Batch file start windows application


Batch file start windows application

Updated: 04/26/2017 by Computer Hope To start an exe file from a batch file in Windows, you can use the start command. For example, the following command would start Notepad in most versions of Windows. START C:\Windows\NOTEPAD.EXE The start command can be used for other exe files by replacing the file path with the path to the exe file. Tip If you want to start multiple executable files, keep in mind that the batch file opens each of the files almost immediately. If you want some delay, consider using the pause command or sleep utility. If the file path contains a space within a folder name, you need to enclose that folder name in double quotes. For example, if you had Google Chrome installed on your computer and wanted to start the Chrome browser through a batch file, you could use the command below. START C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe The Program Files (x86) folder name includes spaces in it. Enclosing the folder name in double quotes tells Windows the spaces are part of the folder name. Can I control a program using a batch file once its been started? No. A batch file can only execute or start another program. Once it is started, it cannot perform additional functions within that program. Tip In some situations, some programs may support additional syntax or options that allow you to perform additional functions. If you are looking for a language or tool to help perform more automation, we suggest AutoHotkey. Additional information If you use batch files to automate tasks on a Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista computer, you have probably encountered situations when you needed to start a program elevated (a.k.a. as administrator). For example, if you want to share a folder automatically from a batch file, you would use the net share command. However, unlike many other programs that ask for the administrator's approval, net share does not do that and simply returns the error code 5 ("access denied") if it was started by a standard user. How to force that program to start elevated from a batch file? Encrypt and password-protect external drives with USBCrypt encryption software for Windows 10,8,7, and XP. User rating: 4.7/5 Purchase or download a free trial. Read more... That's the purpose of the Elevate utility that we've created to solve such a problem. Download the Zip file, uncompress it, and inside you should find two files: Elevate.exe and Elevate64.exe. (The latter is a native 64-bit compilation, if you require that, although the regular 32-bit version, Elevate.exe, should work fine with both the 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows). Copy the file Elevate.exe into a folder where Windows can always find it (such as C:/Windows). To use it in a batch file, just prepend the command you want to execute as administrator with the elevate command, like this: elevate net share ... and it should run the command net share as administrator. Of course, it does not relieve the administrator from the duty to approve the request (unless you have enabled the quiet mode of UAC or disabled the UAC altogether). The syntax of the Elevate command is as follows: elevate [-opt1] [-opt2...] [path\]file[.exe] [param1 [param2...]] Where -optN can be one of the following: -? - Display the help screen and exit -info - Open the web page with more information (the web page you are reading now!) and exit -wait4idle - Wait for the target process to initialize before returning -wait4exit - Wait for the target process to finish before returning -noui - Don't display any messages, even if an error occurs After the options, the following arguments should be entered: file - The file name of the program to launch elevated paramN - Optional parameters (as expected by the program being launched) For example, if for some reason you want to run Notepad as administrator, and continue only after you exit Notepad, you would use a command like this: elevate -wait4exit notepad If you use the elevate command while being logged in to Windows as a user that does not have a split token, that is as a non-administrator or a guest user, it will ask for the administrator's password to continue. If you use it as the true administrator (that is, if UAC is disabled, or it you've launched the batch file itself as administrator), then no administrator's approval would be required and it would launch the program as usual. Password-protect and hide personal files and folders with Folder Guard for Windows 10,8,7, and XP. User rating: 4.6/5 Purchase or download a free trial. Read more... Can Elevate.exe be used on a Windows XP or Windows 2000 computer, even though they do not have UAC or users with the split tokens? Yes, it can! In such a case, if the batch file is executed by the administrator, then Elevate.exe runs the program as usual, without requiring any additional approval. If run by a restricted user, Elevate.exe has the same effect as the Run As command of Windows XP/2000: it gives the user an option to enter a different user's credentials to lunch the program. The return code of the elevate command depends on the result of its execution and whether you have specified the wait4exit option or not. If the -wait4exit option is NOT specified, then elevate returns code 0 if it started the target process successfully, or an error code as reported by Windows. For example, if Windows could not find the target file, it usually returns code 2. If the file was found, but the administrator did not approve the request to start the program elevated, the return code is 5. And so on. However, if you have specified the -wait4exit option on the command line, then if the target process was started successfully, the elevate command would wait for it to finish and return the exit code from that process. The returned value in such a case depends on the program being launched be the elevate command. As with other commands, you can access the return code in a batch file via the ERRORLEVEL variable. It's FREE. For Windows 2000 and later. License... Download NOTE: There is a known Windows problem: you cannot start a batch file elevated while passing arguments with quotes to it. A possible workaround is not to use elevate.exe to run a batch file elevated. Instead, run the batch file itself as the standard user, and put the elevate.exe command inside of the batch file to run whatever program you need to run elevated. If you want to link to this article, you can use this HTML code: How to start programs elevated from a batch file Read more To set up a batch file to run as a Windows Service with AlwaysUp: Download and install AlwaysUp, if necessary. Start AlwaysUp. Select Application > Add to open the Add Application window: On the General tab: In the Application field, enter the full path to the batch file. We have chosen our sample batch file, C:\BatchFile\RunNotepad.bat, which contains the following instructions (to launch the Notepad application): C: CD \Windows .otepad.exe In the Name field, enter the name that you will call the batch file application in AlwaysUp. We have used My Batch File but you can specify virtually anything you like. If your batch file calls a program that needs access to its registry settings, etc., then you will want to click over to the Logon tab and enter the user name and password of the account that can run the software normally. Click the Save button. In a couple of seconds, an application called My Batch File will show up in the AlwaysUp window. It is not yet running though. To start the batch file, choose Application > Start "My Batch File". The batch file is currently running in Session 0. On Windows XP and Server 2003, we can see it by logging on to that session. On Windows 8/7/Vista and Server 2012/2008, we can see it if we go to the isolated Session 0 by selecting Tools > Switch to Session 0: That's it! Next time your computer boots, the batch file will be launched immediately, before anyone logs on. We encourage you to explore the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment. Batch file not working properly as a Windows Service? From AlwaysUp, select Application > Report Activity > Today... to bring up a HTML report detailing the interaction between AlwaysUp and your application. The AlwaysUp Event Log Messages page explains the more obscure messages. Review the AlwaysUp FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions and troubleshooting tips. Contact us and we will be happy to help! A batch file is a script file which contains series of commands that get executed one after the other, in a sequence. A batch file is created in a simple plain text file (Notepad or WordPad) with .bat extension and is executed by the command-line interpreter (cmd.exe known as Command Prompt in Windows).They are usually created to automate jobs that eed to be done periodically such as deleting files or logs to free up disk space, backups on a daily/monthly/weekly basis, testing or checking a list of active/inactive users or addresses in network, creating daily/weekly/monthly reports with information about disk usage, file sizes etc... In a nutshell, the main functionality of these kinds of scripts is to avoid writing the same code over and over again and to automate tasks and ease the work required for certain regular tasks.If you periodically do something in the same way, it should be automated.This article demonstrates how to create a simple batch script which is deleting unnecessary log files on the server (to make more space on the disk), and set up a scheduler task to execute this script automatically (Windows Server 2012 in this article).1. Create batch script:Open a text editor such as Notepad and add commands below.The cd command is a "change directory" command that is used the change the current working directory. In this case the directory would be changed to C:\alfresco-community where the logs are being saved. The command del is used to delete one or more files or directories from a file system. Since all logs in C:\alfresco-community directory are saved as "alfresco.log.2*", this command is deleting all the files named as "alfresco.log.2*". Wildcard or * character replaces all the characters that come after number 2 in this case. This means that this command can delete more than one file at a time, so the * character should be used cautiously.To delete all the files in a folder called "logs" you can use the following delete commandsOnce commands are written in Notepad, they should be saved with .bat extension.Batch script is now created and it will be executed by double-clicking the file. Good practice is to test (execute) the new batch script before creating a task scheduler.2. Create task schedulerTask Scheduler allows us to create and run tasks, programs or scripts automatically at pre-defined times, when an event occurs or whenever the condition is met.To create a basic task go to Start Administrative Tools Task Scheduler Create Basic Task and type the Name of the task ("delete logs" in this case).Click Next.The next step is Trigger sections which enables selecting if a task is going to be triggered daily, weekly, monthly, or at a specific time. Once a task is set up to be triggered at a specific time, Action needs to be selected as well. The Action section gives an option to choose what action needs to be done in order to perform a task. We want to execute the new created batch script, so "Start a program" option needs to be selected.Once "Start a program" is selected we will browse for the batch script as follows:This is the last step in the wizard. After clicking "Next" the task will be created and can be visible in the task scheduler library together with other tasks.Thank you for reading.

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