College of the Rockies

?75565-1143004000020000EDUCATION COUNCIL MEETING December 11, 2013 4:00pmBoardroomMINUTESThe meeting was called to order at 4:02pm. Quorum was confirmed.In Attendance: Jim Bailey, Darrell Bethune, Jason Colombo, David Dick, Ben Harrison, Avery Hulbert, Karen Langan, Sandi Lavery, Lil McPhail, Leslie Molnar, Sharon Richardson, Michael Savarie, Doris Silva, Gwen Stewart, Lisa Underwood, David Walls, Russell WorkunRegrets:Courtney Ball, Doug McLachlan, Linda Olm, Dalicia ReeserAgenda:Amended 4.3 Innovative Areas within the College to include the new on-line registration system for Continuing Education.MOTION: To accept the Agenda with the amendmentMotioned by Lavery, Seconded by Richardson - CarriedConfirmation of the Minutes - November 20, 2013:MOTION: To accept the minutes as amendedMotioned by Molnar, Seconded by Silva 1 Abstained (Absent) - CarriedMatters Arising from the Minutes:2014 Meeting Schedule – Avery HubertThe 4:00pm start time for EdCo meetings does not work for all faculty and students. Jason Colombo will run scenarios on student and faculty time tables to see if there is a better time. Because of the holiday closure, the date of the January 15th meeting does not allow enough time for CASC, CPP and PPC to add items to the EdCo agenda. The Meeting will be rescheduled for the following week and a revised invitation will be sent out for January 22, 2014.MOTION: To move the January 15th 2014 meeting to January 22, 2014Motioned by Molnar, Seconded by Harrison - CarriedNew Business:CASC Recommendations – Darrell BethuneMOTION: To approve the CASC recommendations for course outline approvalCourse Outlines: CHEM 080, GEOL 220, KNES 270, HRDP, SPAN 201, SPAN 202, FA 106, CHEM 100, ELT 065, ENGL 212, GEOL 106, PDCB, PDDB, ECED 131, FA 107, ATBO 151, MGMT 307, COMC 101, BIOL 208Program Outlines: BAUD, HSWRMotioned by Bethune, Seconded by Langan – CarriedValue Statement – A Student Centered InstitutionThe value statement of “A Student Centered Institution” was discussed. It was mentioned that College policies feature negative tones. It was suggested that EdCo and other committees focus on wording student affairs policies more positively. It was also suggested that we need to make documents more user friendly for students.Innovative Areas within the College - Ellucian Go App & Continuing Education’s new on-line Registration System–Jason ColomboThere was a demonstration of the Ellucian Go App; the app is a mobile campus tool available on Android and IOS. Users are able to access basic information such as schedules, grades, resources, social media, the portal and other COTR links. The need for promotion of this app was discussed and there was a suggestion to put posters up around the campus to encourage students to engage.The Continuing Education Online Registrations System was demonstrated. The website went live in November and has 30 registrants so far.Policy 2.5.6 Transfer of Credit – Addition – Doris SilvaThe 2.5.6 Transfer of Credit policy was discussed and the following changes to the document were agreed upon:A.5 iii Second bolded Note should have a colon instead of a dashA.6 CASC should be replaced with “curriculum committee”B.13 iii delete the word “degree”B.17 delete the words “in this way”Section B.11 will now read – “When COTR offers the discipline, it is the responsibility of the department coordinator or delegate for that discipline to decide what upper level credit, if any, will be granted.Credential evaluation staff may grant unassigned credit at the upper level (ACCT 3XX) when:The course is upper-level credit and offered by a public university in Canada, ORTwo AUCC member universities accept the course as upper-level credit.”With the additional policy insert: Policy number B.11 through to B.20 will now be numbered B.12 through to B.21.MOTION: To include the information on upper-level credit in policy 2.5.6 Transfer of credit and to renumber as follows: B.11 and B.20 become B.12 and B.21 respectively. We will also correct a few grammar/wording issues.Motioned by Silva, Seconded by Lavery - CarriedReports:Chair’s Report – Avery HulbertLisa Underwood, one of our new Student representatives was introduced.Vice President Education Report – Doug McLachlanNoneArticulation Report – Karen LanganNoneCommittee ReportsEdCo Committee Reports Curriculum & Articulation Standing Committee (CASC) – Darrell BethuneNoneStudent Affairs Policy Committee (SAP) – Doris SilvaThe Student Appeals Committee (Subcommittee of SAP) met over the past two days to refine the Grade Appeals Policy that was submitted to EDCO last spring. The SAP's next meeting is on January 16.Awards Committee – Doris Silva179 online applications for bursaries and 11 new SIDIT applications were received. $55,350 in bursaries and SIDIT awards were awarded to 112 recipients. We received two extra Pacific Horizon Scholarships from the Irving K Barber society which gave us the opportunity to award 3 students $1,000 towards their field school in Guatemala next semester.All Entrance scholarship and bursary applications are available and have been posted on the financial aid website.Other Committees Reports from EdCo RepresentativesClassroom & Information Technology Committee – David DickNoneProgram Planning Committee (PPC) – Lil McPhailInstitutional Research provided an update to PPC. All review data has been collected, and Welding and TRMP reviews are almost complete. They identified that when working with program data, it is more meaningful to base the demographics on students within that program, rather than simply enrollments in program courses.With recent changes in Deans’ portfolios, follow-up on some of last year’s reviews has not taken place. Current Deans will follow up on outstanding reviews and will report on their progress at the next PPC meetingReviewed and approved proposed changes to Policy 6.1.2 Program Approval, Review and Implementation. The revised policy will come to EDCO in January 2014 for approval.PPC briefly reviewed the proposed changes to Policy 6.1.5 Program Cancellation and Suspension. This will be discussed further at the January PPC meeting.Correspondence:NoneInformation:Report from the President – David WallsDomestic ESL funding was cut from the Federal Government, which equates to 6 FTE’s or $36,000 for COTR. At this point, we are unsure of what the full implications of this will be and the impact of this on the Institution.David provided an update on the Strategic Planning Process. The Strategic Planning committee will meet twice a month until the end of June. A consultant has not yet been chosen. Next Meeting:January 22, 2014 at 4:00pmAdjournment:MOTION: To adjournMotioned by Molnar, Seconded by Lavery - Carried ................

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