Local Products and Handcrafted Goods

Local Products and Handcrafted Goods

Skylands Emporium

Jersey farmers make more than corn and tomatoes... things like hand-processed soaps, lotions and other “pamper me” items, always a simple way to indulge; or, homemade clothing and fiber arts. Even more delightful, you don’t have to go far to find these items. In fact, you might never leave home!

At Dégagé Gardens, six-years young, they grow organic herbs, perennials and vegetables for sale; freshly potted, picked or dried, wholesale and retail. With over 125 different varieties to choose from, including old-fashioned "open pollinated" heirlooms. the selection is extensive.

Owner Anne Giller also sells handcrafted sachets, potpourris, lip balms, body lotion, eye pillows and body wraps made from her hand-harvested and dried herbs, vegetable oils and other natural ingredients. Adding these handcrafted goods to her stock has enabled Giller to expand her farming business to a year-round enterprise. She uses whole leaves, not cut and sifted pieces, to craft her herbal body and home products resulting in "more scent, more flavor and typically more color."

Giller's best sellers are herbal moth-repellent and lavender laundry sachets, but the wide variety can add wonderful aromas throughout your home. For those looking for a little more luxury, the aromatherapy eye pillow and body wraps bring decadent pleasure. Used heated or cool, these deliciously scented wraps provide relief from muscle tension, pulls or cramps while surrounding the user in calming aromas. One of her specialty bath creations is a reusable herbal sachet designed to relax, rejuvenate, stimulate or moisturize, depending on your mood. Giller's favorite product is her Calendula skin relief, made with cold pressed organic olive oil, infused for several weeks with hand-picked herbs, and used to sooth burns and scrapes and moisturize dry skin.

Dégagé Garden products are available on-site at Green Pond Road in Rockaway Twp. or through various retail establishments throughout the Morris County area. She also sells to Whole Foods Markets. Phone: 973-586-4584 ................

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