Council has resolved that a ten minute “question time” be allowed at the beginning of each meeting, where members of the public can put their concerns before Council for discussion on the following basis:

• Requests to speak to be submitted in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

• Requests to be accompanied by a copy of any questions.

• Each speaker to be allowed three minutes.

The following requests have been received:-



SECTION A - Matters for information

1. LGSA, A3.9.1: Forwarding Weekly Circulars numbered 19/2007, 20/2007, 21/2007, 22/2007 and 23/2007.

Note: Councillors may obtain copies of selected items from the Secretary.

2. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Forwarding Circular No. 07-20 concerning Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government.

The purpose of this circular is to announce the release of the Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government paper for discussion.

The Asset Management paper explores the development of a new asset management framework for NSW councils. It promotes a planning process intended to assist local government with the sustainable management of community assets. It considers current asset management practices in NSW and other jurisdictions and their possible application in NSW. It is also consistent with the National Framework for Local Government Financial Sustainability.

Submissions on the Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government position paper will be received by the department until 13 July 2007.

Referred to Directors

3. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Advising the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has made determinations under section 242 of the Local Government Act 1993 of the annual fees to be paid to mayors and councillors effective on and from 1 July 2007.

The Tribunal’s Report and Determinations dated 30 April 2007 was submitted to the Minister and published in the Government Gazette of 4 May 2007 and Determinations are accessible on

4. Department of Lands, A3.6.46: Concerning a number of reforms to the management of Crown Land which resulted in the implementation of minimum annual rents of $350 (plus CPI adjustments) for all Crown tenures including enclosure permits.

For the three financial years 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, the total rent fee payable for any enclosure permit was set at $350.

The purpose of this letter is to personally advise you, as an enclosure permit holder, that in light of the continuing drought conditions the Minister has agreed to extend this single rental fee of $350 for a further 3 year period from 2007/8 to 2009/10. In addition to these rental concessions the costs of purchasing enclosure permit roads have been reduced and processes streamlined to speed up purchase time.

5. NSW Department of Health, H1.5: Concerning a review of the standards for mortuaries. The NSW Health Department is in the process of reviewing funeral industry policies related to public health and includes “Standards for Mortuaries” which is specified under the Local Government (General) regulations 2005, Schedule 2.

Please return the enclosed table by June 20, 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

6. The Hon John Cobb MP, U1.11.1: Writing to you in regard to concerns that have been expressed by some councils in regional NSW that subsidised broadband services will not be available in some areas after 1 July this year.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

7. The Hon Nathan Rees MP, E3.8.1: Advising drought and the impacts of climate change continue to impact on town water supplies throughout NSW. With forecasts predicting longer, hotter and drier bouts of weather than ever before, it is critical we continue to focus on long term water planning for the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to council as the new Minister for Water Utilities.

The NSW Government currently delivers several programs which support local water utilities. Emergency Drought Relief Funding for country town water supplies has swiftly assisted those areas in need of urgent water services.

The Country Towns Water Supply and Sewerage Program (CTWSSP) has been extended to 2014 with a commitment of a further $160 million announced in March 2007.

It is essential that a close working relationship with local councils be maintained to assist in the delivery and management of water and sewerage services.

I look forward to working with you.

8. NetWaste, E3.3.12: Advising that Quadro Australia has recently been appointed by NetWaste to undertake the ‘Study for Permanent Household Hazardous Chemical Collection Facilities’ in the Central and Western regions.

The purpose of the study is to determine a household hazardous chemical collection service that is financially and environmentally sustainable for member Councils.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could please assist Quadro Australia with their request for information and provide relevant advice that will improve the outcome of this study.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

9. RTA, T3.6.3: Concerning the Regional Traffic Committee appeal regarding Council’s decision to act against the Local Traffic Committee recommendation involving the location of a Taxi Rank in Main Street, Grenfell.

It has recently been brought to my attention that Council’s Director of Engineering has been asked to speak on behalf of Council.

It should be remembered that the decision of the Local Traffic Committee in this matter was unanimous. If the Director of Engineering is required to make submissions against the Local Traffic Committee recommendation then this would place him in a conflict of interest.

10. RTA, T4.3.13: Concerning the Drought Relief Concert 30 June 2007 and your letter requesting our concurrence to the traffic arrangements proposed for the above event. I have examined the proposals and the Roads and Traffic Authority has no additions or alterations to the Traffic Management Plan as presented.

Could you please pass on our congratulations to all those involved in putting together the plans for a job well done.

Referred to Director Engineering

11. RTA, T3.6.1: Concerning the Higher Mass Limit (HML) request correspondence lodged at your office recently by Gordon Moss for Henry Lawson Way (MR239).

Please be advised that your approval is not required for travel on the above Main Roads and in this instance the matter will be dealt with by the Roads and Traffic Authority.

12. Railcorp Level Crossing Unit, T3.4.5: Advising we are updating the information of road traffic volume and the percentage of heavy vehicle usage in our level crossing database for road level crossings located within your area. Would you please provide us the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Volume and percentage of heavy vehicle (%CV) to use with the year of data obtained.

Referred to Director Engineering

13. IPART, U1.4.1: Concerning the Country Energy public lighting increase 2007 and thanking you for your recent submission which will be of assistance to the Tribunal in its consideration of this inquiry.

14. Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, E3.9.2: Advising the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (LCMA) is pleased to announce the opening of Round 2 of the Local Government Incentives Program. The LCMA has developed this program to offer funds to local councils to undertake natural resource management projects. Specifically Round 2 is targeting:

• Vegetation Management

• Biodiversity Strategies

• Roadside Erosion Control

• Gross Pollutant Traps

A LCMA Catchment Officer will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting with your nominated staff member to discuss these incentives and to help develop project ideas.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

15. Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, E3.9.2: Advising in 2004 the NSW Environmental Trust provided funds to be administered by the NSW Roadside Environment Committee (REC) for a project titled ‘Saving our Corridors – linear reserves as a NSW environmental framework’.

In October 2005 the Weddin Shire Council agreed to pool the portion of the funding allocated to them to be consolidated into a funding pool to be administered by the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (LCMA).

The LCMA is now in a position to commence the project and as an initial step is asking Council if they would nominate a contact staff member.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

16. Bath, Stewart Associates, T2.2.75/2002: Concerning DA 75/2002 – Poultry Farm Complex. We confirm that Dillon’s Plumbing Pty Ltd have been contracted to install stage one of the water supply works to the development, and have taken possession of the work site as of Monday the 28 May 2007.

The writer attended the site early this week and set out this stage of the works, and construction is scheduled to commence on Thursday the 31 May 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

17. Cowra Shire Council, T4.4.1: Concerning Development Application No 14/2007, for the Broula Magnetite and Limestone Mine, Mid Western Highway, Broula via Cowra.

Referring to your submission lodged in respect to the above development application. The issues raised in the submission will be considered at Council’s Combined Corporate and Operations Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday, 12 June 2007.

A recommendation by the Combined Corporate and Operations Committee will then be referred to Council at its meeting to be held on Monday, 25 June 2007.

A public forum will be available at both meetings.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

18. Greenethorpe Soldiers Memorial Hall, C1.3.8: Thanking you for the sealing of the Hall car park. It has made a big difference to the dust and weed burden around the Hall. The community values the Hall very much and we appreciate any help.

19. Brian Holliday, R2.1.0: Advising the current track to my house goes through two blocks. Could you please look to realign this track. The storm water drain needs to be realigned as well.

I am also concerned about a large gum tree close to my fence and house, it look like it could fall over in a storm.

I also need a street sign for Grenfell Street.

Referred to Director Engineering

20. Barry Bradtke, E3.5.4: Requesting something be done about the overhanging dead trees along the Adelargo Road. These trees died in the fire that went through about 3 to 4 years ago and some are hanging so low and out over the scaled surface of the road that cars have to stop if somebody is coming the other way.

Referred to Director Engineering

21. Department Water and Energy, R2.11.5: Concerning the proposed crossing upgrade of Burrangong Creek at Bimbi.

I refer to a site inspection on 28 May 2007 regarding a proposed upgrade of an existing low level crossing of Burrangong Creek at Bimbi. It is the Departments understanding that the proposal is to raise the road crossing and install a series of pipe culverts to convey low flow events. This crossing is to be a temporary structure and it will be removed upon completion of the road bridge replacement. The Department has reviewed this concept and provides the following comments and recommendations for Councils consideration.

Referred to Director Engineering

22. Access Recycling, R2.11.5: Writing to confirm that Access Recycling is interested in demolishing and removing the timber bridge on the Barmendman Road at Bimbi. We may have a use for the timber in a community project. We would be able to remove all materials and remediate the area at no cost.

Referred to Director Engineering

23. Bland Shire Council, C2.9.7/E3.8.1: Addressed to the Mayor and advising that the Council at its meeting on the 15 May 2007 wished to pass on its thanks to the Alliance Councils in progressing drought initiatives to support our communities.

Of particular emphasis to the council is the recognition of the lead role you have played in conjuring the level of participation by the Federal and State representatives of parliament in listening to the real concerns of the member councils.

Your enthusiasm and level of commitment has not been lost on the Bland Shire.

24. Parkes Shire Council, C2.7.25: Concerning the CENTROC Peer Review OHS Management System Audit.

Please find enclosed the Management Review Report.

The Audit Team has advised that the Non Conformances outlined in the Report are major in nature but are not difficult to rectify.

Referred to Director Engineering

25. Loaders Coaches Pty Ltd, R2.10.090: Concerning the Cowra Road school bus service, operated by Loaders, which travels along the Bumbaldry-Gooloogong developmental road (Major West Road) to the Shire boundary and return twice daily whilst schools operate.

This road has become extremely corrugated and pot-holed in recent times, due to weather conditions and traffic flow.

This letter is to ask that when Shire equipment is in the area, and time permits, that this road could be graded to make it safer for all road users.

Referred to Director Engineering

26. Alan Morse & Co, A1.2: Forwarding the Interim Management Letter – year ended 30 June 2007.

Specific areas addressed during our review included:

• Revenue system including daily receipting and cashiering functions;

• Payroll system, including leave entitlements and termination payments;

• Expenditure and creditors system;

• General ledger reconciliations Plant;

• Rates;

• Minutes.

We also reviewed Council’s readiness and proposed approach for the pending fair value revaluation of water and sewer assets at the year end.

Generally, our audit established that the financial management procedures and systems have been controlled effectively in a manner to Council’s structure and resources. However, as a consequence of our review one matter was noted which we have outlined in the attached audit memorandum.

Note: the matter raised was that plant sheets are not entered as a batch or checked to the costing report to ensure accuracy of data entry.

Referred to Director Corporate Services

27. NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, H1.3: Concerning the Office’s state-wide audit program of licensed premises within the Weddin local government area. The program was conducted on 28 May 2007.

The secrecy provisions of the legislation prevent me from disclosing the identity of those premises inspected. However, for your information three licensed premises, were inspected and two non-compliance issues were detected. Compliance action has been against those premises found to be in breach of the legislation.

28. Chair Showground Trust, T4.3.13: Requesting Council to hire the Showground for insurance purposes for the Drought Relief Concert, at a suggested cost of $500.

See report by General Manager

SECTION B - Matters referred to Committees

29. Evening Branch, Grenfell CWA, R2.4.32: Requesting two timber seats outside the office of the Grenfell Home and Community Care Centre, 14 Short Street, Grenfell.

As a community organisation we have been approached by the residents of Grenfell and the staff of HACCS to draw your attention to the urgent need for adequate street resting facilities in this area.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

30. TJ Pickwell, R2.12.2: Concerning the high cost of kerb and guttering and general drainage problems in Sullivan Street.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

31. RTA, T3.3: Concerning temporary road closures for the holding of a special event – 2007 Henry Lawson Festival. The Roads and Traffic Authority approves the holding of the event subject to the listed conditions.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

32. The Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, C1.6.6: Requesting that the Harold Goodwin plaque be attached to the rock under the bust of Henry Lawson in the alcove in Main Street.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

33. Kevin Smith, R2.12.1: Concerning the cleaning of public walkway at 2 Forbes Street. Now that I am not fit enough I’m asking Council to take over maintenance of public walking way at Forbes Street. Also drains are clogged with leaves and when the rains come it will flood on to the road.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

34. Darcy Sinclair, E3.5.4: Advising that the big tree outside my house has not been lopped and trimmed. Would you please try to attend to this matter soon.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

35. NSW Police, C1.8.1: Concerning the immediate removal of Safety House signs from your school.

In January this year the NSW State Government and NSW Police announced the establishment of a series of Community Safety Precinct Committees aimed at reducing crime and the fear of crime throughout NSW.

Due to this new strategy replacing the Safety House program it is imperative that all large signs with the ‘yellow house’ on it be removed from public roads, footpaths and schools. The old child protection mantra of ‘Stranger Danger’ is no longer adequate or perhaps even unhelpful when dealing with the risks and threats to 21st century children.

It is now essential that all signs are removed from your area.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

36. Gen Nealon, E3.5.4: The potentially dangerous state of pine trees on the lane which runs off Holy Camp Road between portions 389 and 388.

I would be grateful if you could arrange for Council staff to inspect these very old trees and take whatever action is appropriate.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

37. I & B Donges Pty Ltd, E3.1.6: Concerning the control of blackberries, cumbungi, phragmities and elm trees in Tyagong Creek.

In addition I again raise the issue of rubbish in the rest area opposite my property.

Referred to Director Engineering (NWC)

38. RTA, P2. Concerning all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) or quad bikes.

Conditional registration of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) has been expanded to allow local government councils and weed control authorities to use these vehicles for the purposes of weed spraying. Operation is primarily for road related areas, specifically the verge between the drain and fences at the limit of the road reserve. Approval of a conditional registration is subject to a number conditions.

Referred to Director Engineering (NWC)

39. Terry Carroll Motors Pty Ltd, T3.4.7: Concerning school bus run pick up points on Bimbi Road (lot 319) and Young Road (“Closeburn”).

Referred to Director Engineering (LTC)

40. Terry Carroll Motors Pty Ltd, T3.4.7: Concerning the Young Road school bus route and forwarding a copy of correspondence sent to the Ministry of Transport re another proposed change of school bus run.

The Ministry of Transport has inspected and approved the enclosed variations.

Referred to Director Engineering (LTC)

41. Davis Landgon, T2.2.58/07: Advising Davis Landgon act on behalf of National Australia Bank (NAB) in relation to DA 58/2007 – NAB signage at 69 Main Street, Grenfell.

We have amended our plans to address concerns raised by Council and Council’s Heritage Advisor regarding the size and bulk of the proposed signage.

It is considered that the amended plans address the issues raised by Council and Council’s Heritage Advisor.

We trust that the information provided is acceptable to Council.

Referred to Director Environmental Services and Heritage Committee

SECTION C - Matters with recommendations.

42. Southern Sports Academy, A3.6.2: Advising it continues to provide elite young athletes from Southern NSW with cutting edge development programs designed to assist them in their pursuit of higher level sporting achievements.

I wish to invite you to again contribute to the development of athletes from your Local Government Area by contributing $150 per athlete to the Southern Sports Academy. Your area is currently represented in the Academy by:

• Prue Hancock – Tennis

We have retained the standard LGA contribution at $150 per athlete this year.

RECOMMENDATION: that the requested contribution of $150 be approved.

43. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Forwarding Circular No. 07-23 and advising that the Minister of Local Government has determined that the maximum rate of interest payable on overdue rates and charges for the 2007/08 rating year will be 10%.

RECOMMENDATION: that this rate of 10% be included in Councils Management Plan for 2007/2008.

44. Gordon Garling Moffitt, T2.4.05/C1.2.4/P2.3.3: Concerning Subdivision Application for a boundary adjustment with the Grenfell Rugby Club Inc.

We now enclose linen plan and Section 88B Instrument for signature by yourself and the Mayor.

Please sign where indicated and affix the seal of council.

Note: the plan now includes the easement for water supply over the Caravan Park.

RECOMMENDATION: that the plan and instrument be signed under seal of Council.

45. Keep Australia Beautiful, E3.4.5: Taking this opportunity to thank you, and your Council, for your continued and valuable support of our organisation. I am pleased to enclose your Keep Australia Beautiful NSW membership renewal for the year 2007/08 in the amount of $470.

As you may be aware the ongoing support of local government is vital to our ability to continue our work in the community and our Rural and Regional program achievements in 2007/2008 are in no small part due to your ongoing support.

Tangible benefits include one free entry into the Tidy Towns program and discounts on Waste Watchers services, Cigarette Butt Bin orders and accommodation at Best Western Motels across Australia.

There is an exciting future planned for Keep Australia Beautiful in New South Wales and across Australia. I invite you to be part of our future and renew your membership for the 2007/2008 year.

RECOMMENDATION: that membership of Keep Australia Beautiful be renewed for 2007/2008.

46. Premier of New South Wales, C1.6.6: Through Katrina Hodgkinson MP and referring to representations on behalf of the Henry Lawson Festival Committee for assistance with the plaques to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Henry Lawson Festival.

I am pleased to advise that I have approved a one-off $5,000 grant as a State Government contribution to this worthwhile initiative.

RECOMMENDATION: that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the Premier and Ms Hodgkinson.

SECTION D - Matters for determination or consideration.

47. The Weddin Mountain Muster, C1.4.13: Advising that the Weddin Mountain Muster will be commencing again in October this year.

We have had full support from the Weddin Shire Council in past years by way of usage of Council equipment at no cost eg. portaloo, flashing warning signals and printing of various advertising and registration forms.

It would be greatly appreciated by the Committee if these arrangements could be extended once again this year.

48. Grenfell RSL, P2.1.8: Concerning the Bofors Gun. The Sub-Branch is still desirous of having a special Memorial constructed in Memorial Park to display the names of those servicemen and women from the Weddin Shire who were decorated in all the various theatres of war.

As you are aware, we would like the Bofors Gun to be included in the makeup of that Memorial.

It may be of interest to Council to know that the Grenfell Bofors Fun has been recognised for its historical significance and is now registered with the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Society and therefore protected from any plans for removal or disposal.

With this in mind the Sub-Branch would be interest to know of any plans by Council, other than its relocation to Memorial Park.

49. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Forwarded Circular No. 07-22 on updated guidelines for the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to Mayors and Councillors – additional annual reporting requirements and other.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

50. Department of Lands, R2.1.4: Concerning road closure applications.

Notice is hereby given that the Minister for Lands proposes to consider applications for the closure and disposal of the unnecessary public roads within and adjoining the properties known as:-

• “Cathona” 848 Mary Gilmore Way, Grenfell – GA & JM Grimm, GM Schneider, T Starr and RC Grimm

• “Ben Nevis”, Grenfell – GB & ME Halls

All interested persons are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal to the Manager, Crown Lands NSW, PO Box 2146, Orange NSW 2800 within twenty-eight (28) days of the date of this advertisement, being 25 May 2007.

Referred to Director Engineering and Ward Councillors

51. Caragabal Water Progressive Association, U1.7.7: Advising that due to no subsidies being received the above association has now run out of funds.

The Association could only pay half the last account and without subsidy the village will be without water.

The Association wishes to apply to the council for a donation towards the cost of supply of water to public toilets situated in the village.

Referred to Director Engineering

52. NSW Police, H1.4.2: Forwarding a copy of the Grenfell District Liquor Accord which has been prepared in consultation with the local licensed premises.

Council’s concurrence is requested please.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

53. NSW Police, H1.4.2: Concerning the Good Sports Program, which is an institute of the Australian Drug Foundation to promote the responsible management of alcohol for community based sports clubs.

The Police would be willing to give a presentation to Council if desired.

Copy of brochure forwarded to Councillors

54. NSW Sport and Recreation, G2.1: Advising that two facility grant programs are now open for application with a closing date of 20 July 2007.

The Capital Assistance Program (CAP) is for the development of local level facilities with $30,000 the maximum grant being available.

The Regional Sports Facility Program (RSFP) is for the development of more substantial facilities with the maximum grant available being $300,000.

55. Regional Traffic Committee, T3.6.3: Referring to an Appeal lodged by the RTA against Weddin Shire Council decision on the proposal to relocate Taxi Zone in Grenfell.

The Western Regional Traffic Committee considered the matter on 1 June 2007. After detailed deliberation by the Committee, I advise that the Appeal has been declined due to the following;-

• The Council appears to have followed due process in making its decision.

• Parking is currently allowed in the proposed location of the taxi stand.

It is understood that safety considerations may arise and the Council shall be subject to the following requirements:-

• Pedestrian desire lines

• Utilisation rates

• The effect of taxi parking and unparking movements. (The RTC noted that barrier lines have yet to be installed in conjunction with the centre median island which may influence such movements)

• The taxi zone should be of adequate width to accommodate the needs of the disabled.

• Access for the disabled should be provided at the location.

These requirements including an analysis of the results of the six month trial should be referred back to the LTC for consideration and recommendation to Council.

I have enclosed a copy of the minutes of the meeting for your information.


56. NSW Police Force, T4.3.13: Concerning the Drought Relief Concert at Grenfell on 30 June 2007.

New South Wales Police do not generally sanction events that are held on, or traverse Public Roads due to the inherent risks. However, you have completed a risk assessment and Traffic and Transport Management Plan for the event, and detailed several actions resulting from those assessments.

Police will approve the event subject to the attached conditions. Please note conditions 6 and 7 in the event of inclement weather.

Referred to Director Engineering

57. GJ Bishop, H2.4.3: Replying to your letter regarding restoration to the historic grave of Mrs Mary Watt, I have no objections, but would like to be in attendance when your Historic Advisor inspects the site.

58. The Weddin Mountain Muster, C1.4.13: Concerning the Weddin Mountain Muster.

The planned commencement date for the Muster is Monday, 1st October 2007 and ending Friday, 5th October 2007. The Muster will be based at the Grenfell Showground and all rides will commence and finish at the Showground during daylight hours.

1. We are seeking your approval for the use of roadways within the Weddin Shire to successfully conduct the Muster.

2. We are also seeking your assistance with the review of our current Generic Traffic Plan which we feel is necessary for the safety of the organisers and participants involved.

Attached is our current Risk Management Plan that we have utilised to successfully conduct the Muster in previous years.

RECOMMENDATION: that approval be given for use of the applicable roads subject to concurrence of the Police, the RTA and the Local Traffic Committee.

59. The Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Committee, C1.6.6: Thanking you and the Council for all the work and effort in obtaining the Lawson Festival plaques for our 50th Festival.

Special thanks go to Stuart Evers and Stephen Wood who have worked tirelessly to have the plaques set in the footpath for the 50th Festival.

They will be a tourist attraction for years to come.

60. The Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Committee, C1.4.1: Thanking the Weddin Shire for all their support and contributions that they have given towards the running of our annual Festival, without the Weddin Shire Council we would not be able to run the Festival successfully.

Would you please pass on our thanks to Nichola for all the work she has done, typing up the catalogue for the Art Exhibition and to Anne for all the work she has done in getting the Library ready for the Art Exhibition, the office staff for their help with the bookings for the Award’s Dinner and all the other things that they done throughout the year, the Outdoor staff for erecting the barriers and all the other things that they do, without everyone pulling together we would not be able to survive.

To the Weddin Shire Council and the Councillors, for giving the Festival $1,000 towards a prize in the Art Exhibition, and the $10,000 towards the Festival plaques. It is the support of the Weddin Shire Council and staff that has made the 50th Festival the success that it was.


14 June 2007

The Mayor and Councillors

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Councillors

I wish to report as follows: -

1. LGMA Forum, P2.1.4

The LGMA 2007 Forum was held on 4 June 2007 in Sydney and was attended by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager.

Speakers and matters of importance are summarised as follows:-

• Ian Kiernan, Clean Up Australia, on the organisation’s alliance with local government and the high importance of water, energy, waste, IT recycling and climate change,

• the Red Tape Consortium of NSW Councils, led by Rockdale, which has successfully developed website access for local government including Smartforms, a suite of 17 forms, mainly planning, which replace 42 others,

• the Mayors of Penrith City and Lachlan Councils on their city-country sister city relationship which is producing social, cultural and economic development benefits,

• Minister for Local Government Paul Lynch on a forthcoming Strategic Alliance Network Conference in August, the promotion of city-country alliances, and the ongoing retention of rate pegging,

• a project by three south-west Sydney councils to produce a road safety calendar,

• Crown Lands General Manager Graeme Harding on changes in crown land management which will be aimed at raising income from parks and reserves for sustainability,

• a presentation on workplace attitudes including a video (sub-titled!) of a fish sales outlet in the USA which also provides street entertainment,

• a presentation by the Mayors of Cootamundra and Baulkham Hills Councils on their sister city relationship, initiated from firefighting and now encompassing drought relief,

• a presentation on the City and Country Environmental Restoration Programme which has $439 million available for projects.

The Forum’s theme of Bridging the Divide was supported by a strong emphasis on partnerships, both inter-council and with local government departments. However it was not as well presented or entertaining as in previous years.

For Information

2. Shires Association Conference 2007, A3.18.3

The annual Shires Association Conference was attended by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager in Sydney on 5th and 6th June 2007.

The various speakers and matters of importance can be summarised as follows:-

Hon Paul Lynch, Minister for Local Government

• doesn’t support one size fits all,

• supports ROCs and city-country relationships,

• encouraged attendance at a second Strategic Alliance Network Conference,

• will be instituting a one day course for all “new” councillors after the 2008 elections.

Col Sullivan, President of Shires Association

• strongly supports an inter-governmental agreement between state and local government,

• the Auditor-General has been requested to review the funding system for the Rural Fire Service,

• amalgamation with the Local Government Association has reached a stalemate on the issue of representation.

Hon Jim Lloyd, Federal Minister for Local Government

• Roads to Recovery Programme has been extended for a further five (5) years to 2014 with a 14% increase,

• funding provided for continuation of Area Consultative Committees.

Richard Torbay, Independent Speaker

• concerned at loss of planning powers,

• wants affect of new legislation on Local Government to be checked prior to gazettal.

Richard Colbram, Good Sports Programme

• national initiative of the Australian Drug Foundation,

• seeking to counteract the alcohol culture in sport,

• offers administrative assistance to sporting organisations to avoid alcohol sponsorship.

Paul Bell, President, Australian Local Government Association

• Price Waterhouse – Coopers Report examined sustainability and councils,

• federal budget was good for roads,

• regional development a priority.

Hon Ian Macdonald, Minister for Primary Industries

• affects of drought discussed,

• additional staff have been employed to handle EC applications,

• minimum lot sizes need to take account of regional economies,

• mining industry has been shown to be beneficial to local economies.

Hon Eric Roozendaal, Minister for Roads

• the timber bridge replacement programme has commenced,

• the reclassification review will be cost-neutral for Local Government,

• no state funding for Bells Line of Expressway until federal funding is real.

Hon Frank Sartor, Minister for Planning

• Basix is proving worthwhile,

• report expected soon from Planning Review Team,

• wants to cut red tape.

Barry O’Farrell, Opposition Leader

• policies being developed,

• no forced amalgamations, supports resource sharing and ROCs,

• decentralisation policy supported.

Elections for 2007/2008

• President – Bruce Miller (Cowra)

• Vice President – Steve Lowe (Dungog)

- Barry Johnston (Inverell)

• ‘E’ Division Representatives – Ken Keith (Parkes)


• Weddin’s motion on the drought (on behalf of the Mid Lachlan Alliance) gained strong support from many councils and was adopted unanimously.

• the term of President was extended to two (2) years with an option to stand for a further term.

For Information

3. Categories for Rates

The following report is an update of my report to Council’s June 2006 meeting.

The Local Government Act prescribes four categories of rates, being:





Of these categories, this council has previously had seven (7) Residential sub-categories and two Business sub-categories. There have been changes to some descriptions over the years, and Council decided at its May 2007 Meeting to discontinue the subcategory of “Urban Residential” and combine these properties with the “Ordinary Residential” subcategory. Action is in hand to re-categorise those properties identified as being in he incorrect category.

The descriptions of land for the various rating categories are included in the annual Management Plan, and are as follows:

Farmland on all farmland within the Shire.

Farmland is defined in the Act as being land having the predominant use of farming.

Mining on all land used or held for any mining purpose.

This category only applies to coal or metalliferous materials

Main Street Business on rateable non-residential land within the area bounded by Alexandra, Melyra, Nash, George, Short, Weddin and Camp Streets including western side of Rygate Square AND more particularly comprising lands within Sections 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Pt20 and 30 of the Town of Grenfell.

This is the main business area of Grenfell, although it does contain some residential properties.

Ordinary Business on rateable non-residential land within the boundary of the Town of Grenfell excluding those lands within the Main Street Business non residential area.

This includes other businesses within Grenfell but does not include the villages.

Bimbi Residential on all rateable land within the Village of Bimbi

Caragabal Residential on all rateable land within the Village of Caragabal

Greenethorpe Residential on all rateable land within the Village of Greenethorpe.

Quandialla Residential on all rateable land within the Village of Quandialla.

These four subcategories relate to the village boundaries.

Grenfell Residential on rateable residential land within the boundary of the Town of Grenfell

This subcategory used to apply to a lesser area which excluded some of the undeveloped areas of the town. However all the land within the designated town boundary is able to be subdivided and developed, and there seems no reason why some owners should not pay the same rates as the others, particularly when the value of the land has been increased by its inclusion within the town zone.

Urban Residential – discontinued, combined with Ordinary Residential.

Ordinary Residential on rateable residential and rural residential land within the Shire excluding land within the Town of Grenfell and the villages of Bimbi, Caragabal, Greenethorpe and Quandialla.

This subcategory covers all residential land outside the other subcategories for Grenfell and the villages. It was previously defined as “rural residential land”.

Council resolved at its June 2005 meeting that a review of all properties be undertaken. This review has previously been carried out for properties within and around Grenfell, and has recently been extended to cover rural properties throughout the shire.


It is recommended that:

(a) the sub categories and definitions in the draft Management Plan for 2007/2008 be confirmed, and;

(b) progressive changes resulting from subdivision and other development be adjusted as information comes to hand, in the usual manner.

4. Fees for Councillors and Mayors, C2.2.3

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has handed down its determination for 2007/2008, which applies from 1 July 2007 as follows for Category 4 councils:-

| |2007/2008 |2006/2007 |

|Councillor |$6,610 - $8,715 |$6,355 - $8,380 |

|Mayor |$7,020 - $19,035 |$6750 - $18,300 |

Council resolved to adopt the maximum applicable fee for the Mayor and Councillors in 2006/2007.


It is recommended that the fees for Councillors and the Mayor be determined for 2007/2008, for inclusion in the annual Policy for Council’s Fees and Expenses.

5. Draft Management Plan 2007/2008, A3.4.2

The draft Management Plan for 2007/2008 was placed on public exhibition on 23 May 2007 up until 20 June 2007. To date no submissions have been received. Any submissions received between the time of writing and 20 June 2007 will be required to be considered by Council prior to adoption.

The Draft Management Plan contains a balanced budget.

(a) Amendments

Any submissions from the public should be considered at this point

Council may make other alterations to the rates, the budget, the proposed works or the fees and charges if it so desires.

A recent audit by StateCover identified a deficiency in that the 2006/2007 Management Plan did not contain a statement of commitment to the management of risk. Such a statement should now be included in section 2.3 and section 7 of the 2007/2008 Management Plan.


It is recommended that:-

i) a statement of commitment to risk management be inserted in the appropriate sections, and

ii) any other amendments be here considered, if required.

(b) Adoption

The recommendations in the following item are offered on the premise that the relevant component of the draft Management Plan is to be adopted.

RECOMMENDATION: that the Draft Management Plan for 2007/2008 as approved for public exhibition by Council at its meeting held 17 May 2007 and amended above, be now adopted as the 2007/2008 Management Plan subject to any further amendments in the following report item.

6. Making of Rates and Charges

(a) General Rate:

The names and defined areas for the various rate categories are given in Section 11 of the draft Management Plan.

RECOMMENDATION: THAT WHEREAS a draft management plan incorporating a statement with respect to each ordinary rate and each special rate and each charge proposed to be levied was adopted by Council and advertised in the Grenfell Record newspaper on 23 May 2007 AND THAT after taking into consideration any submissions that have been made regarding the draft management plan prepared and exhibited the Council adopted the management plan on 21 June 2007 IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED THAT ordinary general purpose rates be now made for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 on the land value of all rateable land in the Shire in accordance with the categories of rates named and defined as in the Management Plan with the rate name, rate in the $, base rate, percentage of total yield and rate yield as in the Table following:-

|Rate Name |Ad Valorem |Base |Base Charge |Rate |

| |Amount |Charge |% of Total per |Yield |

| |Cents in $ |$ |category |$ |

| | | | | |

|Grenfell Residential |0.07934 |217 |48.45 |437,539 |

|Ordinary Residential |0.0337 |168 |35.81 |65,676 |

|Main Street Business |1.9518 |224 |30.43 |57,407 |

|Ordinary Business |1.9518 |224 |22.47 |60,805 |

|Farmland Rate |0.02802 |168 |16.79 |1,035,065 |

|Bimbi Residential |0.0769 |62 |40.22 |2,466 |

|Caragabal Residential |1.0284 |62 |46.83 |7,944 |

|Greenethorpe Residential |0.0531 |62 |43.15 |14,943 |

|Quandialla Residential |1.5190 |62 |38.81 |11,982 |

|Mining |5.3872 |540 |- |- |

|Total | | | |1,693,827 |

(b) Sewer Rate

RECOMMENDATION: THAT WHEREAS a draft management plan incorporating a statement with respect to each ordinary rate and each special rate and each charge proposed to be levied was adopted by Council and advertised in the Grenfell Record newspaper on 23 May 2007 AND THAT after taking into consideration any submissions that have been made regarding the draft management plan prepared and exhibited the Council adopted the management plan on 21 June 2007 IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED THAT Sewerage charges be now made for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 on rateable land except land which is more than 75 metres from a sewer of the Council and is not connected to the sewer and land from which sewage could not be discharged into any sewer of the Council charge as in the following table:-

| |Ad Valorem |Annual |% of Total |Yield |

|Rate Name |Amount |Charge |Charge | |

| |Cents in $ |$ | |$ |

| | | | | |

|Sewerage Charges | | | | |

| | | | | |

| - Connected |Nil |195 |97.36% |184,080 |

| | | | | |

| - Unconnected |Nil |58 |2.64% |4,988 |

| | | | | |

c) Sewerage Service Charges

RECOMMENDATION: THAT WHEREAS a draft management plan incorporating a statement with respect to each ordinary rate and each special rate and each charge proposed to be levied was adopted by Council and advertised in the Grenfell Record newspaper on 23 May 2007 AND THAT after taking into consideration any submissions that have been made regarding the draft management plan prepared and exhibited the Council adopted the management plan on 21 June 2007 IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED THAT Sewerage Service charges be now made for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 on land which is not rateable to the sewer charge as in the following table:-

| |Properties not Rateable to the Sewer Charge | | |

| | |Each Water Closet per |Each Urinal Cistern |

| | |annum |Per annum |

| |• School lands and lands used as a playground in connection with such | | |

| |school or as the residence of a caretaker, servant or teacher of any | | |

| |such school | | |

| | |$45 |$38 |

| | | | |

| |• Land which belongs to a religious body and which is occupied and used| | |

| |in connection with any church or other building used or occupied for | | |

| |public worship | | |

| | |$45 |$38 |

| | | | |

| |• Other land |$79 |$38 |

(d) Waste Management (Garbage) Charges:

RECOMMENDATION: THAT WHEREAS a draft management plan incorporating a statement with respect to each ordinary rate and each special rate and each charge proposed to be levied was adopted by Council and advertised in the Grenfell Record newspaper on 23 May 2007 AND THAT after taking into consideration any submissions that have been made regarding the draft management plan prepared and exhibited the Council adopted the management plan on 21 June 2007 IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED THAT waste management service charges be now made for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 for each parcel of rateable land for which the service is available with the charge name, and charge per service as in the following table:-

• Domestic Waste - Grenfell: $167 per annum/bin ($3.21 per service)

• Domestic Waste - Greenethorpe: $182 per annum/bin ($7.00 per service)

• Commercial Waste Grenfell: $111 per annum/bin bulk ($2.13 per service)

• Vacant Land Charge $20

(e) Rural Garbage Charge

RECOMMENDATION: THAT WHEREAS a draft management plan incorporating a statement with respect to each ordinary rate and each special rate and each charge proposed to be levied was adopted by Council and advertised in the Grenfell Record newspaper on 23 May 2007 AND THAT after taking into consideration any submissions that have been made regarding the draft management plan prepared and exhibited the Council adopted the management plan on 21 June 2007 IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED THAT the rural garbage charge be now made for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 for each parcel of rateable land not paying a domestic waste charge, with the charge per service as in the following table:-

Per annum $

Farmland $20.00

Ordinary Residential $20.00

Villages (Caragabal, Bimbi, Quandialla) $20.00

Vacant Land Charge - Villages $20.00

f) Extra Charges:

RECOMMENDATION: that extra charges on rates and charges that remain unpaid after they become due and payable be charged on a daily basis at the rate of 10% per annum for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.

(g) Fixing of Fees and Charges:

RECOMMENDATION: that the list of fees and charges as incorporated in Section 13 of the adopted Management Plan be now fixed as the fees and charges for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.

(h) Voting of Expenditure:

RECOMMENDATION: that Council votes for expenditure for the year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 be now approved as the sums itemised in the estimates for the year incorporated in the adopted management plan totalling $9,650,847.

7. CENTROC Meeting, C2.7.3

The quarterly CENTROC meeting was held in Lithgow on 31 May 2007 and attended by the Mayor and General Manager.

The meeting was preceded by a forum with the Regional Coordination Managers Group made up of state government department regional managers throughout the area. A joint meeting the previous evening had discussed the implications of the State Plan and how local government could assist in influencing priorities and achieving outcomes. The forum was devoted to a presentation on water availability and statistics, followed by a brief question and answer session on a range of subjects.

Matters of significance from the CENTROC meeting are summarised as follows:

• a decision to develop a draft MOU with the Regional Coordination Managers Group,

• a letter of thanks to be forwarded to the Prime Minister for the $10 million announced for the Bells Line of Expressway,

• CENTROC’s success with a $486,000 grant under the NSW City and Country Environment Restoration Program: presentations to member councils may follow,

• discussion on the progress of the Central West Rural Lands Inquiry, where all CENTROC Mayors have presented a uniform theme of opposition to the Department Primary Industries’ proposals,

• discussion of local initiatives to address skills shortages,

• reports of recent meetings of the General Managers Advisory Committee,

• adoption of the draft Management Plan, with Weddin’s fees for 2007/2008 being:

|Membership | $4,151 |

|Training | $1,191 |

|Film and TV | $1,809 |

|Total | $7,151 |

| |($6,761 in 2006/2007) |

• a decision on the broadband grant application expected in about a month.

At the conclusion of the meeting the MOU with Australian Private Networks (IPSTAR) was signed by all the Mayors, in support of the Broadband Connect application.


It is recommended that membership of CENTROC be renewed at an overall cost of $7,151.

8. Promoting Better Practice Review, C2.10

As advised in correspondence item 50 at the May 2007 meeting, two (2) officers from the Department Local Government will be visiting Council on 18 and 19 June, and will attend the June Council meeting.

The Team Leader has requested that Councillors be reminded of the survey form previously distributed which can be completed and returned to the Department if desired. Councillors may also request to meet with the officers during their visit.

Preparation for the visit has consumed a good deal of time, however there are likely to be continued demands for some time to come.

For Information

9. Policy for Fees, Expenses and Facilities for Councillors 2007/2008, C2.4.10

In compliance with amendments to the Local Government Act, Councils Policy for 2006/2007 was placed on public exhibition for the prescribed twenty-eight (28) days, then adopted at Council’s February 2007 meeting. No submissions from the public were received.

Council is required to review its policy for each financial year by the preceding 30 June, so the 2007/2008 Policy needs to be considered now. There is no need to place the policy on public exhibition each year if the changes (if any) are minor.

A copy of a draft Policy for 2007/2008 is being forwarded separately to Councillors on the assumption that only the fees in section 2 will change.


It is recommended that the Policy for Fees, Expenses and Facilities for Councillors 2007/2008 be determined with the inclusion of the adopted fees for Councillors and the Mayor, and any other changes which may be appropriate.

10. Dalton Street Depot – Disposal, P2.6.1

Council resolved at its May 2007 meeting to invite Expressions of Interest for the possible sale of the present depot in Dalton Street.

The depot has been advertised with submissions to close on Wednesday, 20 June 2007.

The depot has been offered in four (4) separate parcels to facilitate the possible utilisation of the area.

A report on submissions received will be tabled at the meeting.


It is recommended that the late report be received and considered.

11. Community Hub – Design, C1.6.7:

As discussed at the Property and Development Committee meeting on Wednesday, 30 May 2007, it is hoped to have the final draft plan available for the Council meeting. A further meeting of the committee may be held if time permits.

Once the design is finalised, the matter of tendering needs to be addressed. It is proposed to divide the work into two tenders or two stages as follows;-

• Tender/Stage 1 – construction of northern extension for new library,

• Tender/Stage 2 – renovation of existing buildings.

This will enable the library to be relocated directly to the new premises on completion of Tender/Stage 1, and to remain open during most of the work for Tender/Stage 2.

The follow recommendations are proposed on the assumption that the draft final plan is available.


It is recommended that:-

i) the draft final plan be accepted,

ii) approval be given to invite tenders (either separate or staged) for the required work.

12. Replacement of Chairs, A3.16.11

My report to Council’s May meeting refers. Council resolved that the Vangelous chair (at $395) be investigated.

A sample chair has been obtained for appraisal. These chairs have a five (5) year warranty. The dearer Big Boy chair (at $578) has a heavier adjustment mechanism, or a mid-back version is available for $495 each.

An alternative Senator high back chair with three (3) years warranty has been suggested at $486 each.


For Council’s Consideration

13. Long Service Leave, P1.10041/P1.10015

Application is made for long service leave from 6th August to 28 September 2007.


It is recommended that:-

i) the application for leave be approved,

ii) Director Corporate Services Mr Glenn Carroll be appointed as acting General Manager for the period involved.

14. Drought Relief Concert, T4.3.13

My report to Council’s May 2007 meeting refers.

No response has been received as at the time of writing, to Council’s application for financial assistance with traffic, garbage and grounds operations.

Arrangements with parking and traffic control are well advanced and have the approval of the RTA and the Police.

Arrangements for catering are nearing finalisation, with the community organisations having been allocated their jobs and food quantities being determined. A food outlay of approximately $50,000 will be required, but if the day is successful the proceeds will help offset Council’s costs. A sale of any surplus food will be arranged for the next day.

The situation with overnight camping at the Showground is not yet clear, following a request by the chairman of the Showground Trust for Council to hire the ground to facilitate insurance cover. The President of the Show Society subsequently advised that his organisation had obtained insurance cover and would consider managing the camping. Following discussions with the Deputy Mayor this matter has been left for the two showground bodies to resolve.

Wristbands for the concert have been claimed very quickly, indicating that the full crowd size of 15,000 may well be achieved. The concert offers a unique opportunity to showcase Grenfell and every effort is being made to ensure that Council’s role is successfully carried out.

For Information



14 June 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Statement of Bank Balances as at 31 May 2007:

Bank Account

Westpac $808,942.95



Total Investments $5,500,000.00


I certify that the Cashbook for each Bank Account has been reconciled with the appropriate Bank Statement as at 31 May 2007.

The investments shown above are made with the Local Government Investment Service. I certify that these investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993, the Regulations and Council's investment policies.

For Information

2. A Summary of Income For The Month of May follows:

Rates Receipts 247,716.68

Accounts Receivable 159,180.01

Government Grants 1,135,826.48

Agency Collections 82,432.90

Interest on Investments 22,703.42

Other Income 23,429.28

Total $1,671,288.77

For Information

3. Roads and Other Expenditure 2006/2007:

Following are the up to date figures as at 31 May 2007.


|“A” Ward |337,838 |133,311 |

|Gravel Resheeting “A” Ward |0 |0 |

|“B” Ward |216,784 |115,411 |

|Gravel Resheeting “B” Ward |0 |0 |

|“C” Ward |228,498 |134,775 |

|Gravel Resheeting “C” Ward |0 |0 |

|“D” & “E” Ward |111,237 |106,409 |

|Village Maintenance - Caragabal |6,277 |8,167 |

|Village Maintenance - Greenethorpe |11,472 |9,677 |

|Village Maintenance - Quandialla |0 |11,782 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Caragabal |621 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Greenethorpe |16,000 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Quandialla |711 |0 |

|Town Streets Construction |70,261 |26,538 |

|Kerb & Gutter Construction |63,519 |0 |

|Footpath Construction |24,000 |0 |

|Main Street Project |2,031 |1,913 |

|Garbage Collection |47,000 |41,801 |

|Greenethorpe Collections |8,500 |5,794 |

|Trade Waste Collection |21,000 |9,851 |

|Tips Working Expenses |76,000 |73,251 |

|Noxious Plants |70,000 |51,517 |

|Parks & Gardens |142,500 |121,469 |

|Library Expenditure |103,589 |79,005 |

|Baths Income |-24,000 |19,918 |

|Baths Expenditure |101,722 |81,510 |

|Caravan Park Income |-32,500 |31,907 |

|Caravan Park Expenditure |56,669 |54,595 |



|2006/07 State Roads (SH 6) Maintenance |100,000 |91,451 |

|2006/07 National Roads (SH 17) Maintenance |100,000 |35,709 |

|2006/07 State Road (SH6) Ordered Work |313,943 |313,943 |

|2006/07 National Road (SH17) Ordered Work |305,550 |305,550 |

|2006/07 Regional Roads Block Grant |380,445 |380,445 |

|2006/2007 REPAIR Program MR237 |380,000 |206,036 |

|3 x 3 Program - MR 398 |68,000 |68,000 |

|2005/2006 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |240,891 |231,040 |

|Reseals |81,000 |70,509 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |65,000 |65,000 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |27,221 |

|Adelargo Road |33,000 |45,756 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |55,000 |

|Sandy Creek Road |27,000 |7,500 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |55,000 |

|Pinnacle Road |25,000 |57,865 |

|Gravel Resheeting |66,000 |66,000 |

| Total |680,891 |680,891 |

|2006/2007 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |250,163 |180,595 |

|Reseals |81,000 |110,841 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |70,000 |9,019 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |7,000 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |42,473 |

|Sandy Creek Road |55,000 |0 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |53,458 |

|Pinnacle Road |36,000 |46,885 |

|Gravel Resheeting |70,000 |28,345 |

| Total |705,163 |478,616 |

|2006/2007 Roads to Recovery |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Grenfell Reseals |62,000 |60,030 |

|Quandialla Reseals |20,000 |17,350 |

|Caragabal Reseals |10,000 |9,644 |

|Greenethorpe Reseals |20,000 |24,641 |

|Bimbi – Quandialla Road |90,000 |17,688 |

|Caragabal – Quandialla Road |120,000 |38,425 |

|Sandy Creek Road |80,000 |141,497 |

|Total |402,000 |309,275 |

|2006/2007 Roads to Recovery – Supplementary Programme |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Caragabal – Quandialla Road |56,700 |5,152 |

|Bimbi – Quandialla Road |56,700 |33,656 |

|Tyagong Creek Road |18,600 |12,044 |

|Sandy Creek Road | 120,000 |10,908 |

|Gambara Road |60,000 |4,546 |

|Derribong Lane |40,000 |5,456 |

|Ballendene Road |50,000 |3,636 |

|Total |402,000 |75,398 |

For Information

4. Library Development Project P2.3.5

Draft plans of the Library Development project were submitted to the Property and Development Committee on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 whereby it was resolved to submit the plans to Council for formal adoption before tenders are formally called.

For Information

5. Debt Recovery – Rates and Debtors, A1.7

Reference is made to the report to the May 2007 Council meeting advising of the status of debt recovery in regard to rates and debtors.

In regard to debtors it was reported last month that sixteen (16) letters had been issued endeavouring to recover outstanding monies with debtors given to 31 May 2007 to respond. Fifteen (15) debtors did not respond.

Summarised below is an updated table detailing the current status:

Table 1:

| |Debtors |Result |

| |2 |Paid |

| |2 |Made arrangements to pay |

| | |Properties to be sold |

| | |Returned - address unknown |

| |11 |No response to date |

|Total |15 | |

A further letter will now be issued to the eleven (11) ratepayers who have not responded before the commencement of legal action. The legal action process will begin with the issue of a statement of liquidated claim or a summons.

In regard to rates it was reported last month that legal action would commence for the 70 ratepayers that had not responded to letters issued. Summarised below is the current status after further investigation and action by the ratepayers concerned:

Table 2:

| |Rates |Result |

| |8 |Paid |

| |2 |Made arrangements to pay |

| |3 |Pensioners – no further action |

| |0 |Referred to sale of land for overdue rates |

| |2 |Properties to be sold |

| |7 |Returned - address unknown |

| |48 |No response to date |

|Total |70 | |

The legal action process will now commence for the forty-eight (48) ratepayers which will begin with the issue of a statement of liquated claim or summons. They will then have 28 days to respond before Council obtains judgement on the debt and proceeds with further legal action.

The debt recovery process to date has been very successful however having stated that our outstanding rates increased by 0.59% in the past year. It is critical that we continue with the process to ensure that our rates and annual charges outstanding percentage is reduced as it is one of the criteria that the department is using to asses our performance.

For Information

6. 2007 Country Week, T4.4.1

Advice has been received that Country Week will again be held at the Rosehill Racecourse Grounds from the 10-12 August 2007.

As Councillors are aware Weddin Shire was represented in 2006 which proved to be very successful. Council has again been invited to join the Councils of the Mid - Lachlan Alliance and promote not only our individual Council areas but the Central West Region as a whole.

The cost to Council is as follows:-

| |$ |

|Site Fee |4,840 |

|Approximate Other Costs |3,160 |

|Estimated Total Costs |8,000 |

As there are limited spaces available and members of the alliance will be promoting all Council areas it is envisaged that Council should be represented by two (2) Councillors, two (2) Staff members and two (2) Real Estate Agents. It is envisaged that if the Councillors or Real Estate Agents cannot attend community representatives be invited. Reports from 2006 indicated that the attendance of the agents is critical in discussing the availability of housing and land and the associated costs.

A draft site plan is also attached with the Mid - Lachlan Alliance group being allocated Row F 3-4 and Row G 3-4. Weddin Shire has been allocated site F4 which is a 3x3 metre space in an excellent position.

As we have been endeavouring in the past six (6) years to increase our population and attract new businesses the attendance at Country Week will be critical. Country Week will be perfect lead up to our Open Days/Trade Expo Campaign which will be held from 5-7 October 2007.


i) Council participate in Country Week from the 10-12 August 2007 as part of the Mid Lachlan Alliance group.

ii) that Council be represented by two (2) Councillors and two (2) staff members and if there is a Councillor vacancy a community representative be invited.

iii) that Council invite a representative of each of the real estate agents in Grenfell to attend Country Week and if there is a real estate agent vacancy a community representative be invited.

7. EDO/Tourism/CTC Manager’s Position, T4.5.1

As reported last meeting the above position was being advertised and was due to close on Friday, 18 May 2007.

Two (2) applications for the position were received and interviews are currently being arranged.

For Information

8. IT Trainee Position, T4.5.1

As reported last meeting the above position was being advertised and was due to close on Friday, 18 May 2007.

Five (5) applications for the position were received and interviews are currently being arranged.

For Information

9. Half Yearly Audit, A1.2

Council’s auditors Alan Morse and Co of Orange have forwarded the interim audit report for the year ending 30 June 2007.

The auditors report stated that “our audit established that the financial management procedures and systems have been controlled effectively in a manner relevant to Council’s structure and resources”. However, there was one minor matter of concern regarding plant input sheets which has since been rectified.

The audit report was an excellent result and a credit to all the staff concerned and it certainly typifies the manner in which the staff carry out their duties. The same amount of time and effort will be required to ensure our end of year audit achieves the same result.

The audit report can be perused by Councillors if so desired.

For Information




14 June 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows:

1. Works Report (10 June 2007)

1.1 Classified Roads Maintenance

Routine maintenance has continued on a majority of classified roads during the month.

MR236 - general maintenance

MR237 - general maintenance

MR239 - general maintenance

- remove dead tree from Grenfell approach

MR398 - general maintenance

- remove fallen tree

- bus stop has been constructed

SH6 - general maintenance

- complete scour protection and repair storm damaged culvert

- guide posting and removal of illegal posters has been carried out

- sign repair has been carried out

SH17 - general maintenance

- heavy patching has been completed in various locations

- repairs have been carried out on a damaged culvert

- guide posting has been completed

- a blocked culvert has been cleaned

2. Classified Roads Reconstruction

MR237 progressing with 3 km sealed and the next 4 km prepared for sealing.

1.3 Rural Local Roads Programme

Routine maintenance has continued during the month

1.4 Ward Activities

“A” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Hunters Road, Swinbournes Lane and Newtons Road

- repaired culvert Gibraltar Rocks Road

“B” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Derribong Road, McSpaddens Lane, Quondong Road, Lynches Lane, Dodds Lane, Grahams Lane, Dunkley Road, Barr’s Lane and Gerrybang Road

- remove two trees in Greenethorpe

- sprayed roadside for weeds

“C” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Beasley’s Road

- roadside slashing has been carried out

“D&E” - general maintenance

- repaired dog pound water pipe

- poured retaining wall Drady’s Lane intersection

- started drainage structure Sullivan Street

- GTA sign repairs

- installed 50 Festival plaques in Main Street footpath and one on the rock in Henry’s Alcove

- cleared blocked drain Weddin Street

- swept intersections for loose gravel

- swept gutters with Cowra Shire street sweeper


Graffiti had to be removed from Caragabal toilets $40.00.

Graffiti had to be removed from Council Office and Taylor Park toilets $200.00

Give way sign broken off Corner Melyra and Bradley Streets $120.00

Total Cost: $360.00

Progressive Cost: $9385.00

(from 1/7/2006 to date)

2. Parks and Ovals Report

• several dead trees have been removed in the GTA

• planted a Conifer at Henry Lawson Birthplace

• painted benches Main Street

• cut back watering Henry Lawson Oval 2 and 3

• mowed & edged footpaths

• planted annuals in blisters

• replace light bulbs in coloured Main Street lights

• installed protective bollards in SH6 Rest Area

3. Future Works

1. Wards

“A” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

“B” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• continue MR237 Gooloogong Road

“C” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• complete Bimbi – Quandialla Road widening using Ward funds

• commence widening of 1.6 km of Caragabal – Quandialla Road

• gravel resheet first 1 km of Beasley’s Lane

“D&E” Wards

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• commence kerb and gutter in town

4. Other Works

1. Cemeteries

The following graves have been prepared:

- Grenfell Lawn – 1

- Grenfell – 1

- Bimbi – nil

- Caragabal – nil

2. Sewer Mains

Five (5) chokes have been attended to during the month being at Warraderry Street, 9 Young Street, 5 Parkes Street and 31 Weddin Street (2 visits, 4 weeks apart).

3. Private Works

• sealed K Reid driveway

• hire of 2 tonne roller and operator to T Hazell

• construct contour banks for P Galvin

• sold 42m2 crushed gravel to D Troth

5. CENTROC Weight of Loads Group, C2.7.16

In the last month the CENTROC Weight of Loads Group detected NIL breaches

For Information

6. Plant Report

Significant plant and vehicle maintenance, in accordance with the details as listed below, was carried out during the month:-

|Plant No |Plant Item |Maintenance |

| |General plant |General maintenance |

|PI. 1083 |Taxi |Strip old taxi and fit out new taxi. |

|PI. 5782 |Wood Chipper |Major repairs. |

|PI. 5212 |Traffic Lights |Service motors, repair wiring, replace injector pump, |

|BFO | |Service |

|Civenex | |Attend field day |

|PI. 1084 |Overseer’s Car |Fit radio, c rally. |

|PI. 4082 |Case Roller |Top up hydraulic oil, check for noise, repair hydraulic hose, replace broken |

| | |air cleaner. |

For Information

7. Engineers Alliance – Weddin, Forbes, Parkes and Lachlan, C2.9.9

The Asset Management Plan for roads is still being prepared.

For Information

8. RTA Single Invitation Maintenance Contract, R2.54.1

Routine maintenance works on SH6 and SH17 continue.

Council completed the heavy patching on SH17, including extra works approved by the RTA.

For Information

9. Bushfire Management Committee, E1.3.8

The Director Engineering attended the Bushfire Management Committee meeting on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 at the Forbes Fire Control Centre. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were apologies.

The following matters were discussed:-

• BRIMS – Bruce Morris to advise the Director Engineering of the address,

• burn 600 ha of Bendick Murrell (south east end) will happen soon,

• BRIMS – proposals to burn, Rural Lands Protection Board to burn land,

• Section 44 – document tabled. New document.

• Alectown fire trail on private land

• NCC biodiversity workshop,

• Bushfire Management Committee Structure/election of Chairman

• environmental – Director Engineering. Clr Maurice Simpson elected Chairman, John Magill elected Deputy Chairman.

• Bushfire Co-ordinating Committee (BFCC),

• draft Fire Break Policy including landholders. Comment by next month,

• Bushfire Risk Management Plan to be adopted,

• Bushfire Management Committee handbook.

• classified fire trail register – now 700 – Ken Neville to give to Group Captains,

• State Forests – currently all trails are dormant. Should look at all trails and make some of them primary trails,

• resolved that the sub committee meet to classify fire trails in the zone and State Forests seek funding,

• airport operators – access to Rural Fire Service planes,

• Mount Coonambro – just east of cookamidera, no action required, fire breaks an issue (who owns land?),

• BFCC Policy,

• Commonwealth BMP funding – extended for 3 years. See Simon.

• National Parks and Wildlife Service will burn Yambira fire trail, Black Springs trail this year, Weddin – funding available to burn,

• agency reports,

• mitigation works fund – funds available

• additional funding for Councils to do hazard works $12,000 each.

Mr Ken Neville took formal minutes and these will be available in due course.

For Information

10. Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia NSW Division Conference,

The Director Engineering attended the IPWEA annual conference and field days on 13-17 May 2007.

The theme was “New Direction for Local Government”.

The following papers/addresses were made:-

• Welcome – the Hon Paul Lynch Minister for Local Government spoke on long term Asset Management Plans at long term financial planning,

• Ross Woodward – Asset Management, 152 councils, council business clusters/resource sharing, long term strategic plans, national asset management plans, city/rural sister councils, variety of strategic partnerships/resource sharing, peer reviews, asset management paper out this week from Department Local Government, councils prefer Option 3, long term AM component of community strategic plan, long term financial plan, service standards defined with community,

• Clr Col Sullivan, Shires Association of NSW

- Percy Allen Report

- $60 million over 3 years for timber bridge programme

• John Truman – NAMS Plus,

• Bridge repairs – Eurobadalla Shire Council

• Retrofitting safety to existing roads - Stephen Levett,

• Performance based standards and Local Government – land freight will double from 2003-2020 (1 in 4 vehicles carry freight by 2020), RTA bridge formula will become the limits on gross mass,

- 3 tiers axle formulae (match axles to route)

- special access

- specific access

• Hugh McMaster – Australian Trucking Association,

• Mick Savage –Performance Based Standards and Higher Mass Limits at the same time,

- Local Government aware of Higher Mass Limits after it had happened.

- Local Government defensive

- Higher Mass Limits – focussed on bridges

- Local Government does not have data to adequately assess pavements/bridges

• Field Days – attended by the Director Engineering and Howard Hunter. Papers are available by contracting Director Engineering.

For Information

11. Higher Mass Limits (HML), T3.7.1

Council will be aware that there have been several requests from trucking companies for Council approval to new Higher Mass Limits on specific roads such as MR236 and MR239 Henry Lawson Way.

The RTA has published a guide to assist Councils with assessing the impact of these extra loadings on roads but has failed to provide the mechanism for Councils to assess the effect on these higher masses on bridge and culvert structures. Council does not have the resources to check each and every drainage structure and bridge on the roads nominated. It may be appropriate for Council to request the LGSA to consider the problem as the problem is not certified to the Weddin Shire Council.

RECOMMENDATION: that the Higher Mass Limits requirements be referred to the LGSA for comment.

12. New Depot, P2.6.4

The amenities and storage shed is not at lock up stage. The fitout is planned to commence on Tuesday, 12 June 2007.

The workshop/store is nearing completion with the brickworks and concrete slab to be placed.

The plant parking area is now completed.

For Information

13. Bimbi Bridge, R2.11.7

Tests have recently been carried out on the Bimbi Bridge to determine the condition of the bridge.

Some piles, girders, capwales and corbels have been recommended for replacement.

Council has informed the RTA of the results and has requested that funding be made available to replace the bridge with a new concrete bridge, under the Timber Bridge Partnership Programme 2007.

A further report will be submitted following advice from the RTA.

For Information

14. Vehicle Changeover, P2.10.5.1

The following vehicles have been changed over:

|Plant Item |Vehicle |Jeffery Toyota |Oliver Toyota |Watson Toyota |

| | |Toyota Aurion |Trade-in |Change Over Costs ($) |

| | |($) |($) | |

| | |New |Trade-in |

| | |Vehi|($) |

| | |cle | |

| | |Cost| |

| | |($) | |

| |Property: | |Lot 3 in DP 857827 |

| | | |225 Mary Gilmore Way |

| | | |GRENFELL |

| |Zoning: | |1 (C) (1) |

| |Purpose: | |Additions to dwelling |

|DA 60/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Terry Lavers |

| |Property: | |Lot 991 in DP 754578 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Bradley Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Garage |

|DA 61/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Lorraine Harveyson |

| |Property: | |Lot 2 in DP 382754 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |East Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Additions to dwelling |

| | | | |






i) Circulation: 2,235 (including 4 ILL) over 23 days at a daily average of 97.17.

(April 2007 – 106.78, May 2006 – 105.68).

ii) Library Visits: 907 (April 2007 – 785, May 2006 – 949). Phone enquiries: 5. Reference enquiries: 8 (all resolved).

iii) Cost-Recovery Activities: Photocopying: 276 copies for $83.10. Internet: 14 accesses

for $15.50. Printing $4.50. Laminations: 5 for $10.00. Microfilm prints: 50 c. Faxes: 5 for $20.00. ILL: $35.20. Sundries: $1.20

iv) Interlibrary Loans: 2 requests, 3 loans.

v) Registrations: New registrations during April – 14 (7 adult, 1 housebound, 6 junior).

Total registrations as at 31st May, 2007 – 1,434

(989 adult, 3 depot, 23 housebound, 4 institutions, 415 junior).

vi) Additions of Stock: 107 items valued at $1,940.41

(7 ANF, 4 AF, 8 APB, 41 LP, 1 LFH, 1 YNF, 1 YF, 2 YPB, 7 JNF, 2 JPB, 1 ER, 5 E, 21 mags, 1 TB, 3 JTB, 2 DVD)

vii) Deletions of Stock: 57 items valued at $302.04

(1 ANF, 1 Rom, 50 mags, 1 TB, 3 DVD, 1 Toy)

viii) Discretionary Spending as at 31.05.2007

Book Vote: $16,232.75 (c.$1,600 committed) Magazines: $992.83

Local Special Projects: $5,250 (expended)


The month began with the final event in the Suite/Sweet for Seniors programme, the Magical May Morning, and the Summer Reading Club Awards Afternoon Tea on 1st May.

An entry based on the Suite/Sweet for Seniors programme has been entered in the NSW Public Libraries Marketing Awards.

The future of the Greenethorpe Post Office and hence of the Library Deposit Station remains unclear at this stage. An exchange of stock at the Caragabal Library Deposit Station was made during the month.

Otherwise main focus was on support of the Henry Lawson Festival Art Exhibition with the cataloguing of art entries and collection of subscriptions. The library officially closed for the Festival on 21st May.

The book vote is slightly overcommitted but it is anticipated that not all orders will be filled before the end of the financial year and that there will be sufficient remaining in the periodicals vote to cover any shortfall

Otherwise activities have been of a routine nature.



|All communications to be addressed to: | |

|Mid Lachlan Valley Team |Mid Lachlan Valley Team |

|NSW Rural Fire Service |NSW Rural Fire Service |

|PO Box 483 |26 Union Street |


|Telephone: (02) 6851 1541 |Facsimile: (02) 6851 1840 |

|e-mail: |

| | |Your Ref: | |

|Weddin Shire Council | | | |

|PO Box 125 | | | |

|GRENFELL NSW 2810 | | | |

| | |Our Ref: |ADM/011/130 |

Report for Weddin Shire Council

Dear Councillors and Staff

Following is a report for your information.


Brigade Annual General Meetings have continued and it is expected that these will be completed by the end of July in Weddin.

Construction on Stations has commenced at Cowra Road, Emu Creek and West Wirrinya Brigades. These should be completed in the next few weeks and will provide suitable housing for tankers in these areas.

The Mid Lachlan Valley Team Bush Fire Management Committee met on 29 May 2007 and some of the issues discussed were as follows:-

• BRIMS access for Local Government

• Planned hazard reduction at Bendick Murrell State Forest

• Election of Chairman – Clr Maurice Simpson was re elected

• Fire break policy

• BFMC representatives

• BFMC Handbook

• Fire trail register

• Access issues on State Forests fire trails

• Newell Highway adopted as Strategic Fire Advantage Zone

• Additional funding for Councils for hazard reduction

The minutes of the meeting have been forwarded to all members

Community Safety

Quandialla Central School have indicated interest in the RFS Cadets program and it is likely this will commence in term 3 this year. The Program runs for 10 weeks and gives students training in fire fighting systems and techniques. It also provides skills that can be used in everyday life.


A new Category 7 Bush Fire Tanker has been received for the Quandialla Rural Fire Brigade.


Training is continuing throughout the area. Training updates and calendar are included in the MLVT newsletter produced each quarter.

If any Councillors have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Ken Neville

Team Manager



The RTA has expanded it’s conditional registration of ATV’s to include local government councils and weed control authorities for the purposes of weed control. This approval is subject to several conditions including:-

• The ATV must not be operated within three metres of a sealed/formed road, except for the purposes of crossing a road, loading or unloading

• Speed is limited to 40km/h

• The ATV must be approved for such operations by its manufacturer

• The ATV operator must undertake accredited training in operating the ATV

This means I will have to complete ATV training before I can use our bike. Training will probably be organized through the LVNPAC.


These were sent out in a rural mail drop and hopefully most farmers have received a copy outlining the new weed classes plus new emerging weeds.


Spraying for Blackberry and African Boxthorn is on the agenda at the moment. Some burning of Blackberry will also occur. There will also be early Scotch Thistles and Wild Radish to be checked for on roadsides. Inspections for Scotch Thistle and Wild Radish will continue once the cockies are off their tractors.




P i p G i o v a n e l l i

Heritage and Conservation

Heritage Adviser's Report

13 June 2007

Quandialla Café

A long meeting looking at both internal and external fabric.

Fill in decaying cellar -

This is a small concrete-lined brick cellar that has flooded on occasions and is now cracked. It appears to be complicating the building’s structure, has little or no purpose and has minimal if any heritage value. Filling in is supported.

Re-levelling of building

To the extent possible this is supported.

Replacing asbestos cement sheet.

The building is lined internally and externally in asbestos cement sheet and some of those sheets on the exterior are in poor condition. Their replacement is encouraged.

Signage on Parapet.

The owner wishes to paint the parapet in a red colour and reinstate some of the former signage (Bushell’s tea etc). This is supported. There are several layers of previous signage and these will inevitably be lost regardless of whether the sheets are over-painted or replaced. Good quality photos should be taken prior to change.


Minor repairs and repainting to the verandah are proposed.

Disabled access

Achieving a 1:14 slope may be difficult but any slope will be better than none. It was recommend that he ramp be removable eg in timber, as masonry could have an adverse impact on the building fabric, and be problematic if sub surface cabling in the footpath ever needs to be excavated.

Internally the floors will be levelled, ceilings re levelled, exposed asbestos sheets painted, other surfaces re painted. The stained timber trim will be retained. Some of the historic wall treatments, especially the natural timber and mirror panelling, will be retained but re arranged to fit with the proposed revised layout.

The owner will apply for local grant funds to assist with this work. I advised that the conservation component needs to be clearly identified. Also advised that care needs to be taken when handling old asbestos sheets.

Pip Giovanelli PO Box 570 Curtin ACT 2605 ABN 99 972 030 898

Ph (02) 6281 3200 Fax (02) 6281 0039 Mobile 0438 813200



Further advice re renovations to residence.


The new DES was briefed on heritage management in the town and shire.

NAB Sign

The Main Street of Grenfell has very high heritage value, a fact that has been recognised by the NSW Heritage Office with their commitment of funds to its conservation through the Main Street grant program that operated during 2005 – 07. Of particular significance is the collection of five free-standing two-storey former and current bank offices, all of which are adjacent to one another. Given its integrity, such a group is possibly unique in NSW. The NAB building is an important component of the group and has received heritage funding towards its conservation in previous years.

Signage on historic buildings can be problematic as it can visually detract from historic character. The repeated impact of fixings (screws and wall plugs) to carry the signage is very damaging to face brickwork and often leaves unrepairable scars in significant fabric. An increase of signage on one building sets a precedent for other buildings, which if exploited dramatically compromises the facades of all historic buildings and has a very negative impact on the historic streetscape. In the case of the NAB, it is strongly recommend that approval only be granted for the projecting illuminated sign, as this is consistent with the signage on the other bank buildings. The projecting sign is clearly visible up and down the street and so will adequately identify the bank’s location.

As discussed in the committee meeting, it is recommended that NAB and their representatives be made aware of the heritage values of the building and street, and how these values are held in high esteem by the community, the Council and indeed the NSW Heritage Office. They should be asked to resubmit their DA for a single projecting sign only. The existing NAB wall sign may be left or removed as the bank see fit but should not be used to establish a precedent for replacement signage.

Main Street, Grenfell NSW 2810

Phone/Fax 02 6343 1720




We have a full room of students for Term 2, 2007 on Thursdays. There are several names for Term 3 class, so the year is positive for the training room. All computers in the training room are now operating with Windows Vista and Office 2007. The latest software for burning DVD’s and CD’s has also been loaded. Combined with the digital projector and laptop, the facilities are excellent for training. The refurbished CTC will see an even greater opportunity to provide first class facilities into the future.


A deal has been negotiated with Calidad Ink suppliers to return unsold stock and receive a 50% discount on new purchases. One of the difficulties in keeping ink stocks at the CTC is the ever changing development of printers, and changes to printer cartridges. The colour laser cartridges for our printer are expected to be available through Calidad soon, thus reducing our operating costs a little.


We have been busy setting up the window display for the Festival. The window houses three flat screen monitors with information about the Festival, a slideshow, and the Festival 50 Years DVD continuously running. The program and posters will be displayed to passers by as well. After the Festival the window will become a display for the Spirit of the Bush Concert and then subsequently the Muster and Show. The CTC is printing many of the brochures and entry forms for the Henry Lawson Festival. While it is often a steep learning curve for us, it is very beneficial to be utilising the facilities of our local CTC. The printers that we use and folding equipment, enable us to offer a competitive and flexible service. The main Festival Programme brochure can be “demand printed” rather than estimating the numbers in the thousands and having several hundred left over. The CTC is also producing the DVD for the Festival which will be sold for $15.


The CTC continues to operate well, with all equipment functioning normally. The room is full most afternoons with school students, and regularly patronised during the day by locals and tourists alike. There is an increasing utilisation of the CTC by “Grey Nomads” passing through in motorhomes. One enterprising business person is using the CTC on a daily basis for her business computing needs.

We have been actively involved in the designs for the new library. We have provided input for the renovations of the CTC and access to the library, and designed a new training room, workshop and sales area. The new CTC will be in the same location as the existing building, but be more efficiently laid out. The existing computer equipment will be utilised.


Michael Foster





The Economic Development Managers Forum held its quarterly meeting in Cowra at the Shire Council multipurpose room in May. The bulk of the meeting was a lecture by Chris Gibbons, who is the Economic Development Manager for Littleton, Colorado, USA. Chris is known worldwide as “the Economic Gardener”. His concept of economics came about when Littleton was experiencing high unemployment and a downturn in business. Traditional methods of attracting new business were not working, so they shifted the economic paradigm and came up with the Economic Gardening concept. Professor Roy Powell of Australia is a devotee of this economic concept and was responsible for bringing Chris Gibbons to Australia for the lectures. Chris Gibbons has turned around most of Littleton’s economic woes with a deliberate concentration on the retention and improvement of existing business. The basis for this is the provision of high quality demographic information services at no expense to local business. While possibly not entirely applicable to our own economic environment, Chris Gibbons lecture was warmly received by all who attended from the EDO Forum. The next forum meeting will be in Orange in July and will focus on individual members’ impressions of this economic concept. The CENTROC proposal to establish a collaborative approach to EDO matters will be raised at this next forum.


Planning is underway between the four local councils banding together at Country Week in August of this year. The alliance councils of Parkes, Forbes, Lachlan and Weddin are located in the same block of 3 metre by 3 metre stands at the Rosehill Exhibition Centre for Country Week. The upcoming event is an opportunity to advertise our Open Days/Trade Expo to an expected attendance of 10,000 plus people who are looking for a “tree change”. The cooperative venture between the councils enables economic efficiencies and regional advertising. The sites that have been booked provide us with excellent exposure to visitors coming through the main entrance, and the corner site gives greater visibility. New brochures will be printed for the expo.


The emphasis on economic development will increase over the next few months with Country Week and the Open Days and Trade Expo later in the year. Cootamundra and Weddin have been discussing possible collaborative ventures, including the attraction of Canberra and Wagga businesses to the area and a public relations cricket match between Cootamundra’s legendary Don Bradman and Grenfell’s more impressive Stan McCabe.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development



The Tourism Committee met at the Council Chambers on 13TH May.


The 50th Henry Lawson Festival is shaping to be the biggest event in terms of numbers of entries to competitions, stall holders, buskers and other entertainers and several other measurable areas. The promotions coordinator Mardie Bucknell has been very busy promoting the event in several forms of media. The CTC has been offered the job of printing several brochures, pamphlets, entry forms and the like, and I have been liaising with the various coordinators about their layout and design. The main program brochure is being designed and printed completely in Grenfell. It is anticipated that online bookings, downloads of forms, press releases, and other information associated with the website will reduce our printing costs considerably. Enquiries about the festival have been coming in from all around Australia from people who have sighted the website.


Lee Kernaghan’s management, (Stephen White Management) has released a website with details of the upcoming concert for the 30th June. While there will be a state-wide promotion of the event the local promotion is up to us. The Grenfell Record (through their parent company Rural Press) is designing an 8 page spread / lift out for the centre of the local newspaper, adjacent town publications, and approximately 4,000 more for distribution on the day of the concert. The spread will include advertising on each page, a biography of each performer with their photo, an events program, a tourism editorial about Grenfell, and a page for autographs from the performers. Advertising on the autograph page has been reserved for the Weddin Shire Council, which will be a prime spot for long term exposure.


The Weddin Shire, Forbes Shire, and Young Shire Councils will meet in Grenfell on Wednesday 20th June to discuss the Gold Way concept with tourism people.


The design for the bird route signs has been finalised and sent to the printers in Cowra. The first sign is being constructed and will be shortly available for viewing. It is hoped that another ten will follow.


The Campervan Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA) has been featuring Grenfell in its magazine “the Wanderer” which circulates amongst its 40,000 plus members. The CMCA is holding the Forbes Rally in October which expects around 1,500 motorhomes. Grenfell has been suggested as a “Must See” town while en-route to or from the rally.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development

Report on Interagency Meeting

Grenfell Court House ~ 7th June, 2007

The meeting opened with an address from Centrelink regarding the Family Assistance Fund. This fund provides small amounts of one-off funding (up to $200 in 2006) for families to purchase services & equipment to help them care for their child with a disability at home & increase family well-being.

Funding can be used to make practical changes at home, provide support for individual family members that are otherwise unavailable, and purchase non-recurrent assistive equipment. The funding helps families to address specific needs and stresses before they become a crisis and to make a difference in the care of the child or young person with a disability.

The speaker went on to explain:

❖ What can be funded

❖ What is excluded

❖ Who can get funding

❖ How to apply

❖ Where to apply

An explanation was given of the Family Assistance Fund Process.

❖ Regional responsibilities

❖ Application for funding

❖ Regional administration

❖ Assessment of funding applications

❖ Non-approval of funding

❖ Approval of funding

❖ Notification of payment

Reports from other agencies:


❖ Still accepting referrals

❖ Looking to hold a budgeting/living skills program in Grenfell next term.

❖ Continuing to be a part of the Youth Referral Point @ Henry Lawson High School

Community Transport;

❖ Community bus will be taking people to the H.L.F. procession

❖ Another, additional, bus is due to arrive in the next few weeks. This vehicle will be used to make regular fortnightly trips from the outlying villages to Cowra & Young in the hope that the residents can access services in the larger centres.

❖ Requires somewhere to house the new vehicle

Weddin Meals on Wheels;

❖ Frozen meals service to Quandialla. Freezer located in Quandialla café.

❖ Continuing to work on establishing the same system at Greenethorpe

Neighborhood Aid;

❖ Cinema trips to Young are continuing on a fortnightly basis

❖ Community luncheons are being held at Greenethorpe

❖ Social morning are held each month at the Grenfell office

❖ Still conducting the handyman service & telecross

Home Care Service;

❖ No changes to Home Care at present. Continuing with centralized intake & assessment process for new referrals.

Weddin Shire;

❖ New depot construction is progressing well & should be completed early in the new financial year.

❖ Draft plans for the library redevelopment are available for comment at the council. This development should be commenced early in the new year & will be a valuable asset to the town.

The meeting closed at 1430 hrs with only half the agenda being covered.


Clr. R.W.Atchison


1. PRESENT: Clrs Simpson, N Hughes, McClelland, Atchison and Hinde (Observer).

Messrs T V Lobb, G Carroll, W Twohill, C Slade and A Lindsay (Observers).

2. APOLOGIES: Clrs Taylor and Grimm.

Resolved: Clr Atchison and Clr McClelland that the apologies be accepted.

3. MINUTES: of meeting 28 February 2007.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr N Hughes that the minutes be adopted as circulated.




1. New Depot – Amenities building and workshop nearing completion. Fitout to commence Monday, 4 June 2007. Tender for fuel to be called. Director Engineering to check if fuel is included in the $1.3 million budget.

2. Community Hub – draft plans tabled. General Manager and A Lindsay liaising with architects to resolve small issues and finalise the plans. To be presented to June Council meeting for formal adoption if possible.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Atchison that the cost of a small lift be investigated.

Resolved: Clr Atchison and Clr McClelland that the draft plans be submitted to Council for formal adoption and tenders be then called.

3. Medical Centre – Mr A Lindsay tabled a preliminary plan for the underfloor area to be utilised as a Medical Centre. Option only.

Clr Atchison advised that if the area is to be utilised as a Medical Centre it should have:-

• natural light

• parking available

• access for ambulances.

Clr N Hughes suggested another option could be the area be utilised as a public hall to enable productions to be held there. To be considered with other options.

5.4 Dental Surgery – the possible relocation of the Dental Surgery to Councils building in Burrangong Street is to be investigated. It could be included in the Medical Centre above.

6. NEXT MEETING: To be advised.

7. CLOSED: There being no further business the meeting closed at 4.42 pm.


1. PRESENT: Bill Twohill (Chair - Weddin Shire Council, LEMO), Peter Johnson (Weddin Shire Council) Ray Cawthorne (SES), Ken Neville (RFS), Glenda Howell (RFS), Warwick Simpson (RFS), Keith White (NSW Fire Brigade), David Lee (NSW Ambulance), Karen Hancock (Grenfell MPS), Maurice Simpson (SES).

2. APOLOGIES: J Connell (DEMO), A Neilsen (RFS), Inspector Steve McGuiness (NSW Fire Brigades, Murray Mitton (Forbes Rural Lands Protection Board) and Mark Hayson (LECON).

Resolved: R Cawthorne and D Lee that the apologies be accepted.


Resolved: G Howell and R Cawthorne that the minutes of meeting held on 10 April 2007 be adopted as read.


4.1 Local Displan

Local Displan to be updated shortly.


4.2 Local EOC SOPs Review

Ken Neville to pursue.


4.3 Emergency Risk Management Study

Being finalised by ECHELON. Draft study has been forwarded to State Emergency Management Committee for comment.


4.4 Exercise

Desktop exercise – John Connell to be contacted for details.

4.5 Electricity Interruption

Hospital and other agencies to assist if required.


5.1 Police


5.2 Rural Fire Service


3. SES


4. Engineering Services


6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 28 August 2007 at 4.30 pm.

7. CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 4.55 pm.



Minutes of the Drought Relief Concert Committee meeting held at the Council Chambers Friday 1 June 2007 at 8.00 am

Present: P Moffitt (Chair) T Lobb G Carroll S Jackman R Cawthorne C Drady B Pack S Schneider M Schneider T Pickwell J Dykhoff T Franks T Carroll G Howell G Day B Bembrick

R Brown P Harris T Pollock B Hinde J Black D Joyce M Walker M Foster

1. Apologies: J Fanning, D Hughes

Resolved: R Brown/T Pollock that the apologies be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes

Resolved: R Brown/R Cawthorne that the minutes dated 10 May 2007 be adopted as presented.

3. Business Arising

• Start and finish time – Gates to open 12 noon. Concert to commence 2pm and finish at 8pm. May go longer depending on circumstances.

• Stall set up – Stall holders will have access Friday afternoon to set up. Security will be on – site then.

• Showground Camping – available $5.00 for Ute’s, $10 for powered sites. Bookings being taken at Council Chambers and will then be passed on to the Show Society secretary. Payment to be made direct to the Show Society upon arrival.

• Itinerary – M Foster to develop in conjunction with the Grenfell Record Promotion. M Foster to pursue.

• Money pickup and float – Money to be picked up every two hours and escorted to destination by Police. Responsibility for floats to be determined. Financial institutions to be advised that money will be required. G Carroll and D Joyce to pursue.

4. Correspondence


• RFS/SES Submission


• Weddin Shire Council – Letter to local organisations. Noted.

5. Local Events Coordinators Report

• Action List – developed. Copies forwarded for action.

• Parking and Access Plan – plan tabled. Alternative parking will be required if it rains.

• Shuttle buses – to run from Showground to Venue via the Main Street. Industrial area

to venue. Gold coin donation.

• Committee Membership – one representative per organisation.

• Catering Co-ordinator – Sally Jackman will liaise with committees. Tasks being adjusted to include all organisations who expressed an interest.

• Food Quantities – to be determined. Will be an ongoing problem depending on weather.

• Freezer Trucks – endeavouring to source on an economical basis.

• Generator(s) – endeavouring to source one or two generators to supply whole site. Diesel powered to reduce noise levels.

• Cowra concert – information being obtained from committee members.

• Council expenses – awaiting advice of reimbursement from Department Primary Industries or promoter.

- if unsuccessful, commission of up to 20% of pool foreshadowed, for payment of Council’s expenses.

• Group Marquee – (16) uniform tents with 6x3 compartments to be hired.

• Lighting – will be supplied to tents: additional external lighting may also be required.

• Catering signage – to be developed. Possibly at the CTC.

6. Provision of Bar Facilities

Representatives from Grenfell and Caragabal Country Clubs reported that:

• Application for a temporary on – licence (function) lodged in the name of Grenfell Country Club.

• Bar accessed. Fencing to be obtained.

• Vehicle access to ground required to transport supplies to venue during the day.

7. Catering Services

• Allocations announced. Meetings to be arranged with local organisation representatives to discuss issues.

8. Parking & Cleanup

• RFS and SES to arrange. Organisations to be engaged to do the cleanup. To be determined.

9. Other Matters

• Wristbands to be available from Woolworths on Monday 11 June 2007 and Weddin Shire Council Chambers on Tuesday 12th.

• Toilets required close to bar.

• Stalls are able to have the name of the local organisation on them.

• Promoter developing a Risk Management Plan to satisfy OH&S requirements.

• Website developed

• If rain does occur, sale of food to be arranged on the Sunday. Possibly indoors.

Next Meeting: Friday 15 June 2007 at 8.00am

Meeting Closed: 9.01am


1 JUNE 2007 (C2.6.3)

1. PRESENT: Chris Little (Chairman), Kent Boyd (LGSA), Wayde Hazelton (RTA), John Ronczka (Secretariat), David Vant (RTA), Clr Barry Hinde (Weddin Shire Council), W Twohill, Patrick Smith (Police) Doug Freudenstein (Local Member’s Representative).


Chris Little advised the meeting that his role was to determine if the Council had made a correct determination procedurally only.

Submissions were made by:-

• David Vant,

• Clr Barry Hinde,

• Bill Twohill,

• Patrick Smith,

• Doug Freudenstein,

• Kent Boyd.

The meeting adjourned and returned at 11.15 am.

The Chairman advised that the appeal was declined and the proposed relocation of the Taxi Rank to outside Natasha’s would be approved over a six (6) month trial with the assessment back to the Weddin Local Traffic Committee. Council acted within its delegation.

The meeting closed at 11.30 am.

Full minutes will be available to Council in due course.


1 JUNE 2007 (C2.6.3)

1. PRESENT: W Twohill, David Vant (RTA), Patrick Smith (Police) Doug Freudenstein (Local Member’s Representative).

2. APOLOGIES: Katrina Hodgkinson MP

Resolved: D Vant and P Smith that the apology be accepted.


Resolved: D Freudenstein and P Smith that the minutes of the meeting held 30 March 2007 be adopted as read.


4.1 Main Street Islands

BB lines and RPMs to be placed.


4.2 SH17 - Lows Road Intersection

Listed for RTA funding – at least two years wait.


4.3 Brundah Street and Melyra Street - B Double route

RTA advised in writing that no funds were available for widening works.


4.4 SH6 – No Stopping

MR 337 form to be completed.


4.5 Signs – Replacement of “No Standing” signs with “No Stopping”

To be assessed in Grenfell by 30 June 2007.


4.6 Relocation of Taxi Rank

Regional Traffic Committee meeting on 1 June 2007.


4.7 Henry Lawson Festival of Arts

The RTA has provided written approval to the three (3) events and the Police have advised verbal approval.


The meeting was adjourned at 11.14 am to receive the deliberations of the Regional Traffic Committee.

The meeting resumed at 11.30 am.

8. Proposed directional sign – Cowra

RTA to complete.


9. Drought Relief Concert

Council has received written approval from the RTA to the event and the Police have provided verbal approval.


4.10 Bimbi Bridge


4.11 Tyagong Hall Road/Young Road/Martins Lane

Proposal to be submitted for Black Spot funding.


5. Correspondence

5.1 Drought Relief Concert

Drought Relief Concert – temporary “No Parking” zones on 29 June 2007 and 30 June 2007.

• along Lawson Drive (full length) both sides – “No Stopping” zone,

• Weddin Street from South Street to Railway Crossing west side – “No Parking” – bus zone 40 metres long eastern side and pick up and drop off points,

• Forbes Street from Railway Crossing to South Street both sides – “No Parking” zone for 100 metres,

• Young Road from Railway Crossing to Walshs Lane both sides – “No Stopping” zone,

• full length of Walshs Lane both sides – “No Stopping” zone.

Drought Relief Concert – proposed bus stops on 30 June 2007.

• Weddin Street from South Street to Railway Crossing and Forbes Street from Weddin Street to South Street be made one way in a clockwise direction on Saturday 30 June 2007.

• Young Road be closed to all traffic except buses and emergency vehicles from Forbes Street to Holy Camp Road on 30 June 2007.

• a pick up and drop off zone be created along Weddin Street (east side) from South Street to Forbes Street intersection on 30 June 2007.

Drought Relief Concert – temporary bus zones

• Holy Camp Road/Young Road intersection,

• Bimbi Road opposite flat roofed house,

• adjacent to stock pile site on Holy Camp Road,

• adjacent to Showground main entrance in North Street near Alexander Street,

• just south of Mobil Service Station entrance in Weddin Street.

Resolved: D Vant and P Smith that the temporary sign arrangements be adopted for the concert.

5.2 Relocation of Taxi Rank


5.3 Young Road School Bus Route

Various letters from Andrew Robinson, Terry Carroll, Young Road Bus Committee were tabled.

At this point Carolyn Baker addressed the committee on the proposed bus timetable changes.

Resolved: D Vant and P Smith that Mr Carroll conduct consultation and invite comment from all families concerned in relation to the proposed changes to the school bus route. Further, he should consult with the Department of Ministry on the proposed changes and refer back to this committee on the proposals.

5.4 Grenfell Car Club

Closure of the lower Main Street.


5.5 Grenfell Historical Society – First Settlers Camp

Refer to TASAC for comment.


NEXT MEETING: Friday, 3 August 2007

CLOSURE: there being no further business to discuss the meeting closed 12.35 pm.


1 Present: Messrs W Twohill, M Martens (chair), G Carroll, W Schneider, C Slade and N Baker.

2 Apologies: Nil

3 Minutes:

Resolved: G Carroll and M Martens that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2007 were adopted as read.

4. Matters arising

4.1 Gas Leaks

To be tested again. Director Environmental Services to follow up.


4.2 Evacuation plans

Library and Depot plans will be put up shortly. Commonwealth Bank to be completed.


4.3 SWMS – Cleaning BBQ

To be developed.


4.4 OH & S Peer Audit

Weddin audited Forbes and Parkes audited Weddin. Some areas to be addressed.


5. Business Continuity Plan

To be carried out.



Pool – chlorine system completed.


CTC – closed.

Caravan Park – trip hazards being fixed.

Grenfell Parks to be inspected.

6. Next Meeting: Monday, 3 September 2007 at 3.30 pm.

7. Closure: There being no further business the meeting closed at 4.15 pm.



Present: Clr M Simpson, Clr N Hughes, J Hetherington, L Eastaway and M Foster

1. Apologies: G McClelland, A Dixon

Resolved: L Eastaway / J Hetherington that the apologies be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes:

Resolved: J Hetherington / L Eastaway that the minutes of the meeting held 8th May, 2007 be adopted as presented.

3. Business arising: - Nil

4. Correspondence:

In – Weddin Shire Council – Caravan/Motorhome Parking.

Out – Weddin Shire Council – Caravan/Motorhome Parking.

Resolved: M Simpson / J Hetherington that the correspondence be noted.

Resolved: N Hughes / M Simpson that enquiries be made in regards to the quality of the signage and numbers required.

5. Projects

• Grenfell Brochures – reprint of the full 16 page brochure to commence in the near future. Accounts to be then issued for advertising.

Resolved: M Simpson / N Hughes – that the Grenfell Record be approached in regard to producing the Grenfell Record’s Business Directory on alternate years to the Grenfell brochure.

• Weddin Mountain Tours – The park ranger will be contacted to establish a date for a meeting with the Tourism Committee.

• O’Brien’s Hill – Funding Application – Sarah Clifton has resubmitted the application for funding for the redevelopment of O’Brien’s Hill mine as a tourist attraction. Awaiting notification.

• Sound for Henry Lawson Bust and Festival Walk – Festival plaques installed and were a great success at the recent Henry Lawson Festival. The shop that the plaque is in front of or near may be offered to “adopt a plaque”. The Weddin Shire Council has set aside funding for the project. Council notified of a $5000 grant from the Premiers Department. Further funding is being sought through ANZ Seeds of Renewal programme and a Central West Credit Union grant funding programme.

Resolved: M Simpson / L Eastaway that a brochure be produced outlining the location of each plaque and a short biography of the person the plaque is dedicated to.

• Bird Routes – sign design is with L&A Graphics in Cowra, who have created the first sign. Mike Foster will submit sign to the next Tourism Committee meeting for approval.

• Railway Station Development – some minor landscaping and earth levelling is currently under way. The ARTC has been approached about further utilisation. The invitation to become an RV friendly town can be then considered.

• Website – a new company has been approached about commercial hosting of the Grenfell Website. This would allow up to 24 additional domains to be hosted such as the Museum. To be investigated.

6. Prioritising Projects Noted

7. Upcoming Events

• Spirit of the Bush Concert – the Drought Relief Concert is to be held on the 30th June at Lawson oval. Performers are Lee Kernaghan, Adam Brand, Steve Forde and others. The Drought Relief Concert Committee is meeting on a regular basis.

• Grenfell Rugby Reunion – will attract large numbers of people to town who will mostly be billeted.

Resolved: L Eastaway / M Foster that the Grenfell Record be approached in regards to a special edition. Also that Council be approached about coloured lights for the weekend.

• Grenfell Show/Muster – CTC is already producing large volumes of printed material for both these events. The websites will be updated for them through .au

• Forbes Motorhome Show – to be held in October 2007 with Grenfell and Quandialla endeavouring to host motorhomes. Sixty “Big Rigs” will be hosted at the Grenfell Showground after the event.

8. Promotional DVD – Dunolly Victoria

• Mike has a copy of the Victorian town of Dunolly’s promotional video. It was decided that the next Tourism meeting begin at 3pm to view and discuss the video and the possibility of producing a similar promotional video for Grenfell.

9. General Business

• John Hetherington discussed the Pioneer’s Park in Gooloogong. It was suggested that if possible a copy of the O’Brien’s Hill Submission be presented at the next meeting.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 10th July, 2007, 3.00pm

Meeting Closed: 4.55pm


1. PRESENT: Clrs G McClelland, G Grimm, M Simpson, Messrs C Slade DES, (Chair),

P Giovanelli, J Hetherington and Mrs P Livingstone.

Observers: T Lobb (GM), D Gibbons.

APOLOGIES: Clrs D Taylor, G Grimm, Mr I Pitt and Mrs C Lobb.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and P Livingstone that the apologies be accepted


Resolved: Clr G McClelland and P Livingstone that the minutes of 8 May 2007 be adopted.


4.1 Heritage week evaluation form forwarded to Heritage Office.

4.2 Museum signage not inspected by the Heritage Advisor.

4.3 Local Heritage Fund advertised in Grenfell Record, closing 30 June 2007.


1. NAB Application

Clrs M Simpson, N Hughes and G McClelland declared a conflict of interest as customers of the bank.

The Heritage Advisor expressed concern that the black background of the proposed signage would detract from the building and the streetscape.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and J Hetherington that NAB be advised that Council is not prepared to support the application on heritage grounds and that an amendment to the application be requested.

5.2 Letter from Lisa Baker – Payment of Grant (George Street and Grafton Street)

Resolved: Clr D Hughes and Simpson that payment be made on George Street as the work is completed, however, payment for Grafton Street is to await completion as previously requested.


1. Heritage Advisors report

NAB inspected for signage.

Annual Heritage Advisor’s meeting programmed for August, may be constructive for planning staff.

Café in Quandialla inspected, good interest from new owner. Grant application is anticipated but there may be a problem with old fibro sheeting.

6.2 Festival Heritage Walk

Clr McClelland gave a verbal report on the activity which was attended by 24 people and was very successful.

6.3 Hospital Facade

Mrs Livingstone enquired about the proposed repainting which was to be done some time ago. Heritage Advisor to follow up.

7. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 10 July 2007

8. CLOSURE: There being no further business the meeting closed at 5.55 pm.

Minutes of the Drought Relief Concert Committee meeting held at the Council Chambers Friday, 15 June 2007 at 8.00 am

Present: P Moffit, T Lobb, G Carroll, S Jackman, D Dixon, R Cawthorne, B Pack,

M Schneider, J Fanning, G Howell, R Brown, P Blake, J Black, J Dykhoff,

T Pickwell, C Gilbert, T Pollock, B Bembrick, M Leibich, W Simpson

B Atchison, J Hughes, M Taylor, S Schneider, S Lander, M Walker

1. Apologies: J Fanning, D Hughes

Resolved: R Brown/T Pollock that the apologies be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes

Resolved: R Brown/R Cawthorne that the minutes dated 1 June 2007 be adopted as presented.

3. Business Arising

• Start and finish time – 2pm to 8pm approximately.

• Stall set up – Stall holders will have access Friday afternoon to set up. Security will be on – site then. Need to have vehicles out by 11am on Saturday.

• Wristband distribution completed, two issues for Grenfell. Further distribution of untaken wristbands possible.

• Department Primary Industries has verbally indicated a small grant may be possible.

• Contribution to Councils expenses to be considered.

• Float – minimize float of $500 suggested.

4. Correspondence


• Nil


• Nil

5. Local Events Coordinators Report

• Action List - work proceeding.

• Parking and Access Plan – discussed.

• Camping – M Leibich confirmed use of Showground but Show Society would have to withdraw from catering. The meeting agreed to consider covering the cost of security ($1000).

• Shuttle buses – Loaders Coaches will provide for a gold coin donation.

• Food quantities – discussed. General acceptance of quantities, difficult to judge.

• Freezer truck – yet to be confirmed,

• Generator (s) – single generator yet to be confirmed.

• Group Marquee – confirmed, 6m x 3m compartments.

• Lighting – organisations to provide external lights for BBQs.

• Catering signage – to be provided through CTC.

• Toilets – arranged by promoter. One trailer near bar if possible.

6. Provision of Bar Facilities

Representatives from Grenfell and Caragabal Country Clubs reported that:

• Application for a temporary on – licence (function) lodged in the name of Grenfell Country Club. Copy served on Council and Police. Awaiting Response.

7. Catering Services

• Meetings held with local organisations representatives to discuss issues. Quantities of food to be ordered were announced. Sally Jackman to pursue.

• It was decided not to invite the Ice Cream and Doughnut Vans as it would set a precedent.

8. Parking & Cleanup

• RFS and SES currently arranging. Under Control.

11. Other Matters

• Wristbands were issued on 12th and 15th June. Fantastic response. Endeavoring to obtain more. Residence encouraged to return any bands that will not be used to allow them to be re-issued.

• Fire Extinguishers required for BBQs.

• Disaster Plan being developed in conjunction with Grenfell hospital.

• Extension leads to be checked for compliances with OHS regulations.

• Campers will be charged $5 per person.

• Performers will be separately catered for.

• If rain does occur a sale of surplus food will be held at 12 pm Sunday 1st July 2007 possibly at the Showground.

Next Meeting: Monday, 25 June 2007 at 8.00 am

Meeting Closed: 8.55am


Present: Clr Simpson, Clr N Hughes, Messrs T Lobb, W Twohill and C Slade.

Apologies: Nil

Minutes: No formal meeting held on 14 May 2007 due to lack of a quorum. Discussion of main issues held.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and W Twohill that the report of 14 May 2007 be noted.

Review of Job List


General Business:

1A Administration

i) New Depot – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

ii) Ward Map – awaiting response from Land Property Information regarding actual new ward populations.

(iii) Management Plan 2007/2008 – no submissions from the public at this stage.

iv) Council Chambers – survey marks fixed to building to check movement. Awaiting visit by foundation contractor.

v) DLG – Better Practice Review in progress, continuing tomorrow.

vi) Dalton Street Depot – will be reported to Council meeting. No interest to date.

vii) Summary of Affairs – now due.

1B Human Resources

i) Vacancies - Labourers - to be readvertised.

- EDO/TPO/CTC Manager – interviews to be held shortly.

- CTC Officer - interviews to be held shortly.

(ii) WorkChoices – four (4) staff members attended LGSA seminar in Queanbeyan on 14 June 2007. Compliance work continuing.

(iii) Salary System – new scales to be prepared, to be referred to Consultative Committee. General Manager proposing to retain single system for indoor and outdoor staff.

2. Public Order and Safety


3. Health

(i) Medical Centre – no recent action.

4. Community Services and Education


5. Housing and Community Amenities

(i) Grenfell Tip – boundary and lot surveying in progress.

ii) Bumbaldry Mine DA 26/2005 – developer is currently negotiating on agreement with the Lands Department.

iii) Star Street Residence – carpet being replaced in lounge room.

6. Sewerage

(i) Water Grant for Effluent – planning work yet to be commenced. Effluent usage currently exceeds licence, extension to be sought. Application for additional effluent pond not submitted.

7. Recreation and Culture

(i) Library Upgrading - reported in General Manager’s report.

ii) Pool Water Recycling – consultant to be engaged to expedite investigation.

iii) O’Brien’s Mine – grant application resubmitted.

8. Mining Manufacture and Construction


9. Transport and Communication

(i) RTA Contract – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

ii) Heavy Vehicle Routes – no recent changes. See Director Engineering’s report for information on Heavy Vehicle Mass Limits.

iii) Bimbi Bridge – defects and alternative routes discussed. Director to submit late reports to Council meeting.

iv) Other Matters – maintenance grading has commenced following recent rain. Improvement work on MR 237 in nearing completion.

10. Economic Affairs

(i) Drought Relief Strategy – adopted at recent Shires Conference. Follow up action may be required.

Mr Carroll joined the meeting at this point (4.15 pm), with Messrs Murphy and Gibbons from the Department Local Government Review Team.

(ii) Drought Relief Concert – reported in General Manager’s report. Small grant from Department Primary Industries foreshadowed. Chairs are permissible.

11. General Purpose Revenues


12. Other Matters

i) Gravel Pits – Director Engineering raised the matter of ongoing access to gravel pits with a change of ownership. Future report to be submitted.

ii) Taxi Rank – Mayor enquired regarding nature of traffic study for new site. Director Engineering to liaise with Local Traffic Committee to determine.

Next Meeting: Monday, 16 July at 2.30 pm.

Closure: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 4.30 pm.


|1. |PRESENT: Clrs Simpson, McClelland, and Atchison. |

| |Messrs T Lobb, G Carroll and W Twohill. |

|2. |APOLOGIES: Clr Hinde |

|Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr McClelland that the apology be accepted. |


| |

|Resolved: Clr Atchison and Clr McClelland that the minutes of 14 May 2007 be adopted. |


| |

|Clr Atchison enquired in regards to the status of works on the footpath on the eastern side of Forbes Street between Middle and Young |

|Streets. |

| |

|( Director Engineering advised the work is programmed to be completed. |


5.1 Evening Branch, Grenfell CWA, R2.4.32 (C29):


5.2 TJ Pickwell, R2.12.2 (C30):


5.3 RTA, T3.3 (C31):


5.4 The Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, C1.6.6 (C32):


5.5 Kevin Smith, R2.12.1 (C33):


5.6 Darcy Sinclair, E3.5.4 (C34):


5.7 NSW Police, C1.8.1 (C35):

Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr Atchison that the public be notified of the proposed removal of signs.

8. Gen Nealon, E3.5.4 (C36):

Director Engineering to check status of lane.



| |Nil |

|7. |REPORTS |

|7.1 |General Manager’s Report |

| |Community Hub – Design |

| |Noted |

|7.2 |Director Corporate Services’ Report |

| |Reports on Town Costings, Library Development Project |

| |Noted |

| | |

| |Director Environmental Services (C Slade) entered the meeting at this point. |

|7.3 |Director Engineering’s Report |

| |Reports on Ward Activities, Parks and Ovals, Future Works, Other Works and New Depot. |

| |Noted |

| |

|7.4 |Director Environmental Services’ Report |

| |Reports on Sewerage Treatment Works, Caravan Park, Animal Control, Town DA’s. |

| |Noted |


|Clr McClelland |- |enquired when the stormwater drain in Nash Street will be programmed. |

| | |( Director Engineering advised the work is listed for attention. |

| | | |

|NEXT MEETING: Monday, 16 July 2007 at 5.00 pm. |

|CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 5.31 pm. |



(a) The following are current items on the list submitted for Council’s consideration at the meeting on 21 June 2007.


November 2006 1. Swimming Club: Executives to meet with representatives to discuss maintenance issues (Exec).

April 2007 2. RTA: Director Engineering and Clr Taylor to attend Traffic Committee workshop in May (DE).


October 2004 1. Industrial Estate: landscaping requirements to be reported (DES).

December 2005 2. Railway Land: seek removal of container (DES).

(Note: letter sent to ARTC).

November 2006 3. Sewerage Treatment Works: investigate additional effluent pond (DES/DE).

February 2007 4. Company Dam: investigate grants for desilting (DE).

March 2007 5. Dental Surgery: investigate possible relocation to Burrangong Street building (GM).

April 2007 6. Company Dam Desilting: ascertain EPA requirements, apply for grant (DE).

May 2007 7. Sewerage Treatment Works: apply for grant for additional effluent pond (DE).

8. Dalton Street Depot: invite expressions of interest for purchase (GM).

9. Cross Street/Gooloogong Road: advise residents of proposal to rename after Jan Lehane (DE).


1. HIRE OF PLANT – T1/2007

Tenders are called on an annual basis for the supply of various items of plant which may be required for engineering works in 2007/2008.

Tenders which closed on (DATE), have now been received for the Hire of Plant for 2007/2008. See attached Table.

RECOMMENDATION: that approval be given to the acceptance of the tenders received excluding the truck rates for the use of this plant on Council’s works where required during 2007/2008 when the rates are most advantageous to Council and the lowest rate not necessarily given priority.


Tenders are called on an annual basis for the maintenance grading of roads in the Weddin Shire for 2007/2008. Tenders closed on (DATE).

Two (2) tenders were received for maintenance grading for 2007/2008. See attached Table.

RECOMMENDATION: that approval be given to the acceptance of the tenders received for maintenance grading when required during 2007/2008 when the rates are most advantageous to Council and the lowest rate not necessarily given priority.











Expressions of interest for the purchase of Council’s depot in Dalton Street (in four (4) parts) were invited by advertisement, with submissions closing on Wednesday, 20 June 2007.

At the time of closing no submissions were received.




Questions maybe put to councillors and council employees in accordance with clause 25 of the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(1) A councillor:

(a) may, through the chairperson, put a question to another councillor, and

(b) may, through the chairperson and the General Manager, put a question to a council employee.

(2) However, a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is entitled to be given reasonable notice of the question and, in particular, sufficient notice to enable reference to be made to other persons or to documents.

(3) The councillor must put every such question directly, succinctly, and without argument.

(4) The chairperson must not permit discussion on any reply or refusal to reply to a question put to a councillor or council employee under this clause. “

Questions should not be used to introduce business without notice. This is covered in Clause 17 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(3) …………….., business may be transacted at a meeting of a Council even though due notice of the business has not been given to the councillors. However, this can happen only if:

(a) a motion is passed to have the business transacted at the meeting, and

(b) the business proposed to be brought forward is ruled by the chairperson to be of great urgency.

Such a motion can be moved without notice.

(4) …………….., only the mover of a motion referred to in subclause (3) can speak to the motion before it is put.”

Questions on routine operational matters should be directed to the General Manager or the appropriate Director separately from and/or prior to the meeting.



The authority for Council to close a meeting to the public is given under Section 10 of the Local Government Act, for which the following excerpts apply:

[s 10A1 Which parts of a meeting can be closed to the public?


(1) [Meetings may be closed] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises:

(a) the discussion of any matters listed in subclause (2), or

(b) the receipt or discussion of any of the information so listed.

(2) [Grounds for closure] The matters and information are the following:

(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii) reveal a trade secret,

(e) information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f) matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege

(h) information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

(3) [Closure of Resolution to close] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

(4) [Public's right to make representations] A council, or a committee of a council may allow members of the public to make representations to or at a meeting, before and part of the meeting is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed.

[s 10C] Notice of likelihood of closure not required in urgent cases

10C Part of a meeting of a council, or of a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may be closed to the public while the council or committee considers a matter that has not been identified in the agenda for the meeting as a matter that is likely to be considered when the meeting is closed, but only if:

(a) it becomes apparent during the discussion of a particular matter that the matter is a matter referred to in section 10A(2), and

(b) the council or committee, after considering any representations made under section 10A(4), resolves that further discussion of the matter:

(i) should not be deferred (because of the urgency of the matter), and

(ii) should take place in a part of the meeting that is closed to the public.

[s 10D] Grounds for closing part of meeting to be specified

10D (1)[Record of grounds for closure] The grounds on which part of a meeting is closed must be stated in the decision to close that part of the meeting and must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

(2) [Details to he specified] The grounds must specify the following:

(a) the relevant provision of section 10A(2),

(b) the matter that is to be discussed during the closed part of the meeting,

(c) the reasons why the part of the meeting is being closed, including (if the matter concerned is a matter other than a personnel matter concerning particular individuals, the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer or a trade secret) an explanation of the way in which the discussion of the matter in an open meeting would be, on balance, contrary to the public interest.

RECOMMENDATION: That Council form a Closed Council to consider the items listed below,

AND THAT the Press and the public be excluded from the Meeting of the Closed Council because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, as stated below:



1. Performance Review - General Manager, P1.10041

Reason for confidentiality: staff matter (Section 10A(2)(a))

Other items may be referred to closed council during the course of the meeting.


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