Course Contents



Title of Subject: Principles of Marketing Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 411

Course Objective:

Principles of Marketing introduces you to the essentials of marketing (key concepts, methods of analysis, strategies and tactics) critical to managing profitable customer relationships in today’s dynamic and connected environment. Specifically, the course goals are:

• To introduce you to marketing strategy and to the elements of marketing analysis: customer analysis, company analysis and competitor analysis.

• To familiarize you with the elements of the marketing mix (product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies)

• To enhance your problem solving and decision making abilities by learning how to leverage strategic marketing analysis to inform tactical marketing mix decisions while providing you with a comprehensive framework to evaluate marketing decisions and to create successful marketing initiatives.

• To expand your knowledge of the marketing industry while increasing your awareness of the strategic and tactical decisions behind today’s top performing

Course Contents:

• Marketing creating and capturing customer value

• Company and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer relationship

• Analyzing the marketing environment

• Managing MIS to gain customer insights

• Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior

• Business markets and business buyer behavior

• Customer driven marketing strategies

• New product development and product life cycle strategies

• Pricing strategies

• Marketing channels: delivering customer value

• Retailing and wholesaling

• Communicating customer value: integrated marketing communication strategy

• The global market place

• Sustainable marketing social responsibilities and ethics

• Case studies

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Principles of Marketing, 13th edition A South Asian Perspective.

Class Activities:

• A group project will be assigned

• Quiz will be taken in every class during the semester

Relevant cases will be solved during the semester

Title of Subject: Statistical Inferences Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 412

Course Objective:

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data subject to random variation. This course is intended for students who plan to major in an area of business such as accounting, finance, marketing or information systems. The primary goal of this course is to teach students the conceptual foundation of statistical analysis, interpretation of the results and drawing conclusions.

Course Contents:

• Review of descriptive statistics

• Probability Theory

o Axioms of probability

o Computing probability

o Principles of counting

• Probability

o Conditional probability

o Baye’s rule

• Random Variable & Probability Distributions

o Concepts

o Discrete random variable

o Continuous random variable

• Introduction to SPSS

• Discrete probability distribution

o Applications of distribution

o Cumulative distribution

o Probability mass/density function

• Continuous probability distribution

o Normal distribution (including functions on SPSS)

o Application of Normal distribution

o Jointly distributed random variable

• Sampling Distribution Theory

• Estimation of Parameters

• Confidence Intervals

• Confidence interval of a mean, difference of means, mean of differences (paired observations)

• Chi-square distribution (including functions on MS Excel)

• Confidence interval of variance

• F distribution (including functions on MS Excel)

• Confidence interval of ratio of variances

• Use of SPSS in determining Confidence Intervals

• Hypotheses testing

• Test concerning means

• Test concerning variance and equality of variance

• Goodness-of-fit

• Test of independence

• Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

• Use of SPSS in hypotheses testing

• Regression (simple and multiple) and correlation.

• Inference concerning the regression and correlation

• Use of SPSS in regression and correlation.

Case Studies

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Introduction to Statistical Theory by Prof. Sher Muhammad Choudary

Suggested Readings:

• Statistics for Management by Richard I. Levin

• Introduction to Statistics by Ronald Walpole, 3rd edition, published by Macmillan Publishing Co.

• Statistics – concepts & methods by S. Khursheed Alam

Title of Subject: Money & Banking Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 413

Course Objective:

This course will cover various topics in monetary economics, monetary policy and central banking. Although this course will contain a mix of old and new theories, we will mostly concentrate on the recent developments on monetary policy and theory. This course will give you an overview of the main issues in monetary theory and policy and possibly ideas for thesis or dissertation research.

Course Contents:

• Introduction to Money

Definition of Money.

Money is different from wealth and Income.

Money and Near Money.

Importance of money

Functions of Money

Desirable Properties of Money

Types of Monetary and Non-monetary economies.

Trading post Economies.

Contingent Functions of Money.

• Money and Payment System

Payment System

Commodity and Fiat Money.


Electronic payments.

Measuring Money.

Five Core Principles of Money and Banking.

Special Drawing Rights.

Qualities of a Good Monetary System.

Two approaches to defining and Measuring Money.

• Financial Instruments, Financial Markets and Financial Institutions.

Financial Instruments .

Uses of financial Instruments.

Characteristics of Financial Instruments.

Financial Markets.

Role of Financial Markets.

The Structure of Financial markets.

The Structure of Financial markets.

Debt and Equity V/S Derivative markets.

• Origin and Growth of Commercial Banking.

Evolution of Banking.

Functions of commercial Bank.

Role of Commercial Bank in Economic Development of a country.

Classification of Banks.

• Central Banking

What is central banking system.

Functions of a central Bank.

Central Bank Monopoly of Note Issue.

Central Bank as Governments Banker.

Central Bank as a Custodian Of Cash Reserves.

• Instruments of Credit

What is negotiable instrument

Difference between a Promissory Note and a Bill of exchange.

Difference between a bill of exchange and a check.

Main methods of Inland remittances by commercial Banks.

Difference Between three Negotiable Instruments.

• Types of Accounts and Types of Customers.

Current Account Profit and loss sharing account.

Fixed or term Deposit Accounts.

Foreign currency accounts.

Joint account.

Special Types of Individual customers.

Main features of Following types of Customers.

1) Joint account (2) Partnership Firms.

Joint Stock Companies as Customers.

Bankers and Customer Relationships.

Rights and duties of Customers.

• The Economics o Financial Intermediation.

The Role of financial Intermediaries.

Diversifying Risk.

Collecting and processing information Costs.

Adverse Selection.

Solving Adverse Selection Problem.

Financial Intermediaries and Information Costs.

• Methods of Granting Advances.



Distinction between bank overdraft and bank loan.

Islamic Banking in Pakistan.

Evolution of Islamic Banking in Pakistan.

Main Instruments of Islamic Finance.

Islamic Modes of financing.

Role of Leasing in Capital formation.

Difference Between Interest and Mark-up.

Case Studies:

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

Money Banking and Financial Markets by Stephen G.Cecchetti

International edition.

Suggested Readings:

Money Banking and Financial Markets by Stephen G.Cecchetti

International edition.

Money Banking and Finance by M.Saeed Nasir.

Money and Banking by miller.

Title of Subject: Principles of Business Finance Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 414

Course Objective:

• Apply principles of capital budgeting

• Explain the determinants of a firm's capital structure

• Explain various risk measures and models of the relation between risk and return

• Explain the concept of market efficiency and its implications for securities returns

• Apply the principles of portfolio theory

• Apply effective written and oral communication skills to business situations

• Analyze the global business environment

• Analyze the local business environment

• Use critical thinking skills in business situation

• Apply a ethical understanding and perspective to business situations

Course Contents:

• The business tax and financial environments

• Role of financial management

• The time value of money

• The valuation of long-term securities

• Risk and return

• Financial statement analysis

• Funds analysis, cash-flow analysis

• Overview of working capital management

• Cash and marketable securities management

• Accounts receivable and inventory management

• Short-term financing

• Capital budgeting and estimating cash flow

• Capital budgeting techniques

• Long term debt preferred stock and common stock

• Mergers and other forms of corporate restructuring

Case studies:

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

• Fundamental of Financial Management latest Edition By: JAMES C.VAN HORNE

Title of Subject: Business Communication Credit Hrs: 03

Course No: 415

Course Objective:

In this rapidly changing world communication has become very vital and important. Every time we have to contact each other for many reasons and without communication either for ourselves or on the behalf of the organization we cannot make progress in any sphere of life.

“The persons we seek must have strong oral and written communication skills” From Chief Financial Officer to product Manager, from Senior Economist to Personnel Analyst, from Senior Sales Representative to Petroleum Buyer-these positions will be filled by people who can communicate well.

Demographic trends suggest that the current generation of college/university students will face ever tougher completion obtaining jobs and vying for top corporate positions. Simply put, today’s students will have to wait longer to get ahead. Those with outstanding communication skills will have an advantage; this course Business communication will definitely give them a crucial edge.

As we all know, every message, whether verbal or nonverbal, communicates something about our values & ethical position on the face of pressures and temptations requires more than courage-it really requires strong communication skills.

So, the basic purpose of teaching this course is to train the character as well as professional capabilities of students in order to make them proficient in handling any kind of situation in their personal & professional lives.

Course Contents:

• Introduction to Business communication

• Planning the communication

• Business writing Principles (Seven Cs)

• Legal Aspects of Communication

• Appearance of business letter

• Inquiry and order letter

• Complaint/claim and Adjustment letter

• Job letter

• Collection letter

• Business Report

• Case studies

Recommended Text/Reference Books:

o Effective Business Communications By Hera A. Murphy & Hildbrandt

Title of Subject: Business Internship Credit Hrs: NC

Course No: 416

Business Internship (Evaluation and VivaVoce)-I


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