Andrew began his scouting career in the first grade with ...

Troop 614

Eagle Court of Honor


Andrew Valadez

Zachary Johnson

Kevin Jerde

Loma Prieta District

Monterey Bay Area Council

Saturday, May 10, 2003

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Community Covenant Church

2700 El Rancho Drive

Scotts Valley, California


Master of Ceremonies……………………………….…..…………………...Steve Dunlap

Call to Order Former Committee Chairman

Opening Ceremonies

Honor Guard………………………………………………………..………………….….Erik Beeson

Eagle Scout

David Goldman

Eagle Scout

Presentation of Colors………………………………………………………...………Cabel Dawson

Patrol Leader

Jared Rosso

Jacob Bernhardt

Invocation…………………………………………………………………………....…Dave Pedersen

Past Advancement Chairman

Eagles Nest………………………………………………………………………….……Steve Dunlap

Trail of the Eagle

The Steps to Becoming an Eagle Scout…………………..…...………………..Peter Lindberg


One Hundred Scouts………………………………………………………………………Frans Lind

Assistant Scoutmaster

Testimonial for Andrew Valadez…………………………………………………..….Mary Palmer

Family Friend

Testimonial for Zachary Johnson.…………………………………………….……Kathy Frandle

Principal, Brook Knoll Elementary School

Testimonial for Kevin Jerde……..……………………………………………..…Karen Bradshaw


Eagle Scout Awards……………………………………………..…..…..Neil Rogers


Eagle Scout Certificates………………………………………………John Clary

Assistant Scoutmaster

Special Presentations

National Eagle Scout Association……………………………..…………………Michael Milligan

Council Commissioner, Monterey Bay Area

Arsenia Mack

District Executive, Loma Prieta District

City of Scotts Valley…………………………………….………………………….Randy Johnson


Scotts Valley Host Lions Club………………………….……………Lions Club Representative

Troop Sponsor Liaison

Retiring of Colors…………………………………………………………….…………Cabel Dawson

Jared Rosso

Jacob Bernhardt


Troop 614

- Founded 1985 -

Troop Sponsor……………………Scotts Valley Host Lions Club

Troop Sponsor Liaison……....…Chuck Fetter

Troop Committee Chairman…..Jim Bates

Unit Commissioner………….…..Rick Bressler

Scoutmaster……………….………Neil Rogers

Assistant Scoutmasters:

Dave Affleck Gary Fry

Ken Callander Frans Lind

John Clary John Rosso

Mark Cosentino

Advancement Chairman…….…Robert Johnson

Troop Treasurer………………….Peter Lindberg

Senior Patrol Leader…………….Kevin Jerde

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Andrew Valadez

Andrew began his scouting career in the first grade with Cub Pack 608. In 1995 he completed his Webelo year and bridged to Troop 614 where he has been active since.

Andrew is currently a senior at Harbor High and has had an active high school career. He was a two year varsity letterman on the SVHS football team and participated in the first SVHS musical production, “Grease.” Last year Andrew transferred to Harbor High and recently lettered on the varsity wrestling team.

Highlights of Andrew’s scouting career include numerous summer camps, camping in Death Valley, two overnight trips to Alcatraz and attendance at the 2001 National Jamboree held at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. During the three week Jamboree trip Andrew, along with 45,000 other scouts, visited numerous cities and historic sites on the east coast.

Andrew’s Eagle project was the purchase and installation of a 30’ flagpole at the new Scotts Valley High School. This project required extensive fund-raising and coordination of various contractors.

After graduation, Andrew plans to attend Cabrillo College. He also plans to remain active in Troop 614, joining the adult ranks as an Assistant Scoutmaster.

Zachary Johnson

Zachary became a Cub Scout in Pack 608 in the second grade and completed all of the ranks including the Arrow of Light. He developed lasting friendships with the other cubs in his den.

Zack joined troop 614 in 6th grade and in 7 years has earned 32 merit badges. His favorite trips include Death Valley, Arroyo Seco, the 2001 National Jamboree and the Venture Crew trip to Alaska.

Zack has taken on a number of leadership roles within the troop, including being the troop Scribe for several years. As Scribe, Zack wrote up a description of each of our monthly outings and uploaded them to the troop’s web site. In addition to his official leadership roles, Zack has served as acting Senior Patrol Leader on a number of outings. He has shown great improvement in his ability to lead his fellow scouts.

For his Eagle project Zack designed and, with the help of 12 scouts, built two retaining walls to prevent erosion and to correct a dangerous sidewalk at Brook Knoll Elementary School.

Zachary is a senior at Bellarmine College Preparatory High School. He lettered in JV and Varsity waterpolo and swimming.

Zachary will be attending college at the University of California at Los Angeles in the fall.

Kevin Jerde

Kevin, 16, is a sophomore at Scotts Valley High School. He is a member of the cross country and track teams, and several clubs. Last April, after over 6 years of training, he earned his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Kevin joined scouting as a Cub Scout in second grade with Pack 604, and besides earning the Arrow of Light, he was the only Cub Scout in his pack to earn the coveted Medicine Arrow award.

Kevin has been a Patrol Leader, Instructor, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and currently holds the Senior Patrol Leader position. He completed Phases I, II, and III of the White Stag Junior Leadership Training program, and was invited to return as a counselor.

Some of Kevin's favorite Scouting experiences include the 2001 National Boy Scout Jamboree and touring the Alaska wilderness around Denali National Park last summer. White water rafting, camping in Death Valley, hiking rim rovers, and snow camping in the Sierras have all been unforgettable adventures.

Kevin’s Eagle project consisted of constructing and installing a covered bulletin board for the new Scotts Valley High School.

Kevin's long-term goal is to be an astronaut, and he hopes to attend one of the military academies in pursuit of that goal.


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