Unit 13 – America 1950 - 1990

Unit 13 – America 1950 ‘s and 60”s

Unit 14 – America – 1970-present


Mon Mar 28th Foner 24.1 – The Golden Age

Tue, March 29th Foner 24.2 – The Eisenhower Era

Wed, March 30th Foner 24.3 – The Freedom Movement

Foner 25.1 – The Freedom Movement

Thu, March 31st Foner 24.4 – The Election of 1960

Foner 25.2 – The Kennedy Years

Fri April 1st Foner 25.3 – Lyndon Johnson’s Presidency

Mon, Apr 4th Foner 25.5 – Vietnam And The New Left

Tue Apr 5th Foner 25.4 – The Changing Black Movement

Foner 25.6 – The New Movements And The Rights Revolution

Wed Apr 6th Foner 25.7 – 1968


Fri Apr 8th Unit 13 Essay Exam (Ch 24-25)

Mon, Apr 11th Unit 13 MC Exam

Foner 26.1 – The Rebirth of Conservatism

Tue, April 12th Foner 26.2 – President Nixon

Wed, April 13th Foner 26.3 – Vietnam & Watergate

Thu, Apr 14th Foner 26.4 – The End Of The Golden Age

Foner 26.5 – The Rising Tide of Conservatism

Fri, Apr 15th Foner 26.6 – The Reagan Revolution

Mon, April 18th Review for exam

Tue, Apr 19th Unit 14 MC Exam CH 26

Wed April 20th Gross Lecture over Chapter 27

Thu April 21 Gross Lecture over Ch 28

Unit Timeline:

|1947 |Levittown development starts |

|1950 |David Riseman’s The Lonely Crowd |

|1952 |United States explodes first hydrogen bomb |

|1953 |Soviet Union explodes hydrogen bomb |

| | |

| |CIA-led Iranian coup |

| | |

| |Earl Warren appointed Chief Justice of SCOTUS |

|1954 |Brown v. Board of Education |

| | |

| |Geneva Accords with Vietnam |

| | |

| |CIA-led Guatemalan coup |

|1955 |AFL and CIO merge |

| | |

| |Allen Ginsberg’s Howl |

| | |

| |Will Herberg’s Protestant-Catholic-Jew |

|1955 – 1956 |Montgomery bus boycott |

|1956 |Southern Christian Leadership Conference organized |

| | |

| |Federal Interstate Highway Act |

| | |

| |Suez Crisis |

|1957 |Eisenhower Doctrine |

| | |

| |Integration of Little Rock’s Central High School |

| | |

| |Sputnik launched |

| | |

| |Jack Kerouac’s On the Road |

|1958 |National Defense Education Act |

| | |

| |John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Affluent Society |

|1959 |Nixon-Khrushchev “Kitchen Debate” |

| | |

| |Cuban Revolution |

|1960 |John F. Kennedy elected president |

| | |

| |Young Americans for Freedom founded |

| | |

| |Greensboro, N.C., sit-in |

|1961 |Bay of Pigs |

| | |

| |Freedom Rides |

| | |

| |Alliance for Progress |

|1962 |Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom |

| | |

| |SDS issues the Port Huron Statement |

| | |

| |Cuban Missile Crisis |

| | |

| |University of Mississippi integrated |

| | |

| |Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring |

|1963 |Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique |

| | |

| |Medgar Evers killed |

| | |

| |King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” |

| | |

| |March on Washington |

| | |

| |Kennedy assassinated |

|1964 |Civil Rights Act passed |

| | |

| |Free Speech movement at Berkeley |

| | |

| |Freedom Summer |

| | |

| |Gulf of Tonkin Resolution |

|1965 – 1967 |Great Society |

|1965 |Voting Rights Act |

| | |

| |Griswold v. Connecticut |

| | |

| |Watts riot |

| | |

| |Hart-Celler Immigration Reform Act |

|1966 |National Organization for Women organized |

|1968 |Tet Offensive |

| | |

| |Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated |

| | |

| |Robert Kennedy assassinated |

| | |

| |Richard Nixon elected president |

| | |

| |American Indian Movement founded |

| | |

| |My Lai massacre |

| | |

| |Oil discovered in Alaska |

|1969 |Woodstock festival |

| | |

| |Police raid Stonewall Bar |

|1970 |United States invades Cambodia |

| | |

| |Ohio National Guard kills four students at Kent State |

|1971 |United States goes off the gold standard |

| | |

| |Pentagon Papers published |

| | |

| |Native American Rights Fund established |

|1972 |Nixon travels to People’s Republic of China |

| | |

| |SALT is signed |

| | |

| |Congress approves Title IX |

| | |

| |Congress passes the Equal Rights Amendment for ratification |

| | |

| |Equal Credit Opportunity Act |

|1973 |Roe v. Wade |

| | |

| |War Powers Act |

| | |

| |Paris Peace Agreement ends war in Vietnam |

| | |

| |OPEC embargo placed on oil to the United States |

| | |

| |CIA-aided Chilean coup |

|1974 |Nixon resigns in Watergate scandal |

|1975 |Saigon falls to North Vietnamese communists |

|1976 |Jimmy Carter elected president |

|1978 |Regents of the University of California v. Bakke |

|1979 |Three Mile Island accident |

| | |

| |Sagebrush Rebellion |

| | |

| |Camp David Accords signed between Israel and Egypt |

| | |

| |Fifty-three Americans taken hostage in Iran |

|1980 |Ronald Reagan elected president |

|1981 |Air traffic controllers strike |

|1983 |Strategic Defense Initiative introduced |

|1985 -1987 |Iran-Contra affair |

|1986 |Bowers v. Hardwick |

|1989 |Communism falls in Eastern Europe |

| | |

| |U.S.-led Panamanian coup |

| | |

| |Patterson v. McLean Credit Union |

|1990 |Germany reunifies |

| | |

| |Americans with Disabilities Act |

|1991 |Gulf War |

| | |

| |Dissolution of the Soviet Union |

|1992 |Bill Clinton elected president |

| | |

| |Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania |

|1993 |North American Free Trade Agreement approved |

| | |

| |Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization sign the Oslo Accords |

|1994 |Republican victory in Congress; Contract with America |

| | |

| |Rwanda genocide |

|1995 |Timothy McVeigh bombs a federal building in Oklahoma City |

|1996 |Clinton eliminates Aid to Families with Dependent Children |

| | |

| |Telecommunications Act |

|1998 |Clinton impeached |

|1999 |Protests in Seattle against the World Trade Organization |

| | |

| |Kosovo war |

| | |

| |Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act |

|2000 |Bush v. Gore |

| | |

| |George W. Bush elected president |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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