
2.3 DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENTBBA 055: Management and Organizational TheoryIntroduction. Organizational theories, types of organisations, Organizational design. Organizational process, Environment, Planned change strategies, organisational Development, Departmentalisation, Organisation structure, organisation growth.BBA 050: Marketing ManagementIntroduction. The marketing environment. Policy planning and implementation. Product strategy. Pricing decisions. Promotional output. Sales function. Distribution systems. International marketing. Research and development – marketing profile analysis.BBA 056: Money and BankingMoney. Evolution of banking. Kenyan monetary system. Commercial bank. Bank services. Bills of exchange, cheques and promissory. Customer’s balance sheets. Human relations in baking. Law relating to banking. Finance of foreign trade and foreign exchange.BBA 058: Personnel ManagementIntroduction. Management of personnel function. Manpower planning. Organization development. Staffing process. Training and development. Position classification. Employee relation. Job satisfaction. Employee and labour organization. Personnel records. Personnel research.BBA 059: Business Policy and Strategic PlanningThe process of corporate strategy. Corporate strategy and environmental change. Strategic planning and corporate choice. The general manager in the functional organizational leadership. Management of parastatals. The general manager as an innovator and organization builder.BBA 051: Industrial and Commercial LawLaw and the legal environment of business. Nature and functions of law. Classification of law. The law of contract. Agency. Partnership. Sales of goods. Hire purchase. Contract of Insurance. Contract of guarantee. Contract of bailment. Carriage of goods. Commercial arbitration. Negotiable instruments. Law of property. Dispute resolution and enforcement of law. Criminal law and business.BBA 061: Labour and Industrial RelationsHuman needs and their satisfaction. Job satisfaction. Group dynamics. Types of leadership. Conflict and co-operation. Human relations training. Scope and function of industrial relations. Grievances and disciplinary procedures. Role of employers association.BBA 033 Governance and EthicsIntroduction; Definition of terms, ethical principles, theories of ethics. Ethical issues. Professional ethics. Ethical business strategies. Factors influencing ethical behaviour. Corporate culture, level and of importance of culture, corporate social responsibility. Legal basis of corporate governance; principles of corporate governance. Corporate governance mechanism. Social responsibilities and sustainability.BBA 030: Principles and Practice of ManagementIntroduction; definition of management terms: Management functions: planning, organising, leading/directing, controlling and staffing. Contemporary issues relating to management. Organizational environment. Role of a manager. Organization mission vision, goals and objectives. Organizational structure, Emerging issues in managementBBA 044: Organizational BehaviourCommon notions about people and behaviour. Personality traits. Self-concept. Matching personality and jobs. Motivation-content and process theories. Personality and Environment: physical and psychological components of environment at work. Restrictive and supportive environments; McGrogor and Argyris. Concept of groups; formal/informal groups. Their impact on individual and organization; morale and productivity. Supervision and leadership; effective leaders-trait climate: concept, feudal/paternalistic values; democratic values; psychological dependency; power motivation; perceptions of relative power and trust. ................

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