). |

| |If no response to page within 20 minutes, call Batch Coordinator Cell Phone @ (717) 571-3676. |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call backup pager @ (717) 237-9925. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone |

| |number (with area code). |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call Anand Deopurkar. See contact numbers below. |

| |If still no response within another 20 minutes, call Jeremy Wallman (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |If you are not able to reach Jeremy for 30 minutes after that, call Jeff Ruckgaber (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |Note: Errors for the PACSES Tier 1 jobs may require correction before the next day. The phone call to Batch |

| |Coordinator is required to confirm this. |

|Tier 2 |Send Email to SERVERBATCHSUPPORT@ |

| |Call Batch Coordinator Pager PACSES@ @ (717) 780-8900. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone number |

| |(with area code). |

| |If no response to page within 20 minutes, call Batch Coordinator Cell Phone @ (717) 571-3676. |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call backup pager @ (717) 237-9925. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone |

| |number (with area code). |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call Anand Deopurkar. See contact numbers below. |

| |If still no response within another 20 minutes, call Jeremy Wallman (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |If you are not able to reach Jeremy for 30 minutes after that, call Jeff Ruckgaber (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |Note: The PACSES Tier 2 jobs may be able to wait until the next day for correction, but the call to the Batch |

| |Coordinator is still required. |

|Tier 3 |Send Email to SERVERBATCHSUPPORT@ |

| |Call Batch Coordinator Pager PACSES@ @ (717) 780-8900. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone number |

| |(with area code). |

| |If no response to page within 20 minutes, call Batch Coordinator Cell Phone @ (717) 571-3676. |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call backup pager @ (717) 237-9925. Wait for 2 beeps and enter the calling phone |

| |number (with area code). |

| |If no response within 20 minutes, call Anand Deopurkar. See contact numbers below. |

| |If still no response within another 20 minutes, call Jeremy Wallman (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |If you are not able to reach Jeremy for 30 minutes after that, call Jeff Ruckgaber (see phone numbers listed below). |

| |Note: The PACSES Tier 3 jobs may be able to wait until the next day for correction, but the call to the Batch |

| |Coordinator is still required. |

Tier 1

Batch job needs to be monitored to its completion

Notification of error / failure is required

Fix prior to next day may be required - contact of Batch Coordinator must occur to make that determination

Tier 2

Batch job needs to be monitored to its completion

Notification of error / failure is required

Fix prior to next day may be required in event of error / failure - contact of Batch Coordinator must occur to make that determination

Tier 3

Batch job needs to be monitored to its completion

Notification of error / failure is required

Fix may wait until next working day - contact of Batch Coordinator must occur to make that determination

2.6 Server Batch Support Team

Server Batch Support Team

2.7 Exception Handling Process

Currently in PACSES Portal Batch schedule, a job (“SCHED”) runs at 11.59 pm which creates the next day’s schedule.


• If a regular job is not run correctly and needs to be rerun the next day, then the parameters are changed after the batch schedule is built for the next day by the “SCHED” job and then the batches are run.

• If an ad hoc batch has to be run, the same should be included in the master schedule as an on-demand job, build the daily schedule and then run all the jobs.

• If the ftp of files does not occur correctly, then the batches are not run and the matter is further investigated the same day.

• Please check the Log location (Dailyload\Log) for the latest log files to understand Error causes if errors occur in the Batch Jobs. These log files should be ordered by date, e.g. PROD_T_CASE.log.03182004 for instance.

• When running the batches, some exceptional situations may be encountered – file load errors, ftp errors, etc. Some of these are handled in the following manner-

Appendix A: Daily Batch OPCON Report (Sample)

|PACSES Server Batch Status Report as of 9/8/2006 |

| |

| |

| |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Batch Name |

|Date |

|Start Time |

|End Time |

|Status |

| |

|eReminders |

|9/8/2006 |

|1:55:36 AM |

|2:15:32 AM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Employer Tips |

|9/8/2006 |

|1:00:01 AM |

|1:00:42 AM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Daily Load |

|9/8/2006 |

|12:14:29 AM |

|1:55:44 AM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|EMU Updates |

|9/7/2006 |

|11:55:59 PM |

|11:56:07 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - DOH Change File |

|9/7/2006 |

|10:30:01 PM |

|10:30:21 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - DOH New File |

|9/7/2006 |

|10:00:00 PM |

|10:00:22 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - PACSES Record Matches |

|9/7/2006 |

|9:59:53 PM |

|10:00:22 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - Duplicate AOP |

|9/7/2006 |

|9:30:00 PM |

|9:30:35 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|eReminders |

|9/7/2006 |

|7:40:52 PM |

|7:55:51 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Security |

|9/7/2006 |

|7:00:04 PM |

|7:00:46 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - PACSES Daily File |

|9/7/2006 |

|7:00:04 PM |

|7:00:39 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Daily Load |

|9/7/2006 |

|6:00:01 PM |

|7:41:01 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Member Updates |

|9/7/2006 |

|5:00:00 PM |

|5:00:23 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|PTS - BCSE AOP Load |

|9/5/2006 |

|5:59:01 PM |

|5:59:53 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |

|Docket |

|9/4/2006 |

|6:00:01 PM |

|6:19:47 PM |

|Finished OK |

| |


|9/2/2006 |

|7:31:53 AM |

|7:43:11 AM |

|Finished OK |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|  |

| |

|Server Batch Frequencies |

| |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Process Name |

|Schedule Day |

|Schedule Time |

|Related Apps |

| |


|Weekly on Saturday |

|9:00 PM |


| |

|Docket |

|Weekly on Monday |

|6:00 PM |


| |

|Member Updates |

|Mon – Fri |

|5:00 PM |


| |

|Security |

|Mon – Fri |

|7:00 PM – 00:00 AM |

|webPACSES |

| |

|EMU Updates |

|7 Days |

|11:55 PM |


| |

|Daily Load |

|Tue – Fri, Sat |

|12:00 AM – 6:30 AM, 6:00 PM |


| |

|eReminders |

|Tue – Fri, Sat |

|After Daily Load |


| |

|Employer Tips |

|7 days |

|1:00 AM |


| |

|PTS - BCSE AOP Load |

|Based on file arrival |

|6:00 PM – 6:00 AM |

|PTS |

| |

|PTS - DOH New File |

|Mon – Fri |

|10:00 PM |

|PTS |

| |

|PTS - DOH Change File |

|Mon – Fri |

|10:30 PM |

|PTS |

| |

|PTS - PACSES Daily File |

|Mon – Fri |

|7:00 PM |


| |

|PTS - PACSES Quarterly File |

|First Friday of every Quarter (January, April, July, October) |

|  |


| |

|PTS - PACSES Record Matches |

|Based on file arrival |

|06:00 PM – 06:00 AM |


| |

|PTS - Duplicate AOP |

|Mon – Fri |

|9:30 PM |

|PTS |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Appendix B: Naming Convention for Batch Jobs

Legacy OPCON batch jobs

All batch job names are 11 characters long.

The first 3 digits denote the “PACSES” batches.

The 4th and 5th character represents the region (Production – PR, Development - DL, Integration – IG, Systems Test – ST, Test for Production – TP) in which the batches are run.

Sixth and Seventh characters are for the frequency of the batches (daily – DY, weekly – WK, monthly - MH, etc.).

The last 4 digits are unique to the batch and depend upon the functionality of the batches.

New .NET batch Framework OPCON Jobs

All batch job names are 9 characters long.

The first 3 digits denote the “PACSES” batches. (example PCS)

The 4th 5th and 6th character represents the Project (example PTS)

Seventh, eighth and 9th characters are unique to the batch (example 001).

Appendix C: PACSES Server PRODUCTION BATCH – Schedules








Note: the following is a link to an MS.Project file that provides a more detailed picture of the batch schedule – PACSES Batch Schedule.

Appendix D: PACSES Server PRODUCTION BATCH - Quick Reference

|Batch |Job |Description |Pre-event (predecessor) |Post-event (successor) |Frequency |

|05/06/03 | |2 new jobs were added | |Jobs | |

| | |PCSPRDYLOD5 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYLOD6 | | | |

|06/12/2003 | |Document phone numbers updated. | | | |

|08/29/2003 | |PCSPRDYLOD1 |Prod – STG |Name | |

| | |Maintenance.bat (PAG1) |Start_maint.bat | | |

| | |Maintenance2.bat (PAG2) |End_Maint.bat | | |

|10/9/2003 | |8 new job to be added PCSPRDYEMP1, |Emplr_Start.BAT |Jobs | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMP2, |Emplr_Start.SQL | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR2, |Emplr_End.BAT | | |

| | |PCSPRDYPAGD1, |Emplr_End.SQL | | |

| | |PCSPRDYPAGD2, |Ereminder_EFTUpd.BAT | | |

| | |PCSPRDYFTPD2, |Ereminder_EFTUpd.SQL | | |

| | |PCSPRDYMEM, | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMU | | | |

|04/27/2004 | | |Incorporated INI File for | | |

| | | |environment variables, error | | |

| | | |resolution in OPCON jobs, | | |

| | | |directory consolidation, new | | |

| | | |case member control file, | | |

| | | |added email notification for | | |

| | | |EMU, MEM, EMP1, EMP2 jobs | | |

|08/10/2004 | |PCSPRDYUTIL, |Added webPACSES Security |Jobs | |

| | |PCSPRDYLNID, |Batch Jobs | | |

| | |PCSPRDYSCRA, | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYDFMV | | | |

|10/25/2004 | |PCSPRDYANLZ |Added webPACSES Security |Job | |

| | | |Batch job for analyze of | | |

| | | |FRAME schema | | |

|11/17/04 | |Added new notification instructions for Operations |Security Batch |Jobs | |

| | |relating to the completion of the Security batch jobs| | | |

|01/22/2005 | |LODS |Schedule Events LODS new job |Job | |

| | | |was added | | |

|01/22/2005 | |10 new jobs |EReminder jobs were added |Job | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR20 |that are going to run the | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR21 |schedule events emails in 10 | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR22 |parallel processes | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR23 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR24 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR25 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR26 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR27 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR28 | | | |

| | |PCSPRDYEMR29 | | | |

|1/27/2005 |5.0 |The contact numbers need to be updated in the OPCON |Modify quick reference and |Misc. | |

| | |documentation tab. |titles of individuals. | | |

| | | |Include Batch Coordinator | | |

| | | |cell phone number to replace | | |

| | | |Anand’s personal cell phone | | |

| | | |number. | | |

|3/1/2005 | |This information needs to be updated in the OPCON |Contact numbers for |Misc. | |

| | |documentation tab. |escalation have been changed | | |

| | | |to reflect my2way pager. | | |

| | | |Also, updates to the Server | | |

| | | |Batch Support Team made. | | |

| | | |Updates made to sections 2.5 | | |

| | | |and 2.6. | | |

|3/24/05 |5.0 |Incorporated link to batch schedule MS.Project file. | |Misc. |Jeff Ruckgaber |

| | |Added author to change log. | | | |

|4/4/05 |5.1 |Remove Rob Ashworth from the DTC Team contact list |Contact numbers deleted on |Misc. |Jeff Ruckgaber |

| | | |Server Batch Support Team | | |

| | | |contact list and add version | | |

| | | |number to document | | |

|4/29/05 |5.2 |Adherence to DPW documentation standards | |Misc. |Susan Pracht |

|5/24/05 |5.3 |Added operator instructions to support running of the|Added instructions for |Misc. |Jeff Ruckgaber |

| | |batch jobs, |operations staff to contact | | |

| | | |batch coordinator if batch | | |

| | | |run times exceed the times | | |

| | | |listed in the Batch Quick | | |

| | | |Reference table (Appendix D).| | |

|6/21/05 |5.4 |Updates to escalation procedures |Added backup pager number and|Misc. |Jeff Ruckgaber |

| | | |Anand’s phone numbers | | |

|6/23/05 |5.5 |JNET batch addition |Various |Misc. |Anand Deopurkar |

| | |Removal of EMR2 for 3.0.0 and 3.0.0 batch Changes | | | |

| | |webMethods Lead information | | | |

| | |Additional notification instructions if start times | | | |

| | |are missed | | | |

| | |Security Batch Enhancements | | | |

|11/7/05 |5.7 |Create hyperlink for Server Batch Support Team | |Misc |Jeff Ruckgaber |

|03/02/06 |5.8 |Added operator instructions to call batch on call | |Misc |Anand Deopurkar |

| | |person if Daily Load batch runs beyond 7:00 AM and | | | |

| | |updated expected run times of the batch jobs | | | |

|3/29/06 |5.9 |Updated references of UTL31 to UTL32. Modified |Various |Misc. |Jeff Zahorchak |

| | |frequency of ANPA to reflect changes made to the Prod| | | |

| | |schedule | | | |

|3/29/06 |5.9 |Updated references of UTL31 to UTL32. Modified |Various |Misc. |Jeff Zahorchak |

| | |frequency of ANPA to reflect changes made to the Prod| | | |

| | |schedule | | | |

|5/19/06 |5.10 |Modified frequency of ANPA to reflect changes made to|Various |Misc. |Anand Deopurkar |

| | |the Prod schedule | | | |

|9/18/2006 |5.11 |Added PTS Job information |PTS |Job additions |Anand Deopurkar |


Load Staging area tables



Bring up the Maintenance Page

Investigate further, Contact Scheduler, PACSES, Backup team and DBA teams, DTC.

Load Production


Investigate further, Contact Scheduler, PACSES, Backup team and DBA teams, DTC.


Remove the maintenance page and bring up the website






0:00 (Tue -Fri)

18:00 (Sat/First of Month)

Prod Daily Load Schedule
























ProdDailyApplicationSecurity Schedule

(Mon - Fri)







JNET Schedule (Saturday)



Revised September 18, 2006

PACSES Server Batch Operations Manual

PACSES Server Batch Application Manual.doc

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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