|Bus |Classroom |Hallway |Playground |Lunch Room |Restroom |Arrival/Dismissal |

|*Respect others including the |*Use kind words and actions |*Use quiet voices |*Play fairly |*Use quiet voices |*Use quiet voices |*Speak kindly to peers |

|driver | | | | | | |

| |*Raise your hand and wait your|*Hold the door for others |*Accept others |*Wait your turn |*Be clean |*Treat others kindly |

|*Respect property |turn | | | | | |

| | |*Respect other classrooms |*Take turns/share |*Follow directions | |*Line up on the sidewalk |

|*Use kind words on the bus |*Use quiet voices | | | | | |

| | |*Walk with Hawk Pride Hands |*Follow adult directions |*Eat your own food | |*Line up at grade level door |

| |*Use materials appropriately | | | | | |

| | | |*Line up quickly and quietly |*Use nice table manners | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |*Be patient |*Mind your Ps and Qs | | |


|Bus |Classroom |Hallway |Playground |Lunch Room |Restroom |Arrival/Dismissal |

|*Follow driver’s signals |*Be there, be ready |*Walk to the right |*Follow rules |*Use A to Z order for hot |*Flush after use |*Be there, be ready, be on |

| | | | |lunch | |time |

|*Keep track of your belongings|*Work completed and ready |*Walk promptly to where you |*Stay in playground area | |*Quick, quiet, clean | |

| | |are going | |*Clean up after yourself | |*Be prepared to leave on time |

| |*Keep your materials organized| | | |*Clean up after yourself | |

| | | | |*Be ready on time | |*Complete assignment notebook |

| |*Work hard, keep trying | | | | |before dismissal |

| | | | | | | |

| |*Get involved | | | | |*Take home all needed items |


|Bus |Classroom |Hallway |Playground |Lunch Room |Restroom |Arrival/Dismissal |

|*Use polite voices |*Honor others’ space and |*Honor others’ space and |*Wait your turn |*Honor others’ space and |*Honor others’ space and |*Honor others’ space and |

| |property |property | |property |property |property |

|*Remain seated | | |*Use equipment safely | | | |

| |*Keep things in place |*Walk safely | |*Walk to the line |*Wait your turn |*Walk in a single-file line |

|*Face forward, keep aisle | | |*Walk to the line | | | |

|clear | | | | | |*Cross at crosswalk |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |*Go straight home |


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