Gary Keller “Quotes”


“If I don’t plan for the possible in my life, then for me, the possible will be impossible.”

“Behave in an assumptive manner. To have a BIG ending, you need a BIGGER beginning.”

“It’s not about getting the minimum, it’s getting the MAXIMUM.”

“You fail your way to success. Successes are the failures that didn’t quit.”

“Getting successful is BORING and SIMPLE.”

“Build urgency instead of pressure.”

“Having a motivation is critical. What the motivation is doesn’t matter.”

“Become as valid as possible.”

[pic]High Goals have a narrow path to get there. The Bigger you Think, the narrower it gets. Often people think that Thinking Big is Thinking Wide. Low goals have many ways to get there.

[pic]You must Aim higher to hit your target.

[pic]The size of your answers equals the size of your questions.

[pic]Not Comparative…It’s Personal


1. Meditate and Pray – Spiritual Energy

2. Exercise and Eat – Physical Energy

3. Hug, Kiss, and Laugh – Emotional Energy

4. Plan and Calendar – Mental Energy

5. Lead Generate – Business Energy

All by 11 A.M. Every Day!


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