Course Contents



Title of Subject: Financial Institutions and Markets Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 508

Course Objective:

The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the theory of corporate finance, financial intermediation and financial markets. The goal is to expose students to existing work and provide basic tools to do research in the area.

Course Contents:

• Why study financial Markets and institutions?

• Overview of the financial system

• What Do interest Rates Mean and What is their Role in Valuation?

• Why Do interest rates change?

• How Do Risk and Term Structure Affect interest Rates?

• Are financial Markets Efficient?

• Structure of central Banks and the federal Reserve system

• Conduct of Monetary Policy: tools, Goals, and Targets

• The Money Markets.

• The bond Market

• The stock market

• The Mortgage markets.

• The foreign exchange market

• The international financial system

• Why Do financial institution exist.

• What should be done about conflicts of interest in the financial industry?

• Banking and the management of financial institutions.

• Commercial Banking industry: structure and competition.

• Savings Associations and credit unions.

• Banking Regulation

• The Mutual Fund Industry

• Insurance companies and pension funds

• Investment Banks, security brokers and Dealers and venture capital firms

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Financial Markets and institutions by Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins 5th Edition

Title of Subject: Cost & Management Accounting Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 509

Course Objective:

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data subject to random variation. This course is intended for students who plan to major in an area of business such as accounting, finance, marketing or information systems. The primary goal of this course is to teach students the conceptual foundation of statistical analysis, interpretation of the results and drawing conclusions.

Course Contents:

• Review of descriptive statistics

• Probability Theory

o Axioms of probability

o Computing probability

o Principles of counting

• Probability

o Conditional probability

o Baye’s rule

• Random Variable & Probability Distributions

o Concepts

o Discrete random variable

o Continuous random variable

• Introduction to SPSS

• Discrete probability distribution

o Applications of distribution

o Cumulative distribution

o Probability mass/density function

• Continuous probability distribution

o Normal distribution (including functions on SPSS)

o Application of Normal distribution

o Jointly distributed random variable

• Sampling Distribution Theory

• Estimation of Parameters

• Confidence Intervals

• Confidence interval of a mean, difference of means, mean of differences (paired observations)

• Chi-square distribution (including functions on MS Excel)

• Confidence interval of variance

• F distribution (including functions on MS Excel)

• Confidence interval of ratio of variances

• Use of SPSS in determining Confidence Intervals

• Hypotheses testing

• Test concerning means

• Test concerning variance and equality of variance

• Goodness-of-fit

• Test of independence

• Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

• Use of SPSS in hypotheses testing

• Regression (simple and multiple) and correlation.

• Inference concerning the regression and correlation

• Use of SPSS in regression and correlation.

Case Studies

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Introduction to Statistical Theory by Prof. Sher Muhammad Choudary

Suggested Readings:

• Statistics for Management by Richard I. Levin

• Introduction to Statistics by Ronald Walpole, 3rd edition, published by Macmillan Publishing Co.

• Statistics – concepts & methods by S. Khursheed Alam

Title of Subject: Organizational Behavior Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 510

Course Objective:

This course exposes students to advanced behavioral science theories and applications in management. Organizational behavior (OB) is an interdisciplinary field drawing from numerous disciplines including psychology, sociology, economics, organization theory, statistics, and many others. After an overview of OB and how to assess the value-added of "soft" management interventions, topics will include work motivation, work attitudes, newcomer socialization, "natural" and nominal work teams, leadership, decision making, and management of change.

Course Contents:

• What is Organizational Behavior?

• Diversity in Organization.

• Emotions and Modes.

• Personality and Values.

• Perception and Individual Decision Making.

• Motivation Concepts.

• Foundations of Group Behavior.

• Understanding the Work Teams.

• Communication.

• Leadership.

• Power and Politics.

• Conflict and Negotiations.

• Organizational Culture.

• Organizational Change and Stress Management.

Case Studies:

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Organizational Behavior 14th Edition, by Stephen P. Robbins

Reference Readings:

Organizational Behavior on the Pacific Rim by Steven Mchane and Tony Travaglione

Title of Subject: Auditing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 511

Course Objective:

Chapter #1: Introduction

I. Introduction

II. Origin of the work “Audit”

III. History of Audit

IV. Auditing defined

V. Objectives of Audit

VI. Relation between book keeping, accountancy and auditing

VII. Qualities of an Auditor

Chapter #2: Types of Audit

I. Classification on the basis of organization

II. Classification on the basis of function

Chapter #3: Audit Program, Audit Note Book and Audit Procedure

I. Preparatory Steps Before Commencement of Audit

II. Audit program, its Importance

III. Types of audit program

IV. Audit Notebook, it all Votary and uses.

V. Audit procedures

Chapter #4: Internal Control

I. Definition

II. Basic elements of internal control

III. Objectives of internal control

IV. Types of internal control

V. Internal control and the auditor

Chapter#5: Internal Check

I. Definition

II. Definition

III. General consideration in framing a system of internal check

IV. Objectives of internal check

V. Advantages of internal check

VI. Short comings on internal check system.

Chapter#6 Vouching

I. Introduction

II. Concept of vouching

III. Objectives of vouching

IV. Importance of vouching

V. Vouching and verification

VI. Vouching and routine checking

Chapter#7: Investigation

I. Introduction

II. Definition

III. Objectives and purposes of investigation

IV. Features of investigation

V. Duties of an investigation

VI. Investigation report

VII. Difference between investigation and auditing

VIII. Audit report and certificate

Chapter#8: Audit Report

I. Definition of audit report

II. Value of audit report

III. Essentials of good audit report

IV. Scope of audit report

V. Signing of the audit report

VI. Contents of audit report

VII. Forms of audit reports

VIII. Audit report and certificate

Chapter#9 Depreciation

I. Definition of depreciation

II. Purposes of providing depreciation

III. Difference between depreciation and amortization

IV. Different methods of depreciation

V. Auditors duty as regards of depreciation

Chapter#10 Audit Techniques

I. Physical checking

II. Recompilation

III. Routine checking

IV. Inquiry

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Auditing principle and techniques by S.K Basu

• Principles of auditing by Khawaja Amjad Saeed

• Auditing by Arens Loe Bbecke

• Principle of Auditing by Javid H. Zuberi

Title of Subject: Business Internship Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 512

Business Internship (Evaluation and VivaVoce)-II


Elective Courses

Finance Specialization

Title of Subject: Investment & Portfolio Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 559

Course Description:

The aim of this course is to provide knowledge of managing different portfolios, so that being business students, they may be able to have good investment decision. This course is more practical rather than theoretical.

Course Goal:

The student should be able to analyse portfolios and select best out of them.


➢ Introduction to investment, Risk & portfolio management

• Meaning of investment

• Characteristics of investment

• Objectives of investment

• Meaning of risk

• Elements of risk

• Measurement of risk

• Portfolio and its phases

• Evolution of portfolio

• Role of portfolio management

➢ Economic Analysis:

• Economic analysis

• Economic fore casting

• Forecasting techniques

➢ Share & Bond Valuation:

• Concept of PV

• Share valuation model

• Constant growth model

• Multiple growth model

• Discount rate

• Regression analysis

• Bond pricing theorem

• Bond risk

➢ Portfolio Analysis:

• Expected return of a portfolio

• Risk of a portfolio

• Reduction of portfolio risk through diversification

• Portfolio with more than two securities

➢ Portfolio Selection:

• Feasible set of portfolios

• Selection of optimal portfolio

• Single index model

• Multi-Index model

➢ Capital asset pricing model:

• Fundamental Notions of portfolio theory

• Assumptions of CAPM

• The capital market line

• The security market line


• Pricing of securities with CAPM

➢ Portfolio Revision:

• Need for revision

• Meaning of portfolio revision

• Constraints in portfolio revision

• Portfolio revision strategies

• Formula plans

➢ Portfolio Evaluation:

• Need for evaluation

• Evaluation perspective

• Meaning of portfolio evolution

• De composition of performance

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Portfolio management second edition (S.Kevin)

• Portfolio of investing managed by Frank J Fabozzi

Title of Subject: Treasury & Fund Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 560

Course Description:

The aim of the course is to develop understanding of roles & activities of treasury manager & impact a range of treasury management techniques & tools. The forms is to provide insight into the techniques of treasury management & explain how they may be used to treasury manger.

Course Goals:

The students should develop conceptual understanding of roles of treasury manager & should be able to interpret it with the role of controller & find the key decision areas of treasurer practically.

Course Contents:

1. Introduction to treasury Manager

2. Sources of Finance 1

3. Sources of Finance 2

4. Capital Structure

5. Divided Policy

6. Working capital Management

7. Management of Interest rate risk

8. Currency risk

9. Exchange risk Relationship

10. Currency Risk management

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Treasury Management, Tools & Techniques for Countering Financial Risk,

By John Ogilvie.

• Foreign Exchange & Management Books on internet.

• Financial Risk Management Books on internet.

Title of Subject: Capital Market Analysis Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 561

Course Description:

This course is designed to inculcate the current & part thinking on the role of financial institutions & markets. The course particularly encourages students to examine regulating structure & concepts in the context of recent & past financial crises.

Course Goal:

Students will be able to build the skills & knowledge needed to gain an understanding of financial reform processes & their consequences for markets around the world.

Course Contents:

1. Capital Markets: An Overview

2. Equities

3. Bonds

4. Essential Bond Mathematics

5. Credit Ratings: The Role of Rating

6. Distributing a New Bond Issue

7. Forward Rate Agreements

8. Futures & Options

9. Swaps

10. Repurchase Agreements

11. The causes & consequences of risk taking an in depth understanding of the financial cries of capital Market.

12. How to build a Risk management framework & a compliance plan.

13. Prudential & conduct of business controls.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Insurance Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 562

Course Description:

This course aims to develop understanding of Insurance Description, how they manage the risks associated with their operations, strategy & their control followed by legal principles within the country it is operating.

Focus of the course is on management of the risks of property & liability Insurance, life & health Insurance, employee benefits, Social Insurance, factional & financial operations of insurer, current public policy issues, especial those affecting consumers & framing insurance industry trends as a whole.

Course Goal:

The students should understand the basic insurance concepts & analyse the risks associated at the different stages, with the organization & its consumer.

Course Contents:

1. Insurance Management Introduction

2. Insurance & Risks

3. Risk Management

4. Fundamental legal Principles

5. Analysis of Insurance Contracts

6. The liability Risk

7. Home Owvers Insurance

8. Automobile Insurance & Society

9. Commercial Property & Liability Insurance

10. Life & Health Risks

11. The Insurance Industry

12. Government Regulation of Insurance

13. Insurance Company Operations

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Principles of Risk Management & Insurance George E.REJDA, Fifth Edition.

Title of Subject: Risk Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 563

Course Description:

This course is designed for the business students expecting to deal with business and professional lives in the future. And to introduce and discuss various risk management concepts, tools and techniques in the global context.

Course Goal:

The goal of this course is to engage students in active discovery of risk management principles. Student should be prepared to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing a risk management program.


• Introduction to risk management

• Risk and Return

• Interest rate risk

• Market risk

• Credit risk

• Foreign exchange risk

• Insurance and risk

• Futures and Forwards

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Risk Management (Micheal Crouhy)

• Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (George E REJDA)


Elective Courses

HRM Specialization

Title of Subject: Recruitment & Selection Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 552

▪ Introduction of Recruitment and Selection.

▪ Human Resource Planning

▪ Job Analysis

▪ Job Description

▪ Job Specification

▪ Recruitment Process:

- Screening

- Testing

- Interviewing

▪ Induction

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Human Resource Management (Gary Dressler)

Title of Subject: Personal Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 553

Chapter 1: Introduction to Personal Management

Chapter 2: Personality: Personality types.

Chapter 3: Motivation : Motivation theory

Chapter 4: Leadership: Leader ship theory

Chapter 5: work Management

Chapter 6: Time Management

Chapter 7: Planning : Types planning

Chapter 8: Avger Management

Course Objective:

This course provide optional level & personal , Professional Tactives either Through this student will capable to make denial fill with origination , capable to survive this course also. Provide knowledge to know the weaken shout cary inside a person towards origination.

Title of Subject: Managerial Skills Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 554

Chapter 1: Personal Effectiveness

Chapter 2: Communication

Chapter 3: Problem Solving Ethics

Chapter 4: Motivation

Chapter 5: Performance Management

Chapter 6: Power and Influence

Chapter 7: Leadership

Chapter 8: Team Effectiveness and Diversity

Chapter 9: Conflict and Negotiation

Chapter 10: Making Change

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Developing Management Skills-what great managers know and do By Timothy T. Baldwin, William H. Boomer, and Robert S.Rubin.

Reference Books:

Contemporary Management by

• Human Resource Management by S.S Khanka

Title of Subject: Labor Laws in Pakistan Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 555

Course Description:

Pakistan’s labor laws trace their origination to legislation from India at the time of partition of the Indo-Pak subcontinent. The laws have evolved through a continuous process of trial to meet the socio-economic conditions, state of industrial development, population and labor force explosion, growth of trade unions, level of literacy, Government’s commitment to development and social welfare. To meet the above named objectives, the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has introduced a number of labor policies, since its independence to mirror the shifts in governance from martial law to democratic governance.

Course Goals:

Upon completion of this course, students are expected to learn:

▪ Labor legislation, Contract of Employment and Termination of Contract in Pakistan.

▪ Minimum Wages for Unskilled Workers Ordinance, 1969

▪ Role of Industrial Relations

▪ Workers Representation in the Enterprise

▪ Employer’s Unions and Industrial Actions

▪ The Provisional Employees’ Social Security Ordinance, 1965.

▪ Conflict Management and Arbitration

▪ Labor Courts and Tribunals

▪ Collective and Individual Labor Disputes

▪ Employees Old Age Benefits Act, 1976

▪ Collective Bargaining and Settlement

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

▪ “Pakistan Labor Cases: Cornell University, Volume 49 by Malik Muhammad Saeed.

Title of Subject: Training Intervention in Job Skills Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 556

▪ Training Interventions

▪ Attitudes Towards Education and training

▪ The Learner and the Organization

▪ Approaches to Training

▪ The Training Function in

▪ Assessing Organizational Training Needs

▪ Training Policy, Plans and

▪ The Field of Training and Development

▪ Foundation of Training and Development

Recommended Text/Reference Books:


Elective Courses

Marketing Specialization

Title of Subject: Personal Selling Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 542


After taking this course, students should be able to find and interview for jobs in field sales. Emphasis is balanced between theory (e.g., motivation), knowing (e.g., the recruiting process), and skills building (e.g., selling, territory touting, use of technology) to help new graduates on a first job in field sales.

Personal Selling:

Consumer vs. institution markets

Salesperson personality and motivation

Methods of compensation and evaluation communication

The selling process:

Prospecting and approach

The selling process:

Prospecting and approach

The selling process:

Needs analysis and presentation

The selling process:

Closing and post-sale service

Non-needs selling;

Ethical and legal issues

Recruiting and training of salespeople

Time and territory management

Sales forecasting

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Export Marketing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 543

Chapter No 1: Introduction to Export Marketing

▪ Definition of Export Marketing

▪ Features of Export Marketing

▪ Importance of Export Marketing

▪ Distinguish between Domestic Marketing and Export Marketing

▪ Motivation for Export Marketing

Chapter No 2: Trends in World Trade

▪ Trends in world trade

▪ Sunrise Export

▪ Review of Services Export

▪ Composition of India’s Export since 2000

▪ Reasons for India’s Poor share in world trade

Chapter No 3: International Marketing

▪ Definition of International Marketing

▪ Features of International Marketing

▪ Trade Barriers

▪ World Trade Organization

▪ Implication of WTO

▪ Objectives of WTO

Chapter No 4: Economic Integration and Trading Bloc

▪ Introduction

▪ Types of Economic Integration

▪ Trading Blocs

▪ European Union



▪ Implication of Trading Bloc

Chapter No 5: Preliminaries for Starting Export Business

▪ Meaning of Marketing Research

▪ Identifying Foreign selection fro exports

▪ Factors Influencing selection for exports

▪ Steps in new Product development

▪ International Product Life cycle

▪ Methods of entry in Foreign Markets

▪ Direct Export

▪ Indirect Export

Chapter No 6: Channels of Distributions and Warehousing in Export Business

▪ Introduction to Channels of Distributions in export Markets

▪ Types of Channels of Distributions

▪ Needs and Importance of warehousing

▪ Necessity of warehousing in export markets

▪ Elements of product promotion in Export Markets

Chapter No 7: Export Marketing and Promotional Organizations

▪ Export promotion Councils

▪ Types of Export Promotion organizations

▪ Food product export development authority

▪ National council for trade

▪ Export inspection

▪ Indian institute of foreign trade

▪ Directorate general of foreign trade

▪ Indian Council for arbitration

Chapter No 8: Foreign Trade Policy

▪ Meaning of EXIM Policy

▪ Highlights of FTP from 2009 till now

▪ Negative list of export

▪ Objectives of FTP

Chapter No 9: Export Pricing

▪ Introduction to Export Pricing

▪ Factors determining the Export pricing

▪ Export Pricing Strategies

▪ Skimming Pricing Strategy

▪ Break Even Analysis

▪ Penetration Price Strategy

Chapter No 10: Export Finance

▪ Meaning of Export Finance

▪ Pre shipment Finance

▪ Post shipment Finance

▪ Exim Bank

▪ Commercial Banks role

▪ Methods of Payments

▪ Letter of credit

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

1. Export Marketing by C.P. Rao.

2. Export Marketing by Dr B S Rathor, J S Rathor

Title of Subject: Service Marketing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 544

Course Outline:

Course Objective:

The course is aimed at providing the students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of services marketing and its significance in the industry. It focuses on the importance of marketing in services, management of service business, various challenges faced by the manages of the service organization and strategy development.

Course Plan:

| | |

|1 |Introduction to the subject – Goods Marketing & Services Marketing, The difference. |

|2 |Characteristics of Services – Strategic Planning Process. |

|3 |Strategic Planning Process. |

|4 |Hourly and Group Discussion Session. |

|5 |Understanding Consumer Behavior – Consumer Expectations & Perceptions. |

|6 |Market Segmentation & Service Positioning. |

|7 |Introduction to Services Demand Management – Strategies to Demand Management. |

|8 |Hourly and Guest Speaker Session. |

|9 |The Service Product – Service Development – Product Mix & Life-cycle. |

|10 |Service Quality Management. |

|11 |Distribution & Channel Management. |

|12 |Hourly & Term Report Prep. Reviews. |

|13 |HRM & Services. |

|14 |External Marketing. |

|15 |Term Report Presentations (extended session). |

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Internet Marketing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 545

Course Description:

This course is designed to understand E-marketing context, describe marketing strategies of segmenting, targeting, positioning and differentiation. Know how to use marketing functions of product, price, distribution and marketing communication for a firm’s E-marketing strategy.

Course Goal:

Student should be able to understand internet users and to identify profitable E-marketing strategies.


▪ Introduction to E-marketing

▪ E-marketing plan

▪ Web site design and Domain Name branding

▪ Segmentation and position

▪ E-marketing mix

▪ Search engine Marketing

▪ Viral marketing and social networking marketing

▪ Customer relationship management.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Seminar in Marketing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 546

Course Description:

The course aims to study and analyse different case studies. This course is specially designed for the business students, that will benefit by analyzing the cases to help develop their analytical skills to become excellent decision makers.

Course Goal:

Students should be familiar with different cases and their solution so that in future he may be good decision maker.

Course Contents:

Case studies on the following topics.

▪ Entry into market

▪ Branding

▪ Pricing, export pricing

▪ Advertising

▪ Selling problem

▪ Marketing strategy

▪ Quality Control

▪ Technology choice

▪ Promoting products for export.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Integrated Marketing Communication Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 547

Course Description:

This course is designed to understand Business to business marketing concepts, international marketing discussions. This course will also help students in critical thinking exercise and discussion questions.

Course Goal:

Students should be able to understand interlinked business concepts and should be able to discuss the issues.


Part A: Foundation

▪ Integrated marketing communication

▪ Corporate image and brand management

▪ Buyer Behavior

▪ Promotion opportunity analysis

Part B: Tools

▪ Traditional Media channels

▪ E-active marketing

▪ Alternative marketing

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communication

(Kenneth E. Clow Donald Eaack) 4th edition.

Title of Subject: Retail Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 548

Course Description:

This course aims to provide retailing concepts & retail formats of retail organization & customers & focuses on most critical Decisions for a retailer as well as the retail customer while in buying process.

This course will provide help to the retail managers in the current situation of Developing countries’ retail industry as a whole.

Course Goal:

The student should be able to analyse Pakistan’s Retail environment & how large retails are managing their formats & business models.

Course Contents :

1. Retailing : Role, Relevance, & Trends

2. Retail Organization

3. Retail in Developing Country

4. Retail Customer

5. Retail Market Segmentation

6. Retail location strategy

7. Product & Merchandize Management

8. Atmospherics & Retail Space

9. Retail Pricing

10. Retail Promotion Strategy

11. Relationship Marketing in Retailing

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Retail Management , Che tan Bajaj, RajnishTuli, Nidhi Srivastara, oxford University Press.

Title of Subject: Product Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 549

Course Description:

This course is designed to broadly overview of concepts & applications of product management. A thorough understanding of the nature & origin of product management is essentially changing to steer the course of business enterprise in a rapidly changing environment in order to develop into effective Strategic Business Managers. Instructors’ effort will be directed at imparting the concepts & application of product Management as thoroughly as possible.

Course Goal:

The Students should be familiar with different tools they would come across their careers, & have a thorough understanding of mechanics & procedures to identify customers & competitors in order to make appropriate segments of their target market, this should enable them to device appropriate strategies for different segments as a result of structured thinking.

Course Contents:

1. Introduction to Product Management

2. Marketing Planning

3. Defining the Competitive Set.

4. Category Attractiveness Analysis

5. Competitor Analysis

6. Market Potential & Sales

7. Developing Product Strategy

8. Developing Product Strategy

9. New Products

10. Pricing Decisions

11. Advertising Decisions

12. Promotions

13. Channel Management

14. Customer Relationship Management

15. Financial Analysis or Product Management

16. Marketing Metries.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Product Management, Donald R Lahman & Rus sell S Winer, 4th Edition,

• Product Management Systems, Jimmie Browne, John Harhen, James Shirnan, Second Edition.


Elective Courses

Management Specialization

Title of Subject: Organizational Development Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 535

Chapter No 1: Introduction to O.D

Chapter No 2: history Background of O.D

Chapter No 3: Action Research and O.D

Chapter No 4: O.D Trtervalsing

Chapter No 5: O.D Practitioner

Chapter No 6: Power Politics in O.D

Chapter No 7: O.D in Developer countries i-e Kenya , Singapore U.K, Japan.

Course Description:

This course enable students to understand the broad overview concept nature of O.D from the course employee/man problem dialog solve the problems with reference to them .

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Title of Subject: Crises Development Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 536

Course Description:

This course is helpful in mitigation of crises impact psychologically. Its adoptability is highly needed specially to our nation where may natural & man-made calamities take place extensively. Crises management course is a broad overview of the possible solutions towards those crises as a result of applied management theories & techniques to motigate its impacts.

Course Goal:

The students will be able to understand the crises, their impacts & their possible techniques & tools to overcome their drastic impacts.

Course Contents:

1. Basic Management & Crises

2. The Organization for Crises Management

3. The Assessment of Calamity

4. Crises Management Techniques

5. Major factors causing Disasters

6. Major Problems of Crises Management

7. Natural Calamities

8. Plans & Schemes for Managing Crises

9. Replacement Exercises / Rehabilitation

10. New trends used to Address Disasters.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Crises Management, M.P. Gupta

Title of Subject: Comparative Development Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 537

Course Description:

Comparative management analyzes the extent to which management principles are applicable from one country to another. It deals origins of capitalism, describing some of the major varieties of capitalist systems around the world. It reports on broad linkages between societies, cultural and ethical systems, and contemporary business management systems and analyses the similarities and differences of distrinct capitalist management systems around the world.

Course Goals:

The particular goals of the course are:

▪ Provide knowledge about the nature and origins of capitalism.

▪ Introduce some major alternative comparative management frameworks.

▪ Describe the cultural bases of business and management systems.

▪ Provide students with the opportunity to develop various ‘professional’ skills.

Course Contents:

▪ Historical Overview of Capitalism

▪ Comparison Between Different Styles of Managers

▪ American (U.S) Management

▪ West European Management

▪ Soviet Socialist Management

▪ Management-By-Democracy: The Employee-Controlled Organization

▪ The Legacy of China

▪ Japanese Management in Latin America

▪ Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• “The New Economic Strategy for Winning the Capitalist Cold War’, The McGraw Hill Companies, Latest Edition, by D’Aveni and Richard A.

• “Global Comparative Management”. Sage Publications, Latest Edition by Ralph B. Edfelt.

Title of Subject: Education Development Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 538

Course Description:

The instructors have an important responsibility of creating a conducive environment of learning in their organizations. Without the necessary knowledge and skills management of their organizations becomes a very challenging task. Adequate preparation for appointment to the position of organizational instructor us essential to be an effective educational administrator. This module provides the necessary knowledge and skills required by organizational instructors to perform their duties effectively.

Course Goals:

The particular goals of the course are:

▪ Explain the different forms of organizations.

▪ Discuss the contribution of management theory to understand educational management.

▪ Outline the functions of educational management.

▪ Explain the relationship between educational policies and educational management.

Course Contents:

▪ Introduction to Education Management

▪ Schools and Self-Management

▪ Professional Development

▪ Promoting Continuing Professional Development for Instructor

▪ Theory Development

▪ Combining Cultural and Political Perspectives

▪ Organizational Transformation and Education Management

▪ Gender and Education Management

▪ Research in Educational Management

▪ Educational Administration, Leadership and Management

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• “Educational Management”, Sage Publications, Latest Edition by Tony Bush and Les Bell.

Title of Subject: Environmental Management Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 538

Course Description:

This course is aimed to explore environmental management from the perspective of government regulators, private corporations, and non profit organizations.

Course Goal:

Students may derive substantial benefit from environmental amenities and they have strong economic incentives not to pay for them.


▪ Introduction to regulatory design

▪ Market based instruments and solutions to common property problems

▪ Policy instruments for global climate change

▪ Markets for global climate change

▪ Markets for eco system services

▪ Can firms profit under cap-and-trade.

▪ An overview of corporate environmental strategy

▪ Managing risk through self regulation.

Recommended Text/Reference Books:



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