|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |

| |PTA Meeting |Parent | | |

| |6:30 P.M. |Workshop @ | | |

| | |9:30 A.M. | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |

| | | | |Schools Closed |

| | | | |for Students – |

| | | | |System Wide |

| | | | |Professional |

| | | | |Development |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |

| | | | |Hernwood Harvest|

| | | | |Festival @ 12:30|

| | | | |P.M. |

|30 |31 | | | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|13 |14 American |15 American |16 American |17 |

|American |Education Week|Education Week |Education Week |Elementary |

|Education | | | |Conference Day |

|Week |Parent | |Parent Workshop|– Schools |

| |Workshop @ | |@ 9:30 A.M. |Closed for |

| |9:30 A.M. | | |Students |

| | | |Report | |

| | | |Cards | |

| | | |Distributed | |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 Thanksgiving|

| | | |Thanksgiving – |– Schools |

| | | |Schools Closed |Closed |

|27 |28 |29 |30 | |

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and dismissal are the busiest times of the school day for our school community. The safety of every Hernwood student is paramount at all times, particularly during these important times of the day. As a school community, we are committed to regularly examining our arrival and dismissal procedures to ensure that our students arrive in our building safely and leave safely. Arrival time is 8:45 A.M. and dismissal is at 3:20 P.M. If your child has a change in the way they dismiss, please inform their teacher through e-mail and call the office.

Thank you for your support as we continue to work together to maximize student safety at Hernwood. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our arrival and dismissal procedures, please feel free to contact the school at


Title I Updates

Hernwood Elementary is a Title I school.  This means that we receive additional funds from the federal government that are used for additional teachers and resources.  An important component of Title I is the parent school relationship.  A requirement of Title I is that parents and schools develop a Parent Involvement Plan.  This document clearly defines the responsibility of teachers, students, and parents, and indicate a commitment to work cooperatively to provide an effective instructional program for our students.

Grade Level Spotlight

This month- FIRST GRADE… First grade is working hard on exploring elements of fiction in reading. In math, we are practicing our addition and subtraction facts up to 20. In health, we are learning about healthy living. During Writers Workshop, students are creating their own stories by focusing on a specific event and writing multiple details. On another note, students need to remember to bring their take home folders back to school every day.

jpile@ abeachley@ lleslie@

This month- SECOND GRADE… Hi Second Grade Families! Since the beginning of the school year we have been working hard in reading by using story elements to let us know how friends depend on one another. In math, we have been learning efficient ways to count. It would be a great benefit for families to practice telling time on analog clocks and counting coins at home. Please remember to check your student’s agenda book and initial the bottom daily.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to email your child’s teacher! We look forward to an outstanding October!

fsiegel@ acharikofsky@ skelly2@

This month- THIRD GRADE… Welcome to third grade! What an exciting start to the year! In math, students are working hard on their multiplication facts. Please be sure to practice with them at home! In reading, we are learning about how we can help animals. During dinner ask your child about what they learned about saving animals. Students have begun to use their devices in their classrooms. Students are welcome to bring in their own set of headphones.

jgianotti@ (Mrs. Mauldin) tbehnke@ trobinson6@

This month- FOURTH GRADE… Wow, what a great start to the New Year! In the past few weeks of school our fourth graders have been busy getting to know their teachers, routines, procedures, and teacher expectations. In reading, students are reading biographies and autobiographies in order to discuss the characteristics of these memorable people and how their actions have impacted others. In Health, we are covering our first unit about personal wellness. The students have learned about the five different types of wellness; physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social. We have also focused on how to deal with our emotions when we feel upset or angry. Word work homework has been sent home in the beginning of the week, and it should be returned every Friday. The students need to complete three activities within the word work packet. On Fridays the students will take a spelling assessment to demonstrate their understanding of the pattern of the week. In math, students are finishing up Unit One which is based on place value, estimation, and adding and subtracting numbers with re-grouping.

Fourth Grade Alert: Please make sure you submit all essential forms that were sent home at the beginning of the school year (i.e. behavior handbook signature page, emergency closing dismissal forms, emergency contact information).

mallen2@ sstevens3@ amulvey@

 This month- FIFTH GRADE… Fifth grade students are off to a great start for the year. In health, students are learning about Personal Health and Wellness. In ELA, students are working with ideas in Discovery and Innovation. For ELA, please bring in a composition book for journal purposes. In math, please bring in your composition book, math folder, and pencils on a daily basis. Parents please also remember to sign up for BCPS One at   

ljordan@ aisable@ kphillips3@

Dear Hernwood Families,

We are off to an exciting 2017-2018 school year! As you are aware, the PTA has elected new board

members for this school year. As your new board members, our goal is to be a powerful voice for all children. We act as a strong advocate for your child’s education and well-being and serve as a resource for families and communities. The Executive Board was overly excited to see the large turnout for our Peek at your Seat event as well our first PTA general meeting, which was held on September 19.

At our first general PTA meeting, we introduced our agenda for the first portion of the school year. The first item discussed was the kickoff of our Claire’s Gourmet Fundraising campaign, which started September 25. Our goal is for every family to sell at least 10 items or more. The highest seller will win a $100 prize from the PTA! A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Claire’s Gourmet products are donated to the Hernwood PTA. These funds are utilized to provide various programs and activities for our students.

Our second and perhaps most exciting agenda item was the introduction of the Hernwood Classroom Parent. The purpose of the Classroom Parent is to serve as an advocate in helping to build a stronger bridge between parents and teachers. Not only will these parents help to close the communication gap between these two groups, but they will also have direct connection with the PTA by attending meetings. Although we have had several parents volunteer already, we still need more. Visit our website (under Volunteer Sign-Ups) to volunteer for open slots. Our goal is to have representation at every grade level. Parents please remember before volunteering for any functions or programs that you must be volunteer trained. Volunteer Training must occur annually. You can either go online at or come to the school. Training occurs on Thursdays from 9:30- 10:30 A.M.

Our third agenda item was our Hernwood Harvest Festival. This event will take place on Friday October 27, during school hours, from 12:30 P.M. until dismissal time. In the past, this event had always taken place later in the evening, but we had noticed a drastically low attendance rate due to the event happening after school hours. This year we would like all students to have an opportunity to participate in the event, as there will be music, games and activity stations. Although optional, students may wear costumes of their favorite friendly story book character, super-hero, or cartoon character. As we would like to pass out candy and light refreshments at the festival, we are asking parents for donations in the form of candy, water or low sugar juice. To volunteer to help with activity stations, music, decorating, or clean-up please visit our website to sign-up ().

Our fourth agenda item was our annual Book Fair. The Book Fair is slated to take place from December 11 - December 15. The Book Fair is a popular event for students. It allows students to purchase books, toys, school supplies and gifts for upcoming holidays. The event runs for the entire week and we are asking for volunteers.

Please make note that our next general PTA meeting for parents and staff is Tuesday, October 10 at 6:30 P.M. For those parents who currently have a 5th grade student, Mrs. Nuria McKennie will be addressing questions and concerns regarding the BCPS Middle School Magnet Program and application deadline which is November 17.

As always we thank you for your support and if you have not joined the PTA, we welcome you! The membership fee to join the Hernwood Elementary School PTA is a one-time cost of only $15.00. This fee can be paid by cash, check or charge and may be paid online at or you may leave membership application and fee in the PTA mailbox located in the main office.


Fatima Jennings

Hernwood Elementary School PTA President

Homework Help links:

Learning at Home Resources:

Math Homework Helpers:

Homework Help:


Students have been busy learning about the role of the School Counselor and the many ways I am available to listen and help them make decisions and problem solve. In addition, we will begin conversations about thinking and preparing for college and future careers. We are off to a roaring great start to the New Year! If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at the school at 410-887-0796.

Mrs. Mumby

Guidance Counselor


In Library, we are currently working on our Digital Citizenship Unit. We are learning about how to choose books that are just right for our reading level and how to take care of them. We are also learning about online safety and taking proper care of our devices. Students have begun checking out library books. Please make sure that your child has brought their permission slip home and you have signed it. Please feel free to email me at sfisher5@ if you have any questions or call the school.

Ms. Fisher

Media Specialist

We are off to a great start in Physical Education this year. Throughout the month, Kindergarten, 1stand 2nd grades will begin a basic skills unit that includes: rolling, throwing, and catching a ball. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will begin the unit of flag football. For safety reasons, please remember to have your child wear sneakers on the day they have P.E. class.

Mr. Potts

P.E. Teacher


In Art, everyone has started decorating their sketchbook covers. They will be using these throughout the school year to keep and work in order to store their masterpieces. Primary classes are off to a great start, diving right into their first units. 3rd, 4th and 5th grade is working on creating individual pieces for a collaborative kinetic sculpture. Students are responding to the prompt of "How can you change the world?" I am so excited to see what the school year brings!


Ms. Hawkins

Art Teacher


Hola amigos y amigas!

We are having a blast during Spanish class at Hernwood Elementary! Fourth grade is currently studying about greetings and how to describe yourself in Spanish, while fifth graders are learning how to make their own family tree and Spanish professions.

Adios a todos!

Señor Giannis

Vocal and Instrumental Music

Greetings Hernwood Parents!

What can you expect your child to learn in Vocal/General Music, may be the question on your mind! BCPS curriculum for Elementary Music is available to all parents on the BCPS website. I just want to share with you an overview of what I will be teaching, encouraging, and hopefully inspiring your child to accomplish from Kindergarten through 5th grade. All grades will be learning, analyzing, experiencing, and utilizing in the most enjoyable, and captivating ways, the fundamental Elements of Music which are:

- Rhythm

- Tempo

- Melody

- Harmony

- Dynamics

- Pitch

Understanding how these elements create and form music and how music is created will be discussed, questioned, performed, and created by all students according to their individual learning styles, grade level ability, as well as meeting all local, state, and national standards in the area of Vocal/General Music.

Mr. Leo W. Weems Jr

Vocal/General Music

Fourth grade students have Exploratory Music as a special.  Throughout the school year we will be playing the trumpet, clarinet, and violin during class.  Our first instrument is the trumpet.  We will start with learning how to properly play the mouthpiece and then we will add the trumpet.

Fifth grade students are signing up to play instruments.  During the first week of school, I demonstrated the band and string instruments for the fifth grade students.  They had the opportunity to try out two instruments and the forms to sign up for Instrumental Music were sent home.  Lessons will begin on Wednesday, October 4.  If you have any questions, please contact me at sschucht@.   

Ms. Schucht

Instrumental Music Teacher

Welcome Back Hernwood Families!

Welcome Parents/Guardians to the 2017-2018 school year at Hernwood! My name is Nuria Mckennie and I am your Title I Family Engagement Liaison (FEL). I hope each and every one of you has had a terrific start to the New Year. I can be contacted via email at nmckennie@ or by phone at 410 887-0732. Parents, please be advised a desktop computer is accessible in the lobby in addition to the Parent Library with games and resource books that you can borrow anytime.

 Top 8 Forms: Please complete and return ASAP!

1. Emergency Contact Information

2. Transportation/Dismissal Form

3. Free and Reduced Lunch forms

4. Student Privacy Options

5. PTA Enrollment $15.00

6. Student Handbook Acknowledgment Form

7. Volunteer Application/Orientation (Every Thursday in October 9:00 A.M. in the Library)

8. My School Bucks (Easy way to put money on your students account from anywhere)


During the first few weeks of school teachers have been administering assessments to find your child’s instructional reading level. Finding a student’s individual reading level includes assessing the student’s accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. Take a moment to talk to your child or his/her teacher to find out their reading level. Knowing their correct reading level will help you and your child select the “just right” books so they can continue to improve their reading skills. Your local librarians at Randallstown Library can help you check out books that fit your child’s reading level and interest.


The Newly Remodeled Randallstown Library

8604 Liberty Road 

Randallstown, Maryland 21133-4797

Telephone: 410-887-0770

Email: randalls@

Questions: 24-Hour "Ask Us" Service


In addition to book, CD and DVD collections for all ages, this branch offers the following:

|Book Drop (24 Hour) |Photocopier |

|Computers (Internet and MSOffice) |Printing |

|Friends Group |Programs and Events |

|Local History |Quiet Area and 3 Study Rooms |

|Meeting Room |Wi-Fi |

|Parking (free open lot) | |



We would like to invite you to join us for our first in a series of parent workshops. Throughout the course of the year we will be offering various parent workshops on a variety of topics.


Our first parent workshop, Partnering for a Positive School Climate will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 9:30-10:30 AM in the school library. A light breakfast will be served.

Please reserve your spot by returning this portion to your child’s teacher by Friday, October 6!

Parent or Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________

Student’s Name: _________________ Grade Level: ______________

Teacher’s Name: ____________________________________________________________

# Attending: ________ Phone #:___________________________________




The Lion’s Roar

October, 2017

Volume 1, Issue 1

Nashae Bennett, Principal

Current Events - October

Principal’s Corner

Dear Hernwood families,

We are very excited about the 2017-2018 school year. Hernwood Elementary School is a 21st century learning community focused on developing globally competitive and productive students in a safe and positive environment characterized by equity, access and excellence for all.

To that end, our school works collaboratively with families and community stakeholders to achieve this goal. Of particular note is our Parent Teacher Association Executive Board: Fatima Jennings (President), Simone Clarke (Vice President), Crystal Gallion (Secretary), and Natasha Ampofo (Treasurer). Our newly appointed Executive Board is working diligently to increase PTA membership as well as plan school-wide events to assist with building strong partnerships between school and home.

A main goal of the PTA for the 2017-2018 school year is for each classroom to have parental representation. If you are interested in learning more about being a room parent, please contact a member of our PTA Board. Additional information regarding this topic is included as a separate attachment in this newsletter.

Please remember, Friday, October 6, 2017, is Picture Day at Hernwood. All students will be photographed, but only students submitting payment can order photographs.

Effective communication between home and school is an extremely important factor for student success. To that end, parents of students in all grades are invited to join us on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 9:30 A.M. for our Partnering for a Positive School Climate Parent Workshop. Please see the attached flyer for additional information.

In partnership with our ever ready PTA, we are preparing for the upcoming Harvest Celebration / Monthly Incentive which is scheduled for Friday, October 27, 2017. This event will take place in the gymnasium beginning with primary grades at 12:30 PM. Parent volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend.

In order to maximize instructional time and reduce distractions to the total school program, birthday parties are not permissible during school hours. In lieu of birthday parties, students are recognized during morning announcements and will also receive a special birthday treat.

Lastly, school begins each day at 8:45 A.M. To ensure student safety, please refrain from dropping students off prior to 8:40 A.M. Conversely, our school day ends at 3:20 PM, so we ask that students are picked up promptly at this time. Thanks so much for your assistance with creating safe and orderly dismissal operations.


Nashae Bennett


Nashae Bennett,


Upcoming Events – November

Contact Our School

Hernwood Elementary

9919 Marriottsville Road

Randallstown, MD 21133

410-887-0732 (phone)

410-521-7679 (fax)


Follow us on Twitter @HernwoodES

Vision Statement

Hernwood Elementary is a 21st century learning community focused on developing globally competitive and productive students in a safe and positive environment characterized by equity, access, and excellence for all.

Grade Level Spotlight

This month- PRE-KINDERGARTEN… Pre-K is working hard to learn about Conscious Discipline.  Please ask your child what they have learned from Shubert!  Buster the Bus will visit our school on Friday, October 13 to help us learn about bus safety.  We are looking forward to this very special visit!


This month- ECALS…

During September, our classes worked on vocabulary related to school. We are learning our school routines and getting to know our school building. During October, we start a unit on the season of Fall and we will be exploring colors, apples, pumpkins and other Fall concepts.


This month- KCALS… These first weeks of school have been very busy in Room 15! All of our students have been working hard to learn the structure of our rotations during reading, math, vocabulary, and content areas. Everybody has been working diligently to adjust to the new school year routines. Soon we will begin our Fall unit to officially kick off October and to prepare for our first community based instruction trip that will take place in October. We’re all very excited to continue working hard together this school year.


This month- PCLS/ICLS…

Welcome back to CLS! This month we will continue working on routines and expectations, as well as collecting baseline data for each student. We are getting ready for our first Community Based Instruction trip, scheduled for late October. More information is on the way! Questions or comments? Contact Ms. Reinhardt at

sreinhardt2@ and/or Ms. Bastien at fbastien@

This month- KINDERGARTEN… Kindergarten is off to a great start this school year! In reading, we will begin Unit 1: Take a New Step! In this unit, students will discuss the essential question, “What can we learn when we try new things?” In phonics, we will focus on identifying sounds for letters /m/, /a/, and /s/. We will also identify the sight words: the, we, am, it, see.

In Math, students will continue to work on Unit 1: Counting and the Number System. In this unit, students have been counting sets of objects, collecting/discussing data about our class, and sorting and comparing objects that are the same/different. Students will begin to construct, describe, and extend patterns, and will also be introduced to new math manipulatives that will be used during the school year! Buster the Bus will be visiting Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten students to learn about bus safety on October 13. Also, stay tuned for information regarding our future field trip to Sharp’s at Waterford Farm! 

Last, but certainly not least, our students have been working very hard to show respect at Hernwood for the month of September. We would like to recognize and congratulate all of our students who have shown respect this month.

elau@ afisher2@ akapustin@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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