EAD X Press - University of California, Berkeley

Finding Aid to the Him Mark Lai Papers, 1778-[on-going] (bulk 1970-1995)

Collection Number AAS ARC 2000/80



© 2004 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

|Table Of Contents |

Descriptive Summary i

Administrative Information iii

Related Collections iv

Biographical Information v

Scope and Content of Collection vi

Series Description viii

SERIES 1: RESEARCH FILES, 1778-2002, n.d. viii

A.: General Subjects, 1778-2002, n.d. viii

B.: People, 1871-2002, n.d. viii

C.: Organizations, 1853-2002, n.d. viii

D.: Slides, 1972-1979, n.d. viii

SERIES 2: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, 1949-1950, 1960-2002, n.d. viii

SERIES 3: WRITINGS, 1967-2001, n.d. ix

SERIES 4: PERSONAL PAPERS, 1918-2002, n.d. ix

Collection Contents 1

SERIES 1: RESEARCH FILES, 1778-2002, n.d. 1

A.: General Subjects, 1778-2002, n.d. 1

B.: People, 1871-2002, n.d. 125

C.: Organizations, 1853-2002, n.d. 171

D.: Slides, 1972-1979, n.d. 184

SERIES 2: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, 1949-1950, 1960-2002, n.d. 186

SERIES 3: WRITINGS, 1967-2001, n.d. 206

SERIES 4: PERSONAL PAPERS, 1918-2002, n.d. 209

|Descriptive Summary |

|Title |

| |

|Finding Aid to the Him Mark Lai Papers, 1778-[on-going] (bulk 1970-1995) |

|Collection Number |

| |

|AAS ARC 2000/80 |

|Creator |

| |

|Lai, H. Mark |

|Extent |

| |

|130 Cartons, 61 Boxes, 7 Oversize Folders |

|199.4 linear feet |

|Collection Processed By |

| |

|Jean Jao-Jin Kao |

|Yu Li |

|Janice Otani |

|Limin Fu |

|Yen Chen |

|Joy Hung |

|Lin Lin Ma |

|Zhuqing Xia |

|Mabel Yang |

|Date Completed |

| |

|May 2003 |

|Finding Aid Created By |

| |

|Jean Jao-Jin Kao |

|Janice Otani |

|Wei Chi Poon |

|Abstract |

| |

|The Him Mark Lai Papers are divided into four series: Research Files, Professional Activities, Writings, and Personal Papers. Lai's extensive research |

|spans over four decades, with the bulk of materials dating from 1970 to 1995. Although Lai was born and raised in the United States, he is fluent in |

|both English and Chinese and this bilingualism is evident in the materials contained in the collection. His commitment to documenting this history is |

|reflected in the numerous biographies of Chinese and Chinese Americans, and in the materials on Chinese overseas, particularly within the United States,|

|and their homeland relations. His research files include information relating to family associations, Chinese American organizations, Chinatowns, the |

|Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), and the history of China. Also represented in the collection are Lai's teaching files, materials gathered during his |

|participation in various professional activities, his writings, biographical information, and personal miscellany. Lai's interest in Chinese newspapers |

|is unparalleled: he subscribes to practically every Chinese newspaper available in the United States. This interest resulted in the inclusion of a |

|significant number of newsclippings along with correspondence, interviews, manuscripts, drafts, monographs, journals, statistical data, photocopies of |

|legal documents and FBI files, bylaws, minutes, organization records, historical documents, maps, slides, photographs and negatives. |

|Administrative Information |

|Access |

| |

|Collection is open for research. |

|Physical Location |

| |

|For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Ethnic Studies Library's online catalog |

|Preferred Citation |

| |

|[Identification of item], Him Mark Lai Papers, AAS ARC 2000/80, Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley. |

|Acquisition Information |

| |

|The Him Mark Lai papers were given to the Ethnic Studies Library by Him Mark Lai in 1980. Additions were made in 1999 and on February 27, 2002. |

|Related Collections |

|Chinese American Citizens Alliance, 1922-1987. AAS ARC 2000/71 |

|Chinese American Democratic Youth League miscellany, 1940-1962. AAS ARC 2000/81 |

|Chinese Cemetery Association miscellany, 1955-1998. AAS ARC 2000/83 |

|Chinese directories collection, 1949-1976. AAS ARC 2000/84 |

|Biographical Information |

| |

| |

|Him Mark Lai was born on November 1, 1925 into a San Francisco working class family. The family's Chinese surname was Mark, but it became Lai in |

|America because his father had entered the country as the paper son of a merchant with the surname Lai. Him Mark Lai received an Associate of Arts |

|degree from City College of San Francisco in 1945 and a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California at |

|Berkeley in 1947. He was a mechanical engineer at Bechtel Power Corporation from 1953 to 1984. |

| |

|Through the influence of his Chinese school teacher, Yuk Ow, who was considered by many to be one of the pioneers in scholarly research of Chinese |

|American history, Lai learned to appreciate the importance of Chinese language sources in the study of Chinese American history. A member of the |

|Chinese Historical Society since 1965, Lai has devoted much of his life to studying and writing about Chinese American history. At the end of 1967, he |

|initiated a series of historical articles in East/West: the Chinese-American Journal. As of 2003, he has written 54 essays and books in English and |

|Chinese and has contributed articles to four encyclopedias and other publications. His major publications include A History Reclaimed: An Annotated |

|Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the Chinese of America (1986) and From Overseas Chinese to Chinese American: History of Development of |

|Chinese American Society during the Twentieth Century (1992; in Chinese). He also edited Island: Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel |

|Island (1980). When he published his 13,000-word essay "Chinese on the Continental U.S." in The Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups in 1980,|

|he was already nationally and internationally known for his expertise. A 10,000-word essay in the Encyclopedia of Chinese Overseas was published in |

|1998 by Singapore's Chinese Heritage Centre in English as well as in traditional and simplified Chinese characters. |

| |

|Because Lai is noted for his scholarship on Chinese American history, many organizations request his services as a consultant. Furthermore, he has been|

|elected president and board member of many organizations. He was a consultant to one of the first television productions on Chinese American history, |

|Gam Saan Hak: A History of Chinese in America (San Francisco Channel 4, 1972-1974), as well as to the Angel Island Film Project, which resulted in the |

|film Carved in Silence (Felicia Lowe, 1981-1987). He was the president of the Chinese Historical Society of America in 1971, 1976, and 1977 and of the |

|Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco in 1982. From 1986 to the present, he has served on the editorial board of the journal Chinese America: |

|History and Perspectives as well as on the editorial board of Amerasia Journal from 1979 to the present. He was also invited to teach Chinese American |

|history courses at San Francisco State University (1969, 1972-75) and at the University of California at Berkeley (1978, 1979, 1984). |

| |

|Him Mark Lai served as a member of a library advisory committee to support the establishment of the former Asian American Studies Library at the |

|University of California at Berkeley (1980-1982) and as consultant and curator for the Chinese American archives collection (1986-1988) in that library.|

| |

|Because of his outstanding work and tireless service to the Chinese community, Lai has received numerous service and lifetime achievement awards from |

|various agencies, such as Chinese for Affirmative Action (mid-1970s), the Chinese Historical Society of America (1985, 1998), the Chinese Cultural |

|Foundation of San Francisco (1987), and the Association for Asian American Studies (1990, 1993). He also received an award from the Guangdong Province |

|Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs in the city of Guangzhou in China (2001) for his pioneering work with the "In Search of Roots" program. This |

|innovative program is helping young people find their roots in their ancestral homeland. |

| |

|Scope and Content of Collection |

| |

|The Him Mark Lai Papers are divided into four series: Research Files, Professional Activities, Writings, and Personal Papers. Lai's extensive research |

|spans over four decades, with the bulk of materials dating from 1970 to 1995. Although Lai was born and raised in the United States, he is fluent in |

|both English and Chinese and this bilingualism is evident in the materials contained in the collection. His commitment to documenting this history is |

|reflected in the numerous biographies of Chinese and Chinese Americans, and in the materials on Chinese overseas, particularly within the United States,|

|and their homeland relations. His research files include information relating to family associations, Chinese American organizations, Chinatowns, the |

|Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), and the history of China. Also represented in the collection are Lai's teaching files, materials gathered during his |

|participation in various professional activities, his writings, biographical information, and personal miscellany. Lai's interest in Chinese newspapers |

|is unparalleled: he subscribes to practically every Chinese newspaper available in the United States. This interest resulted in the inclusion of a |

|significant number of newsclippings along with correspondence, interviews, manuscripts, drafts, monographs, journals, statistical data, photocopies of |

|legal documents and FBI files, bylaws, minutes, organization records, historical documents, maps, slides, photographs and negatives. |

| |

|Him Mark Lai is acknowledged as "the dean of Chinese American Studies." In order to acquire a broad repertory of information, Lai traveled to many |

|university libraries, historical and research institutions in the United States and frequently visited ancestral villages in China. He tried to gather |

|as much data as possible from his numerous trips, conducting research and oral interviews. Lai's lifelong accumulation has resulted in these research |

|files. The collection of files can actually be seen as an encyclopedia of Chinese American history, as it includes hundreds of topics and dated articles|

|that span from 1778 to 2002. A great deal of Lai's research concentrates on internal developments in contemporary Chinese American communities, however |

|his collection covers all aspects of the Chinese American experience. He was especially attentive in collecting materials from the Chinese Consolidated |

|Benevolent Association (CCBA), as well as records of regional, clan, and family organizations. Organizations such as the CCBA were closely connected to |

|politics in China and in local U.S. communities. Therefore he became interested in political history and the history of dialects and regional groups. |

|Another interest of Lai's was collecting biographies of China's Chinese and Chinese Americans. This fascination is well represented by over two thousand|

|biographies in his collection. Some significant biographies contained in the collection are those of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Mao |

|Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Chiang Kai-shek, and Feng Yuxiang. Among the wide spectrum of occupations portrayed are those of architects, Ieoh Ming (I.M.) Pei|

|and Tung Yen Lin; artists, Dong Kingmen and Zhang Daqian; athlete, Michelle Kwan; businessman, Tan Kah Kee; computer industry professionals, Charles |

|Wong and JerryYang; educator, Chang-Lin Tien; filmmaker, Ang Lee; health professional, Henry D. Cheu; horticulturalist, Lue Gim Gong; law enforcer |

|(detective), Henry Lee; musician, Yo-Yo Ma; photographer, Kem Lee; pilot, Yue Fong; and scientist, Yuan T. Lee. |

| |

|While conducting his research, Lai communicated with history experts and others in an effort to acquire more information on Chinese Americans.The |

|collection includes correspondence with historians and researchers, as well as with historical societies and research institutions. Lai actively |

|participates in many cultural, historical and community organizations. Among these organizations are the Chinese Culture Foundation (CCF) and the |

|Chinese Historical Society of America (CHSA). He served as consultant for many projects and special events. From 1979 to 1980, he was a member of the |

|advisory committee for the traveling exhibit "Chinese of America 1785-1980," co-wrote the exhibit's catalogue, and was the exhibit's curator during its |

|runs in Shanghai (1985), Beijing (1986), and Hong Kong (1988). In 1980, Lai was appointed project director of "The Chinese American Experience: The |

|Second National Conference on Chinese American Studies," a conference co-sponsored by CCF and CHSA. Having served as president of CHSA (1971, 1976, and |

|1977) and CCF (1982), he now serves on each organization's board of directors. Lai's participation in academic conferences began in 1975. He often |

|presented papers and delivered speeches. He was invited to make the keynote address at the 1987 Honolulu Conference commemorating the bicentennial of |

|the arrival of Chinese in Hawaii. In 1992 he became a member of the planning committee of "Luodi Shenggen: The Legal, Political, and Economic Status of |

|Chinese in Diaspora," a conference held in San Francisco. Lai's wide range of professional activities are evident in the collection by the large number |

|of materials relating to organizations, exhibitions, conferences and requests for consultation. |

| |

|In 1971, Lai was also involved as a coordinator of "Hon Sing: Chinese Community Hour," a weekly, hour-long Cantonese language radio program. The program|

|ran for thirteen years and featured news, commentaries, community announcements, and Chinese music. Schedules, correspondence with listeners and |

|newsclippings relating to the radio program are contained in the collection. In addition, filmmakers and television producers have approached Lai for |

|his advice. Among the films were Gum Saan Haak: A History of the Chinese in America (KRON-TV, 1971-1974); Children's Television Project (The Association|

|of Chinese Teachers and Chinese for Affirmative Action, Loni Ding, project director, 1977-1978); The Chinatown Files (Amy Chen, producer, 1988-2001); |

|San Francisco Chinatown (KQED-TV, Felicia Lowe, producer, 1995); and Living Widows and Paper Sons (Multimedia Education Project, Jennie Lew, producer, |

|1994-2000). Lai's impressive knowledge has been tapped for a variety of other projects, including manuscript reviews and editorial consultations. |

| |

|Him Mark Lai taught classes principally on the history of Chinese in the United States for Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University |

|(1969, 1972-1975) and the University of California at Berkeley (1978, 1979, 1984). His teaching experience is represented by correspondence, appointment|

|forms, course materials, surveys, and lecture notes. |

| |

|Lai's collection brings together primary and specific materials that were used in his copious written works on Chinese American history, newspapers, |

|organizations, politics, and Chinese language schools. One significant publication, A History Reclaimed: An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Language |

|Materials on the Chinese of America (1986), is reflected by typescript drafts, work sheets on Chinese resources, correspondence, and publicity |

|newsclippings. Handwritten manuscripts and drafts represent another major published work, From Overseas Chinese to Chinese American: History of |

|Development of Chinese American Society During the Twentieth Century (1992; in Chinese). |

| |

|His personal papers are comprised of biographical materials, resumes, awards and tributes, correspondence, wedding speeches, eulogies, newsclippings |

|about Lai, family photographs, and miscellany. |

|Series Description |

|SERIES 1: RESEARCH FILES, 1778-2002, n.d. |

|Cartons 1-111, Boxes 1-49, Oversize Folders 1AAS-6AAS |

| |

|Arranged into four sub-series: General Subjects, People, Organizations, and Slides. |

| |

|Contains research materials related to Chinese American and Chinese overseas studies, including history, arts and culture, business, politics, |

|religion, socioeconomic conditions, and homeland relations with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. |

|A.: General Subjects, 1778-2002, n.d. |

|Cartons 1-101, Boxes 1-3, Oversize Folders 1AAS–6AAS |

| |

|Arranged alphabetically by subject headings, then chronologically. Biographies and organizations relating to specific subject |

|headings are arranged with the headings. The majority of biographies and organizations are arranged under the sub-series B. |

|People and C. Organizations. |

| |

|Includes major subject headings Angel Island Immigration Station, China, Chinatowns, Chinese American history, Chinese in the |

|United States, Chinese overseas, foreign relations, homeland relations, Kuomintang (KMT), and the Sino-Japanese conflict. Also |

|contains significant subjects such as aviation, business, education, films, garment industry, immigration, labor, language |

|schools, music, newspapers, political activity, religion, and secret societies. Consists of newsclippings, correspondence, |

|historical documents, papers, statistical data, certificates, notes, maps, printed materials, photographs, and negatives. |

| |

|Scope/Content |

|B.: People, 1871-2002, n.d. |

|Boxes 4-47 |

| |

|Arranged alphabetically by career and avocation, then alphabetically by name. Some biographies are arranged in Series 1: Research|

|files, A. General Subjects, under subject headings relating to those biographies. |

| |

|Contains biographical information on Chinese, Chinese Americans and Chinese overseas. Consists of correspondence, oral |

|interviews, drafts, articles, newsclippings, notes, printed materials, and photographs. |

| |

|Scope/Content |

|C.: Organizations, 1853-2002, n.d. |

|Cartons 102-111, Oversize Folder 2AAS |

| |

|Arranged alphabetically by type of organization. Some organizations are arranged in Series 1: Research files, A. General |

|Subjects, under subject headings relating to those organizations. |

| |

|Includes alumni; community, specifically the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Chinese Six Companies); cultural; |

|environmental; family and clan (Zongqinghui); locality (Gongsuo, Huiguan, Shantang, Tongxianghui); professional; and student |

|organizations. Consists of bylaws, meeting minutes, officers information, organization structure charts, announcements, |

|newsletters, brochures, printed materials, and newsclippings. |

| |

|Scope/Content |

|D.: Slides, 1972-1979, n.d. |

|Boxes 48-49 |

| |

|Arranged alphabetically. |

| |

|Contains slides of China, San Francisco's Chinatown and Chinese in the United States. |

|SERIES 2: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, 1949-1950, 1960-2002, n.d. |

|Cartons 112-126, Boxes 50-59, Oversize Folder 7AAS |

| |

|Arranged hierarchically, then alphabetically. Organization conferences are arranged chronologically. |

| |

|Includes correspondence with colleagues, historical societies, research institutions, publishers, and political officials. Contains numerous |

|professional and community organization materials, specifically from the Chinese Culture Foundation/Chinese Culture Center (CCF/CCC) of San Francisco|

|and the Chinese Historical Society of America (CHSA). Also includes oral history interviews, as well as materials relating to projects, media |

|productions, exhibitions, and consultation requests, particularly editorial pieces from East/West newspaper and the Ameriasia Journal. There are also|

|teaching files from San Francisco State University, University of California at Berkeley along with miscellaneous teaching assignments. Consists of |

|interviews, drafts, bylaws, minutes, course materials, survey forms, program schedules, exhibition layouts and floor plans, notes, printed materials,|

|photographs, and negatives. |

|SERIES 3: WRITINGS, 1967-2001, n.d. |

|Cartons 127-130 |

| |

|Arranged alphabetically by title or subject. |

| |

|Primarily includes manuscripts with research and supporting materials for published works: The Chinese of America, 1785-1980: An Illustrated History |

|and Catalog of the Exhibition; From Overseas Chinese to Chinese Americans; and A History Reclaimed: An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Language |

|Materials on the Chinese of America. Also contains essays, papers, speeches, biographical articles as well as numerous articles written for |

|newspapers and journals. Consists of typescript and handwritten drafts in English and Chinese along with working sheets, revisions, correspondence |

|with publishers, notes, related research and published materials, and reprints. |

|SERIES 4: PERSONAL PAPERS, 1918-2002, n.d. |

|Boxes 60-61 |

| |

|Arranged hierarchically, then chronologically. |

| |

|Contains biographical materials, newsclippings featuring Him Mark Lai, resumes, personal correspondence, awards and tributes, donations, wedding |

|speeches, eulogies, letters of recommendation, library records, financial records, family photographs, negatives, and miscellany. |

|Collection Contents |

|Container |Folder |Contents |Dates |

|SERIES 1: RESEARCH FILES, 1778-2002, n.d. |

|A.: General Subjects, 1778-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 1-4 |Academic achievement |1956-2002 |

| |Acculturation and assimilation | |

|Carton 1 | 5-6 |General |1970-2002 |

|Carton 1 | 7 |Chinese Americans |1936-1969 |

|Carton 1 | 8 |Chinese overseas |1998, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 9 |Adoption from China |1993-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 10 |Affirmative action |1993-2000 |

|Carton 1 | 11 |Afghan Americans |2002 |

|Carton 1 | 12 |African American Studies |1969, 1974, 1991, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 13 |Alcoholism |1987, 1990 |

| |Agriculture | |

|Carton 1 | 14 |General |1965-2002 |

|Carton 1 | 15 |Bonsai |1960 |

|Carton 1 | 16 |Cigars |1864-1895 |

|Carton 1 | 17 |Cotton |1863-1870, 1966 |

|Carton 1 | 18 |Farmers |1977-1995 |

|Carton 1 | 19 |Flower industry |1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 20 |Fruits and vegetables |1874-1903, 1964-1973, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 21 |Ginseng |1990-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 22 |History |1873-1991 |

|Carton 1 | 23 |Hops |1886, 1903, 1940, 1979 |

|Carton 1 | 24 |Labor |1870-1974 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 1 | 25 |Chrysanthemum Growers Association |1990, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 26 |United Flower Growers Association |1984 |

|Carton 1 | 27 |Seaweed industry |1905-1926 |

|Carton 1 | 28 |Silk |1866-1880 |

|Carton 1 | 29 |Vineyards |1952, 1972-1975, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 30 |Wheat |1868 |

|Carton 1 | 31 |Woolen industry |1861-1869, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 32 |American history |1973 |

| |Anarchism | |

|Carton 1 | 33 |General |1905, 1930-1937, n.d. |

|Carton 1 | 34 |The Equality Society (Ping Sheh) |1927-1938 |

|Carton 1 | 35 |Periodicals |1934, n.d. |

| |Angel Island Immigration Station | |

|Carton 1 | 36-37 |General |1910-1929, 1970-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 2 | 1 |Archives and records |1925-2001 |

|Carton 2 | 2 |Detention barracks |1907-1909, 1955, |

| | | |1994-2001 |

|Carton 2 | 3 |Maurer, Katharine R. |1935, 1977, n.d. |

|Carton 2 | 4-6 |"Recommendation for the Historical Recreation Development of Angel Island" by Marshall |1966 |

| | |McDonald and Associates | |

|Carton 2 | 7 |Save Angel Island League (SAIL) |2000-2001 |

|Carton 2 | 8 |Photographs |1890-1911, 1977, n.d. |

| |Architecture | |

|Carton 2 | 9-11 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 2 | 12 |Chinese architecture and landscape |1941, 1957, 1970-1997 |

|Carton 2 | 13 |Parrott building, San Francisco |1926, 1989 |

| |Archives | |

|Carton 2 | 14 |Canada |1972-1987 |

|Carton 2 | 15 |China, Hong Kong, Taiwan |1935, 1977-1997 |

|Carton 2 | 16 |Great Britain |1985 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 2 | 17 |General |1993, n.d. |

|Carton 2 | 18 |California State Archives |1971-1984 |

|Carton 2 | 19 |Labor Archives and Research Center |1986-1988 |

|Carton 2 | 20-21 |National Archives and Records Administration |1972-1999, n.d. |

| |Art | |

|Carton 2 | 22-25 |General |1955, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 3 | 1 |Bronzes |n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 2 |Calligraphy |1971-1997 |

|Carton 3 | 3 |Carving |1959-1990 |

|Carton 3 | 4 |Ceramics |1959-1977 |

|Carton 3 | 5 |"Chinese American Artists - Chinese American Art" by William Lew |1980 |

|Carton 3 | 6 |Chinese painting |1958-1978 |

|Carton 3 | 7 |Cloisonne enamel |1972-1977, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 8 |Exhibits |1972-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 9 |Folk art |1899-1924, 1957-1984 |

|Carton 3 | 10 |Galleries |1974-1994 |

|Carton 3 | 11 |Jewelry |1971-1997 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 3 | 12-13 |General |1972-2001 |

|Carton 3 | 14 |Asian Pacific Art Institute |1998 |

|Carton 3 | 15 |Association of Asian/Pacific American Artists |1985 |

|Carton 3 | 16 |Chinatown Community Arts Program, San Francisco |1995 |

|Carton 3 | 17 |Chinese Art Association |1992-1999 |

|Carton 3 | 18 |Contemporary China Culture Institute |1990 |

|Carton 3 | 19 |Publication |1982 |

|Carton 3 | 20 |Sculpture |1986-1994 |

| |Asian American Movement | |

|Carton 3 | 21 |General |1973-2001 |

|Carton 3 | 22 |Students |1972-1991 |

| |Asian American Studies | |

|Carton 3 | 23 |General |1969-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 24 |City College of San Francisco |1969-1973 |

|Carton 3 | 25 |Cornell University |1988-1989, 1998-1999 |

|Carton 3 | 26 |Duke University |1993, 1995-1999 |

|Carton 3 | 27 |San Francisco State University |1972-2001 |

|Carton 3 | 28 |San Jose State University |1971-1973, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 29 |Stanford University |1977-2002 |

|Carton 3 | 30 |University of California, Berkeley |1977-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 31 |University of California, Los Angeles |1971-2002 |

|Carton 3 | 32 |Asian Americans |1978-2002 |

|Carton 3 | 33-35 |Asian Indian Americans |1977-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 3 | 36 |Asian Indians overseas |1996 |

| |Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (Month) | |

|Carton 4 | 1 |General |1980-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 4 | 2 |California State Board of Education, Resolution No. 82-8 |1982 |

|Carton 4 | 3 |Asian Studies |1971-1973, 1992 |

| |Athletics | |

|Carton 4 | 4-5 |General |1931, 1971-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 6 |Badminton |1996-2001 |

|Carton 4 | 7-8 |Baseball, basketball, football, soccer |1913-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 9 |Boxing |1941, 1986-1995 |

|Carton 4 | 10 |Golf |1987-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 11 |Gymnastics |1984-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 12 |Horse racing |1986 |

|Carton 4 | 13 |Ice skating |1994-1999 |

| |Olympics | |

|Carton 4 | 14-15 |General |1984-1985, |

| | | |1993-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 16 |Beijing, 2008 |2001 |

|Carton 4 | 17 |Organizations |1949, 1988-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 4 | 18 |Skiing |1989-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 19 |Swimming |1992-1995 |

| |Table tennis | |

|Carton 4 | 20 |General |1985-2000 |

|Carton 4 | 21 |Chinese teams |1971-1973 |

|Carton 4 | 22 |Tennis |1975-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 23 |Tournaments |1985-2001 |

|Carton 4 | 24 |Track and field |1918, 1942, 1985-2002 |

|Carton 4 | 25 |Volleyball |1974-1999 |

| |Aviation | |

|Carton 4 | 26 |China Aircraft Corporation |1924, 1943-1974 |

|Carton 4 | 27 |Chinese New Era Aeronautic Corporation; Chen, Suie Tai (Chen, Xiuda) |1914-1932 |

|Carton 4 | 28 |Tool Kwong Aviation Corporation |1918, 1967 |

| |Banks and banking | |

|Carton 4 | 29-32 |General |1946-1947, 1963-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 4 | 33 |Abacus Federal Saving Bank |1984-1997 |

|Carton 4 | 34 |Affinity Thrift and Loan |1984-1996 |

|Carton 4 | 35 |Amerasia Bank |1989 |

|Carton 4 | 36 |American Asian Bank |1974-1987 |

|Carton 4 | 37 |American International Bank |1984-1995 |

|Carton 4 | 38 |American Metro Bank |1997 |

|Carton 4 | 39 |American Pacific Bank |1998 |

|Carton 4 | 40 |American California Bank |1978-2001 |

|Carton 4 | 41 |Asian American Bank |1997-2000 |

|Carton 4 | 42 |Asian American Bank and Trust Company |1993, 1997 |

|Carton 4 | 43 |Asian American National Bank |1983, 1988, 1997 |

|Carton 4 | 44 |Asian loan clubs |1933-1952, 1971-1994 |

|Carton 4 | 45 |Bank Central Asia |1985-1987 |

|Carton 4 | 46 |Bank of America |1991-2000 |

| |Bank of Canton | |

|Carton 5 | 1-2 |General |1903-1944, |

| | | |1971-2001, n.d. |

|Oversize Folder 1AAS |Advertisement for purchasing stocks |1907 |

|Carton 5 | 3 |Bank of the Orient |1972-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 4 |Bank of Sacramento |1963-1983 |

|Carton 5 | 5 |Bank of San Francisco |1996 |

|Carton 5 | 6 |Bridge Bank of Silicon Valley |2001 |

|Carton 5 | 7 |California National Bank |1980-1998 |

|Carton 5 | 8 |Cathay Bank |1971-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 9 |Chinatown Federal Savings and Loan Association |1972-1982 |

|Carton 5 | 10 |Chinatown Federal Savings Bank |1984 |

|Carton 5 | 11 |Chinatrust Bank |1993-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 12 |Chinese American Federal Credit Union |1989-1993 |

|Carton 5 | 13 |Diplomat National Bank |1975 |

|Carton 5 | 14 |Dynasty Federal Savings Bank |1985 |

|Carton 5 | 15 |East West Bank |1973-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 16 |Eastern International Bank |1983-1995 |

|Carton 5 | 17 |Far East National Bank |1974-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 18 |First American National Bank |1997-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 19 |First Central Bank |1988-1990 |

|Carton 5 | 20 |First Public Savings Bank |1977-1995 |

| |Foreign banks in the United States | |

|Carton 5 | 21 |General |1978-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 22 |China, Hong Kong |1976-1995 |

|Carton 5 | 23 |Taiwan |1984-1998 |

|Carton 5 | 24 |Gateway Bank |1984-1996 |

|Carton 5 | 25 |General Bank |1983-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 26 |Golden City Bank |1986-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 27 |Golden Coin Savings and Loan Association |1978-1995 |

|Carton 5 | 28-29 |Golden Pacific National Bank |1976-1977, 1984-1996 |

|Carton 5 | 30 |Grand National Bank |1987 |

|Carton 5 | 31 |Great Eastern Bank |1986-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 32 |Guild Savings |1971 |

|Carton 5 | 33 |Hibernia Bank |1982-1987 |

|Carton 5 | 34 |Home Federal Savings Bank |1987 |

|Carton 5 | 35 |The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation |1987-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 36 |International Bank of Chicago |1992-1998 |

|Carton 5 | 37 |Investment banking |1986-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 38 |Lippo Bank |1961-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 39 |Los Angeles National Bank |1983-1999 |

|Carton 5 | 40 |Metro Bank |1987-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 5 | 41 |New Asia Bank |1994-2000 |

|Carton 5 | 42 |National American Bank |1983-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 43 |Northeast Community Federal Credit Union |n.d. |

|Carton 5 | 44 |Omni Bank |1983-1993 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 5 | 45 |General |1985-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 46 |Association of Asian American Bankers |1988-1992 |

|Carton 5 | 47 |National Association of Chinese American Bankers |1981-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 5 | 48 |Pacific Global Bank |1997-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 49 |San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan Association |1972-1983 |

|Carton 5 | 50 |Sincere Federal Savings Bank |1979-2001 |

|Carton 5 | 51 |Southwestern National Bank |1997-2000 |

|Carton 5 | 52 |Standard Savings Bank |1982-1995 |

|Carton 5 | 53 |Summit Bank |1998 |

|Carton 5 | 54 |Texas First National Bank |1987-1999 |

|Carton 5 | 55 |Trans American National Bank |1983-1991 |

|Carton 5 | 56 |United American Bank |1983 |

|Carton 5 | 57 |United Central Bank |1998 |

|Carton 5 | 58 |United Commercial Bank |1972-2002 |

|Carton 5 | 59 |United Financial Group |1990 |

|Carton 5 | 60 |United National Bank |1988-1999 |

|Carton 5 | 61 |United Orient Bank |1978-1994 |

|Carton 5 | 62 |United Pacific Bank |1981-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 63 |United Savings and Loan Bank |1995-2000 |

|Carton 5 | 64 |United World Chinese Commercial Bank |1959, 1974-1997 |

|Carton 5 | 65 |Washington First International Bank |1995-1998 |

|Carton 5 | 66 |Wells Fargo Bank |1976 |

| |Beauty pageants | |

|Carton 6 | 1 |General |1930-1962, 1970-2001 |

|Carton 6 | 2 |Ng, Rita (Wu, Siyin) |2000 |

|Carton 6 | 3 |Hsu, Caroline (Xu, Shanling) |2000-2001 |

| |Bibliographies | |

|Carton 6 | 4 |Asian American Studies |1974-1986, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 5-7 |Chinese American Studies |1910, 1942, 1965-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 8 |Chinese Canadian history |1986, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 9 |Chinese history |1910, 1942, 1988, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 10 |Chinese in Latin America |n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 11 |Book reviews |1998, 2001, n.d. |

| |Bookstores | |

|Carton 6 | 12 |General |1926, 1974-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 13 |Amerasia Bookstore |1991 |

|Carton 6 | 14 |China Books and Periodicals, Inc. |1984-2000 |

|Carton 6 | 15 |China, Hong Kong, Taiwan |1990-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 16 |Cypress Book Company, Inc. |1990-1999 |

|Carton 6 | 17 |Eastwind, San Francisco (California) |1992-1999 |

|Carton 6 | 18 |Oriental Culture Enterprises Co., Inc., New York |1985-1997 |

|Carton 6 | 19 |World Journal Bookstore |1987-1997, n.d. |

| |Business | |

|Carton 6 | 20-23 |General |1952, 1970-2002, n.d. |

| |Bankruptcy | |

|Carton 6 | 24 |General |1991-1994 |

|Carton 6 | 25 |Mandarin Tower |1972-1976 |

|Carton 6 | 26 |Chinatown stores and peddlers |1971-2000 |

|Carton 6 | 27 |Conferences |1972, 1988-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 28 |Corporate Name Status and Information, Secretary of State Office, California |1964-1974 |

|Carton 6 | 29 |Ethnic Americans |1976-1991 |

| |History | |

|Carton 6 | 30 |Compradores |1874, 1878, 1904, |

| | | |1929-1930, |

| | | |1971-1974, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 31 |Jinshan Zhuang |1903-1935, |

| | | |1948-1995 |

|Carton 6 | 32-33 |19th century |1862-1903, |

| | | |1946-1949, |

| | | |1984-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 6 | 34-35 |20th century |1906-1926, |

| | | |1960-2001 |

|Carton 6 | 36-37 |Imports from Asia |1969-1997 |

|Carton 6 | 38 |Lease of Chinatown stores |1977 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 7 | 1-2 |General |1944-1947, |

| | | |1973-2002 |

|Carton 7 | 3 |Alliance of Chinese American Groups in the U.S.A. |1996-2000 |

|Carton 7 | 4 |Asian American Manufacturers Association |1984-1997 |

|Carton 7 | 5 |Chicago (Illinois) |1985-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 6 |Chinatown Merchants Association |1990-1994 |

|Carton 7 | 7 |Chinese American Association of Commerce (CAAC) |1981-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 8 |Chinese Business Association |1986-1987 |

|Carton 7 | 9-11 |Chinese Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco (California) |1896-2002 |

|Carton 7 | 12 |Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles (California) |1977-1995 |

|Carton 7 | 13 |Chinese Chamber of Commerce, New York (New York) |1975-1995 |

|Carton 7 | 14 |Chinese Food Services Association U.S.A. |1995 |

|Carton 7 | 15 |Dallas, Houston (Texas) |2000 |

|Carton 7 | 16 |Golden Gate Neighborhood Grocers Association |1971-1978 |

|Carton 7 | 17 |Grocers' Association, Los Angeles (California) |1970-1992 |

|Carton 7 | 18 |Los Angeles (California) |1987-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 19 |National American and Chinese Business Association |1990-1995 |

|Carton 7 | 20 |New York (New York) |1974-1999 |

|Carton 7 | 21 |The New York Chinese Businessmen's Association Inc. |1992-2000 |

|Carton 7 | 22 |Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce |1996-1998 |

|Carton 7 | 23 |Oakland East Lake Chamber of Commerce |1998 |

|Carton 7 | 24 |Overseas Chinese Professional and Business League |1992-1997 |

|Carton 7 | 25 |Sacramento Chinese Food Dealers Association |1954 |

|Carton 7 | 26 |San Francisco (California) |1962-2000 |

|Carton 7 | 27 |Taiwanese |1988-2000 |

|Carton 7 | 28 |Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce |1987-1998 |

|Carton 7 | 29 |Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Northern California |1988-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 30 |U.S. Food Stores of California |1954 |

|Carton 7 | 31 |Washington, D. C. |1997 |

|Carton 7 | 32 |Stores as social centers |1936, n.d. |

| |Business enterprises | |

|Carton 7 | 33-35 |General |1968-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 7 | 36 |Advertising |1991-1997 |

|Carton 7 | 37 |Airlines |1980-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 7 | 38 |Appliances |1992-2002 |

|Carton 7 | 39 |Auto dealers |1985-1998 |

|Carton 7 | 40 |Auto services |1982-1995 |

|Carton 7 | 41 |Bakeries |1985-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 7 | 42 |Barbers, beauty salons |1991-1995 |

|Carton 7 | 43 |Biotechnology industries |1993-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 44 |Broom companies |1864, 1871, 1941 |

|Carton 7 | 45 |Casinos |1983-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 46 |Chinaware manufacturers |1982-1984 |

|Carton 7 | 47 |Construction |1985-1997 |

|Carton 7 | 48 |Department stores |1924, 1937, 1967-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 7 | 49 |Electronics |1949, 1994-2002 |

| |Food manufacturers | |

|Carton 7 | 50 |General |1972-2001 |

|Carton 7 | 51 |Fortune cookies |1974-1998 |

|Carton 7 | 52 |Furniture stores |1989-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 7 | 53 |Gasoline and oil industries |1988-1998 |

|Carton 8 | 1 |Ginseng, herbs and health food |1989-2001 |

|Carton 8 | 2-3 |Giftstores |1978-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 8 | 4-6 |Groceries |1900, 1904, 1944, 1949,|

| | | |1971-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 8 | 7 |Gun powder |1982, 1996 |

| |Heavy industries | |

|Carton 8 | 8 |General |1982-2000 |

|Carton 8 | 9 |China Motor Co., United Motor Industries, Inc. |1955 |

|Carton 8 | 10 |Hotels |1979-2002 |

|Carton 8 | 11 |Insurance brokers and companies |1973-2000 |

|Carton 8 | 12 |Jewelry and jewelers |1949, 1971-1999 |

|Carton 8 | 13 |Leather goods, shoe industries |1870-1896, 1981, n.d. |

|Carton 8 | 14 |Livestock breeding |1875, 1936, 1965, 2000,|

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 8 | 15 |Mortuaries, funeral services |1993-1998 |

|Carton 8 | 16 |Paper mills |1968 |

|Carton 8 | 17 |Pawnbrokers |1871, 1935, 1970-1989 |

|Carton 8 | 18 |Poultry industries |1999-2000 |

|Carton 8 | 19 |Printing |1973-1999 |

|Carton 8 | 20-25 |Real estate |1971-2001 |

| |Recreation | |

|Carton 8 | 26 |General |1988-1994 |

|Carton 8 | 27-28 |Theme parks |1993-2002 |

|Carton 8 | 29 |Restaurant equipment |1968-1991 |

| |Ships and shipping | |

|Carton 8 | 30 |General |1872, 1924, |

| | | |1971-1996 |

|Carton 8 | 31 |China Mail Steamship Company |1915-1925 |

|Carton 8 | 32 |China Commercial Steamship Company |1902-1912 |

| |Shopping centers | |

|Carton 8 | 33 |General |1977-2002 |

|Carton 8 | 34 |Little Saigon, (Westminster, California) |1987-1997 |

|Carton 8 | 35 |Tang City, (Houston, Texas) |1976-1987 |

| |Supermarkets | |

|Carton 8 | 36 |General |1979-2002 |

|Carton 8 | 37 |Ranch 99 |1992-2000 |

|Carton 8 | 38 |Taxicabs |1976-1997 |

|Carton 8 | 39 |Tea |1994-2001 |

|Carton 8 | 40 |Telecommunication |2001 |

|Carton 8 | 41 |Transportation |1993, 1998, 2000 |

|Carton 8 | 42 |Travel agencies |1971-2001 |

|Carton 8 | 43 |Video stores |1986-2002 |

|Carton 8 | 44 |Wedding gauze |1995-1996 |

|Carton 8 | 45 |Wholesale |2001 |

| |Careers and occupations | |

|Carton 8 | 46 |General |1925-1940, 1970-2001 |

|Carton 8 | 47 |Cosmetologists |1986-1996 |

|Carton 8 | 48 |Craftsmen |1870, 1994 |

|Carton 8 | 49 |Domestic services |1860-1923, n.d. |

|Carton 8 | 50 |Managers |1971-1997 |

|Carton 8 | 51 |Models |1974-1976, 1987-1999 |

|Carton 8 | 52 |Seamen |1892-1940, 1975-1989 |

| |Cases (legal) | |

|Carton 9 | 1 |The Asiatio Club |1910 |

|Carton 9 | 2 |Chen, Li-hong |1990 |

|Carton 9 | 3 |Chin, Vincent (Chen, Guoren) |1983-2002 |

|Carton 9 | 4-13 |China Daily News |1951-1956, n.d. |

|Carton 10 | 1-9 |Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Freedom of Information Act) |1949-1976 |

| |Immigration/Deportation | |

|Carton 10 | 10 |Bemis, Polly |1896 |

|Carton 10 | 11 |Chin, Lung (Chen, Kangda) |1904-1932, 1994 |

|Carton 10 | 12 |Fong, Walter (Kuang, Guoshun) |1957 |

|Carton 10 | 13 |Fong, Yue Ting |1893 |

|Carton 10 | 14 |Li, Fuzhu |1972-1975 |

|Carton 10 | 15 |Leong, Moon (Leong Jow Ging) |1909 |

|Carton 10 | 16 |Wong, Kim Ark (Huang, Jinde) |1892, 1982, 1998 |

|Carton 10 | 17 |Kao, Kuan Chung (Gao, Guanzhong) |1997-1998 |

|Carton 10 | 18-25 |Lee, Wen Ho (Li, Wenhe) |1999-2002 |

|Carton 11 | 1 |Li, Hong-yi |1999 |

|Carton 11 | 2-10 |Liu, Henry (Jiang Nan) |1984-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 11 | 11 |Lou, Dennis (Liu, Dunli) |1976-1985 |

|Carton 11 | 12 |Lu, Mingxi |1989-1993 |

|Carton 11 | 13 |Mao, Bangchu |1990 |

|Carton 11 | 14 |Tape vs. Hurley (Spring Valley School) |1885, 1983 |

|Carton 11 | 15 |Tom, Quailand (Tan, Fagui) |1975 |

|Carton 11 | 16 |Wang, Chengyong |1998 |

|Carton 11 | 17 |Wang, James |1994-1997 |

| |Cemeteries | |

|Carton 11 | 18-19 |General |1961-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 11 | 20 |Luk Shan Cemetery |1851-1903, 1955-1977, |

| | | |1993-2002 |

|Carton 11 | 21-23 |Census |1972, 1986-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 11 | 24 |Chicanos |1979, n.d. |

|Carton 11 | 25 |Children |1898-1899, |

| | | |1960-1985 |

| |Child care centers | |

|Carton 11 | 26 |General |1973-2002 |

|Carton 11 | 27 |New York |1984-1986 |

|Carton 11 | 28-29 |Wu Yee Children's Services, San Francisco |1993-2001 |

| |China | |

|Carton 12 | 1 |General |1950-2001 |

|Carton 12 | 2-3 |Agriculture |1928-1975, 1995 |

|Carton 12 | 4 |Aphorisms |1970-1971, 2000 |

|Carton 12 | 5 |Archaeology |1971-2001, n.d. |

| |Aviation | |

|Carton 12 | 6 |General |1993-2002 |

| |History | |

|Carton 12 | 7-8 |General |1912-1918, 1933, |

| | | |1974-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 12 | 9 |Central China Airline and China Airline, 1949 |1984, 1997, 2000 |

| |Business | |

|Carton 12 | 10 |General |1989-2002 |

|Carton 12 | 11 |Regional groups (Shangbang) |1989-2001 |

| |Civilization | |

|Carton 12 | 12 |General |1958, 1989-1996 |

|Carton 12 | 13 |Early China Europe contact |1924-1948, |

| | | |1962-1976 |

|Carton 12 | 14-15 |Influence in pre-Columbian America |1868, 1933-1964, |

| | | |1968-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 12 | 16 |Influence in the Western United States |1930, 1961 |

|Carton 12 | 17 |Influence on European art |1956-1974 |

|Carton 12 | 18 |Crime |2001-2002 |

|Carton 12 | 19 |Criminal law and punishment |1944, 1971-1981 |

| |Description and travel | |

|Carton 12 | 20-21 |General |1938, 1951-1960, |

| | | |1969-2002 |

|Carton 12 | 22 |Guangdong |1954-1984 |

|Carton 12 | 23 |Travel regulations |1930-1949, |

| | | |1971-1973, |

| | | |1986-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 12 | 24 |Directories (Macau, Guangzhou Hong Kong) |1932 |

| |Education | |

|Carton 12 | 25-26 |General |1882, 1888, |

| | | |1904-2000 |

|Carton 12 | 27 |Civil service examination system |1917-1919, |

| | | |1962-1989 |

|Carton 12 | 28 |Foreign students |1989, 1992, |

| | | |2000-2001 |

|Carton 12 | 29 |Reform |2000 |

|Carton 12 | 30 |Yue Lu Shu Yuan |1997 |

|Carton 12 | 31 |Environmental protection |1974, 1997-2001 |

| |Ethnic groups | |

|Carton 13 | 1-2 |General |1947-1968, |

| | | |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 3 |Bai |1972, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 4 |Daur, Hezhen, Manchu, Olunchun |1959-1971-1986, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 5 |Dong |1973, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 6 |Guangdong, Guangxi Provinces |1937, 1951-1986, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 7 |Guizhou, Hunan Provinces |1938, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 8 |Hui |1981-1987, 2000 |

|Carton 13 | 9 |Jewish |1985-1991 |

|Carton 13 | 10 |Jingpo |1959-1961, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 11 |Li |1938, 1959-1977, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 12 |Menggu and Northwest Regions |1936, 1956, |

| | | |1971-1985, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 13 |Miao |1959-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 14 |Mongolia |1959, 1971-1983, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 15 |North and Northeast Regions |1936, 1948, |

| | | |1968-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 16 |Qiang |1959, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 17 |Qinghai, Sichuan Provinces |1930-1946, |

| | | |1972-1984 |

|Carton 13 | 18 |Tai |1957-1973, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 19 |Tong |1958-1977 |

|Carton 13 | 20 |Tongka, Boat people |1929-1937, |

| | | |1959-1977, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 21 |Uygur |1954, 1971, 1993 |

|Carton 13 | 22 |Va |1959, 1973, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 23 |Xinjiang Province |1929, 1934-1959, |

| | | |1977, 1986, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 24 |Yao |1928, 1934, 1959, |

| | | |1972-1975, 2002 |

|Carton 13 | 25 |Yi |1947, 1963-1982, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 26 |Yunnan Province |1946-1987, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 27 |Zang |1952-1979 |

|Carton 13 | 28 |Eunuchs |1971, 1985, 2001 |

|Carton 13 | 29 |Fauna |1957-1985 |

|Carton 13 | 30 |Foreign exchange reserves |1995-2002 |

| |Foreign relations | |

|Carton 13 | 31 |General |1886, 1903, |

| | | |1960-2002 |

|Carton 13 | 32 |Canada |1972-1977 |

|Carton 13 | 33 |Japan |1972, 1977, 1995 |

|Carton 13 | 34 |United Nations |1945, 1975-2001 |

| |Foreign trade | |

|Carton 13 | 35 |General |1993-1999 |

|Carton 13 | 36 |Japanese merchants of Tang Dynasty |1995 |

|Carton 13 | 37 |Messrs. Tait and Co. (Deji Yanghang) |1993 |

|Carton 13 | 38 |Silk road |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 39 |Tobacco |1995 |

|Carton 13 | 40 |World Trade Organization (WTO) |1997-2001 |

| |Geography | |

|Carton 13 | 41-43 |General |1932-1957, |

| | | |1969-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 44 |Great Wall |1935, 1971-1973, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 13 | 45 |Hanjiang Delta |1957, 1976 |

|Carton 13 | 46 |Huai River |1955, 1971-1973, |

| | | |1993 |

|Carton 13 | 47 |Yangtse River, Yellow River |1949, 1954, |

| | | |1971-1999, n.d. |

| |Higher education | |

|Carton 14 | 1 |General |1984-2000 |

|Carton 14 | 2 |Foshan University |1989-1990 |

|Carton 14 | 3 |Guangzhou University |1977, 1994, 2000 |

|Carton 14 | 4 |Huanghe University |1984-1987 |

|Carton 14 | 5 |Huaqiao University |1983-1996 |

|Carton 14 | 6-9 |Jinan University |1949, 1986-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 14 | 10-11 |Lingnan University |1933-1989, |

| | | |1998-2000 |

|Carton 14 | 12 |Qinghua University |1988 |

|Carton 14 | 13 |Shantou University |1993-1995 |

|Carton 14 | 14 |Tung-chi (Tong Ji) University |1938 |

|Carton 14 | 15 |Wuyi University |1985-1999 |

|Carton 14 | 16 |Yanjing University |1996 |

|Carton 14 | 17 |Zhongshan University |1974-1993 |

| |History | |

|Carton 14 | 18 |General |1956-1971, |

| | | |1997-2001 |

| |Anecdotes | |

|Carton 14 | 19 |General |1947-2001 |

|Carton 14 | 20 |Shaoxing Shiye (Political consultant) |1986 |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 14 | 21-22 |General |1891, 1925, |

| | | |1970-2002 |

|Carton 14 | 23 |Fujian, Taiwan |1957-1991 |

|Carton 14 | 24-26 |Guangdong |1911, 1934-2000 |

|Carton 14 | 27 |Dai, Hongci |1905-1906, 1977, |

| | | |1982, 1995-1998 |

|Carton 14 | 28 |Li, Bai |1971-1972 |

|Carton 14 | 29 |Li, Hongzhang |1969-2002 |

|Carton 14 | 30 |Lin, Zexu |1971-1985, |

| | | |1998-1999 |

|Carton 14 | 31 |Liu, Mingchuan |n.d. |

|Carton 14 | 32 |Weng, Tonghe |2000, 2002 |

|Carton 14 | 33 |Zheng, Chenggong |1970-1972 |

|Carton 14 | 34 |Zhu, Jiujiang |1995 |

| |History (By period) | |

|Carton 15 | 1 |Before Qing Dynasty |1948-2000, n.d. |

| |Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912 | |

|Carton 15 | 2 |General |1894, 1963-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 15 | 3 |Diplomacy |1853-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 15 | 4 |Opium War, 1840 |1937, 1969, 1972 |

|Carton 15 | 5 |Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864 |1931-1972, 1994 |

|Carton 15 | 6 |Reform Movement, 1898 |1900, 1971-1999 |

|Carton 15 | 7 |Tatsu Maru Affair, 1908 |1970 |

| |Revolution, 1911-1912 | |

|Carton 15 | 8 |General |1904-1999 |

|Carton 15 | 9-11 |Chinese overseas |1911-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 15 | 12 |"Christian Leaders of the Hsing Chung Hui" by Irma Tam Soong |1991 |

|Carton 15 | 13 |Fundraising |1911-1919, |

| | | |1986-1991 |

|Carton 15 | 14 |San Francisco Conference, 1920 |1920 |

|Carton 15 | 15 |Tongmenghui |1965-1995 |

| |Republic, 1912-1949 | |

|Carton 15 | 16 |General |1910-1978, 1999 |

|Carton 15 | 17 |Anti-Yuan Shikai movement |1914-1972, 1984 |

|Carton 15 | 18 |National Bond receipt |1915 |

|Carton 15 | 19 |Shandong question, 1919 |1919 |

|Carton 15 | 20 |May 4th Movement, 1919 |1970-1973, |

| | | |1999-2000 |

|Carton 15 | 21 |Peace talks between Kuomintang and Communist Party, 1923-1949 |1976, 1984-1995 |

|Carton 15 | 22 |Guangdong Institute for Peasants, 1924-1926 |1985 |

|Carton 15 | 23 |Guangdong Institute for Women, 1926 |1985 |

|Carton 15 | 24 |Northern Expedition, 1926-1928 |1985 |

|Carton 15 | 25 |Long March, 1934-1935 |1951, 1977 |

|Carton 15 | 26 |Shanghai gold rush, 1947 |1984 |

|Carton 15 | 27 |Pre-Yunnan province liberation |n.d. |

|Carton 15 | 28-29 |Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 |1972, 1986-2002 |

| |Military | |

|Carton 15 | 30 |General |1970-2001 |

| |Guangdong troops, 1917-1925 | |

|Carton 15 | 31 |General |1986 |

|Carton 15 | 32 |Military loan certificate |1912, 1979 |

|Carton 15 | 33 |Huang Pu Military Academy |1986, 1994-2001 |

|Carton 15 | 34 |National Revolutionary Army, 1926-1928 |1977, 1985 |

|Carton 15 | 35 |Navy (Qing Dynasty) |1970, 1973, 1986 |

|Carton 15 | 36 |Warlords |1972-1973 |

|Carton 15 | 37-38 |Money |1873-1874, 1911-1949, |

| | | |1971-1997 |

| |Navigation history | |

|Carton 15 | 39 |General |1970, 1978-2002 |

|Carton 15 | 40 |Fusang |1901-1975 |

|Carton 15 | 41 |Ke Ying (Chinese junk) |1848, 1934, |

| | | |1978-1983 |

|Carton 15 | 42 |Manila trade (trade routes) |1928, n.d. |

|Carton 15 | 43 |Silk road on the sea |1984-2000 |

|Carton 15 | 44 |Voyages of Cheng Ho (Zheng He) |1964-1984 |

|Carton 15 | 45 |Petroleum |1974, 1976 |

| |Politics | |

|Carton 16 | 1 |General |1927, 1985-2002 |

| |Communist Party | |

|Carton 16 | 2 |General |1959, 1971-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 16 | 3 |Gang of Four |1977-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 16 | 4 |Propaganda |1950, 1972-1992 |

|Carton 16 | 5 |Constitution and Political Consultative Conference |1979-1998 |

|Carton 16 | 6 |Political prisoners |1984-2001 |

|Carton 16 | 7 |Reformation era, 1978-1998 |1998 |

|Carton 16 | 8 |Scandal |1991 |

|Carton 16 | 9 |The Young China Party |1945-1946, |

| | | |1975-1976, 1986 |

|Carton 16 | 10 |Population |1957, 1979-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 16 | 11 |Postal service |1969-1978 |

|Carton 16 | 12 |Railroads |1955, 1970-1992 |

| |Regions | |

|Carton 16 | 13 |Central |1948-1959, |

| | | |1971-1977, 2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 16 | 14-15 |Fujian |1957-2002, n.d. |

| |Guangdong | |

|Carton 16 | 16-23 |General |1861, 1926, |

| | | |1934-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 1 |Armed conflicts |1929-1993 |

|Carton 17 | 2 |Cantonese in Shanghai and Tianjin |1981-1990 |

|Carton 17 | 3 |Chaozhou |1957-2001 |

|Carton 17 | 4-6 |Guangzhou |1948-2002 |

|Carton 17 | 7 |Nanhai |1930 |

|Carton 17 | 8 |Rural economy |1934-1972, 1989 |

|Carton 17 | 9 |Zhujiang |1947-1959, |

| | | |1973-2001 |

|Carton 17 | 10 |Maps |1971-1974, n.d. |

|Oversize 3AAS |Maps |n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 11 |Guangxi |1937, 1958, |

| | | |1971-1976, n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 12-14 |Hainan |1936-1954, |

| | | |1971-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 15 |Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces |1957-1985, 2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 16 |North |1945, 1971-1984, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 17 | 17 |Northeast |1929-1947, |

| | | |1971-2000 |

|Carton 17 | 18 |Northwest |1932, 1953-1973, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Shanghai | |

|Carton 18 | 1-2 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 18 | 3 |Map |1986 |

|Carton 18 | 4 |South China coast |1947-1998 |

|Carton 18 | 5 |South Sea Islands |1971-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 6-7 |Southwest |1951-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 8 |Xizang |1999-2002, n.d. |

|Box 1 | 1-9 |Photographs |n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 9 |Science and technology |1932-1957, 1970-1999 |

|Carton 18 | 10 |Socioeconomic conditions |1959, 1985, 1995-2001 |

| |Ships and shipping | |

|Carton 18 | 11 |General |1948-1984, 2001 |

|Carton 18 | 12 |Chinese Merchants Steamship Navigation Co. (Zhaoshangju) |1880-1963 |

|Carton 18 | 13 |Stereotypes, regional |1946, 2002, n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 14 |Surnames (Baijiaxing) |1980-2001 |

|Carton 18 | 15 |Transportation |1969-1987, 2001 |

|Carton 18 | 16 |Weights and measures |1873, 1936, 1970-1972 |

| |Women | |

|Carton 18 | 17 |General |1958-1975 |

|Carton 18 | 18 |Guangdong single women |1972-1997 |

|Carton 18 | 19-20 |China Camp (San Rafael, California) |1956-1996, 2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |China Taiwan relations | |

|Carton 18 | 21-27 |General |1950-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 28-29 |China-Taiwan Talks |1991-2000 |

|Carton 18 | 30 |Chinese government's policy |1993 |

|Carton 18 | 31 |Conferences for reunification, United States |1984-1999 |

|Carton 18 | 32 |Cultural exchange |1984-1992 |

|Carton 18 | 33 |Floating fisherman's lodges on Taiwan Strait |1994 |

|Carton 18 | 34 |Intermarriage |2000 |

|Carton 18 | 35 |The International Conference on the Security of Taiwan Strait |1997 |

|Carton 18 | 36 |Military evaluation |1999 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 18 | 37 |General |1994-2001 |

|Carton 18 | 38 |Committee for the Promotion of Peaceful Unification of China |1982-2001 |

|Carton 18 | 39 |Committee to Promote the Reunification of China |2001-2002 |

|Carton 18 | 40 |Grand Alliance for China's Reunification Under the Three Principles of the People |1982-2001 |

| | |(G.A.C.R.) | |

|Carton 18 | 41 |Schools for Taiwanese businessmen's children in China |2001, n.d. |

|Carton 18 | 42 |"State to State Relations" theory |1999 |

|Carton 18 | 43 |Taiwanese government's policy |1993 |

|Carton 18 | 44 |Taiwanese students in China |1994, 2001 |

|Carton 18 | 45 |"Thousand Island Lake" incident |1991-1995 |

| |China Trade | |

|Carton 19 | 1-3 |General |1850-1864, 1914, |

| | | |1939-1946, 1960-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 19 | 4 |"The American China Trade: Foreign Devils to Canton, 1783-1843" compiled by Miriam Butts and |1970, n.d. |

| | |Patricia Heard | |

|Carton 19 | 5 |Description of China, 1813 |1813 |

|Carton 19 | 6 |Guangzhou Thirteen Factories (Guangzhou Shisan Hang) |1957, 1971-1993 |

| |Chinatowns | |

|Carton 19 | 7-8 |General |1937, 1972-2002 |

|Carton 19 | 9 |Boston, Massachusetts |1971-2001 |

|Carton 19 | 10 |Chicago, Illinois |1986-2002 |

|Carton 19 | 11 |Las Vegas, Nevada |1993, 1996, 2001 |

| |Los Angeles, California | |

|Carton 19 | 12 |General |1970-2001 |

|Carton 19 | 13 |Chinatown Improvement League |1992 |

|Carton 19 | 14 |Chinatown Service Center |1984-1997 |

| |New York, New York | |

|Carton 19 | 15-16 |General |1956, 1969-2002 |

|Carton 19 | 17 |Chinatown Manpower Project Inc. |1984-1997 |

|Carton 19 | 18 |Confucius Plaza |1972-1978 |

|Carton 19 | 19 |Oakland, California |1973-2001 |

|Carton 19 | 20 |Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |1973, 1994-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 19 | 21 |Portland, Oregon |1998, 2000 |

|Carton 19 | 22 |Sacramento, California |1971-1998 |

| |San Francisco, California | |

|Carton 19 | 23-25 |General |1927, 1967, |

| | | |1986-2002 |

|Carton 19 | 26 |Bubonic plague outbreak |1907, 2000, n.d. |

|Carton 19 | 27 |Cleanup programs |1967-2002 |

|Carton 20 | 1 |Earthquake, 1906 |1906, 1913, |

| | | |1970-1976, 1991- |

| | | |2001, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 2 |Earthquake, 1989 |1989-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 3 |Fortieth anniversary, 1923-1963 |1996 |

|Carton 20 | 4 |Grand View Chinese Penthouse |1937 |

|Carton 20 | 5 |Historical preservation |1975-1989 |

|Carton 20 | 6 |History |1861, 1897-1934, |

| | | |1962-1964, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 7 |Night market |1999-2001 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 20 | 8 |Chinatown Beacon Center |1998 |

|Carton 20 | 9 |Chinatown Community Development Center |n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 10 |Chinatown Economic Development Group (CEDG) |1996 |

|Carton 20 | 11 |Chinatown Resource Development Center (CRDC) |1978-1994 |

|Carton 20 | 12 |The Economic Development Agency for Chinatown North Beach Area of San Francisco, Inc. |1967-1975, 1999 |

|Carton 20 | 13 |Greater Chinatown Community Service Association |1960-1975 |

|Carton 20 | 14 |San Francisco Chinese Community Citizen's Survey and Fact Finding Committee |1968-1973, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 15 |Parks and recreation |1948, 1984-1990 |

|Carton 20 | 16 |Redevelopment, housing |1970-2002 |

|Carton 20 | 17 |Street names |1883, 1946, 1970, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 18 |Tourism |1904-1924, 1950, |

| | | |1973-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 19 |Transportation |1994-1998 |

|Carton 20 | 20 |Wax Museum |1971-1979, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 21 |1849-1850s |1849-1854, 1883, |

| | | |1912, 1931, 1951, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 22 |1860-1870s |1862-1884, 1938, |

| | | |1964-1967, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 23 |1880-1890s |1881-1905, 1921, |

| | | |1944-1948, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 24 |1900s |1902-1947, 1978 |

|Carton 20 | 25 |1910-1920s |1910-1925 |

|Carton 20 | 26 |1930s, Depression |1932-1937, 1984, |

| | | |1994 |

|Carton 20 | 27 |1940-1950s |1941-1982, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 28 |1960-1970s |1966-1987, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 29-30 |1970s |1971-1984 |

|Carton 20 | 31 |1980s |1980-1989 |

|Carton 20 | 32 |San Jose, California |1998-2001 |

|Carton 20 | 33 |Seattle, Washington |1996-2000 |

|Carton 20 | 34 |Washington, D.C. |1988, n.d. |

|Carton 20 | 35 |Yuk Ow list of Chinatowns |1970 |

| |Chinese American history | |

|Carton 21 | 1-5 |General |1861-1968, 1971-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Early arrivals, to 1848 | |

|Carton 21 | 6 |General |1778, 1834-1878, |

| | | |1926-2001 |

|Carton 21 | 7 |"Strangers in the City: The Chinese on the Urban Frontier" by Stanford Lyman |n.d. |

| |Early immigration, 1849-1882 | |

|Carton 21 | 8 |"American Immigration Policy and Ethnic Selection: An Historical Overview" by Ian R.H. |1983 |

| | |Rockett | |

|Carton 21 | 9 |John Bigler speeches |1852-1869, |

| | | |1974-1999 |

|Carton 21 | 10 |Contributions |1853-1864 |

|Carton 21 | 11 |"The Diggers from China: the Story of Chinese on the Goldfields" by Jean Gittins |1981 |

|Carton 21 | 12 |"The Economic Life of the Chinese in California, 1850-1900" by Sucheng Chan |n.d. |

|Carton 21 | 13 |"Papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851" edited by Mary Floyd Williams| |

| |Exclusion, 1882-1943 | |

|Carton 21 | 14 |General |1882-1950, |

| | | |1974-1999 |

|Carton 21 | 15 |"After Exclusion: an Overview of the Chinese in America, 1882-1924" by Ling-chi Wang |n.d. |

|Carton 21 | 16 |John Bidwell's address |1867-1906 |

|Carton 21 | 17 |California State Federation of Labor |1909-1927 |

|Carton 21 | 18 |The Chinese boycott |1904-1907 |

|Carton 22 | 1 |The Chinese question |1855-1969, n.d. |

|Carton 22 | 2 |Chinese students |1907-1936 |

|Carton 22 | 3 |Congress |1869-1902 |

|Carton 22 | 4 |Conventions |1862, 1901, n.d. |

|Carton 22 | 5 |Carroll Cook file |1909-1910 |

|Carton 22 | 6 |"Due Process, Treaty Rights, and the Efforts to Exclude the Chinese, 1882-1891" by |n.d. |

| | |Christian G. Fritz | |

|Carton 22 | 7 |"The Exclusion of Chinese Women, 1874-1943" by Sucheng Chan |n.d. |

|Carton 22 | 8 |Laws and regulations |1893-1926 |

|Carton 22 | 9-10 |Opposition to exclusion |1862-1955, n.d. |

|Carton 22 | 11 |Political platforms |1905-1910 |

|Carton 22 | 12 |Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts |1943, 1975-2001 |

|Carton 22 | 13-14 |"A Statement for Non Exclusion" by Patrick Heally and Ng Poon Chew (Chinese translation |1905, 1911, n.d. |

| | |version) | |

|Carton 22 | 15 |Tonopah riot, 1903 |1903, 2002 |

|Carton 22 | 16 |Union label, anti-Chinese boycott |1864-1902 |

|Carton 22 | 17 |United States and China diplomatic relations |1883-1895 |

|Carton 22 | 18 |Violence against Chinese |1850-1927 |

| |Anti-Chinese movement | |

|Carton 23 | 1-2 |General |1870-1929, 1962-1997, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Oversize Folder 2AAS |Cartoons and caricatures |1871 |

|Carton 23 | 3 |Characterizations |1882-1943 |

|Carton 23 | 4 |Labor |1870-1902, 1972 |

|Carton 23 | 5 |Meetings and conventions |1870-1907 |

|Carton 23 | 6 |Oregon and Washington |1865-1937, 1995 |

|Carton 23 | 7 |Archaeological research and discovery |1973-2001, n.d. |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 23 | 8 |General |1979, 1991-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 9 |Ah, Louis (Wong, On; Huang, An) |1884-1893, 1936, |

| | | |1977 |

|Carton 23 | 10 |Asing, Norman |1851-1852 |

|Carton 23 | 11 |Bunker, Chang and Eng, 1811-1874 (Conjoined twins) |1993 |

|Carton 23 | 12 |Chang, Woo Gow (Chinese giant) |1870, n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 13-14 |Chun, Afong (Chen, Fong; Chen, Guofen) |1889, 1971-1972, |

| | | |1985-1991 |

|Carton 23 | 15 |Fong, Ching (Little Pete; Fung, Jing Toy; Feng, Zheng) |1897 |

|Carton 23 | 16 |Gong, Yuen Tim (Jiang, Runtian) |n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 17 |Jee, Gam (Zhu, Jin, Congregational minister) |1895 |

|Carton 23 | 18 |Li, Po Tai (Li, Putai) |1870-1871, 1994 |

|Carton 23 | 19 |Oong, Ar Showe (Weng, Ashao) | |

|Carton 23 | 20 |Tape, Frank H. and family |1894, 1901-1935, |

| | | |1947 |

|Carton 23 | 21 |Tong K. Achick (Tong, Mow Chee ; Tong, Maozhi) |1853, 1971, 1990, |

| | | |1996 |

|Carton 23 | 22 |Wong, Chin Foo (Huang, Qingfu) |1877-1889, 1983, |

| | | |1998-1999 |

|Carton 23 | 23 |Wong, Hong Tai (Chinese "Edison") |1889 |

|Carton 23 | 24 |Xu, Yushun |n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 25 |California |1887, 1924-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 26 |"The China Telephone Exchange, 1894-1949" by Cy W. Yee |1994 |

|Carton 23 | 27 |"Chinese Immigration to America: Political and Legal Aspect" by Shih-shan H. Tsai |n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 28 |Golden Spike Centennial |1969 |

|Carton 23 | 29 |Interpreters |1918, 1939, 1981, n.d. |

|Carton 23 | 30 |Interviews by L. Eve Armentrout-Ma |1977-1979 |

|Carton 23 | 31 |Mail services |1977, 1982 |

|Carton 23 | 32 |National archives list of immigrants to the U.S. |1906-1932 |

|Oversize Folder 1AAS |"The Pro-Chinese Minority of California to the American People, President and Congress" |1880 |

|Carton 23 | 33-36 |Photographs |n.d. |

| |Chinese Democracy Movement overseas / Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989 | |

|Carton 24 | 1-3 |General |1989-2002 |

|Carton 24 | 4 |Asylum |1989-1995 |

|Carton 24 | 5 |China Democratic Justice Party |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 6 |Chinese Liberal Democratic Party |1990-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 7 |Commemoration of Tiananmen |1990-2002 |

|Carton 24 | 8 |Donations |1989-1996 |

|Carton 24 | 9 |Film by Carma Hinton |1995-1996 |

| |Foundations | |

|Carton 24 | 10 |Chinese Democratic Education Foundation |1987-2000 |

|Carton 24 | 11 |Chinese Free Democratic Education and Culture Foundation |1990 |

|Carton 24 | 12 |Chinese Human Rights and Democratic Foundation |1990 |

|Carton 24 | 13 |Foundation for Chinese Democracy |1988-1993 |

|Carton 24 | 14 |Kim Fung Memorial Fund |1996-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 15 |Goddess of Democracy |1989-1990 |

|Carton 24 | 16 |Goddess of Democracy project in San Francisco |1986-2001 |

|Carton 24 | 17 |Internal conflict |1989-1999 |

|Carton 24 | 18 |Nancy Pelosi bill |1989-1999 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 24 | 19 |General |1989-1990 |

|Carton 24 | 20-21 |Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) |1989-1992 |

|Carton 24 | 22 |FDC and National Coalition of Chinese People |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 23 |Future of Chinese Society |1990 |

|Carton 24 | 24 |National Coalition of Chinese Student Groups in the U.S. |1989-1993 |

|Carton 24 | 25 |Silicon Valley for Democracy in China |1989-1998 |

| |Publications | |

|Carton 24 | 26 |General |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 27 |A Changing China |1991, n.d. |

|Carton 24 | 28 |Press Freedom Herald |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 29 |Spring of China, Spring of Beijing |1984-2000 |

|Carton 24 | 30 |Reaction from Hong Kong |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 31 |Reaction from Taiwan |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 32 |Reaction of Chinese government |1989-1995 |

|Carton 24 | 33 |Students in exile |1989-1998 |

|Carton 24 | 34 |"The Tiananmen Papers" by Zhang Liang |2001 |

|Carton 24 | 35-36 |Viewpoints |1987-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 24 | 37 |Chinese Empire Reform Association, Chinese Democratic Constitutionalist Party |1929, 1932, n.d. |

| |Chinese in the United States | |

|Carton 25 | 1-5 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 25 | 6 |Alabama |1932, 1935, 1970 |

|Carton 25 | 7 |Alaska |1886-1911, 1930, |

| | | |1965-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 25 | 8-13 |Arizona |1873-1896, 1938-1998, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 25 | 14-15 |Arkansas |1937-1950, 1970-1993 |

| |California | |

|Carton 25 | 16-21 |General |1850--2002, n.d. |

| |Alameda County | |

|Carton 25 | 22 |General |1970, 1981, 1996, |

| | | |n.d |

|Carton 25 | 23-24 |Oakland |1876, 1907, |

| | | |1968-2001, n.d. |

| |Amador County | |

|Carton 25 | 25 |General |1970, n.d. |

|Carton 25 | 26 |Fiddletown |1968-1987, n.d. |

| |Butte County | |

|Carton 25 | 27 |General |1843-1856, 1908, |

| | | |1960-1988 |

|Carton 25 | 28 |Oroville |1963-1980, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 1 |Calaveras County |1851-1904, 1948, |

| | | |1961-1972, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 2 |Colusa County |1923 |

|Carton 26 | 3 |El Dorado County |1948, 1967-1976, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 4 |Fresno County |1919, 1926, |

| | | |1964-1993 |

|Carton 26 | 5-6 |Humboldt County |1855, 1885, 1905, |

| | | |1961-1973 |

|Carton 26 | 7 |Imperial County |1970-1971 |

|Carton 26 | 8 |Inyo County |1884, 1938-1964, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 9-11 |Kern County: Bakersfield |1899, 1903-1911, |

| | | |1950-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 12-13 |Kings County: Hanford |1936, 1951-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 14 |Lake County |1948-1959 |

| |Los Angeles County | |

|Carton 26 | 15-19 |General |1934-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 20 |Alhambra |1986-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 21 |Cerritos |1984, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 22 |Los Angeles |1998-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 23 |Monterey Park |1980-1997 |

|Carton 26 | 24 |Pasadena |1986 |

|Carton 26 | 25 |Pomona |1989 |

|Carton 26 | 26-27 |San Gabriel Valley |1987-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 28 |San Marino |1984 |

|Carton 26 | 29 |Madera County |1992-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 30 |Marin County |1855, 1885, 1926, |

| | | |1969, 1990-1992, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 31 |Mariposa County |1948-1959, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 32-35 |Mendocino County |1968-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 36 |Merced County |1987 |

|Carton 26 | 37 |Mono County |n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 38-39 |Monterey County |1896, 1928-1937, |

| | | |1960-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 26 | 40 |Napa County |1912, 1967, 1979, |

| | | |1996, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 1-2 |Nevada County |1948, 1971-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 3 |Orange County |1965-1987 |

|Carton 27 | 4 |Placer County |1971-1976, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 5 |Plumas County |1967-1983, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 6-7 |Riverside County |1974-1988, n.d. |

| |Sacramento County | |

|Carton 27 | 8-9 |General |1854-1873, |

| | | |1966-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 10-12 |Locke |1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 13 |Sacramento |2001-2002 |

|Carton 27 | 14 |San Bernardino County |1940, 1970-1989, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |San Diego County | |

|Carton 27 | 15-16 |General |1868-1881, |

| | | |1936-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 17 |San Diego |1998-2000 |

| |San Francisco, Bay Area | |

|Carton 27 | 18-20 |General |1869, 1968-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 21 |Fremont, Milpitas |2001-2002 |

|Carton 27 | 22 |Richmond, Sunset |1974-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 23 |San Joaquin County: Stockton |1916, 1950-1998, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 24 |San Luis Obispo County |1918, 1934, |

| | | |1966-1972, n.d. |

| |San Mateo County | |

|Carton 27 | 25 |General |1974-1978, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 26 |San Bruno |1998, 2000 |

|Carton 27 | 27-28 |Santa Barbara County |1882-1925, 1969, |

| | | |1993, n.d. |

| |Santa Clara County | |

|Carton 27 | 29 |General |1868-1928, |

| | | |1971-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 27 | 30 |Cupertino |1991-2001 |

|Carton 27 | 31 |San Jose |1993-2001 |

|Carton 27 | 32 |Silicon Valley |1997-2001 |

|Carton 27 | 33 |Santa Cruz County |1987-1988 |

|Carton 27 | 34-35 |Shasta County |1852-1913, 1985, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 1 |Siskiyou County |1869, 1953-1975, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 2 |Solano County |1910, 1954-1997, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 3 |Sonoma County |1867-1886, |

| | | |1961-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 4 |Stanislaus County |1981-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 5 |Tehama County |1966-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 6 |Trinity County |1854-1855, |

| | | |1954-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 7 |Tulare County |1896, 1962-1974, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Tuolumne County | |

|Carton 28 | 8-9 |General |1858-1887, 1935, |

| | | |1968-1974, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 10 |Columbia |1997 |

|Carton 28 | 11 |Ventura County |1969-1984, n.d. |

| |Yuba County | |

|Carton 28 | 12 |General |1969 |

|Carton 28 | 13 |Marysville |1856, 1969-1976, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 14 |Colorado |1870-1881, 1970-1995, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 15 |Connecticut |1999 |

|Carton 28 | 16 |Florida |1906, 1974-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 17-18 |Georgia |1883, 1972-1996, n.d. |

| |Hawaii | |

|Carton 28 | 19 |General |1954-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 20 |Aloha Airlines |1949, 1984-1988 |

|Carton 28 | 21 |Banks |1930-1934, 1993, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 22 |Bibliography |1935-1941, 1971, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 28 | 23 |General |1913, 1954-1987, |

| | | |2000 |

|Carton 28 | 24 |Char Family |2000 |

|Carton 28 | 25 |Businesses |1954, 1974-1984, |

| | | |2001, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 26 |Cantonese Opera |2000 |

|Carton 28 | 27 |Chinatown |1974-2001 |

|Carton 28 | 28 |"Chinese Cuisine in Hawaii" by Anthony Chang |1996 |

| |Chinese Language Schools | |

|Carton 28 | 29 |General |1976-2001 |

| |Mun Lun (Ming Lun) School | |

|Carton 28 | 30 |General |1917-2000 |

|Carton 28 | 31 |Yearbook |1986 |

|Carton 28 | 32 |Chinese surnames |1973 |

| |Christianity | |

|Carton 28 | 33 |General |1977-1978, 1998 |

| |Churches | |

|Carton 28 | 34 |General |1881-1996 |

|Carton 28 | 35 |St. Elizabeth's Church, 1902-1952 |n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 36 |Customs and beliefs |1935-1971, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 37 |Dance |2000 |

|Carton 28 | 38 |English standard schools |1931-1971 |

|Carton 28 | 39 |Ethnic Studies, University of Hawaii |1970-1972, n.d. |

| |Festivals | |

|Carton 28 | 40 |General |1969-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 28 | 41 |Narcissus Festival |1953-2000 |

|Carton 28 | 42 |Fisheries |1903-1906, n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 1 |Hakka |1967, n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 2 |Hawaii Chinese Multicultural Museum and Archives |2000, n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 3-4 |History |1894-1902, |

| | | |1929-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 5 |Immigration |1880-1896, |

| | | |1969-1988. n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 6 |Intermarriage |n.d. |

|Carton 29 | 7-15 |"Ka Palapala" published by the Associated Students of the University of Hawaii |1945-1968 |

|Carton 30 | 1 |Labor |1878-1896, |

| | | |1935-1973, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 2 |Languages |1960, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 3 |Leaders |1986, 1994 |

|Carton 30 | 4 |Literature |1971-1999 |

|Carton 30 | 5 |Manoa Chinese Cemetery |2000 |

|Carton 30 | 6 |Maui |1973 |

|Carton 30 | 7 |Oahu |1975, 1990 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 30 | 8-10 |General |1913-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 11 |Chinese Community Service Association of Hawaii, Xin Feng |1977-1986 |

|Carton 30 | 12 |Hawaii Foundation for Chinese Culture and Arts |1996 |

|Carton 30 | 13 |Third Arm, Working Together newsletters |1972 |

|Carton 30 | 14 |United Chinese Society and Chinese Chamber of Commerce |1954, 1999 |

|Carton 30 | 15 |Palolo Chinese Home |1967, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 16 |Politics |1902-1935, |

| | | |1957-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 17 |Population |1883, 1952-1989, |

| | | |1999 |

|Carton 30 | 18 |Race relations |1935-1936, |

| | | |1961-1962, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 19 |Religion |1963, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 20 |Rice industry |1929, 1937, 1952, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 21-22 |Sociology |1928-1967, |

| | | |1988-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 23 |Southeast Asian Americans |1984-2000 |

|Carton 30 | 24 |Sports |1929, 1952, n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 25 |Sugar |1974-1985 |

|Carton 30 | 26 |Television |1984, 2000 |

|Carton 30 | 27 |Temple couplets |1928, 1988 |

|Carton 30 | 28 |Women |1933, 1979, 1998, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 30 | 29-36 |Idaho |1870-1892, 1923-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 1-3 |Illinois: Chicago |1894-1940, 1958-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 4 |Louisiana |1869-1889, 1920-1953, |

| | | |1970, 1993, n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 5-6 |Maryland: Baltimore |1956-1996, n.d. |

| |Massachusetts | |

|Carton 31 | 7-10 |Boston |1890, 1920, |

| | | |1930-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 11-12 |North Adams |1870-1885, |

| | | |1947-1986, n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 13-14 |Michigan: Detroit |1932-1989, 1999, n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 15 |Mississippi |1930-1941, 1972-1984, |

| | | |2000 |

|Carton 31 | 16` |Missouri: St. Louis |2001 |

|Carton 31 | 17-22 |Montana |1863-1987, n.d. |

| |Nevada | |

|Carton 31 | 23-26 |General |1851-1928, |

| | | |1956-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 31 | 27 |Las Vegas |1987, 1991-2002 |

|Carton 31 | 28 |New Jersey |1997 |

|Carton 31 | 29 |New Mexico |1917, 1989 |

| |New York | |

|Carton 32 | 1 |General |1957 |

|Carton 32 | 2 |Lin Zexu statue |1997-2001 |

|Carton 32 | 3 |Long Island |1987 |

| |New York City | |

|Carton 32 | 4-11 |General |1850-1898, |

| | | |1911-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 12 |Brooklyn |1986-1996 |

|Carton 32 | 13 |Clifton |1998 |

|Carton 32 | 14-15 |Manhattan |1966-1999 |

|Carton 32 | 16 |Queens |1984-2002 |

| |Ohio | |

|Carton 32 | 17-18 |Cleveland |1875, 1925-1977, |

| | | |1998, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 19 |Columbus, Toledo |1968, 1976, 1995, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 20 |Oklahoma |1940, 1969, 1996 |

| |Oregon | |

|Carton 32 | 21-23 |General |1855, 1879-1938, |

| | | |1951-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 24-25 |Jackson County |1870-1882, |

| | | |1975-1976, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 26 |Marion County |1961 |

|Carton 32 | 27-31 |Portland |1868-1942, |

| | | |1952-2000, n.d. |

| |Pennsylvania | |

|Carton 32 | 32 |General |1999-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 33 |Philadelphia |1970-1990, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 34 |Pittsburgh |1903-1942, |

| | | |1964-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 35-36 |South Dakota |1950-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 32 | 37 |Tennessee |n.d. |

| |Texas | |

|Carton 33 | 1-2 |General |1870, 1968-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 3 |El Paso |1983, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 4-5 |Houston |1971-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 6 |San Antonio |1969-1977, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 7 |Utah |1962-1976, 1990-1996, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Washington | |

|Carton 33 | 8-10 |General |1851-1893, |

| | | |1929-2000, n.d. |

| |Seattle | |

|Carton 33 | 11-13 |General |1910-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 14-15 |Seattle Centennial |1907-1914, 1948, |

| | | |1976-1986, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 16 |Seattle Chinese Association |1968 |

|Carton 33 | 17 |Seattle Chinese Post |1995 |

|Carton 33 | 18 |Spokane |n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 19-20 |Washington D.C. |1954, 1972-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 21-22 |Wyoming |1885-1886, 1925-1996, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 23 |East |1872-1887, 1925, |

| | | |1977-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 24 |Midwest |1880, 1902, 1965-1989, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 25-26 |Northwest |1880-1895, 1937, |

| | | |1963-1976, 1994, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 27 |Rocky Mountain states |1963, n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 28-30 |South |1864-1870, 1972-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Oversize Folder 3AAS |Map of land grants |n.d. |

|Carton 33 | 31 |Chinese language dictionaries |1971-1974, 1989, |

| | | |2001 |

| |Chinese language schools in the United States | |

|Carton 33 | 32-35 |General |1912-1957, 1969-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 1 |Before World War II |1899-1948 |

| |California | |

|Carton 34 | 2 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 3 |Berryessa Chinese School |1994-2002 |

| |Chinese Central High School (Chung Wah Chinese School) | |

|Carton 34 | 4-5 |General |1901-2002 |

|Oversize Folder 1AAS |Bylaws |1928 |

|Carton 34 | 6 |Chinese Culture Center Chinese Class |1997 |

|Carton 34 | 7 |Chinese Union Christian Academy (Hip Wo School) |1924-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 8 |Chung Wah Chinese School, Cathay Band |1912-1941 |

|Carton 34 | 9 |Contra Costa Chinese School |1996-1999 |

|Carton 34 | 10 |Cumberland Chinese School |1964-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 11 |Divine Mercy Chinese School |1997-1999 |

|Carton 34 | 12 |East Bay Chinese School |1984-1987 |

|Carton 34 | 13 |East Gate Language School |1995-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 14 |Fremont Chinese School |1993-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 15 |Hanford Chinese School |1922-1923, 1993, |

| | | |1998 |

|Carton 34 | 16 |Hann-Sing Chinese Association |1995-1996 |

|Carton 34 | 17 |Kin Kuo (Jian Guo) High School |1959-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 18 |Kong Jiao Xue Xiao (Confucian School) |1931-1937 |

|Carton 34 | 19 |Los Angeles, San Diego |1930-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 20 |Milton Shoong Chinese Culture Center |1949-1977, |

| | | |1991-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 21 |Ming Quong Home |1951, 1974 |

|Carton 34 | 22 |Morning Bell Theatrical Society and Chinese School |1918-1927, 1984 |

|Carton 34 | 23 |Nam Kue (Nan Qiao) Chinese School |1922-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 24 |New Concept Chinese School |1995-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 25 |North Peninsula Mandarin School |1990-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 26 |Pius Lee Foundation Chinese School |1998-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 27 |Rainbow Chinese School |1994-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 28 |Sacramento |1945, 1990-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 29 |San Jose Chinese School |1984-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 30 |Silicon Valley Chinese School |1989-2000 |

|Carton 34 | 31 |Six Skills Chinese School |1994-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 32 |Stanford Chinese School |2000 |

|Carton 34 | 33 |Stockton, Salinas, Vacaville |1970-1979, |

| | | |1996-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 34 |Tri-city Chinese School |1997 |

|Carton 34 | 35 |Yang He School |1932 |

|Carton 34 | 36 |Illinois, Ohio |1970-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 37 |Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C. |1994-1998 |

|Carton 34 | 38 |Massachusetts |1926-2001 |

|Carton 34 | 39 |New Jersey, New York |1932-2002 |

|Carton 34 | 40 |Oregon, Washington |1936-2002 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 35 | 1 |General |1978-2001 |

|Carton 35 | 2 |Association of Chinese Schools (ACS) |1993-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 3-4 |Association of Northern California Chinese Schools |1987-2001 |

|Carton 35 | 5 |Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS) |2000 |

|Carton 35 | 6 |Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) |1984-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 7 |The Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) |1994-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 8 |Midwest Chinese Language School Association |1991-2000 |

| |National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) | |

|Carton 35 | 9 |General |1990-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 10 |Publications |1997-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 11 |Southern California Council of Chinese Schools |1977-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 12 |Religious groups affiliation |1977-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 13 |Southeast Asian Americans |1983-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 14 |Statistics and surveys |1996-1999 |

| |Summer camps | |

|Carton 35 | 15 |General |1984-2001 |

|Carton 35 | 16 |China |1986-2001 |

|Carton 35 | 17 |Taiwan |1968-1998 |

|Carton 35 | 18 |Taiwanese dialect schools |1989-2001 |

|Carton 35 | 19 |Teachers camps |1992-2002 |

| |Teaching | |

|Carton 35 | 20 |General |1974-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 21 |Computer technology |1995-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 22 |Phonetic symbols |1995-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 23 |Simplified and traditional version characters |1989-2001 |

| |Tests and exams | |

|Carton 35 | 24 |General |1994, 1999 |

|Carton 35 | 25 |Chinese SAT II |1993-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 26 |Chinese Proficiency Exam (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, HSK) |1993-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 27 |Texas |1971-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 28 |Textbooks |1964-2002 |

| |Chinese language schools overseas | |

|Carton 35 | 29 |Australia |1995-1998 |

|Carton 35 | 30 |Brazil |1997-2000 |

|Carton 35 | 31 |Canada |1937, 1971-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 35 | 32 |Europe |1973-2002 |

|Carton 35 | 33 |Japan |1998 |

|Carton 35 | 34 |Southeast Asia |1989-2001, n.d. |

| |Chinese overseas | |

|Carton 36 | 1-6 |General |1932-2002, n.d. |

| |Africa | |

|Carton 36 | 7 |General |1958-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 8 |Biographies |1957, 1986-1995 |

|Carton 36 | 9 |Madagascar |1949-1994 |

|Carton 36 | 10 |Mauritius |1957-1995 |

|Carton 36 | 11 |La Reunion |1966-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 12 |Seychelles |1954, 1969-1977 |

|Carton 36 | 13-14 |South Africa |1904, 1950-1988, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Asia | |

| |Japan | |

|Carton 36 | 15-18 |General |1949-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 19 |Biographies |1986-2001 |

|Carton 36 | 20 |Guang-hua House incident |1986-1987 |

|Carton 36 | 21 |Korea |1953-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 22 |Mongolia |1971-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 23 |Ryukyus |1958-1992 |

| |Canada | |

|Carton 36 | 24-25 |General |1957-2001 |

|Carton 36 | 26 |Agriculture |1969 |

|Carton 36 | 27 |Biographies |1925, 1957-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 28-29 |British Columbia |1936, 1959-1995, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 36 | 30 |Business |1932, 1958-2001 |

|Carton 36 | 31-33 |Calgary |1968-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 1 |Careers and occupations |1927, 1971-1985 |

| |Chinatowns | |

|Carton 37 | 2 |General |1932-1949, |

| | | |1967-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 3-4 |Quebec, Ontario |1929-1949, |

| | | |1969-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 5 |Saskatchewan |1974, 1987 |

|Carton 37 | 6 |Vancouver |1971-2001 |

|Carton 37 | 7 |Christians |1875-1877, |

| | | |1935-1987 |

|Carton 37 | 8 |Coal mines and mining |1888, 1963-1969 |

|Carton 37 | 9 |Customs and beliefs |1933, 1973 |

|Carton 37 | 10-11 |Discrimination |1889, 1907-1937, |

| | | |1960-1992, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 12 |Edmonton |1973-1994, n.d. |

| |Education | |

|Carton 37 | 13 |General |1970-1985, 1990, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 14 |Canadian College for Chinese Studies |1985-1997 |

|Carton 37 | 15 |Fishing |1923 |

|Carton 37 | 16 |Foreign investment from Hong Kong |1985-1990, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 17 |Gold mines and mining |1792-1887, |

| | | |1908-1987, n.d. |

| |History | |

|Carton 37 | 18-19 |General |1958-1987, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 20 |Photographs |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 21 |Hospitals |1967-1985 |

|Carton 37 | 22-24 |Immigration |1889, 1913, |

| | | |1943-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 25 |Labor unions |1917-1928, 1991, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 26 |Language |1992-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 27 |Multiculturalism |1973-1984 |

|Carton 37 | 28 |National Conference of Chinese Canadians |1975-1992, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 37 | 29-30 |General |1929, 1945-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 31 |Canada Chinese Association |1999 |

|Carton 37 | 32 |Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Museum |1993-1994 |

|Carton 37 | 33 |The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto |1995-1996 |

|Carton 37 | 34-36 |Chinese Cultural Centre of Vancouver |1972-2000 |

|Carton 37 | 37 |Culture Regeneration Research Society (CRRS) |1994-1996 |

|Carton 37 | 38 |Edmonton Chinatown Multicultural Centre |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 39 |Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre |1995 |

|Carton 37 | 40 |Politics |1958, 1970-1996, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 41 |Population |1929, 1970-1995 |

|Carton 37 | 42 |Radio station CFRO |1982 |

|Carton 37 | 43 |Railroad labor |1882, 1923, 1952, |

| | | |1970-1987, n.d. |

|Carton 37 | 44 |Sports |1976, 1986 |

|Carton 37 | 45 |Taxes |1991, 2000 |

|Carton 37 | 46 |Television |1972-1995 |

|Carton 37 | 47 |Toronto |1985-1996 |

|Carton 38 | 1 |Vancouver |1972-1996 |

|Carton 38 | 2 |Winnipeg, Manitoba |1968-1994 |

| |Caribbean | |

|Carton 38 | 3 |General |1956-1987 |

| |Cuba | |

|Carton 38 | 4-8 |General |1874-1958, |

| | | |1972-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 9 |Refugees |1961-1988 |

|Carton 38 | 10 |Jamaica |1957-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 11 |Trinidad and West Indies |1852-1876, |

| | | |1943-1975 |

|Carton 38 | 12 |Central America |1894-1936, 1954-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Panama | |

|Carton 38 | 13 |General |1888-1939, |

| | | |1949-1993, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 14 |Railroads |1854-1889, 1967 |

| |Europe | |

|Carton 38 | 15 |General |1952-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 16 |Biographies |1984-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 17 |Military service (WWI) |1972 |

|Carton 38 | 18 |Organizations |1987-1998 |

| |France | |

|Carton 38 | 19 |General |1952-2002 |

|Carton 38 | 20 |Laborers (WWI) |1916-1918, |

| | | |1973-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 21 |Students |1917, 1985-1991, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 22 |Germany, North Europe |1950-1999, n.d. |

| |Great Britain | |

|Carton 38 | 23-24 |General |1944-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 25 |Chinese Cultural Centre, England |1987 |

|Carton 38 | 26 |Holland, Belgium |1953-1954, |

| | | |1970-1997, n.d. |

| |Mexico | |

|Carton 38 | 27-28 |General |1856, 1886-1934, |

| | | |1954-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 29 |Anti-Chinese |1911-1933, |

| | | |1960-1986 |

|Carton 38 | 30-33 |Baja California |1869-1902, |

| | | |1923-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 38 | 34 |Diplomatic reports |1904-1917, 1934, |

| | | |1939 |

|Carton 38 | 35-36 |Middle East |1943-2002, n.d. |

| |Pacific Island countries and regions | |

| |Australia | |

|Carton 39 | 1-5 |General |1889, 1925-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 6 |Biographies |1988-1996, 1998 |

|Carton 39 | 7 |Fiji |1949, 1969-1995 |

|Carton 39 | 8 |Guam |1978 |

|Carton 39 | 9 |New Guinea |1970 |

| |New Zealand | |

|Carton 39 | 10-13 |General |1885, 1937, |

| | | |1958-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 14 |Biographies |1986-1991, 1998 |

|Carton 39 | 15 |Illustrious Energy (film) |1988-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 16 |Polynesia |1932, 1972-1995, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 17 |Tahiti |1943-1975, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 18 |Timor |1952-1973 |

|Carton 39 | 19 |Russia, East Europe |1918-1928, 1976-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |South America | |

|Carton 39 | 20-21 |General |1919-1943, |

| | | |1974-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 22 |Biographies |1940, 1986-1994 |

|Carton 39 | 23 |Brazil |1956-1993, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 24 |Chile |1957-1988 |

|Carton 39 | 25 |Guiana, Surinam |1868-1880, 1920, |

| | | |1949-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 26 |Guyana |2000 |

| |Peru | |

|Carton 39 | 27-28 |General |1881, 1924-1991, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 29 |Anti-Chinese immigration laws |1909 |

|Carton 39 | 30 |Coolie trade |1872-1880, |

| | | |1940-1971 |

|Carton 39 | 31 |Diplomatic relations |1951, n.d. |

| |Southeast Asia | |

|Carton 39 | 32-39 |General |1887-1906, |

| | | |1947-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 39 | 40 |Biographies |n.d. |

|Carton 40 | 1 |Burma |1936-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 40 | 2 |Cambodia |1951-2001, n.d. |

| |Indonesia | |

|Carton 40 | 3-12 |General |1927, 1936-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 40 | 13 |Anti-Chinese movement |1994, 1998-2001 |

|Carton 40 | 14 |Biographies |1953, 1975-2001 |

|Carton 40 | 15 |Education |1954, 1969-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 40 | 16 |History and reminiscences |1953-1983 |

|Carton 40 | 17 |Politics |1996 |

|Carton 40 | 18 |Laos |1952-1996, n.d. |

| |Malaysia | |

|Carton 40 | 19-30 |General |1959-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 41 | 1 |Biographies |1986-2000 |

|Carton 41 | 2 |"Dialect Group Identity: A Study of Chinese Subethnic Group in Early Malaya" by Mak |1985 |

| | |Lau-Fong | |

|Carton 41 | 3-4 |East |1950-1991 |

|Carton 41 | 5-8 |History |1964, 1984-1992 |

|Carton 41 | 9-10 |Organizations |1975, 1981, 1983 |

|Carton 41 | 11 |Sarawak |1961 |

|Carton 41 | 12-16 |West |1888, 1928, |

| | | |1934-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 41 | 17 |Malaysia and Singapore |1965-1976 |

| |Philippines | |

|Carton 42 | 1-6 |General |1951-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 42 | 7-8 |Biographies |1981-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 42 | 9 |Exploration history |1987-1992, n.d. |

|Carton 42 | 10 |Manila |1973 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 42 | 11 |General |1954 |

|Carton 42 | 12 |Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlaran, Inc. |1996-2001 |

| |Singapore | |

|Carton 42 | 13-22 |General |1938, 1954-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 42 | 23 |Biographies |1951, 1985-1997 |

|Carton 42 | 24 |Chinese Methodist Church |1975 |

|Carton 42 | 25 |History |1967-1972 |

|Carton 43 | 1-2 |Hospitals |1968-1969 |

|Carton 43 | 3 |Lee, Kuan Yew reminiscences |1998 |

|Carton 43 | 4 |Nanyang University |1995 |

|Carton 43 | 5-8 |Organizations |1947, 1965-1966, |

| | | |1989-2000, n.d. |

| |Thailand | |

|Carton 43 | 9-11 |General |1936, 1956-1996, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 12 |Biographies |1985-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 13 |Organizations |1973, n.d. |

| |Vietnam | |

|Carton 43 | 14-18 |General |1936-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 19 |Anti-Chinese |1978-1998 |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 43 | 20 |General |1981-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 21 |Zheng, Huade |1999-2000 |

|Carton 43 | 22-25 |History |1959-1960, |

| | | |1975-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 26 |Organizations |1997-2002 |

|Carton 43 | 27-29 |Saigon |1983-1998 |

|Carton 43 | 30 |Theaters |1996 |

|Carton 43 | 31 |Chinese scholars overseas |1966-2001 |

| |Chinese students study abroad | |

|Carton 43 | 32 |General |1987-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 33 |Australia |1987-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 43 | 34 |Europe |1948-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 44 | 1 |Japan |1992-2000 |

|Carton 44 | 2 |Russia |1989-1995 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 44 | 3-6 |General |1872-2002, n.d. |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 44 | 7 |General |1917-2000 |

|Carton 44 | 8 |Yung, Kwai (Rong, Kui) |1999 |

|Carton 44 | 9 |Yung, Wing (Rong, Hong) |1935, 1957, |

| | | |1971-2000 |

|Carton 44 | 10 |Yung, Wing (Rong, Hong); Wong, Foon (Wong, Huan); Wong, Sing (Huang Sheng) |1878, 1939, |

| | | |1960-1974, |

| | | |1999,.n.d. |

|Carton 44 | 11 |Directory of Chinese Students in North America, 1936-1937 |1935-1954 |

|Carton 44 | 12-13 |Education mission |1869-1874, |

| | | |1923-1941, |

| | | |1966-1995 |

|Carton 44 | 14 |Handbooks |1927, 1934 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 44 | 15 |General |1918-1946, |

| | | |1971-1997 |

|Carton 44 | 16 |Chinese Students' Club/ Chinese Students' Alliance |1911, 1917-1918 |

|Carton 44 | 17 |Parachute kids |1984-2001 |

|Carton 44 | 18 |Publications |1926, 1949-1950 |

|Carton 44 | 19 |Regulations |1986-2001 |

|Carton 44 | 20 |Returnees |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 44 | 21 |Chinese Studies |1948, 1976-2002 |

| |Citizenship | |

|Carton 45 | 1 |General |1870-1922, 1948-2002 |

|Carton 45 | 2 |Dual citizenship |1943, 1965-1998 |

|Carton 45 | 3 |Guidebook, assemblywoman Carole Migden |1997 |

|Carton 45 | 4 |Tsui, Charlie (Cui, Zhixi, Charlie Two Shoes) |1993 |

|Carton 45 | 5 |Wives of Chinese American men |1884-1949, 1974-1987 |

| |Civil rights | |

|Carton 45 | 6 |General |1982-2001 |

|Carton 45 | 7 |American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) |1977, 1984, 1994 |

|Carton 45 | 8 |Asian Americans for Justice |1983-1992 |

|Carton 45 | 9 |Chinese American Civil Rights Organization |1997 |

| |Communism | |

|Carton 45 | 10 |General |1971, n.d. |

|Carton 45 | 11 |"The Amerasia Case: From 1945 to the Present" by Philip J. Jaffe |1979, n.d. |

|Carton 45 | 12 |American communism |1929-1996 |

|Carton 45 | 13 |Anti-Imperialist League |1927-1953, 1981 |

|Carton 45 | 14 |China Red by H.T. Tsiang |1931 |

|Carton 45 | 15 |Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) |1976-1980 |

| |Community redevelopment | |

|Carton 45 | 16 |General |1972-2001 |

|Carton 45 | 17 |Hong Kong / USA Project, Oakland |1977-1983 |

|Carton 45 | 18 |San Francisco |1977-1991 |

| |Computer technology and businesses | |

|Carton 45 | 19-22 |General |1980-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 45 | 23 |Acer Inc. |1992-2002 |

|Carton 45 | 24 |Everex Systems Inc. |1990-1993 |

| |Internet | |

|Carton 45 | 25-28 |General |1995-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 46 | 1 |Addresses |1996-2000 |

|Carton 46 | 2 | |2000 |

|Carton 46 | 3 |, |1998-2001 |

|Carton 46 | 4 |Yahoo |1997-2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 46 | 5 |General |1986-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 6 |Chicago Chinese Computing Professional Association |1996-2000 |

|Carton 46 | 7 |Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association (CASPA) |1990-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 8 |Chinese Software Professional Association |1989-1999 |

|Carton 46 | 9 |Chinese Information and Networking Association (CINA) |1993-1999 |

|Carton 46 | 10 |Monte Jade Science and Technology Association |1989-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 11 |Silicon Valley Chinese Association Computer Association (SVCACA) |1991-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 12 |United Council of Computer Organizations (UCCO) |1991 |

| |Confucianism | |

|Carton 46 | 13-14 |General |1913-1933, 1970-2000 |

|Carton 46 | 15 |Organizations |1973, 1987 |

| |Crime | |

|Carton 46 | 16-19 |General |1973-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 20 |19th Century |1853-1906 |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 46 | 21 |Mon, Qi-zhong |1997 |

|Carton 46 | 22 |Lai, Chang Xing |2001-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 23 |Tsoi, Millar |1970 |

|Carton 46 | 24 |Wu, Jue-liang (Wu, Koh Leung ) |1989 |

|Carton 46 | 25 |Zheng, Cui Ping |2000-2001 |

|Carton 46 | 26 |Copyright |1994 |

|Carton 46 | 27 |Drug trafficking |1863-1994 |

|Carton 46 | 28 |Embezzling (New York) | |

|Carton 46 | 29 |Fraud, counterfeit |1986-1997 |

|Carton 46 | 30 |Gun smuggling |1998 |

|Carton 46 | 31 |High technology |1993-1998 |

|Carton 46 | 32-35 |Human trafficking |1971-2002 |

|Carton 46 | 36 |Murders |1947, 1972-1986 |

|Carton 46 | 37 |Racketeering |2002 |

| |Customs and beliefs | |

|Carton 47 | 1-3 |General |1864-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 4 |Burial |1850-1928, 1948-2000 |

|Carton 47 | 5 |Divination (psychics) |1971-1991 |

|Carton 47 | 6 |Dragon |2000 |

|Carton 47 | 7 |Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang |1993-1995 |

|Carton 47 | 8 |Feng shui |1995-2001 |

|Carton 47 | 9 |Folk tales |1868, 1892, 1959-1998 |

|Carton 47 | 10 |God of the Earth |1970-1973, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 11 |Kitchen God |1937, 1958, 1969-1991 |

|Carton 47 | 12 |Mythology |1898, 1929-1936, |

| | | |1947-1994 |

|Carton 47 | 13 |New Year's Eve |1929-1973, 1992 |

|Carton 47 | 14 |New Year's pictures and Spring Festival's couplets |1957-1978 |

|Carton 47 | 15 |Spring banquet |1996, 1999, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 16 |Spring equinox |1968, 1971, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 17 |Summer |1970-1973 |

|Carton 47 | 18 |Symbols |1890, 1939-1974 |

|Carton 47 | 19 |Winter |1935, 1966-1977 |

| |Dance | |

|Carton 47 | 20-27 |General |1935-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 28 |"Along the Silk Road" |1979-1980, 2002 |

|Carton 47 | 29-30 |Ballet |1960-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 47 | 31 |"The Beauty" |1960-1961 |

|Carton 47 | 32-33 |Chinese folk dance |1930, 1951-2000 |

|Carton 47 | 34 |Classical |1958-1979 |

|Carton 47 | 35 |Drama |1957-1993 |

|Carton 47 | 36 |History |1946-1985 |

|Carton 47 | 37-39 |Modern |1977-1995, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 47 | 40 |General |1991-2001 |

|Carton 47 | 41 |Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company |1984-2002 |

|Carton 47 | 42 |Social dance |1997 |

|Carton 47 | 43 |"Society of the Pocket Knife" |1954-1964 |

|Carton 47 | 44 |Theory |1959-1980 |

| |Deportation | |

|Carton 48 | 1 |General |1926, 1960-1976 |

|Carton 48 | 2 |Saint Louis Fair (Missouri) |1904 |

| |Discrimination | |

|Carton 48 | 3-9 |General |1926-2002 |

|Carton 48 | 10 |Anti-Asian violence |1983-1987 |

|Carton 48 | 11 |Glass ceiling |1995-1997 |

|Carton 48 | 12 |Police brutality |1975-1996 |

|Carton 48 | 13 |Welfare |1996-1997 |

|Carton 48 | 14 |Domestic violence |1999-2001 |

| |Education | |

|Carton 48 | 15-20 |General |1869-2002, n.d. |

| |Bilingual, bicultural | |

|Carton 48 | 21-23 |General |1963-2002 |

|Carton 49 | 1 |Chinese American International School |1988-2002 |

|Carton 49 | 2 |Public schools |1971-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 3 |Purple Lotus Buddhist School |1974-1998 |

|Carton 49 | 4 |Saint Mary's School |1971-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 5 |Shuang Wen Academy, New York |1997-1998 |

|Carton 49 | 6 |The Institute of Sino-American Studies |1961 |

|Carton 49 | 7 |Wah Mei School |1987-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 8 |Biographies |1972-2002 |

|Carton 49 | 9 |Gender equity |1986-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 10 |History curriculum |1968 |

|Carton 49 | 11 |Lowell High School |1924-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 12 |New immigrants |1971-2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 49 | 13 |General |1996-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 14 |Asian American parents |1987-1999 |

|Carton 49 | 15 |Chinese American Bilingual Education Alliance |1995-2000 |

|Carton 49 | 16 |Chinese American Education Research Development Association (CAERDA) |1997 |

|Carton 49 | 17 |National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education |1981, 1989, n.d. |

|Carton 49 | 18 |United States-China Educational Institute |1978-1995 |

|Carton 49 | 19 |Reports of education departments |1854-2001 |

| |Segregation and desegregation | |

|Carton 49 | 20-21 |General |1965-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 49 | 22-23 |Busing and anti-busing |1971-1989 |

|Carton 49 | 24 |Commodore Stockton School, Oriental School |1864-1941, |

| | | |1964-1999, n.d. |

| |Freedom Schools | |

|Carton 49 | 25 |General |1972-1998 |

|Carton 49 | 26 |Steve Wong's class |1971 |

|Carton 49 | 27 |Hawaii |1957 |

|Carton 49 | 28 |South Hills Academy, Los Angeles |2002 |

|Carton 49 | 29 |Teaching and teachers |1941, 1974-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 30 |Tutorial centers, after school programs |1975-2000 |

|Carton 49 | 31 |Vocational |1990-2001 |

|Carton 49 | 32 |Yick Wo School |1982, 1997 |

| |Elderly | |

|Carton 50 | 1-5 |General |1970-2001 |

| |Housing | |

|Carton 50 | 6 |General |2002 |

|Carton 50 | 7 |Chung Pak Project, New York |1984-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 50 | 8 |Pine View Housing Corporation, San Francisco |1981-1991 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 50 | 9 |General |1994, 2000 |

|Carton 50 | 10 |American Asian Elderly Humanitarian |1990-2000 |

|Carton 50 | 11 |KAIREN (Self Help for the Elderly), Washington D.C. |1993-1995 |

|Carton 50 | 12 |Nam Hoy Senior Club |1990-1993 |

|Carton 50 | 13 |New York City |1973-1986, 1992 |

| |San Francisco and Bay Area | |

|Carton 50 | 14-15 |General |1969-1997 |

| |On Lok, San Francisco | |

|Carton 50 | 16-20 |General |1972-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 50 | 21 |Leong, Harding |1984, 1999 |

|Carton 50 | 22 |Self-Help For the Elderly |1966-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 50 | 23 |Southern California, Arizona |1977-1991 |

|Carton 50 | 24 |Southeast Asian Americans |n.d. |

|Carton 50 | 25-26 |Vietnamese Americans |1984-1999 |

| |Employment and unemployment | |

|Carton 51 | 1-2 |General |1941-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 51 | 3 |Chinese Unemployed Alliance of Greater New York |1933 |

|Carton 51 | 4 |Depression and Chinese Americans |1931, 1974-1991 |

|Carton 51 | 5 |Discrimination, Confucius Plaza (New York City) |1974-1975 |

|Carton 51 | 6-7 |Human Rights Commission of San Francisco |1970-1976 |

| |Ethnic identity | |

|Carton 51 | 8-9 |Asian Americans |1930, 1965-2001 |

|Carton 51 | 10 |Chinese Americans |1948, 1988-2000, n.d. |

| |Ethnic Studies | |

|Carton 51 | 11 |General |1969-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 51 | 12 |University of California, Berkeley |1970-1999, n.d. |

| |Exhibitions | |

|Carton 51 | 13 |Canadian National Exhibition, 1972 |1972 |

|Carton 51 | 14 |China: 7000 Years of Discovery (exhibition from the China Science and Technology Museum) |1983-1985 |

|Carton 51 | 15 |Chinese arts and crafts |1973, n.d. |

|Carton 51 | 16 |Chinese Trade Exhibition, 1980 |1980, n.d. |

| |Family life | |

|Carton 51 | 17 |General |1929-1937, 1968-1994 |

|Carton 51 | 18 |Chien Tai |1964 |

|Carton 51 | 19 |A Genealogy in Silk: the Lai Mah Family Album 1915-1968, University of California, Davis |2001 |

| | |Design Gallery | |

|Carton 51 | 20 |Organizations |1990, 1998 |

|Carton 51 | 21 |Role model parents awards |1994-2000 |

| |Festivals and holidays | |

|Carton 51 | 22-26 |General |1853-1909, 1948, |

| | | |1971-2002, n.d. |

| |Chinese New Year | |

|Carton 52 | 1-9 |General |1853-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 10 |Lion dancing |1936, 1957, |

| | | |1968-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 11 |North America |1966, 1970-1999 |

| | | |,n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 12 |Chong Yang Festival |1957-1971 |

|Carton 52 | 13 |Dragon Boat (Duan Wu) Festival |1925, 1958-1973, |

| | | |1991-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 14 |Lantern Festival |1937, 1958-1973, |

| | | |2000-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 15-16 |Mid Autumn Festival |1928, 1936, 1956-1972, |

| | | |1992-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 52 | 17-22 |National Day of People's Republic of China (October 1st) |1979-2002 |

|Carton 53 | 1-2 |National Day of Taiwan (October 10th) |1957, 1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 53 | 3 |Overseas Chinese Day (Huaqiao Jie) |1953-1994, 2001 |

|Carton 53 | 4 |Qi Xi |1927-1928, 1957-1972 |

|Carton 53 | 5 |Qing Ming (Ancestor worship) |1929, 1937, 1958-1973 |

|Carton 53 | 6 |Veterans' Day (Taiwan) |1999 |

|Carton 53 | 7 |Zhong Yuan Festival (Ghost festival), July |1929, 1958-1972 |

| |Filipino Americans | |

|Carton 53 | 8 |General |1934, 1974-1999 |

|Carton 53 | 9 |Hawaii |1996 |

| |Films | |

|Carton 53 | 10-13 |General |1967-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 53 | 14 |Chen Yi Xi Zhuan |n.d. |

|Carton 53 | 15-16 |China, Hong Kong, Taiwan |1950-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 53 | 17 |Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |2000-2001 |

|Carton 53 | 18 |Film festivals |1974-2001 |

|Carton 53 | 19 |Forbidden City, USA |1989-1996 |

|Carton 53 | 20 |Gate of Heavenly Peace |1995-1996 |

|Carton 53 | 21 |The Last Emperor |1987-1988 |

|Carton 53 | 22 |Moving the Mountain |1994-1995 |

|Carton 53 | 23 |Mulan |1998-2000, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 53 | 24 |General |1990, 2001, n.d. |

|Carton 53 | 25 |Asian Cinevision |1992-1995 |

|Carton 53 | 26 |National Asian American Telecommunication Association |1983-1998 |

| |Production companies | |

|Carton 53 | 27 |General |1927-1996 |

|Carton 53 | 28` |Grandview Motion Picture Company |1940-1987 |

| |Stereotypes | |

|Carton 53 | 29 |General |1977-1998 |

|Carton 53 | 30 |Year of the Dragon |1984-1985 |

|Carton 53 | 31 |Stories of Sun Yat-Sen |1985-1986 |

| |Theaters | |

|Carton 53 | 32 |General |1965-2000 |

|Carton 53 | 33 |Great Star Theater |2000-2001 |

|Carton 53 | 34 |World Theater |1986-1996 |

| |Fishing industry | |

|Carton 54 | 1-2 |Abalone fishery |1856-1913, 1971-1990, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 3 |History |1854-1925, 1941-1982, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 4 |Pacific coast map |1888-1889 |

|Carton 54 | 5 |Reports |1876-1928, n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 6-8 |Salmon canneries |1866-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 9 |Salted fish |1961, 1994 |

| |Shrimp fishery | |

|Carton 54 | 10 |General |1898-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 11 |Reports |1870-1934, 1988 |

| |Food and cooking | |

|Carton 54 | 12-15 |General |1947, 1958-2002 |

|Carton 54 | 16 |Animals used as food |1958-2000 |

|Carton 54 | 17 |Chinese food in the United States |1870-1981, 2001 |

|Carton 54 | 18 |Cooking schools |1977, 1992-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 19 |Fruits |1920-1985 |

|Carton 54 | 20 |Pearl milk tea (tapioca milk tea) |n.d. |

|Carton 54 | 21 |Recipes |1960-1987 |

|Carton 54 | 22 |Rice and porridge |1969-1975, 2000 |

|Carton 54 | 23 |Seafood |1946-1973 |

|Carton 54 | 24 |Seasoning |1994-1996 |

|Carton 54 | 25 |Vegetables |1934-1999 |

|Carton 54 | 26 |Wine, tea, and beverages |1958-1967 |

| |Foreign investment in the United States | |

|Carton 55 | 1 |General |1970-2001 |

|Carton 55 | 2 |China |1984-1997 |

|Carton 55 | 3 |Hong Kong |1969-1993 |

|Carton 55 | 4 |Korea |1989 |

|Carton 55 | 5 |Taiwan |1978-1997 |

| |Foreign relations – China and United States | |

|Carton 55 | 6-8 |General |1839-2002 |

|Carton 55 | 9 |Academic and cultural exchange |1975-1993 |

|Carton 55 | 10 |Aircraft incident in South China Sea |2001 |

|Carton 55 | 11 |"American Policy Toward China" by Wen Hwan Ma |n.d. |

| |Chinese delegations in the United States | |

|Carton 55 | 12 |General |1979-1986 |

|Carton 55 | 13 |Acrobats and martial arts troupes |1972-1978 |

|Carton 55 | 14 |Athletic teams |1973-1978 |

|Carton 55 | 15 |Chinese navy ships' visit to the United States |1997 |

| |Communiques and documents | |

|Carton 55 | 16 |General |1972-2002 |

|Carton 55 | 17 |Shanghai (1972) |2002 |

|Carton 55 | 18 |Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States |1978-1979 |

|Carton 55 | 19 |Han Xu's visit to California |1985 |

|Carton 55 | 20-21 |Jiang Zemin's visit to the United States |1993-1999 |

|Carton 55 | 22 |Li Xiannian's visit to the United States |1985 |

|Carton 55 | 23 |Normalization of relations between China and the United States |1979 |

|Carton 55 | 24 |North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) bombing of Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia |1999-2001 |

|Carton 55 | 25 |President Bush's visit to China |2002 |

|Carton 55 | 26 |President Clinton's visit to China |1998 |

|Carton 55 | 27 |President Nixon's visit to China |1971-1972 |

|Carton 55 | 28 |President Reagan's visit to China |1984 |

|Carton 55 | 29 |Sister cities |1996-2001 |

|Carton 56 | 1-3 |United States and China People's Friendship Week |1972-1973 |

|Carton 56 | 4 |Zhao Ziyang's visit to the United States |1983-1984 |

| |Foreign relations – China, Taiwan, and United States | |

|Carton 56 | 5-9 |General |1970-2002 |

|Carton 56 | 10 |"The China White Paper," (1949) |1989 |

|Carton 56 | 11-12 |Lobbying |1952-2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 56 | 13 |General |1994-1998, 2001 |

|Carton 56 | 14-15 |China Institute in America |1944-1952, |

| | | |1971-2002 |

|Carton 56 | 16 |Chinese American Culture Exchange Association |1991-1996 |

|Carton 56 | 17 |Northwest China Council |1997-2001 |

|Carton 56 | 18 |United Service to China, Inc. |1948 |

|Carton 56 | 19 |United States and China Exchange Council |2000 |

|Carton 56 | 20 |United States and China People's Friendship Association |1971-1997 |

|Carton 56 | 21 |President Lee Denghui's visit to the United States |1995 |

|Carton 56 | 22 |United States passport (place of birth) |1994-1995 |

| |Foreign relations – Taiwan and United States | |

|Carton 56 | 23-24 |General |1947, 1972-2002 |

|Carton 56 | 25 |Sister cities, San Francisco and Taipei |1986-1988 |

| |Foreign trade | |

|Carton 56 | 26-27 |General |1934-1957, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 56 | 28 |Most-Favored Nation Status (MFN) |1991-1998 |

|Carton 56 | 29 |Organizations |1974-1997 |

|Carton 56 | 30 |Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) |2000 |

|Carton 56 | 31 |San Francisco Custom House Records |1850-1875 |

| |Foundations | |

|Carton 57 | 1 |General |1979-2001 |

|Carton 57 | 2 |Asian Foundation for Community Development |1988, n.d. |

|Carton 57 | 3 |Asians United in Raising Awareness Fund |1999 |

|Carton 57 | 4 |The Au Education Foundation for Chinese |1991-1998 |

|Carton 57 | 5 |Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation |1994-1996 |

|Carton 57 | 6 |Chinese American Educational Foundation |1993-1997 |

|Carton 57 | 7 |Chinese American Foundation (CAF) |1996 |

|Carton 57 | 8 |Chuan's Foundation |1989-1997 |

|Carton 57 | 9 |Foundation for Chinese Orphanages (FCO) |1999 |

|Carton 57 | 10 |Guide to Chinese American Philanthropy and Charitable Giving Patterns by Robert Lee |1990 |

|Carton 57 | 11 |Medical Education Scholarship |2002 |

|Carton 57 | 12 |New China Education Foundation |1980-2001 |

|Carton 57 | 13 |Overseas Chinese Ethnic Foundation (OCEF) |2001-2002 |

|Carton 57 | 14 |Pacific Cultural Foundation |n.d. |

|Carton 57 | 15 |Pao Hua Foundation |1991-1994 |

|Carton 57 | 16 |Sacramento Chinese Culture Foundation |1999-2002 |

|Carton 57 | 17-18 |The San Francisco Foundation |1994-1995 |

|Carton 57 | 19 |Soar Foundation |1996-2000 |

|Carton 57 | 20 |Sun Yat-sen Scholarship |1990-1997 |

|Carton 57 | 21 |Taiwanese American Foundation |1986-1998 |

|Carton 57 | 22 |Tang Foundation |1990-1992 |

|Carton 57 | 23 |Wong Mun Seck Foundation |1993-1999 |

|Carton 57 | 24 |Zigen Fund | |

| |Gambling | |

|Carton 57 | 25-27 |General |1827, 1891-1927, |

| | | |1951-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 57 | 28 |San Francisco, California |1973,1974 |

| |Gangs | |

|Carton 57 | 29-30 |General |1973-1999 |

|Carton 57 | 31 |Fuk Ching |1993-1996 |

|Carton 57 | 32 |Golden Dragon Restaurant massacre |1977, 1978, 1987 |

|Carton 57 | 33 |"Joe Boys" |1973-1977 |

|Carton 57 | 34 |Money laundering |1986-1992 |

|Carton 57 | 35 |New York, New York |1993, n.d. |

|Carton 57 | 36-38 |Youth |1962-1995, n.d. |

| |Garment industry | |

|Carton 57 | 39-40 |General |1969-2002 |

|Carton 57 | 41 |Boston, Massachusetts |1986 |

|Carton 57 | 42 |Bugle Boy |1993 |

|Carton 57 | 43 |Chinatown Co-op Garment Factory |1969-1972 |

|Carton 57 | 44 |Foreign countries competition |1985-1993 |

|Carton 57 | 45 |George Brothers Company |1994 |

|Carton 57 | 46 |H. Wing Garment Factory |1947-1957 |

|Carton 57 | 47 |Korean factories |1986-1998 |

| |Labor disputes | |

|Carton 57 | 48-49 |General |1972-2001 |

|Carton 57 | 50 |Kong Garment Factory |1991-1997 |

|Carton 57 | 51 |S.F. Gold Co. |1973 |

|Carton 57 | 52 |Wins of California Inc., Anna Wong |2001-2002 |

| |Los Angeles, California | |

|Carton 57 | 53 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 58 | 1 |"Garment Industry in Los Angeles Chinatown, 1973-1974" by Peggy Li, Buck Wong, and Fong |n.d. |

| | |Kwan | |

|Carton 58 | 2 |Nautica |1993 |

| |New York, New York | |

|Carton 58 | 3 |General |1971-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 4 |"Participation of Chinese Women in the Garment Industry in New York City" by Ching-wing |1976 |

| | |Hui, Thomas Lacey | |

|Carton 58 | 5 |Organizations of contractors |1974-1996 |

|Carton 58 | 6 |Overalls inventor, Cheang Quan Wo |1875 |

|Carton 58 | 7 |San Francisco and Oakland, California |1969-1998 |

|Carton 58 | 8 |Sweatshops |1990-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 9 |United Manufacturing Company |1969-1971 |

| |Workers' unions | |

|Carton 58 | 10 |General |1902-1923, |

| | | |1967-1985 |

|Carton 58 | 11 |International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU), Chinese Local #341 |1938-1975 |

|Carton 58 | 12 |Gays and lesbians |1986-2000 |

|Carton 58 | 13 |Gender identity |2001 |

|Carton 58 | 14 |Generational conflict |1968-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 15-18 |Gold mines and mining |1980-2000, n.d. |

| |Government agencies | |

|Carton 58 | 19 |Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) |1994-2000 |

|Carton 58 | 20 |Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) |1969-2000 |

| |Hakka | |

|Carton 58 | 21 |General |1981-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 22 |Biographies |1978, 1990-1998 |

|Carton 58 | 23 |Conferences |1978-1995 |

|Carton 58 | 24 |History and customs |1930, 1967-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 25 |Mei Xian |1960-1990 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 58 | 26-27 |General |1988-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 28 |Hakka Benevolent Association of Northern California |1983-2002 |

|Carton 58 | 29 |Huizhou Chamber of Commerce, New York City |1985-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 30 |Ka Yin Benevolent Association |1976-2002 |

|Carton 58 | 31 |Meixian Association, Southern California |1988-1994 |

|Carton 58 | 32 |Tai Look Association, New York City |1970-1996 |

|Carton 58 | 33 |Tai Pun Residents Association |1971-2002 |

|Carton 58 | 34 |Taiwan |1983-1999 |

|Carton 58 | 35 |Tsung Tsin Association |1971-2000 |

|Carton 58 | 36 |Tsung Tsin Association, New York City |1940-1941, |

| | | |1971-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 37 |Tsung Tsin Association, Philadelphia |1983-1994 |

|Carton 58 | 38-39 |Tsung Tsin Association, San Francisco |1975-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 40 |Tsung Tsin Association, Southern California |1987-1996 |

|Carton 58 | 41 |Tung On Association |1970-1986 |

|Carton 58 | 42 |Wai Yeung Association |1998-2001 |

|Carton 58 | 43 |Yan Wo Benevolent Association |1852-1868, |

| | | |1965-1999 |

|Carton 58 | 44 |Taiwan |1995-1998 |

| |Health | |

|Carton 58 | 45 |General |1986-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 46 |Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) |n.d. |

|Carton 58 | 47-51 |San Francisco Chinatown |1867-1900, 1941-1977 |

| |Health care | |

|Carton 59 | 1-3 |General |1986-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 4 |Acupuncture |1972-2001 |

|Carton 59 | 5 |Alhambra Hospital, California |1991-1993 |

|Carton 59 | 6 |Asian Liver Center at Stanford University |1997 |

| |Chinese herbal medicine | |

|Carton 59 | 7-8 |General |1927, 1968-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 59 | 9 |General |1972-2002 |

|Carton 59 | 10 |United California Practitioners of Chinese Medicine |1995-2002 |

| |Chinese Hospital (San Francisco, California) | |

|Carton 59 | 11-13 |General |1900-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 14 |Administration and officers |1975-2001 |

|Carton 59 | 15 |Chinese Community Health Plan |1984-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 16-17 |Expansion |1969-1979 |

|Carton 59 | 18 |Fundraising |1923-1929 |

|Carton 59 | 19 |Outpatient clinic |1973-1978, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 20 |Parking garage |1991-1992, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 21 |Chinese Hospital of San Francisco (Yan Chai I Yun) |1855-1913 |

|Carton 59 | 22 |French Hospital (Los Angeles, California) |1985-1989 |

|Carton 59 | 23 |Gouverneur Hospital (New York, New York) |1973-1979, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 24 |Health professional licensing |1996 |

|Carton 59 | 25 |New York Chinatown |1973, 1996-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 59 | 26 |North East Medical Services (NEMS) (San Francisco, California) |1970-1983, 2001, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 59 | 27 |General |1988-2001 |

|Carton 59 | 28 |American Association of Chinese Physicians (AACP) |1999 |

|Carton 59 | 29 |American Cancer Society |1995-1998 |

|Carton 59 | 30 |Chinese American Dentist Association |1998-2000 |

|Carton 59 | 31 |Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association (CBA) |1992, 1993, 1999 |

|Carton 59 | 32 |North America Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) |1995-2000 |

|Carton 59 | 33 |South Cove Community Health Center (Boston, Massachusetts) |1997-2000 |

|Carton 59 | 34 |UCLA Center for East-West Medicine |2001-2002, n.d. |

| |Higher education | |

|Carton 60 | 1-2 |General |1973-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 3 |Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences |1994-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 4 |American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine |1996-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 5 |Armstrong University |1998-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 6 |Biographies |1973-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 7 |Buddhist groups affiliation |1977-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 8 |Cheating on exams |1989-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 9 |China and United States educational exchange programs |1975-2001 |

|Carton 60 | 10 |City College of San Francisco |2001 |

|Carton 60 | 11 |Clinton University |1994 |

|Carton 60 | 12-13 |Discrimination against Asian Americans |1984-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 14 |Donations, scholarships |1997-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 15 |International Technological University |1992-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 16 |Lincoln University |1969-2001 |

|Carton 60 | 17 |Northwestern Polytechnic University |1994-1998 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 60 | 18 |General |1972-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 19 |American Chinese Management Educators Association |1996 |

|Carton 60 | 20 |Asian Pacific American Higher Education (APAHE) |2001 |

|Carton 60 | 21 |Chinese American Faculty Association of Southern California |1997 |

|Carton 60 | 22 |Chinese American Professors Association |1994-1997 |

|Carton 60 | 23 |Interchange For Pacific Scholarship (IPS) |1976-1978 |

|Carton 60 | 24 |North America Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA) |1984-1999 |

|Carton 60 | 25 |Stanford University |1997 |

|Carton 60 | 26 |Touro College |n.d. |

|Carton 60 | 27 |University of California, Berkeley |1983-1984, 2000 |

|Carton 60 | 28 |University of East-West Medicine |1997-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 29 |University of Northern California |1993-1997 |

| |Historical societies and museums | |

|Carton 60 | 30-31 |General |1977-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 60 | 32 |Asian Art Museum of San Francisco |1983, 1994, 1999, 2001,|

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 60 | 33 |Chinese American Council, Bowers Museum Foundation |1984-1985 |

|Carton 60 | 34 |Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall of San Francisco |1991-1999 |

|Carton 60 | 35 |Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History |1985 |

|Carton 60 | 36 |Mai Wah Society, Montana |1996-2002 |

|Carton 60 | 37 |Oakland Museum |1973, 1998, n.d. |

| |Homeland relations with China | |

|Carton 60 | 38-39 |General |1954-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 60 | 40 |All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese |1984, 1986 |

|Carton 60 | 41 |Biographies |1983-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 60 | 42 |Chinese flag in the United States |1972-2000 |

|Carton 60 | 43 |Chinese government officials, overseas commissioners |1994-2001 |

|Carton 60 | 44 |Contributions in hometown development |1930-1998 |

| |Disaster relief | |

|Carton 61 | 1 |General |1920-1926, 1998 |

|Carton 61 | 2 |Earthquake relief, Yunan province |1988-1990 |

|Carton 61 | 3 |Flood relief |1991-1999 |

| |Education | |

|Carton 61 | 4 |General |1980-2001 |

|Carton 61 | 5 |Feng Cai Huaqiao Zhongxue (Feng Cai Overseas Chinese High School) |1986 |

|Carton 61 | 6 |Supplementary school for overseas Chinese students |1980-1990 |

|Carton 61 | 7 |Fujian |1980-2002 |

| |Guangdong | |

|Carton 61 | 8-9 |General |1946-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 10 |Chaoshan |1985-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 11 |Dongguan |1972-2002 |

|Carton 61 | 12 |Doumen |1966-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 13 |Enping |1965-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 14 |Guangzhou |1927-2002 |

|Carton 61 | 15 |Heshan |1984-2000 |

|Carton 61 | 16 |Huadu |1970, 1993-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 17 |Huizhou |1990-1993, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 18 |Jiangmen |1971-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 19 |Kaiping |1924-1925, |

| | | |1943-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 20 |Meizhou |1986-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 21-22 |Nanhai |1959-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 23 |Panyu |1966-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 61 | 24 |Public security |1927-1947 |

|Carton 61 | 25 |Qingyuan |1995 |

|Carton 61 | 26 |Sanyi |1926-1985 |

|Carton 61 | 27 |Shenzhen |1979-1998 |

|Carton 61 | 28 |Shunde |1960-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 62 | 1 |Siyi |1911-2000 |

|Carton 62 | 2-6 |Taishan |1912-2002 |

|Carton 62 | 7 |Wuyi |1990-1996 |

|Carton 62 | 8-9 |Xinhui |1950-2000 |

|Carton 62 | 10-13 |Zhongshan |1927-1929, |

| | | |1948-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 62 | 14-15 |Zhuhai |1972-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 62 | 16 |Guangxi |1979, 1984-1996 |

|Carton 62 | 17 |Hainan |1955-1994 |

|Carton 63 | 1 |History (Qing Dynasty to 1949) |1893-1968 |

| |Investment | |

|Carton 63 | 2-4 |General |1872-1949, |

| | | |1958-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 63 | 5 |Movie theaters |1931-1932, 1969 |

|Carton 63 | 6 |Radio station |n.d. |

| |Railroads | |

|Carton 63 | 7 |Chao Shan Railroad |1985 |

|Carton 63 | 8-9 |Xinning Railroad, Chen Yixi |1890-1947, |

| | | |1963-1997 |

|Carton 63 | 10 |Remittance to China |1870, 1928-1971 |

|Carton 63 | 11 |Returnees |1916-1948, 1974-2002 |

|Carton 63 | 12 |Shanghai |1965-1998 |

| |Homeland relations with Taiwan | |

|Carton 63 | 13-17 |General |1952-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 63 | 18 |Credit Guaranty Fund for Loans to Overseas Chinese |1987-2000 |

|Carton 63 | 19 |Cultural activities |1957-1996 |

|Carton 63 | 20 |Earthquake relief |1999 |

|Carton 63 | 21 |Educational programs |1987-2001 |

|Carton 63 | 22 |Golden Gate Park Pavilion, San Francisco and Chinese Culture Park (San Jose, California) |1975-1990 |

|Carton 64 | 1 |Investments |1956-1976 |

|Carton 64 | 2 |Kinmen (Jinmen) |1992-2002 |

|Carton 64 | 3 |National Conference of Chinese Communities in America, 1957 |1957, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 64 | 4-6 |General |1932-2002 |

|Carton 64 | 7 |Alliance for Democracy and Peace |2002 |

|Carton 64 | 8 |Center for Taiwan International Relations |1989-1996 |

|Carton 64 | 9 |Chinese Academic and Professional Association |1984-1998 |

|Carton 64 | 10 |Federation of Overseas Chinese Association (FOCA), Overseas Chinese United National |1955-1998 |

| | |Salvation Association | |

|Carton 64 | 11 |Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) |1985-1998 |

|Carton 64 | 12 |National Chinese Welfare Council |1957-1969 |

|Carton 64 | 13 |Northern California Formosan Federation |1993-2002 |

| |Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission | |

|Carton 64 | 14 |General |1990-2002 |

|Carton 64 | 15 |Regulations |1956-1988 |

| |Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (T.E.C.O.), Coordination Council for North American | |

| |Affairs | |

|Carton 64 | 16 |General |1989-2001 |

|Carton 64 | 17 |Chinese Culture Center of the T.E.C.O. |1986-2002 |

|Carton 64 | 18 |Chinese Information and Culture Center of T.E.C.O. in New York |1991-2002 |

|Carton 64 | 19 |Taiwan Benevolent Association of America |1984-2000 |

|Carton 64 | 20 |Taiwan Center |1986-2001 |

|Carton 64 | 21 |Taiwanese Association of America |1984-2000 |

|Carton 64 | 22 |World Federation of Formosan Clubs |1988, n.d. |

| |Taiwanese overseas commissioners, government officials | |

|Carton 64 | 23-24 |General |1972-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 64 | 25 |Zeng, Guangshun |1976, 1984-1991 |

|Carton 64 | 26 |Zhang, Fu-mei |1976, 1984-2001 |

|Carton 65 | 1 |Homelessness |2002 |

| |Hong Kong | |

|Carton 65 | 2-6 |General |1958-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 65 | 7 |Airport |1990, 1998 |

|Carton 65 | 8 |Anti-nuclear movement |1986 |

| |Biographies | |

|Carton 65 | 9 |General |1941-1999 |

|Carton 65 | 10 |Chow, Shou-son (Zhou, Shouchen) |1937, 1941, 1950 |

|Carton 65 | 11-12 |Entrepreneurs, business tycoons |1985-2002 |

| |Business | |

|Carton 65 | 13-14 |General |1907-2002 |

|Carton 65 | 15 |Bankruptcy |1984-1990 |

|Carton 65 | 16 |Wing On Co., Ltd. |1937-1958, |

| | | |1980-1998 |

|Carton 65 | 17 |Charities |1997 |

|Carton 65 | 18 |Demography |1975-2001 |

|Carton 65 | 19 |Description and travel |1954-2000 |

|Carton 65 | 20 |The Dragon Foundation |2001 |

|Carton 65 | 21 |Education |1987-2000 |

|Carton 65 | 22 |Food |1971-1997 |

|Carton 65 | 23 |Foreign exchange reserves |1997-2002 |

| |Health care | |

|Carton 65 | 24 |General |1959-1999 |

|Carton 65 | 25 |Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 1976-1984 |1984 |

|Carton 65 | 26 |Higher education |1971-2000 |

|Carton 65 | 27-28 |History |1898, 1932, 1965-1998 |

|Carton 65 | 29 |Judiciary |1999 |

|Carton 65 | 30 |Languages |1974-1995 |

| |Law enforcement | |

|Carton 66 | 1 |"Centenary History of the Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong, 1878-1978" |1978 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 66 | 2 |Chamber of Commerce |1935, 1950, 1960 |

|Carton 66 | 3 |The Fellowship of Offsprings of Zhuji Alley, Nanxiong, Guangdong |1995 |

|Carton 66 | 4 |Foochow Association |1987 |

|Carton 66 | 5 |Hong Kong Lung Chan Clan Association |1991 |

|Carton 66 | 6 |Nanhai Jiujiang Tongxianghui |1982 |

|Carton 66 | 7 |Overseas So Clansman Association |1979-1983 |

|Carton 66 | 8 |Politics |1981-2002 |

|Carton 66 | 9 |Radio and television |1974-1978, 2000 |

|Carton 66 | 10-12 |Sino British Agreement, 1997 |1984-1997 |

|Carton 66 | 13 |Social life and customs |1933, 1984-2002 |

| |Housing | |

|Carton 66 | 14 |General |1973-1999 |

|Carton 66 | 15 |Chinatown redevelopment-701 Plan (San Francisco, California) |1970-1977, 1983 |

|Carton 66 | 16-17 |Ping Yuen Housing Project (San Francisco, California) |1939-1951, 1976-1978, |

| | | |1993 |

|Carton 66 | 18 |Prefabricated houses and hotels |1849-1850, 1870-1873 |

|Carton 66 | 19 |Rent disputes in Chinatowns |1971-2000 |

| |Human rights | |

|Carton 67 | 1 |General |1973-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 67 | 2 |China |1990-2001 |

| |Immigration and emigration | |

|Carton 67 | 3-9 |General |1850-2002 |

|Carton 67 | 10 |Anti-immigration |1993-2002 |

|Carton 67 | 11 |"Are We Aliens in Our Own Country?" issued by American Vigilant Intelligence Federation |1935 |

|Carton 67 | 12 |Asian immigrants |1996 |

|Carton 67 | 13 |"The Background of the Chinese Immigration into the United States" by Wen Djang Chu |1949 |

|Carton 67 | 14 |Causes of Chinese emigration |1966-1984 |

|Carton 67 | 15 |Certificates |1892-1941 |

|Carton 67 | 16 |China's one child policy |1993-2000 |

|Carton 67 | 17 |Chinese confession program |1957-1959, 1969-2000 |

| |Chinese immigrants | |

|Carton 67 | 18-21 |Arrivals from 1946-2000 |1953-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 67 | 22 |China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan |2000 |

|Carton 67 | 23 |Hong Kong |1953, 1960-1997 |

|Carton 67 | 24 |Taiwan |1982-1992 |

|Carton 67 | 25 |Corruption, extortion |1894-1919, 1974-2000 |

|Carton 67 | 26 |Detention |1986 |

|Carton 67 | 27 |Ellis Island, New York |1984-1985 |

| |Fraud | |

|Carton 67 | 28 |General |1956-1957, |

| | | |1989-2000 |

|Carton 67 | 29 |"Commentary on the Drumright Report" by Dai-ming Lee (Li, Daming) |1956-1958, n.d. |

|Carton 67 | 30 |Forged papers |1954-1976, 1998 |

|Carton 67 | 31 |Pre-World War II |1885-1934 |

|Carton 67 | 32 |Sai Kay (Xiqi) Village, Guangdong China |1957-1958 |

|Carton 67 | 33 |Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and Chinese |1936-1994 |

|Carton 67 | 34 |Interrogation files |1908-1909, |

| | | |1965-1966 |

|Carton 68 | 1-10 |Reports |1900-1996 |

|Carton 68 | 11 |"Immigration of Chinese Women to the U.S.A., 1900-1940" by Ginger Chih |1977 |

|Carton 68 | 12 |Investment immigration |1973-1998 |

|Carton 68 | 13 |Letters of early Chinese immigrants |1901-1917, n.d. |

|Carton 68 | 14 |Loomis manuscripts on immigration |1976 |

|Carton 68 | 15 |Mass subpoena of Chinese American organizations |1956 |

|Carton 68 | 16 |"Memorandum on Oriental Residents in the Continental United States," Institute of Pacific |1932 |

| | |Relations | |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 68 | 17 |General |1997 |

|Carton 68 | 18 |Committee for Immigration Justice (CIJ) |1989 |

|Carton 68 | 19 |Immigrant Legal Resource Center |1980 |

|Carton 68 | 20 |Northern California Coalition For Immigrant Rights |1998 |

|Carton 68 | 21 |Pacific Mail Steamship |1852-1854, 1970-1975 |

| |Partnership lists | |

|Carton 68 | 22 |Chew Chong Tai and Company |1903-1915, n.d. |

|Carton 68 | 23 |Chun Wo Tong and Company |1900-1935 |

|Carton 68 | 24 |Chung Sun Wo and Company |1915-1919, n.d. |

|Carton 68 | 25 |Dock Kay So |1926-1943 |

|Carton 68 | 26 |Fong Tai and Company |1919, 1992, n.d. |

|Carton 68 | 27 |H. William and Company |1929 |

|Carton 68 | 28 |Kwong On and Company |1911, 1925 |

|Carton 68 | 29 |Kwong Yick and Company |1915-1938, n.d. |

|Carton 68 | 30 |Lee, Kan |1880, 1892-1894, |

| | | |1913 |

|Carton 68 | 31 |L.T. Sue Company |1924-1927, 1933, |

| | | |1940 |

|Carton 68 | 32 |Mandarin and Company |n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 1 |National Market |1939 |

|Carton 69 | 2 |National Meat Company |1929-1941 |

|Carton 69 | 3 |New Shanghai Tea Garden |1929-1933 |

|Carton 69 | 4 |Poo Wo Tong Company |1929 |

|Carton 69 | 5 |Quong Lee and Company |1911-1940 |

|Carton 69 | 6 |Shangtai Trunk Company |1923, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 7 |Shew Hing Lung and Company |1929, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 8 |Shing Shun and Company |1933-1941 |

|Carton 69 | 9 |Shun Lee Company |1908-1924, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 10 |Sing Kee and Company |1884, 1914, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 11 |Sing Kee Company |1919, 1921, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 12 |Sue Chung Kee, Son and Company |1901-1913 |

|Carton 69 | 13 |Sue Ling Quon |1911, 1927-1939, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 14 |Sun Chung Wo and Company |1911-1929, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 15 |Ti Hang Lung and Company |1913, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 16 |Wing Lee and Coompany |1923-1930, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 17 |Raids |1923-1926, 1971-1994 |

|Carton 69 | 18 |Reverse immigration |1993-1997 |

|Carton 69 | 19 |San Francisco Naval Intelligence report, 1945 |1945, 2000 |

|Carton 69 | 20 |Statue of Liberty one-hundred-year anniversary |1986-1988 |

|Carton 69 | 21 |Income |1987-2001 |

|Carton 69 | 22 |India |1979 |

| |International Hotel, San Francisco | |

|Carton 69 | 23-26 |General |1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 69 | 27 |Announcements, leaflets |1965, 1972-1977, 1984 |

|Carton 69 | 28 |Photographs |n.d. |

| |Japanese Americans | |

|Carton 69 | 29-30 |General |1872, 1905, 1943-1944, |

| | | |1962-2002 |

|Carton 69 | 31 |Agriculture |1909-1910, 1967, 1978 |

|Carton 69 | 32 |Anti-Japanese movement |1907-1925, 1972-1973 |

|Carton 69 | 33 |Churches |1974, 1978 |

|Carton 69 | 34 |Hawaii |1935, 1970-1985 |

|Carton 69 | 35 |Internment, World War II |1944, 1969-1987, 2002 |

|Carton 69 | 36 |Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) |1970-1973 |

|Carton 69 | 37 |Japanese language schools |n.d. |

| |Japanese Canadians | |

|Carton 70 | 1 |General |1943, 1958, 1970-1980 |

|Carton 70 | 2 |"The Japanese Canadians" by Charles H. Young and Helen R. Y. Reid |1938 |

|Carton 70 | 3 |Jewish Americans |1996 |

|Carton 70 | 4 |Korean Americans |1970-1986, 2000 |

|Carton 70 | 5 |Korean War, 1950-1953 |1950-1954, 1985 |

| |Kuomintang (KMT) (Chinese Nationalist Party) | |

|Carton 70 | 6 |General |1931, 1989-1993 |

|Carton 70 | 7 |Biographies |1919-2002 |

| |Cliques | |

|Carton 70 | 8 |"Gui" (Guangxi), 1930-1937 |1985, n.d. |

|Carton 70 | 9 |Reform |1986 |

|Carton 70 | 10 |"Zheng Xue" |1995, n.d. |

|Carton 70 | 11 |Conference, 1925 (Xishan and Beijing, China) |1927, 1993 |

|Carton 70 | 12 |Declaration, 1924 |1924 |

|Carton 70 | 13 |Hong Kong legislators' revolt |1984 |

| |Organizations | |

| |Kuomintang Overseas Department | |

|Carton 70 | 14 |General |1978-1998 |

|Carton 70 | 15 |Chinese Culture Service Center |1979-1999 |

|Carton 70 | 16 |Lian Yi Agency |1990 |

|Carton 70 | 17 |Overseas Shing Chung Hui |1990-2000 |

|Carton 70 | 18 |San Min Chu I Youth Association |1941-1998 |

|Carton 70 | 19 |Relations with gangs |1984 |

| |Taiwan | |

|Carton 70 | 20-22 |General |1952-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 70 | 23 |Anti-Communist heroes |1988, 1999 |

|Carton 70 | 24 |Counter attack on the mainland China |1953-1986 |

| |Intelligence Agency | |

|Carton 70 | 25 |General |1972-1994 |

|Carton 70 | 26 |Wang Ping file |1995 |

|Carton 70 | 27 |Pronouncement |1969-1984 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 70 | 28-32 |General |1920-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 70 | 33 |"American Police Advisers and Nationalist Chinese Secret Service, 1930-1937" by Frederic |1992 |

| | |Wakeman, Jr. | |

|Carton 70 | 34 |Anniversary |1974-1994 |

|Carton 70 | 35 |Anti-Communist activities |1949-1977 |

|Carton 70 | 36 |Anti-Communist Committee for Free China |1951-1998 |

|Carton 70 | 37 |Anti-Communist Overseas Association |1971-1992 |

|Carton 70 | 38-39 |Conventions |1925-1998 |

|Carton 70 | 40-41 |Declaration and members list |1927-1934 |

|Carton 71 | 1 |Divisions overseas |1995-2000 |

|Carton 71 | 2 |Elections |1947-1948 |

|Carton 71 | 3 |Investments |1974-1984 |

|Carton 71 | 4 |Kuo, Lien-Ying incident |1977 |

|Carton 71 | 5 |Officers |1921-2001 |

|Carton 71 | 6-7 |Rally against KMT |1978 |

|Carton 71 | 8 |Ruan, Bao-shan incident |1994 |

| |San Francisco | |

|Carton 71 | 9 |General |1912-1929, 1952, |

| | | |1970-2002 |

|Carton 71 | 10 |Letters of Lee Dai-ming (Publisher of The Chinese World) |1951 |

|Carton 71 | 11 |Surveillance of students |1972-1994 |

|Carton 71 | 12 |Texas |1987 |

| |Labor | |

|Carton 71 | 13-17 |General |1867-1909, 1934, |

| | | |1963-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 71 | 18 |Boycott of Chinese goods |1934-1935 |

|Carton 71 | 19 |Bureau of Labor statistics, 1883-1906 |1883-1909 |

| |Contract labor system | |

|Carton 71 | 20-23 |General |1848-1904, |

| | | |1932-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 71 | 24-26 |Macau coolie trade |1871-1873 |

|Carton 72 | 1 |Salmon cannery contracts |1903-1904, |

| | | |1917-1935, 1971 |

|Carton 72 | 2 |Padrone system, indentured system |1911, 1971, 1977 |

|Carton 72 | 3 |Reclamation |1852-1875, 1938, |

| | | |1973-1979, n.d. |

| |Labor disputes | |

|Carton 72 | 4 |General |1973-2002 |

|Carton 72 | 5 |Jing Fong Restaurant, New York |1995-1998 |

|Carton 72 | 6 |Lee Mah Electronics |2001 |

|Carton 72 | 7 |Lee Mah Electronics and Jung Sai Garment Factory workers' strike |1974-1983 |

|Carton 72 | 8 |Nam Yuan Restaurant busboys' strike |1972 |

|Carton 72 | 9 |Parc 55 Hotel |1991, 1993 |

|Carton 72 | 10 |Ya Zhou Yuan Restaurant |1971-1973 |

| |Labor movements | |

|Carton 72 | 11 |General |1973-2000 |

|Carton 72 | 12 |Guan, Shaolan |1996-1999 |

|Carton 72 | 13 |International Workers' Day (May Day) |1972-1975 |

| |Unionization | |

|Carton 72 | 14 |General |1937-1991 |

|Carton 72 | 15 |Mandarin Restaurant workers |1974 |

|Carton 72 | 16 |Restaurant workers |1978 |

| |Labor unions | |

|Carton 72 | 17 |General |1977-2000 |

|Carton 72 | 18 |Asian American Federation of Union Members (AAFUM) |1980-1996 |

|Carton 72 | 19 |Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) |1992-1997 |

|Carton 72 | 20 |Chinese guilds |1887, 1929, 1947, n.d. |

|Carton 72 | 21 |Chinese guilds in the United States |1870-1930, 1974-1988 |

|Carton 72 | 22 |The Chinese Staff and Workers Association (CSWA) |1989-1998 |

|Carton 72 | 23-24 |Chinese Workers Mutual Aid Association (CWMAA) |1938-1949, 1977-2002 |

|Carton 72 | 25 |Coalition of Labor Union Women, Chinese American Chapter |1984 |

|Carton 72 | 26 |Hotel, Restaurant Employees and Bartenders Union, Local 2 |1984-1987 |

|Carton 72 | 27 |The Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) |1905-1917 |

|Carton 72 | 28 |Kung Yu Club (Gong Yu Julebu) |1928-1947 |

|Carton 72 | 29 |Local 87 and Liang, Zhiyuan |1986-2002 |

|Carton 72 | 30 |Meizhou Gong Yi Tong Meng Hui |1919-1926 |

|Carton 72 | 31 |Min Sheng She, Chicago |1918 |

| |Languages | |

|Carton 72 | 32 |General |1958-2000 |

| |Chinese | |

|Carton 72 | 33 |General |1874, 1937, |

| | | |1970-2002, n.d. |

| |Chinese dialects | |

|Carton 72 | 34-35 |General |1940, 1951-2001 |

|Carton 73 | 1-2 |Cantonese |1965-2000 |

|Carton 73 | 3 |Ethnic groups |1963-1988 |

|Carton 73 | 4 |Etymology |1965-1993 |

|Carton 73 | 5 |Jiangyong women's writing style |1991-1993 |

| |Phonetic systems | |

|Carton 73 | 6 |General |1995-2001 |

|Carton 73 | 7 |Hanyu Pinyin |1912, 1957-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 73 | 8 |Printing (typesetting) |1975 |

| |Reform | |

|Carton 73 | 9 |General |1962-1998 |

|Oversize Folder 4AAS |Chinese Cultural Study Society (conference record) |1949 |

|Oversize Folder 4AAS |Dazhung Bao |1939 |

|Carton 73 | 10-11 |New Chinese Alphabetized Language Study Society |1940-1942 |

|Carton 73 | 12 |Simplified version characters |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 73 | 13 |Translation |1994-2001 |

|Carton 73 | 14 |English |2000 |

|Carton 73 | 15 |English as an official language |1986-1996 |

| |Laundries | |

|Carton 73 | 16-17 |General |1903-2000, n.d. |

| |Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance | |

|Carton 73 | 18-19 |General |1933-1941, |

| | | |1977-1999 |

|Carton 73 | 20 |Bylaws |1934 |

|Carton 73 | 21 |Periodicals |1943-1951 |

|Carton 73 | 22 |Discrimination |1886-1934, 1951 |

|Carton 73 | 23 |Regulations |1883, 1925-1928, |

| | | |1996-1998 |

|Carton 73 | 24 |Strikes, Sai Fook Tong |1912-1931, 1971, n.d. |

| |Law | |

|Carton 73 | 25 |General |1992-2001 |

|Carton 73 | 26 |Agricultural land |1926, 1929 |

|Carton 73 | 27 |Anti-Asian |1987-1989 |

| |Anti-Chinese | |

|Carton 73 | 28 |General |1850-1982, 1989 |

|Carton 73 | 29 |The California Constitution of 1879 |1879-1952 |

|Carton 73 | 30 |Chinese League of Justice of America |1909-1911 |

|Carton 73 | 31 |"The Chinese Before the Courts: Ethnoracial Construction and Marginalization" by Stanford |1993 |

| | |M. Lyman | |

|Carton 73 | 32 |"People v. Ah Chin, A Legal History of the Chinese in Nineteenth Century California" by |1993 |

| | |Robert L. Enright | |

|Carton 73 | 33 |Supreme Court and Circuit Court |1859-1935, 1987, |

| | | |2002, n.d. |

|Carton 73 | 34-35 |Ban on live-animal sales (San Francisco, California) |1996-2002 |

| |Immigration and deportation | |

|Carton 74 | 1-2 |General |1918-1962, |

| | | |1972-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 74 | 3 |Bills |1959-1961 |

|Carton 74 | 4 |Burlingame-Seward Treaty, 1868 |1996 |

|Carton 74 | 5 |The Chinese Student Protection Act, 1992 |1993 |

|Carton 74 | 6 |Displaced Person's Act of 1948 |1996 |

|Carton 74 | 7 |Illegal immigration |1991-1993 |

|Carton 74 | 8 |Immigration Act of 1924 |1953 |

|Carton 74 | 9 |Immigration Act of 1990 |1990-1992 |

|Carton 74 | 10 |Immigration and Nationality Act, 1957, Amendments |1996 |

|Carton 74 | 11 |Immigration and Nationality Act, 1965 |1965-1979 |

|Carton 74 | 12 |Immigration Reduction Act of 1995, Immigration Reform Act of 1995 |1995-1998 |

|Carton 74 | 13 |Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 |1986-1988 |

|Carton 74 | 14 |Legal Immigration and Family Equity Act (LIFE) |2001 |

|Carton 74 | 15 |Page Law, 1875 |1996 |

|Carton 74 | 16 |Quota system |1921-1924 |

|Carton 74 | 17 |Taiwan quota, 1982 |1992 |

|Carton 74 | 18 |Simpson-Mazzoli Bill, Kennedy-Simpson Bill |1981-1990 |

|Carton 74 | 19 |Testimonies |1963-1965 |

|Carton 74 | 20 |Labor |1972, 1985-2000 |

|Carton 74 | 21 |Lawsuits |1973-2002 |

| |Naturalization | |

|Carton 74 | 22 |Ly Shew vs. Dean Acheson |1953 |

|Carton 74 | 23 |Testimonies |1950-1952 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 74 | 24-25 |General |1985-2001 |

|Carton 74 | 26 |The Asian American Bar Association (AABA) |1998 |

|Carton 74 | 27 |Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund |1975-1987 |

|Carton 74 | 28 |Asian American Legal Services, Los Angeles |1971 |

|Carton 74 | 29 |Asian Bar Association of Sacramento |1987 |

|Carton 74 | 30 |The Asian Law Caucus |1975-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 74 | 31 |Law professionals |1976-2001 |

|Carton 74 | 32 |National Asian Pacific American Bar Association |1997-1998 |

|Carton 74 | 33 |Neighborhood Legal Assistance |1974 |

|Carton 74 | 34 |Political asylum |1984-2000 |

|Carton 74 | 35 |Refugees |1953-1965, 1989 |

| |Law enforcement | |

|Carton 74 | 36-37 |General |1974-2002 |

|Carton 74 | 38 |Chinatown (San Francisco, California) |1967-1991 |

| |Left and leftists | |

|Carton 74 | 39 |General |1938-1956, 1971-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 74 | 40-41 |I Wor Kuen |1970-1976 |

|Carton 74 | 42 |League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist) |1978-1984 |

|Carton 74 | 43 |Red Guard Party |1968-1973 |

|Carton 74 | 44 |Revolutionary workers, "Red Papers" |n.d. |

|Carton 74 | 45 |Students |1925-1928, 1980 |

|Carton 74 | 46 |Workers Viewpoint Organization (WVO) |1974 |

| |Libraries | |

|Carton 74 | 47-48 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 1 |Canada |n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 2 |China, Hong Kong |1984-1991 |

|Carton 75 | 3 |Great Britain, France |1985-2000 |

|Carton 75 | 4 |The Tokyo Bunko |1967-1978 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 75 | 5 |General |1967-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 6 |California State Library Foundation |1986, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 7 |Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) |1984-1988 |

|Carton 75 | 8 |Chinese Library of America |1967-1987 |

|Carton 75 | 9 |Harvard-Yenching Library |1977, 1990, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 10 |Library of Congress |1972-1993, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 11 |San Francisco Public Library |1991-2002 |

|Carton 75 | 12 |Stanford University |1969, n.d. |

| |University of California, Berkeley | |

|Carton 75 | 13 |General |1917-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 14 |Asian American Studies Library |1977-2000 |

|Carton 75 | 15 |Center for Chinese Studies Library |1991, 1996 |

|Carton 75 | 16 |University of California, Los Angeles |1967-1987 |

| |Literature | |

|Carton 75 | 17-22 |General |1973-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 75 | 23 |American writers' portrayal of Chinese |1941-1989 |

| |Chinese | |

|Carton 75 | 24-25 |General |1958-1996 |

|Carton 75 | 26 |Baguwen "The Eight-legged Essay" |1970-1973, 1995 |

|Carton 75 | 27 |Conferences |1997-2001 |

|Carton 75 | 28 |Guangdong |1971-1995 |

|Carton 75 | 29 |Hong Kong |1985-1996 |

|Carton 75 | 30 |Taiwan |1983-1999 |

|Carton 75 | 31 |Writers in exile |1990, 2001 |

| |Chinese Americans | |

|Carton 76 | 1-2 |General |1898, 1971-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 76 | 3 |Book clubs |1999 |

|Carton 76 | 4 |Cantonese folk songs (Jinshan Geyao) |1925-1941, |

| | | |1984-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 76 | 5 |Chinatowns |1971-1995 |

|Carton 76 | 6 |Contemporary |1960-1998 |

|Carton 76 | 7 |History |1950-1985 |

|Carton 76 | 8 |Literary movement |1930-1946, |

| | | |1973-1983 |

|Carton 76 | 9 |San Francisco and Bay Area |1992-1995 |

| |Chinese overseas | |

|Carton 76 | 10 |Australia |2001 |

|Carton 76 | 11 |Canada |1984-1995 |

|Carton 76 | 12 |Great Britain |1991 |

|Carton 76 | 13 |Southeast Asia |1973-1996 |

|Carton 76 | 14 |Students (Liuxuesheng wenxue) |1974-1999 |

|Carton 76 | 15 |Literary criticism |1960-1985, 2002 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 76 | 16-17 |General |1986-2001 |

|Carton 76 | 18 |The Asian American Writers' Workshop (AAWW) |1994-1995, 2001 |

|Carton 76 | 19 |Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (ACWW) |1998 |

|Carton 76 | 20 |Chinese Literature and Art Association in America |1994-1999 |

|Carton 76 | 21 |Chinese Writers Association (CWA) |1991-2002 |

|Carton 76 | 22 |Iowa Workshop |1979-1996 |

|Carton 76 | 23 |Southeast Asian Americans |1984-1999 |

|Carton 76 | 24 |Women writers |1989-1998 |

| |Macau | |

|Carton 76 | 25-26 |General |1881-2002 |

|Carton 76 | 27 |Description and travel |1971-1998 |

|Carton 76 | 28 |History |1931-1998 |

|Carton 76 | 29 |Transfer of sovereignty from Portugal, 1999 |1987, 1993, 1999-2000 |

| |Marriage | |

|Carton 77 | 1 |General |1857-1901, 1933-2001 |

|Carton 77 | 2-3 |Intermarriage |1892-1910, 1935-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 4 |Marriage brokers |1967-1993, 2001, n.d. |

| |Martial arts | |

|Carton 77 | 5 |General |1935, 1957, 1967-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 6 |Chi Kung (Qigong) |1987-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 7 |Schools |1994, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 8 |Tai chi (Taiji quan) |1982, 1992-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 9 |Wushu Kungfu Federation |1971-1975, 1992-1997, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |McCarthyism | |

|Carton 77 | 10 |General |1974 |

|Carton 77 | 11 |The Chinatown File |1943-1955, 1987-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 12 |Li Yingji and Feng Ying |1956-1957 |

| |Mental health | |

|Carton 77 | 13 |Asian Americans |1965-1980, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 14 |Behavior patterns |1957, 1974-1989 |

|Carton 77 | 15 |Mental health services |1980-2001 |

|Carton 77 | 16 |New immigrants |1994 |

| |Military services | |

|Carton 77 | 17 |General |1988-2002 |

|Carton 77 | 18 |Civil War, 1861-1865 |1911-1927, 1971-2000 |

| |World War II, 1939-1945 | |

|Carton 77 | 19 |Asian Americans |1996-1997 |

|Carton 77 | 20-21 |Chinese Americans |1941-1956, |

| | | |1980-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 22 |Flying Tigers, 14th Air Force |1982-2001 |

| |Veteran organizations | |

|Carton 77 | 23 |General |1921-2000 |

|Carton 77 | 24 |American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam (AMVETS), Golden Gate Post No. 34, |1986, n.d. |

| | |Inc. | |

|Carton 77 | 25 |ROC Veteran Association (Taiwan), USA Chapters |1991-2000 |

| |Mining and miners | |

|Carton 77 | 26-28 |General |1859-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 29 |Borax |1863, 1888-1917, 1947, |

| | | |1972, n.d. |

|Carton 77 | 30 |Coal |1941, 1980 |

|Carton 77 | 31 |Laws of California |1901 |

|Carton 77 | 32 |Quicksilver |1873, 1888-1923, 1969 |

| |Missions and missionaries in China | |

|Carton 78 | 1-4 |General |1919-1927, 1956, 1966, |

| | | |1991-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 5 |Christianity in China |1854-1934, 1966-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 6 |South China Christian Association For Homeless Children |1919-1966 |

| |Missions and missionaries for Chinese Americans | |

|Carton 78 | 7 |General |1851-1924, 1959, |

| | | |1992-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 8 |Chinese Christians |1892-1899 |

|Carton 78 | 9 |Chinese church schools |1855-1900, n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 10-11 |Methodist |1869-1924, 1979, n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 12 |Presbyterian |1853-1978 |

|Carton 78 | 13 |Multi-Ethnic Americans |2000 |

| |Music | |

|Carton 78 | 14-19 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 78 | 20 |Asian |1955, 1956, 1960, 1985 |

|Carton 78 | 21 |Asian American |1927-1929, 1986-2000 |

| |Chinese | |

|Carton 79 | 1-3 |General |1937, 1957-2002 |

|Carton 79 | 4 |Ancient music |1956-1977 |

| |Cantonese | |

|Carton 79 | 5-6 |General |1958-1989, |

| | | |2000-2002 |

|Carton 79 | 7 |Folk songs and nursery rhymes |1929-1976 |

|Carton 79 | 8 |Muk'yu singing (wooden clapper) |1974-1996 |

| |Opera | |

|Carton 79 | 9-17 |General |1849, 1903-1929, |

| | | |1957-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 79 | 18 |Cantonese Opera Troupe (Guangdong Yue Opera), 1982 U.S Performance |1982, 1985 |

|Carton 79 | 19 |Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Troupe |1984-1986 |

|Carton 79 | 20 |Hoy Fung Cantonese Opera Club |1994-2002 |

|Carton 79 | 21 |New York (New York) |1994-2001 |

|Carton 79 | 22 |San Francisco (California) |1941, 1974-2001 |

|Carton 80 | 1 |Chorus |1992-2001 |

|Carton 80 | 2 |Composers |1960-1998 |

|Carton 80 | 3 |Compositions |1956-1984 |

|Carton 80 | 4 |Conductors |1972-1999 |

|Carton 80 | 5 |Education |1984-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 80 | 6 |Ethnic groups |1951-1962, 1981 |

| |Folk music and songs | |

|Carton 80 | 7-9 |General |1924-1930, |

| | | |1954-1998 |

|Carton 80 | 10 |Anhui |1954-1960 |

|Carton 80 | 11 |Chao |1957-2001 |

|Carton 80 | 12 |Fujian |1955-1960, |

| | | |1971-1982 |

|Carton 80 | 13 |Gansu |1930, 1958-1959 |

|Carton 80 | 14 |Guangxi |1958, 1979 |

|Carton 80 | 15 |Guizhou |1951, 1956-1960 |

|Carton 80 | 16 |Hakka |1960-1963 |

|Carton 80 | 17 |Han |1957-1962, 1981 |

|Carton 80 | 18 |Hebei |1956-1981 |

|Carton 80 | 19 |Henan |1956-1964, 1987 |

|Carton 80 | 20 |Hubei |1959-1963 |

|Carton 80 | 21 |Hunan |1951-1960, 1970, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 80 | 22 |Jiangsu |1950-1973 |

|Carton 80 | 23 |Jiangxi |1930, 1957-1959 |

|Carton 80 | 24 |Northeast region |1959 |

|Carton 80 | 25 |Qiong, Hainan |1957-1958, |

| | | |1971-1990 |

|Carton 80 | 26 |Shandong |1956-1959, 1978 |

|Carton 80 | 27-28 |Shanxi |1956-1958, 1972, |

| | | |1977 |

|Carton 80 | 29 |Sichuan |1930, 1954-1963, |

| | | |1971 |

|Carton 80 | 30-31 |Taiwan |1981, 1993, |

| | | |2001-2002 |

|Carton 80 | 32 |Yue, Zhejiang |1957-1978, |

| | | |1996-1997 |

|Carton 80 | 33 |Yunan |1956, 1973 |

|Carton 80 | 34 |Hong Kong |1974-1981 |

|Carton 80 | 35 |"Music Clubs and Ensembles in San Francisco's Chinese Community" by Ronald Riddle |1974-1979 |

|Carton 80 | 36-37 |Musical instruments |1951-1999 |

| |Orchestras | |

|Carton 80 | 38-39 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 80 | 40 |East Meets West Symphonic Concert |1984, 1986, 1988, |

| | | |1994 |

|Carton 80 | 41 |Firebird Youth Chinese Orchestra |2001-2002 |

| |Operas | |

|Carton 80 | 42-43 |General |1923, 1955-1998 |

| |Beijing (Peking) Opera | |

|Carton 81 | 1-2 |General |1948-1974, |

| | | |1994-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 81 | 3 |Chinese overseas |1960-1978, |

| | | |1993-1995 |

|Carton 81 | 4 |Taiwan |2000 |

|Carton 81 | 5 |United States |1968-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 81 | 6 |"Zhao Family's Orphan" |1995 |

|Carton 81 | 7 |Biographies |1928, 1955-1957, |

| | | |1986, n.d. |

|Carton 81 | 8-9 |Kun |1956-1974, |

| | | |1989-2002 |

| |Revolutionary | |

|Carton 81 | 10-11 |General |1954-1984 |

|Carton 81 | 12 |"Honghu Red Guards" |1960, 1977, n.d. |

|Carton 81 | 13 |Techniques |1930, 1950-1981 |

|Carton 81 | 14 |"Turandot" |1984-1998 |

|Carton 81 | 15 |Vocal styles |1954-1972 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 81 | 16 |General |1980-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 17 |Chicago (Illinois) |1994-2001 |

|Carton 81 | 18 |The Chinese Music Teachers Association of Northern California (CMTANC) |1994-1998 |

|Carton 81 | 19 |Hanyi Productions |2002 |

|Carton 81 | 20 |Houston (Texas) |1998 |

|Carton 81 | 21 |Melody of China, Inc. |2001-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 22 |Popular music |1958-1989 |

|Carton 81 | 23 |Recordings |1971-1984 |

|Carton 81 | 24 |Song reviews |1954-1983 |

|Carton 81 | 25 |The Yellow River Cantata |1984-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 26 |Native Americans |2002 |

| |Newspapers and journals | |

|Carton 81 | 27 |General |1976-2002, n.d. |

| |Asian Americans | |

|Carton 81 | 28 |General |1977-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 29 |aMagazine, aOnline, Click2Asia |1991-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 30 |Amerasia Journal |1991, 1997 |

|Carton 81 | 31 |Amerasian Voice |1973 |

|Carton 81 | 32 |Ameri-Asia News |1988 |

|Carton 81 | 33 |The Asian American Times (Arizona) |1996 |

|Carton 81 | 34 |AsianWeek |1987-2002 |

|Carton 81 | 35 |International Examiner |1989-2001 |

|Carton 81 | 36 |Northwest Asian Weekly |1996, 2001 |

| |Chinese | |

|Carton 81 | 37 |General |1952-1998 |

| |For Chinese overseas | |

|Carton 82 | 1 |General |1931-2002 |

|Carton 82 | 2 |Foshan Overseas Chinese News |2001 |

|Carton 82 | 3 |Guangdong Qiaobao |1993 |

|Carton 82 | 4 |Jiangmen Overseas Chinese News |1988-1994 |

|Carton 82 | 5 |Jiangmen Pictorial Monthly |1987-1988 |

|Carton 82 | 6 |Overseas Chinese News of Fujian |1989-1998 |

|Carton 82 | 7 |People's Daily Overseas Edition |1988-2001 |

|Carton 82 | 8 |Shenzhen Overseas Chinese News |1989-2001 |

|Carton 82 | 9 |Voice of Overseas Chinese |1993 |

|Carton 82 | 10 |Movie Tone |1935 |

| |Chinese Americans | |

|Carton 82 | 11-18 |General |1873-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 82 | 19 |Agape Herald |1956 |

|Carton 82 | 20 |Bay Area Chinese Community News |1994 |

|Carton 82 | 21 |Bay Area Chinese News |1994 |

|Carton 82 | 22 |California China Mail and Flying Dragon |1867, 1939 |

|Carton 82 | 23 |California Chinese Press |1951 |

|Carton 82 | 24 |Cathay Times |1973-1974 |

|Carton 82 | 25 |Centre Daily News |1984-1989 |

|Carton 82 | 26 |Chee Kung Tong (Zhi Gong Tang) |1903-1929, 1974, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |China Daily News | |

|Carton 82 | 27 |New York, New York |1952, 1973-2000, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 82 | 28 |San Francisco, California |1974-1986 |

|Carton 82 | 29 |Versus Chinese American Weekly |1949-1950 |

|Carton 82 | 30 |China News |1985-1999 |

|Carton 82 | 31 |China Post (Daily) (New York, New York) |1974, 1985-1986 |

|Carton 82 | 32 |China Post (San Francisco, California) |1975-1976 |

|Carton 82 | 33 |China Press |1993-2002 |

|Carton 82 | 34 |China Times (New York, 1962-1979) |1971-1979, n.d. |

| |China Times (Taiwan, 1982-1984) | |

|Carton 82 | 35 |General |1984-1994 |

|Carton 82 | 36 |Versus United Daily News |1982-1987 |

|Carton 83 | 1 |China Tribune (Hua Mei Ri Bao) |1972-1977, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 2 |China Weekly |1949-1950 |

|Carton 83 | 3 |Chinatown News (Los Angeles, California) |1979 |

|Carton 83 | 4 |Chinatown News (San Francisco, California) |2001-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 5 |Chinatown Shopper |1948 |

|Carton 83 | 6 |Chinese American Forum |1986-1996 |

|Carton 83 | 7 |Chinese American News (Chicago, Illinois) |1985-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 8 |Chinese American Times |1969 |

|Carton 83 | 9 |Chinese Daily Post (Kuo Min Yat Po) |1929-1985 |

|Carton 83 | 10 |Chinese Digest |1936-1948, 1974 |

|Carton 83 | 11 |The Chinese Forum |1999-2000 |

|Carton 83 | 12 |Chinese Grocers Magazine |1954-1955 |

|Carton 83 | 13 |The Chinese Journal |1964-1980 |

|Carton 83 | 14 |Chinese Nationalist Daily (Mun Hey) |1917-1935 |

|Carton 83 | 15 |Chinese Pacific Weekly |1974-1991 |

|Carton 83 | 16 |Chinese Science Weekly |2000 |

|Carton 83 | 17 |Chinese Students |1971-1974 |

|Carton 83 | 18 |Chinese Times |1924-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 19 |Chinese Vanguard |1932-1934, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 20 |Chinese Voice Weekly |1970-1972 |

|Carton 83 | 21 |Chinese Welfare Monthly |1981, 1986 |

| |Chung Sai Yat Po (Zhong Xi Ri Bao) | |

|Carton 83 | 22 |General |1899-1940, 1954, |

| | | |1974-1976 |

|Box 2-3 |Index of articles (cards) |1919-1945, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 23 |Da Zhong Bao |1974 |

|Carton 83 | 24 |East/West |1973-1989 |

|Carton 83 | 25 |East West Forum |1995, 2002 |

|Carton 83 | 26 |The Epoch Times |2001-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 27 |Evergreen Journal |2001-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 28 |Fujian Ren |1996-2002 |

|Carton 83 | 29 |Getting Together |1973 |

|Carton 83 | 30 |The Global Chinese Language Media |2001 |

|Carton 83 | 31 |Golden Gate Daily News |1973 |

|Carton 83 | 32 |Hawaii Chinese Community News |1994 |

|Carton 83 | 33 |Herald Monthly |1990-2000 |

|Carton 83 | 34 |Huasheng Monthly |1995-1997 |

|Carton 83 | 35 |International Daily News |1983-2000 |

|Carton 83 | 36 |Kuomintang newspapers |1928, 1952-1957, |

| | | |1971-1986, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 37 |International Daily News, Lee, Ya-ping (Los Angeles, California) |1985-1990 |

|Carton 83 | 38-39 |The Literati |1995-1998 |

|Carton 83 | 40 |Los Angeles, California |1970-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 41 |Ming Pao Daily News |1989-2001 |

|Carton 83 | 42 |New Asian Weekly |1981-1999 |

|Carton 83 | 43 |New China Daily Press, Hawaii (Sun Chung Kwock Bo) |1951-1979, n.d. |

|Oversize Folder 5AAS |The New Era (Kwock Won Yat Po) |Jan. 28, 1907 |

|Carton 83 | 44 |New Continent |1999-2000 |

|Carton 83 | 45 |New York |1910, 1950, 1968, |

| | | |1974-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 83 | 46 |One World Weekly |1971-1975 |

|Carton 83 | 47 |Pacific Times |2001 |

|Carton 84 | 1 |Peimei News |1978, 1987 |

|Carton 84 | 2 |Philadelphia Chinese News |1999 |

|Carton 84 | 3 |People's News, Wah Kue Pao Weekly, Ma, Sam (Ma, Senliang) |1971-1979 |

|Carton 84 | 4 |Power News |1988-1993 |

|Carton 84 | 5 |Progressive newspapers |1971-1981 |

| |Reformer newspapers | |

|Carton 84 | 6 |The Chinese World |1901-1990 |

|Carton 84 | 7 |The Justice News (Kong Wo Bo), Chinese Reform News |1901-1978 |

|Carton 84 | 8 |S.F. Chinese News |1991-1996 |

|Carton 84 | 9 |The Sampa (Boston, Massachusetts) |1982-1987, 1997 |

|Carton 84 | 10 |San Francisco Examiner, Fang family |2000-2002 |

|Carton 84 | 11 |San Francisco Journal |1972-1986 |

|Carton 84 | 12 |San Francisco Weekly |1973-1976 |

|Carton 84 | 13 |San Min Morning Paper |1930, 1957, n.d. |

|Carton 84 | 14 |Seattle Chinese Post, Northwest Asian Weekly |1989, 1994-2000 |

|Carton 84 | 15 |Senmag Seniors Magazine |1985 |

|Carton 84 | 16 |Sheng Sheng |1934 |

|Carton 84 | 17 |Silicon Valley (California) |1996-2000 |

| |Sing Tao Daily (Sing Tao Jih Pao) | |

|Carton 84 | 18-19 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 84 | 20 |Hu Xian |1997-2001 |

|Carton 84 | 21 |Lawsuits |1975-1977 |

|Carton 84 | 22 |Sino Daily Express |1987-1988 |

|Carton 84 | 23 |Sun Yat Sen News |1975-2000 |

|Carton 84 | 24 |Ta-kung-Pao, Wen-Hui Pao |1989-2002 |

|Carton 84 | 25 |Tai Bun Thong Sin |1995 |

|Carton 84 | 26 |Taipei Report |1994-2000 |

|Carton 84 | 27 |Texas |1976-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 84 | 28 |Tien Shing Weekly |1977-1984 |

|Carton 84 | 29 |True Buddha News Weekly |1994-2002 |

|Carton 84 | 30 |The Tribune |1983-1989 |

|Carton 84 | 31 |Truth Weekly |1970-1992 |

|Carton 84 | 32 |United Journal |1947-1953, 1992 |

|Carton 84 | 33 |U.S.A Restaurant Magazine |1997 |

|Oversize Folder 1AAS |Vanguard |1932 |

|Carton 84 | 34 |Washington China Post |1988, n.d. |

|Carton 84 | 35 |Wei Min (Asian American News) |1974 |

|Carton 84 | 36 |Workers Viewpoint |1980 |

| |World Journal | |

|Carton 84 | 37-38 |General |1976-2002 |

|Carton 84 | 39 |Ma brothers |1977 |

|Carton 84 | 40 |World Journal West |1993 |

|Carton 85 | 1 |Yale Chinese American Journal |2000 |

|Carton 85 | 2 |The Young China Daily |1910-1991 |

|Carton 85 | 3 |Legal case versus Ningyang Huiguan |1911-1935 |

|Carton 85 | 4 |During the Chinese Revolution, 1911-1912 |1972 |

|Carton 85 | 5 |Youth |1973, 1987-1993, |

| | | |1999 |

| |Chinese overseas | |

|Carton 85 | 6-7 |General |1951, 1986-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 85 | 8 |Australia |2000-2001 |

| |Canada | |

|Carton 85 | 9 |General |1971-2001 |

|Carton 85 | 10 |The Crossroads |1977 |

|Carton 85 | 11 |Manitoba Chinese Post |1983, 1999-2000 |

|Carton 85 | 12 |The New Republic |1973 |

|Carton 85 | 13 |Tai Hon Kong Bo (The Chinese Times) (Vancouver, British Columbia) |1917-1944, 1977, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 85 | 14 |Cuba – Kwong Wah Po |1998 |

|Carton 85 | 15 |Europe |1971, 1981-1997, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 85 | 16 |Japan |2000 |

| |Panama | |

|Carton 85 | 17 |La Justicia |1992 |

|Carton 85 | 18 |La Republica |1992-1994 |

|Carton 85 | 19 |South America |1969, 1977, 1981, |

| | | |1988, 2000 |

|Carton 85 | 20 |Southeast Asia |1947, 1967-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Hong Kong, Macau | |

|Carton 85 | 21 |General |1932, 1934, |

| | | |1971-2002 |

|Carton 85 | 22 |Yangcheng Wanbao |1986-2001 |

|Carton 85 | 23 |New Asia Life |1981-1984 |

|Carton 85 | 24-27 |News events relating to Chinese communities |1986-2002 |

| |Online | |

|Carton 85 | 28 |General |1996-2001 |

|Carton 85 | 29 |China News Digest (CND) |1998 |

|Carton 85 | 30 | |2001-2002 |

|Carton 85 | 31 |Hunchnet Community News |2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 85 | 32 |General |1971-1999 |

|Carton 85 | 33 |Asian American Journalists Association |1983-2002 |

|Carton 85 | 34 |Chicago, Illinois |1995-1996 |

|Carton 85 | 35 |Chinese Language Press Institute |1971-1976, |

| | | |1983-1990, 1998 |

|Carton 85 | 36 |North California Chinese Media Association |1992-2002 |

|Carton 85 | 37 |Overseas Chinese Website Alliance |2000 |

|Carton 85 | 38 |Southeast Asian Chinese Americans |1981-2002 |

|Carton 85 | 39-40 |Taiwan |1971-1973, 1979-1990, |

| | | |1999-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 86 | 1-3 |Obituaries |1964, 1970-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 86 | 4 |Pacific Islanders |1997-2001 |

| |Performing arts | |

|Carton 86 | 5-7 |General |1928-2000 |

|Carton 86 | 8 |Acrobatics |1936-1974, 1998 |

|Carton 86 | 9 |Comic dialogue |1959-1993 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 86 | 10 |General |1994-2000 |

|Carton 86 | 11 |Chao Performing Center |1998 |

|Carton 86 | 12 |Chinese Performing Artists of America |1990-2002 |

|Carton 86 | 13 |Chinese Performing Arts Foundation |1973-1995 |

|Carton 86 | 14 |Chinese Performing Arts Institute |1995-1996 |

|Carton 86 | 15 |Chinese Performing Arts Society |1995-2002 |

|Carton 86 | 16 |Dimension Performing Arts, Inc. |2000-2002 |

|Carton 86 | 17 |Puppet show |1984-1998 |

|Carton 86 | 18 |Shadow play |1955-1984 |

|Carton 86 | 19-20 |Troupes' visit to the United States |1977-2001 |

| |Photography | |

|Carton 86 | 21 |General |1937, 1972-2001 |

|Carton 86 | 22 |Organizations |1971-1999 |

| |Plays | |

|Carton 86 | 23-24 |General |1927, 1969-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 86 | 25 |Asian American Theater Company |1977-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 86 | 26 |Asian Living Theatre |1974 |

|Carton 86 | 27 |Bridge and Gate Production Inc. |1994-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 86 | 28-29 |Chinese modern dramas |1954-1959 |

|Carton 86 | 30 |Chung Lau Drama Club |1962-1990 |

|Carton 86 | 31 |The Four Seas Players |1976-1997 |

|Carton 86 | 32 |"Sun Yat-Sen in London" (Long Kou Xia de Sun Yixian) |1999-2000 |

|Carton 86 | 33 |"Thunder Storm" |1941-2002 |

| |Poetry | |

|Carton 87 | 1-3 |General |1957-2002 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 87 | 4 |General |1982-2001 |

|Carton 87 | 5 |Dun Feng Wen Yi She |1981-1988 |

| |Politics | |

|Carton 87 | 6-13 |General |1896-2002 |

|Carton 87 | 14 |Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico |1973-1998 |

|Carton 87 | 15 |Boston, Massachusetts |1984-1987 |

| |California | |

|Carton 87 | 16 |General |1972-1997 |

| |San Francisco and Bay Area | |

|Carton 87 | 17-18 |General |1970-1999 |

| |Mayoral administrations | |

|Carton 87 | 19 |George Moscone and Diane Feinstein |1971-1988 |

|Carton 87 | 20 |Art Agnos |1987-1991 |

|Carton 87 | 21 |Frank Jordan |1990-1995 |

|Carton 87 | 22 |Willie Brown |1995-2002 |

|Carton 87 | 23 |Southern California, Los Angeles |1968-1999 |

|Carton 87 | 24 |Chicago, Midwest |1974-1994 |

|Carton 87 | 25 |"The Chinese National Question" |1977, n.d. |

| |Democratic Party | |

|Carton 88 | 1 |General |1977-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 2 |Chinese American Democratic Club, Inc. |1983-2001 |

|Carton 88 | 3 |The National Democratic Council of Asian and Pacific Americans |1983-1997 |

| |Elections | |

|Carton 88 | 4-6 |General |1948, 1973-1974, |

| | | |1980-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 7 |Federal Election Commission |1993-1997 |

| |Voting | |

|Carton 88 | 8-9 |General |1912-1998, |

| | | |2000-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 10 |Bilingual ballots |1975-1997 |

| |Fund raising | |

|Carton 88 | 11-12 |General |1993-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 13 |Chung, Johnny |1997-1999 |

|Carton 88 | 14 |Hsi Lai Temple, Maria Hsia |1998-2000 |

|Carton 88 | 15 |Huang, John (Huang, Jiannan) |1992-2000 |

|Carton 88 | 16 |Lotus Fund |1996-1999 |

|Carton 88 | 17 |Trie, Yah Lin (Trie, Charlie) |1997-2001 |

|Carton 88 | 18-19 |Government service |1951-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 20 |"The National Asian American Roster: 1982" compiled by Don T. Nakanishi |1982 |

|Carton 88 | 21 |New York |1984-1998 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 88 | 22-23 |General |1974-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 24 |Chinese American Voters Education Committee (CAVEC) |1984, 1999 |

|Carton 88 | 25 |Chinese American Voters League of Texas |1984-1988 |

|Carton 88 | 26 |Chinese Political Action Committee (CPAC) |1983-1989 |

|Carton 88 | 27 |The Coalition of Tri-state Chinese Americans |1983-1985 |

|Carton 88 | 28 |Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Institute |1997-1999 |

|Carton 88 | 29 |The 80-20 Initiative |1998-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 30 |Interim Coordination Committee For Chinese Americans |1986-1987 |

|Carton 88 | 31 |San Francisco Neighbors' Association |1997-1999 |

|Carton 88 | 32 |Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) |1985-2000 |

|Carton 88 | 33 |Taiwanese American Political Action Alliance |1992 |

|Carton 88 | 34 |"Politics of Race, Class and Nationalism in the Asian American Community: An Interpretative |n.d. |

| | |Essay" by Ling-Chi Wang | |

| |Republican Party | |

|Carton 88 | 35 |General |1970-2002 |

|Carton 88 | 36 |The National Republican Council of Asian and Pacific Americans |1984-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 88 | 37 |Seattle, Northwest |1968-1997 |

|Carton 88 | 38 |South |1966-1998 |

|Carton 88 | 39 |Texas |1984-1998 |

|Carton 88 | 40 |Washington, D.C. |1972, 1992 |

| |Prostitution | |

|Carton 89 | 1 |General |1955-1998 |

|Carton 89 | 2 |History |1861-1902, 1974 |

| |Publishing and publishers | |

|Carton 89 | 3-8 |General |1927, 1949, 1972-2002 |

|Carton 89 | 9 |Book trade and exhibitions |1974-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 10 |China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan |1932, 1947, 1971-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 11 |Chinese Community Yellow Pages |1993-2000 |

|Carton 89 | 12 |Chinese Yellow Pages |1986-1998, n.d. |

|Carton 89 | 13 |Copyrights |1990, n.d. |

|Carton 89 | 14 |Who's Who of Sino-America |n.d. |

| |Race relations | |

|Carton 89 | 15 |General |1988-1998 |

|Carton 89 | 16 |Chinese Americans and Blacks |1973-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 17 |Chinese Americans and Chicanos |1985-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 18 |Chinese American and other Asian Americans |1970, 1984-1991 |

|Carton 89 | 19 |Chinese Americans and other ethnic groups |1975-2001 |

|Carton 89 | 20 |Los Angeles Riots, 1992 |1992 |

| |Racism against Asian Americans | |

|Carton 89 | 21 |General |1994-1998 |

|Carton 89 | 22 |Yellow peril |1972-1993 |

| |Radio | |

|Carton 89 | 23 |General |1932, 1971-2000 |

|Carton 89 | 24 |All Star Chinese Radio Station |1992-1993 |

|Carton 89 | 25 |BBC Radio Manchester 206: Eastern Horizon |n.d. |

|Carton 89 | 26 |Boston, Massachusetts |1987, 1995 |

|Carton 89 | 27 |Chinese Broadcasting Corporation |1989-1992 |

|Carton 89 | 28 |Chinese Democracy Movement |1989-1996 |

|Carton 89 | 29 |Chinese Star TV and Radio |1991-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 30 |Commercial Radio (San Francisco, California) |1994-1998 |

|Carton 89 | 31 |Global Radio Inc. |1988-1996 |

|Carton 89 | 32 |Gold Mountain Broadcasting Company |1976-1985 |

|Carton 89 | 33 |The Golden Star Company |1950-1997 |

|Carton 89 | 34 |Los Angeles, California |1971, 1984, 1988-1997 |

|Carton 89 | 35 |New York, New York |1967-2001 |

|Carton 89 | 36 |North American Broadcasting Network, MBI |1984-1989 |

|Carton 89 | 37 |Radio Free Asia |1991-1997 |

|Carton 89 | 38 |Simulcast (San Francisco, California) |1983-1989 |

|Carton 89 | 39 |Sing Tao Chinese Radio |1996-2001 |

|Carton 89 | 40 |Sinocast |1977-1999 |

|Carton 89 | 41 |Taiwanese language radio stations |1984-1995 |

|Carton 89 | 42 |Voice of America |1994-1998 |

|Carton 89 | 43 |Youth Voice (San Francisco Chinese Radio and Community Educational Services) |1999 |

|Carton 89 | 44 |Zhonghua Wuxiandian Xuehui |1937, 1974 |

| |Railroads | |

|Carton 90 | 1-2 |General |1959-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 90 | 3-4 |Central Pacific |1863-1999 |

|Carton 90 | 5 |Northwest |1880-1937, 1968-1985 |

|Carton 90 | 6 |Southern Pacific |1858-1900, 1929-1976 |

| |Recreation | |

|Carton 90 | 7 |General |1958-2002 |

|Carton 90 | 8 |Chess |1986-1998 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 90 | 9 |General |1957, 1970-1994 |

|Carton 90 | 10 |Hua Ying She |1985-1991 |

|Carton 90 | 11 |The China Stamp Society |1997 |

| |Refugees | |

| |Chinese | |

|Carton 90 | 12 |Chinese Refugee Relief Inc. |1962-1998 |

|Carton 90 | 13 |Free China Relief Association (FCRA) |1961 |

|Carton 90 | 14-15 |Southeast Asians |1975-2001 |

| |Religions | |

|Carton 90 | 16 |General |1969-2001 |

| |Buddhism | |

|Carton 90 | 17 |General |1972-1999 |

|Carton 90 | 18 |Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation |1993-2001 |

|Carton 90 | 19 |Dong Shan Institute of Buddhism |1972-1989 |

|Carton 90 | 20 |Sutra |n.d. |

| |Temples | |

|Carton 90 | 21-22 |General |1960-2001 |

|Carton 90 | 23 |Avatamsaka Buddhist Lotus Society |1993-1998 |

|Carton 90 | 24 |Bao Hua Chan Si |1989-1995 |

|Carton 90 | 25 |Buddha's Universal Church |1958-1995 |

|Carton 90 | 26 |Chuang Yan Monastery, New York |1985-1997 |

|Carton 90 | 27 |Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas |1977-1999 |

|Carton 90 | 28-29 |Fo Kuang Shan and Hsi Lai Temple |1983-2000 |

|Carton 90 | 30 |Minh Yueh Jiu Shyh Buddhist Association of North California |1989-2001 |

|Carton 90 | 31 |Yu Fo Si (Houston, Texas) |1994-1999 |

|Carton 90 | 32 |True Buddha School |1990-2000 |

|Carton 91 | 1 |Catholicism |1908-2002 |

| |Christianity | |

|Carton 91 | 2 |General |1958, 1976-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 91 | 3 |"Believers and Builders: Christian Community Building Before and After the Exclusion Acts"|1994 |

| | |by Elizabeth Lee Abbott | |

| |Churches | |

|Carton 91 | 4-6 |General |1901-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 91 | 7 |Baptist |1899-1994 |

|Carton 91 | 8 |Bay Area Family Church |1989-2001 |

|Carton 91 | 9 |Congregation |1888-1981 |

|Carton 91 | 10 |Episcopalian |1904-1991 |

|Carton 91 | 11 |Evangelicalism |1829-1878, |

| | | |1977-1995 |

|Carton 91 | 12 |Golden Gate Christian Reformed Church |2001 |

|Carton 91 | 13 |Methodist |1869-1995 |

|Carton 91 | 14 |Min En Jiao Hui |1994 |

|Carton 91 | 15 |North American |1892 |

|Carton 91 | 16 |Presbyterian |1938-2001 |

|Carton 91 | 17 |San Francisco and Bay Area |1996-2000 |

|Carton 91 | 18 |Taiwanese |1984-1995 |

|Carton 91 | 19 |Tien Dao Christian Media Association |1994-1998 |

|Carton 91 | 20 |Vietnamese American |1990-1992 |

| |Conferences | |

|Carton 91 | 21-24 |Chinese Christian Youth Conference |1941-1983, 1995 |

|Carton 91 | 25 |National Conference of Chinese Churches, Inc. |1955-1985 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 91 | 26 |General |1985-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 91 | 27 |Cameron House |1897-1995, n.d. |

|Carton 91 | 28 |Chinese Christian Union of San Francisco |1949-2002 |

|Carton 91 | 29 |Chinese Students' Christian Association |1984 |

|Carton 91 | 30 |Pacific and Asian American Center for Theology and Strategies |1988 |

|Carton 91 | 31 |Salvation Army |1896, 1972-2000 |

|Carton 92 | 1 |Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) |1912-2001 |

|Carton 92 | 2-3 |Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) |1932-2001 |

|Carton 92 | 4 |Seminaries |1995-1997 |

|Carton 92 | 5-8 |Falun Gong |1996-2002 |

|Carton 92 | 9 |God's Salvation Church (Taiwan Sect in the United States) |1998 |

| |Taoism | |

|Carton 92 | 10-11 |General |1928-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 92 | 12 |Donations (Sacramento, California) |1898 |

| |Temples | |

|Carton 92 | 13 |General |1861-1993 |

|Carton 92 | 14 |Bok Kai Temple |1992-2001 |

|Carton 92 | 15 |Che Gong Temple |1993-1996 |

|Carton 92 | 16 |Chi San Buddhist and Taoist Association |2001 |

|Carton 92 | 17 |Ching Chung Taoist Association of America |1979-2002 |

|Carton 92 | 18 |Ben Tou Gong Temple (Houston, Texas) |1999 |

|Carton 92 | 19 |Hou Wang Temple |1968-1972 |

|Carton 92 | 20 |Huang Da Xian Temple |1990-2001 |

|Carton 92 | 21 |I-Kuan Tao Foundation of America |1989-1998 |

|Carton 92 | 22 |Kong Chow Temple |1856-1992 |

|Carton 92 | 23 |Kwan Ti Temple (Guan Di) |1967-2000 |

|Carton 92 | 24 |Ma-tsu Temple, Tien Hou Temple |1929-1998 |

|Carton 92 | 25 |Quong Ming Jade Emperor Palace, Quong Ming Buddhism and Taoism Temple |1997-2002 |

|Carton 92 | 26 |Weaverville Joss House |1989-2001 |

|Carton 92 | 27 |Xian Tien Dao Yuan |1993-1995 |

|Carton 92 | 28 |Xuan Wu San Charity |1991-2002 |

| |Restaurants | |

|Carton 93 | 1-8 |General |1850-1940, 1964-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 93 | 9 |Chains |1978-1997 |

|Carton 93 | 10 |Chop suey |1946, 1977-1996 |

|Carton 93 | 11 |Dim sum and snacks |1972-1997 |

|Carton 93 | 12-13 |Menus |n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 93 | 14 |General |1952, 1978-1999 |

|Carton 93 | 15 |Chinese American Restaurant Association of Greater New York, Inc. |1973 |

| |San Francisco history | |

|Carton 93 | 16 |General |1843-1974 |

|Oversize Folder 6AAS |Earthquake of 1906, San Francisco Examiner |July 22, 1906 |

| |Science and engineering | |

|Carton 94 | 1-4 |General |1927-1943, 1967-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 5-6 |Aerospace |1989-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 7 |Biotechnology |1982-2002 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 94 | 8-9 |General |1980-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 10 |The Association of Chinese Scientists and Engineers, U.S.A |1994-1999 |

|Carton 94 | 11 |Chinese American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California |1972-1998 |

|Carton 94 | 12 |Chinese American Nuclear Technology Association (CANTA) |1997 |

|Carton 94 | 13 |Chinese American Petroleum Association (CAPA) |1994-1998 |

|Carton 94 | 14 |Chinese American Science and Business Association (CASB) |1998, 2000 |

|Carton 94 | 15 |Chinese Association for Science and Technology, U.S.A |1992-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 16 |Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) |1942-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 17 |North America Taiwanese Engineers Association (NATEA) |1991-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 18 |Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA) |2000 |

|Carton 94 | 19 |Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association |1993-1998 |

|Carton 94 | 20 |The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) |1986-1997 |

|Carton 94 | 21 |Taiwan Engineering and Science Society of America |1988 |

| |Secret societies | |

|Carton 94 | 22-24 |General |1869-1947, 1963-1998, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 94 | 25 |Bing Kung Tong (Bing Gong Tang) |1882, 1929, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 26 |Hip Sen Benevolent Association (Xie Shan Gongshanghui) |1967-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 27 |Hip Sing (Xie Sheng Gonghui) |1900-1927, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 28-29 |Hongmen, Chee Kung Tong (Zhi Gong Tang) |1948-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 94 | 30 |Hop Sing Tong (He Sheng Tang) |1904, 1925, 1968-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 31 |Jan Ying Benevolent Association (Jun Ying Gongshanghui) |1918, 1968-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 32 |Jeong Yee Benevolent Association (Zhong Yi Tang) |1969 |

|Carton 94 | 33 |Ning Qiao Gonghui |1986-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 34 |On Leong Merchants Association (An Liang Gongshanghui) |1924-2002 |

|Carton 94 | 35 |Suey Sing Chamber of Labor and Commerce (Cui Sheng Gongshanghui) |1904-1930, 1973-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 36 |Tong wars |1900-1974, n.d. |

|Carton 94 | 37 |Ying On Merchants and Labor Benevolent Association (Ying Duan Gongshanghui) |1964-2001 |

|Carton 94 | 38 |Younger's report |1973-1974 |

|Carton 95 | 1-2 |September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (United States) |2001 |

|Carton 95 | 3 |Sex |1973, 1995, 2001 |

| |Sino-Japanese Conflict, 1937-1945 | |

|Carton 95 | 4-5 |General |1938-1944, 1972-2002 |

| |Anti-Japanese activity | |

|Carton 95 | 6 |Boycott |1934 |

|Carton 95 | 7 |Demonstration against scrap iron shipment to Japan |1935-1947, |

| | | |1967-1975 |

| |Aviation | |

|Carton 95 | 8 |General |1924-1948, |

| | | |1965-1996, n.d. |

|Carton 95 | 9 |Aviation Club of China, America Main Branch (San Francisco, California) |1926-1941 |

|Carton 95 | 10 |"Save China" aviation stocks |1941 |

| |Battles and incidents | |

|Carton 95 | 11 |September 18th invasion, 1931 |1986, 1999 |

|Carton 95 | 12 |19th Route Army and January 28th Shanghai battle, 1932 |1982-1989, 1999, |

| | | |2002 |

|Carton 95 | 13 |Fujian incident, 1933 |1986 |

|Carton 95 | 14 |Guangdong and Guangxi incident, 1936 |1986-1987 |

|Carton 95 | 15 |Xi'an incident, 1936 |1986-1987 |

|Carton 95 | 16 |Marco Polo Bridge incident, July 7th, 1937 |1972-1973, 2000 |

|Carton 95 | 17 |Nanking (Nanjing) massacre, 1937 |1985, 1987, |

| | | |1997-2001 |

|Carton 95 | 18 |Taierzhuang battle, 1938 |1985, 1988 |

|Carton 95 | 19 |Guangdong Taishan battle, 1941 |1995 |

|Carton 95 | 20 |Wannan incident, 1941 |n.d. |

|Carton 95 | 21 |Japanese surrender, 1945 |n.d. |

|Carton 95 | 22 |Biographies |1975-1977, 1995 |

|Carton 95 | 23 |Biological warfare experiments (Japan) |1985-1998 |

|Carton 95 | 24 |Child care center |1996 |

|Carton 95 | 25 |Chinese Americans |1931-1943, 1972-1998, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 95 | 26 |Chinese overseas |1932-1933, 1967-1997 |

|Carton 95 | 27 |Chinese Students Association of America |1935-1940 |

|Carton 95 | 28 |Chinese students in San Francisco |1927-1930 |

|Carton 95 | 29 |Commemoration |1972-1976 |

|Carton 95 | 30 |Communist Party and Kuomintang |1995-1999 |

| |Contributions and fundraising | |

|Carton 95 | 31 |General |1937-1942, 1969, |

| | | |1987-1996 |

|Carton 95 | 32 |Bowl of Rice movement |1938-1941, |

| | | |1989-1998 |

|Carton 95 | 33 |Donations to the 19th Route Army |1932 |

|Carton 95 | 34 |General Relief Fund Committee |1937-1943, n.d. |

| |National Salvation Liberty Bonds | |

|Carton 95 | 35 |General |1937-1941, 1990 |

|Box 1 | 10 |Certificates |1937-1945 |

|Carton 95 | 36 |United China Relief, Inc. |1941, 1994-1995 |

| |Foreign support to China | |

|Carton 95 | 37 |General |1997-2000 |

|Carton 95 | 38-39 |General Tsai Ting-kai's (Cai, Tingkai) visit to the United States |1934-1935 |

| |Madame Chiang Kai-shek's visit to the United States, 1943 | |

|Carton 95 | 40 |General |1943 |

|Oversize Folder 1AAS |Sacramento Bee Saturday (magazine article) |March 20, 1943 |

|Carton 95 | 41 |Governor Lung (Yunan Province, China) invitation to Col. Logan (United States) |Feb. 4, 1945 |

|Carton 95 | 42 |40th anniversary |1985 |

|Carton 95 | 43 |"Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" |1995 |

|Carton 95 | 44 |Hainan Island (Qiongyai) |1985, 1995 |

|Carton 95 | 45 |Manchuria |1985 |

| |Military | |

| |Air force | |

|Carton 95 | 46 |General |1972-2000 |

|Carton 95 | 47 |Guangdong |1984-1992 |

|Carton 95 | 48 |Guangdong guerrillas |1985 |

|Carton 95 | 49 |Guangdong Navy |1986 |

|Carton 95 | 50 |KMT 63rd Army, 1940 |1986 |

|Carton 95 | 51 |19th Route Army and Tsai, Ting-kai (Cai, Tingkai) |1978-1986 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 96 | 1 |General |1953, n.d. |

|Carton 96 | 2 |Ad Hoc Committee on the Case Against Hirohito (ACOAH) |1989 |

|Carton 96 | 3 |Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War |1992-2001 |

|Carton 96 | 4-5 |American Friends of the Chinese People, China Today |1934-1942, 1968 |

|Carton 96 | 6 |Association to Support Resistance to Japan |1925-1928 |

|Carton 96 | 7 |The Chinese Holocaust Museum |1999-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 96 | 8 |"Rape of Nanking" Redress Committee (RNRC) |1999, n.d. |

|Carton 96 | 9 |Zhong Mei He Zuo Suo |1987 |

|Carton 96 | 10 |Orphanages |1993-1999 |

|Carton 96 | 11 |Plays in Shanghai |n.d. |

|Carton 96 | 12 |Publications |1936, 1988, n.d. |

|Carton 96 | 13 |Songs against Japanese invasion |1996-1997 |

|Carton 96 | 14 |Taiwan's resistance against Japan |1985, 1989 |

|Carton 96 | 15 |Tanaka Memorial: An Outline For the Japanese Conquest of China and Other Nation by Tanaka |1931, 1937, 1991 |

| | |Giichi | |

|Carton 96 | 16 |Textbook distortions of Japan's history |1982, 1997, 2001 |

|Carton 96 | 17 |Traitors |1971, 1985, 2001 |

|Carton 96 | 18-19 |Slavery |1823-1932, |

| | | |1971-1995 |

|Carton 96 | 20 |Social classes |1978, 1987 |

| |Social services | |

|Carton 96 | 21 |General |1965-2000 |

|Carton 96 | 22 |Nutritional program |1970-1974 |

|Carton 96 | 23 |Public Service Research and Dissemination Program, University of California, Davis |1986 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 96 | 24 |General |1997 |

|Carton 96 | 25 |Association for Chinese Families of the Disabled |1994-1995 |

|Carton 96 | 26 |Socialism and socialists |1919-1980 |

| |Socioeconomic conditions | |

|Carton 96 | 27-28 |General |1923, 1972-2001 |

|Carton 96 | 29 |Asian immigrants' influence |1996 |

|Carton 96 | 30 |"How Do Places Matter? A Comparative Study of Chinese Ethnic Economics in Los Angeles and New|n.d. |

| | |York City" by Yu Zhou | |

|Carton 96 | 31 |Inflation |1932, 1973-1989 |

|Carton 96 | 32 |Recession |1990-1992 |

| |Southeast Asian Americans (Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian Chinese Americans) | |

|Carton 96 | 33-39 |General |1979-2002 |

|Carton 96 | 40 |Achievements | |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 96 | 41-43 |General |1983-2002 |

|Carton 96 | 44 |Asian Mutual Aid and Friendship Association of Oakland |1987-1997 |

|Carton 96 | 45 |Camau Association of America |1991-1999 |

|Carton 96 | 46 |Cambodian Ethnic Chinese Association |1994-2002 |

|Carton 96 | 47 |Chin Lien Association |1984-1999 |

|Carton 96 | 48 |Chinese-American Mutual Assistance Association (CMAA) |1984-2002 |

|Carton 96 | 49 |Chinese Mutual Aid Association |1994-2001 |

|Carton 96 | 50 |The Elderly Indo-Chinese Association |1974-1999 |

|Carton 96 | 51 |The Federation of Southeast Asian Association of North America |1984-1998 |

|Carton 96 | 52 |Gao Lei Tongxianghui |1988-1997 |

|Carton 97 | 1 |Sacramento Chinese of Southeast Asian Friendship Association in America |1984-2001 |

|Carton 97 | 2 |The Southeast Asian Chamber of Commerce |1984-1995 |

|Carton 97 | 3 |Vietnamese Cambodian Laotian Chinese Service Association |1983-1993 |

|Carton 97 | 4 |World Federation of Chinese Organizations from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos |1985-2002 |

|Carton 97 | 5 |Yinzhi Huaren Fuyinhui |1995 |

|Carton 97 | 6 |Southeast Asian Canadians |1983-2001 |

|Carton 97 | 7 |Spanish American War, 1898 |1985, 1989 |

| |Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 | |

|Carton 97 | 8 |Chinese volunteers |1989-1994 |

|Carton 97 | 9 |Chang, Chi (Zhang, Qi), with 1 photograph |1925 |

| |Stereotypes | |

|Carton 97 | 10-11 |General |1925-2001 |

|Carton 97 | 12 |Charlie Chan |1961-1980, 1997 |

|Carton 97 | 13 |Model minority |1959, 1987-2001 |

|Carton 97 | 14 |"Spectacle and Spectators: The European American View of the Chinese at the Panama-Pacific |1995 |

| | |International Exposition (San Francisco, 1915)" by Clarissa A. Chun | |

| |Student movements | |

|Carton 97 | 15 |General |1972-2000 |

|Carton 97 | 16-20 |Diaoyutai Islands |1971-1997 |

| |Taiwan | |

|Carton 97 | 21-22 |General |1984-2002 |

|Carton 97 | 23 |Academia Sinica |1986-2000, n .d. |

|Carton 97 | 24 |Aviation |1993 |

|Carton 97 | 26 |Biographies |1986-2002 |

|Carton 97 | 27 |Business tycoons |1988-1991 |

|Carton 98 | 1 |Computer virus, CIH |1999 |

|Carton 98 | 2 |Cultural activities |1984-2000 |

|Carton 98 | 3 |Customs and beliefs |1999 |

|Carton 98 | 4 |Description and travel |1975 |

| |Economy | |

|Carton 98 | 5 |General |1977-2002 |

|Carton 98 | 6 |Foreign exchange reserves |1988-2002 |

| |Education | |

|Carton 98 | 7 |General |1988-2002 |

|Carton 98 | 8 |Taipei American School |1990 |

|Carton 98 | 9 |Emigration |1984-1998 |

| |Ethnic groups | |

|Carton 98 | 10 |Hui |1997 |

|Carton 98 | 11 |Native Taiwanese (Gaoshan Zu) |1986-1996 |

|Carton 98 | 12 |Geography |1971-1980, n.d. |

| |History | |

|Carton 98 | 13 |General |1969, 1991-1999 |

|Carton 98 | 14 |Japanese Occupation, 1895-1945 |1984-1995 |

|Carton 98 | 15 |Languages |1984-1999 |

|Carton 98 | 16 |Passport |2000, 2002 |

| |Politics and government | |

|Carton 98 | 17-18 |General |1983-2000 |

|Carton 98 | 19-20 |Anti-Kuomintang (KMT) |1984-1990 |

|Carton 98 | 21-22 |Conferences |1990, 1997 |

|Carton 98 | 23 |Dual nationality |1995 |

| |Election | |

|Carton 98 | 24 |General |1985-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 98 | 25 |Presidential |1995-2000 |

|Carton 98 | 26 |February Twenty-eighth Incident, 1947 (Er Er Ba Shibian) |1976-1998 |

|Carton 98 | 27-28 |Independence movement |1984-1998 |

|Carton 98 | 29 |Martial law |1987, n.d. |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 98 | 30-31 |General |1996-2001 |

|Carton 98 | 32 |Anti-Communist Youth Corp. |1995-1996 |

|Carton 98 | 33 |National Strategy Committee |1992-1993 |

| |Political parties | |

|Carton 98 | 23 |Democratic Progressive Party |1986-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 98 | 35 |Taiwan Independence Party (Nation-Building Party) |1996-2000 |

|Carton 98 | 36 |New Party |1993-2000 |

|Carton 98 | 37 |People First Party |2000 |

|Carton 98 | 38 |Taiwan Solidarity Union |2001-2002 |

| |Political persecution | |

|Carton 98 | 39-41 |General |1951-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 98 | 42 |Black list |1987-1991 |

|Carton 98 | 43 |Lei, Zhen |1984-2002 |

|Carton 98 | 44-45 |Lin, Yi-hsiung (Mei Li Dao) |1980-1991 |

|Carton 98 | 46 |Sun, Li Ren |1955, 1984-2001 |

|Carton 98 | 47 |Wu, Guo Zhen |1984 |

|Carton 98 | 48 |Yu, Deng-fa |1979 |

|Carton 98 | 49 |Secret fund |2002 |

|Carton 98 | 50 |Student movement: April Sixth Incident (Si Liu Shijan) |1998 |

|Carton 98 | 51 |Taiwan Theory |2001 |

|Carton 98 | 52 |World Craft Trade Center (WCTC) Conference |1970-1994 |

| |Television | |

|Carton 99 | 1-3 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 99 | 4 |AAT Television Company |1998 |

|Carton 99 | 5 |"All American Girl" |1994 |

|Carton 99 | 6 |Amasia Television Production |1974-1976 |

|Carton 99 | 7 |Asia Television Ltd. (ATV) |1986-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 8 |Asian Americans |1970-2002 |

|Carton 99 | 9 |Cable |1998-2002 |

| |China, Taiwan | |

|Carton 99 | 10 |General |1988-1995 |

|Carton 99 | 11 |CCTV, Beijing |1993-2001 |

|Carton 99 | 12 |Chinavision |1986 |

|Carton 99 | 13 |Chicago, Illinois |1991-2001 |

|Carton 99 | 14 |Children |1974-1996 |

|Carton 99 | 15 |Chinese Television Company |1976-1991 |

|Carton 99 | 16 |Chinese Television Network (CTN) |1973-1995 |

|Carton 99 | 17 |Chinese World Television Inc. |1984-1985, 2001 |

|Carton 99 | 18 |ECom |1998 |

|Carton 99 | 19 |Hong Sheng Broadcasting Corp. |1980-1982 |

|Carton 99 | 20 |Hua Sheng Broadcasting Corp. |1981-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 21 |Hua Yu Guang Bo Dian Shi Tai |1984-1991 |

|Carton 99 | 22 |International Audio-Visual Communications Inc. |1984-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 23 |International Channel |1996-1997 |

|Carton 99 | 24 |KCNS TV, Channel 38 |1989-1997 |

|Carton 99 | 25 |KPST TV, Channel 66 |1984-2002 |

|Carton 99 | 26 |KTSF TV, Channel 26 |1989-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 99 | 27 |Los Angeles, California |1972-1999 |

|Carton 99 | 28 |MSTV |2000 |

|Carton 99 | 29 |Nan Hai |1996-1998 |

| |New York, New York | |

|Carton 99 | 30 |General |1973-1997 |

|Carton 99 | 31 |ATV |1984-1990 |

|Carton 99 | 32 |Asian Cinevision |1977-1996 |

|Carton 99 | 33 |North America Telecommunication Corp. |1989-2002 |

|Carton 99 | 34 |Overseas Chinese Communication Inc. (OCTV) |1973-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 35 |Phoenix Satellite Television, Inc./ STAR Group Limited |1998-2002 |

|Carton 99 | 36 |San Francisco, California |1972-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 37 |Satellite TV |1993 |

|Carton 99 | 38 |Sinovision |1986-2001 |

|Carton 99 | 39 |TVB, Jade Channel |1984-1995 |

|Carton 99 | 40 |Taipei International Satellite TV, Inc. |1998-2002 |

|Carton 99 | 41 |United California Communications, Inc. |1976 |

|Carton 99 | 42 |United Chinese TV |1984-1996 |

|Carton 99 | 43 |Washington, D.C. |1994-1998 |

|Carton 99 | 44 |World Channel, Inc. |1986-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 1 |Third World Strike |1969, 1984 |

|Carton 100 | 2 |Tibetan Americans |1987-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 3 |Tourism |1984-1985, 1999 |

|Carton 100 | 4 |Transportation |1988-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 5 |Treaties |1841-1910, 1955, |

| | | |1964-1978, n.d. |

| |Undocumented workers | |

|Carton 100 | 6 |General |1971-1987 |

|Carton 100 | 7 |Before World War II |1889-1910, 1938-1974 |

| |Vietnam War, 1961-1975 | |

|Carton 100 | 8 |General |1975-1999 |

|Carton 100 | 9 |Opposition |1970 |

| |Vietnamese Americans | |

|Carton 100 | 10 |General |1975-2001 |

|Carton 100 | 11 |Banks |1984 |

| |Business | |

|Carton 100 | 12 |General |1979-1996 |

|Carton 100 | 13 |Food and restaurants |1985-1990 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 100 | 14 |General |1977-2001 |

|Carton 100 | 15 |Canal Business Association |1981-1994 |

|Carton 100 | 16 |Dishi Lianyihui |1997-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 17 |Haifang Huaqiao Xiehui |1995-1996 |

|Carton 100 | 18 |Hai Ninh Community Association |1984-2001 |

|Carton 100 | 19 |Henei Huayi Lianyihui |1998 |

|Carton 100 | 20 |Longqing Tongxianghui |1995 |

|Carton 100 | 21 |Special Forces Association Chinese Nung's Command |2001-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 22 |Vietnam Chinese Benevolent Association |1975-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 23 |Vietnam Chinese Mutual Aid and Friendship Association |1983-2001 |

| |Women | |

|Carton 100 | 24-26 |General |1869-1946, 1968-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 100 | 27 |Awards |1952, 1985-2002 |

|Carton 100 | 28 |Bibliography of women's writings from Chung Sai Yat Po |1900-1945 |

|Carton 100 | 29 |Careers and occupations |1973-2002 |

|Carton 101 | 1 |Education |1895-1934, 1976-1998 |

|Carton 101 | 2 |Family and children |1892-1955, 1975-1994, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 3 |International Women's Day |1972-1978, n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 4 |Liberation |1896-1913, 1967-2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 101 | 5 |General |1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 6 |Asian Women United |1986-1987 |

|Carton 101 | 7 |Chamber of Commerce |1994-1998 |

|Carton 101 | 8 |Chinese Consolidated Women's Association |1999-2002 |

|Carton 101 | 9 |Chinese Women's Association of America |1984-1999 |

|Carton 101 | 10 |Chinese Women's New Life Movement Association |1943, 1967-2000 |

|Carton 101 | 11 |Gum Moon Women's Residence, Asian Women's Resource Center |1982-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 12 |Organization of Chinese American Women |1987-2001 |

|Carton 101 | 13 |The Square and Circle Club |1924-1941, |

| | | |1973-2001 |

|Carton 101 | 14 |Women's Workshop |1995-2000 |

|Carton 101 | 15 |Zonta |n.d. |

| |World War II, 1939-1945 | |

|Carton 101 | 16 |General |1994-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 17 |Hiroshima, Nagasaki Chinese victims |1985, 1995 |

|Carton 101 | 18 |Japan's Struggle to End the War, The United States Strategic Bombing Survey |1946 |

|Carton 101 | 19 |Pacific Coast |1995 |

|Carton 101 | 20 |Qian, Xiuling |2001 |

| |Youth | |

|Carton 101 | 21 |General |1981-2000 |

| |Organizations | |

|Carton 101 | 22-23 |General |1953-2001 |

|Carton 101 | 24 |Boy Scouts |1918-1926, |

| | | |1974-2002 |

|Carton 101 | 25 |Chinatown Youth Center, San Francisco |1993 |

|Carton 101 | 26 |Chinatown Youth Council, Los Angeles |1971-1973 |

|Carton 101 | 27 |The Chinese Youth League (California Chinese Youth National Salvation League) |1943-1945, n.d. |

|Carton 101 | 28 |Chit Chat Musical Club |1949, 1975 |

|Carton 101 | 29 |Dragoneers and Yip Yap |1949 |

|Carton 101 | 30 |Federation of Chinese Youth Organizations |1945 |

|Carton 101 | 31 |Flying Eagle Club |1997 |

|Carton 101 | 32 |International Chinese Association of Young Adults |1994 |

|Carton 101 | 33 |New Youth Center (Chicago, Illinois) |1972-1974 |

|Carton 101 | 34 |Six Chinatown Youth Clubs-Commemoration of May 4th Movement of 1919 |1946 |

|Carton 101 | 35 |Young Chinese Association |1969-1972 |

|Carton 101 | 36 |Young Life, New York |1971, 1977 |

|Carton 101 | 37 |Youth Service and Coordinating Center, San Francisco (YSC) |1969-1986 |

| |Problems and counseling | |

|Carton 101 | 38 |General |1968-1997 |

|Carton 101 | 39 |Teenage girls |1996 |

|Carton 101 | 40 |Summer programs in North Beach (San Francisco, California) |1967-1968 |

|B.: People, 1871-2002, n.d. |

| |Accountant | |

|Box 4 | 1 |Gu, Yan Shi |1993 |

|Box 4 | 2 |Zhang, Wei Cai |1993 |

| |Actor | |

|Box 4 | 3 |Bai, Guang (Shi, Yongfen) |1984-2001 |

|Box 4 | 4 |Bai, Yan |1987 |

|Box 4 | 5 |Bai, Yang |1988-1996 |

|Box 4 | 6 |Chan, Jackie |1990-2001 |

|Box 4 | 7 |Chao, Rosalind (Zhao, Jialing) |1983-1986 |

|Box 4 | 8 |Chen, Hou |2000 |

|Box 4 | 9 |Chen, Joan (Chen, Chong) |1984-2001 |

|Box 4 | 10-15 |Chen, Li Li to Chow, David (Zhou, Taiwei) |1986-2002 |

|Box 4 | 16 |Chow, Yun-Fat (Zhou, Runfa) |1998-2000 |

|Box 4 | 17-25 |Ding, Yi to Hu, Huiling |1995-1999 |

|Box 4 | 26 |Huang, Manli |1998, n.d. |

|Box 4 | 27-29 |Kuang, Mei Bao to Lee, Barbara Jean Wang (Li, Wangzhen) |1984-1999 |

|Box 4 | 30 |Lee, Bruce and Lee, Brandon (Li, Xiaolong and Li, Guohao) |1973-2001 |

|Box 4 | 31 |Li, Lihua |1987-1993 |

|Box 4 | 32-35 |Li, Lili to Lin, Cui |1988-2001 |

|Box 4 | 36 |Lin, Dai |1957, 1987 |

|Box 4 | 37 |Lin, Qingxia |1988-1996 |

|Box 4 | 38 |Ling, Bo |1987, 1999 |

|Box 4 | 39 |Liu, Lucy (Liu, Yuling) |1999-2001, n.d. |

|Box 4 | 40 |Liu, Qiong |2002 |

|Box 4 | 41 |Liu, Xiaoqing |1984-2001 |

|Box 4 | 42 |Long, John (Wu, Guoliang) |1985-1998 |

|Box 4 | 43 |Lu, Karen and Lu, Kaye (Lu, Jiaqi and Lu, Jialun) |1998 |

|Box 4 | 44 |Lu, Lisa (Lu, Yan) |1974-2000 |

|Box 4 | 45 |Lu, Tailan |1986 |

|Box 4 | 46 |Luke, Keye (Lu, Xiqi) |1974-1991 |

|Box 4 | 47 |Luo, Yan |1990, 2001 |

|Box 4 | 48 |Mo, Chou |1987 |

|Box 4 | 49 |Ngor, Haing (Wu, Han) |1985-1998 |

|Box 4 | 50-53 |Ouyang, Sha Fei to Quan, Ke-hay (Guan, Jiwei) |1984-1988 |

|Box 4 | 54 |Quo, Beulah (Guo, Deng Ruyang) |1973-1999 |

|Box 4 | 55 |Ruan, Lingyu |1984-1989 |

|Box 4 | 56 |Shangguan, Yunzhu |1978, 1991 |

|Box 4 | 57 |Tang, Bao Yun |1986-1987 |

|Box 4 | 58 |Wang, Peter (Wang, Zhengfang) |1983-1990 |

|Box 4 | 59 |Wang, Ying |1942, 1983-1991 |

|Box 4 | 60 |Wong, Anna May (Huang, Liushuang) |1934, 1950, 1986-1999 |

|Box 4 | 61 |Wong, B.D. |1990, 1993 |

|Box 4 | 62 |Wong, Russell (Wang, Luosu) |1995 |

|Box 4 | 63 |Wu, Chufan |1977, 1983, 1993 |

|Box 4 | 64-65 |Wu, Daniel (Wu, Yanzu) to Wu, Junmei |1996-2002 |

|Box 4 | 66 |Xin Ma Shi Zeng |1997 |

|Box 4 | 67-72 |Xuan, Jinlin to Yuan, Meiyun |1986-1991 |

|Box 4 | 73 |Yung, Victor Sen |1974, 1981 |

|Box 4 | 74 |Zhang, Ning |1991, 1999 |

|Box 4 | 75-81 |Zhang, Qiyu to Zhu, Shimao |1985-1994 |

|Box 5 | 1-3 |Miscellaneous |1970-2002, n.d. |

| |Archaeologist | |

|Box 5 | 4 |Dong, Zuobin |1996 |

|Box 5 | 5 |Jia, Lanpo |2001 |

|Box 5 | 6 |Zhang, Guangzhi |1998-2001 |

| |Architect | |

|Box 5 | 7-9 |Chen, Anguo to Chen, Xie Xiao Lian |1994-2001 |

|Box 5 | 10 |Dai, Tiansong |1992-1996 |

|Box 5 | 11 |Kwan, Sylvia (Guan, Benxin) |2002 |

|Box 5 | 12 |Liang, Sicheng and Lin, Huiyin (Mrs. Liang) |1990-2002 |

|Box 5 | 13 |Lin, Maya (Lin, Ying) |1986-2001, n.d. |

|Box 5 | 14 |Lin, Qi |1976 |

|Box 5 | 15 |Lin, Tung-Yen (Lin, Tongyan) |1983-2001 |

|Box 5 | 16 |Liu, Shiying |2001 |

|Box 5 | 17 |Lu, Yanzhi |1986-1998 |

|Box 5 | 18 |Pei, Ieoh Ming (Pei, I.M.; Bei, Yuming) |1979-1999 |

|Box 5 | 19-25 |Peng, Peigeng to Zhang, Jin Qiu |1986-2001 |

| |Archivist | |

|Box 5 | 26 |Hansen, Gladys |1976, n.d. |

|Box 5 | 27 |Thomsen, Neil |1999 |

| |Artist | |

|Box 5 | 28-35 |Bin, Hong to Chen, Haishao |1975-1994 |

|Box 5 | 36 |Chen, Yifei |1983-2002 |

|Box 5 | 37-40 |Chen, Yinpi to Chinn, Andrew |1996, n.d. |

|Box 5 | 41 |Chong, Ping |1994, n.d. |

|Box 5 | 42-43 |Chou, Yi-an (Zhang, Yian) to Dai, Wan Jun |1996-2002 |

|Box 5 | 44 |Ding, Shaoguang |1992-1999 |

|Box 5 | 45 |Ding, Xiyuan |1997 |

|Box 5 | 46 |Dong, Kingman (Zeng, Jingwen) |1970-2002 |

|Box 5 | 47 |Fu, Baoshi |1999, 2000 |

|Box 5 | 48-53 |Fu, Zong Chang to Hu, Yiping |1999-2000 |

|Box 5 | 54 |Huang, Junbi |1999 |

|Box 5 | 55-60 |Huang, Miaozi to Jiang, Xuebing |1994-1996 |

|Box 5 | 61 |Lang, Shining |1996 |

|Box 5 | 62 |Lee, Shing (Li, Ruicheng) |2000 |

|Box 5 | 63 |Leong, James (Liang, Hanqiang) |2000, n.d. |

|Box 5 | 64 |Leung, Sally Yu (Yu, Cui Yan) |2001 |

|Box 5 | 65-70 |Li, Dinglong to Li, Xingtai |1995-2001 |

|Box 5 | 71 |Li, Xiongcai |2002 |

|Box 6 | 1 |Liao, Shiou-ping (Liao, Xiuping) |2001, n.d. |

|Box 6 | 2 |Lin, Fengmian |n.d. |

|Box 6 | 3 |Lin, Qingni |1974, 1976 |

|Box 6 | 4 |Lin, Shumin |1998 |

|Box 6 | 5-11 |Lin, Ying to Ng, Po Wan (Wu, Buyun) |1977-2000 |

|Box 6 | 12 |Qi, Gong |2000 |

|Box 6 | 13 |Ou, Haonian |1998 |

|Box 6 | 14 |Pan, Qiliu |1983-1991 |

|Box 6 | 15-29 |Shi, Zhesan to Wong, Ken |1988-2000 |

|Box 6 | 30 |Wong, Nanying Stella (Huang, Yinying) |1977-1984, 2000-2002 |

|Box 6 | 31-37 |Woo, Ann (Hu, Qiong Jun) to Xie, Guang Qi Quan |2000-2002 |

|Box 6 | 38 |Xu, Beihong |1972-1977 |

|Box 6 | 39-43 |Xu, Bing to Yang, Sisheng |1986-1999 |

|Box 6 | 44 |Yao, Qingzhang |1985-1986, n.d. |

|Box 6 | 45-48 |Ye, Jin Tian to Young, Caroline |2001, n.d. |

|Box 6 | 49 |Yu, Yide |n.d. |

|Box 6 | 50 |Yuan, Xiao Yuan |1992-2000 |

|Box 6 | 51 |Zhang, Dandan |1994 |

|Box 6 | 52 |Zhang, Shanzi |1986-1996 |

|Box 6 | 53-54 |Zhang, Shuqi to Zhang, Zining |1957, 1980-1996 |

|Box 6 | 55 |Zhao, Shao-ang |1998 |

|Box 6 | 56 |Zhao, Wuji |2000 |

|Box 6 | 57-59 |Zheng, Huaming to Zheng, Jin |2000-2002 |

|Box 6 | 60 |Zhang, Daqian |1971-2001 |

|Box 6 | 61 |Zhou, Shanzuo and Zhou, Dahuang |1994-1995 |

|Box 6 | 62 |Zhu, Yuanzhi |1979-2002 |

|Box 6 | 63-64 |Miscellaneous |1947, 1980-2002, n.d. |

| |Astronaut | |

|Box 6 | 65 |Chang-Diaz, Franklin (Zhang, Fulin) |1980-1987, 2000 |

|Box 6 | 66 |Chiao, Leroy (Jiao, Lizhong) |1990-1996 |

|Box 6 | 67 |Lu, Edward T. (Lu, Jie) |1996-2000 |

|Box 6 | 68 |Wang, Taylor (Wong, Ganjun) |1983-1995 |

| |Athlete | |

|Box 6 | 69 |Chang, Michael (Zhang, Depei) |1987-2002 |

|Box 6 | 70 |Chen, Bruce (Chen, Yongcai) |2000 |

|Box 6 | 71 |Chen, Lu |1995-1998 |

|Box 6 | 72-74 |Chen, Yaoling to Cheng, Wanqi |2000-2002 |

|Box 6 | 75 |Chin, Tiffany (Chen, Tingting) |1984-1998 |

|Box 6 | 76-77 |Fie, Benjamin Wong to Gong, Alex |2000-2001 |

|Box 7 | 1 |Hu, Na |1983-2000 |

|Box 7 | 2 |Ji, Zheng |1980 |

|Box 7 | 3 |Koo, Vera (Gu, Fangzhen) |2000 |

|Box 7 | 4-5 |Kwan, Michelle (Guan, Yingshan) |1993-2002, n.d. |

|Box 7 | 6-16 |Lai, William Tin "Buck" (Li, Tian) to Tong, Fei |2001 |

|Box 7 | 17 |Wang, Zhenzhi |1988 |

|Box 7 | 18 |Wang, Zhizhi |2001 |

|Box 7 | 19 |Yang, Chuanguang |2001 |

|Box 7 | 20 |Zhuang, Zedong |1973, 1995 |

| |Banker | |

|Box 7 | 21-22 |Cai, Mingyu to Chen, Boxing |1970-1986 |

|Box 7 | 23 |Chen, Guangfu |1976-2001 |

|Box 7 | 24-25 |Chen, Wen Liang to Chinn, Ho |1993-1996 |

|Box 7 | 26 |Gee, Dorothy C. (Zeng, Hezhu) |1929-1978 |

|Box 7 | 27-30 |He, Xian to Jia, Peiyuan |1983-2000 |

|Box 7 | 31 |Kong, Xiangxi |1955, 1986-2000 |

|Box 7 | 32-39 |Kwok, Joseph (Guo, Yongning) to Wen, Ren Cai |1987-1995 |

|Box 7 | 40 |Wu, Lipei |1997-2001 |

|Box 7 | 41-46 |Yang, Cansan to Zhu, Boquan |1988-1993, n.d. |

|Box 7 | 47 |Miscellaneous |1973-2001 |

| |Bishop | |

|Box 7 | 48 |Gong, Pinmei |2000 |

|Box 7 | 49 |Tian, Gengxin |1985 |

|Box 7 | 50 |Yu, Bin |1998, 2001 |

| |Buddhist master | |

|Box 7 | 51 |Jing Kong Fashi |1998 |

|Box 7 | 52 |Li, Shu-tong (Hong Yi Fashi) |2001, n.d. |

|Box 7 | 53 |Lin, Yun |1990 |

|Box 7 | 54 |Lu, Sheng Yen (Lian Sheng Huo Fo) |1995-1999 |

|Box 7 | 55 |Min Zhi Fashi |1997 |

|Box 7 | 56 |Su Manshu |1972-1997 |

|Box 7 | 57 |Suma Ching Hai |1994-2000 |

|Box 7 | 58 |Xing Yun Dashi |1990-1998 |

|Box 7 | 59 |Yi, Yungao |1994 |

|Box 7 | 60 |Zheng Yan Fashi |2001 |

|Box 7 | 61 |Zhi Hai Fashi |1995 |

| |Business people | |

|Box 8 | 1 |An, Zijie |2000 |

|Box 8 | 2-9 |Cai, Nian Yin to Chen, Chun Rong |1980-2001 |

|Box 8 | 10 |Chen, Dunpu |1938 |

|Box 8 | 11-14 |Chen, George (Chen, Qiming) to Chen, Huansheng |1995-1997 |

|Box 8 | 15 |Chen, Jijie |1996-1997 |

|Box 8 | 16 |Chen, Jiayi |2001 |

|Box 8 | 17 |Chen, Jun-xiong |1987 |

|Box 8 | 18-19 |Chen, Kewei to Chen, Liwu |1994-1996 |

|Box 8 | 20 |Chen, Lin |1984-1997 |

|Box 8 | 21-23 |Chen, Qizong to Chen, Shoulian |1988-1995 |

|Box 8 | 24 |Chen, Shuhuan |2000 |

|Box 8 | 25 |Chen, Wenxiong |1991-1999 |

|Box 8 | 26 |Chen, Wufu |2001 |

|Box 8 | 27-28 |Chen, Xianjin to Chen, Xingzhou |1994-1996 |

|Box 8 | 29 |Chen, Yingmou |1984 |

|Box 8 | 30-33 |Chen, Yong to Chen, Yushu |1990-1998 |

|Box 8 | 34 |Cheng, John (Cheng, Shouzong) |1995 |

|Box 8 | 35 |Cheng, Andrew (Cheng, Zhengchang) |1987-2001 |

|Box 8 | 36 |Chew, Peter (Fang, Yuming) |1972-1974 |

|Box 8 | 37 |Ching, Hung-wo (Cheng, Qinghe) |1968, 1996 |

|Box 8 | 38-40 |Chu, Belty Tom (Zhao, Tan Meisheng) to Chun, Ellery J. (Zheng, Airui) |1983-2000 |

|Box 8 | 41 |Chun, Quon (C.Q. Yee Hop; Chun, Quong; Chen, Gun) |1927, 1967, n.d. |

|Box 8 | 42-48 |Dai, Weiping to Du, Chongyuan |1994-1998 |

|Box 8 | 49 |Fang, Chuangjie |1984-2001 |

|Box 8 | 50 |Fang, Huicheng |1993 |

|Box 8 | 51 |Fang, Li Bangqin |1991-2000 |

|Box 8 | 52 |Fang, Yexian |1991, 1996 |

|Box 8 | 53 |Fat, Frank (Deng, Shifa) |1997 |

|Box 8 | 54 |Feng, Pingshan |1999 |

|Box 8 | 55 |Fo, Ying-dong (Huo, Yingdong) |1986-2000 |

|Box 8 | 56-59 |Fong, Allan (Kuang, Yayuan) to Gin, Sue-ling (Zhen, Sulian) |1997-2001 |

|Box 8 | 60 |Gong, Ruxin |1990-2001 |

|Box 8 | 61-62 |Guo, Desheng to Guo, Fangfeng |1990-1994 |

|Box 8 | 63 |Guo, Henian |1991-1996 |

|Box 8 | 64-65 |Guo, Yanfang to Guo, Yuzhi |1980-2000 |

|Box 8 | 66 |Ha, Tong |1970-1987 |

|Box 8 | 67 |He, Jian |1972 |

|Box 8 | 68 |He, Hongshen |1972-2002 |

|Box 8 | 69-76 |Ho, Chinn (He, Qing) to Hu, Hanhui |1961-1991 |

|Box 8 | 77 |Hu, Wenhu |1950, 1983-1995 |

|Box 8 | 78 |Hu, Xian |1985-1999 |

|Box 8 | 79-85 |Hu, Yingxiang to Huang, Zhonglian |1985-2001 |

|Box 9 | 1-6 |Hui, Andy to Kan, Johnny (Jian, Han) |1972-1999 |

|Box 9 | 7 |Kuang, Guoshun |1973-1977 |

|Box 9 | 8-11 |Kwan, Curran S. (Guan, Shaobang) to Lee, Howard (Li, Minqiang) |1994-1999 |

|Box 9 | 12 |Lee, Ka-shing (Li, Jiacheng) |1985-2001 |

|Box 9 | 13-17 |Lee, Michael (Li, Qing-yi) to Leong, Lincoln C. |1986-2001 |

|Box 9 | 18 |Li, Guangqian |1990, 1993 |

|Box 9 | 19-21 |Li, Hongbiao to Li, Jinbo |1996-2000 |

|Box 9 | 22-29 |Li, Ruihe to Li, Zekai |1986-2001 |

|Box 9 | 30 |Li, Zeng Chao Qun |1998 |

|Box 9 | 31-38 |Li, Zhaoji to Liao, Junji |1993-1998 |

|Box 9 | 39 |Lin, Guoguang |2001 |

|Box 9 | 40-42 |Lin, Jiguang to Lin, Qijun |1994-1995 |

|Box 9 | 43 |Lin, Shaoliang |1984-1998 |

|Box 9 | 44-54 |Lin, Shuixian to Long, Shengwen |1989-2001 |

|Box 9 | 55 |Lowe, Sinclair (Lei, Xiewei) |1977, 1990 |

|Box 9 | 56-58 |Lowe, William C. (Liu, Ying-wu) to Lu, Kexiu |1985-2000 |

|Box 9 | 59 |Lu, Zuofu |2000, n.d. |

|Box 9 | 60-74 |Luo, Cai to Mu, Ouchu |1975-1991, n.d. |

|Box 9 | 75 |Murdoch, Pupent |1999 |

|Box 9 | 76-79 |Ow, George, Jr. (Lin, Rongkang) to Pan, Disheng |1977-1993 |

|Box 9 | 80 |Pao, Y.K. (Bao, Yugang) |1973-1996 |

|Box 9 | 81-83 |Qian, Xinzhi to Ren, Meili |2000-2002 |

|Box 9 | 84 |Rong, Yiren |2001 |

|Box 9 | 85 |Rong, Zongjing and Rong, Desheng |1985 |

|Box 9 | 86 |Roxas, Emilia (Zheng, Mianmian) |1989-2001 |

|Box 9 | 87-91 |Seeto, Howard to Shen, Hui |1985-2002 |

|Box 10 | 1 |Shen, Michael (Shen, Chunyi) |1989-1999 |

|Box 10 | 2-3 |Shen, Zhifang to Shi, Jingyi |1988-1994 |

|Box 10 | 4 |Shoong, Joe (Zhou, Song) |1961-1985 |

|Box 10 | 5-8 |Situ, Hui to Sun, Guangxin |1993-2002 |

|Box 10 | 9 |Tan, Kah Kee (Chen, Jiageng) |1957, 1983-1996 |

|Box 10 | 10-11 |Tan, Shiwei to Tang, Leslie Wen-ying (Tang, Wenying) |1986-1998 |

|Box 10 | 12 |Tang, Ming-chao (Tong, Sih Chew; Tong, Mingzhao) |1937-1939, 1971-2002 |

|Box 10 | 13-14 |Tang, Yu to Tang, Zhongying |1995, 1998, n.d. |

|Box 10 | 15 |Tieu, Henry Hung (Xiao, Guoxing) |1984 |

|Box 10 | 16-18 |Tong, John (Tang, Jian) to Tong, Louie |1979-1985 |

|Box 10 | 19 |Tong, Tommy (Tang, Cai) |1912, 1952-1979, 1995 |

|Box 10 | 20 |Tran, Duc |2000 |

|Box 10 | 21 |Tsai, Jerry (Cai, Zhiyong) |1973-1991 |

|Box 10 | 22-24 |Tsang-David (Zang, Dahua) to Tsui, Nelson (Cui, Shunxing) |1984-1999 |

|Box 10 | 25 |Tung, C.Y. (Deng, Haoyun) |1970-1989 |

|Box 10 | 26-30 |Tung, Patricia to Wang, Deyi |1990-1997 |

|Box 10 | 31 |Wang, Guirong |1984-1997 |

|Box 10 | 32-36 |Wang, Huasheng to Wang, Ningquo |1990-1996 |

|Box 10 | 37 |Wang, Shengchang |1977-1993, 2001 |

|Box 10 | 38-41 |Wang, Shizhong to Wang, Yiting |1993-1999 |

|Box 10 | 42 |Wang, Yongqing |1989-2000 |

|Box 10 | 43-48 |Wei, Katherine (Yang, Xiaoyan) to Wu, Duozhen |1982-1996 |

|Box 10 | 49 |Wu, Guixian |2000 |

|Box 10 | 50-58 |Wu, Jiancheng to Wu, Yaolan |1987-1994 |

|Box 10 | 59 |Wu, Yingxiang |1985-2000 |

|Box 10 | 60-72 |Wu, Yunchu to Xu, Yizhu |1985-1994 |

|Box 11 | 1-3 |Xu, Youxiang to Yan, Yuntai |1991 |

|Box 11 | 4 |Xu, Wen Long |2001 |

|Box 11 | 5-9 |Yan, Yutang to Yang, Haiquan |1985-1991 |

|Box 11 | 10 |Yang, Lan |2000-2001 |

|Box 11 | 11-19 |Yang, Lizheng to Yao, Qin |1986-1996 |

|Box 11 | 20 |Yao, Yong |1999 |

|Box 11 | 21-25 |Ye, Guohua to Yu, Boli |1997-1999 |

|Box 11 | 26 |Yu, Qia-qing |n.d. |

|Box 11 | 27-28 |Yu, Sam-wah (Zhou, Sen) to Zang, Jianhe |1971-2001 |

|Box 11 | 29 |Zeng, Xianzi |1993-1995 |

|Box 11 | 30-31 |Zhang, Bishi to Zhang, Chengshi |1987-2001, n.d. |

|Box 11 | 32 |Zhang, Jimin |1979-1995 |

|Box 11 | 33-34 |Zhang, Jian to Zhang, Qing |1994-1995, n.d. |

|Box 11 | 35 |Zhang, Rongfa |1988-2002 |

|Box 11 | 36-50 |Zhang, Ruimin to Zheng, Yutong |1991-2002 |

|Box 11 | 51 |Zheng, Zhoumin |1986-2002 |

|Box 11 | 52-58 |Zhong, Gongyu to Zuo, Jing |1955-2002 |

|Box 12 | 1-5 |Miscellaneous |1969-2002, n.d. |

| |Caricaturist | |

|Box 12 | 6 |Feng, Zikai |1996, 2000, n.d. |

|Box 12 | 7 |Ha, Jerry (Ha, Jiujun) |n.d. |

|Box 12 | 8 |Ye, Qian Yu |1990-2001 |

|Box 12 | 9 |Zhang, Leping |1999 |

| |Catholic priest | |

|Box 12 | 10 |Fang, Hao |2000 |

| |Chef | |

|Box 12 | 11-14 |Ang, Eng Tie to Chen, Joyce (Chen, Zuhua) |1994-1995 |

|Box 12 | 15 |Chu, Lawrence C.C. (Zhu, Zhen Zheng) |1990-1995 |

|Box 12 | 16-28 |Fong-Torres, Shirley to Wu, Madame (Wu, Zheng Jingyu) |1987-1996 |

|Box 12 | 29 |Yan, Martin (Zhen, Wenda) |1985-1997 |

|Box 12 | 30-31 |Yu, Chengxiang to Yu, Sumei |1985, n.d. |

| |College teacher | |

|Box 12 | 32-35 |Cai, Guiwu to Chan, Stanley Hong (Chen, Shoukang) |1981-2001 |

|Box 13 | 1 |Chen, Bingquan |1970, 1975 |

|Box 13 | 2 |Chen, Guying |1984-1996 |

|Box 13 | 3 |Chen, Leo (Chen, Liou) |1981-2001 |

|Box 13 | 4-7 |Chen, Rongjie to Chen, Suzhen |1984-1994 |

|Box 13 | 8 |Cheng, Lucie (Cheng, Luxi) |1984-2000 |

|Box 13 | 9-12 |Dong, Lin to Feng, Youlan |1991-2000 |

|Box 13 | 13 |Fong, Joe Chung (Feng, Zongzu) |1987-2000 |

|Box 13 | 14 |Fong, Walter N. (Kuang, Huatai) |1897-1905 |

|Box 13 | 15 |Fu, Sinian |1996 |

|Box 13 | 16 |Hsu, Francis L.K. (Xu, Langguang) |1973, 1999 |

|Box 13 | 17-20 |Hu, Fo to Huang, Xuan |1998-1999 |

|Box 13 | 21 |Ko, Kun-hua (Ge, Kunhua) |1879-1881, 1932, |

| | | |1986-2002 |

|Box 13 | 22-24 |Kuh, Ernest S. (Ge, Shouren) to Lee, Douglas Warren, Sr. |1973-1983 |

|Box 13 | 25 |Lee, Rose-Hum (Tan, Jinmei) |1950, 1964, 1984, n.d. |

|Box 13 | 26-31 |Leong, Way E. (Liang, Dong Cai) to Lin, Liru |1987-2000, n.d. |

|Box 13 | 32 |Ling, Hu Ping |1998 |

|Box 13 | 33 |Lu, Cheng-zhi (Simian) |1987 |

|Box 13 | 34 |Lu, Tongping |1995 |

|Box 13 | 35 |Lum, Kalfred Dip (Lin, Die) |1977-1979 |

|Box 13 | 36-41 |Mei, Yiqi to Tan, Wei Han |1986-2000 |

|Box 13 | 42 |Tsu, John (Zu, Bingmin) |1994-2002 |

|Box 13 | 43 |Wang, Lan |1993 |

|Box 13 | 44 |Wang, Ling-chi (Wang, Lingzhi) |1979, 1991-2001 |

|Box 13 | 45-50 |Woo, Merle (Hu, Shu Ying) to Ye, Wenxin |1984-1999 |

|Box 13 | 51 |Yu, Tian Hugh (Yu, Tianxiu) |1948 |

|Box 13 | 52 |Yu, Yingshi |1995 |

|Box 13 | 53 |Yung, Judy (Yang, Bifang) |1991-1995 |

|Box 13 | 54 |Zhuo, Yi Yu |1992, 1998 |

|Box 13 | 55-57 |Miscellaneous |1941, 1949, 1971-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Community activist | |

|Box 14 | 1 |Cai, Minglu |1986, 1990 |

|Box 14 | 2 |Chan, Bock C. (Steve), (Chen, Beichao) |2000 |

|Box 14 | 3 |Chan, Gordon (Chen, Guonan) |1937-2002 |

|Box 14 | 4 |Chen, Henry (Chen, Jinjian) |2000-2002 |

|Box 14 | 5 |Char, Amy (Xie, Yue Mei) |2000 |

|Box 14 | 6 |Chee, Yee-tock (Chee, Willie; Zhen, Liangquan) |1975, 1977 |

|Box 14 | 7 |Chen, Duzhou |1967-1980 |

|Box 14 | 8-11 |Chen, Frank (Chen, Yuli) to Chen, Zichao |1984-2001 |

|Box 14 | 12 |Cheung, Julie (Zhang, Qi) |1996-1998, n.d. |

|Box 14 | 13 |Chi, Peter (Chi, Honghu) |1998-2000 |

|Box 14 | 14-15 |Chinn, Ray to Chow, Paul (Cao, Jiongpei) |1995-1998 |

|Box 14 | 16 |Choy, Jun-ke (Cai, Zengji) |1954-1981 |

|Box 14 | 17 |Chung, Annie (Zhong, Yue Juan) |2001 |

|Box 14 | 18 |Dere, Kai Gay (Xie, Rongzhong) |1981, 1999 |

|Box 14 | 19 |Fong, Man-quong (Kuang, Weiguang) |1970, 1996 |

|Box 14 | 20-29 |Guan, Zhushi to Huang, Huanhuai |1993-2000 |

|Box 14 | 30 |Huang, Jinquang |1988-2001 |

|Box 14 | 31-39 |Huang, Jin Yuan to Huang, Zhi Ming |1999-2000 |

|Box 14 | 40 |Ja, Kew Yuen (Xie, Qiaoyuan) |1948, 1986-1999 |

|Box 14 | 41-42 |Jen, Lemuel (Zhen, Youlian) to Joe, George |1983-1995 |

|Box 14 | 43 |Joe, Yuey (Zhou, Rui) |1970-1999 |

|Box 14 | 44-52 |Jue, Willard (Zhao, Zhengjie) to Lam, David (Lin, Jieping) |1984-1995 |

|Box 14 | 53 |Lee, David (Hu, Shun) |1989-1999 |

|Box 14 | 54-58 |Lee, Man Bun (Li, Wenbin) to Lei, Chong Rui |1998-2000 |

|Box 14 | 59 |Lei, Fatu |1982-1991 |

|Box 14 | 60-61 |Lei, Hong Yu to Leung, Vitus C.W. |1999-2000, n.d. |

|Box 14 | 62 |Li, Chaofan |1963 |

|Box 14 | 63 |Li, Dao Shen |1986 |

|Box 14 | 64 |Li, Songguang |1952-1994 |

|Box 14 | 65-70 |Li, Xiang to Liang, Jinyuan |1967-1983 |

|Box 14 | 71 |Liang, Sheng Tai |1956-1958 |

|Box 15 | 1 |Lin, Lisa (Lin, Lisha) |1996 |

|Box 15 | 2 |Lin, Bingchang |2000-2001 |

|Box 15 | 3-10 |Lin, Dena (Lin, Shuqi) to Liu, Dazhang |1984-2000 |

|Box 15 | 11 |Liu, Guoneng |1977-1989 |

|Box 15 | 12-14 |Liu, Jiaming to Liu, Ronghao |2000-2001 |

|Box 15 | 15 |Lau, Bing Fai |1971 |

|Box 15 | 16 |Louie, James |1999 |

|Box 15 | 17 |Louie, Paul (Lei, Chungang) |1992 |

|Box 15 | 18 |Lowe, Lawrence (Cai, Cangming) |1962, n.d. |

|Box 15 | 19-20 |Lu, Hongzhan to Lu, Mingyang |1971-1999 |

|Box 15 | 21 |Lum, Walter Uriah (Lin, Huayao) |1918-1986 |

|Box 15 | 22-28 |Ma, Anzi Wong (Ma, Enci) to Mei, Ziqiang |1996-1997 |

|Box 15 | 29 |Mo, Xiangxing |1975-1995 |

|Box 15 | 30-31 |Moy, Jin-mun (Mei, Zhenwen) to Moy, Ruth |1937-1996 |

|Box 15 | 32 |Noyes, Gertrude |1998, n.d. |

|Box 15 | 33 |Ong, Chester Tong Hay |1985-2000 |

|Box 15 | 34 |Pak, Rosa (Bai, Lan) |1985-1998 |

|Box 15 | 35-36 |Peng, De-hui to Quan, Roland A. (Guan, Fuan) |1997-2001 |

|Box 15 | 37-45 |Quin, Ah (Tan, Congkun) to Tang, David and Tang, Esther Don |1956-1996 |

|Box 15 | 46 |Tang, Tso Yam (Deng, Zuying; Teng, T.Y.) |1980-1991 |

|Box 15 | 47-51 |Temple, Shiae-mei (Deng, Xiamei) to Wei, Zhenzhi |1986-2002 |

|Box 15 | 52 |Weng, Wan-Go H.C. (Weng, Wange) |1985 |

|Box 15 | 53-64 |Wong, Alan (Huang, Zuoshu) to Wu, Bin |1969-1995, n.d. |

|Box 15 | 65 |Wu, Dennis |1989 |

|Box 15 | 66-70 |Wu, Futang to Xian, Ji Shu |1973-2000 |

|Box 15 | 71-81 |Xie, Jianming to Ye, Xi En |1998-1999 |

|Box 15 | 82 |Yick, Robert (Yi, Xiangqiu) |1989, 1995 |

|Box 15 | 83 |Ying, Xingjiu |1985, 1998 |

|Box 15 | 84 |Young, Jok S. (Rong, Zhaozhen) |1946, n.d. |

|Box 15 | 85-87 |Young, Mary Lee (Rong, Li Ruxin) to Yu, Zhong Yi |2000-2002 |

|Box 15 | 88 |Zang, Ying Nian |2001 |

|Box 15 | 89-90 |Zeng, Rongyao to Yu, Jie Chun |1997-1998 |

|Box 15 | 91 |Zhang, Chunhua |1999 |

|Box 15 | 92-97 |Zhao, Jiuchou to Young, Kam Yew (Yang, Jinyao) |1976-2000 |

|Box 16 | 1 |Zhu, Jihuo |1976 |

|Box 16 | 2-4 |Zhu, Zikang to Zhuang, Zhuoyan |1994-2002 |

|Box 16 | 5 |Miscellaneous |1901, 1978-2002, n.d. |

| |Computer industry professional | |

|Box 16 | 6 |Cai, Yihong |1996-2001 |

|Box 16 | 7 |Cao, Xingcheng |1997 |

|Box 16 | 8 |Chen, Du |1991-1995 |

|Box 16 | 9 |Chen, Pehong (Chen, Pihong) |1996-2001 |

|Box 16 | 10-19 |Chen, Chiqing to Jiang, Fengnian |1987-1999, n.d. |

|Box 16 | 20 |Lee, David Senlin (Li, Xinlin) |1989-2001 |

|Box 16 | 21-30 |Li, Benneng to Sha, Zhengshi (Sha, Jim) |1995-2002 |

|Box 16 | 31 |Shih, Stan (Shi, Zhenrong) |1992-2001 |

|Box 16 | 32 |Tang, Jun |2002 |

|Box 16 | 33 |Tse, Bernard |1985-1989 |

|Box 16 | 34 |Wang, An |1977-1998 |

|Box 16 | 35 |Wang, Charles B. (Wang, Jialian) |1988-2000 |

|Box 16 | 36-40 |Wang, Stanley Dazhuang to Xu, Jiefu |1994-1999 |

|Box 16 | 41 |Yang, Jerry (Yang, Zhiyuan) |1996-2000 |

|Box 16 | 42 |Yu, Albert (Yu, Youcheng) |1986-2001 |

|Box 16 | 43-44 |Yu, Jianqiang to Yuan, Shiqi |2000-2001 |

|Box 16 | 45 |Zhang, Zhongmou |1997, 2001 |

|Box 16 | 46-47 |Zhu, Bangfu to Zhu, Min |1999-2002 |

|Box 16 | 48-50 |Miscellaneous |1974-2002, n.d. |

| |Craftsman | |

|Box 17 | 1 |Cao, Shukun |1996, 2000 |

|Box 17 | 2 |Cheng, Delin |1996 |

|Box 17 | 3 |Zhang, Xiaoquan |1986 |

|Box 17 | 4 |Zhu, Mingjiang |1995, 2001 |

| |Criminal | |

|Box 17 | 5 |Du, Yuesheng |n.d. |

|Box 17 | 6 |Wang, Yaqiao |1994 |

|Box 17 | 7 |Zhong, Anle |1998 |

| |Dancer | |

|Box 17 | 8 |An, Fang |1997 |

|Box 17 | 9 |Cai, Lily (Cai, Fuli) |2000-2001 |

|Box 17 | 10-11 |Chen, June (Chen, Jiamei) to Dai, Ailian |1989-2000 |

|Box 17 | 12 |Jiang, Qing |1974-1996 |

|Box 17 | 13-14 |Jue, Sue Li to Lee, Helena |1998-2000 |

|Box 17 | 15 |Lin, Huaimin |1999 |

|Box 17 | 16-23 |Liu, Yuzhi to Wang, Shiwang |1995-1998 |

|Box 17 | 24 |Wong, Yen-lu (Wang, Renlu) |1975-1980 |

|Box 17 | 25-26 |Yu, Yana to Zou, Zhirui |1999-2001 |

| |Dentist | |

|Box 17 | 27 |Huang, Zilian |2001 |

|Box 17 | 28 |Li, Zhaorong |1971, 1973 |

|Box 17 | 29 |Leong, Faith Sai So (Liang, Diansu) |1905, 1929 |

| |Designer | |

|Box 17 | 30 |Chu, David |1996-2001 |

|Box 17 | 31-36 |Fong, Guoqiang to Wang, Min |2001-2002 |

|Box 17 | 37 |Wang, Vera (Wang, Weiwei) |1993-2002 |

|Box 17 | 38-42 |Wang, Yun and Yang, Jiaju to Zhang, Xiaohong |1986-2001 |

|Box 17 | 43 |Miscellaneous |1973-2001, n.d. |

| |Diplomat | |

|Box 17 | 44 |Bloch, Julia Chang (Zhang, Zhixiang) |1989-2000 |

|Box 17 | 45 |Chen, Mingde |2001 |

|Box 17 | 46 |Chen, Tien-ku (Chen, Tiangu) |1975, n.d. |

|Box 17 | 47-48 |Davies, John Paton to Diao, Zuoqian |1990-1999 |

|Box 17 | 49 |Gong, Peng |1995, 2001 |

|Box 17 | 50 |Gu, Weijun |1985-1995 |

|Box 17 | 51 |He, Fengshan |1999-2001 |

|Box 17 | 52-54 |Holdridge, John to Huang, Zunxian |1972-2001 |

|Box 17 | 55 |Ji, Chaozhu |1982-1997 |

|Box 17 | 56-62 |Jiang, Tingfu to Mao, Chengzu |1993-2000 |

|Box 17 | 63 |Mei, Jingzhou |1929 |

|Box 18 | 1 |Ouyang, Huang |2001 |

|Box 18 | 2 |Service, John S. (Xie, Weisi) |1999 |

|Box 18 | 3-6 |Zhen, Qi to Wang, Chonghui |1994-2001 |

|Box 18 | 7 |Wu, Tingfang |1988-1989 |

|Box 18 | 8-12 |Xiao, Jiluan to Wang, Xikun |1994-2001 |

|Box 18 | 13 |Ye, Gongchao |1991-2001 |

|Box 18 | 14-15 |Zhang, Hanzhi to Zhang, Qiyue |2000-2001 |

|Box 18 | 16 |Zhang, Wenjin |1994-1996 |

|Box 18 | 17-22 |Zhang, Yinhuan to Zhu, Shaoping |1943-1990 |

|Box 18 | 23 |Zhu, Zhaoxin |1985, 2000, n.d. |

|Box 18 | 24-27 |Miscellaneous |1927-1930, 1956-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Economist | |

|Box 18 | 28 |Chow, Gregory C. (Zou, Zhizhuang) |1993 |

|Box 18 | 29 |Fei, Xiaotong |1979, 1996, 1998 |

|Box 18 | 30-37 |Gu, Nianliang to Zheng, Guanying |1991-1995 |

|Box 18 | 38 |Miscellaneous |1985-2001, n.d. |

| |Educator | |

|Box 18 | 39-40 |Aleey, Rewi to Brougham, Doris |1998-2001 |

|Box 18 | 41 |Cai, Yuanpei |1976-2001 |

|Box 18 | 42-43 |Chen, Chunsheng to Chen, Shihua |1990-2001 |

|Box 18 | 44 |Chen, Shubo |1976-2001 |

|Box 18 | 45 |Chen, Yanping |1999 |

|Box 18 | 46 |Chen, Yuan |1987-1990 |

|Box 18 | 47 |Chin, John Yehall (Yu, He) |1933, 1972-1996 |

|Box 18 | 48-52 |Chow, Cheryl to Guo, Ruiling |1997-2001 |

|Box 18 | 53 |Hall, Elizabeth Ling-so (He, Lingsu) |1953-1977 |

|Box 18 | 54-55 |He, Ganzhi to Hinkley, Lelia |1984-1997 |

|Box 18 | 56 |Hu, Shiih (Hu, Shi) |1961-2001 |

|Box 18 | 57-59 |Hu, Yuantan to Huang, Shuohao |1972-1985 |

|Box 19 | 1 |Huang, Yanpei |1987, 1995 |

|Box 19 | 2-6 |Huo, Jiguang to Lee, Calvin B.T. (Li, Baotang) |1970-1999 |

|Box 19 | 7 |Liang, Peichi |1993-2002 |

|Box 19 | 8-15 |Lin, Xiaoming to Tang, Degang |1985-1993 |

|Box 19 | 16 |Tao, Xingzhi |1948, 1985-1999 |

|Box 19 | 17-18 |Tien, Chang-lin (Tian, Changlin) |1983-2002 |

|Box 19 | 19 |Vautrin, Minnit |2000 |

|Box 19 | 20 |Wong, Jifan |2000 |

|Box 19 | 21 |Woo, Chia-wei (Wu, Jiawei) |1983-1994 |

|Box 19 | 22-26 |Wu, Baoling to Xiong, Xiling |1984-2001 |

|Box 19 | 27 |Xu, Shoushang |1998 |

|Box 19 | 28-30 |Xu, Xiasheng to Xue, Guangqian |1985-2002 |

|Box 19 | 31 |Yan, Fu |1972, 1987-1999 |

|Box 19 | 32 |Yan, Yangchu |1985-1990 |

|Box 19 | 33-34 |Yang, Qingsun to Yang, Zuyou |1994-1999 |

|Box 19 | 35 |Yu, Alice Fong (You, Fang Pingyu) |1926-2000 |

|Box 19 | 36-40 |Zhang, Boling to Zhang, Qiyun |1985-1991 |

|Box 19 | 41 |Zhang, Xiangpu |1966-1986 |

|Box 19 | 42-43 |Zhang, Yuanji to Zhang, Yunli |1992-1998 |

|Box 19 | 44-46 |Zhang, Zhongjun to Zhong, Rongguang |1984-1995, n.d. |

|Box 19 | 47 |Miscellaneous |1971, 1984-2001, n.d. |

| |Engineer | |

|Box 19 | 48-51 |Feng, Danhe to Feng, Hung-chi (Feng, Hongzhi) |1948-1994 |

|Box 20 | 1-2 |Gu, Wenkui to Huang, Wanli |1979-2001 |

|Box 20 | 3 |Jan, John (Zeng, Jizhuang) |1997 |

|Box 20 | 4 |Jue, Lawrence Sinclair (Zhao, Shucai) |1920, 1930, 1955-1995 |

|Box 20 | 5-20 |Kuang, Sun-mou to Yu, Rubin |1988-1996 |

|Box 20 | 21 |Yuen, Moon H. (Yuan, Wenqing) |1982, 1991, n.d. |

|Box 20 | 22 |Zhan, Tianyou |1986-1993 |

|Box 20 | 23 |Miscellaneous |1973-2001 |

| |Explorer | |

|Box 20 | 24 |Polo, Marco |1995-1997 |

|Box 20 | 25 |Weng, Yixuan |2002 |

| |Farmer | |

|Box 20 | 26 |Jones, Guey (Chen, Ru) |1980-1983 |

|Box 20 | 27 |Kai, John (Zeng, Bingyang) |2001 |

| |Filmmaker | |

|Box 20 | 28-30 |Cai, Chusheng to Choy, Christine (Cui, Minghui) |1990-1995 |

|Box 20 | 31 |Ding, Loni (Ding, Bilan) |1970-2001 |

|Box 20 | 32-33 |Dong, Arthur (Zeng, Yitian) to Fong, Julie (Fang, Meimei) |1983-1994 |

|Box 20 | 34 |Guan, Wenqing |1974-1995 |

|Box 20 | 35-38 |Hu, An to Kwan, Paul |1997-2001 |

|Box 20 | 39 |Lee, Ang (Li, An) |1995-2002 |

|Box 20 | 40-42 |Li, Sue Yung (Li, Ruirong) to Lu, Luke X. (Lu, Xiaokang) |1984-1996, n.d. |

|Box 20 | 43 |Ng, Kam-ha (Wu, Jinxia) |1997-2000 |

|Box 20 | 44 |Ouyang, Yuqian |1991 |

|Box 20 | 45 |Seid, Danny (Xue, Danni) |1964-1986 |

|Box 20 | 46 |Situ, Huimin |1985-1990 |

|Box 20 | 47 |Sun, Shirley Xiaoling |1984-1986 |

|Box 20 | 48 |Wang, Wayne (Wang, Ying) |1981-1998 |

|Box 20 | 49 |Wong, Victor |2001 |

|Box 20 | 50 |Woo, John (Wu, Yushen) |2000-2001 |

|Box 20 | 51-52 |Xiao, Huixiang to Yang, Yanzi |1997-2001 |

|Box 20 | 53 |Yu, Jessica (Yu, Linmin) |1997-1998 |

|Box 20 | 54 |Miscellaneous |1954, 1972-2002, n.d. |

| |Firefighter | |

|Box 21 | 1 |Chinn, Wendy |2000 |

|Box 21 | 2 |Hom, Lawrence |1999 |

|Box 21 | 3 |Lee, Amy |1996 |

|Box 21 | 4 |Miscellaneous |1998 |

| |Geologist | |

|Box 21 | 5 |Ding, Wenjiang |1971, 1991 |

|Box 21 | 6 |Ge, Lipu |1996 |

|Box 21 | 7 |Ho, Renzhi |2001-2001 |

|Box 21 | 8 |Li, Siguang |2001 |

|Box 21 | 9 |Lin, Chaoqi |1985 |

| |Government official or employee | |

|Box 21 | 10 |Bay, Norman |2000 |

|Box 21 | 11 |Cheng, Claudia (Zheng, Kexing) |2001 |

|Box 21 | 12-15 |Chin, Kaan to Kuang, Zhonghao |1994-2001 |

|Box 21 | 16 |Lee, Bill (Li, Weiliang) |1995-2000 |

|Box 21 | 17 |Lee, Lim P. (Li, Panlin) |1966-2002 |

|Box 21 | 18-22 |Liu, Weiwei to Moy Ruby G. (Mei, Zhenzhu) |1996-1997 |

|Box 21 | 23 |Quan, Carole (Guan, Zhao Yanmei) |1998-1999 |

|Box 21 | 24-32 |Ren, Jiemei to Wu, Betty |1996-2002 |

|Box 21 | 33 |Yee, Melinda (Yu, Xuejie) |1996 |

|Box 21 | 34-36 |Zhang, Wu Mei Ji to Zhao, Guanghua |1984-2001 |

|Box 21 | 37 |Miscellaneous |1986-2002 |

| |Government official or employee (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) | |

|Box 21 | 38-41 |Guo, Dong-bo to Jiao, Yulu |2001 |

|Box 21 | 42 |Li, Mo |2000 |

|Box 21 | 43 |Li, Ronald (Li, Fuzhao) |1988-1999 |

|Box 21 | 44 |Lin, Liyun |1990 |

|Box 21 | 45 |Wang, Weimin |1996 |

|Box 21 | 46 |Zeng, Qingyuan |2002 |

|Box 21 | 47-48 |Zhang, Jingyan to Zhang, Minyi |1994-1999 |

|Box 21 | 49 |Miscellaneous |1980-2002, n.d. |

| |Health professional | |

|Box 21 | 50 |Beebe, Charles E. (Zeng, Botian) |1977, 1983 |

|Box 21 | 51-55 |Bian, Boqi to Chen, Zhaofei |1997-1998 |

|Box 21 | 56-59 |Chen, Henry D. (Zhao, Defu) |1970-2000 |

|Box 21 | 60-61 |Chow, Zhaonian to Chu, Benjamin K. |1995-2002 |

|Box 21 | 62 |Chung, Margaret |1959, 1986, 1994 |

|Box 22 | 1-4 |Connelly, June J. to Fu, Lianzhang |1985-2001 |

|Box 22 | 5 |Hall, James (He, Tingguang) |1923, 1970-1974, n.d. |

|Box 22 | 6-7 |He, Luli to Hsu, Katharine H.K. |1994-1996 |

|Box 22 | 8 |Jung, Edmund D. (Tang, Weihan) |1986, 1992, 1997 |

|Box 22 | 9-10 |Kao, Samuel D. to Ke, Lin |1991, n.d. |

|Box 22 | 11 |Li, Po-tai (Li, Putai) |1993 |

|Box 22 | 12 |Li, Zhisui |1995 |

|Box 22 | 13 |Lowe, Rolland C. (Cai, Liulun) |1991-1999 |

|Box 22 | 14 |Qu, Xiji |2000 |

|Box 22 | 15 |Tom, Foo Yuen (Tan, Fuyuan) |1903 |

|Box 22 | 16 |Wan, Fong (Kuang, Pei) |1968-1972 |

|Box 22 | 17-23 |Wen, Xiaolong to Zhu, Hongyi |1986-1995 |

|Box 22 | 24-26 |Miscellaneous |1894, 1927, 1973-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Historian | |

|Box 22 | 27 |Char, Tin-yuke |1977, 1996 |

|Box 22 | 28 |Chen, Yinke |1988-2001 |

|Box 22 | 29 |Chinn, Thomas W. |1971-1997 |

|Box 22 | 30 |Choy, Philip (Hu, Hengkun) |2000-2001 |

|Box 22 | 31 |Dai, Guohui |2001 |

|Box 22 | 32 |Fairbank, John King (Fei, Zhengqing) |1991-1994 |

|Box 22 | 33 |Huang, Ren Yu |1992, 2000-2001 |

|Box 22 | 34-39 |Huang, Xiaowen to Odo, Franklin |1991-2002 |

|Box 22 | 40 |Ow, Yuk (Ou, Chongci) |2000 |

|Box 22 | 41 |Qian, Mu |1987-1991 |

|Box 22 | 42-44 |Shen, Jiyao to Soong, Irma Tam |1986-2001 |

|Box 22 | 45 |Spence, Jonathan D. |2000 |

|Box 22 | 46 |Wang, Gengwu |1985-1996 |

|Box 22 | 47 |Wei, Kuangguo |1996 |

|Box 22 | 48 |Wen, Xiongfei |1980-1994 |

|Box 22 | 49-50 |Xu, Shanfu to Xu, Zhuoyun |1990-2002 |

|Box 22 | 51-52 |Zhu, Jieqin to Zhu, Shijia |1983-1984, n.d. |

|Box 22 | 53 |Miscellaneous |1986-2001, n.d. |

| |Horticulturist | |

|Box 23 | 1 |Chen, Lung (Chen, Kangda) |1994 |

|Box 23 | 2 |Lue, Gim Gong (Liu, Jinnong) |1973-1999, n.d. |

| |Insurance agent | |

|Box 23 | 3 |Chin, Edward |1993 |

|Box 23 | 4 |Lin, Guoqing |1990, 1994 |

|Box 23 | 5-9 |Wang, Yewei to Zhu, Bangui |1952-1995 |

|Box 23 | 10 |Miscellaneous |1983-1989, n.d. |

| |Interpreter | |

|Box 23 | 11 |Zhu, Tong |1998 |

|Box 23 | 12 |Miscellaneous |1984-1998 |

| |Inventor | |

|Box 23 | 13 |Jiang, Yiqiao |2000 |

|Box 23 | 14 |Tse, Tsan Tai (Xie, Zuantai) |1910-1917, 1970-1985 |

| |Journalist | |

|Box 23 | 15 |Bu, Shaofu |2000 |

|Box 23 | 16-20 |Cai, Dunxing to Chen, Steven (Chen, Liqiang) |1991-1994 |

|Box 23 | 21 |Chan, Ying (Chen, Wanying) |1996 |

|Box 23 | 22-24 |Chen, Yingtai to Der, Hoi-yin |1985-1994 |

|Box 23 | 25-26 |Durdin, Peggy to Huang, Yuansheng |1989-2002 |

|Box 23 | 27 |Huang, Yuanyong |1915, 1987-1990 |

|Box 23 | 28 |Jiang, Jingkuang |1989, 1994 |

|Box 23 | 29-35 |Larson, Mamie Louise Leung (Tan, Luolan) to Liu, Ling |1988-1998, n.d. |

|Box 23 | 36 |Louie, David (Lei, Yongqiang) |1975, 1985-1996 |

|Box 23 | 37 |Lu, Keng |1992-1998 |

|Box 23 | 38-41 |Lu, Shiwei to Shao, Piaoping |1985-2001 |

|Box 23 | 42 |Snow, Edgar |1972-2002 |

|Box 23 | 43 |Strong, Anna Louise |2000 |

|Box 23 | 44 |Tang, Na (Ma, Jiliang) |1988-1998 |

|Box 23 | 45 |Tong, Hollington K. (Dong, Xianguang) |1971-1973, 1991 |

|Box 23 | 46-49 |Wang, Jiazheng to Wen, Shuling |1995-2000 |

|Box 23 | 50 |Woo, Gilbert (Hu, Jingnan) |1979, 2002 |

|Box 23 | 51-55 |Wu-Dunn, Sheryl (Wu, Jiefang) to Yang, Fangzhi |1990-1999 |

|Box 23 | 56 |Ye, Lili |1978-2001 |

|Box 23 | 57-61 |Yee, Francis (Yu, Fengxiang) to Zou, Taofen |1972-1987 |

|Box 23 | 62 |Miscellaneous |1975-2000, n.d. |

| |Judge | |

|Box 24 | 1-3 |Chang, James H. to Chen, Edward (Zheng, Yifang) |1989-2001 |

|Box 24 | 4 |Chin, Ming W. (Chen, Huiming) |1988-1999 |

|Box 24 | 5-8 |Chin-Brandt, Dorothy (Chen, Cuifang) to Lam, Newton (Zhou, Shunru) |1997-2002 |

|Box 24 | 9 |Lee, Bill Lann (Li, Liangchou) |1997-2002 |

|Box 24 | 10 |Lee, Cynthia Ming-mei |1998 |

|Box 24 | 11-13 |Li, Guoneng to Ling-Cohen, Doris |1993-1997 |

|Box 24 | 14 |Liu, Cheng-wei |1983-1999 |

|Box 24 | 15 |Liu, Liying |2001-2002 |

|Box 24 | 16 |Low, Harry (Liu, Baichang) |1972-2001 |

|Box 24 | 17 |Shi, Jiuyong |1994 |

|Box 24 | 18 |Sing, Lillian Kwok (Guo, Lilian) |1978-2001 |

|Box 24 | 19-20 |Tan, Guozhen to Tang, Thomas (Deng, Xinping) |1977-1999, n.d. |

|Box 24 | 21 |Wong, Gilbert (Huang, Jinshao) |1984-1996 |

|Box 24 | 22 |Wu, Yuantian |1983-1987 |

|Box 24 | 23 |Yang, Debra W. (Huang, Jinyu) |1997-2002 |

|Box 24 | 24 |Yew, Erica (You, Zhiyu) |2001 |

|Box 24 | 25 |Zhu, Meiyu |1999-2000 |

|Box 24 | 26 |Miscellaneous |1956, 1976-2001, n.d. |

| |Law enforcement | |

|Box 24 | 27 |Chen, Shaokang |1997 |

|Box 24 | 28 |Fong, Heather (Fang, Yuwen) |1993-2002 |

|Box 24 | 29 |Lau, Fred (Liu, Baian) |1996-2002 |

|Box 24 | 30 |Lee, Henry (Li, Changyu) |1980, 1994-2002 |

|Box 24 | 31 |Mok, Hugh (Mo, Hu) |1984-1994 |

|Box 24 | 32 |Miscellaneous |1980-2000 |

| |Lawyer | |

|Box 24 | 33-37 |Cai, Shixin to Chen, Zhihong |2000-2001 |

|Box 24 | 38 |Chow, Jack (Zhou, Zhirong) |1967, 1988 |

|Box 24 | 39-42 |Chu, Morgan (Zhou, Qinwen) to Huang, Zhengkai |1999-2001 |

|Box 24 | 43-45 |Jiang, Guoliang to JoFoo, Lora (Zhou, Xiang) |1991-2000 |

|Box 24 | 46-50 |Lau, Gordon to Liu, Zhongyuan |1986-1996 |

|Box 24 | 51-54 |Leng, Junye to Zhou, Yihua |1993-2001 |

|Box 24 | 55 |Miscellaneous |1914-1915, 1952-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Librarian | |

|Box 25 | 1-3 |Abajian, James to Guo, Maoling |1968-2001 |

|Box 25 | 4 |Poon, Wei Chi (Yu, Huizi) |1992, 1998 |

|Box 25 | 5 |Qiang, Ningna |1988 |

|Box 25 | 6 |Song, Yongyi |1999-2001 |

|Box 25 | 7-8 |Tang, Shumin to Wang, Qiuli |1994 |

|Box 25 | 9 |Wu, Wenjin |1997-1998 |

|Box 25 | 10-14 |Xu, Yansheng to Zheng, Lingling |1991-2002 |

|Box 25 | 15 |Zhou, Xinping |2001 |

| |Linguist | |

|Box 25 | 16 |Li, Fanggui |1988 |

|Box 25 | 17 |Wang, Li |2000 |

|Box 25 | 18 |Zhao, Yuanren |1967-2001 |

|Box 25 | 19 |Miscellaneous |1978, 1992-1997 |

| |Martial arts master | |

|Box 25 | 20 |Huang, Feihong |2001 |

|Box 25 | 21 |Huo, Yuanjia |1996 |

|Box 25 | 22 |Wu, Jianquan |1994 |

|Box 25 | 23 |Xia, Guozhang |2000 |

|Box 25 | 24 |Miscellaneous |1994-2001 |

| |Mathematician | |

|Box 25 | 25 |Chen, Xingshen |1982-2000 |

|Box 25 | 26 |Cheng, Dawei |1996 |

|Box 25 | 27 |Hua, Luogeng |1996-1997, 2001 |

|Box 25 | 28 |Qiu, Chengtong |1994 |

|Box 25 | 29 |Wong, Peter |2001 |

| |Military service | |

|Box 25 | 30 |Barber, Rex T. |2001 |

|Box 25 | 31 |Carlson, Evans |2000-2002 |

|Box 25 | 32 |Lou, Glist |2000 |

|Box 25 | 33 |Lowe, Dewey (Liu, Guoying) |1983, 1986 |

|Box 25 | 34 |Tom, Soleng (Tan, Chengbo) |1972-1996 |

|Box 25 | 35 |Tong, Terry (Tang, Yongde) |1999 |

|Box 25 | 36 |Wai, Francis |2001 |

|Box 25 | 37 |Miscellaneous |1968, 1982-2002, n.d. |

| |Military service (China, Taiwan) | |

|Box 25 | 38 |Bai, Chongxi |1987, 2000 |

|Box 25 | 39 |Cai, Tingkai |1892-1968 |

|Box 25 | 40 |Chen, Jitang |1987-1993 |

|Box 25 | 41-44 |Chen, Shaokuan to Han, Fuju |1985-2000 |

|Box 25 | 45 |He, Yingqin |n.d. |

|Box 25 | 46 |Huang, Kecheng |2001 |

|Box 25 | 47 |Jao, Shu-shih (Rao, Shushi) |1969-1993 |

|Box 25 | 48-51 |Jiang, Guangnai to Li, Chun |1989, 1992, n.d. |

|Box 25 | 52 |Li, Fulin |1971, 1999, n.d. |

|Box 25 | 53 |Li, hanhun |1971-1987 |

|Box 25 | 54-60 |Li, Jishen to Long, Wenguang |1987-2001 |

|Box 25 | 61 |Long, Yun |1984-1988 |

|Box 25 | 62 |Lu, Rongting |1985 |

|Box 25 | 63 |Lu, Chaoran |1979 |

|Box 25 | 64-69 |Qin, Dechun to Wang, Chang |1930-2001 |

|Box 25 | 70 |Wei, Lihuang |1986 |

|Box 26 | 1-6 |Wen, Haxiong to Xiao, Zhenying |1984, n.d. |

|Box 26 | 7 |Xie, Jinyuan |1984 |

|Box 26 | 8-10 |Xu, Shuzheng to Yang, Hucheng |1985 |

|Box 26 | 11 |Ye, Ting |1987 |

|Box 26 | 12 |Zhang, Fakai |1970, 2001 |

|Box 26 | 13 |Zhang, Xueliang |1969-2001 |

|Box 26 | 14 |Zou, Lu |1985 |

|Box 26 | 15 |Miscellaneous |1984-2001 |

| |Missionary | |

|Box 26 | 16 |Morrison, Robert |1844-1849, 1984 |

|Box 26 | 17 |Ricci, Matteo (Li, Madou) |1990-2001 |

|Box 26 | 18 |Schall von Bell, Johann Adam (Tang, Ruowang) |1995 |

|Box 26 | 19 |Stuart, John Leighton (Situ, Leideng) |1984 |

|Box 26 | 20 |Speer, William |1871, 1878, 1961-1970 |

| |Musician | |

|Box 26 | 21-27 |Cao, Zheng to Cheng, Lin |1994-1998 |

|Box 26 | 28 |Chou, Wen-chung (Zhou, Wenzhong) |1977, 1987-1995 |

|Box 26 | 29-30 |Fang, Liya to Feng, Feng |1997-1998 |

|Box 26 | 31 |Fu, Cong |2001, n.d. |

|Box 26 | 32-37 |Fu, Lei to Ho, Fred |1998-2001 |

|Box 26 | 38 |Hou, Dejian |1989-1998 |

|Box 26 | 39-40 |Hua, Yanjun (Bing) to Huang, Hao (Huang, Junjie) |1992-1994 |

|Box 26 | 41 |Huang, Tzu (Huang, Zi) |1971-1992 |

|Box 26 | 42 |Huang, Youdi |1997 |

|Box 26 | 43-44 |Jang, Jon to Lang, Lang |1998-2001 |

|Box 26 | 45 |Lee, Coco (Li, Wen) |2000-2002 |

|Box 26 | 46-49 |Lee, Dai-keong to Li, Delun |1994-2001 |

|Box 26 | 50 |Li, Jinhui |1987-1994 |

|Box 26 | 51 |Li, Meiqin |1989, 2001 |

|Box 26 | 52-53 |Li, Yiding to Li, Yundi |2001 |

|Box 26 | 54 |Lin, Cho-liang (Lin, Zhaoliang) |1984-1997 |

|Box 26 | 55-57 |Ling, Jahja (Lin, Wangjie) to Liu, Liangmo |1941-1990 |

|Box 26 | 58 |Liu, Tianhua |1957-1982 |

|Box 26 | 59 |Liu, Weishan |1988-1995 |

|Box 27 | 1-5 |Liu, Xuean to Luo, Jiongkun |1995-2001 |

|Box 27 | 6 |Ma, Sicong |1986-1997, 2001 |

|Box 27 | 7 |Ma, Yo-yo (Ma, Youyou) |1983-2001 |

|Box 27 | 8-9 |Mae, Vanessa (Chen, Mei) to New Shang Chow (Niu, Ende) |1986-1997 |

|Box 27 | 10 |Nie, Er |1951-1979 |

|Box 27 | 11-13 |Qiang, Cheng to Sheng, Bright (Sheng, Zongliang) |1995-2002 |

|Box 27 | 14 |Situ, Gang |1996-1998 |

|Box 27 | 15 |Situ, Mengyan |1989 |

|Box 27 | 16 |Sze, Yi-kwei (Si, Yigui) |1974, 1994-1995, n.d. |

|Box 27 | 17 |Tan, Dun |1997, 2001 |

|Box 27 | 18 |Tian, Haojiang |1997 |

|Box 27 | 19 |Xian, Xinghai |1950-1957 |

|Box 27 | 20-23 |Wang, Xinlian to Yang, Fengshi |1997-2001 |

|Box 27 | 24 |Yin, Chengzong |1988-2002 |

|Box 27 | 25-27 |Yin, Feng to Zeng, Daoxiong |1994-2001 |

|Box 27 | 28 |Zhang, Shu |1958 |

|Box 27 | 29-36 |Zhang, Yalun to Zhou, Wei |1994-1998 |

|Box 27 | 37 |Zhou, Xuan |1986-1995 |

|Box 27 | 38 |Zhu, Baoxing |1994, 2000 |

|Box 27 | 39 |Zhu, Chongmao |2000-2001 |

|Box 27 | 40-44 |Miscellaneous |1949-2002, n.d. |

| |Newspaper professional | |

|Box 28 | 1-3 |Chang, William (Zhang, Mengzheng) to Chen, Mengyin |1978-2000 |

|Box 28 | 4-8 |Chen, Qiufeng to Dai, Chaosheng |1996-1997 |

|Box 28 | 9 |Fu, Chaoshu |1991-2002 |

|Box 28 | 11-12 |He, Yansheng to Hu, Jiwei |1994-2000 |

|Box 28 | 13 |Kuang, Yaopu |1977-1980 |

|Box 28 | 14 |Lai, S.K. (Li, Qixuan) |1975, 1978 |

|Box 28 | 15 |Lee, Dai-ming (Li, Daming) |n.d. |

|Box 28 | 16 |Lee, Wea (Li, Weihua) |1990-1996 |

|Box 28 | 17-24 |Lei, Fajun to Liu, Huozi |1984-1990 |

|Box 28 | 25 |Ma, Keren |2001 |

|Box 28 | 26 |Ma, Peiqian |2000 |

|Box 28 | 27 |Ma, Senliang |1994, 1998 |

|Box 28 | 28 |Ng, Assunta |1984-1997 |

|Box 28 | 29-37 |Peng, Guifang to Wang, Hanxi |2000 |

|Box 28 | 38 |Wang, Tiwu |1994-1996 |

|Box 28 | 39 |Weng, Shaoqiu |1984-1994 |

|Box 28 | 40 |Wong, Frank (Huang, Yushu) |1988-1992 |

|Box 28 | 41-43 |Woo, William F. (Wu, Huilian) to Yan, Baoli |1989-1994 |

|Box 28 | 44 |Yu, Jizhong |2002 |

|Box 28 | 45 |Yuyitung, Quintung (Yu, Changcheng) |1990-1991 |

|Box 28 | 46 |Zhang, Jiluan |1987, 1994 |

|Box 28 | 47 |Zhu, Changdong |1976 |

|Box 28 | 48 |Miscellaneous |1984-2000 |

| |Opera performer | |

| |Beijing (Peking) | |

|Box 28 | 49 |Guo, Xiaozhuang |1991 |

|Box 28 | 50 |Liu, Changyu |2000 |

|Box 28 | 51 |Mei, Lanfang |1970-1972, |

| | | |2000-2002 |

|Box 28 | 52-55 |Meng, Xiaodong to Xun, Huisheng |1985-2000 |

|Box 28 | 56 |Miscellaneous |1957-1959, |

| | | |1972-2001 |

| |Cantonese | |

|Box 28 | 57-58 |Chen, Han-wan to Deng, Biyun |1991, n.d. |

|Box 28 | 59 |Guan, De Xing |1982-1996 |

|Box 28 | 60 |Hong, Hong |1982-1990 |

|Box 28 | 61 |Hong, Xiannu |1957-1996 |

|Box 28 | 62-64 |Huang, Chaowu to Ni, Haiying |1993-2001 |

|Box 28 | 65 |Ren, Jianhui |1989 |

|Box 28 | 66 |Xue, Juexian |1979 |

|Box 29 | 1 |Miscellaneous |1957-1997, n.d. |

| |Pastor | |

|Box 29 | 2-5 |Chan Sui Cheung to Chuck, Harry (Zhuo, Guanghan) |1985, 1995, n.d. |

|Box 29 | 6-11 |Dong, Jianwu to Huang, Deli |1986-2002 |

|Box 29 | 12 |Huang, Zhanghui |1988, 1995 |

|Box 29 | 13-16 |Kwan Loy to Ng, Poon Chew (Wu, Panzhao) |n.d. |

|Box 29 | 17 |Ou, Fengchi |1914 |

|Box 29 | 18-22 |Sze-tu, Nan-ta (Situ, Nanda) to Yu, Rizhang |1921-1985 |

|Box 29 | 23 |Yu, Zhuoxiong |1992 |

|Box 29 | 24 |Miscellaneous |1901, 1959, 1970-1993, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Performing artist | |

|Box 29 | 25-28 |Chen, Qingfeng to Li, Zhirong |1998-2001 |

|Box 29 | 29 |Liang, Hugh Kwong |1973, 1978, 1995-1996 |

|Box 29 | 30-33 |Nee, Philip (Yan, Feili) to Yee, Byron |1985-1999 |

| |Photographer | |

|Box 29 | 34-39 |Chinn, Benjamin (Chen, Xiqi) to Huie, Crystal R.D. (Xu, Guangzong) |1986-2000 |

|Box 29 | 40 |Lang, Jingshan |1971-1995 |

|Box 29 | 41 |Lee, Corky (Li, Yangguo) |1981-1988, 2001 |

|Box 29 | 42 |Lee, Kem (Li, Shao-yin) |1976-1997 |

|Box 29 | 43 |Liang, Guangming |1985-1986 |

|Box 29 | 44-46 |Lin, Yueming to Mei, Jianwen |1994-1997, n.d. |

|Box 29 | 47 |Wong, James Howe (Huang, Zongzhan) |1971-1876 |

|Box 29 | 48 |Zhao, Zhenqun |n.d. |

|Box 29 | 49 |Miscellaneous |1979-2002, n.d. |

| |Pilot | |

|Box 29 | 50 |Cen, Zeliu |2000 |

|Box 29 | 51 |Chen, Qingyun |1974, 1982 |

|Box 29 | 52 |Cheung, Katherine Sui-fun (Young, Katheryn Cheung; Zhang, Ruifen) |1931-1935, 1982-1994 |

|Box 29 | 53 |Chin, Arthur Tin (Chin, Suey-tin; Chen, Ruitian) |1923, 1985-1998 |

|Box 29 | 54-55 |Fong, Yue (Fung, Joe Guey; Feng, Ru; Feng, Jiuru) |1909-1912, 1964-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Box 30 | 1-5 |Gao, Zhihang to Kong, Wahkau |1993-1998, n.d. |

|Box 30 | 6 |Leah, Hing (Li, Fenglin) |1982-1983 |

|Box 30 | 7 |Lee, Archie (Li, Qichi) |1956, 1994-1997 |

|Box 30 | 8 |Lee, Ya-ching (Li, Xiaqing) |1935-1940, 1989-1998 |

|Box 30 | 9-10 |Li, Changxin to Lin, Li |1994-1995 |

|Box 30 | 11 |Lym, Arthur F. (Lin, Furu) |1982-1986 |

|Box 30 | 12 |Qi, Lihua |1989-1992 |

|Box 30 | 13 |Tom, Gunn (Tan, Gen) |1912-1919, 1971-1987 |

|Box 30 | 14 |Wang, Guifang |1994 |

|Box 30 | 15 |Huang, Virginia (Huang, Guiyan) |1993 |

|Box 30 | 16 |Young, Sen Yet (Yang, Xianyi) |1927-1930, 1980-1997 |

|Box 30 | 17 |Zhang, Huichang |1974-1997 |

|Box 30 | 18-21 |Zhou, Yichen to Zhu, Weiyi |1957-2000 |

|Box 30 | 22 |Chinese American women (miscellaneous) |1919-1997 |

| |Playwright | |

|Box 30 | 23 |Ge, Wu |1982-1984 |

|Box 30 | 24 |Guang, Li |1998 |

|Box 30 | 25 |Hwang, David Henry (Huang, Zhelun) |1988-1999 |

|Box 30 | 26 |Loh, Sandra Tsing |1999-2001 |

|Box 30 | 27 |Shen, Yue |2000-2001 |

|Box 30 | 28 |Miscellaneous |1986-1995 |

| |Poet | |

|Box 30 | 29 |Bei Dao |1996-2000 |

|Box 30 | 30 |Bei Ling |2000-2001 |

|Box 30 | 31-38 |Chen, Miaoping to Huang, Peifang |1987-1994 |

|Box 30 | 39 |Ji, Xian |1993-1998 |

|Box 30 | 40 |Jian, Bozan |2001 |

|Box 30 | 41-45 |Lee, Priscillia (Li, Junyi) to Qiu, Shuyuan |1958-2001 |

|Box 30 | 46 |Tai, Jingnong |1990-1997 |

|Box 30 | 47 |Wen, Yoduo |1987-2001 |

|Box 30 | 48 |Xu, Xu |1985 |

|Box 30 | 49 |Xu, Zhimo |1989-2001 |

|Box 30 | 50-53 |Xue, Tao to Zhang, Guangnian (Guang, Weiran) |1977, 2001 |

|Box 30 | 54 |Zhang, Siyi |n.d. |

|Box 30 | 55-57 |Zheng, Chouyu to Zhou, Yufan |1973-2001 |

|Box 30 | 58 |Miscellaneous |1974-2002, n.d. |

| |Political activist | |

|Box 31 | 1-2 |Allen, Susan Au (Ou, Yihong) to Che, Yaoxian |1996-1997 |

|Box 31 | 3 |Chen, Duxiu |1997-2001 |

|Box 31 | 4-9 |Chen, Lian to Donald, William Henry |1999-2001 |

|Box 31 | 10 |Fee, Ben (Zhang, Hentang) |1935-1991 |

|Box 31 | 11-17 |Ferguson, John Calvin to Kamm, John T. |1997-2002 |

|Box 31 | 18 |Kiang, Kang Hu (Jiang, Kanghu) |1913-1919, 1971-1990 |

|Box 31 | 19-22 |Lattimore, Owen to Liang, Hua |2001, n.d. |

|Box 31 | 23 |Liang, Shuming |1973, 2000 |

|Box 31 | 24 |Liao, Yaozhu |1997 |

|Box 31 | 25 |Liu, Shifu |1928, 2000 |

|Box 31 | 26-30 |Lu, Frank to Qu, Qiubai |2000-2001 |

|Box 31 | 31 |Shi, Huang |1980-1984 |

|Box 31 | 32-36 |Wang, Bingnan and Dong, Zhujun to Wong, S.K. (Huang, Shejing) |1975-2002 |

|Box 31 | 37 |Wong, Wah Poy (Huang, Huapei) |1986 |

|Box 31 | 38 |Woo, Wilbur (Hu, Guodong) |1985-1990 |

|Box 31 | 39 |Wu, Xianzi |1932, 1953 |

|Box 31 | 40-45 |Xie, An to Zhang, Fuzhong |1984-2000 |

|Box 31 | 46 |Zhang, Wentian |1922, 1990-2001 |

|Box 31 | 47 |Zheng, Bian (Zheng, Anfu) |1975, 1982 |

|Box 31 | 48-51 |Zhu, Gansheng to Zhu, Suyun |1996-1998 |

|Box 31 | 52 |Miscellaneous |1980-1996 |

| |Political activist (Chinese Democracy Movement overseas) | |

|Box 31 | 53-57 |Bao, Tong to Fang, Lizhi |1989-2000 |

|Box 31 | 58-61 |Huang, Yuchuan to Liu, Nianchun |1989-1998 |

|Box 31 | 62-66 |Liu, Xiaobo to Wang, Bingzhang |1985-1998 |

|Box 32 | 1 |Wang, Dan |1989-2000 |

|Box 32 | 2-4 |Wang, Juntao to Wang, Xizhe |1991-1999 |

|Box 32 | 5 |Wei, Jingsheng |1985-2001 |

|Box 32 | 6 |Wu, Harry (Wu, Hongda) |1995-2002 |

|Box 32 | 7 |Wu'er, Kaixi |1989-1998 |

|Box 32 | 8-10 |Xu, Bangtai to Yue, Wu |1989-1999 |

|Box 32 | 11 |Miscellaneous |1989-2002 |

| |Political activist (Chinese Empire Reform Association) | |

|Box 32 | 12-13 |Kang, Youwei |1897-1903, 1967-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Box 33 | 1 |Liang, Qichao |1900-1936, 1972-2002 |

|Box 33 | 2 |Liang, Chaojie |1989 |

| |Political activist (Chinese Revolution, 1911) | |

|Box 33 | 3 |Bow, George Y.S. (Yao, Guanshun) |1925-1981 |

|Box 33 | 4-6 |Cai, E. to Deng, Yinnan |1981-2001 |

|Box 33 | 7 |Feng, Zhiyou |1920, 1954-1988 |

|Box 33 | 8 |Fong, George (Wong, Lim; Kuang, Zuozhi) |1910-1994 |

|Box 33 | 9-10 |Huang, Boyao to Huang, Naishang |1965-1991, n.d. |

|Box 33 | 11 |Huang, Sande |1911-1928 |

|Box 33 | 12 |Huang, Xing (Huang, Keqiang) |1956, 1984-2001 |

|Box 33 | 13 |Huang, Yuen Su (Huang, Yunsu) |1964-1979 |

|Box 33 | 14 |Jung, Oi-won (Zhang, Aiyun) |1911, 1943-1993 |

|Box 33 | 15 |Lee, Homer |1900-1988 |

|Box 33 | 16-20 |Li, Shinan to Lu, Haodong |1934-2001 |

|Box 33 | 21 |Lu, Xin |1911-1983 |

|Box 33 | 22 |Ma, Chaojun |1977-1985 |

|Box 33 | 23 |Ma, Xiang |1961 |

|Box 33 | 24-30 |Mei, Qiaolin to Tang, Qiongchang |1954-1991 |

|Box 34 | 1 |Wen, Tseng-teh (Wen, Zhengde) |1982-1988 |

|Box 34 | 2-5 |Xia, Chongmin to Zhao, Hengti |1972-1976 |

|Box 34 | 6-10 |Zhao, Yu to Zou, Rong |1925-1986 |

|Box 34 | 11 |Miscellaneous |1928, 1934, 1960-2002 |

| |Politician | |

|Box 34 | 12 |Chan, Christine (Chen, Difang) |2001 |

|Box 34 | 13 |Chan, Wilma (Chen, Huanying) |1994-2001 |

|Box 34 | 14 |Chang, Hedy (Liu, Haidi) |1998 |

|Box 34 | 15 |Chang, Berry (Zhang, Zhaofu) |1995-1999 |

|Box 34 | 16 |Chang, Henry (Zhang, Mingde) |1994-2000 |

|Box 34 | 17 |Chang, Michael (Zhang, Xihong) |1991-2001 |

|Box 34 | 18 |Xhen, Benchang |1987, 1998, 2000 |

|Box 34 | 19 |Chen, Dafu |1992 |

|Box 34 | 20 |Chen, Lily Lee (Chen, Li Wanruo) |1973-1999 |

|Box 34 | 21 |Chen, Xiangmei |1971-2001 |

|Box 34 | 22 |Cheng, Emily (Yan, Yimei) |2000 |

|Box 34 | 23 |Chao, Elaine (Zhao, Xiaolan) |1986-2002 |

|Box 34 | 24-26 |Chin, Margaret to Chow, Ruby |1993-1997 |

|Box 34 | 27 |Chu, Judy (Zhao, Meixin) |1990-2001 |

|Box 34 | 28-30 |Dang, Ted (Deng, Weiyi) to Deng, Yuening |1967-1994 |

|Box 34 | 31 |Der, Henry (Xie, Guoqi) |1986-2000 |

|Box 34 | 32-33 |Eng, John (Wu, Shuyin) to Eng, Thomas (Wu, Xuancan) |1992-1999 |

|Box 35 | 1 |Eu, March Fong |1974-2002 |

|Box 35 | 2 |Fang, Yiwei |1992, 1997 |

|Box 35 | 3 |Fong, Bingshun (Kuang, Bingshun) |1947, 1988 |

|Box 35 | 4 |Fong, Hiram L. (Kuang, Youliang) |1959, 1971-1996 |

|Box 35 | 5 |Fong, Matt |1995-2001 |

|Box 35 | 6-10 |Gong, Eddie (Gong, Edward J.) to Ho, James |1988-1993, n.d. |

|Box 35 | 11 |Ho, T.N. (He, Zongning) |1994 |

|Box 35 | 12 |Hom, Ben (Tan, Bingcheng) |1993-2001 |

|Box 35 | 13 |Hsieh, Thomas (Xie, Guoxiang) |1973-1999 |

|Box 35 | 14-17 |Huang, Jinbo to Lau, Gordon (Liu, Guiming) |1977-2000 |

|Box 35 | 18 |Lee, Pius (Li, Zhaoxiang) |1986, 2000 |

|Box 35 | 19-21 |Lee, Yvonne (Li, Yanhong) to Liu, John (Liu, Chunyi) |1994-2001 |

|Box 35 | 22 |Locke, Gary (Luo, Jiahui) |1984-2000 |

|Box 35 | 23-25 |Louie, Calvin (Lei, Yihui) to Lu, Harry (Zhu, Jiaxiang) |1971-2000 |

|Box 35 | 26 |Luke, Wing |1962-1992 |

|Box 35 | 27-35 |Ma, Fiona (Ma, Shiyun) to Sun, Sylvia Liying |1996-2002 |

|Box 35 | 36 |Teng, Mabel (Deng, Shimei) |1988-2001 |

|Box 35 | 37-41 |Wang, Alicia Zhaohua to Wong, Huiai (Huang, Zhu Huiai) |1993-1998 |

|Box 36 | 1 |Woo, Michael (Hu, Shaoji) |1993 |

|Box 36 | 2 |Woo, S.B. (Wu, Xianbiao) |1983-2002 |

|Box 36 | 3 |Wu, Ruihuang |1994 |

|Box 36 | 4 |Wu, Zhenwei David |1998-2001 |

|Box 36 | 5 |Yaki, Michael |1996, 2000 |

|Box 36 | 6 |Yee, Jimmie |1999 |

|Box 36 | 7 |Yee, Leland (Yu, Yinliang) |1988-2001 |

|Box 36 | 8-13 |Yih, Mae (Ye, Zhifeng) to Zhang, Wenwei |1972-2000 |

|Box 36 | 14 |Zheng, Guomin |1997-2001 |

|Box 36 | 15 |Politician (Australia) |1988-1997 |

| |Politician (Canada) | |

|Box 36 | 16 |Clarkson, Adrienne (Wu, Bingzhi) |1979, 1999-2000, n.d. |

|Box 36 | 17 |Miscellaneous |1979-1999 |

| |Politician (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) | |

|Box 36 | 18-20 |Cai, Meng Jian to Chen, Chiyuan (Chen, Qiyuan) |1969-2001 |

|Box 36 | 21 |Chen, Fang Ansheng |1989-1999 |

|Box 36 | 22 |Chen, Lifu |1988-2001 |

|Box 36 | 23 |Chen, Shuibian |1998-2000 |

|Box 36 | 24-25 |Chen, Wenqian to Chen, Yun |1986-1999 |

|Box 36 | 26 |Chi, Chaoting (Ji, Chaoding) |1925-2001 |

|Box 36 | 27 |Chiang, Ching Kuo (Jiang, Jingguo) |1988-2000 |

|Box 36 | 28-30 |Chiang, Kai-shek (Jiang, Jieshi) |1950, 1975-2002 |

|Box 36 | 31 |Chin, Peng (Chen, Ping) |1989-1998 |

|Box 36 | 32 |Chiang, Wei Kuo (Jiang, Weiguo) |1989-2000 |

|Box 36 | 33 |Dai, Qi |2002 |

|Box 36 | 34 |Deng, Xiaoping |1993-2002 |

|Box 36 | 35 |Dong, Biwu |1945, 1975-1999 |

|Box 36 | 36 |Dong, Jianhua |1996-1998 |

|Box 36 | 37-41 |Dunn, Lydia (Deng, Lianru) to Hu, Hanmin |1970-2000 |

|Box 37 | 1 |Hu, Jintao |2002 |

|Box 37 | 2 |Hu, Yaobang |1994, 2001 |

|Box 37 | 3-4 |Hu, Zhiqiang to Hu, Zongnan |1996-2001 |

|Box 37 | 5 |Huang, Renjun |1955-1995 |

|Box 37 | 6-7 |Huang, Xinjie to Huang, Zhaoqin |1957-1999 |

|Box 37 | 8 |Jiang, Zemin |1989-2002 |

|Box 37 | 9-10 |Kang, Ningxiang to Lai, Jinghu |1971-1984 |

|Box 37 | 11-12 |Li, Denghui |1995-2001 |

|Box 37 | 13 |Li, Guoding |2000-2001 |

|Box 37 | 14 |Li, Peng |1998 |

|Box 37 | 15-21 |Li, Pengfei to Li, Ziliu |1994-1999 |

|Box 37 | 22 |Li, Zongren |1987-2002, n.d. |

|Box 37 | 23-27 |Lian, Zhan to Liao, Wanfu |1993-2000 |

|Box 37 | 28-30 |Lin, Biao to Liu, Shaoqi |1991-2001 |

|Box 37 | 31 |Lu, Xiulian |1996-2000 |

|Box 37 | 32 |Ma, Yingjiu |1998-1999, n.d. |

|Box 38 | 1-4 |Mao, Zedong |1976-2001, n.d. |

|Box 38 | 5-6 |Pan, Hannian - Peng, Dehuai |1998-2001 |

|Box 38 | 7 |Peng, Mingmin |1970-2000 |

|Box 38 | 8-9 |Qiu, Hongda to Shi, Mingde |1995-2000 |

|Box 38 | 10 |Song, Chuyu |1999 |

|Box 38 | 11 |Song, Yaoru |1986-2001 |

|Box 38 | 12 |Song, Ziwen |1955, 1971-1999 |

|Box 38 | 13 |Soong, Ching Ling (Song, Qingling) |1988-2002 |

|Box 38 | 14 |Soong, Meiling (Song, Meiling) |1984-2002 |

|Box 38 | 15 |Sun, Ke |1971-2001 |

| |Sun Yat-sen (Sun, Yixian; Sun, Zhongshan) | |

|Box 39 | 1-6 |General |1924-2002, n.d. |

|Box 39 | 7 |Anniversaries |1966-1986 |

|Box 39 | 8 |Genealogy and family members |1930-2001 |

|Box 39 | 9 |Granddaughter- Wong, Lily Sun (Sun, Huifang) |1986-1995 |

| |Memorial Hall | |

|Box 39 | 10 |Guangdong, China |1983, n.d. |

|Box 39 | 11 |Sacramento, California |1971-1999 |

|Box 39 | 12 |Southeast Asia |1985-1989 |

| |United States | |

|Box 39 | 13-14 |General |1911-2000 |

|Box 40 | 1 |Chicago, Illinois |1980-2000 |

|Box 40 | 2 |Courtland, California |1996 |

|Box 40 | 3 |Hawaii |1944-2000 |

|Box 40 | 4-5 |Immigration files |1904-1995 |

|Box 40 | 6 |Zhigongtang |1904-1991 |

|Box 40 | 7-10 |Tang, Jiaxuan to Wang, Jingwei |1972-2001 |

|Box 40 | 11-14 |Wu, Dingchang to Wu, Yi |1984-1994 |

|Box 40 | 15 |Wu, Yuzhang |1940-1943, 1987, 1990 |

|Box 40 | 16-20 |Xiao, Meiqin to Xu, Simin |1990-2001 |

|Box 40 | 21 |Xu, Xinliang |1990-1999 |

|Box 40 | 22 |Yang, Shongkun |2001, n.d. |

|Box 40 | 23-26 |Ye, Gongchuo to Yuan, Shikai |1969, 2000, n.d. |

|Box 40 | 27 |Zhang, Fumei |1993-2001 |

|Box 40 | 28-36 |Zhang, Guimu to Zhong, Shiyuan |1986-2001 |

|Box 40 | 37-38 |Zhou, Enlai |1972-2001 |

|Box 40 | 39-42 |Zhou, Qigang to Zhu, Gaozheng |1987-1999 |

|Box 40 | 43 |Zhu, Rongji |1998-1999 |

|Box 40 | 44 |Miscellaneous |1969, 1989-2001, n.d. |

| |Politician (Denmark) | |

|Box 40 | 45 |Wang, Heidi (Wang, Lizhi) |2001 |

| |Politician (France) | |

|Box 40 | 46 |Cheng, Zhifan |1981-1990 |

| |Politician (Malaysia) | |

|Box 40 | 47 |Chen, Qunchuan |1990 |

|Box 40 | 48 |Li, Jinshi |1994 |

| |Politician (Papua New Guinea) | |

|Box 40 | 49 |Chen, Zhongmin |1994, 1997 |

| |Politician (Singapore) | |

|Box 41 | 1 |Lee, Kuan Yew (Li, Guangyao) |1971-2001 |

|Box 41 | 2 |Lin, Qingxiang |1996 |

|Box 41 | 3 |Wu, Zuodong |1990 |

| |Postal service professional | |

|Box 41 | 4 |Ju, Kim S. |1937, 1970 |

|Box 41 | 5 |Wong, Kin (Huang, Jin) |1924, 1928, n.d. |

| |Psychologist | |

|Box 41 | 6 |Peng, Kaiping |2001 |

|Box 41 | 7 |Sue, Stanley (Situ, Yongjun) |2001 |

| |Publisher | |

|Box 41 | 8 |Lau, Max |2002 |

|Box 41 | 9 |Xiao, Mengneng |1999 |

|Box 41 | 10 |Xie, Qingzhi |1986 |

| |Radio host | |

|Box 41 | 11 |Chinn, Heung Mei (Chen, Xingmei) |1951, 1958, 1976, 2001 |

|Box 41 | 12 |Liu, Jialing |1998 |

|Box 41 | 13 |Miscellaneous |1985, 2000, n.d. |

| |Restauranteur | |

|Box 41 | 14 |Cai, Nuan |1987 |

|Box 41 | 15 |Chiang, Cecilia (Jiang, Sum Yun) |1985, 1989, 2000 |

|Box 41 | 16 |Chin, Leeann (Chen, Lian) |1990 |

|Box 41 | 17 |Ching, Vicky (Guo, Yupei) |1996, 2000 |

|Box 41 | 18-19 |Dong, Zhujun to Wong, Doug |1989-2001 |

| |Scientist | |

|Box 41 | 20-23 |Chen, Heng to Chien, Shu (Qian, Xu) |1991-2002 |

|Box 41 | 24 |Chu, Steven (Zhu, Diwen) |1997-2000 |

|Box 41 | 25 |Cui, Qi |1998-2001 |

|Box 41 | 26 |Deng, Jiaxian |2000-2001 |

|Box 41 | 27 |Ding, Samuel C.C. (Ding, Zhaozhong) |1976-2000 |

|Box 41 | 28-30 |Fung, Yuan-cheng (Feng, Yuanzhen) to Gu, Yuxiu |1970-2000 |

|Box 41 | 31 |Ho, David (He, Dayi) |1996-1999 |

|Box 41 | 32-38 |Hsu, Carl (Xu, Jun) to Lee, Patrick (Li, Yongguang) |1999, n.d. |

|Box 41 | 39 |Lee, Yuan T. (Li, Yuanzhe) |1985-2000 |

|Box 41 | 40 |Li, Choh Hao |1996 |

|Box 41 | 41-44 |Li, Kuo-ching (Li, Guoqin) to Li, Youyi |1987-2002 |

|Box 41 | 45 |Li, Zhengdao |2000-2001 |

|Box 41 | 46 |Li, Zhuohao |1971-1988 |

|Box 41 | 47-50 |Liu, Ruihai to Lu, Zhengtian |2000 |

|Box 41 | 51 |Needham, Joseph |1990-2001 |

|Box 41 | 52 |Niu, Manjiang |1986, 1994 |

|Box 41 | 53 |Qian, Xuesen |1978-2001 |

|Box 41 | 54-64 |Qian, Zhuo to Tsuei, C.C. (Cui, Zhangqi) |1998-1999 |

|Box 42 | 1-6 |Wang, Chengkang to Wang, Youzeng |1995-1998 |

|Box 42 | 7 |Wu, Dayou |1986-2000 |

|Box 42 | 8 |Wu, Jianxiong |1984, 2000 |

|Box 42 | 9-13 |Xie, Ganquan to Yang, Xiangzhong |1999-2001 |

|Box 42 | 14 |Yang, Zhenning |1987-2001 |

|Box 42 | 15-25 |Yeh, Hsien-yang (Ye, Xianyang) to Zhu, Guangya |1994-1995 |

|Box 42 | 26 |Zhu, Jingwu |1987-2002 |

|Box 42 | 27-28 |Miscellaneous |1971-2002, n.d. |

| |Scientist (Aerospace) | |

|Box 42 | 29 |Tang, Xinyuan |1994-1998 |

|Box 42 | 30 |Zhang, Guangbao |1994 |

|Box 42 | 31 |Miscellaneous |1968-2000 |

| |Sociologist | |

|Box 42 | 32 |Chen, Hansheng |1983, 1992-1997 |

|Box 42 | 33 |Siu, Paul (Xiao, Zhenpeng) |1979 |

| |Spy | |

|Box 42 | 34 |Cheng, Yiming |1986 |

|Box 42 | 35 |Chin, Larry Wu-tai (Jin, Wudai) |1985-1986 |

|Box 42 | 36 |Li, Shiyu |2001 |

|Box 42 | 37 |Zhang, Xianyi |1988-2000 |

|Box 42 | 38 |Wen Qiang (Zhang, Jingbo) |1992 |

|Box 42 | 39 |Zuoerge, Richard |1995 |

|Box 42 | 40 |Miscellaneous |1976-2000 |

| |Taoist priest | |

|Box 42 | 41 |Wang, Yuanlu |1998, 2000 |

| |Television producer | |

|Box 42 | 42 |Chen, Matt |1999 |

|Box 42 | 43 |Yee, James |2001 |

| |Television reporter | |

|Box 42 | 44 |Chen, Joie (Chen, Jiaoyi) |2001 |

|Box 42 | 45 |Chung, Connie (Zong, Yuhua) |1976-2002 |

|Box 42 | 46 |Jiang, Ying |2001 |

|Box 42 | 47 |Kan, Yue-sai (Jin, Yuxi) |1986-2002 |

|Box 42 | 48 |Kwan, Lily (Guan, Lili) |2001 |

|Box 42 | 49 |Li, Wenzhong |1994 |

|Box 42 | 50 |Li, Yanqiu |1996 |

|Box 42 | 51 |Shih, Jay Stone (Shi, Dong) |1998-2000 |

|Box 42 | 52 |Tong, Kaity (Dong, Kaiti) |1986-1993 |

|Box 42 | 53 |Miscellaneous |1973-1995 |

| |Warlord (China) | |

|Box 43 | 1 |Duan, Qirui |2002 |

|Box 43 | 2 |Feng, Yuxiang |1947-1948, 1970-2002 |

|Box 43 | 3 |Liang, Shiyi |n.d. |

|Box 43 | 4 |Ni, Sichong |1986 |

|Box 43 | 5 |Wu, Peifu |1970-1971, 2002 |

|Box 43 | 6 |Yan, Xishan |1984-2001 |

|Box 43 | 7 |Zhang, Jingyao |1986 |

|Box 43 | 8 |Zhang, Zongchang |1986, 2002, n.d. |

|Box 43 | 9 |Zhang, Zuolin |1995 |

|Box 43 | 10 |Zhang, Zuoxiang |2002 |

| |Writer | |

|Box 43 | 11 |Ba, Jin |1996-2001 |

|Box 43 | 12 |Bai, Lixin |1958 |

|Box 43 | 13-14 |Bai, Xianyong to Bing, Ling |1996-2002 |

|Box 43 | 15 |Buck, Pearl |1994-2002 |

|Box 43 | 16-20 |Cao, Fengji to Cao, Yu (Wan, Jiabao) |1971-1997 |

|Box 43 | 21-24 |Chang, Iris (Zhang, Chunru) to Chen, Guifang |1981-1999 |

|Box 43 | 25 |Chen, Jack (Chen, Yifan) |1938, 1982-1997 |

|Box 43 | 26 |Chen, Ruoxi |1987-1995 |

|Box 43 | 27 |Cheng, Baoyi |2002 |

|Box 43 | 28 |Cheu, Richard A. |1999 |

|Box 43 | 29 |Chin, Frank (Zhao, Jianxiu) |1972-1994 |

|Box 43 | 30 |Chuck, Maurice (Huang, Yunji) |1995-2000 |

|Box 43 | 31-45 |Dai, Houying to Gao, Tiansheng |1986-1997 |

|Box 43 | 46 |Gao, Xingjian |2000-2001 |

|Box 43 | 47 |Ge, Yun |1995-1999 |

|Box 43 | 48-51 |Guan, Chunru to Ha Gong (Xu, Guo) |1987-1998 |

|Box 43 | 52 |Ha Jin (Jin, Xuefei) |1999-2001 |

|Box 43 | 53-57 |Hahn, Emily (Xiang, Meili) to Hong, Sisi |1989-2000 |

|Box 44 | 1-9 |Hu, Yuzhi to Jiang, Jili |1998-2002 |

|Box 44 | 10 |Jiang, Xizeng |1927-1928, 1940-1941, |

| | | |1983 |

|Box 44 | 11-12 |Jiang, Yi to Jin, Shengtan |2000-2001 |

|Box 44 | 13 |Jin, Yong |1989-2001 |

|Box 44 | 14 |Kingston, Maxine Hong (Tang, Tingting) |1976-1995 |

|Box 44 | 15 |Lan, Xi |1997-2000 |

|Box 44 | 16 |Laonan |1993-1998 |

|Box 44 | 17 |Laoshe (Shu, Yuchun) |1980-2000 |

|Box 44 | 18 |Lau, Evelyn |2001 |

|Box 44 | 19-23 |Lee, Gus (Li, Jiansun) to Li, Ao |1992-2000 |

|Box 44 | 24-28 |Li, Boyuan to Li, Jieyi |1986-1999 |

|Box 44 | 29 |Li, Jinyang |1987-2002 |

|Box 44 | 30-39 |Li, Li to Lim, Gin Fu (Lim, Happy; Lin Jianfu) |1985-1995, n.d. |

|Box 44 | 40 |Lin, Haiyin |2000-2002 |

|Box 44 | 41 |Lin, Shu (Lin, Qinnan) |1972-1988, n.d. |

|Box 44 | 42 |Lin, Taiyi |1996, 2000 |

|Box 44 | 43 |Lin, Yutang |1936, 1955, 1976-2002 |

|Box 44 | 44-47 |Ling, Feng (Lin, Baohua) to Liu, Bannong |2000-2001 |

|Box 44 | 48-51 |Liu, Boji to Liu, Huangtian |1967-2002 |

|Box 44 | 52-56 |Liu, Lily (Liu, Xiaoli) to Lord, Bette Bao (Bao, Boyi) |1982-1999 |

|Box 45 | 1-4 |Louis, Chu (Lei, Tingchao) to Lu, Dayu |1951-2000 |

|Box 45 | 5-12 |Lu, Xun (Zhou, Shuren) to Malmqvist, Goran (Ma, Yueran) |2000-2002 |

|Box 45 | 13-20 |McCunn, Ruthanne Lum (Lin, Lude) to Ni, Kuang |1983-2000 |

|Box 45 | 21 |Nie, Hualing |1984-2000 |

|Box 45 | 22 |Qu, Weiye |1994-1998 |

|Box 45 | 23-28 |Pan, Gongzhan to Qian, Zhongshu |1992-2002, n.d. |

|Box 45 | 29-33 |Qin, Mu to Shapiro, Sidney |2000, n.d. |

|Box 45 | 34 |Shen, Congwen |1980, 2002 |

|Box 45 | 35 |Shen, Ruiyu |1996 |

|Box 45 | 36 |Sui Sin Far (Eaton, Edith Maude) |1897-1909, 1981, 1996 |

|Box 45 | 37 |Tan, Amy (Tan, Enmei) |1989-2001 |

|Box 45 | 38 |Tsoi, Lillian |n.d. |

|Box 45 | 39-47 |Tu, Shen to Wang, Xingchu |1970-1999 |

|Box 45 | 48-51 |Wang, Yunwu to Wong, Henry Kwok (Huang, Dingguo) |1985-2000 |

|Box 46 | 1-9 |Wong, Jade Snow (Huang, Yuxue) to Wu, Mingshi (Bu, Baonan) |1967-1996 |

|Box 46 | 10-16 |Wu, Zhaolin to Xiao, Yi |1993-1995 |

|Box 46 | 17 |Xie, Bingxin |1995-2002 |

|Box 46 | 18 |Xie, Bingying |1994-2000 |

|Box 46 | 19 |Xie, Fuya |1974 |

|Box 46 | 20-23 |Xu, Dishan to Yan, Geling |1990-2000 |

|Box 46 | 24-30 |Yang, Gang to Ye, Yonglie |1994-2001 |

|Box 46 | 31 |Yee, Ah Tye (Yu, Da) |1896, 1985-1998 |

|Box 46 | 32-34 |Yep, Laurence (Ye, Xiangtian) to Yin, Zhipeng |1990-1995 |

|Box 46 | 35 |Yip, Hen Seung (Yip, Jimmy; Ye, Bing-shan; Ye, Yianxiang) |1944-1945, 1995-1999 |

|Box 46 | 36-38 |Yong, Grace (Yang, Yuhua) to Yu, Guangzhong |1997-1999 |

|Box 46 | 39 |Yu, Lihua |1980-2000 |

|Box 46 | 40 |Yu, Liqing |1997-2001 |

|Box 46 | 41-45 |Yu, Renqiu to Zhai, Meili |1997-2000 |

|Box 46 | 46 |Zhang, Ailing |1991-2000 |

|Box 47 | 1-7 |Zhang, Henshui to Zhang, Xiuya |1986-2001 |

|Box 47 | 8-26 |Zhao, Haosheng to Zhu, Xiujuan |1997-2001 |

|Box 47 | 27 |Zhu, Zi-qing |1985, 2000 |

|Box 47 | 28 |Zhuang, Yin |1995-1999 |

|Box 47 | 29 |Zia, Helen (Xie, Hanlan) |1998-2000 |

|Box 47 | 30-32 |Miscellaneous |1959-2002, n.d. |

|Box 47 | 33-35 |Chinese Americans (Miscellaneous) |1900-2002, n.d. |

|Box 47 | 36 |Chinese overseas (Miscellaneous) |1969-2001 |

|C.: Organizations, 1853-2002, n.d. |

| |General | |

| |Officers | |

|Carton 102 | 1-6 |General |1949, 1969-1982, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 102 | 7 |East, Midwest |1949, 1976-1988 |

|Carton 102 | 8 |Los Angeles, Southern California |1976-1985 |

|Carton 102 | 9-10 |Northern California |1976-1985 |

|Carton 102 | 11 |Phoenix, Arizona |1972-1981 |

|Carton 102 | 12 |Portland, Oregon |1976-1982 |

|Carton 102 | 13-17 |San Francisco, California |1968-1983 |

|Carton 102 | 18 |Seattle, Washington |1976-1982 |

|Carton 102 | 19 |Organizational structure charts |1955, 1970-1971, n.d. |

| |Alumni | |

| |China | |

|Carton 102 | 20-23 |General |1971-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 102 | 24 |Beijing University,Yanching Alumni Association Inc. |1976, 1986 |

|Carton 102 | 25 |Southeast Asia |1990-2002 |

|Carton 102 | 26-28 |Taiwan |1972-1995, 2000-2002 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 103 | 1 |General |1992-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 2 |Nam Kue Alumni Association |1981-2001 |

|Carton 103 | 3 |University of California Alumni, Chinese Chapter and Foundation |1975-1996 |

| |Community | |

|Carton 103 | 4-5 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 6 |Amasia Alliance (San Francisco, California) |1992-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 7 |American Chinese Zhi-Qing Association |1997-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 8 |Asian American Federation of New York |1990 |

|Carton 103 | 9 |Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) (San Jose, California) |1991-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 10 |Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) |1975-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 11 |Asian, Inc. (Asian-American Service Institute for Assistance to Neighbors) (San Francisco, |1971-1996 |

| | |California) | |

|Carton 103 | 12 |Asian Civic Association (Boston, Massachusetts) |1971-2000 |

|Carton 103 | 13 |Asian Community Center (ACC) (San Francisco, California) |1970-1975, n.d. |

|Carton 103 | 14 |Asian Community Service Committee (Los Angeles, California) |1990 |

|Carton 103 | 15 |Asian Neighborhood Design (San Francisco, California) |1973-1998 |

|Carton 103 | 16 |Asian Pacific American Advocates of California (APAAC) |1981-1992 |

|Carton 103 | 17 |Asian Pacific Research Development Council |1984 |

|Carton 103 | 18 |Asian Pacific Resource Center |1983-1986 |

|Carton 103 | 19 |Association of Houston Chinese Organizations (Texas) |1983-1997 |

|Carton 103 | 20 |Brooklyn Chinese-American Association (New York) |1996-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 103 | 21 |California - General |1894-1903, 1940-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 22 |Charity Cultural Services Center (San Francisco, California) |1984-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 23 |Chieng Hua Social Education Service Amity |1926-1971 |

|Carton 103 | 24 |Chinese American Association (New York) |1981-2000 |

|Carton 103 | 25 |Chinese American Association of Chicago (Illinois) |1998-1999 |

|Carton 103 | 26 |Chinese-American Cooperative Corporation (San Francisco, California) |1973, n.d. |

|Carton 103 | 27 |Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. (New York, New York) |1979-2000 |

|Carton 103 | 28 |Chinese American Service League (Chicago, Illinois) |1994-1995 |

|Carton 103 | 29 |Chinese American Union of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) |1887-1901 |

|Carton 103 | 30 |Chinese Association of Arkansas Inc. |1944 |

|Carton 103 | 31 |Chinese Association of Greater Detroit (Michigan) |1997-1998 |

|Carton 103 | 32 |Chinese Civic Center (Houston, Texas) |1996-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 33 |Chinese Community Club (New York, New York) |1949 |

|Carton 103 | 34 |Chinese Community Council of Greater Los Angeles (California) |1974 |

| |Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) | |

|Carton 103 | 35 |General |1970-2002, n.d. |

| |Canada | |

|Carton 103 | 36 |General |1972-1997 |

|Carton 103 | 37-39 |Vancouver |1973-1998 |

|Carton 103 | 40 |Convention of Federation of Chinese Organizations of America (F.C.O.A) |1969-2001 |

| |United States | |

|Carton 103 | 41 |Bakersfield, California |1914 |

|Carton 103 | 42 |Boston, Massachusetts |1928-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 103 | 43 |Chicago, Illinois |1971-2002 |

|Carton 103 | 44 |Fresno, California |1914, 1968-1998 |

|Carton 103 | 45 |Honolulu, Hawaii |1954, 1984, 2000 |

|Carton 103 | 46 |Houston, Texas |1970-1999 |

|Carton 103 | 47 |Las Vegas, Nevada |1926, 1974-1976, |

| | | |n.d. |

| |Los Angeles, California | |

|Carton 103 | 48-49 |General |1971-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 1 |Bylaws |1972 |

|Carton 104 | 2 |Elderly |1971-1973, 1986 |

|Carton 104 | 3 |Elections |1970-1997 |

| |New York | |

|Carton 104 | 4-6 |General |1928-1930, |

| | | |1953-1958, |

| | | |1970-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 7 |Li, Li-Bo |1985-1986 |

| |Portland, Oregon | |

|Carton 104 | 8 |General |1913-1999 |

|Carton 104 | 9 |Oregon Chinese News |1973, 1986-1991 |

|Carton 104 | 10 |Sacramento, California |1971-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 11 |San Diego, California |1987 |

| |San Francisco, California | |

|Carton 104 | 12-16 |General |1853, 1906-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 17 |Anti-Communist viewpoint |1967-2001 |

|Carton 104 | 18 |Bylaws |1868-1898, |

| | | |1925-1983 |

|Carton 104 | 19 |Chinese Six Companies by William Hoy |n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 20 |Diplomats' passports |1924-1972, n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 21 |Financial reports |1898, 1992-1997 |

|Carton 104 | 22 |Gee, Thomas |1995-1999 |

|Carton 104 | 23 |Lawsuits |1992 |

|Carton 104 | 24 |Properties |1853, 1969-1980, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 104 | 25 |Reorganization |1968-2000 |

|Carton 104 | 26 |Youth |1968, 1970 |

|Carton 104 | 27 |Seattle, Washington |1913, 1939, |

| | | |1963-1977 |

|Carton 104 | 28 |Stockton, California |1911-1918, |

| | | |1971-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 29 |Washington, D.C. |1971-2000 |

|Carton 104 | 30 |Chinese General Peace Association of California |1913-1925, 1974-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 31 |Chinese Information and Service Center (Seattle, Washington) |1994 |

|Carton 104 | 32 |Chinese Newcomers Service Center (San Francisco, California) |1985-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 33 |Citizens for Better Community (Fremont, California) |1996-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 34 |The Committee of 100 |1991-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 35 |Community Asian Art and Media Project (CAAMP) (San Francisco and Oakland, California) |1981 |

|Carton 104 | 36 |Community Tenants Association (San Francisco, California) |1993 |

|Carton 104 | 37 |Cross-cultural Community Service Center (San Jose, California) |1994-2000 |

|Carton 104 | 38 |Distinguished Citizens Society |1994-2002 |

|Carton 104 | 39 |East Bay Asians for Community Action, Inc. (California) |1975 |

|Carton 105 | 1 |Family Bridge Inc. - Oakland Chinese Community Council (Oakland, California) |1972, 1993-2001 |

|Carton 105 | 2 |Hop Jok Fair (San Francisco, California) |1978-1979, n.d. |

|Carton 105 | 3 |Illinois - General |1994-1998 |

|Carton 105 | 4 |Kiwanis Club |1984-1989 |

|Carton 105 | 5 |Kum Sum Chinese Affairs (San Francisco and Oakland, California) |1988-1997 |

|Carton 105 | 6 |Lions Club |1974-2001 |

|Carton 105 | 7 |National Association of Chinese Americans |1970-1994 |

|Carton 105 | 8-9 |National Chinese Welfare Council |1971-2000 |

|Carton 105 | 10 |New Immigrants' Services |1970-1994 |

|Carton 105 | 11 |New York - General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 12 |Oakland Consolidated Chinese Association (California) |1912, 1971-2001 |

|Carton 105 | 13 |Party and Porridge Club of San Francisco, U.S.A |1995-1996 |

|Carton 105 | 14 |Rotary Club |1990-1996 |

|Carton 105 | 15 |Safety Awareness For Everyone (San Francisco, California) |1998 |

|Carton 105 | 16 |Tea Forum (California) |1975-1986 |

|Carton 105 | 17 |Tung Hua Benevolent Association (San Francisco, California) |1975-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 18 |United Chinese Action (San Francisco, California) |1976-1978 |

|Carton 105 | 19 |United Chinese-American League (California) |1973 |

|Carton 105 | 20 |United Federation of Chinese Associations of New York |1993-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 21 |Wei Min She (California) |1970-1975 |

|Carton 105 | 22 |Xin Feng She (San Francisco, California) |1978-1985 |

|Carton 105 | 23 |Xin Hua Association (San Francisco, California) |1999 |

|Carton 105 | 20 |Yellow Seeds (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) |1972-1979 |

|Carton 105 | 25 |Yoke Choy Club (San Francisco, California) |1971 |

| |Cultural | |

|Carton 105 | 26 |General |1896-1902, 1929-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 27 |The Asia Society |1989-1996 |

|Carton 105 | 28 |Asian Cultural Center (New York, New York) |2001 |

|Carton 105 | 29 |Bay Area Asian-American Cultural Society (California) |1994-1995 |

|Carton 105 | 30 |COFCO Chinese Cultural Center (Phoenix, Arizona) |1996 |

|Carton 105 | 31 |California - General |1985-1995 |

|Carton 105 | 32 |Central California Chinese Cultural Center |1995-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 33 |The Chinese Cultural and Community Center (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) |1999 |

|Carton 105 | 34 |Chinese Culture Association (Palo Alto, California) |1966-1999 |

|Carton 105 | 35 |Chinese Culture Center (Hartford, Connecticut) |1999-2000 |

|Carton 105 | 36 |Chinese Culture Institute – International Society (Boston, Massachusetts) |1982-2000 |

|Carton 105 | 37 |Chinese Culture Network (Eli Lilly and Company) (Indianapolis, Indiana) |2002 |

|Carton 105 | 38 |Cleveland Contemporary Chinese Cultural Association (CCCCA) (Ohio) |1996 |

|Carton 105 | 39 |DFW Chinese Culture Center (Dallas, Texas) |2001 |

|Carton 105 | 40 |Diablo Valley Chinese Cultural Association (Concord, California) |1993-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 41 |Hua Xing Wenhua Yishu Xueyuan (San Francisco, California) |1987-1994 |

|Carton 105 | 42 |Marin Chinese Cultural Group (San Rafael, California) |1976-1977 |

|Carton 105 | 43 |Nan Hai Arts Center (Millbrae, California) |1988-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 44 |Oakland Asian Culture Center (California) |1986-2001 |

|Carton 105 | 45 |San Francisco American Chinese Cultural Center (California) |1986-2001 |

| |Environmental | |

|Carton 105 | 46 |General |1993-2002 |

|Carton 105 | 47 |Chinese American Environmental Protection Association (CAEPA) |1988-1998 |

|Carton 105 | 48 |Chinese Association of World Wildlife Conservation (CAWWC) |1998-1999 |

|Carton 105 | 49 |International Chinese Environmental Protection Conference (ICEPC) |1995 |

| |Family and clan (Zongqinghui) | |

|Carton 106 | 1 |General |1973-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 2 |Ao |1968 |

|Carton 106 | 3 |Chen |1901-1928, 1957-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 4 |Chew Lun Association (Tan, Xu, Xie) |1924-1928, 1963-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 5 |Deng, Ong Ko-met Association |1973-2001 |

|Carton 106 | 6 |Dong, Yang, Tong, Yang |1988-1999 |

|Carton 106 | 7 |Feng Lun Benevolent Association (Situ, Xue) |1928, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 8-9 |Gee How Oak Tin Association (Chen, Hu, Yuan) |1926-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 10-11 |Gee Tuck San Tuck Association (Wu, Zhou, Cai, Weng, Cao) |1904-1937, 1950-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 106 | 12 |Guan |1970-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 13 |Guo |1984-1999 |

|Carton 106 | 14 |He |1999, 2002 |

|Carton 106 | 15 |Hu |1964-2001 |

|Carton 106 | 16-18 |Huang, Wong Family Benevolent Association |1870-1901, 1923-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 106 | 19 |Jiang, Li, He |1928-1935, 1960-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 106 | 20 |Lei |1975-2001 |

|Carton 106 | 21-22 |Li, Lee Family Association |1904, 1920-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 106 | 23 |Conventions |1969-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 24 |Lee Federal Credit Union |1970-2002 |

|Carton 106 | 25 |Liang |1954-2001 |

|Carton 106 | 26 |Liao |1974-2000 |

|Carton 106 | 27 |Lie Shan Benevolent Association (Lu, Lu, Gao, Xu, Ji) |1991-1994 |

|Carton 107 | 1 |Lin, Lim Family Benevolent Society |1950-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 2 |Liu |1916-1928, 1970-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 3 |Liu Gui Benevolent Association (Hong, Jiang, Weng, Fang, Gong, Ren) |1994-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 4 |Lu Wei Bin Benevolent Association |1986 |

|Carton 107 | 5-6 |Lung Kong Tin Yee Association (Liu, Guan, Zhang, Zhao) |1901-1929, 1951-1989 |

|Carton 107 | 7 |Lung Kong Tin Yee Association |1990-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 8 |Luo |1974-1977 |

|Carton 107 | 9 |Ma |1970-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 10 |Ma, Mar's Association |1973-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 11 |Mei |1971-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 12 |Mo |1971-1998 |

|Carton 107 | 13 |Pan |1986-1997 |

|Carton 107 | 14 |Qiu |1997-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 15 |Ruan |1988-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 16-18 |Soo Yuen Benevolent Association (Lei, Fang, Kuang) |1911-1927, 1941-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 107 | 19 |Su |1970-1999 |

|Carton 107 | 20 |Sun |1970-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 21 |Tan |1988-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 22 |Wang |1987 |

|Carton 107 | 23 |Wu |1996-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 24 |Wu, Eng Family Association |1923-1952, 1972-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 25 |Xie |1979-2000 |

|Carton 107 | 26-27 |Xu |1931, 1984, 1993 |

|Carton 107 | 28 |Ye |1966-2000 |

|Carton 107 | 29 |Yu |1986-1996 |

| |Yu, Yee Fung Toy Family Association | |

|Carton 107 | 30-32 |General |1924-2002 |

|Oversize Folder 2AAS |List of officers |1994 |

|Carton 107 | 33 |Yuan |1964-1999 |

|Carton 107 | 34 |Zeng |1966-1995 |

|Carton 107 | 35 |Zhao |1966-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 36 |Zhang |1966-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 37 |Zhen, Gin Sun Hall Benevolent Association |1970-2001 |

|Carton 107 | 38 |Zheng, Cheng Society of America |1989-1995 |

|Carton 107 | 39 |Zhou |1989-2002 |

|Carton 107 | 40 |Zhu, Gee Family Association |1926-2002 |

| |Locality (Gongsuo, Huiguan, Shantung, Tongxianghui) | |

|Carton 108 | 1-2 |General |1874-1928, 1946-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 3 |Anhui |1986-1998 |

|Carton 108 | 4 |Beijing |1991-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 5 |Chinese ethnic groups |2001 |

|Carton 108 | 6 |Dongbei |1991-2000 |

| |Fujian | |

|Carton 108 | 7-9 |General |1981-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 10 |Ba Min Tongxianghui |1991-1998 |

|Carton 108 | 11 |Chambers of Commerce and related organizations |1984-1995 |

|Carton 108 | 12 |Conventions |1990-2000 |

|Carton 108 | 13 |Fukien American Association, Inc. |1982-2001 |

|Carton 108 | 14 |Fuzhou Sanshan Lianyihui |1984-1997 |

|Carton 108 | 15 |Fuzhou Shi Qiao Lian Zong Hui |2002 |

|Carton 108 | 16 |Jinjiang Tongxianghui |1997 |

|Carton 108 | 17 |Min Nan Tongxianghui |1993-1996 |

|Carton 108 | 18 |Overseas Fukienese Association U.S.A |1984-2001 |

|Carton 108 | 19 |San Diego Fukienese Association U.S.A |1996-2000 |

|Carton 108 | 20 |Southern California Fukienese Association |1982-2000 |

|Carton 108 | 21 |United Fujianese of America Association |1992-2000 |

|Carton 108 | 22 |The United Fukienese Association of North America |1990-1998 |

|Carton 108 | 23 |Western Fukien Benevolent Association |1982-1997 |

| |Guangdong | |

|Carton 108 | 24 |General |1974-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 25 |Cantonese Provincial Association, Taipei |1974-1990 |

| |Chaozhou | |

|Carton 108 | 26-28 |General |1971-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 29 |Silicon Valley Chao Chow Community Center of San Jose California, U.S.A |1990-2000 |

|Carton 108 | 30 |Southern California Chaur Jou Association, Teo-Chew Association |1984-2002 |

|Carton 108 | 31-33 |Teo Chew Community Center, Inc., Northern California, U.S.A |1982-2002 |

| |Fah Yuan Benevolent Association (Chong Sen Benevolent Association) (Huaxian Huiquan) | |

|Carton 108 | 34 |General |1974-2001 |

|Carton 108 | 35 |Fah Yuen Chinese-English Monthly |1967-1969 |

|Carton 108 | 36-37 |Fah Yuen Chinese-English Quarterly |1969-1993 |

|Carton 108 | 38 |Gom-Benn Village Society (Ganbian Tongxianghui) |1979-1980 |

|Carton 109 | 1 |Hop Wo Benevolent Association (Hehe Huiguan) |1862, 1970-2001 |

|Carton 109 | 2-3 |Hoy Ping Benevolent Association (Kaiping Tongxianghui) |1947-2001 |

|Carton 109 | 4-5 |Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association (Taishan Ningyang Zonghuiguan) |1934, 1952-2002 |

|Carton 109 | 6 |Hoy Yin Association (Haiyan Tongxianghui) |1986-2001 |

|Carton 109 | 7 |Kong Chow Benevolent Association (Gangzhou Huiguan) |1859, 1907, 1928, |

| | | |1954-2002 |

|Carton 109 | 8 |Look Yup Tung Sing Tong (Liuyi Tongshantang) |1901-1902, |

| | | |1970-1971 |

|Carton 109 | 9 |Nam Ping Benevolent Association (Nanping Gongsuo) |1972-2002 |

|Carton 109 | 10 |Nam Hoy Fook Yum Benevolent Society (Nanhai Fuyin Tang) |1943, 1974-2002 |

|Carton 109 | 11 |Nam Hoy Saichew Association, United Sai Chew Society (Nanhai Xiqiao Tongxianghui) |1996-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 109 | 12 |Nanhai Jiujiang Cishan Gonghui |1976-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 109 | 13 |Nanhai Shishan Shuben Shantang |1996 |

|Carton 109 | 14 |Nom Hoy and Shun Tuck Association, Inc. (Nanhai Shunde Tongxianghui) |1969, 1996-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 109 | 15 |Panyu Tongxianghui |1989-1997 |

|Carton 109 | 16 |Pon Yup Chong How Benevolent Association (Panyu Changhou Tang) |1870, 1907, |

| | | |1957-2000 |

| |Sam Yup Benevolent Association (Sanyi Huiguan) | |

|Carton 109 | 17-19 |General |1852-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 109 | 20 |Bylaws |1932-2000 |

|Carton 109 | 21 |Chronology |1851-1977 |

|Carton 109 | 22 |Feud with Sze Yup (Siyi) |1869-1898, 1975 |

|Carton 109 | 23 |Hanford |1920, 1947 |

|Carton 109 | 24 |History in the United States |1998 |

|Carton 109 | 25 |Occupations of Sam Yup members |1973, n.d. |

|Carton 110 | 1 |Shunde Tongxianghui |1983-1991, n.d. |

|Carton 110 | 2 |Hung On Benevolent Association (Hung On Tung Society, Inc.) (Shunde Hangan Shantang) |1973-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 3 |Southern California Cantonese Association |1966-1999 |

|Carton 110 | 4 |Sue Hing Benevolent Association (Zhaoqing Zonghuiguan) |1909, 1949, |

| | | |1970-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 5 |Sun Wui (Xinhui), Hok Shan (Heshan) |1972-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 6 |Sze Yap Association (Siyi Huiguan) |1905, 1974-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 7 |World Kwong Tong Community Association (Shijie Guangdong Tongxiang Zonghui) |1990-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 8 |Wu Yi Tongxiang Lianyihui |1988-2001 |

| |Yeong Wo Benevolent Association (Yanghe Huiguan) | |

|Carton 110 | 9 |General |1970-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 10 |Bylaws |1965-1997 |

|Carton 110 | 11-12 |Financial reports |1978-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 13 |Dongguan Bao-an Shantang |1953-2002 |

| |Zhongshan | |

|Carton 110 | 14 |General |2000 |

|Carton 110 | 15 |Chung-shan Association |1990-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 16 |Dun Shan Tang |1986-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 17 |Dutou Qiao Yi Suo |2002 |

|Carton 110 | 18 |Guishantang |1985-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 19 |Hee Shen Benevolent Association (Xi Shantang) |1970-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 20 |Jack Sen Benevolent Association (Ji Shantang) |1974-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 21 |Jop Sen Tong (Shang Gong Du Ji Shantang) |1932-1991 |

|Carton 110 | 22 |Leong Sen Benevolent Association (Liang Shantang) |1970, 1986-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 23 |Tung Sen Benevolent Association (Tong Shantang) |1941, 1968-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 24 |The Worldwide Chung Shan Association and Taipei Chung Shan Association |1997 |

| |Guangdong,Guangxi | |

|Carton 110 | 25 |Qinlian Lingfang Tongxianghui |2001-2002 |

| |Guangxi | |

|Carton 110 | 26-29 |General |1988-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 30 |Guangxi Fraternal Association, New York City |1986 |

| |Hainan | |

|Carton 110 | 31-33 |General |1993-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 34 |Conventions |1992-1995 |

|Carton 110 | 35 |Hai Nam Association of Northern California U.S.A |1990-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 36 |Hai Nam Association of Southern California U.S.A |1984-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 37 |Kang Jai Association (Qiongya Tongxianghui) |1950-1970 |

|Carton 110 | 38 |Hebei |1990-1999 |

|Carton 110 | 39 |Heilongjiang |2000 |

|Carton 110 | 40 |Henan |1988-2001 |

| |Hong Kong | |

|Carton 110 | 41 |General |1989-1998 |

|Carton 110 | 42 |Alliance of Hong Kong Chinese in the United States |1990-1998 |

|Carton 110 | 43 |Hong Kong Club |1995-2001 |

|Carton 110 | 44 |Friends of Hong Kong and Macau Association |1992-1998 |

|Carton 110 | 45 |Huabei |1970-1974 |

|Carton 110 | 46 |Hubei |1984-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 47 |Hunan |1996-2001 |

| |Jiangsu | |

|Carton 110 | 48 |General |1992-2000 |

|Carton 110 | 49 |Nanjing Tongxianghui |1997-1999 |

|Carton 110 | 50 |Jiangxi |1986-2002 |

|Carton 110 | 51 |Liaoning |1994-1996 |

|Carton 111 | 1 |Lun Sing Association (Liancheng Gongsuo) (New York, New York) |1958, 1986-2001 |

|Carton 111 | 2 |Shandong |1986-2001 |

|Carton 111 | 3-4 |Shanghai |1989-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 5 |Shanxi |1996-2001 |

|Carton 111 | 6 |Sichuan |1995-2000 |

|Carton 111 | 7 |Som Kiang Association (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi) |1954, 1985-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 8 |Su Zhe Tongxianghui |1986-1997 |

|Carton 111 | 9 |Tianjin |1997-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 10 |Xibei |2001 |

|Carton 111 | 11 |Xinan region |1995-2000 |

|Carton 111 | 12 |Yunan |1984-2001 |

| |Zhejiang | |

|Carton 111 | 13 |General |1993-2001 |

|Carton 111 | 14 |Wenzhou Tongxianghui |1988-2001 |

| |Professional | |

|Carton 111 | 15-16 |General |1974-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 17 |Asian Pacific Personnel Association (APPA) |1981-1982 |

|Carton 111 | 18 |Association of Chinese Professionals |1996 |

|Carton 111 | 19 |Chinese American Academic and Professional Society (CAAPS) |1986-2001 |

|Carton 111 | 20 |Chinese Employees Association of Pacific Gas and Electric Company |1985, 1987 |

|Carton 111 | 21 |The Chinese Professional Club, Houston |1988-1997 |

|Carton 111 | 22 |Postal Service Professionals |1999 |

|Carton 111 | 23 |Sino American Certified Public Accountants Association |1996-1997 |

|Carton 111 | 24 |Sino-Professional Club of Houston |1995-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 25 |Taiwanese professionals |1992-1999 |

| |Student | |

|Carton 111 | 26 |General |1941, 1972-2002 |

|Carton 111 | 27 |Asian American Students Association |1995 |

|Carton 111 | 28 |Asian Students Union |1974-1978 |

|Carton 111 | 29 |Bay Area Students for Chinese Assistance |1968 |

|Carton 111 | 30 |Chinese American Students Association |1994 |

|Carton 111 | 31 |The Chinese Students' Alliance |1928-1933 |

|Carton 111 | 32 |Chinese Students' Association of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) |1984 |

|Carton 111 | 33 |Chinese Students Club of City College of San Francisco (California) |1949 |

|Carton 111 | 34 |Taiwanese Students Associations |1985-2000 |

|D.: Slides, 1972-1979, n.d. |

| |China | |

|Box 48 | 1 |General |1977, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 2 |Chin Gee Hee (Chen, Yixi) |n.d. |

|Box 48 | 3 |China Mail |1979, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 4 |China Trade and clipper ships |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 5 |Coolie trade, emigration |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 6 |Country scenes |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 7 |Natural disasters |1977, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 8 |Peasant rebellion |1976, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 9 |Western incursions (Opium War) |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 10-14 |Chinatown (San Francisco, California) |1972-1978, n.d. |

| |Chinese in the United States | |

|Box 49 | 1 |General |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 2-4 |Anti-Chinese cartoons, legislation, violence |1976-1977, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 5 |Art |n.d. |

|Box 49 | 6 |Elderly |1975-1976, n.d. |

|Box 48 | 7 |Farming |n.d. |

|Box 49 | 8 |Fishing |1976-1977, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 9 |Immigration (early) |1977, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 10 |International Hotel protests |1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 11 |Mining |1975-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 12 |1960s and 1970s |1977, 1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 13 |Parrot Building |1976-1978 |

|Box 49 | 14 |People |1977, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 15 |Political activities |1976, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 16 |Railroads |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 17 |Rural Chinese communities |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 18 |Scientists |1976-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 19 |Stereotypes |1977-1978, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 20 |Wineries and urban occupations |1975, n.d. |

|Box 49 | 21 |World War II and the post-war decade |1976, n.d. |

|SERIES 2: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, 1949-1950, 1960-2002, n.d. |

| |Correspondence | |

| |Individuals | |

|Box 50 | 1 |General |1969-2001 |

|Box 50 | 2 |Abbott, Elizabeth Lee |1978, 1993-1997 |

|Box 50 | 3 |Ahket, Toylann |2000 |

|Box 50 | 4 |Armentrout-Ma, Eve |1972-1979, 1990 |

|Box 50 | 5 |"A" Miscellaneous |1981-1997, n.d. |

|Box 50 | 6 |Barry, Frances |1993 |

|Box 50 | 7 |"B" Miscellaneous |1970-1998, n.d. |

|Box 50 | 8 |Cai, Fujiu |1997 |

|Box 50 | 9 |Cai, Nuliang |1985-1991 |

|Box 50 | 10 |Chan, Ernest |1977 |

|Box 50 | 11 |Chan, Sucheng |1982, 1993 |

|Box 50 | 12 |Chann, Ernest |1981-1992 |

|Box 50 | 13 |Chen, Chialin |1973 |

|Box 50 | 14 |Chen, John C. |1996-1997 |

|Box 50 | 15 |Chen, Richard A. |1999 |

|Box 50 | 16 |Chong, Douglas |1999 |

|Box 50 | 17 |Chong, Susan |1972 |

|Box 50 | 18 |Chou, Don (Zhou, Laozhu) |1975-1992 |

|Box 50 | 19 |Chung, Sue Fawn |1972-1977, |

| | | |1992-1997 |

|Box 50 | 20 |Cohen, Lucy M. |1986-2001 |

|Box 50 | 21 |Craib, Raymond B. |1996, 1998 |

|Box 50 | 22 |Cui, Shuyi |1985-1987 |

|Box 50 | 23 |"C" Miscellaneous |1970-2001 |

|Box 51 | 1 |Djao, Wei |1997 |

|Box 51 | 2 |Du, Wencan |1984-1987 |

|Box 51 | 3 |"D" Miscellaneous |1979-1991 |

|Box 51 | 4 |"E" Miscellaneous |1969, 1986-1997 |

|Box 51 | 5 |Fang, Jigen |1994 |

|Box 51 | 6 |Fee, Ben (Zhang, Hentang) |1973-1977 |

|Box 51 | 7 |Foner, Philip S. |1970 |

|Box 51 | 8 |Fong, Joe Chung (Feng, Zongzu) |1987-2000 |

|Box 51 | 9 |Fong, Katheryn M. |1973-1981 |

|Box 51 | 10 |Fong, Mak Lau |1996-1997 |

|Box 51 | 11 |Fowler, Josephine |1998-1999 |

|Box 51 | 12 |"F" Miscellaneous |1970-2000 |

|Box 51 | 13 |Green, Victor R. |1998 |

|Box 51 | 14 |"G" Miscellaneous |1971-1998 |

|Box 51 | 15 |Hagman, Wallace R. |1990-1999 |

|Box 51 | 16 |Heflin, Blanche |1973-1975, 1990 |

|Box 51 | 17 |Hirata, Lucie Cheng |1975, 1990 |

|Box 51 | 18 |Hom, Marlon K. (Tan, Yalun) |1980-2000, n.d. |

|Box 51 | 19 |Houn, Fred |1984-1995 |

|Box 51 | 20 |Huang, Kunzhang |1998-2000 |

|Box 51 | 21 |Huang, San |1973, 1974 |

|Box 51 | 22 |Huang, Yinying |1999-2001 |

|Box 51 | 23 |"H" Miscellaneous |1970-2000 |

|Box 51 | 24 |Ichioka, Yuji |1970, 1988 |

|Box 51 | 25 |"I" Miscellaneous |1980, 1995 |

|Box 51 | 26 |"J" Miscellaneous |1973-2000 |

|Box 51 | 27 |Kagan, Leigh |1975-1979 |

|Box 51 | 28 |Kuhn, Philip |1995 |

|Box 51 | 29 |"K" Miscellaneous |1972-1997 |

|Box 52 | 1 |Lai, David C.Y. |1975, 1982 |

|Box 52 | 2 |Lai, Kum Pui |1987-1989 |

|Box 52 | 3 |Larson, Jone |1990-2000 |

|Box 52 | 4 |Lawton, Harry |1987-1988 |

|Box 52 | 5 |Lee, Douglas W. |1979-1996 |

|Box 52 | 6 |Leong, Russell |1997-2000 |

|Box 52 | 7 |Lew, Gordon |1977, 1987 |

|Box 52 | 8 |Li, David (Li, Leiwei) |1989-1991 |

|Box 52 | 9 |Li, Donghai |n.d. |

|Box 52 | 10 |Liao, Jianyu (Leo Suryadinata) |1992-1998 |

|Box 52 | 11 |Ling, George |1978-1980 |

|Box 52 | 12 |Liu, Huar (Liu, Hua) |1995-1996 |

|Box 52 | 13 |Liu, Xin |1988-1990 |

|Box 52 | 14 |Liu, Yuzun and Zheng, Dehua |1982-1994 |

|Box 52 | 15 |Lo, Karl (University of Washington Library) |1983-1983 |

|Box 52 | 16 |Look, Lenore (Lu, Lina) |1996 |

|Box 52 | 17 |Louie, Sinclair |1971 |

|Box 52 | 18 |Lowe, Felicia |1978 |

|Box 52 | 19 |Luk, Judith W. (Lu, Yongxiao) |1982-1990 |

|Box 52 | 20 |Lyman, Stanford |1971 |

|Box 52 | 21 |"L" Miscellaneous |1971-1999 |

|Box 52 | 22 |Mai, Yinghao and Lu, Zihui |1984-2000 |

|Box 52 | 23 |Mazumdar, Sucheta |1996 |

|Box 52 | 24 |McCunn, Ruthanne Lum (Lin, Lude) |1983-1997 |

|Box 52 | 25 |Miller, Sally M. |1974, 1987-1988 |

|Box 52 | 26 |"M" Miscellaneous |1973-1997 |

|Box 53 | 1 |Naruse, Chieko |1999 |

|Box 53 | 2 |Ng, Franklin |1979, 1993-2000 |

|Box 53 | 3 |Ng, Wing Chung (Wu, Rongzhong) |1990-1994 |

|Box 53 | 4 |"N" Miscellaneous |1973-1993 |

|Box 53 | 5 |"O" Miscellaneous |1980, 1987-1993 |

|Box 53 | 6 |"P" Miscellaneous |1977-1996 |

|Box 53 | 7 |"Q-R" Miscellaneous |1974-1997 |

|Box 53 | 8 |Sayre, Edgar A. |1968-1971 |

|Box 53 | 9 |Shan, Te-hsing (Shan, Dexing) |1993-1997 |

|Box 53 | 10 |Shen, Jiyao |1999 |

|Box 53 | 11 |Soong, Irma Tam |1972-1990 |

|Box 53 | 12 |Sung, Susan |1998 |

|Box 53 | 13 |"S" Miscellaneous |1973-1999 |

|Box 53 | 14 |Takaki, Ronald |1985 |

|Box 53 | 15-16 |Tang, Yougan |1991-1998, n.d. |

|Box 53 | 17 |Tchen, Jack |1979-1982 |

|Box 53 | 18 |Torok, John Hayakawa |1999-2000 |

|Box 53 | 19 |Tsou, Nancy and Len |1988-1997 |

|Box 53 | 20 |Tsui, Mi Ling |1999-2000 |

|Box 53 | 21 |"T" Miscellaneous |1978-2002 |

|Box 54 | 1 |"U-V" Miscellaneous |1984-1990 |

|Box 54 | 2 |Weng, Bryan Mengyi |2000 |

|Box 54 | 3 |Weng, Tseng-teh (Wen, Zhengde) and Chan, Daniel K.C. |1981-1989 |

|Box 54 | 4 |Wong, Francis (Huang, Yiquan) |1996-1998 |

|Box 54 | 5 |Wong, Henry M.S. (Huang, Wenxiang) |1987-1995 |

|Box 54 | 6 |Wu, Chien-shiung (Wu, Jianxiong) |1982-1994 |

|Box 54 | 7 |Wu, Hsiang-hsiang (Wu, Xiangxiang) |1995-1996 |

|Box 54 | 8 |Wu, Xingci |1990-2000 |

|Box 54 | 9 |"W" Miscellaneous |1972-1999 |

|Box 54 | 10 |Xiao, Weiheng |1999 |

|Box 54 | 11 |Yang, Guobiao |1988-1989 |

|Box 54 | 12 |Yang, Linda |1997 |

|Box 54 | 13 |Ye, Xianen |1988-2001 |

|Box 54 | 14 |Yin, Hongbiao |2000 |

|Box 54 | 15 |Yin, Xiaohuang |2001 |

|Box 54 | 16 |Yu, Renqiu |1982-1996, 2000 |

|Box 54 | 17 |Yung, Judy |1973-2000 |

|Box 54 | 18 |Zeng, Huaxun |1991-1993 |

|Box 54 | 19 |Zeng, Ying |1997-1998 |

|Box 54 | 20 |Zheng, Kuiyi |1982-1984 |

|Box 54 | 21 |Zhou, Nanjing |1999-2000 |

|Box 54 | 22 |"X-Z" Miscellaneous |1971-1992 |

| |Historical and research institutions | |

|Box 55 | 1-8 |General |1968-1998, n.d. |

|Box 55 | 9 |Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. |1971-1972 |

|Box 55 | 10 |California State Library |1968-1974 |

|Box 55 | 11 |Columbia University |1968, 1978-1980 |

|Box 55 | 12 |Cornell University Libraries |1971-1976 |

|Box 55 | 13 |Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University |1970-1978 |

|Box 55 | 14 |Hoover Institution, Stanford University |1968-1979 |

|Box 55 | 15 |Library of Congress |1968-1978 |

|Box 55 | 16 |National Archives and Records Administration |1974, 1992-1998 |

|Box 55 | 17 |Teachers' Curriculum Institute |1998 |

|Box 55 | 18 |University of California, Berkeley |1968-1980 |

|Box 55 | 19 |University of California, Davis |1971 |

|Box 55 | 20 |University of California, Los Angeles |1971-1976, 2000 |

|Box 55 | 21 |University of Washington Libraries |1968-1980 |

|Box 55 | 22 |Wells Fargo Bank History Room |1973 |

| |Requests for research materials | |

|Box 56 | 1 |Canada |1970-1981 |

| |China | |

|Box 56 | 2 |General |1982-1997 |

|Box 56 | 3 |Beijing |1982-1994 |

| |Guangdong | |

|Box 56 | 4 |General |1981-2002 |

|Box 56 | 5 |Guangzhou, Huaxian |1986, 1989-1999, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Box 56 | 6 |Jinan University |1978-1997 |

|Box 56 | 7 |Huadu Returned Overseas Chinese Association |1997, 1999 |

|Box 56 | 8 |Literature and History Committee Office |1995-1996 |

|Box 56 | 9 |Nanhai, Shunde, Foshan |1987-1997 |

|Box 56 | 10 |Taishan |1980-1981 |

|Box 56 | 11 |Wuyi region |1984-2001 |

|Box 56 | 12 |Zhongshan, Zhuhai |1986-1998 |

|Box 56 | 13 |Guangxi |1993-1994 |

|Box 56 | 14 |Chinese churches |1970-1971 |

|Box 56 | 15 |Consulate General of the People's Republic of China (San Francisco, California) |1980-2000 |

|Box 57 | 1-2 |Dissertations and theses |1968-1975 |

|Box 57 | 3 |England |1971, 1987-1988 |

|Box 57 | 4 |Government officials and politicians |1973-1974 |

|Box 57 | 5 |Japan |1970 |

|Box 57 | 6-7 |Newspapers |1968-1983, n.d. |

|Box 57 | 8 |Publishers |1969-1999 |

|Box 57 | 9 |Singapore, South Seas Society |1982-2002 |

|Box 57 | 10 |Taiwan |1984-1997 |

| |Organizations | |

| |Board member | |

| |Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco (CCF) and Chinese Culture Center (CCC) | |

|Carton 112 | 1 |Bylaws |1969-1987 |

|Carton 112 | 2 |Organization information and correspondence |1965-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 112 | 3 |Board of directors and officers |1965-2001 |

| |Executive directors | |

|Carton 112 | 4 |Lim, Lucy |1980-1990 |

|Carton 112 | 5 |Guan, Kathleen |1990-1994 |

|Carton 112 | 6 |Seto, John |1994 |

|Carton 112 | 7 |Staff and members |1974-1981 |

|Carton 112 | 8 |Personnel manual, job descriptions |1977-1994 |

|Carton 112 | 9 |Meeting with CCPVA (Chinatown Council for the Performing and Visual Arts) |1975-1978 |

|Carton 112 | 10 |Space usage issue |1967-1979 |

|Carton 112 | 11 |Docent Council |1975-1977 |

|Carton 112 | 12 |Master plan committee |1978 |

|Carton 112 | 13 |Program's evaluation |1969-1977 |

|Carton 112 | 14 |Program committee |1978-1981 |

|Carton 112 | 15 |Development committee |1980-1988 |

|Carton 112 | 16 |Community Educational Services-Summer Youth Program |1991 |

| |"In Search of Roots" programs | |

|Carton 112 | 17 |General |1990-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 112 | 18 |"Blood and Sweat in the Golden Mountains" (speech) |1996 |

|Carton 113 | 1 |Han and Tang murals |1976-1977 |

|Carton 113 | 2 |Peasant Paintings from Huhsien Country, The People's Republic of China |1977-1978 |

| |Chinese of America, 1785-1980 (exhibition) | |

|Carton 113 | 3 |Correspondence, meeting minutes, brochures |1978-1980 |

|Carton 113 | 4 |Newsletters |1978-1980 |

|Carton 113 | 5 |Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou |1981-1986 |

|Carton 113 | 6 |Hong Kong |1988 |

|Carton 113 | 7-22 |Photographs and negatives |n.d. |

|Box 58 | 1-2 |Draft of text |n.d. |

|Box 58 | 3-17 |Layout |n.d. |

|Box 59 | 1-7 |Typeface, samples and notes |1980, n.d. |

|Oversize 7AAS |Floor plan |n.d. |

|Carton 113 | 23 |"Chinese Women of America, 1834-1982" |1981-1984 |

|Carton 113 | 24 |Folklore workshop |1970-1971 |

|Carton 113 | 25 |Symposium: Chinese Culture within the American Context |1994-1996 |

|Carton 113 | 26 |Retreat |1983 |

|Carton 113 | 27 |Anniversaries |1983, 1995 |

|Carton 113 | 28 |Business seminars |1984 |

| |Guangdong Yue Opera Company performance | |

|Carton 113 | 29 |Correspondence and documents |1982 |

|Carton 113 | 30 |Meetings |1980-1982 |

|Carton 113 | 31 |Introduction speech and programs |1982 |

| |Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Troupe performance | |

|Carton 114 | 1 |Correspondence and meetings |1984-1986 |

|Carton 114 | 2-3 |Budget and schedules |1984-1985 |

|Carton 114 | 4 |Programs |1984-1985 |

|Carton 114 | 5-16 |Events and programs |1969-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 1 |Contributions and membership |1964-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 115 | 2 |Mailing lists |1979 |

|Carton 115 | 3 |Brochures |1968-1994, n.d. |

|Carton 115 | 4 |Newsclippings |1970-1996 |

| |Chinese Historical Society of America (CHSA) | |

|Carton 115 | 5 |Correspondence, organization materials |1976-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 115 | 6 |Chinese American National Museum and Learning Center |1994-2001 |

|Carton 115 | 7 |Board members, membership |1987, 2001-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 8 |Meetings |1988-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 9 |Board and Staff Strategic Planning Retreat |2001-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 10 |Publication committee |1985-1999 |

|Carton 115 | 11 |Grant applications |1971, 1980, 2000 |

|Carton 115 | 12 |The Life, Influence and the Role of the Chinese in the United States, 1776-1960 |1975 |

| | |(conference) | |

|Carton 115 | 13 |Oral history projects |1979-1983, n.d. |

| |Exhibitions | |

|Carton 115 | 14 |Journeys Made…Journeys to Come |1978-1979 |

|Carton 115 | 15-16 |The Chinese of America: Toward a More Perfect Union |2001-2002 |

| |Field trips | |

|Carton 115 | 17 |San Jose, California (photographs) |1970 |

|Carton 115 | 18 |Locke, Courtland, Sacramento (California) |1971, 1976 |

|Carton 115 | 19 |Mexicali, Mexico |1987, 1991, n.d. |

|Carton 115 | 20 |Tour of China |1988-1989 |

|Carton 115 | 21 |38th Anniversary luncheon celebration |2001 |

|Carton 115 | 22 |Job listings |2001-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 23 |Finances |2001 |

|Carton 115 | 24 |Bulletin, events, and programs |1972-2002 |

|Carton 115 | 25 |Newsclippings |1973-2001 |

| |Conferences | |

|Carton 116 | 1 |Chinese American History Seminar, Lutheran Chinese Ministry (Los Angeles, California) |1975 |

|Carton 116 | 2-3 |1980 National Conference on Chinese American Studies (San Francisco, California) |1979-1980, n.d. |

|Carton 116 | 4 |Chinese and Jewish Families in Transition, American Jewish Congress |1980 |

|Carton 116 | 5 |Asia-Pacific Immigration to the United States (Los Angeles, California) |1980 |

|Carton 116 | 6 |Chinese Exclusion Act and Exclusion in America (San Francisco, California) |1982 |

|Carton 116 | 7 |Discovery and Change: The California Gold Rush 1848-1868 (San Francisco, California) |1983 |

|Carton 116 | 8-9 |Zhongshan University Conference on the History of Huaqiao and Huaren, China |1985-1986 |

|Carton 116 | 10-11 |Lucky Come Hawaii: The Chinese in Hawaii (Commemorating Bicentennial of the Chinese in |1985-1988 |

| | |Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii) | |

|Carton 116 | 12 |The Chinese Abroad: Social and Economic Changes Since the Second World War (Xiamen, China)|1988-1989 |

|Carton 116 | 13 |Origins and Destinations: A Conference on Chinese Americans (Los Angeles, California) |1991-1992 |

|Carton 116 | 14 |Luodi-Shenggen: The Legal, Political and Economic Status of Chinese in the Diaspora (San |1991-1992 |

| | |Francisco, California) | |

|Carton 116 | 15 |International Symposium on Ethnic Chinese Economy (Shantou University, China) |1993 |

|Carton 116 | 16 |The Repeal and Its Legacy (San Francisco, California) |1993-1994 |

|Carton 116 | 17 |From Memories to Aspirations: The Chinese American Experience (Honolulu, Hawaii) |1994 |

|Carton 116 | 18 |The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas 1945-1994 (Hong Kong) |1994 |

|Carton 116 | 19 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS)-12th Annual Conference, 1995 (Oakland, |1994-1996 |

| | |California) | |

|Carton 116 | 20 |The International Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the War of Resistance, 1937-1945 |1995 |

| | |(New York, New York) | |

|Carton 116 | 21 |International Conference on New Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese (Millbrae, |1995 |

| | |California) | |

|Carton 117 | 1 |Where is Home? Chinese in the Americas: 5th Conference on the Chinese American Experience,|1997 |

| | |New York University (New York, New York) | |

|Carton 117 | 2 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS): 15th Annual Conference (Hawaii) |1997-1998 |

|Carton 117 | 3-4 |International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO): 1998 Conference (Manila, |1997-1998 |

| | |Philippines) | |

|Carton 117 | 5 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS): 16th Annual Conference (Philadelphia, | |

| | |Pennsylvania) | |

|Carton 117 | 6-7 |From Gold Mountain to the New Millennium (San Diego, California) |1998-1999 |

|Carton 117 | 8 |Chinese Contribution to America (New York, New York) |1997, 2000 |

|Carton 117 | 9 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS): 17th Annual Conference (Scottsdale, |2000 |

| | |Arizona) | |

|Carton 117 | 10 |The First International Academic Conference on Ethnic Chinese: Ethnic Chinese in the 21st |2000 |

| | |Century (Jinan University, China) | |

|Carton 117 | 11 |Immigration Societies and Modern Education (Singapore) |1999-2000 |

|Carton 117 | 12 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS): 18th Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada) |2001 |

|Carton 117 | 13 |The 4th International Chinese Overseas Conference, Academia Sinica (Nankang, Taiwan) |2000-2001 |

|Carton 117 | 14 |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS): 19th Annual Conference (Salt Lake City, |2002 |

| | |Utah) | |

|Carton 117 | 15 |Miscellaneous |n.d. |

| |Member or affiliation | |

|Carton 117 | 16 |Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF) |1993-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 117 | 17 |Angel Island Immigration Station Historical Advisory Committee (AIISHAC) |1977-1991 |

| |Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW) | |

|Carton 117 | 18 |Correspondence, organization materials |1982-2002 |

|Carton 117 | 19-20 |Newsletters |1982-2002 |

| |Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) | |

|Carton 117 | 21 |Correspondence, organization materials |1979, 1994-2002 |

|Carton 117 | 22 |Newsletters |1986, 1994-2002 |

| |The Association of Chinese Teachers (TACT) | |

|Carton 117 | 23 |Correspondence, organization materials |1969-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 117 | 24 |Publications |1970-2000 |

|Carton 118 | 1 |California Historical Society |1980-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 118 | 2 |Chinese American Civic Council |1956-1973 |

| |Chinese American Institute of Engineers and Scientists (CAIES) | |

|Carton 118 | 3 |Bylaws and organization materials |1962-1997 |

|Carton 118 | 4 |Membership rosters |1967-2000 |

|Carton 118 | 5-6 |Newsletters |1974-2001 |

| |The Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles (Friends of the Chinese American Museum) | |

|Carton 118 | 7 |Correspondence, history, organization materials |1988-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 118 | 8 |Newsletters |1992-2001 |

|Carton 118 | 9 |Programs, events, newsclippings |1988-2000, n.d. |

| |The Chinese Comparative Collection, Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Idaho | |

|Carton 118 | 10 |Correspondence, newsletters |1984-2001 |

| |Chinese Folk Dance Association of San Francisco | |

|Carton 118 | 11 |Bylaws, meeting agenda, organization materials |1985-1992 |

|Carton 118 | 12 |Correspondence |1977, 1984-1999 |

|Carton 118 | 13 |Funding proposal |1988, 1992 |

|Carton 118 | 14 |Programs |1970-2001 |

| |Chinese for Affirmative Action | |

|Carton 118 | 15 |Bylaws, organization materials |1976-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 118 | 16 |Correspondence, announcements |1972-2001 |

|Carton 118 | 17 |Fundraising |1982-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 118 | 18 |Newsletters, brochures, newsclippings |1984-2002, n.d. |

| |Chinese Historical Society of New England, Inc. | |

|Carton 118 | 19 |Bylaws, correspondence, organization materials |1992-2001 |

|Carton 118 | 20 |Newsletters |1995-2000 |

| |Chinese Historical Society of Southern California | |

|Carton 119 | 1 |Correspondence, board of directors, officers |1985-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 2 |Meeting notices, minutes, annual reports |1977-1994 |

|Carton 119 | 3 |Programs, events, newsclippings |1977-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 4 |Chinese League For Peace and Democracy |1949-1950 |

| |Chinese Progressive Association | |

|Carton 119 | 5 |Bylaws, organization materials |1974-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 6 |Correspondence |1974, 1984-2002, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 7-8 |Events, activities |1970-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 9 |Newsletters |1974, 1980-1999 |

| |Chinese Progressive Association, Workers Center | |

|Carton 119 | 10 |Correspondence, organization materials |1991-2002 |

|Carton 119 | 11-12 |Newsletters |1992-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 13 |Haiyan Club |1960-1962 |

| |Hawaii Chinese History Center | |

|Carton 119 | 14 |Bylaws, history |1984-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 15 |Correspondence, board of directors |1976-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 16 |Meeting minutes |1984-1993 |

|Carton 119 | 17 |Publication |1979-1992 |

|Carton 119 | 18 |Newsletters |1979-1993 |

|Carton 119 | 19 |International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO) |1996-2001 |

| |Kearny Street Workshop | |

|Carton 119 | 20 |Correspondence, programs |1978, 1995-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 119 | 21 |Newsletters |1995-2001 |

|Carton 119 | 22 |Lawrence Choy Lowe Memorial Fund |1991-2001 |

|Carton 119 | 23 |Museum of the American China Trade |1972-1984 |

| |Museum of Chinese in the Americas, New York (New York Chinatown History Project) | |

|Carton 120 | 1 |Correspondence, organization materials |1982-2000, n.d. |

|Carton 120 | 2 |Bu Gao Ban (newsletters) |1984-2000 |

|Carton 120 | 3 |Programs, events, newsclippings |1982-2002, n.d. |

|Carton 120 | 4 |Brochures |1986-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 120 | 5 |National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education (NAAPAE) |1979-1982 |

|Carton 120 | 6 |Nevada State Museum and Historical Society |1998-2000 |

| |Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc. (OCA) | |

|Carton 120 | 7 |Bylaws, organization materials |1978-2001 |

|Carton 120 | 8 |Correspondence, meeting minutes |1976-2000 |

|Carton 120 | 9-10 |Newsletters |1974-2001 |

|Carton 120 | 11 |Newsclippings |1978-2001 |

| |San Diego Chinese Historical Society and Museum | |

|Carton 120 | 12 |Bylaws, correspondence, organization materials |1993-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 120 | 13 |Programs, events |1988-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 120 | 14-15 |Newsletters |1988-2002 |

| |Wing Luke Asian Museum | |

|Carton 121 | 1 |Correspondence, organization materials |1993-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 2-3 |Newsletters |1990-2000 |

|Carton 121 | 4 |Programs, events, newsclippings |1987-2002, n.d. |

| |Oral histories | |

|Carton 121 | 5 |Correspondence |1969-1973, 1995 |

|Carton 121 | 6 |Angel Island Immigration Station |1987-1988 |

|Carton 121 | 7 |Chen, Gordon (Chen, Guonan) |1970-1995 |

|Carton 121 | 8 |Chan, Sau (Chen, Sou) |1977 |

|Carton 121 | 9 |Chew, Junhon D.Y. (Zhao, Zhenhan) |1975-1976 |

|Carton 121 | 10 |Chin, Gway (Chen, Gui) |1977, 1979 |

|Carton 121 | 11 |Chin, John (Chen, Zhenxiong) |1995 |

|Carton 121 | 12 |Choy, Lambert |n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 13 |Doung, George |1974 |

|Carton 121 | 14 |Fong, Bak |1987-1999, n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 15 |Fong, Mon Quong (Kuang, Wenguang) |2002, n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 16 |Fong, Priscilla |n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 17 |Fong, Willie |1971 |

|Carton 121 | 18 |Fong (retired worker) |n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 19 |Hall, James; Hall, Elizabeth Ling So; Hall, Gloria |1970-1975 |

|Carton 121 | 20 |James, Walter (Zhuang, Chunhua) |1970 |

|Carton 121 | 21 |Joe, Yuey (Zhou Rui) |1974, 1978 |

|Carton 121 | 22 |Jones (R. Jones, Red Jones, Ray Jones) |1973 |

|Carton 121 | 23 |Jue, Lawrence |1995 |

|Carton 121 | 24 |Jung, Frank |1975 |

|Carton 121 | 25 |Kwong, Kam Hong (Kuang, Jinhong); Leong, Mamie; Eng, Frank |1995, n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 26 |Kwong, Peter (Kuang, Zhizhong) |1985 |

|Carton 121 | 27 |Lau, George Bun (Low, George Bun; Liu, Beikui) |1971-1973 |

|Carton 121 | 28 |The Rev. Dr. Lee, Edward |1970, 1996 |

|Carton 121 | 29 |Lee, Ira C. |1970-1988, n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 30 |Lee, Olden (Li, Zhongtang) |1969-1973, 1990 |

|Carton 121 | 31 |Leong, Thick Hing (Liang, Xiaomai) |1985 |

|Carton 121 | 32 |Lim, Happy (Lin, Jianfu) |1985 |

|Carton 121 | 33 |Lowe, Eva |1975, 1991 |

|Carton 121 | 34 |Mar, Warren (Ma, Su) |1992 |

|Carton 121 | 35 |McCaslin, Julia |n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 36 |Mock, John (Mo, Songnian) |1969-1975 |

|Carton 121 | 37 |Mock, Shek Ng (Mo, Xiwu) |1977 |

|Carton 121 | 38 |Mock, William (Mo, Jingsheng) |1995 |

|Carton 121 | 39 |Moon, Rose; Moon, Frances; and Lew Hing (Liu Xing): Pacific Coast Canning Co., Chinese |1975, 1987 |

| | |fraternity | |

|Carton 121 | 40 |Ow, Rose Yuen |1970, 1974, 2000 |

|Carton 121 | 41 |Tan, Jiao |1977 |

|Carton 121 | 42 |Teng, Tso Yam (Tang, Tso Yam; Deng Zuyin) | |

|Carton 121 | 43 |Tong, Don |n.d. |

|Carton 121 | 44 |Tsu, Kitty (grandmother Kwan Ying Lin) |1923-1947, 1961-1966, |

| | | |1983 |

|Carton 121 | 45 |Wong, J.P. (Wong, Wah Poy; Huang, Huapei) |1977 |

|Carton 121 | 46 |Wong, Mary (Huang, Meixian) |1996 |

|Carton 121 | 47 |Yee, Tet (Yu, Daming) |1987 |

| |Projects | |

|Carton 122 | 1 |Americans All: A National Multicultural Education Program |1991 |

|Carton 122 | 2-3 |Asian Americans: Linkages and Boundaries, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |1972-1979, n.d. |

|Carton 122 | 4-5 |Chinese American Anthology |1981-1989, n.d. |

|Carton 122 | 6 |Chinese American Historical Biographical Dictionary, Organization of Chinese Americans |1979-1980 |

|Carton 122 | 7 |Chinese Families in Hawaii 1852 to 2000, Hawaii Heritage Center |1999-2000 |

|Carton 122 | 8-9 |Chinese Language Sources Bibliography on Chinese Americans, UCLA |1977-1986 |

|Carton 122 | 10 |Emigration from South China: A Comparative Study of the Chinese in Southeast Asia and North |1986-1987 |

| | |America, Center for Pacific Rim Studies, UCLA | |

|Carton 122 | 11 |History of the Sam Yup Benevolent Association in the United States, 1850-1974 |1973-1976, 1996-1998 |

|Carton 122 | 12 |Monographs on Chinese American History, Art, Research and Curriculum Associates, Inc. (ARC) |1978 |

|Carton 122 | 13 |Notable Asian Americans: A Biographical Dictionary, Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. |1992 |

|Carton 122 | 14 |Ports of Entry: Immigration and Migration of Four Ethnic Groups to New York City, (Henry |1981-1982 |

| | |Street Settlement, New Federal Theatre) | |

|Carton 122 | 15 |San Francisco Community History Project, San Francisco Fair and Exposition |1983 |

|Carton 122 | 16 |Taishan Research Project (Chinese Emigration History Project), UCLA |1978-1981 |

|Carton 122 | 17-18 |Taoist Temple Preservation Society (Hanford, California): Translations of the Chinese |1987-1988 |

| | |Inscriptions | |

| |Media productions | |

|Carton 122 | 19 |Ancestors in America: A Four-part Television History Series by Loni Ding |1989-1996 |

|Carton 122 | 20 |The Chinatown Files by Amy Chen |1985-2001 |

| |Children's Television Project, The Association of Chinese Teachers and Chinese for | |

| |Affirmative Action (TACT/CAA) | |

|Carton 123 | 1 |Correspondence, committee and board meetings |1977-1978 |

|Carton 123 | 2 |Proposal part A (program narrative) |April 1977 |

|Carton 123 | 3 |Proposal part B (application form, budget, etc.) |April 1977 |

|Carton 123 | 4 |Final revisions to proposal |July 1977 |

|Carton 123 | 5 |Formative evaluation report |1978 |

|Carton 123 | 6 |Chinatown: Episode Two of Neighborhoods-The Hidden City of San Francisco, KQED |1995-1996 |

|Carton 123 | 7 |Chinatown U.S.A., Amerivision, Inc. |1995-1996 |

|Carton 123 | 8 |Forbidden City, U.S.A., Arthur Dong |1989 |

|Carton 123 | 9-10 |Gam Saan Haak: A History of the Chinese in America, KRON-TV Channel 4 |1971-1974 |

|Carton 123 | 11 |The Golden Mountain |1984, 1986 |

| |"Hon Sing:Chinese Community Hour" (KQED-FM 88.5) | |

|Carton 123 | 12 |Correspondence, organization materials |1976-1986 |

|Carton 123 | 13-14 |Correspondence with listeners |1971-1982 |

|Carton 123 | 15-18 |Programs |1971-1984 |

|Carton 123 | 19 |Proposal: A Study to Determine How KQED-FM Can Effectively Serve the Non-English Speaking |1982 |

| | |Communities | |

|Carton 123 | 20 |Publicity, announcements |1971-1986 |

|Carton 123 | 21 |Newsclippings |1971-1985 |

|Carton 123 | 22 |Jung Sai, National Communications Foundation |1974-1975 |

|Carton 123 | 23-24 |Living Widows and Paper Sons, Jennie F. Lew |1994-2000, 2002 |

|Carton 123 | 25 |Never Far From China, Louise Lo, Lima Productions |1989 |

|Carton 123 | 26 |Thousand Pieces of Gold, Nancy Kelly, Kenji Yamamoto |1985 |

|Carton 123 | 27 |Television Documentaries on the Chinese Diaspora by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation |1992 |

|Carton 123 | 28 |Miscellaneous |1996-2002 |

| |Exhibitions | |

|Carton 124 | 1-2 |The Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China, Asian Art Museum of|1975-1976, n.d. |

| | |San Francisco | |

|Carton 124 | 3 |Gum San: Land of the Golden Mountain |1995-1996 |

|Carton 124 | 4 |Heading East: The Musical and Exhibit |1997-1999 |

|Carton 124 | 5 |The Pear Garden in the West: America's Chinese Theatre, 1852-1983, San Francisco |1983-1991 |

|Carton 124 | 6-7 |The Tenement: Place for Survival, Object of Reform, Center for Community Studies, Inc., New |1986-1988 |

| | |York | |

|Carton 124 | 8 |Miscellaneous |n.d. |

| |Consultations | |

|Carton 124 | 9-10 |Amerasia Journal, University of California, Los Angeles (Editorial Board) |1977-1987, 1990-1997, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Carton 124 | 11 |Asian American Education Commission of the Los Angeles Unified School District (Asians in |1974 |

| | |America Syllabus) | |

|Carton 124 | 12 |Asian American History, Robert Hyung-Chan Kim, Greenwood Press |1984 |

|Carton 124 | 13-14 |Asian American Studies Library; University of California, Berkeley |1978-1991 |

|Carton 124 | 15 |Chinatown Community Arts Program |1996 |

|Carton 124 | 16 |The Combined Asian American Resources Project (CARP) Asian American Oral History Project |1975-1976 |

|Carton 124 | 17 |Cross Cultural Understanding: The Chinese Americans, The Association of Chinese Teachers |1974-1976 |

| | |(TACT)/Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA) | |

|Carton 124 | 18 |Department of Parks and Recreation, Sacramento Area State Parks |1982 |

|Carton 124 | 19 |Documentary Study: Chinese American Community Study (Director, Jeffrey Chan) |1979 |

|Carton 124 | 20 |East/West |1968-1986 |

|Carton 124 | 21 |History of the Chinese in Canada Research Project, University of British Columbia |1974-1977, n.d. |

|Carton 124 | 22 |Human Rights Commission of San Francisco |1970-1971 |

|Carton 124 | 23 |KQED-Asia Bureau |1977 |

|Carton 124 | 24 |Language in America: A Traveling Exhibition, Modern Language Association of America (MLA) |1990-1992 |

| |Manuscript reviews | |

|Carton 125 | 1 |Audio Tape Transcript of Near Escape Chinatown Walking Tour, San Francisco |1988 |

|Carton 125 | 2 |"Bitter Melon: Stories From the Last Rural Chinese Town in America" by Jeffrey Gillenkirk |1985-2001 |

|Carton 125 | 3 |"China's Visiting Elites in the United States, 1882-1911: Images and Perceptions as Seen |1989, n.d. |

| | |in Diaries and Memoirs" by K. Scott Wong | |

|Carton 125 | 4 |"The Chinese-American Press: Preserving Ethnic Pluralism in a Melting Pot" by Peter Monge |1989 |

|Carton 125 | 5 |"Emigration to the Americas: The China Roots", Journal of American Ethnic History |1982 |

|Carton 125 | 6 |"Foreign Policy, National Identity, and Citizenship: The Roosevelt White House and the |2001 |

| | |Expediency of Repeal" by Ronald Bayor | |

|Carton 125 | 7 |In the Black World by Thomas C. Fleming |2001 |

|Carton 125 | 8 |Longtime California: A Documentary Study of an American Chinatown by Victor G. and Brett |1973-1975 |

| | |De Bany Nee | |

|Carton 125 | 9 |"Milestones in the Development of Social Work and Social Welfare", Asian Pacific Islander |1998 |

| | |Social Work Council (APISW) | |

|Carton 125 | 10 |"The Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission and the Politics of Patriotism in Chinese America|1980-1981 |

| | |in the Nanking Era, 1928-1945" by Douglas W. Lee | |

|Carton 125 | 11 |"The Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Language Schools in the United States" by |1986-1987 |

| | |Yueh-Mei Lin | |

|Carton 125 | 12 |"Resistance and Accommodation: Chinese Herbalists in the American Medical Profession," |1998 |

| | |Journal of Asian American Studies (JAAS) | |

|Carton 125 | 13 |"The Social Structure of San Francisco Chinatown, 1848-1906" by June Y. Mei |1978 |

|Carton 125 | 14 |Novel by Joanna Barnes |1979 |

|Carton 125 | 15 |Novel by Marie Bartlett |1979 |

|Carton 125 | 16 |Paper by Xiaojian Zhao |1994-2001 |

|Carton 125 | 17 |Miscellaneous |n.d. |

|Carton 125 | 18 |National Endowment For Humanities |1978-1980 |

|Carton 125 | 19-20 |New York Chinatown History Project, Asian American Research Institute |1980-1984 |

|Carton 125 | 21 |People's Republic of China Embassy | |

| |San Francisco Unified School District | |

|Carton 125 | 22 |Ethnic Studies Workshop: The Asian Experience in America |1969 |

|Carton 125 | 23 |Chinese Bilingual Education |1970-1975 |

|Carton 125 | 24 |Examination Panel for Assessing Language Proficiency of Chinese Bilingual Teachers | |

|Carton 125 | 25 |Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco | |

|Carton 125 | 26 |Studies 2000, Wild Flowers Institute |2000 |

|Carton 125 | 27 |Miscellaneous |n.d. |

| |Teaching | |

|Carton 126 | 1 |San Francisco Unified School District, Chinese American history course for teachers (The |1970-1974 |

| | |Association of Chinese Teachers) | |

| |San Francisco State University | |

|Carton 126 | 2 |Correspondence |1972-1975, |

| | | |1990-1993 |

|Carton 126 | 3 |Appointment forms, faculty records |1972, 1990 |

|Carton 126 | 4 |Course materials |1968-1972 |

|Carton 126 | 5 |Related teaching materials |1968-1972 |

|Carton 126 | 6 |Course evaluation |1972-1993 |

|Carton 126 | 7 |Survey of Chinese students |1972-1975, n.d. |

| |University of California, Berkeley | |

|Carton 126 | 8 |Correspondence |1977-1984 |

|Carton 126 | 9 |Appointment forms |1977-1985 |

|Carton 126 | 10 |Course materials |1977-1984 |

|Carton 126 | 11 |Related teaching materials |1973-1985 |

|Carton 126 | 12 |Related readings |1983-1985 |

| |Asian American Studies | |

|Carton 126 | 13 |Program information |n.d. |

|Carton 126 | 14 |Brochures, newsletters, announcements |1970-1984, n.d. |

|Carton 126 | 15 |Surveys of Chinese students |1978-1979 |

|Carton 126 | 16 |Protests |1977-1981 |

|Carton 126 | 17 |Lecture notes |n.d. |

|Carton 126 | 18 |Survey forms |1972-1984 |

|SERIES 3: WRITINGS, 1967-2001, n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 1 |"Aerospace to Cyberspace: Honoring Chinese Americans in Science and Technology, from the 19th |2000-2001 |

| | |Century through the 1960s" | |

|Carton 127 | 2 |"Ailun Shiji Ji Qi Lishi Beijing-Jiujinshan Tianshidao Huaren Yimin Yi Xia de Bishi" (Island, |1985 |

| | |Poetry and History of Chinese Immigration on Angel Island, 1910-1940 and its Historical | |

| | |Background) | |

|Carton 127 | 3 |Asian American Encyclopedia selected articles |1992-1995 |

|Carton 127 | 4 |Biographical articles |1992-1997, n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 5 |"A Brief History of Chinese Americans' Leftist Movement," Wei Min (Asian American News) |1972-1974 |

|Carton 127 | 6 |"The Cantonese (Yue) Opera in San Francisco" |1982 |

|Carton 127 | 7 |"Chinese American History: Achievements, Problems, Prospects," Origins and Destinations: 41 |1994 |

| | |Essays on Chinese America | |

|Carton 127 | 8 |"Chinese in Latin America and the Caribbean" |n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 9 |"Chinese American Studies: A Historical Survey," Journal of Overseas Chinese Studies, No.1, |1989 |

| | |Taipei | |

|Carton 127 | 10 |"Chinese Contributions to the Development of American West" (Huaren Dui Meiguo Xibu Kaifa de |1976 |

| | |Gongxian), World Today, No.545, Hong Kong | |

|Carton 127 | 11-12 |"Chinese in Continental United States," Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups |1976-1980 |

|Carton 127 | 13 |"The Chinese in Public Schools, Part I of the Chinese and Public Education in San Francisco," |1971 |

| | |East/West | |

|Carton 127 | 14 |"The Chinese Language in the Chinese American Community" |1991 |

|Carton 127 | 15 |"Chinese New Year in San Francisco" |n.d. |

| |Chinese newspapers in the United States | |

|Carton 127 | 16 |General |1971-1992, n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 17 |"A Brief History of the Chinese World" |n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 18 |"Chinese Newspapers in America" |n.d. |

|Carton 127 | 19 |"The Chinese American Press," The Ethnic Press in the U.S. |1982-1987 |

|Carton 127 | 20 |"The Chinese Press in the United States and Canada Since WWII: A Diversity of Voices," |1990 |

| | |Chinese America: History and Perspectives | |

|Carton 127 | 21 |"A Historical Survey of Chinese Community Newspapers in the United States and Canada after |1989 |

| | |WWII" | |

|Carton 127 | 22 |"Nineteenth Century California Chinese Newspapers" |1989 |

|Carton 127 | 23 |"A Short History of Chinese Journalism in the U.S. and Canada" |n.d. |

| |The Chinese of America, 1785-1980: an Illustrated History and Catalog of the Exhibition with Joe| |

| |Huang and Don Wong, Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco | |

|Carton 127 | 24 |General |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 25 |Captions |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 26 |Corrected galleys |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 27 |Corrected typescripts, incomplete drafts |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 28 |Errata and corrections |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 29 |Paste-ups |1980 |

|Carton 127 | 30 |"Chinese Regional Solidarity: Case Study of the Hua Xian (Fa Yuen) Community in California," |1993 |

| | |Chinese America: History and Perspectives | |

|Carton 128 | 1 |"Chinese Youth Voice" |n.d. |

|Carton 128 | 2 |"The Drama Movement in San Francisco's Chinatown" |n.d. |

|Carton 128 | 3 |East/West articles |1967-1968, 1986 |

|Carton 128 | 4-10 |Cong Huaqiao dao Huaren: Ershi Shiji Meiguo Huaren Shehui Fazhan Shi (From Chinese Overseas to |1992 |

| | |Chinese Americans), Chapter 1-13 | |

|Carton 128 | 11 |"Garment Workers' Guild" |1967 |

|Carton 128 | 12 |"Historical Development of Chinese Language Schools in the U.S.A" |1998 |

|Carton 128 | 13 |"A Historical Survey of the Chinese Left in America" |n.d. |

|Carton 128 | 14 |"History of Chinese New Year" |n.d. |

| |A History Reclaimed: An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the Chinese of | |

| |America | |

|Carton 128 | 15 |Correspondence, newsclippings |1986-1988 |

|Carton 128 | 16-27 |Working draft, section 1-12 |1986-1988 |

|Carton 129 | 1-18 |Worksheets |1986-1988 |

| |"The Huangliang Du (Wong Leung Do) Community in Northern California" | |

|Carton 129 | 19 |Drafts |1995 |

|Carton 129 | 20 |Biographies and research materials |1987-1994, 1996 |

|Carton 129 | 21 |Interviews |1995-1996 |

|Carton 129 | 22 |"The Kuomintang in Chinese American Communities Before WWII," Entry Denied: Exclusion and the |1986-1989 |

| | |Chinese Community in America, edited by Sucheng Chan | |

|Carton 129 | 23 |"Liang Qinggui Xingxue" |n.d. |

| |"Lue, Gim Gong, Wonder-Grower" and other related writings | |

|Carton 130 | 1 |Typescripts and article |1973, n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 2 |Correspondence |1970-1974, n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 3 |Related research materials |1911-1969, n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 4 |Photographs and negatives |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 5 |"Make-Believe Lion" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 6 |"Meiguo Huaren Lishi yu Shehui de Yanjiu zai Di Er Ci Shijie Dazhan Hou de Fazhan" (The |1993 |

| | |Development of Research in America on Chinese History and Society After WWII) | |

|Carton 130 | 7 |"The Old China Trade of Guangzhou (Canton)" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 8 |Outlines, History of the Chinese in America, with Phillip Choy |1971-1975 |

|Carton 130 | 9 |"The Period Between Two World Wars" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 10 |"Researching the Chinese American Ancestral Tree: U.S. Historical Background" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 11 |"Retention of the Chinese Heritage: Chinese Schools in America" |1998-1999 |

|Carton 130 | 12 |"Roots and Linkages: A Journey Through the Pearl River Delta," East/West |1980-1981 |

|Carton 130 | 13 |"A Short History of the Jop Sen Tong and Shang-Gongchangdu People in California" |1976 |

|Carton 130 | 14 |"Some Notes on the Research on Overseas Chinese History in China in Recent Years" |1984, n.d. |

| |"A Tale of Two Brothers: Jung Oi-won and Ming S. Jung" | |

|Carton 130 | 15 |Correspondence and research materials |1909-1958, 1994 |

|Carton 130 | 16 |Jung Oi-won's immigration file |1908-1967 |

|Carton 130 | 17-18 |"Thirty Years of the Chinese Culture Foundation and Twenty-one Years of the Chinese Culture |1994-1995 |

| | |Center" | |

|Carton 130 | 19-20 |"To Bring Forth a New China, to Build a Better America: The Chinese Marxist Left in America to |1991-1992 |

| | |the 1960s," Chinese Americans: History and Perspectives, 1991 | |

|Carton 130 | 21 |"Translation of the Genealogy of the Huang (Wong) Clan of Chiang-hsia, with notes" |1970 |

|Carton 130 | 22 |"Transmitting the Chinese Heritage: Chinese Schools in the United States Mainland and Hawaii," |2000 |

| | |paper presented at the 1998 ISSCO conference | |

|Carton 130 | 23 |"A Voice of Reason: Life and Times of Gilbert Woo, Chinese American Journalist," Chinese |1992, n.d. |

| | |American:History and Perspective | |

|Carton 130 | 24 |"Unfinished Business: The Confession Program" |1993 |

|Carton 130 | 25 |"Wanted-History of the Chinese in America" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 26 |"Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Jianguo Qianhou zhi Mei Zhong Jianjiao de Er San Shi" |n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 27 |Miscellaneous |1982, n.d. |

|Carton 130 | 28 |Copyrights |1970-1972 |

|SERIES 4: PERSONAL PAPERS, 1918-2002, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 1 |Biographical materials |1991-1997, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 2 |Newsclippings mentioning Him Mark Lai |1987-1999, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 3 |Resumes |1992-1999 |

|Box 60 | 4 |Correspondence |1980-2001, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 5 |Awards and tributes |1975, 1988-2001, |

| | | |n.d. |

|Box 60 | 6 |Donations |1986-2002, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 7 |Wedding speeches |1981, n.d. |

| |Eulogies | |

|Box 60 | 8 |Chan, Bock |n.d. |

|Box 60 | 9 |Dere, Kai Gay |1981 |

|Box 60 | 10 |Letters of recommendation |1973-2000 |

|Box 60 | 11 |Library records |1950-1960 |

|Box 60 | 12 |Orders and subscriptions |1973-2000 |

|Box 60 | 13 |Finances |1973-1992, n.d. |

|Box 60 | 14 |Miscellaneous notes |1975-1985, n.d. |

|Box 61 | 1-3 |Family photographs |1918, 1923, 1944, |

| | | |2000, n.d. |


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