Curricular - Archdiocese of GlasgowReligious Education ...

Month/Season: Lent/Easter Class: Primary 2 Level: First

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

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|Signs of God |I can name the people in my life who |Class: Teacher discusses with the children members of their immediate family and |My Family worksheet |Children can name people in |

| |care for me. |extended family who care for them e.g. father, mother, aunt, grandfather, sister. |(attached to planner) |their family who care for |

|RERC 1‐08a I know that through| |Who takes them to school? Who washes their clothes? Who takes them to the doctor |Art materials |them. |

|the Community of the Church, | |when they are ill? Who reads them a bedtime story? Who cooks them their favourite | | |

|people can experience God's | |meal? Teacher writes the names of family members on the whiteboard. | | |

|love and care and I have | | | | |

|reflected on how this | |Class: Children complete ‘My Family ‘worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

|community celebrates together.|I recognise that we are all members of | | | |

| |God’s family and, just as we celebrate | | | |

| |special events with our families, we |Class: Teacher discusses people in their local community who care for them. Poster | | |

| |gather to celebrate special occasions |of ‘People Who Help Us ‘(attached to planner) is displayed on the whiteboard or |People Who Help Us poster|Children can name people in |

| |with our Parish family, e.g. Sunday |printed for the children to study. Who cares for you on the road? Who cares for you|(attached to planner) |their local community who |

| |Mass, Baptisms, weddings, funerals. |when you are ill? Who keeps your town safe? Who helps you to learn at school? |Paper |care for them. |

| | |Teacher writes the names of people in their local community who care for them on the |Painting materials | |

| |I can find out about people and groups |whiteboard. | | |

| |of people in my parish who care for | | | |

| |children e.g. toddlers’ groups, |Class: Children are given the opportunity to paint a picture of someone in their | | |

| |children’s liturgy, our priest(s). |local community who cares for them | | |

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| | |Class: Teacher explains to the children that the priest and members of their local | | |

| | |church all belong to a family called a parish family. A parish family cares for all | | |

| | |its members and there are groups who care for children. Teacher discusses with the | | |

| | |children groups within their local parish who care for children e.g. mothers and | | |

| | |toddlers, children’ liturgy, youth clubs. | | |

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| | |Parish: Teacher should invite parish priest or a group leader from one of the | | |

| | |children’s groups to speak to the children about their caring role. The children |Cardboard |Children show awareness that|

| | |could help to prepare questions to ask the visitor. |Art materials |there are groups within |

| | | | |their parish who care for |

| | | | |children. |

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| | |Class: Children make thank you cards for the parish visitors. | | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: parish family, celebrate, priest, God’s family, gather | | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

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|RERC 1‐09a I am exploring the |I know symbols of Baptism and I know the|Class: Teacher explains to the children that they are going to learn about the |My Baptismal Name | |

|Sacraments of Initiation and |significance of: |Sacrament of Baptism. A Sacrament is a very special blessing from God and usually |worksheet (attached to | |

|Reconciliation and I have | |takes place in a Church. When you are baptised you become a member of the family of|planner) | |

|reflected on how the |my baptismal name ‐ showing God’s and my|God. Teacher asks the children if they have ever been to a Baptism. Who was being |Art materials | |

|Sacraments help to nurture |family’s love for me |baptised? Where did it take place? Who performed the baptism? Was it a happy | | |

|faith. |the baptismal candle ‐ reminding us of |occasion? | | |

| |the presence of the Risen Jesus in the |Teacher explains that when you are baptised you are given a baptismal name and this | | |

| |world |name shows that God and your family love you. | | |

| |holy water - symbol of new life and | | | |

| |cleansing from sin |Class: Children complete ‘My Baptismal Name’ worksheet. | | |

| |holy oils – symbol of healing and | | | |

| |strength | | | |

| |white garment- symbol of Christian |Class: Teacher asks the class if they have ever seen candles in Church and explains | | |

| |dignity, and of Jesus’ resurrection |that during the Sacrament of Baptism a baptismal candle is lit reminding us of the |Picture of a baptismal | |

| |which gives us new life |presence of the Risen Jesus in the world. Teacher shows the children a picture of a |candle (attached to | |

| |journey of faith ‐ which begins in |baptismal candle (attached to planner). |planner). | |

| |Baptism |Sometimes the priest allows the person who is being baptised to take the candle home.| | |

| |family of God ‐ the Church, which we | | | |

| |join through Baptism | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher asks the children if they have ever seen the holy water font in |Picture of a baptismal | |

| | |Church. Teacher explains that the water in the font is holy because it has been |water font (attached to | |

| | |blessed by a priest. Holy water is a symbol of new life and cleansing from sin. |planner) | |

| | |Teacher shows children a picture of a holy water font (attached to planner). The | | |

| | |teacher explains that during the Sacrament of Baptism the priest makes the sign of | | |

| | |the cross with holy water on the person’s forehead and this shows that they have | | |

| | |become a follower of Christ. Teacher explains that you can make the sign of the | | |

| | |cross with holy water as you enter and leave Church. | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘Baptism’ worksheet by colouring the picture and drawing the|Baptism worksheet | |

| | |baptismal candle beside the font. |(attached to planner) | |

| | | |Art materials | |

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| | |Class: Teacher explains that the person being baptised wears a white garment. Many | | |

| | |babies wear long, white gowns that are called baptismal gowns. The white garment is a| | |

| | |symbol of Christian dignity, and of Jesus’ resurrection which gives us new life. | | |

| | |Some families keep and pass down a baptismal gown that is used by all the children in| | |

| | |their family. Teacher explains that the priest anoints the person who is being | | |

| | |baptised with holy oil called chrism. The holy oil is a symbol of healing and | | |

| | |strength. The oil smells nice because it is a symbol of the beauty of a child of | | |

| | |God. | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘Symbols of Baptism’ worksheet (attached to planner) | | |

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| | | |Symbols of Baptism | |

| | | |worksheet (attached to | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the children that when you are baptised you start on a |planner) | |

| | |special journey called the journey of faith and you become a member of the family of | | |

| | |God. As you grow older you will continue on that journey and you will receive other | | |

| | |Sacraments. Do you know the names of any other Sacraments? Have you ever been to a | | |

| | |First Communion? Have you ever been to a wedding? Are you looking forward to your | | |

| | |journey of faith? | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘My Journey of Faith’ worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

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| | |Home: Teacher sends a note home to parents asking if the children could bring in to | | |

| | |school any photographs, cards, candles etc. associated with their Baptism. |My Journey of Faith |Children are developing an |

| | | |worksheet (attached to |understanding of |

| | |Parish: On their next visit to the church, children could be shown the baptismal font|planner) |the symbols of Baptism and |

| | |and the holy water fonts at the entrance. If possible the priest could let the |Art materials |their significance: |

| | |children see and smell holy oil. | |my baptismal name |

| | | | |the baptismal candle |

| | | | |holy water |

| | | | |holy oils |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Sacrament, Baptism, symbols of baptism, baptismal name, baptismal | |white garment |

| | |candle, presence, Risen Jesus, holy water, sign of the cross, journey of faith, | |journey of faith |

| | |family of God, the Church, white garment, | |family of God |

| | |holy oil, font | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Revealed Truth Of God |I am learning that Jesus asked us to |Class: Teacher reads to the class Matthew 6: 7‐13. Teacher discusses with the |Our Father puzzle |Children know that Jesus |

| |call God ‘Father’ when he taught us the |children that Jesus asked us to call God ‘Father’ when he taught us the prayer the |(attached to planner) |asked us call God ‘Father’ |

|RERC 1‐04a I can describe God |prayer the Our Father (Matthew 6: 7‐13) |Our Father. Why do you think Jesus wants us to call God ‘Father’? How is God like a|Scissors |when we pray. |

|as Father, Son and Holy Spirit|and that we also call God our Father |father to us? Can you remember the prayer the Our Father? Teacher asks the children| | |

|and I have reflected on how |when we make the Sign of the Cross and |to think of other prayers that call God ‘Father’. Teacher revises the words of the | | |

|God can support me in my life.|say the Glory Be. |Sign of the Cross and the Glory Be drawing attention to the word ‘Father’. Class | | |

| | |pray the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father and the Glory Be round the class altar. | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete Our Father puzzle (attached to planner). | | |

| | |Copy puzzle on cardboard. Ask the children cut on the lines to make a puzzle. Then | | |

| | |ask the children put the puzzle together to practice the prayer. | | |

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| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that we can pray to God asking him to protect | | |

| | |themselves, their family and their friends. Teacher sets up a special, prayer box | | |

| |I can pray to God asking him to protect |on the class altar, children write the names of friends and family who they would | | |

| |me, my family and my friends. |like the class to pray for on a sheet of paper and place it in the prayer box. | |Children demonstrate an |

| | |During class, prayer times, the children remember the names in the prayer box and ask|Prayer box |understanding that we can |

| | |God to protect them. |Paper |pray to God asking him to |

| | | | |protect themselves, their |

| | | | |family and their friends. |

| | |Class: Teacher reads to the class Matthew 3: 16‐17. Teacher discusses with the | | |

| | |children the Baptism of Jesus. What did Jesus see in the sky? Have you ever seen a | | |

| |Through hearing the narrative of the |dove? Have you ever heard of the Spirit of God? Who was the voice from Heaven? | | |

| |Baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3: 16‐17), I |What did the voice from heaven say? Teacher explains to the children that Jesus is | |Children are developing an |

| |can recognise that Jesus is the Son of |the Son of God. | |understanding that Jesus is |

| |God. | | |the Son of God. |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘The Baptism of Jesus’ worksheet (attached to planner). |The Baptism of Jesus | |

| | | |worksheet (attached to | |

| | | |planner) | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Our Father, Sign of the Cross, Glory be, pray, Baptism. Son of God |Art materials | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

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|In the image of God |I can recognise that God calls each of |Class: Teacher reads to the class Isaiah 43: 1‐3. Teacher discusses that God knows | | |

| |us by name and knows us through and |every one of us and will always protect us. What happened when the water was deep? |Class: Do not be Afraid |Children develop an |

|RERC 1‐02a I know that a |through, calling us to relationship with|What happened when the there was fire? |(lyrics attached to |understanding that God calls|

|loving God has created me and |him e.g., Isaiah 43: 1‐3 ‐ ‘I have |Why do you think God wants to help us? Would you like him to help you? |planner) |each of us by name. |

|that my uniqueness can develop|called you by your name, you are mine’. |When could he help you? | | |

|according to God's plan for me| | | | |

| |I know that, in Baptism, we are given a |Class: Teacher teaches the children verse one and two of the hymn Do not be Afraid | | |

| |name which shows God’s and our family’s |(lyrics attached to planner). | | |

| |love for us and that Baptism is the | | | |

| |beginning of our faith journey where we | | | |

| |discover God’s plan for us. |Class: Teacher revises with the class that at Baptism we are given a name which shows| |Children develop an |

| | |God’s and our family’s love for us and that Baptism is the beginning of our faith | |understanding that God has a|

| | |journey. Teacher explains that God has created us all to be unique, which means we | |special plan for us. |

| | |are all different, and has a special plan for us. We must be prepared to listen to | | |

| | |God and follow his plan for us. | | |

| | |Can you remember what unique means? How are you all different from each other? Do | | |

| | |you think God has planned different journeys for everyone? How do you think the | | |

| | |journeys might be the same? How do you think your journeys might be different? | | |

| | |Children sing Do not be Afraid. | | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: called by name, Baptism, faith journey, God’s plan | | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

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|Hours of God |I know that the main liturgical colours |Class: Teacher displays liturgical calendar to the class and points out that before | | |

| |used by the Church are green during |Easter there is a period of forty days called Lent. The liturgical colours used by |Liturgical calendar |Children know that the |

|RERC 1‐18a |Ordinary time, purple during Advent and |the Church are purple during Lent and white during Eastertide. Teacher asks children|Purple altar cloth |liturgical colours used by |

|I know some of the signs and |Lent and white for Christmas and |to dress the class altar with the purple altar cloth. | |the Church are purple |

|symbols related to Lent, |Eastertide. | | |during Lent and white during|

|Easter, Pentecost, Advent and | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. On| |Eastertide. |

|Christmastide and I can use |I have participated with my class in |this day you will be marked with ashes, in the shape of a cross, on your forehead. | | |

|this understanding to help me |dressing the class altar in these |This helps us to think of Jesus and stay close with him. Have you ever received | | |

|explore the |colours. |ashes before? Who placed the ashes on your forehead? What are the ashes made from? |Ash Wednesday worksheet |Children know that when they|

|themes of these celebrations. | |Do you know where the ashes come from? What do the ashes remind us about? |(attached to planner) |receive ashes on Ash |

| | | | |Wednesday, this is a sign |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Ash Wednesday’ worksheet (attached to planner). | |that Lent has begun |

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| |I know that, when I receive ashes on Ash| | | |

| |Wednesday, this is a sign that Lent has |Class: Teacher explains to the class that in preparation for Easter we can | | |

| |begun. |participate in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Many people make a special effort to | | |

| | |pray more during Lent and to go to Mass more often. Fasting means not eating, boys | | |

| | |and girls are not asked to do this but we could give up treats like sweets during | | |

| | |Lent. Alms giving means helping charities by donating money to them and the children| | |

| |I can recognize and participate in the |could be encouraged to bring in money for a chosen charity during Lent. Teacher | | |

| |preparation for Easter by prayer, |discusses with the class individual and class preparations for Easter that they can | |Children can recognise and |

| |fasting and almsgiving. |commit to during lent. |Preparation for Easter |participate in the |

| | | |worksheet (attached to |preparation for Easter by |

| | | |planner). |prayer, fasting and |

| | |School: The children should be made aware of any school preparations taking place in | |almsgiving. |

| | |the lead up to Easter e.g. collecting for SCIAF, saying the rosary and should be | | |

| | |encouraged to participate. | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘Preparation for Easter worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Liturgical colours, purple, white, ashes, prayer, fasting and | | |

| | |almsgiving | | |

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|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| |GLP |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God has given us the freedom to make |GLP | |

|Reign of God |I know that God helps me to be |choices about how we live our lives. Sometimes we make bad choices and we do not|Quality Circle Time: Unit 5 - | |

| |loving, kind, to share, to be |feel good after we have made them. Something in our head tells us that what we |Emotions; Unit 6 - Relationships; | |

|RERC 1‐23a |helpful and make good choices. |did was not right and this feeling is our conscience telling us that we did not |Unit 8 - Bullying |Children demonstrate |

|I know that God has given me| |live as God wants us to live. Do you ever make good choices? Do you ever make |Discussion on Friendship: |awareness that God will |

|the freedom to make choices |I know that if I choose to be kind, |bad choices? How do you feel after a good choice? How do you feel after a bad |How do we make friends? What is a good|help them to be loving, |

|about the way I live my |to share and to be helpful this can |choice? Can you remember the name of that feeling that tells us we have made a |friend? When does a |kind, to share, to be |

|life. I have reflected on |help others feel happy. |bad choice? We can look back and remember the times we made bad choices and try |good friend become a bad friend? |helpful and make good |

|how the decisions of my | |not to make them again. Teacher asks the children to close their eyes and think |Diocese of Motherwell Planning |choices. |

|conscience affect my | |of a time they made a good choice and lived as God wants us to live. Teacher |exemplar: | |

|relationship with God and |GLP |leads the children in prayer asking God to help us make good choices. |.uk/p2-community| |

|others. |I have been introduced to the | |-of-faith.html | |

| |concept of Justice and can apply |Class: Teacher explains to the children that we can try to follow the words of |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 2 page | |

|P2 RERC 1-20a Reign of God |this to my own life by playing |Jesus. Jesus told us to Love your neighbour as yourself. If we think about this|25 | |

|I know that I have been |fairly with classmates and by |command, we can compare it to how we have been living our lives and judge whether| | |

|called by God to grow in |sharing in many different ways. |we have been making good choices in our lives. Teacher discusses this commend | | |

|love, justice and peace in | |with the children. Do you like doing good things for yourself? Do you ever make|Love thy Neighbour worksheet (attached| |

|my relationships |I know that I can show love of God |bad choices that hurt others? Would you like others to make bad choices that |to planner) | |

|with others. |by loving those around me and, with |would hurt you? Do you think the rule that Jesus gave us helps us to make better|Art materials | |

|GLP |guidance from my |choices? Teacher explains to the children that when we choose to be kind, to | | |

|HWB 1-04a |teacher; I am learning that when I |share and to be helpful this can help others to feel happy. Teacher asks the | | |

|I understand that my |fail to show love I can start again.|children to close their eyes and think about times they did not show love to | | |

|feelings and reactions | |others as Jesus asks us to do. Teacher leads the children in prayer asking God | | |

|can change depending upon | |to help us to be kind, to share and to be helpful so that we can make others feel| | |

|what is | |happy. | | |

|happening within and around | | | | |

|me. This helps | |Class: Children complete ‘Love thy Neighbour worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

|me to understand my own | | | | |

|behaviour and the | |Class: During prayer times, children are encouraged to reflect on their actions | |Children demonstrate |

|way others behave. | |at home and in school and to think about making good choices that make others | |awareness that choosing to |

|HWB 1-44a | |feel happy. Did you share your toys with your friends? Were you kind to | |be kind, to share and to be|

|I am aware of how | |everyone? Will you try to make good choices this tomorrow? | |helpful can help others |

|friendships are formed | | | |feel happy. |

|and that likes, dislikes, | |KEY VOCABULARY: good choices | | |

|special qualities and | | | | |

|needs can influence | | | | |

|relationships. | | | | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

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|Son of God |I know that Jesus shared an important | | | |

| |meal with his friends before he died on |Class: Teacher reads 1 Corinthians 11: 23‐26 to the class and explains that this |Lent and Easter workbook |Children demonstrate an |

|RERC 1‐07a I have explored the|Good Friday, that this is called ‘The |important meal that Jesus shared with his friends before he died on Good Friday is |(attached to planner) |understanding that |

|events of the Passion, Death |Last Supper’ and that it was the first |called ‘The Last Supper’ Who did Jesus share the meal with? Where did it take |Art materials |‘The Last Supper’ was the |

|and Resurrection of Jesus and |Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11: 23‐26). |place? What did they have to eat? What special words did Jesus say? What happened | |first Eucharist. |

|I have reflected on the | |to the bread? What happened to the wine? Where have you heard the words before? | | |

|Catholic meaning of eternal | |Teacher explains that ‘The Last Supper’ was the first Eucharist and every time we go | | |

|life. | |to Mass we remember ‘The Last Supper’ as the priest takes bread and wine and changes | | |

| | |it into the body and blood of Christ. | | |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘The Last Supper’ page of their Lent and Easter workbook | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

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| |I know that Jesus died on a cross out of| | | |

| |love for God His Father and for us. |Class: Teacher explains to the class that some people did not like Jesus and he was | | |

| | |sentenced to be crucified. He was made to carry a cross up a steep hill and was | | |

| | |nailed to the cross. Jesus loves God His Father very much and he loves us very much | | |

| | |too. On Good Friday Jesus died on the cross out of love for God His Father and for | | |

| | |us. Why do you think some people did not like Jesus? Do you think it was hard | |Children develop an |

| | |carrying the cross up the hill? How much does Jesus love God His Father? How much | |understanding that Jesus |

| | |does Jesus love us? | |died on a cross out of love |

| | | | |for God His Father and for |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Jesus Carries his Cross and ‘Jesus Dies’ pages of their | |us. |

| | |Lent and Easter workbook (attached to planner). | | |

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| |I know that, three days later on Easter | | | |

| |Sunday, God His Father raised him from |Class: Teacher explains to the class that, as it was getting late, Jesus had to be | | |

| |the dead. |buried very quickly. Three days later on Easter Sunday, some friends of Jesus went | | |

| | |back to the tomb and were amazed to find the stone had been moved from the entrance. | | |

| | |God His father had raised him from the dead. Would you have been surprised that the| |Children develop an |

| | |stone had been moved from the entrance? Do you think the friends of Jesus were | |understanding that, three |

| | |pleased he was alive? Do you think they told everyone the good news that Jesus had | |days later on Easter Sunday,|

| | |risen from the dead? Are you pleased that Jesus had risen from the dead? Do you | |God His Father raised Jesus |

| | |think Easter Sunday is a happy time for us? | |from the dead. |

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| | |Class: Children complete ‘Easter Sunday’’ page of their Lent and Easter workbook | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

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| |I know that, when people die, they can |Class: Teacher explains to the class that although we are sad when someone dies. We | | |

| |live forever with God in heaven. |should remember that when people die they can live forever with God in Heaven. Have | | |

| | |you ever been sad when someone died? Do you think The friends of Jesus were sad when| | |

| | |he died? Were his friends happy when he rose from the dead? Are you happy that | |Children develop an |

| | |people who die can live forever with God in heaven? Teacher leads the children in | |understanding that, when |

| | |prayer thanking God for his love for us and for allowing us to live forever with him | |people die, they can live |

| | |in heaven. | |forever with God in heaven. |

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| |I know that, after the Resurrection, |Class: Teacher explains to the class that after Jesus rose from the dead | | |

| |many of Jesus’ followers and friends saw|many of his friends and followers saw Him, talked to Him, touched him and ate with | | |

| |Him, talked to Him, touched Him and ate |Him. Teacher reads John 21: 1‐14 to the class and discusses the story of Jesus eats | | |

| |with Him e.g., |beside the lake. Who did he appear to? What were the disciples doing? What did | | |

| |John 21: 1‐14 ‐ Jesus eats beside the |Jesus tell them to do? What happened next? What did they have to eat? | | |

| |lake | | | |

| |John 20: 19‐29 ‐ Doubting Thomas. |Class: Children complete ‘Jesus at the Lake ‘page of their Lent and Easter workbook | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher reads John 20: 19‐29 to the class and discusses the story of Doubting | | |

| | |Thomas. Who did Jesus appear to? Why were the disciples frightened? What disciple | | |

| | |was missing? What did he say when he heard that Jesus had visited the disciples? | |Children show an awareness |

| | |What did he want to do to Jesus before he would believe it really was Him? What did | |that, after the |

| | |Jesus say to Thomas the next time he met him? Would you have believed it really was | |Resurrection, many of Jesus’|

| | |Jesus? | |followers and friends saw |

| | | | |Him, talked to Him, touched |

| | | | |Him and ate with Him. |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Doubting Thomas ‘page of their Lent and Easter workbook | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


My Family

Draw a picture in the box of someone in your family caring for you.

Then write about what they are doing in the space below.







When I was baptised I was given the name of


This name shows that God and my family love me.

The Baptismal Candle

The Baptismal Font

Name ________________________________

Carefully draw a baptismal candle in the box below.

Remember to decorate it.


Match the picture to the correct word.

Baptismal candle

white garment

Baptismal font


holy oil


My Journey of Faith started when I was baptised.


The Baptism of Jesus

“This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased.

Do Not be Afraid

Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.

I have called you by your name;

you are mine.

When you walk through the waters,

I'll be with you;

you will never sink beneath the waves.

When the fire is burning all around you,

you will never be consumed by the flames.


Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the _____________ day of Lent.

You will be marked with a _____________ on your foreheads.

The cross reminds us of _________________.

Jesus first cross


Preparation for Easter

We can give money to ______________.

We can try to say more_______________.

We can give up eating _______________.

prayers cake charity


Love thy Neighbour

Jesus told us

Lent and Easter Workbook

Name_______________________ Primary 2

At the last supper Jesus took bread and wine and

Jesus had to carry his

On Good Friday Jesus

On Easter Sunday Jesus

Jesus told the disciples to throw the net out on the right side of the boat and

Thomas did not believe it was Jesus until he could




1. Baptism

2. God Our Father

3. Love Thy Neighbour

4. Lent/Easter

Draw a picture of your Baptism here.

Draw a picture of Jesus here.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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