World War II Research Project Rubric

Name _____________________________________________________________ Block _____

World War II Research Project

Final Product Rubric

Once you have finished your research and completed the research portfolio, you will create the final product of your World War II Research Project. The following is the list of requirements for the final product:

Name _____________________________________________________________ Block _____

World War II Research Project

Final Product Rubric

|CATEGORY |4 pts |3 pts |2 pts |1 pt |0 pts |

|Content |Covers topic in-depth with |Includes essential |Includes essential |Content is minimal OR there|No evidence |

| |details and examples. Subject|knowledge about the topic.|information about the |are many factual errors. | |

| |knowledge is excellent. |Subject knowledge appears |topic but there are | | |

| | |to be good. |several factual errors. | | |

|Quality of Information |Information clearly relates |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information has little or |No evidence |

| |to the main topic. It |relates to the main topic.|relates to the main topic.|nothing to do with the main| |

| |includes several supporting |It provides a few |No details and/or examples|topic. | |

| |details and/or examples. |supporting details and/or |are given. | | |

| | |examples. | | | |

| |Content is well organized |Uses headings to organize,|Content is logically |There was no clear or |No evidence |

|Organization |using headings to group |but the overall |organized for the most |logical organizational | |

| |related material. |organization of topics |part. |structure, just lots of | |

| | |appears flawed. | |facts. | |

| |Only a few misspellings or |Several misspellings |Several seriously |Frequent, distracting |No evidence |

|Mechanics |minor grammatical errors. |and/or grammatical errors,|distracting misspellings |errors in spelling or | |

| | |but not seriously |and/or grammatical errors.|grammar. | |

| | |distracting. | | | |

|Works Cited |Source information collected |Source information |Source information |Very little or no source |No evidence |

| |for all graphics, facts and |collected for all |collected for graphics, |information was collected. | |

| |quotes. All documented in |graphics, facts and |facts and quotes, but not | | |

| |desired format. |quotes. Most documented in|documented in desired | | |

| | |desired format. |format. | | |

| |All parts of the project have|Most parts have a |Some parts have a |Very few pictures/graphics |No evidence |

| |pictures/graphics present |picture/graphic present |picture/graphic present |are included | |

|Pictures/Graphics | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Cover Page present with picture _____/2 pts

Consistent font style and size throughout project _____/2 pts

Parts are present in proper order and sentence requirement met _____/2 pts

TOTAL GRADE: _____/30 pts


□ Word document printed on computer paper, stapled in the upper left-hand corner

□ Font should be easily readable (such as Times New Roman or Calibri) and in 12 point size

□ Margins should be set to 1” all around the page

□ Each part should consist of a title, the required sentences, and a picture or graphic – the parts do not need to be on separate pages

□ Pictures or graphics do not need to be in color

□ Cover page should have a title, picture and your name

□ Works Cited page should be at the end of the final product and the list of citations should be in alphabetical order – citations should not be separated by those from the research and those from the pictures or graphics – there should be just one list

□ When the final product is turned in, you must also turn in the rubric (which is on the back of this sheet)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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