Victory in Europe, 1944-1945

Victory in Europe, 1944-1945

“Scavenger Hunt” for Use with Interactive Map of Northern Europe

Your assignment is to find answers to the questions below which will give you basic information about how Allied troops began to slowly take Europe back from Adolf Hitler and Germany Use the interactive map on the link below to find the answers to the questions. Use dates and geography for clues as to which sections to look. Hint…. go in order 1-13 on the map for the assignment to make sense. This will also make it much easier for you. (

Go to map at:

Find the answers by clicking in on the numbers on the map. Click each number in the order of the numbers not the questions.

|Question or Statement. |Answer should correspond with underlined portion |

|After this offensive, American forces were firmly on German soil for the first time in the war. |

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|This battle caused hopes of a quick defeat of Germany to vanish. List the name of the battle and where and when it occurred. |

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|When the French resistance movement staged an uprising on August 19, 1944, what did Hitler order the German governor of the city to do? |

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|This was the name of the operation in which there was a rapid buildup of American troops in England in early 1942 in preparation for an invasion of Nazi held |

|France. |

|What was Hitler’s final reaction to the Soviet takeover of Berlin? |

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|List the names of the beaches on D-Day in June, 1944 |

|This was the name of the invasion of Normandy beaches in France. (codename or otherwise) |

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|This battle got its name from the massive “bulge” created by German forces in the middle of the Allied Forces. Why was this battle so important? |

|Why was there a celebration when American forces met up with Soviet forces? |

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|Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Choltitz to burn the city of Paris. What did he do instead? |

|How did Hitler plan to defend Berlin? |

|What beach suffered the most casualties during the D-Day invasion? |

|To this day, what decision remains one of Eisenhower’s most controversial decisions of the war? Why do you think he did it? |

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|The capture of this port city at the end of June (1944) allowed for a reliable flow of supplies across the English Channel. |

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|How long after the fall of Berlin did it take for Germany to officially surrender? |

|This battle (or offensive) came as a complete surprise to Allied forces because they did not think that German forces were still capable of such an attack. |

|Moreover, they were not able to use air support due to winter weather conditions. |

|What was the goal of the intensive bombing campaign that preceded D-Day? |

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|By what month was most of Germany in Allied hands? |

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|Why was the invasion of Nazi-held France delayed first to 1943, and then again until 1944? |

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|Why did Hitler immediately refuse to send reinforcements to the landing sites on D-Day? |

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Auschwitz-Birkenau Virtual Tour

Auschwitz II-Birkenau Tour

Go to

This is a tour of the Auschwitz II-Birkenau camps compared with images of art created by camp survivors. This combination creates the “then” and “now” aspect of this tour. Click on the start the tour and mover through the images. View both the photos and the art and read the information. Use these facts to answer the questions below.

1. In the barracks, what were hutches? Describe the conditions of the barracks. Explain how many prisoners they were meant to hold, how many they actually did, and how/why the bunks were painted.

2. How/why was dehumanization used in the camps? How were the Jews viewed?

3. What was the Krakenbau? What happened to prisoners who were too ill to work?

4. Describe the treatment of Soviet POWs by SS guards at POW camps. What was the rationale for their treatment?

5. List the types of minor infractions for which prisoners were executed.

6. From what sort of diseases did prisoners suffer?

7. Who built Auschwitz?

8. Approximately how many prisoners were sent to Birkenau during its operation? What happened to most of the concentration camp buildings after the war?

Holocaust Introduction

Part I.

Go to this address:

Read the introduction and then go to the timeline.

Then write a paragraph summary and/or notes on the material contained within.

Part II.

Go to this address:


WWII and the Holocaust

The Holocaust



For each of the short presentations, write a paragraph summary and/or notes on the material contained within. There will be some overlap, but new information in each.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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