MEDITECH Advanced Technology

MEDITECH Advanced Technology

Report Designer Training Guide

Training Agenda

Day One:

Unit 1 - Data Hierarchy

Unit 2 - Report Designer Walk Through

Unit 3 – Selecting and Sorting

Unit 4 - Possessives and Multiples

Unit 5 - Graphics

Unit 6 - Miscellaneous Routines

Day Two:

Unit 7 – Links to M-AT and C/S

Unit 8 – Introduction to Rules

Unit 9 – If Statements

Unit 10 – External Variables

Unit 11 – Counting and Totaling

Unit 12 – System Variables

Unit 13 - Rule Functions

Unit 14 – String Manipulation

Day Three:

Unit 15 - Subscripting

Unit 16 – Accessing Query Responses

Unit 17 – Row/Region Attributes

Unit 18 – Advanced Selecting and Sorting

Unit 19 – Export Reports

Day 4:

Unit 20 – Do Loops

Unit 21 – Other Looping Techniques

Unit 22 - Troubleshooting

Report Designer Introduction

Report Designer is the reporting tool, introduced in MEDITECH 6 X platforms. Report Designer must be used to report from MEDITECH Advanced Technology applications. Some of the features of Report Designer include:

A more intuitive and mouse based design

Create logic statements without having to code or have knowledge of programming syntax

Auto format feature, that allows for all fields to be added to a report with a single click

Drag and Drop fields and labels on the report picture

Cross Platform Reporting

Report Designer must be used to report from M-AT applications. For the 6.0 release this includes:



HIM (Shared)

MIS (Shared)


REG (Shared)


The 6.1 release has more M A T applications then 6.0 releases. The 6.1 M-AT applications are:











If you are attempting to write a report, that will only pull information from a Client Server application, such as laboratory, then you should utilize the other reporting tool called Report Writer.

Report Designer Application

The Report Designer application can be found by following this path:

Info Systems > Customization > Customization (M-AT) > Report Designer > Process Reports

The following is a preview of the screens of the Report Designer. These will be covered in great depth throughout the units of the training.









Report Designer Terminology

Note: Each term includes the Report Writer synonym. This will link terms back to what they related to in Report Writer for users that have used that reporting tool.


A set of programs and menus where data regarding a general purpose if entered in MEDITECH.

Report Writer Synonym: Application


A location where data elements pertaining to a single subject are stored in the application database. Objects hold sets of related information entered into specific areas of an application.

Report Writer Synonym: Data Procedure Module (DPM)


Where individual data elements are stored in the database.

Report Writer Synonym: Segment

Index File

A subset of entries in an object, used to help make reports more efficient.

Report Writer Synonym: Index File

Object Identifier (OID)

A unique number or mnemonic assigned to an entry to track data across the MEDITECH system.

Report Writer Synonym: Urn


A value which defines the entries within a Record. Can be an OID, a sequence number, or any other data element.

Report Writer Synonym: Subscript

Object Instance

An entry stored in a Record.

Report Writer Synonym: Record


An individual piece of information held in a Record.

Report Writer Synonym: Field


A custom value defined on the report.

Report Writer Synonym: Computed Field


A MEDITECH generated field created within a report, usually associated with counting or totaling values. Report Writer Synonym: Z.count


Another field created by the report, populated by values entered by the user when the report is run. Report Writer Synonym: b.field, c.field, e.field

Child Record

A record which descends from another record and contains fields on the same topic. Child Records always require an additional key to track data elements which can have a larger number of permutations for a single entry.

Report Writer Synonym: Child Segment

Keyless Record

A Record which is defined only by the OID.

Report Writer Synonym: Main Segment

| | |

|6.0 Report Designer Term |6.0 NPR RW Term |

|Application |Application |

|Object |DPM |

|Record |Segment |

|Index File |Index File |

|OID (Object Identifier) |Urn (Unique Record Number) |

|Key |Subscript |

|Object Instance |Record |

|Field |Field |

|c_field (Computed Field) |xx.field (Computer Field) |

|m_field (MEDITECH Created Field) |Z.count |

|s_field (user selection) |b.field, e.field, c.field |

|Keyed Record |Child Segment |

|Child Record |Child Segment |

|Keyless Record |Main or Top Segment (1 Subscript) |


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