Stony Point Football Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Stony Point Football Booster Club Meeting MinutesSeptember 7th, 2020Call to order:Angela Chambers called to order the Board meeting of the Stony Point Football Booster Club at 6:33pm on September 7th, 2020 via Teams online meeting.Roll call:The following persons were present: Angela Chambers (President), Joanne Georgeson (Secretary), Sujei Llanos (Treasurer), Neomi Rodriguez (Merchandise), Jessica Harris (Membership), Veronica Morin (Communications), Yolanda Thomas (Webmaster), Carla Cook (Parliamentarian), Melissa Hill (Merchandise). Absent: Invited Guest: Kent GeorgesonCurrent BusinessReverse Raffle: We have not heard from the office as yet with approval for running the Reverse Raffle but we need to make plans and move forward. Kent demo’ed the website to date and asked for feedback.Angela asked about a scrolling ticker banner for advertisers. Veronica inquired about a thermometer showing volume of tickets sold.Angela asked about a splash when a prize was won, covering the screen with possibly name and ticket number. We discussed breaking the event out into quarters or halves, and have breakout to Coaches, Hype videos etc. We decided to move the event to October 10th 2020, as we are still waiting for approval from RRISD. The event timing was confirmed as 4-6pm. Ticket Sales were confirmed at $30.00. Joanne to follow up on RRISD approval. Carla confirmed prizes have to be given as Gift Cards as per Texas Law. As they will be based on number of tickets sold, we will purchase the gift cards after the event.We don’t feel that we can advertise it online for sales as yet since we don’t have approval but we could email blast our distribution list in preparation for sales to start. Kat Gamboa is working on a flyer for us.Discussion took place around selling tickets during the event, we discussed that at half time we could allow people to buy additional tickets up to a certain number. We need further discussion on this, a group decision and raffle rules updated to reflect this if it is the case.Carla and Joanne to discuss via email the raffle rules for the website with approval from Angela.Angela will purchase ping pong balls and get the drum ready.Website Sales: We need to confirm the notifications when something is sold on the website. Yolanda currently pulls a report and sends it to Merchandise, Angela gets copied on the sponsorship’s notifications. Joanne needs copied on Parent Tributes at this time and will need notifications of Reverse Raffle sales when they start. Yolanda will pull updated lists and send lists out to all on a weekly basis.Angela has a list of questions for the Coaches including:Why don’t we have a game on September 24th when all other schools do?When is Picture Day going to take place?Game Day Meals – are we still supplying breakfast tacos?What about game day meals? Do we still need to work with Jason’s Deli for orders?Will Team Dinners take place this year?Some Coaches still need to complete their Bio’s?Inter Squad Scrimmage is next Saturday September 12th, 2020, 7am and 8am for Freshman, and 8.15am and 9.15am JV and Varsity, Can parents attend? Who is managing parents for the Scrimmage on September 18th. Will parents have to leave after their child’s game, or can they stay for the next game, who will announce that?Action ItemsAction Item:Secretary to email Belinda Lively about approval of the Reverse Raffle.Secretary and Parliamentarian to finalize Raffle Rules and send to President for approval.Action Item:President to report back with answers to questions from Coaches.AdjournmentAngela Chambers adjourned the meeting at 7.51 pm. Moved:Neomi RodriguezSeconded:Melissa Hill MinutesMinutes submitted by:? Joanne Georgeson? Minutes approved by: Next MeetingThe next meeting date is to be determined. ................

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