|LEVEL 1 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |1 |A |24–30 |(same as label/ vocab | | | |

| | | | | |words) | | | |

|Who Lives Here? |Geography | | |24 |chimney, door, roof, |chimney, door, roof, |here, this |Making connections to self and world |

| | | | | |shutter, walls, window |shutter, walls, window | | |

|Ways to Travel |Economics/ | | |30 |boat, bus, car, plane, |boat, bus, car, plane, |can, go, I, in, this |Predicting, visualizing |

| |Technology | | | |shuttle, train |shuttle, train | | |

|Flags and Shapes |Government/ | | |24 |circle, crescent, |circle, crescent, |at, look, this |Making inferences, synthesizing |

| |Authority | | | |diamond, rectangle, |diamond, rectangle, | |information |

| | | | | |star, triangle |star, triangle | | |

|Sleeping |Earth/Space Science | | |24 |bat, boy, cat, dog, owl,|bat, boy, cat, dog, owl,|I, in, the |Making connections to self, |

| | | | | |pig |pig | |predicting |

|What Do You Like to Eat? |Energy | | |24 |apple, bread, |apple, bread, |like, this, we |Making connections to self and text, |

| | | | | |marshmallows, popcorn, |marshmallows, popcorn, | |making inferences |

| | | | | |turkey, watermelon |turkey, watermelon | | |

|Flower Colours |Life Science | | |24 |blue, orange, pink, red,|blue, orange, pink, red,|a, here, is |Making connections to world, |

| | | | | |white, yellow |white, yellow | |visualizing |

|Big Animals |Matter | | |30 |bear, elephant, horse, |bear, elephant, horse, |a, am, big, |Making connections to text and world,|

| | | | | |leopard, lion, |leopard, lion, | |asking and answering questions |

| | | | | |rhinoceros |rhinoceros | | |

|LEVEL 2 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |2 |B |43–54 | | | | |

|Places Plants Grow |Geography | | |54 |beach, desert, field, |gardener, grass, rock, |at, in, it, look, the,|Making connections to text and world,|

| | | | | |forest, garden, pond |sand, trees, water |this |determining importance |

|Jobs People Do |Economics/ | | |43 |baker, dentist, doctor, |badge, board, hat, |a, am, at, I, look, me|Making connections to self, making |

| |Technology | | | |firefighter, police |helmet, stethoscope, | |inferences |

| | | | | |officer, teacher |toothbrush | | |

|Don’t Touch |Government/ | | |43 |cactus, detergent, fire,|bottle, edge, log, |is, it, that |Making connections to self, |

| |Authority | | | |knife, medicine, stove |needle, pills, pot, | |predicting, determining author |

| | | | | |top | | |purpose |

|Ocean Animals |Earth/Space Science | | |54 |dolphin, fish, octopus, |fin, flippers, shell, |an, in, is, it, the, |Extracting information, analyzing |

| | | | | |shark, turtle, whale |tail, teeth, tentacle |this |and synthesizing information |

|What Moves Fast? |Energy | | |43 |cheetah, horse, race |hooves, legs, rockets, |can, go, I, said, the |Making inferences, recognizing text |

| | | | | |car, runner, shuttle, |shoes, tracks, wheels | |structures |

| | | | | |train | | | |

|Animals Need Water |Life Science | | |54 |antelope, elephant, |ear, hoof, horn, mane, |is, it, this, to |Making connections to self and world,|

| | | | | |giraffe, lion, |neck, trunk | |determining author purpose, applying |

| | | | | |rhinoceros, zebra | | |information |

|Red |Matter | | |54 |book, chilli pepper, |cover, fruit, petal, |a, at, is, it, look, |Making connections to self and world,|

| | | | | |flower, strawberry, |pod, skin, tray |the |predicting |

| | | | | |tomato, wheelbarrow | | | |

|LEVEL 3 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |3 |C |63–71 | | | | |

|Where Animals Live |Geography | | |71 |alpaca, Cape buffalo, |feathers, fur, hair, |at, have, in, look, |Recognizing text structures, |

| | | | | |emus, kangaroo, |hide, scales, wool |the, they, too |interpreting maps |

| | | | | |rattlesnake, zebras | | | |

|Working at the Supermarket |Economics/ | | |70 |bakery, car park, |box, computer, counter, |and, at, he, in, is, |Making connections to self, |

| |Technology | | | |checkout, deli, fruit |safety jacket, scale, |she, the, this |visualizing |

| | | | | |and vegetables |tray | | |

| | | | | |department, meat | | | |

| | | | | |department | | | |

|Road Signs |Government/ | | |72 |bends, dead end, no |arrow, line, number, |at, go, here, it, |Determining importance, making |

| |Authority | | | |parking, one way, speed |shape, symbol, words |look, no, the, they, |inferences |

| | | | | |limit, stop | |this, to | |

|What Can You See? |Earth/Space Science | | |69 |canyon, delta, desert, |cliff, field, river, |a, an, at, can, is, |Making connections to self and world,|

| | | | | |island, mountain, valley|sand dune, snow, water |it, look, see, this, |making inferences |

| | | | | | | |what, you | |

|Ways to Cook |Energy | | |63 |barbecue, bread maker, |button, element, fire, |a, is , it, this, what|Visualizing, making connections to |

| | | | | |oven, pizza oven, |grill, handle, knob | |self |

| | | | | |toaster, wok | | | |

|Nests |Life Science | | |66 |albatross, oriole, owl, |branch, grass, power |a, at, has, is, it, |Determining importance, summarizing |

| | | | | |penguin, stork, swallow |pole, rocks, tree, wall |look, this, where | |

|Shapes All Around |Matter | | |68 |ball, building, car, |door, eggs, patch, roof,|a, at, can, look, on, |Making connections to world, |

| | | | | |food, house, |wheels, windows |see, the, this, you |synthesizing information |

| | | | | |refrigerator | | | |

|LEVEL 4 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |4 |C |76–84 | | | | |

|At the Shopping Mall |Geography | | |83 |bookshop, car park, |advertisement, book, |at, by, down, go, in, |Making connections to self, |

| | | | | |escalator, food court, |directions, hand rail, |into, is, look, on, |recognizing chronological and |

| | | | | |toyshop |light, magazine, moving |see, the, to, too, up,|sequential order, extracting |

| | | | | | |step, mug, parking |we |information |

| | | | | | |space, sushi, things to | | |

| | | | | | |play with, things to | | |

| | | | | | |ride on | | |

|Wheels |Economics/ | | |79 |bicycle, car, Ferris |axle, carriages, chain, |a, are, at, big, can, |Asking and answering questions, |

| |Technology | | | |wheel, skates, tractor, |door handle, |go, has, have, is, it,|visualizing, synthesizing |

| | | | | |unicycle |headlights, pedal, |little, look, on, one,| |

| | | | | | |spokes, straps, boot, |this, you | |

| | | | | | |tyre, wheel nuts, window| | |

|Helping at Home |Government/ | | |76 |bath dog, |broom, dust, mug, |at, for, help, I, in, |Making connections to self, making |

| |Authority | | | |clean bedroom, pot |nozzle, plant pot, |my, put, the, too, we,|inferences, predicting |

| | | | | |plants, sweep floor, |plates, sponge, toy box,|when | |

| | | | | |wash dishes, water |trowel, truck, tub, | | |

| | | | | |flowers |watering can | | |

|Bad Weather |Earth/Space Science | | |84 |fog, hail, lightning, |bolts, cloud, dust, |and, are, be, can, |Making connections to text, asking |

| | | | | |rain, snow, tornado |hailstones, headlights, |get, is, it, the, too,|and answering questions, comparing |

| | | | | | |ice, puddle, raindrops, |up, when, you |and contrasting |

| | | | | | |snowdrifts, snowflakes, | | |

| | | | | | |storm cloud, tail | | |

|Kitchen Tools |Energy | | |80 |beater, grater, knife, |bowl, carrot, cheese, |a, is, it, this, to, |Making connections to text, asking |

| | | | | |pot, whisk, |chicken, egg, flour, |use, you |and answering questions, synthesizing|

| | | | | |wooden spoon |mango, milk, nut, | | |

| | | | | | |pineapple, salt, snow | | |

| | | | | | |pea | | |

|Animal Coverings |Life Science | | |82 |feathers, fur, hair, |blue feathers, brown |a, at, can, has, is, |Applying knowledge, comparing and |

| | | | | |shell, skin, spines |hair, hard shell, |it, its, look, see, |contrasting, asking and answering |

| | | | | | |long feathers, patterned|the, this, you |questions |

| | | | | | |skin, red legs, | | |

| | | | | | |scaly skin, sharp | | |

| | | | | | |spines, short hair, | | |

| | | | | | |thick fur, | | |

| | | | | | |thin spines, white fur | | |

|Wooden Objects |Matter | | |80 |blocks, chair, guitar, |back, bridge, colour, |a, and, are, at, is, |Making connections to self, |

| | | | | |pencil, table, toy plane|eraser, lead, leg, |it, look, made, of, |extracting information, applying |

| | | | | | |letter, propeller, seat,|on, play, these, they,|knowledge |

| | | | | | |string, tail, top |this, with | |

|LEVEL 5 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |5 |D |85–95 | | | | |

|A Trip to Town |Geography | | |93 |café, car, harbour, |bench, bowl, cabin, car |a, and, at, down, |Making connections to self, |

| | | | | |park, shops, town square|seat, clothes shop, |home, in, saw, the, |visualizing, recognizing |

| | | | | | |leaves, mast, |they, to, up, went |chronological and sequential order |

| | | | | | |playground, sculpture, | | |

| | | | | | |seat belt, | | |

| | | | | | |shoe shop, table | | |

|Volunteers |Economics/ | | |86 |building a house, |bucket, fruit, hammer, |a, are, at, do, get, |Making connections to text, |

| |Technology | | | |cleaning the beach, |ladder, |he, help, in, is, |evaluating, synthesizing |

| | | | | |giving food, helping at |paper bag, plant pot, |look, not, she, these,| |

| | | | | |school, painting, |plastic, |they, this, too, up | |

| | | | | |planting trees |reading book, reading | | |

| | | | | | |glasses, roller, shovel,| | |

| | | | | | |soup bowl | | |

|What Does the Principal Do? |Government/ | | |95 |parents, principal, |artwork, brochure, |a, at, big, come, do, |Comparing and contrasting, asking and|

| |Authority | | | |secretary, students, |classroom, computer, |for, have, is, looks, |answering questions, predicting |

| | | | | |teachers |cupboard, desk, fax |runs, see, she, tells,| |

| | | | | | |machine, folder, office,|the, their, them, | |

| | | | | | |principal’s office, |these, this, to, very,| |

| | | | | | |teachers’ room, tray |what, with | |

|Boats on Big Rivers |Earth/Space Science | | |93 |ferryboat, motorboats, |barge, bow, cabin, |a, and, are, big, can,|Predicting, visualizing, extracting |

| | | | | |paddleboat, raft, |containers, deck, |down, go, in, is, on, |information |

| | | | | |rowing skiff, tugboat |dinghy, funnel, helmet, |see, some, take, the, | |

| | | | | | |life jacket, oar, |them, these, they, | |

| | | | | | |paddlewheel, steam |this, up, you | |

|What Makes It Go? |Energy | | |91 |calculator, car, hot-air|agitator, basket, board,|a, at, do, go, in, is,|Predicting, identifying cause and |

| | | | | |balloon, train, washing |flames, petrol tank, |it, know, look, make, |effect, applying knowledge |

| | | | | |machine, windsurfer |handrail, keypad, |this, up, what, you | |

| | | | | | |platform, power cord, | | |

| | | | | | |pump, sail, solar panel | | |

|Make a Bottle Garden |Life Science | | |86 |bottle, plants, slits, |cap, base, flowers, |a, do, get, help, in, |Determining importance, extracting |

| | | | | |soil, water |funnel, glove, leaves, |into, of, the, them, |information |

| | | | | | |neck, spoon, thread, |to, what, with, you, | |

| | | | | | |table |your | |

|Heavy and Light |Matter | | |93 |ballet shoes, bird, log,|bar, beak, bulldozer, |an, are, at, be, but, |Comparing and contrasting, |

| | | | | |web, weights |clip, feathers, knitting|could, has, he, is, |classifying and categorizing, |

| | | | | | |wool, leg, petals, |it, its, look, made, |extracting information |

| | | | | | |rhinoceros, ribbon, |not, of, she, them, | |

| | | | | | |rope, satin, silk, wood |these, this, to, too, | |

| | | | | | | |two, very, with | |

|LEVEL 6 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |6 |D |96–105 | | | | |

|Wet and Dry Places |Geography | | |98 |Amazon Rainforest, |cacti, dry grass, flood,|a, at, but, find, in, |Predicting, visualizing, extracting |

| | | | | |Kakadu, Milford Sound, |mountain, ridge, sand |is, it, look, the, |information, recognizing factual text|

| | | | | |Mojave Desert, Sahara |dune, scrub, summer, |this, very |structures |

| | | | | |Desert |tree, water, waterfall, | | |

| | | | | | |winter | | |

|Machines that Go Up and Down |Economics/ | | |102 |cable car, chairlift, |arrow, button, cable, |a, again, and, down, |Making connections to self, |

| |Technology | | | |escalator, |car, chair, hand rail, |goes, going, in, is, |evaluating, asking and answering |

| | | | | |lift, plane, |moving step, runway, |it, one, takes, that, |questions |

| | | | | |roller-coaster |safety bar, tracks, |then, they, this, too,| |

| | | | | | |wheel, window |up, very, when | |

|Getting Along at School |Government/ | | |99 |classroom, class rules, |backpack, broom, chair, |and, at, day, do, is, |Making connections to text, comparing|

| |Authority | | | |cloakroom, exercise |crossed legs, eraser, |keep, made, not, of, |and contrasting, predicting |

| | | | | |book, playground, story |folded arms, hook, |on, other, our, play, | |

| | | | | |time |ladder, pencil, ruler, |put, some, take, the, | |

| | | | | | |slide, whiteboard |them, to, up, we, | |

| | | | | | | |when, with, your | |

|Mud |Earth/Space Science | | |102 |dried mud, homes, |bird print, crack, ear, |a, all, are, can, do, |Predicting, asking and answering |

| | | | | |mangrove tree, mud bath,|leaves, mound, nest, |for, get, in, is, it, |questions, determining importance |

| | | | | |tracks, |patterns, paw print, |know, little, makes, | |

| | | | | |wet mud |roots, soil, trunk, |on, some, take, the, | |

| | | | | | |water |their, them, these, | |

| | | | | | | |they, too, very, what,| |

| | | | | | | |when, you | |

|What Has a Battery? |Energy | | |99 |clock, electric |aerial, bristles, |a, can, go, has, in, |Applying knowledge, classifying and |

| | | | | |toothbrush, phone, |buttons, case, |is, it, makes, on, |categorizing, extracting information |

| | | | | |radio, torch, video game|headphones, hour hand, |play, see, the, this, | |

| | | | | | |keys, light, minute |too, with, you, your | |

| | | | | | |hand, screen, speaker, | | |

| | | | | | |switch | | |

|Powerful Plants |Life Science | | |97 |climbing plant, clinging|bean, flower, ivy, leaf,|and, are, as, can, |Setting a purpose for reading, |

| | | | | |plant, meat-eating |nettle, oleander, rose, |get, if, it, little, |predicting, comparing and contrasting|

| | | | | |plant, poisonous plant, |spines, suckers, |may, one, see, some, | |

| | | | | |prickly plant, stinging |tendril, thorn, Venus’ |that, them, they, to, | |

| | | | | |plant |flytrap |up, very, you, your | |

|Hard and Soft |Matter | | |103 |dog biscuits, feathers, |bowl, chain, claw, |are, has, her, his, |Classifying and categorizing, |

| | | | | |fur, paws, shell, stick |eyebrow, fingernail, |in, is, the, these, |applying knowledge, summarizing. |

| | | | | | |hair, nose, skin, teeth,|they, this, two, what,| |

| | | | | | |T-shirt, wall, whiskers |with | |

|LEVEL 7 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |7 |E |106–125 | | | | |

|Biggest, Highest Longest |Geography | | |124 |Amazon River, Greenland,|canoe, clear sky, |an, at, be, can, down,|Predicting, synthesizing, extracting |

| | | | | |Mauna Loa, Mount |crater, felucca, ferry, |has, in, is, it, look,|information |

| | | | | |Everest, Nile River, |ice, island, |most, on, the, this, | |

| | | | | |Pacific Ocean |mountaineer, rainforest,|to, too, up, very | |

| | | | | | |summit, volcanic rock, | | |

| | | | | | |waves | | |

|Earning Your Allowance |Economics/ | | |121 |car, dog, kitchen, |bucket, collar, glove, |an, can, dad, do, get,|Making connections to self, |

| |Technology | | | |plants, yard |leash, mixing bowl, |have, he, help, her, |synthesizing, evaluating |

| | | | | | |rake, |him, his, in, is, it, | |

| | | | | | |rolling pin, sponge, |lot, of, she, the, | |

| | | | | | |water, |this, to, too, you, | |

| | | | | | |watering can |your | |

|Rules in the Library |Government/ | | |117 |food and drink, noise, |bottle, bulletin board, |and, are, back, came, |Making connections to text, |

| |Authority | | | |return, rip or bend, |instructions, keyboard, |can, cannot, do, find,|synthesizing, evaluating |

| | | | | |tidy |librarian, marker, |for, from, have, if, | |

| | | | | | |monitor, page, returns |in, is, it, no, not, | |

| | | | | | |box, shelf, spine, |on, or, put, so, that,| |

| | | | | | |rubbish bin |the, them, they, to, | |

| | | | | | | |where, will, you, your| |

|A Look at the Solar System |Earth/Space Science | | |108 |Giant Planets, Inner |Earth, Jupiter, Mars, |a, are, big, do, far, |Asking and answering questions, |

| | | | | |Planets, Pluto, solar |Mercury, moon, Neptune, |four, from, have, in, |comparing and contrasting, |

| | | | | |system, sun, |orbit, planets, Pluto, |is, it, know, not, |recognizing chronological and |

| | | | | | |Saturn, sun, Uranus, |our, some, the, this, |sequential order |

| | | | | | |Venus |to, very, what, you, | |

|How Did You Move Like That? |Energy | | |112 |boat, gymnast, hammer, |arm, barbell, beam, |a, all, are, at, but, |Making connections to text, |

| | | | | |swimmers, weights |body, hammer, hand, leg,|cannot, he, look, see,|identifying cause and effect, |

| | | | | | |oar, shoulder, water |she, some, these, |applying knowledge |

| | | | | | | |they, uses, what, | |

| | | | | | | |what, when, you | |

|Bees to Honey |Life Science | | |115 |beehive, flowers, honey,|cells, entrance, leg, |a, and, at, do, from, |Determining importance, synthesizing,|

| | | | | |honeycomb, wings |nectar, petal, roof, |get, go, got, have, |recognizing chronological and |

| | | | | | |stamen, tongue, wax |in, is, it, make, |sequential order |

| | | | | | | |need, put, some, take,| |

| | | | | | | |the, their, they, | |

| | | | | | | |this, to, too, when, | |

| | | | | | | |where, who | |

|Rough and Smooth |Matter | | |114 |animals, fruit, kitchen |apple, dolphin, |are, at, has, have, |Determining importance, summarizing, |

| | | | | |tools, trees, tyres |elephant, grater, |here, is, it, its, |comparing and contrasting |

| | | | | | |monster-truck tyre, |look, no, not, on, | |

| | | | | | |pineapple, racing-car |one, other, some, the,| |

| | | | | | |tyre, rolling pin, |there are, these, two,| |

| | | | | | |wattle, yucca |very, what | |

|LEVEL 8 | |RR™ Level |F&P™ Level |Word Count |Dictionary Words |Vocabulary Words |H/F Words |Comprehension Strategies |

| | |8 |E |126–145 | | | | |

|Landmarks around the World |Geography | | |112 |bridges, castles, |Church in Burma, Church |a, ago, all, and, are,|Making connections to world, |

| | | | | |churches, |in Mexico, Eiffel Tower |come, for, get, Here, |synthesizing, compare and contrasting|

| | | | | |map, pyramids, towers |in Paris, Golden Gate |in, it, live, long, | |

| | | | | | |Bridge in San Francisco,|made, of, old, some, | |

| | | | | | |Pyramid in Chichen Itza,|these, they, they, | |

| | | | | | |Pyramids in Giza, Sky |this, time, to, two, | |

| | | | | | |Tower in Auckland, |very, were | |

| | | | | | |Sydney Harbour Bridge, | | |

| | | | | | |Windsor Castle in | | |

| | | | | | |Windsor | | |

|What Do These Things Cost? |Economics/ | | |145 |books, |basketball, bike, |a, at, do, look, more,|Predicting, applying knowledge, |

| |Technology | | | |ice-creams, musical |cookbook, guitar, home |much, one, other, |comparing and contrasting |

| | | | | |toys, outdoor toys, |recording studio, hula |same, than, the, | |

| | | | | |sports toys |hoop, ice-cream cone, |these, they, what, | |

| | | | | | |sandals, sneakers, |which, you | |

| | | | | | |storybook, sundae, | | |

| | | | | | |tennis racket | | |

|Who Looks after Your Town? |Government/ | | |135 |firefighter, mayor, |badge, |a, after, also, be, |Making connections to text, |

| |Authority | | | |paramedics, police |council office, |big, by, called, can, |synthesizing, asking and answering |

| | | | | |officer, town planners |councillors, helicopter,|cannot, do, find, |questions |

| | | | | | |hose, organiser, plan, |have, he, help, here, | |

| | | | | | |stretcher, uniform |his, in, is, little, | |

| | | | | | | |look, look, make, or, | |

| | | | | | | |other, same, she, | |

| | | | | | | |take, tell, the, the, | |

| | | | | | | |them, there, these, | |

| | | | | | | |they, this, what, | |

| | | | | | | |when, where, who | |

|Seasonal Changes |Earth/Space Science | | |144 |beach, park, rain, snow,|gloves, jacket, jeans, |a, all, and, bit, do, |Making connections to text, comparing|

| | | | | |warm clothes |raincoat, sand, shorts, |go, his, in, is, it, |and contrasting, predicting |

| | | | | | |surfboard, sweater, |like, likes, live, | |

| | | | | | |T-shirt, umbrella |lives, not, the, to, | |

| | | | | | | |too, very, what, | |

| | | | | | | |where, with, you | |

|Pushing |Energy | | |125 |bike, |chain, deck, billy cart,|a, at, down, fast, go,|Identifying cause and effect, |

| | | | | |merry-go-round, scooter,|handle, handlebar, |her, his, is, it, |applying knowledge, summarizing |

| | | | | |seesaw, swing |helmet, platform, pole, |look, make, one, or, | |

| | | | | | |railing, seat, tyre, |slow, the, them, | |

| | | | | | |wheel |things, this, to, up, | |

| | | | | | | |what | |

|Birds Need Trees – Trees Need |Life Science | | |132 |food, insects, nest, |bark, blossoms, |a, and, at, can, for, |Making connections to self, making |

|Birds | | | | |seeds, shelter, tree |caterpillar, fig, flesh,|from, in, is, is, it, |inferences, extracting information |

| | | | | | |flowers, grass, hollow, |look, many, most, | |

| | | | | | |leaves, twigs |need, new, on, see, | |

| | | | | | | |some, that, the, they,| |

| | | | | | | |this, to, too, you | |

|Sink and Float |Matter | | |141 |glass things, metal |block, coins, comb, jar,|a, and, are, at, by, |Predicting, asking and answering |

| | | | | |things, plastic things, |marbles, pen, pencils, |can, have, in, look, |questions, comparing and contrasting |

| | | | | |rubber balls, tank, |spoon, squash ball, |makes, of, our, see, | |

| | | | | |wooden things |tennis ball |so, some, them, these,| |

| | | | | | | |they, which, will, you| |


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