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Descendancy Narrative of Henry Osteen

I. Henry1 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He married Margaret Mcculough.

A. Thomas J.2 Osteen Sr married Rachel Pritchard. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1725 at Craven, North Carolina, USA.

1. William R.3 Osteen R.S married Elizabeth Davis, daughter of John Henry Davis Jr. and Elizabeth Lanier. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. From 'Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia' Vol. 8 Page 354, sketch of Samuel Thornton (1755-1847) Appling-Tattnall [Fourth paragraph] The plaque, on the Organization of the Beards Creek Primitive Baptist Chur ch in Tattnall County, lists a Samuel and Ezekiel Thornton as two of those involved in the ch urch origin. Ezekiel was probably a brother. Membership lists of the church shows Samuel Th ornton and wife Naomi; Ezekiel and wife, Sarah; Elizabeth O'Steen, mother of Isaac's future w ife, Mary; Sarah O'Steen, wife of Obadiah, son of William and Elizabeth O'Steen. *[Contributed by Wilbur G. Thornton of Huntsville, Alabama] *William O'Steen served 18 months in the 10th North Carolina Regiment, Continental Army, in th e Revolutionary War. He was born between 1740 and 1747 at Carteret County, North Carolina. He died circa 1832 at Georgia.

a) John A.4 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. *Jim Strickland lists John's birth date as abt 1772? and his date of death as abt 1840. *From Pioneers of Wiregrass, Georgia: by Huxford John O'Steen was born in North Carolina in 1772, a son of William and Elizabeth (Davis) O'Ste en. The family moved to Effingham County, Georgia about 1791, then to Liberty County, thenc s to Tattnall County. John O'Steen's wife was Ada Weeks. *More children have been found since this book was printed. There were 13 children in all, in cluding Ada's illegitimate daughter, Phoebe, born in 1785. *John O'Steen and family moved to Wayne County in its early days, 1810 or before, and also liv ed awhile in Camden County. Record is found in Camden of his service as an Indian spy in th e Camden County militia under Major William Bailey in 1817. When Appling County was created , he became one of its first settlers in the 451st militia district which in those days embra ced the whole of the present counties of Ware and Atkinson, Clinch and Pierce Counties. He w as first Lieutenant of the militia in that district, 1821-1822, he and his family were cut ou t of Appling into the new County of Ware, and when the new 586th district was formed out of t he 451st it included the O'Steen home in present Clinch County. He was 2nd Lieut., of the mi litia in that district, 1830-1832. Mr. O'Steen was one of the Justices of Ware Inferior Cour t, 1829-1833. *John O'Steen died in Ware, now Clinch County, Feb. 15th, 1840, in his 69th year. *Census References: 1820 Appling; 1830, Ware *From 'Families Remembered' by John Albert Burnett John O'Steen and family moved to Wayne County in its early days, 1810 or before, and also liv ed awhile in Camden County. Record is found in Camden of his service as an Indian spy in th e Camden County militia under Major William Bailey in 1817. When Appling County was created , he became one of its first settlers in the 451st militia district which in those days embra ced the whole of the present counties of Ware and Atkinson, Clinch and Pierce Counties. He w as first Lieutenant of the militia in that district, 1821-1822, he and his family were cut ou t of Appling into the new County of Ware, and when the new 586th district was formed out of t he 451st it included the O'Steen home in present Clinch County. He was 2nd Lieut., of the mi litia in that district, 1830-1832. Mr. O'Steen was one of the Justices of Ware Inferior Cour t, 1829-1833. *Mrs. Ada (Weeks) O'Steen was a charter member of the HIgh Bluff Baptist Church in present Bra ntley (then Wayne) County, when it was formed on June 30, 1819. Mr. O'Steen was baptized int o the same church May 11, 1823, and on November 8, 1823 they were dismissed by letter to joi n in organizing the Kettle Creek Baptist Church in what was then Appling County, Georgia (Bu t which became Ware County in 1825). Due to the loss of the latter church's records their su bsequent church membership cannot be traced. *John O'Steen, late in life made a move with his family to Columbia County, Florida. He is sh own in the 1840 census of Columbia County. John O'Steen died in Columbia County on Feb. 15 , 1841. Ada (Weeks) O'Steen after the death of her husband moved in with her daughter, Mrs . Robinson who lived in Camden County, Georgia. Ada (Weeks) O'Steen is shown living with he r in the 1850 Camden County census. She is thought to have died between 1850-1860. John O'S teen, and Ada (Weeks) O'Steen exact places of burial are not known. *There has been some controversy for several years over Phoebe O'Steen's birth being before Jo hn and Ada's marriage. During the colonial period it was very common for couples to live tog ether and even has some children before their actual marriage. Such couples were recognize d as mand and wife who later marries when a minister was around. Ealier researchers upset ov er this birth incident before marriage have concocted several stories about Phoebe O'Steen . One was that she was a half sister of Ada Weeks-this is not true. Another is that she wa s a relative living with the family-also not true. Illegitimacy was a sticky issue in the co lonial period. A bastardy bond would have to had been posted for any illegitimate child. Ca rteret County, North Carolina records are quite extensive and no such bond exists for Phoeb e O'Steen. She was the daughter of John O'Steen and Ada (Weeks) O'Steen that they had prio r to their marriage. He was born at Carteret Co., North Carolina, USA. He married Ada Weeks, daughter of Silas Weeks and Zillar Hunter, circa 1787 at Carteret Co., North Carolina, USA. He died on 15 Feb 1840 at Columbia Co., Fla. He died on 23 Jan 1842 at Lake Butler, Florida.

(1) Phoebe5 O'Steen. Her married name was Roberts. She Person Source. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.

Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine Vol. XXVI #4 Jan. 2000 Edition Pgs. 342, 343, 344, 345 Corrections by Col. Milton D. Weeks 8308 Tobin Road, Apt. 12 Annandale, VA.

'It is obvious that John O'Steen II and Ada Weeks had known each other since early childhood . Their families were neighbors. Apparently they fell in love. As a result of their relationship, Ada Weeks bore an illegitimate child, Phoebe. In 1785, the law in N.C. required the f ather of an illegitimate child to post a bond to ensure that the child did not become a burde n to the state. Such a bond was Bastardry Bond. In the birth of Phoebe Weeks, no such bon d was ever posted, which suggest the father was known and families involved would take care o f her. In 1787 John O'Steen purchased a marriage license. Where there is no proof of thei r marriage, it is apparent John and Ada were married shortly after the license was purchased. '

'The children of John and Ada (Weeks) O'Steen II are correctly as stated in (PWG Vol. VI) wit h the exception that Phoebe Weeks should be added as the first born. The children of John an d Ada were recorded in the family Bible of Theophilus Weeks. This was Ada's older brother b y family friend James Brooks. Easter, probably Esther was the last of the children recorded . In 1801, Theophilus Weeks and other of Beaufort Dist. began their migration to Georgia. J ohn and Ada remained in Beaufort Dist. It is believed other children were born to the marria ge, but separation of the families precluded the recording of the additional children. A com parison of census records suggests the possibility.' She was buried at Swift Creek Church Cemetery (near Lake Butler, Fl). She was also known as Phoebe Weeks. She was born on 22 Feb 1785 at Onslow County, North Carolina. She was born on 22 Feb 1785 at Carteret Co., Nc. She married John R. Roberts, son of Lewis Roberts and Mary (--?--), circa 1798 at McIntosh, Ga. She died in 1851 at Columbia County, Florida. She died in 1851 at Lake Butler, Union Co, Fl.

(a) John J.6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Allied Families' by Lowell E. Addison *'John J. Roberts, was born Nov. 2, 1799 in Georgia. Married Sarah Sweat, who was born June 6 , 1822; John J. Roberts moved, along with his family to Columbia County, Florida about 1845 ; in the area that is now Union County and lived out his life there. Sarah died, Nov. 1, 189 8; he died, Jan. 16, 1877. John and Sarah are buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, north of Lak e Butler, Florida, now in Union County. *ROBERTS, John 1762-1812 BULLOCH *JOHN ROBERTS was born 1762 in South Carolina, a son of John Roberts Sr. The family moved t o what is now Burke County, Georgia, in 1765, and the subject grew up in what is now Burke an d Screven counties, and during the Revolutionary War was a private in the Georgia Line. He w as married twice; his first wife's name is unknown. By her he had two daughters, Mrs. Bets y Moore and Mrs. Jane Moore. The former was the wife of John Moore of Bullock County. *After his first wife's death, John Roberts married Miss Sarah Tomlinson, daughter of John Tom linson, R.S., of Bulloch County. She was born in 1774 and died in Echols County, Georgia, i n 1856. The marriage of John Roberts and sarah Tomlinson took place in Bulloch County Octobe r 29, 1802. They had three childre: 1. Tharp b. 1805, m. Pollie, or Mary, Lee, daughter of John, R.S. 2. Isham b. 1808, m. (wife unknown) 3. John T. b. 1810, m. Candacy Tomlinson, daughter of William (1st cousin) *John Roberts died in Bulloch County in December 1812. He left a will dated October 8, 1812 , and which was probated January Term, 1813, Bulloch County of Ordinary. This will named th e five children whose names are shown above, giving %50.00 each to the two daughters, and th e remainder of the estate to be used and expended for the support and education of the thre e minor sons. James William and Hezekiah Parrish, friends of the testator, were named execut ors. *About 1816, Mrs. Roberts, the widow, married William Moore, and they had two sons, Elias an d Mathew Moore. About 1830-1835, William Moore and family, also the three Roberts sons of Mr s. Moore, all moved to Lowndes County, Georgia, where William Moore died. Mrs. Moore was liv ing in the 1850 census with her son, William S. Roberts, 1815-1903, in Clinch County, in th e territory now Echols County. *John Roberts was commissioned a lieutenant in the Echols County militia June 12, 1802. *Note: Mrs. Marie (James M.) Clyatt of Daytona Beach, Florida, became the first descendant o f John Roberts, R.S., to be admitted as a member of the D.A.R. Her application was accepte d in October 1948; National No. 378279 *POWG *MORE: Burial-Swift Creek Cem. Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. He Person Source. He was buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lake Butler, Fl. He was born on 2 Oct 1799 at McIntosh Co., Ga. He was born on 2 Nov 1799 at McIntosh County, Georgia. He died on 16 Jan 1877 at Columbia, Fl, at age 77.

i) John7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) Stephen7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1839.

iii) Bryant7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842.

iv) Nancy7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1844.

v) Emily7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1852.

(b) Lewis Leonard6 Roberts Person Source. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *RESOURCES: Page 223, Vol. 6, Huxford *'Families Remembered' by John Albert Burnett *Lewis Roberts was born in Camden County, June 23, 1802, a son of John Roberts and Phoebe (O'S teen/Weeks) Roberts. He grew up in Camden, Glenn and Wayne Counties in which his parents suc cessively lived during his youth. He came with them when they moved to Lowndes County earl y in 1825 (at the time the territory was Irwin county). He was married in Irwing (now Lanier ) County, December 15, 1825 (the marriage license being of record in Irwin County), to Mary K night, born 1805 in Effingham County, daughter of Jonathan Knight. *After marriage, Lewis Roberts lived on one of his father's farms near present Wayfare Churc h (which was not orginized until 1841) in that portion of Lowndes made into Clinch County i n 1850. He was a private in Captain Levi J. Knight's company of Lowndes County Militia in th e Indian War in 1838. In 1843 he with his family moved to Columbia County, Florida and settl ed in that portion cut off into Bradford (now Union) county in 1859, and lived there until hi s death September 1, 1854. His wife died about 1875, and was buried in the cemetery at Swif t Creek Baptist Church near Lake Butler, Florida. *Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were members of the Primitive Baptist Church. She joined the church a t Friendship Church in Lowndes county in 1827, and after moving to Florida she transferred he r membership to Swift Creek Church which her husband later also united with. They died membe rs there. *MORE: Burial-Swift Creek Ce. Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. He was buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lake Butler, Fl. He was born on 23 Jun 1802 at McIntosh Co., Ga. He married Mary Knight on 15 Dec 1825 at Lanier, Georgia. He died on 1 Sep 1854 at Columbia Co., Fl, at age 52. He died on 1 Sep 1854 at Lake Butler, Florida, at age 52.

i) Jonathan Knight7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 15 Nov 1826 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 16 Aug 1907 at age 80.

ii) David7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1828 at Wayne County, Georgia.

iii) Elizabeth Ann7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 20 Dec 1830 at Wayne County, Georgia.

iv) William P.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1831 at Columbia County, Florida.

v) Saleta Ann7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1834 at Columbia County, Florida.

vi) Reubin7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1835 at Columbia County, Florida.

vii) Mary A.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. She was born on 9 Aug 1836 at Georgia. She died on 25 Dec 1920 at age 84.

viii) Martha A.7 Roberts. Her married name was Wilkinson. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 10 Feb 1838 at Georgia. She married David Patrick Wilkinson on 9 Dec 1866. She died on 15 Apr 1921 at age 83.

ix) Abel7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1840 at Georgia. He died circa 1863 at Civil War.

x) Thomas7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842 at Georgia.

xi) Cynthia Jane7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1844 at Georgia. She died in 1913.

(c) William P.6 Roberts was also known as I. He Person Source. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *William P. Roberts, the third child of John and Phoebe Roberts, was born in GA., Oct. 11, 180 4; he married Sarah Knight, daughter of Rev. William A. Knight, Dec. 27, 1825; after his fami ly moved to Lowndes Co., GA., and settled on a farm in eastern Lowndes Co. He was a Sergean t in Capt. Levi Knight's Militia Co. in the Indian Wars. They lived out their lives in thi s area. He died, Dec. 2, 1852; at the age of 48. He is buried at 'Old Burned Church' cemete ry, just outside of Lakeland, GA. His widow married again to George Wallace, but the marriag e didn't work out, so she took back her 'Roberts' name. She died about 1885; and ws buried b eside her husband, William P. Roberts. His grave is marked, her grave isn't. *1830 Lowndes County, Georgia Census Roberts, William P. 3M, 1F. He was born on 11 Oct 1804 at Wayne County, Georgia. He was born on 11 Oct 1804 at McIntosh Co., Ga. He married Sarah Knight on 22 Dec 1825 at Irwin County, Georgia. He was buried on 2 Dec 1852 at Union Baptist Cemetery, Lakeland, Lowdens, Ga. He died on 2 Dec 1852 at Lowndes County, Georgia, at age 48.

i) John7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 11 Jun 1826 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died on 27 Jan 1848 at Clinch County, Georgia, at age 21.

ii) William7 Roberts was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Aug 1828 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died on 24 Jul 1903 at Valdosta, Georgia, at age 74.

iii) George W.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday, January 27, 1977, Page Two THE WAY IT WAS - Gene Barber Part One - Notes on the Civil War-Baker County Men and Their Units *Baker County men who served in the 8th, Company I were: Isaac and Isaiah Barber, John Barton , Elias Bennett, John G. Bennett, Wiley Bennett, William Bennett, John E. Burnsed, C. Crews , Samuel Crews, William P. Crews, Geo. Davis, John G. Davis, Levi, Drawdy, John R. Herndon, R obert C. Lauramore, Richard M. Lauramore, John Prescott, William J. Raulerson, Henry Rhoden , Isham Rhoden, James J. Rhoden, John A.J. Rhoden, John H. Rhoden, Levi Rhoden, George W. Rob erts, Alfred Sparkman, Luke Sparkman, William C. Sparkman, and Elisha Wilderson. *George W. Roberts was killed during the Battle of Missionary Ridge on the 25th of November, 1 863. And Elisha Wilkerson was wounded at Sharpsburg September 9th, 1862. He was born in 1833 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died on 25 Nov 1863 at Civil War.

iv) Martha7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1838 at Loundes County, Georgia.

v) Sarah Matilda7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1841 at Loundes County, Georgia.

vi) Jasper Marion7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Jasper Marion Roberts enlisted in 1861 as a private and rose to the rank of 1st. Lieut. He w as in the battle around Atlanta, and was killed there, July 1864. He was born in 1844 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died in 1864 at CSA Army - Battle of Atlanta.

(d) Reubin6 Roberts died CAL 1875 at Berrien Co, Ga. He Person Source. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *RESOURCES: Page 257, Vol. 2, Huxford *Reubin married the widow of his son Thomas J. Roberts, 'Anne K. Rizer', after the death of El izabeth. He was buried at Union Baptist Church Cemetery, Lakeland, Berrien, Ga. He was born on 17 Apr 1807 at Camden County, Georgia. He was born on 17 Apr 1807 at McIntosh Co., Ga. He married Elizabeth Conners Clements, daughter of William Clements and Elizabeth (--?--), on 31 Mar 1835 at Lowdens, Ga. He married Elizabeth Conners Clements, daughter of William Clements and Elizabeth (--?--), on 31 Mar 1835 at Loundes County, Georgia. He married Anne K. Rizer on 13 Dec 1865. He died between 1874 and 1875 at Berrien County, Georgia.

i) Sherod E.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 26 Mar 1837 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died on 28 May 1906 at Bowling Green, Florida, at age 69.

ii) James Scarborough7 Roberts was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Co, Fl S 16 Pm. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He Person Source. He was born on 22 Jul 1838 at Lowndes Co, Ga. He married Mary Cone Knight on 12 Sep 1865. He died on 19 May 1922 at Charlotte, Florida, at age 83.

(a) Charles L(Inton)8 Roberts Person Source. He was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Co, Fl S 16 Pm. He was born on 7 Jul 1866 at Berrien Co, Ga. He died on 21 Nov 1917 at An Accident on Horseback near Murdock Railroad Station at age 51.

(b) Albert Sidney8 Roberts Person Source. He was born on 31 Oct 1867 at Berrien Co, Ga. He died on 9 Apr 1936 at Bradenton, Fl, at age 68.

(c) Augustus E.8 Roberts Person Source. He was born on 22 Feb 1869 at Berrien Co, Ga. He died on 26 May 1870 at Died at the Age of 1 Year, 3 Months and 4 Days, at age 1.

(d) John Q.8 Roberts Person Source. He was born on 24 Jun 1870 at Berrien Co, Ga. He died on 28 Sep 1914 at age 44.

(e) Mitchell Sherrod 'Mitch'8 Roberts Person Source. He was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Co, Fl S 17. He was born on 4 Oct 1872 at Berrien Co, Ga. He married MARY FRANCES HANCOCK, daughter of SHADRACK HANCOCK and SARAH JANE KNIGHT, on 10 Jul 1898. He died on 20 Dec 1942 at age 70.

i) Freddie Lee9 Roberts was born on 8 May 1899 at Fruitville, Manatee, Florida, USA.

ii) Ruth Hancock9 Roberts was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte, Florida, USA. She was born on 30 Aug 1900 at Fruitville, Manatee, Florida, USA. She died on 18 Nov 1972 at Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, USA, at age 72.

iii) James Milton9 Roberts was buried at Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte, Florida, USA. He was born on 7 Apr 1903 at Venice, Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida. He died on 12 Jun 1961 at New York, New York, New York, USA, at age 58.

iv) Thomas Watson9 Roberts was also known as Tommy Roberts. He was buried at Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte, Florida, USA. He was born on 4 Apr 1910 at Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte, Florida, USA. He died on 5 Feb 1991 at Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte, Florida, USA, at age 80.

(f) William Reubin8 Roberts Person Source. He was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Co, Fl S 16 Pm. He was born on 5 Apr 1875 at Berrien Co, Ga. He died on 11 Nov 1947 at St. Petersburg, Fl, at age 72.

(g) Minniola 'Minnie'8 Roberts Person Source. She was born on 7 Nov 1877 at Berrien Co, Ga. She died in 1951.

(h) Mary Cone8 Roberts Person Source. She was born on 6 Sep 1879 at Hihira, Ga. She died on 6 Nov 1902 at age 23.

(i) Julian Bryant8 Roberts Person Source. He was buried at Osprey, Fl. He was born on 29 Dec 1881 at Hihira, Ga. He died on 1 Aug 1969 at Sarasota, Fl, at age 87.

(j) Linton Stephens8 Roberts Person Source. He was buried at Charlotte Harbor Cemetery, Charlotte Co, Fl S 16 Pm. He was born on 6 Jul 1884 at Hihira, Ga. He died on 6 Apr 1931 at age 46.

(k) Rachel E.8 Roberts Person Source. She was born on 17 Jan 1887 at Cat Creek, Ga. She died on 27 Jan 1928 at Pierce, Fl, at age 41.

(l) Claudia P.8 Roberts Person Source. She was born on 25 Aug 1888 at Cat Creek, Ga. She died on 14 Apr 1923 at age 34.

iii) Ezekial W.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He died at C.S. Army. He was buried at Owen Smith Cemetery, Lowndes County, Georgia. He Person Source. He was born on 13 Feb 1840 at Loundes County, Georgia. He died on 6 Jan 1863 at Civil War at age 22.

iv) Amanda A.7 Roberts. Her married name was Hagan. She Person Source. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 6 Nov 1843 at Lowndes, Georgia. She married John William Hagan, son of John Fletcher Hagin and Elizabeth Dayton, in 1858. She died in 1872.

v) Thomas Jefferson7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 13 Jul 1845 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died in Sep 1863 at Civil War, Battle of Chicamauga, at age 18. He died in Sep 1863 at The Battle of Chicamauga at age 18.

(e) Bryant J.6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Served in the Indian War of 1836-1838 Private in Captain Levi J. Knight's militia *Mr. Roberts lived on the large plantation settled by his father which afforded comfortable ci rcumstances. *RESOURCES: Page 244, Vol. 2, Huxford *Bryant J. 'B.J.' Roberts was born June 4, 1809; in Wayne Co., GA. He married Wealthy A. Math is, Jan. 26, 1832; she was born in 1913, Bullock Co., GA., the daughter of James Mathis and R hoda Monk. When old John Roberts, Bryant's father, decided to move to FL. in 1850, Bryant bo ught his fathers large plantation. He also served in Capt. Levi Knight's GA Militia. Bryan t was well known and lived in comfortable circumstances. Bryant J. Roberts died July 8, 1888 , just a few days after his wife died on June 19, 1888. Both are buried at 'Cat Creek' Cemet ery just north of Valdosta, GA. *MORE: Burial-Cat Creek Primative Baptist Church Cemetery, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia. He Person Source. He was buried at Cat Creek Primitive Baptist, Valdosta, Lowdens, Ga. He was born on 4 Jun 1809 at Wayne Co, Ga. He married Wealthy A. Mathis on 26 Jan 1832 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 8 Jul 1888 at Lowndes County, Georgia, at age 79.

i) John J.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at Cat Creek Primative Baptist Church Cemetery, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia. He was born on 17 Nov 1832 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 10 May 1907 at age 74.

ii) James W.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 11 Mar 1834 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 6 Jun 1900 at age 66.

iii) Mary Ann7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1836 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iv) Stephen N.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Never married. *MORE: 8-6-1861 Enlisted in Company 'G', 29th Georgia Infantry Regiment C.S.A. Died 1-6-1863 while serving in the Confederate Army. He was buried at Owen Smith Cemetery, Lowndes County, Georgia. He was born on 26 Nov 1837 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 6 Jan 1863 at CS Army at age 25.

v) Jemima7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 15 Sep 1839 at Lowndes, Georgia. She died on 16 Jul 1913 at age 73.

vi) Rachel7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1841 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vii) Nancy7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1843 at Lowndes, Georgia.

viii) Warren H.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 30 Jan 1846 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 6 May 1908 at Lowndes, Georgia, at age 62.

ix) William K.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1847 at Lowndes, Georgia.

x) Leonard L.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 31 Aug 1849 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 15 Aug 1919 at age 69.

xi) Elizabeth7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 18 May 1851 at Lowndes, Georgia.

xii) Martha7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854 at Lowndes, Georgia.

(f) Nathan6 Roberts Person Source. He was born in 1811 at Wayne Co. Ga. He died on 2 Sep 1874.

(g) George Washington6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *RESOURCES: Page 277, Vol. 3, Huxford *From 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Alled Families' p. 9, by Lowell E. Addison *George Washington Roberts, was born April 23, 1812 in Wayne Co., GA., the 6th child of John a nd Phoebe Roberts. He went along with his parents to Lowndes Co., GA. Married Mary A. 'Poll ie' Mathis, she was born in Bullock Co. in 1815, the daughter of James and Rhoda Monk Mathis . George W. Roberts also served as a 2nd Lieut. in Capt. Levi Knights Militia Co. in the Ind ian wars. *In the mid 1840's, he moved his family, along with his brothers, John J., Lewis L., and Nath an to Columbia Co., FL., and settled in the area that is now Baker Co. Late in his life he m oved back across the state line into GA., near old Fort Moniac. His wife died about 1883, an d George died about 1895, and both are in a cemter near their home. Their graves were not ma rked with a stone, and have been lost. *THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday, March 24, 1977, Page Two THE WAY IT WAS - Gene Barber Still More Odds 'n Ends from County's Past *While researching for the book Baker County, Florida-An Historical Narrative, all kinds of go od stuff was discovered. Many items too small to dwell on at length but too good to let slid e by make up this week's column. *Baker County has always been politics-oriented. Three of our history's outstanding politicia ns were George Washington Roberts, Max M. Brown, and William Daniel Mann. *George W. Roberts, originally from Lowndes County, Georgia, became an early citizen of Bake r County. During the Civil War he moved to the Raulerson's Ferry (Baxter) section living a t different times on each side of the St. Mary's River. He was elected as County Commissione r in November of 1863. For reasons known only to himself, he refused to serve and moved perm anently into the Georgia Bend. *THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday April 28, 1977, Page Two THE WAY IT WAS - Gene Barber The Baxter Rebellion Part One *Most of known principals but not all of the participants of the following described event hav e passed on. For those who suffered through this, the darkest blot on Baker County history , and are yet with us, be assured this writing is not intended to open old wounds but only fo r the sake of history. And, a knowledge of history prevents making the same mistakes again. *Early on Sunday morning, September 16th, 1904, most of the residents of Baxter and Moniac gat hered at the Baxter station (about a half mile west of the present State Highway 127) for a n excursion to St. Augustine. None of the amiable crowd could know that before they would ne rvously enter their homes again that night they would be witnesses to the bloodiest, most unr eal experience of their lives. *Sancking baskets, ball paraphernalia, and extra nickels for fizzy Coke dopes were brought alo ng for the added enjoyment in Florida's sun and fun capital. Mr. and Mrs. Charly Hodges an d infant son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams boarded together. They had been invited by a St . Augustine merchant friend to spend the day on his yacht. The wild and happily young Altma n boys, Hillary and Charly, intended to have a good time that day and brought along a flask o f 'good-time-insurance-juice'. Several blacks including the Messers, Jim Riley, Jesse Campbe ll, Jim Plummer and a family named Eddy had donned their Sunday best and waited eagerly on th e platform. *All were employees of 'Turpentines' Duncan a native of Tennessee and recently from Macon, Geo rgia. Although his manner of dealing with his employees and the locals had not found favor w ith the Baker and Charlton fold, his gift of an excursion was generally conceded to be the ac t of a gentleman. *Mr. Duncan, a big-framed and extroverted man, had bought up a vast acreage in the area at abo ut the turn of the century. He had earlier brought his wife and infant, two teenage sons, an d two married sons and their wives down from Macon. On the big excursion day all his famil y except his wife and baby joined him on the train. Mrs. Duncan, Senior, remained home becau se the baby was not well and she sent to Fargo for a doctor. *Sixty years later, Mrs. Mattie Knabb Hodges recalled that when her small party returned to th e depot in St. Augustine for the return trip home they found most of their traveling companio ns drunk and noisy and the Negroes especially boisterous and pugnacious. For reasons never d reamed, Mr. Duncan pushed his black employees ahead of the whites to board the train. With m ost of the whites behind him grumbling, Duncan seemed to have troubles with the ticket agent , turnstile keeper and conductor. *At the railroad officer's insistence Duncan confiscated all pistols from the whites (to tot e a pistol in 1904 was a common as carrying a pocketwatch.) The blacks, emboldened by thei r boss' attitude and actions, began to taunt the whites, and the whites fingered their long b laded knives hoping for an opportunity to use them. *The Macon Baseball Club, having played in St. Augustine that day, traveled on the same retur n train. The cars were crowded; the boys liquored up, and the atmosphere inflamable. *In 1904 almost everything and everybody was segregated. The blacks had their own rail car an d on the small trains of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad the passenger blacks and t he segregated white smokers shared the car. *Chary Hodges recalled that boozed-up spirits were running high in the black-smoker car and te nsion mounted each time another white entered or passed through. Manager Smith of the Maco n Ball Club claimed that Charly and Hillary Altman were alternately threatening to cut each o thers throat and drinking from the same bottle. *The Altman boys allegedly began to 'give a rough time' to Jim Plummer, a Negro hand of Mr. Du ncan. Plummer left the car in fright and his friend Jim Riley hollered, 'you run from that m an?' One of the Altmans, it was said, grabbed Riley and slashed his throat, almost decapitat ing him. *One of the young Duncan men, Jackson, attempted to come to the aid of his black hands. Mik e Rowe and Ivy Harvey supposedly took up the Altman battle and in but a moment Jackson Duncan 's dead body, its heart hanging out, lay bleeding in the aisle. *The conductor closed off the bloody car and refused to stop as per Duncan's instructions exce pt to halt briefly at Cutler-St. George to wire for help and instructions. The vilence mount ed, becoming an orgy of blood as by-stander blacks and some members of the Macon team were in discrimately slashed. *Jackson's brother Marshall was then badly cut up and tossed off the train. Duncan, Sr., thin king the Altmans and Harvey had hidden in the restroom shot several times through the door . They, however, had jumped off the train at St. George and hiding beneath a car rode the ro ds in to Baxter. One of their buddies, Mike Rowe had fallen off and a section foreman's rai l buggy was borrowed to go back and pick him up. *By the time the train arrived in Baxter at eleven that night, an undetermined number had bee n killed and wounded. The blacks scattered as soon as, or sooner than, the train stopped. A ny white man who believed that he might be implicated also disappeared. The womenfolk and ch ildren were cautioned to not look in the direction of the murder car as the men hustled the m off into the dark. *One lady said many years later, 'I am a woman and I can't help being curious. I looked an d I have many times wished to God I had listened to my husband. When the door was slid ope n the blood flowed out. I looked in and could not see one inch that was not covered with blo od'. Another stated, 'they stacked them (bodies of the dead and dying) like cordwood'. *No body slept that night. The women and children were barricaded in their homes or secrete d under their houses by the men as they were out tending to the dead and wounded. One woma n later confided that her husband had nailed her and her baby inside their house and that sh e had often shuddered in later years at the consequences had anybody set fire to their home . Shots were fired all night long and it was a long night. *In response to threats by several locals to 'get rid of all them damned Duncans, a number o f other natives went to the Duncan home to protect Mrs. Duncan and her infant. A member of t he barricading group later stated, 'I couldn't give a --- for Duncan and his bigger boys, bu t I wasn't going to see a woman and babies suffer for what the old --- had done.' *Shots were fired all through the night. The sounds were those of a full scale battle. Negr o houses were fired. The train from Fargo stopped far west of Baxter to unload the summone d doctor and then rushed through at top speed. Some men of the community met the doctor an d took him to the Duncan home where he tended Duncan Sr., first and then began several grueli ng hours of mending the butchered and shot. *The one deputy for the area, Rufe Thrift, was unable to do much more than stand off the mob f rom the Duncan home. A few of the menfolk remained with him as the sky began to lighten, bu t most had returned home to be with their families. Ivy Harvey and the Altmans had ridden ha rd to Taylor for reinforcements. By daybreak the threat seemed to have dissipated enough, s o thought most of the community, to take the remainder of the men home. *When the sun came up over the pines, Deputy Ruft Thrift stood alone. 'Of all the bad Thrifts , Rufe was the baddest', claimed a contemporary. Not many was willing to go against him. *The Duncan commissary stood approximately on the site of the present C.H. Yonn store. Insid e was the post office, of which W.H. Altman (brother of Charly and Hillary) was postmaster . Upstairs housed the dormitory for the Duncan white hands. Also inside was a waiting gunma n or gunmen. *Duncan 'cameto' and determined to terminate the situation permanently and to exact revenge o n the Altman-Harvey faction. He grabbed his shotgun and strode the short distance eastward t o his commissary. *The commissary was described as being a rather large squarish frame structure with a hip roof . A small porch graced the otherwise unadorned front. Side stairs led to the sleeping quart ers. Above it all flew the American flag. *From inside, a single shot dropped Duncan. At about the same time Ivy Harvey and several o f the Altman clan returned from Taylor. The huge mob approached with firearms blazing. Unkn own to either side, Deputy Thrift had earlier rushed to the commissary and secreted himself u pstairs. The Taylor area men spread low among the gallberries and moved in. Thrift, apparen tly believing his better chances were down on the ground, rushed out and started down the sta irs. *The crowd began to shoot, wounding him in the legs. He fell to the bottom of the stairs an d crawled under the commissary. The mob moved in cautiously and ,s eeing he was auarmed, bla sted away at close range. It was reported that there was not an unbroken bone in his body wh en it was dragged from beneath the building. *After killing Deputy Rufe Thrift, the gang discovered the corpse of Riley Dowling upstairs . The Dowlin gbody was carried away on a makeshift litter of guns and left on his porch by u nkown persons to be found by his wife later. His murderer was not determined and Duncan alle gedly said later, 'Good. I couldn't have looked the county over and found a man I'd rather i t be.' *When word of the mob actions reached the county seat, Sheriff U.C. Herndon deputized every ma n he could catch in Macclenny and along the route to Baxter. 'And catch 'em he had to', quot ed an observer. 'Wasn't nobody wanted to get mixed up in that fracas.' *In Baxter the Sheriff received no cooperation from the populace. All were either too deepl y involved or too frightened to make a statment. It is said that while the Sheriff was bus y in one place a gang would stop and rob a train on another stretch of tracks (no record ha s been found, to date, of train robbery). To cap it all off, a sniper took a shot at Sherif f Herndon during his investigation. *Florida's Secretary of State Crawford, in Gov. Jennings' absence mobilized the State Militi a and the trains rolled in with troops on Tuesday. The soldiers made camp and their campfire s were kept blazing all night. Some locals feared renewed riots because several of the Milit ia were close relatives of the rebellion's participants. Mr. Duncan protested the use of Sta te Militia rather than U.S. Regulars because the men stationed at Baxter would not, he claime d, shoot against their kin. *The troops kept an uneasy peace while Sheriff Herndon conducted his investigation and made ar rests. Jails in the three Florida Counties of Baker, Columbia, and Duval were filled accordi ng to locals (records were found only of the Folkston, Jacksonville, and Macclenny jails bein g used). *In protest against the military, someone shot the American flag from atop the post office-com missary. *Georgia opened her boundary and permitted Sheriff Herndon, with National Guard support, to en ter the Bend and capture 21 of the Altman-Dowling faction. The prisoners, under military gua rd, were taken by train to Jacksonville for security. From the Bay Street station they wer e marched to the Duval County jail under additional army guard. *The Hon. James P. Taliaferro of the U.S. Senate and C.F. Barber of the State Senate immediate ly launched a bail campaign for the men. Sen. Taliaferro was vacationing in Canada at the ti me and his correspondence with Sen. Barber provided much of the information for this Baxter s eries. Also found among Sen. Barber's letters and papers were several receipts for bails pay ments, lawyers fees, and families subsistence (none ever repaid). *Sen. Barber was joined by the influential Sanderson merchanct and legislator William D. Man n on a trip through the Taylor, Baxter, and Georgia Bend area advising against panic and coop eration. *'Now, don't be witnessing against your neighbor just to get even' they reasoned. 'Stay quie t and know nothing. The State will have no case against anybody if you all will just stay qu iet.' *And, stay quiet they did. Sheriff Herndon was heard to remark as he rounded up his suspects , 'this ain't going to do nobody no good. They won't get anything out of them.' *Charles and Hillary Altman and Ivy Harvey were tried at Folkston for the murder of Jack Dunca n. The Altmans kinfolks galore in Charlton County and they joined the Baker County clan in s urrounding the courthouse on the day of the trial. All were armed and one nervous townsperso n and county official was overheard to say, 'if them Altmans want to burn down the courthouse , I'll not only let 'em, I'll help 'em strick the match.' *The trial was soon over and the boys were acquitted. A second trial for the murder of Jim Ri ley was of an even shorter duration and all returned to Macclenny for the hearings for the mu rders on the Florida side. *The Baker County courthouse was a handsome frame structure that stood near the site of the pr esent Baker County Free Public Library (built as the new courthouse four years after the hear ings). It was ringed by the Militia and hundres of curious natives and out-of-towners. Nobo dy doubted for a moment that the relatives of the men being tried would make good their threa ts to burn the courthouse and shoot up the town if the men were convicted. *The tight-lipped attitudes of the witnesses frustrated the proceedings of justice resulting i n delays and re-schedulings. The new Governor, N.B. Broward, it was rumored, owed much of hi s independent democrat victory to certain strings skillfully pulled by Baker County politicia ns. Gov. Broward also had blood and in-law ties within the County. Perhaps, in the light o f those facts, it can be understood why he chose to help bog down the Baxter Rebellion in jud icial loopholes and governmental red tape until it became a forgotten subject in Tallahassee. *After the hearings some of the principals left the county, never to return. Some died or dis appeared soon after. A very few remained, refusing to discuss the events until they were i n advanced age. *The wounds remainded fresh with some for seventy years or more. It is strange that those wh o had suffered the most seemed to forgive and forget first. The men did the killing but it w as the women who had to bury their men alone (others were fearful to assist). *Mr. Duncan Sr. did not show up for the hearings and supposedly ended up near Madison. A Mr . Lewis came to Macclenny from that area a generation later to set up a sawmill operation. D uncan strongly advised him not to go to Baker County. 'Them people there,' he said, 'are cra zy.' *Mr. Lewis answered, 'maybe, just maybe, it's how you treat 'em and approach 'em that'll mak e the difference.' *MORE: Fort Moniac, Georgia. He Person Source. He was born on 23 Apr 1812 at Wayne County, Georgia. He married Mary A. Mathis in 1830 at Georgia. He married an unknown person in 1840 at Lowndes, Georgia, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1885 at Echlas, Ga, at age 72.

i) Emily7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1832 at Lowndes, Georgia.

ii) Phoebe7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1834 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iii) Rhoda7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *MORE: Baker, Florida Burial- South Prog. Cemetery, Baker Co., Fla. She was buried at South Prog. Cemetery, Baker County, Florida. She was born in 1836 at Lowndes, Georgia. She died on 16 May 1913.

iv) Elizabeth7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1838 at Lowndes, Georgia.

v) Aaron7 Roberts died at CS Army. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Never married. He was born in 1840 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vi) Harriet7 Roberts died young. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1842 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vii) James7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Never married. He died at CS Army. He was buried at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia. He was born in 1844 at Baker, Florida.

viii) Adonarim Vann7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1847 at Union County, Florida.

ix) Dora Ann7 Roberts died young. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1849 at Union County, Florida.

x) John G.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. He was born on 24 Apr 1851 at Union County, Florida. He died on 21 Nov 1920 at Union County, Florida, at age 69.

xi) Jefferson Enoch7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at Boones Creek Cemetery, Charlton, Georgia. He was born in 1854 at Camden County, Georgia. He died in Nov 1945 at Charlton County, Georgia.

(h) Stephen6 Roberts was buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lake Butler, Fl. He was buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From: 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Allied Families', p. 9 by Lowell E. Addison *'Stephen Roberts was born Feb. 6, 1814 in Wayne County, Georgia. He moved, along with his fa ther old John Roberts to Lowndes Co., GA. He was married there to Mary Ann Boyd. She was bo rn July 1, 1822 in Georgia. She was known far and wide for her beauty. Stephen and his fami ly moved, along with his father and mother, John and Phoebe Roberts, to Columbia Co., Fl., i n 1850. He and his father settle in, or near Lulu, but in later years he moved into the are a that is now Baker Co. After the death of his father, John Roberts, he became administrato r of his estate. *Stephen Roberts was a rough, tough man and earned the nickname 'Tiger Bill.' He died Jan. 10 , 1894 at the age of 80. It is said that an unknown assailant shot him to death, as he sat i n his buggy, on the south side of Ocean Pond in Baker Co. His wife, Mary, died Nov. 12, 1886 . Both are buried at Swift Creek Cemetery. *From: 'Families Remembered' by John Albert Burnett Lived in Baker County, Florida * THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday, October 13, 1977, Page Two THE WAY IT WAS -Gene Barber The Will of 'Tiger Bill' Roberts *Baker County has been the home of quite a few rough and tough characters, but few have earne d the likes of the nickname worn by Stephen Roberts-'Tiger Bill'. The tales about him are ma ny and varied but all seem to agree on his ferocity. It was reported that he beat a man to d eath for no other reason than the man refused to speak to him respectfully. *Born in either Liberty or McIntosh County, Georgia, to John and Phoeve O'Steen Roberts, he ca me to the Baker County area (Olustee-Swift Creek) in 1839. His wife Mary Ann Boyd, known fa r and wide for her beauty in spike of mothering several children. *It is said that Tiger Bill's deeds caught up with him one day in 1899 on the south shore of O cean Pond. An unknown assailant allegedly dragged the aging pioneer from his buggy and sho t him to death with a 38 pistol. *Partly for his genealogy-searching descendants and partly for this historical interest, his w ill from Columbia County is reproduced (much thanks to Mrs. Chris Parker of Maxville for cont ributing it to this column.) * Will Book 'A', Page 213, Columbia County, Florida * In The name of God, Amen. I, Stephen Roberts, of Baker County, Florida, being of sound mind and memory and having in m y lifetime given to several of my children proper portions, I make this my Last Will and Test ament, that justice be done each of my heirs, hereby revoking all other wills by me made. *1st: I appoint my son Daniel L. Roberts, my sole Executor, to cary into effect the provision s of this Will and I authorize him to sell at private sale all such lands and property as ma y be neccessary to pay any just debts which may be owing by me at my death well as to affec t the proper distribution of my property and to make deeds to such purchasers of my land, wit hout the intervention of any Court & to set apart and deliver by deed to each heir and devise e, such portion of land and property as shall be due under the provisions of this Will afte r payment of the expenses of Administration. *2nd: I have already given and delivered to each of the following named children, such portio ns as I intended them to possess and direct that they do not take any further portion of my e state; vis: William P. Roberts, now deceased; Mary Thomas, wife of E.W. Thomas, Phoebe Clifto ns Heirs; Susan Wilson, wifeof Joseph Wilson; Benjamin S. Roberts; Stephen Milliard Roberts a nd John M. Roberts, and having thus provided for these children, my Will and wish is that the y and their descendants have no further portion of my property, either real, personal or mixe d. *3rd: Unto Martha Dyess, wife of George C. Dyess; Daniel L. Roberts, Eliza Henson, wife of R. J. Henson; Fannie Long, wife of N.B. Long; and R.B. Roberts, I give, devise and bequeath, sha re and share alike, all the property, real, personal & mixed of which I shall die seized an d possessed and in case of the death of the Devisees or either or them, then his or her porti on to his or her descendants. *This August 25th 1891 Stephen Roberts (Seal) *State of Florida, County of Columbia: The foregoing Will, written on two and a half pages was read to Stephen Roberts, the Testator , in our presence, and fully explained to him and he signed the same in our presence declarin g it to be his true Last Will and Testament and we, at his request, and in his presence and i n the presence of each other, then and there signed hereunder as subscribing witnesses theret o; at Lake City, Fla., Aug. 25, 1891, the Will being first dated, signed and sealed. *A.J. Henry, Lake City, Fla. Filed in Office, Jan. 13th, 1894 W.M. Ives, County Judge Recorded Jan. 14, 1894 *The Roberts Family *'Tiger Bill' Roberts, the subject of last week's column was a member of one of the area's fir st and largest clans. The extremes of the south, west, and north areas of Baker County and a djoining Charlton and Union Counties were the homes of the descendants of John Roberts of Sou th Carolina. *John Roberts was born in Charleston District in the spring of 1778, very likely the son of Re volutionary soldier Lewis Roberts. The elder Roberts served in the South Carolina Militia fr om 1779 to 1781. In the final years of the 18th century, Lewis moved from Edisto, South Caro lina to Wayne County, Georgia. The Hon. Folks Huxford's research shows Lewis Roberts to be t he coroner of Wayne County in 1811 and to have died in that county in 1823 (a Lewis Roberts i s also found on the 1820 Appling County census). *John Roberts and a brother, James, arrived in Georgia at the same time as Lewis and were livi ng in McIntosh County in 1798. In 1800-1803, John held office as Justice of the Peace in Li berty County and was a juror during Liberty's 1805 session of Inferior Court. The lst of hi s many moes with the state of Georgia was to Lowndes County (about 1829) where he became prom inent in politics as a member of the Whig party. *A staunch Baptist, he was frequently elected as a delegate to Georgia's Piedmont Baptist Asso ciation, (from 1819 to 1828). In 1834, Deacon John Roberts was a messenger from Union Churc h in Lowndes County to Providence Church in present Union County, Florida. His in-laws, th e Osteens and Weeks, were already living near Providence and he determined to make the move a lso. *After the 1838 fall crops were gathered, John Roberts, his wife, Phoebe 'Tibbie', (daughter o f John and Ada Weeks Osteen), seven of his eleven children, and his brother, James, travele d to Florida. Most of the better land in upper Alachua and Columbia Counties had been squatt ed, so Mr. Roberts settled the sandy land between Olustee and Swift Creek (just inside the pr esent Baker county line). *Mrs. Roberts united with Providence Church in February of 1839, but Mr. Roberts retained hi s membership at Union Church in Georgia. *The children, William, Reubin, Bryant, and Mary Jane, remained in Lowndes County. To Florid a came John (born 1799, married Sarah Sweat), Lewis (born 1802, married Mary Knight), Nathe n (born 1811, married Nancy Sweat), George (born 1812, married Mary Ann 'Polly' Mathis), Step hen 'Tiger Bill' (born 1814, married Mary Ann Boyd), Phoebe (born 1815, married Isaac Carlton ), and Enoch (born 1820). *No further informaton has been found on Enoch (his name has remained popular among all who ca rry Roberts blood), George finally moved back to Georgia, and all the rest livved and died i n the Swift Creek section. *George Roberts and Polly moved often within Baker County. Having served throughout the 2nd S eminole War with honor in the Lowndes County Militia, George chose not to enlist in the Confe derate ARmy (being almost 50 year old carried much weight in his decision). The conscriptin g authorities, however, had not reached the same decision and they began to press him. Whe n he could no longer dissuade them, he moved to the wilds near Moniac beyond their convenien t reach. *Once the war was well under way, he had married off two of his children to heirs of an influe ntial Confederate officer and new Baker County had been depleted of men to hold county office , Mr. Roberts returned and was elected County Commissioner in the fall of 1863. A few nigh t riders visited his home near South Prong Cemetery soon after the election and made threat s (one wonders why those gentlemen, who were so upset at someone not serving in the army, wer e free from that same honor and could ride th e countryside intimidating others). Before h e could assume office, Mr. Roberts crossed the St. Marys once again and settled permanently i n the Bend where he was respected as an exemplary citizen (he later served his adopted count y as State Representative). *Bearers of the Roberts name are few, if any, in Baker County today. Many other families, how ever, are favored with Roberts blood and characteristics handsome Latin features, short-fuse d tempers, shrewd business minds, and Gypsy-like roaming. *(This column wishes to make an apology regarding the 20 October article on the Roberts Family . After rereading the paragraphs on his not joing the Confederate Army it sounded as if we w ere sort of insulting Mr. George Roberts. We had hoped to show how his age and the wear an d tear of Seminole War service had influenced his decision. Mr. Roberts was a loyal and acti ve supporter of the Confederacy even though it has been said by those who knew him that he fe ared it was a doomed cause from the start. Two sons, Aaron and James, were members of the 26 th Georgia Volunteer Infantry and both are said to have paid the supreme sacrifice in service . Sons, Niram and Jeff, both married daughters of one of the area's first militia officers , James M. Burnsed). He Person Source. He was born on 6 Feb 1814 at Wayne Co, Ga. He married Mary Ann Boyd in 1838 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 10 Jan 1894 at Baker, Fl, at age 79. He died on 10 Jan 1894 at Lake Butler, Florida, at age 79.

i) Wiliam P.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1839.

ii) Sarah7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1841 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iii) Stephen Millard7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1843 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iv) Mary7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1844 at Lowndes, Georgia.

v) Susan7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1847 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vi) Phoebe7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1849 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vii) Benjamin S.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 20 Feb 1850 at Columbia County, Florida. He died on 20 Jul 1892 at Lake City, Columbia County, Florida, at age 42.

viii) Martha7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854 at Columbia County, Florida.

ix) John M.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1855 at Columbia County, Florida.

x) Daniel L.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1857 at Columbia County, Florida.

xi) Eliza7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1859 at Columbia County, Florida.

xii) Frances7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1861 at Columbia County, Florida.

xiii) Rigon B.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at City Cemetery, Lake City, Columbia County, Florida. He was born on 22 Apr 1867. He died on 31 Dec 1917 at age 50.

(i) Phoebe6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From: 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Allied Families', p. 11 by Lowell E. Addison *'Phoebe Roberts, born in Wayne Co., GA., Dec. 31, 1816, the first daughter born to John and P hoebe Roberts. I can imagine how proud they were of her after having 7 boys! She married Is aac B. Carlton, who was born in NC. They were married in Lowndes Co., GA., and their firs t 4 children were born there. *The fifth child was born in Columbia Co., the part that is now Union Co. She and her famil y moved there about the same time as her mother and father. Phoebe died April 18, 1854, at t he age of 38 and is buried at Swift Creek, close to her mother and father. She and her fathe r died about a month apart. *About three years after Phoebe's death, her husband Isaac married again. He died June 27, 18 77, and is buried at Wild's Landing, close to St. Mary's , GA. She was buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. She Person Source. She was buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lake Butler, Fl. She was born on 31 Dec 1816 at Lowndes Co., Ga. She was born on 31 Dec 1816 at Wayne County, Georgia. She died on 18 Apr 1854 at Lake Butler, Florida, at age 37.

i) Unknown7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1833 at Lowndes, Georgia.

ii) Stephen S.7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1835 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iii) Lewis C.7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1836 at Lowndes, Georgia.

iv) John M.7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1839 at Lowndes, Georgia.

v) Dawson E.7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1843 at Lowndes, Georgia.

vi) Mary M.7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1846 at Columbia County, Florida.

vii) Mildred7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1848 at Lowndes, Georgia.

viii) Gertie Mae7 Carlton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1850 at Lowndes, Georgia.

(j) Enoch6 Roberts Person Source. He was born in 1820 at Wayne Co. Ga. He died in 1869.

(k) Nathaniel Enoch6 Roberts was also known as Nat. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *RESOURCES: Page 224, Vol. 6, Huxford From 'The Lewis Roberts Family and Some Allied Families', p.13 by Lowell E. Addison *nathaniel Enoch Roberts Sr., was the last child born to John and Phoebe Roberts. He was bor n about 1829 or 1830. I believe after they moved to Lowndes Co., GA. This is my great grand father, so I will have more information on him than I did on the other children. He was marr ied in Lowndes Co., GA., to Parthena A 'Phena' Morgan. She was born in 1830 in Appling Co. , GA. The daughter of Solomon W. Morgand and Mercy P. Geiger. Their first two children wer e born in Lowndes Co., GA. Early in 1850, they moved to Columbia Co., FL. and settled in th e area that is now Union Co. The 160 acres of land that they settled on, was about 8 miles w est of Lake Butler, and straddled what is now road #100 along Swift Creek. It is where the O wens-Illinois Forest Station is now located. If you will, keep in mind that in those days i t was open range, and his live stock could roam at will. He owned just enough land to grow c rops. He was also a slave owner, and later on, owned and operated the first general merchand ise store, and Inn, in the young and small town of Lake Butler. The store and Inn were locat ed about where the old Tomlinson-Maines drug store building was. He had an 'over seer' to lo ok after the farm and live stock. A man named S.S. Morgan, who was a cousin of 'Phena's'. E arly in life, Nathaniel Enoch Roberts was known as 'Nat', and for the rest of his life he wa s known by that name. *He was on his way to becoming 'well Fixed' when the Civil War started. He enlisted in the 2n d FL Cavalry, Co. 'K' at Callahan, FL., and served through out the rest of the war. During t he war he was wounded, or contacted an illness that afflicted him for the rest of his life . He was paroled at Waldo, FL., in 1865. After the war he served as County Commissioner o f Bradford Co., during a very trying time. As stated, his health wasn't very good after th e war, and he died in 1869. He is buried near his mother and father at Swift Creek cemetery . After his death, his wife took over the operation of his estate. She carried on well wit h this job, until she was accidently killed while making syrup. She died Nov. 8, 1872, an d is buried next to her husband at Swift Creek. Her oldest son was made administrator of he r estate. (As stated in records at Stark, FL.). He was buried at Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. He was born in 1821 at Wayne County, Georgia. He died in 1869 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida.

i) Linnie A.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 19 Aug 1848 at Lowndes, Georgia. She died on 4 Oct 1917 at Trenton, Levy County, Florida, at age 69.

ii) George W.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Apr 1850 at Lowndes, Georgia. He died on 17 Dec 1944 at Gilchrist County, Florida, at age 94.

iii) Mary E.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 16 Mar 1852 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. She died on 6 Oct 1932 at New River Station, Bradford County, Florida, at age 80.

iv) Nathaniel Enoch7 Roberts was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 6 Apr 1857 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. He died on 21 Aug 1899 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida, at age 42.

v) Leacy Ann7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 9 Dec 1859 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. She died on 1 May 1945 at Levy County, Florida, at age 85.

vi) Luvenia Susan7 Roberts was also known as Beanie. She married William Cone Walker, son of Isham Walker III and Eliza Kemp. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 11 Aug 1863 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. She died on 23 Mar 1938 at Trenton, Levy County, Florida, at age 74.

vii) John7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 1 Jul 1865 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. He died in 1896 at Lake City, Columbia County, Florida.

viii) Martha Louise7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 27 Jan 1868 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. She died on 20 May 1946 at age 78.

ix) Nathan7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1869 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida. He died on 29 Oct 1950 at Bell, Gilchrist County, Florida.

(l) Nathaniel6 Roberts was also known as Nathan Roberts. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From: 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Allied Families', p. 11 by Lowell E. Addison *'Nathan Roberts was born Jan. 26, 1823 in Wayne Co., Georgia. He moved, along with his fathe r John, to Lowndes Co., GA., and married Nancy Sweat there. She was born in Georgia, the dau ghter of John Sweat and Charlotte Moore. He, like his brother, was a member of the GA. Milit ia. He moved, along with his three brothers to Columbia Co., FL. about 1845, and settled i n the southern Baker Co. area. this is the uncle who took in my grandfather, Nathaniel Enoc h Roberts, when his parents died, and raised him to manhood. *I do not know just what year Nathan Roberts moved from the Baker Co. area, down to the genera l area of Bell, FL. He died about 1915, and is buried at Midway cemetery, in Gilchrist Count y, FL. I do not know the reason for this, but his wife, nancy, is buried at Swift Creek. Sh e died Aug. 30, 1892. It could be that he moved south after her death. * THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday, January 3, 1980, Page Two THE WAY IT WAS-Gene Barber Devil Enoch Roberts-Part Two *Although Enoch Roberts received some very bad (and understandably so) P.R. treatment after a ccidently killing his mother, history reminds us that he mostly earned his unenviable nicknam e 'Devil' for his deeds and attitudes in later life. *After his mother's death, Enoch's younger siblings were divided among their older married bro thers and sisters. Young Enoch was taken to a lower Baker County and reared by his uncle Nat han Roberts. He learned the value of a dollar under his kinsman's watchful eye, and, it wa s rumored, he also was taught the lesson of the razor strop. He was buried at Midway Cem, Gilchrist, Florida, USA. He was born on 26 Jan 1823 at Wayne Co, Ga. He married Nancy Sweat in 1845. He died on 15 Apr 1869 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida, at age 46. He died on 15 Apr 1916 at Lake Butler, Alachua Co, Fl, at age 93.

i) Creacy7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846.

ii) Samantha7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1847.

iii) Elias K.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 22 Oct 1850. He died on 6 Jul 1939 at Florida at age 88.

iv) Sarah7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 10 Jun 1852 at Alachua County, Florida. She died on 31 Dec 1906 at Bell, Gilchrist County, Florida, at age 54.

v) Frances7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853.

vi) D. Frank7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Died near Trenton, Florida. He was buried at Midway Cemetery, Gilchrist County, Florida. He was born on 2 Sep 1855 at Florida. He died on 8 Apr 1930 at Gilchrist County, Florida, at age 74.

vii) Melvina7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was buried at Dekle Cemetery, Lake Butler, Florida. She was born in 1856 at Alachua County, Florida. She died in 1941 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida.

viii) Louise7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1858.

ix) Sherod B.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1858 at Florida.

x) Virginia7 Roberts was also known as Jenny. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1863.

xi) Emma7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1864.

xii) Pauline7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1868.

xiii) Deylina7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1869.

xiv) Edgar7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1870.

(m) Mary6 Roberts. Her married name was Sirmans. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From: 'The Lewis Roberts Family History and Some Allied Families', page 13 by Lowell E. Addison *'Mary Roberts, born April 26, 1826 in Wayne Co., GA. She ws the second daughter born to Joh n and Phoebe Roberts. She moved, along with her mother and father to Lowndes Co., GA., and m arried there, Jan. 25, 1841, to Josiah Sirmans, who was the son of Benjamin Sirmans. Josia h was born March 25, 1817, in Emanuel Co., GA. Their home place after marriage was in the ar ea now Clinch Co., GA. He died Feb. 20, 1880. Mary died April 2, 1903. They are buried i n Fender Cemetery near Lakeland, GA. She Person Source. She was buried at Fender Cemetery, Lanier Co, Ga. She was born on 26 Apr 1826 at Wayne Co, Ga. She married Josiah Sirmans on 25 Jan 1841 at Lowndes, Georgia. She died on 2 Apr 1903 at Lanier County, Georgia, at age 76.

i) Unknown7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) Roena7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 24 Sep 1842 at Clinch County, Georgia.

iii) Phoebe7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 1 Mar 1845 at Clinch County, Georgia.

iv) Benjamin J.7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 24 Feb 1847 at Clinch County, Georgia.

v) David J.7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 5 Nov 1850 at Wayne County, Georgia. He died on 7 Sep 1890 at age 39.

vi) Lucretia7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 23 Nov 1856 at Clinch County, Georgia.

vii) Rachel7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 23 Nov 1859 at Clinch County, Georgia.

viii) Martha7 Sirmans Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 5 Jan 1866 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(2) Reuben5 Osteen was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Florida Land Grant: *Reuben O'Steen 40.09 Dec. 7, 1859 Newnanville FL0410_.453 00020191 27200 2 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entry. He was born on 15 Apr 1788 at Beauford District, South Carolina. He died circa 1850 at Columbia County, Florida.

(a) Shadrack6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Florida Land Grant: *Shadrack O'Steen 80.81 July 10 1844 St. Augustine, FL0320_.064 00014058 272002 April 24 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entries *Shadrack O'Steen 80.81 July 10 1844 St. Augustine, FL0320_.064 00014058 272002 April 24 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entries. He was born in 1808.

i) Brantley7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1835.

ii) John H.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1837.

iii) Mary7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1840.

iv) Alfred7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842.

v) Visey7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1844.

vi) Amos7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1851 at Ware County, Georgia. He died in 1913 at Mayo, Lafayette County, Florida.

(b) Rueben6 Osteen was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1817. He married Martha Ann Weeks in 1838.

i) John W.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born between 1838 and 1839.

ii) Elias E.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1841.

iii) William M.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842.

iv) Argent L.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846.

v) Frances M.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1850. She died in 1932.

vi) Juliana7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854.

vii) Mary7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1855.

viii) Graham7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1857.

(c) William6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1821.

(d) Bartholomew D.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1825.

i) Unknown7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He/she died in 1859.

ii) Louis7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1850.

iii) Theresa Ann7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1852.

iv) Lecia Ann7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853.

v) Henry7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1854.

(3) Cassandra5 Osteen. Her married name was Cason. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 10 May 1790 at Beauford District, South Carolina. She married Eli Cason circa 1814. She died between 1860 and 1870.

(a) Lovie6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1811 at Warren, Georgia.

i) Elizabeth7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1840 at Florida.

ii) William H.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842 at Florida.

iii) James E.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1846 at Florida.

iv) James Wesley7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 3 Sep 1848 at Florida.

v) Sarah A.E.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1850 at Florida.

vi) Eliza E.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1850 at Columbia County, Florida.

vii) Larsh A.E.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1850.

viii) Mary I.7 Payne Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854 at Columbia County, Florida.

(b) Cassandra6 Cason. Her married name was Addison. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1814. She married Mark L. Addison on 6 Dec 1833. She died in 1895.

i) Elizabeth7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) Julia Ann7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1833.

iii) Hester Percilla7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1834.

iv) Brazilla7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1835.

v) Argent Mary7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1835.

vi) Isabella Margaret7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1836.

vii) Mark7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1837.

viii) William7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1838.

ix) Nancy7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1839.

x) John Wesley7 Addison Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1846. He died in 1924.

(c) Bartholomew6 Cason was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1815 at Georgia. He died circa 1862.

i) Bartholomew7 Cason was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1836. He died in 1905.

ii) Isabelle7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1843 at Columbia County, Florida.

iii) Drucilla7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1845 at Columbia County, Florida.

iv) Cassa Cassandra7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1847 at Columbia County, Florida.

v) Sindrilla7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1849 at Columbia County, Florida.

vi) George B.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1851 at Columbia County, Florida.

vii) Millard F.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1853 at Columbia County, Florida.

viii) Barty M.C.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1857 at Columbia County, Florida.

(d) Argent M.6 Cason. Her married name was Osteen. She married Asa Roberts, son of Zachariah Roberts and Mary Weeks. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1816 at Georgia. She married James Osteen in Oct 1834 at Alligator Settlement, Columbia County, Florida. She died circa 1879 at Columbia County, Florida.

i) Lovey O'Steen7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1836 at Florida. She died in 1842.

ii) Bennett7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1837 at Columbia County, Florida.

iii) William7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1839 at Columbia County, Florida.

iv) Cathey7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1840 at Columbia County, Florida.

v) Henry7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1843 at Columbia County, Florida.

vi) John7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1845 at Columbia County, Florida.

vii) Calibe7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1847 at Columbia County, Florida.

viii) Phoeby7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1848 at Columbia County, Florida.

ix) James B.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 30 Mar 1853 at Florida. He died on 12 Dec 1922 at Florida at age 69.

(e) John R.6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1817 at Georgia.

i) Berrien7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1841 at Alachua County, Florida.

ii) William F.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1842 at Alachua County, Florida.

iii) Henry7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1843 at Alachua County, Florida.

iv) Cassandra Ann7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1844 at Alachua County, Florida.

v) Andrew J.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1845 at Alachua County, Florida.

vi) James J.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1848 at Alachua County, Florida.

vii) Elijah7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1850 at Alachua County, Florida.

(f) Cynthia6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1822 at Georgia.

i) Edieious W.7 Thomas Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1844 at Columbia County, Florida.

(g) Temperance6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1827 at Georgia.

(h) James A.6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1828 at Georgia.

i) Davis Columbus7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 26 Dec 1860 at Georgia.

ii) Charles P.7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 12 Sep 1862 at Georgia.

iii) James7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1866 at Georgia.

iv) Martha Velina7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 3 Mar 1867 at Georgia.

v) Warren7 Cason was also known as Dude. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 11 Oct 1871 at Georgia.

vi) Amanda7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 15 Jun 1872 at Georgia.

vii) Lemmuel Bryant7 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 8 Dec 1872 at Georgia.

(i) Nancy6 Cason Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1829 at Georgia.

(4) Ezekiel5 Osteen was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Nov 1791 at Beauford District, South Carolina. He married Leah Prevatt on 24 Dec 1816. He died circa 1875 at Nassau County, Florida.

(a) Ezekiel6 Osteen was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1818 at Georgia. He died in 1875 at Charlton County, Georgia.

i) George F.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) Virginia7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1839.

iii) Hardy7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1845.

iv) Mary A.7 Osteen was also known as Polly. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846.

v) Amarintha7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854.

vi) Stephen Flanders7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 23 Apr 1855 at Charlton County, Georgia. He died on 1 Feb 1935 at Duval County, Florida, at age 79.

vii) Mary C.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1856.

(5) Leonard B.5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 14 Oct 1793 at Beauford District, South Carolina. He married Tillie Thigpen in 1841.

(6) Bartholomew5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 15 Apr 1795 at Beauford District, South Carolina.

(7) Nancy5 Osteen. Her married name was Moore. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 7 Dec 1796 at Beauford District, South Carolina. She married John Moore on 28 Nov 1811 at Wayne County, Georgia.

(a) Phoebe6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1812.

(b) Leonard6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1814.

(c) Allen6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1815.

(d) Ransom6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1817.

(e) Westerberry6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1819.

(f) Malinda6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1822.

i) Levi7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1839.

ii) William7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1840.

iii) Avey7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1843.

iv) Rachel7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1845. She died in 1927.

v) Tempy7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846.

vi) Richard7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1846.

vii) Bryant7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1848.

viii) Hansford7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1850.

ix) Virginia7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1852.

x) Jane7 Rhoden Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853.

(g) Easter6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1823.

(h) Nancy6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1825.

(i) Levi6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1827. He died in 1917.

i) Warren7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1849.

ii) Samuel7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1850.

iii) Mary7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1851.

iv) William Franklin7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1852.

v) Allen7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1855.

vi) Julia7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1859.

vii) Susan7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862. She died in 1937.

viii) Rachel7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1864.

ix) John7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1868.

x) Owen7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1870.

xi) Barney7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1880.

(j) David6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1828.

(k) Sidney6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1829.

(l) Cassandra6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1830.

(m) John6 Moore was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1832. He died in 1864.

i) Jackson7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1857.

ii) John Burton7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1859.

iii) Susannah7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1861.

iv) Laura Jane7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862.

v) Mary Elizabeth7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1864. She died in 1932.

(n) Stephen6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1834. He died in 1862.

i) David Bryant7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1858.

ii) Phoebe7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1860.

iii) Amanda7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862.

(o) Rachel6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1835. She died in 1921.

i) William B.7 Allen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1857.

ii) John Levi7 Allen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1859.

iii) Ann Eliza7 Allen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862.

(p) Warren6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1837.

(q) Jesse6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1839. He died in 1925.

i) Jeremiah7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1860.

ii) Mallissie7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862.

iii) Pollie Ann7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1866.

iv) H. Gardner7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1868.

v) Georgia Ann7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1870.

vi) Rachel Letita7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1872.

vii) Mary Jane7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1875.

viii) Rosa7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1876.

ix) William C.7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1878.

x) John Franklin7 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1880.

(r) Benjamin6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1839.

(s) Irwin6 Moore Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842. He died between 1862 and 1865.

(8) Argent5 Osteen. Her married name was Stafford. Her married name was Newbern. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Family line for Argent O'Steen and Joseph Stafford through to surname Baine was furnished b y Thomas William Baine V (descendant) -- TomBaine@. She was born on 23 Aug 1798 at Beauford District, South Carolina. She married Josiah Joseph Stafford on 10 Oct 1813 at Wayne County, Georgia. She married John Newbern on 11 Jan 1827. She died on 10 Nov 1862 at Clinch County, Georgia, at age 64.

(a) Josiah6 Stafford was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1813.

(b) Belinda6 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1815 at Wayne County, Georgia.

i) Andrew Jackson7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1834.

ii) John Tyler7 Henderson was also known as Jack. He married Mary Jane Overstreet. He married Mary Guest. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Served in Company K, 26th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Army of

Northern Virginia. P rivate J. T. Henderson fought at the following

battles and skirmishes:

Seven Day Battles [ 25 June, 1862 - 01 July, 1862]

Battle of Gaines Mill (First Cold Harbor) [ 27 June, 1862]

Battle of Malvern Hill [30 June 1862]

Batle of Cedar Mountain [09 Aug. 1862]

Second Battle of Manassas (Second Bull Run) [28 Aug. 1862 - 30 Aug. 1862]

Battle of Chantilly [01 Sep. 1862]

Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) [17 Sep. 1962]

Battle of Frederickburg [13 Dec. 1862]

Battle of Chancellorsville [ May 1863]

Battle of Gettysburg [01 July 1863 - 05 July 1863]

Mine Run Campaign [26 Nov. 1863 - 01 Dec. 1863]

Battle of the Wilderness [05 May 1864 - 06 May 1864]

Battle of Spotsylvania [10 May 1864 - 20 May 1864]

Battle of Cold Harbor [ 01 June 1864 - 03 June 1864]

Battle of Monocacy [09 July 1864 - 10 July 1864]

Battle of Winchester [ 19 Sep. 1864]

Battle of Fisher's Hill [ 22 Sep. 1864]

Battle of Cedar Creek [ 19 Oct. 1864]

He was granted sick furlough on Nov. 5, 1864 and returned home. Due to

war conditions, he wa s never able to return to his company, the

surrender coming only five months later. When th e war was over, there

were only 14 privates left in his entire unit. His brother, Edmund S .

Henderson, was killed at Sharpsburg (Antietam)

John Tyler Henderson applied for a "soldiers pension under Act 1910.

This application stated that his "Company and Regiment surrendered or was

"discharged April 9 th, 1865. On Nov. 4, 1908 he owned 82 acres of land

valued at $600.00, one mule value $125. , 19 cows $100. and all other

property $75.00" This application signed by him, and dated Oct . 11,

1910 (copied as written-not sure if the cows were $100 each or for the


John Tyler Henderson family information provided by:

Tom Baine (descendant)

Atlanta, Georgia

TomBaine@. He was born on 10 Aug 1839 at Georgia. He died on 15 Jan 1923 at Pearson, Georgia, at age 83.

(a) Belinda8 Henderson was born in 1866.

(b) Andrew Jackson8 Henderson was born on 29 Apr 1868 at Pearson, Georgia, USA.

i) Mattie Lee9 Henderson

ii) Mary9 Henderson

iii) Roy9 Henderson

iv) James9 Henderson

v) Mamie9 Henderson

(c) Mary A. Elizabeth8 Henderson was born in 1870.

(d) Hulda8 Henderson was born in 1876.

(e) Daniel Webster8 Henderson was born in 1883.

(f) Lucy8 Henderson was born in 1885.

(g) Eliza J.8 Henderson was born in 1887.

(h) Edmund Stafford8 Henderson was born in 1889.

iii) Mary7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1840.

iv) Daniel Webster7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1845. He died on 24 Jul 1873.

v) Sarah Ann7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1847.

vi) Edmund S.7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at Confederate Cemetery at Lynchburg, Virginia - #4, second line, lot 180-Crumpton's factory. He was born circa 1849. He died on 26 Sep 1862 at Virginia.

vii) David7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1851. He died in 1915.

viii) Eliza7 Henderson. Her married name was Jewell. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1856. She married Henry Jewell on 27 Feb 1873.

ix) Joseph Randall7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1856. He died in 1915.

x) William J.7 Henderson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1859.

(c) Edmund6 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1816 at Wayne County, Georgia. He married Ada Osteen in 1840 at Columbia County, Florida. He died in 1883 at Lake Butler, Union County, Florida.

i) Vashti7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He/she was born in 1841 at Columbia County, Florida.

ii) Belinda7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1842 at Columbia County, Florida. She died in 1920.

(a) James Walter8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(b) John Beauregard8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 4 Dec 1862.

(c) Ardelia8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1865. She died in 1906.

(d) Marcus Hampton8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 22 May 1867.

(e) Edmund Stafford8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 16 Aug 1868.

(f) Jasper Newton8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 17 Mar 1870.

(g) Thomas Leonard8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 21 Dec 1871.

(h) John Riley8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 12 Feb 1874.

(i) George Washington8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived in Miami, Dade County, Florida. He was born on 10 Apr 1879.

(j) Rufus A.8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 4 Mar 1881.

(k) Francis Marion8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 11 May 1883.

(l) Nettie Irene8 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived in Frostproof, Florida. She was born on 14 Oct 1886.

iii) Lawson7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1844.

iv) Della Ann7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1845.

v) Cyrene7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846 at Columbia County, Florida.

vi) Cordelia7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 10 Feb 1849 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

vii) Caroline7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1851 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

viii) Mulvada7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1852 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

ix) Joseph E.7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1853 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

x) William E.7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1855 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

xi) Amarintha7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1856 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

xii) Emma E.7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 4 Jul 1857 at Homerville, Coffee County, Georgia. She married James R Johnson, son of James Johnson, on 2 Nov 1876 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. She died on 27 Dec 1937 at Lake City, Columbia, Florida, USA, at age 80.

(a) Infant8 Johnson was born at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA.

(b) Gordon Allen8 Johnson was born on 18 Apr 1878 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 5 Nov 1949 at Union, Florida, USA, at age 71.

(c) Joseph M8 Johnson married Essie Alderman. He married Pearl E. Rowe. He was born on 3 Aug 1879 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 18 Feb 1945 at age 65.

(d) Rosa C.8 Johnson was born on 19 Aug 1881 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. She died on 4 Nov 1964 at Lake City, Columbia, Florida, USA, at age 83.

(e) Stephen Edward8 Johnson was born on 11 May 1883 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He married Altie O. Groover, daughter of Rowan Groover and Florida Douglass, on 18 Dec 1907. He died on 15 May 1968 at age 85.

i) Leo9 Johnson

ii) John Edge9 Johnson

iii) Carmen E.9 Johnson married Leslie O'Berry.

iv) Doris Hires9 Johnson married Tom Preston.

v) Frederick Monoe9 Johnson married Gertrude Crews. He was born on 24 Sep 1908. He died on 14 Aug 1948 at age 39.

vi) Fernon Yvonn9 Johnson was born on 2 May 1910. He died in May 1985.

vii) Marjorie9 Johnson was born on 1 Mar 1914. She married O. G. Olin on 6 Jan 1937.

viii) Cleo9 Johnson was born on 27 Dec 1918. She married Paul Edenfield on 22 Sep 1939.

(f) Henry Perry8 Johnson married Elizabeth Shaw. He was born on 9 May 1886 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 9 Feb 1963 at Union, Florida, USA, at age 76.

(g) James R.8 Johnson was born on 1 Jun 1888 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 18 Mar 1966 at Lake City, Columbia, Florida, USA, at age 77.

(h) Jesse Leamon8 Johnson was born on 24 Oct 1889 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 21 May 1940 at age 50.

(i) Ernest Marion8 Johnson was born on 29 Nov 1892 at Lake Butler, Bradford, Florida, USA. He died on 28 Aug 1980 at age 87.

xiii) John R.7 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1861 at Ware County, Georgia-now Clinch County, Georgia.

(d) Eliza6 Stafford Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1818 at Wayne County, Georgia.

(e) Wiley6 Walker Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1824.

(f) David6 Walker was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1825.

(g) John6 Walker Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1826.

(h) Matilda6 Newbern Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1827.

i) Vicey7 Johnson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1848.

ii) Margaret7 Johnson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1855.

iii) Kiziah7 Johnson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He/she was born circa 1858.

(i) Vicey6 Newbern Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1829. She died in 1885.

i) James R.7 Dickerson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1845.

ii) Daniel7 Dickerson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1847. He died in 1906.

iii) Mary Ann7 Dickerson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1854.

(9) John5 Osteen was also known as II. He Moved to Lowndes County. Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born in 1800 at Effington, Georgia.

(10) Easter5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 12 Mar 1801 at Tattnall, Georgia. She died in 1879.

(a) Wiley6 Robinson was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 18 May 1818 at Charlton, Georgia. He died circa 1905.

i) James Thomas7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1840.

ii) William7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1841.

iii) Vicy7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842.

iv) Wiley7 Robinson was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1843.

v) Margaret7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1845.

vi) Bryant7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1846.

vii) Jacob7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1848.

viii) Ransom7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1852.

ix) Easter7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853.

x) Nancy7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1855.

xi) Mary7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1857.

xii) Sarah7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1860.

xiii) Matthew7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1862.

(b) Emaliza6 Robinson. Her married name was Crews. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was buried at Old High Bluff Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. She was born on 7 Jan 1822 at North Carolina. She married Mechjah Crews, son of Alexander Crews and Lucy Dubois, on 21 Sep 1837 at Camden, Georgia, USA. She died on 22 Dec 1896 at age 74.

i) Mary7 Crews Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) Elizabeth7 Crews Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She died.

iii) James7 Crews Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He died.

iv) Easter7 Crews married Jesse Altman. She died UNKNOWN. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1840.

v) Civility7 Crews married William B. Griffin. She died UNKNOWN. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1842.

vi) Bryant7 Crews married Mary Dowling, daughter of David Dowling. He died. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1844.

(a) Walter Berry8 Crews died.

i) Andrew Bryant9 Crews was born Private. He married an unknown person Private.

(a) Walter Britton10 Crews was born Private.

vii) Nancy7 Crews married James P. Jones. She died UNKNOWN. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1847.

viii) Riley7 Crews married Mary Cason. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1849. He died in 1900.

(a) Martha A.8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

(b) William McKinley8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

(c) John R.8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

(d) Alice8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

(e) Benjamin8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

(f) Daniel Lucas8 Crews died UNKNOWN.

ix) Hampton H.7 Crews was also known as Hampton J. Crews. He married Lusina Summerall. He married Bethsheba Guy, daughter of William Guy. He married Mrs. Sallie Robinson Lowther. He died. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1853.

x) Archibald7 Crews married Martha Griffin, daughter of Dempsey Griffin Sr. He died UNKNOWN. He was born in 1854.

xi) Kizzie7 Crews married William Randall Anderson. She died. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1857.

xii) Banner7 Crews married Hattie Griffin, daughter of Dempsey Griffin Sr. He married Lovey Thomas. He died. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1859.

xiii) Emma7 Crews married John Riley Dowling. She died at Florida. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1860.

(a) Ella Nancy8 Dowling. Her married name was Taylor. She died UNKNOWN. She was born on 10 Jan 1892 at Taylor Fl/Taylor, Baker Co., Florida, USA. She married Lee Monroe Taylor on 25 Jan 1911.

(c) Nancy6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 8 Sep 1822 at Charlton, Georgia.

(d) Margaret6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 9 Nov 1823 at Wayne County, Georgia.

(e) Civility6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 11 Jan 1825 at Wayne County, Georgia.

i) Sidney7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1844 at Wayne County, Georgia.

ii) Elizabeth7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1845 at Wayne County, Georgia.

iii) Lenard7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1847 at Wayne County, Georgia.

iv) Owen7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1849 at Folkston, Wayne County, Georgia.

v) Ebenezer7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1851 at Wayne County, Georgia.

vi) Even7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1852 at Wayne County, Georgia.

vii) Catherine7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853 at Wayne County, Georgia.

viii) Pate T.7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1853 at Wayne County, Georgia.

ix) Eliza7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1855 at Wayne County, Georgia.

x) James D.7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1857 at Charlton County, Georgia.

xi) Thomas7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1860 at Charlton County, Georgia.

xii) Hansford7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1862 at Bacon County, Georgia.

xiii) John7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1864 at Bacon County, Georgia.

xiv) Civility7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1867 at Bacon County, Georgia.

xv) Jackson7 Harris Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1869 at Bacon County, Georgia.

(f) Elizabeth6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 15 Apr 1826 at Wayne County, Georgia.

i) Elizabeth7 Petty Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 8 Jul 1844 at Charlton County, Georgia.

ii) Thomas T.7 Petty Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 20 Mar 1846 at Charlton County, Georgia.

(g) Casandra6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 9 Feb 1829 at Charlton, Georgia.

(h) Catherine6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 5 Apr 1830 at Charlton, Georgia.

(i) John A.6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Nov 1831 at Charlton, Georgia.

(j) Noah6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 28 Mar 1832 at Wayne County, Georgia. He died in 1914.

(k) Hansford6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 28 Apr 1833 at Wayne County, Georgia.

i) William Francis7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1856.

ii) Elizabeth7 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1856.

(l) Matthew6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1835. He died in 1862.

(m) Mark6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He Dates of Bell Seller's birth (15 Jun 1853) and the birth of daughter, Nancy (2 Jan 1855) don't match. Sarah's birth (25 Dec 1887) seems closer to correct. *Mark Robinson raised first family near Traders Hill, Ga., which was located in the swamp south of Waycross (possibly Folkston) near the Florida line. It has long since disappeared and no record of its exact location remain today. *Mark raised his second family in Columbia County, Florida. Had 5 girls and 2 boys. *15 Aug 1861 - Private in Ga. Mil.(Conf. Army) 8 May 1862 - SSgt appointment. 22 Sep 1864 - Captured Fishers Hill, Va. 1865 - Paroled 19 Mar 1865 - Received at Bouleware & Cox's Warves, James River, Va. for exchange. Source: 'Charlton Co., Ga. Historical Notes - 1972' - pg 486. 'Jacksonville, Fl. Gen. Soc. Vol.7 #3, Columbia Co. WWII Vets.' Quote, 'Robinson, Mark - Capt. Dasher's Co. 26th Ga.' 'Dec. of Maxi. Wildes Scotland - Ga.' pg 138. He was born on 17 Jan 1835 at Wayne Co., Georgia. He married Sarah Jane Barber on 30 Nov 1854. He died on 17 Sep 1905 at Ware Co., Georgia, at age 70.

i) Edward7 Robinson Edward Robinson was a farmer. Couldn't read or write. *Sources: *'Decendants of Maximillan Wildes of Scotland & Ga.' by Hazel Wildes Mancil *'US Census 1900 - Clinch Co.' *'Clinch Co. Marriage Book A' *'DAR Application #5' - Ruth Moody. Reference: 1. He was born on 15 Sep 1855 at Charlton Co., Georgia. He married Sarah Jane Wildes on 15 Aug 1878. He died on 21 Feb 1932 at Denton, Jeff Davis Co., Georgia, at age 76.

(a) James Hugh8 Robinson

(b) Mina8 Robinson

i) Carroll9 James

ii) Olivia9 James

iii) Doris9 James

iv) Charles9 Cowart

(c) Charles H.8 Robinson was born on 5 Aug 1880 at Waycross, Ware Co., Georgia. He died on 4 Jul 1946 at St. Augustine, St. Johns Co., Florida, at age 65.

(d) Melissa Rose Etta8 Robinson. Reference: (an unknown value). She was buried at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia. She was born on 27 Aug 1882. She died on 24 Feb 1958 at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Co., Florida, at age 75.

i) Era Mae9 Sweat was buried at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia. She was born on 20 Oct 1898. She died on 21 Feb 1972 at Waycross, Ware Co., Georgia, at age 73.

ii) Carl Leslie9 Sweat was buried at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia. He was born on 20 Jan 1901. He died on 6 Dec 1974 at Waycross, Ware Co., Georgia, at age 73.

(a) Carl Leslie Jr.10 Sweat died on 24 Jan 1992 at Lake City, Florida. He was buried on 27 Jan 1992 at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia.

iii) Daniel Edward9 Sweat. Reference: (an unknown value). He was born on 6 Mar 1903 at Ware Co., Georgia. He died on 15 Mar 1990 at Brunswick, Glynn Co., Georgia, at age 87. He was buried on 17 Mar 1990 at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia.

(a) Vivian Frances10 Sweat. Reference: (an unknown value).

i) James Edward III11 Ragan

(a) Heather Leigh12 Ragan

(b) Tyler Matthew12 Ragan

ii) Gary Alan11 Ragan

iii) Chad Everett11 Ragan

(b) Elouise10 Sweat

i) Danny11 McCrary

(a) Deb12 McCrary

ii) Ruth11 McCrary

(a) Ashley Elizabeth12 Vaughan

iii) Penny11 McCrary

(c) Merle Orene10 Sweat

i) Ronald Hugh11 Kimbrell

ii) Vickie Ann11 Kimbrell

(a) Rob12 Lynn

(b) Jill12 Lynn

(c) Jaime12 Lynn

iii) Kathy Kay11 Kimbrell

(a) Raleigh Kathleen12 McAllister

(b) Rachael Caroline12 McAllister

iv) Rebecca Ruth11 Kimbrell

(a) Macy Rebecca12 Stewart

(d) Ruth Elizabeth10 Sweat

i) Michael Julian11 Lopez

(a) Nathan12 Lopez

(b) Tyler12 Lopez

ii) Ginger11 Lopez

iii) Karen11 Lopez

(e) Daniel Edward Jr.10 Sweat

i) Steve11 Sweat

(a) Sydney12 Sweat

ii) Sally11 Sweat

iii) Charles11 Sweat

(f) Linda Kathleen10 Sweat

i) Robert William Jr.11 Strickland

(a) Daniel12 Strickland

ii) Timothy Wayne11 Strickland

(a) Jessica Kate12 Strickland

(b) Kimberly12 Strickland

iii) David11 Strickland

iv) Anna11 Strickland

iv) James Charley Jr.9 Sweat James Charley and his wife, Beulah, along with his brother, Violas Henry and his wife, Marjorie, were killed in a tragic car accident at Dunellen, Fl. on the 12th of July 1963. He was buried at Tampa, Florida. He was born on 24 Mar 1906. He died on 12 Jul 1963 at Dunellen, Florida, at age 57.

v) Gladys9 Sweat was born on 3 Jun 1908. She died in 1999 at Lakeland, Florida, USA.

(a) Jimmy10 Booth

(b) Tony10 Booth

(c) Brenda10 Booth

vi) Milton9 Sweat was buried at Kettle Creek, Ware Co., Georgia. He was born on 26 Oct 1912. He died on 9 Jun 1989 at age 76.

vii) Violas Henry9 Sweat was buried at Tampa, Florida. He was born on 19 Mar 1915. He died on 12 Jul 1963 at Dunellen, Florida, at age 48.

viii) Annie Laura9 Sweat was born on 29 Jun 1918 at Waycross, Ware Co., Georgia. She died in 1999 at West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.

(a) Julia Ann10 Wilkinson

i) Daniel Robert11 Matthews

ii) Gregory James11 Matthews

(b) Henry Bryant Jr.10 Wilkinson

i) Brian Scott11 Wilkinson

ii) Sean Richard11 Wilkinson

iii) Victoria Ann11 Wilkinson

(c) James Charles10 Wilkinson

i) Brett Andrew11 Wilkinson

ii) Bryce Micheal11 Wilkinson

ix) Leonard C.9 Sweat was buried at Honolulu, Hawaii. He was born on 31 Jul 1921. He died on 23 May 1945 at Okinawa at age 23.

(e) Harry Edward8 Robinson was born on 1 Aug 1884.

(f) John Wesley8 Robinson was born on 9 Nov 1886. He married Helen Octavia Mattox on 24 Dec 1907 at Argyle, Clinch Co., Georgia. He died on 7 Dec 1945 at Broxton, Coffee Co., Georgia, at age 59.

(g) Cornelia Jane8 Robinson. Her married name was Evans. She Cornelia was pregnant at the time of the census. She died in March of 1920. The male infant died also. The doctor was drunk. She was buried at Cmp Branch Cem., Ware Co., Georgia. She was born on 6 Aug 1888. She married Elisha Frank Evans on 15 Dec 1902 at Homerville, Clinch, Georgia. She died on 24 Mar 1920 at Fargo, Clinch Co., Georgia, at age 31.

i) Reva9 Evans

ii) Russell9 Van Evans

iii) Margaret9 Evans

iv) 'Unnamed Infant'9 Evans

v) Ernest9 Evans

vi) Rufus9 Evans was born at Georgia. He was christened in 1904. He died in Oct 1930.

vii) Lawrence9 Evans Death date on pedigree & family record charts don't match: Pedigree chart list died: 22 Feb 1985 Family chart list died: 20 Feb 1985 *Lawrence worked various jobs during his life. He once worked for the U.S. Government Experiment Station in Olustee, Fl., during the 1930's. Other work included Turpentine Distiller, Pulpwood, Sawmill Owner, Cement Plant Mgr., amd Clockmaker. *Ref: Family Files. *Film 458085 RHS 5182 Vital Records Clinch Co., Ga. Book A, Lawrence & Lizzie Evans, page 108; birth - EVANS, Alicia Lawrence, no militia dictrict, 5 May 1939. (John Langdale's turpentine plantation, Council, Ga.). He was buried at Riverview, Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Georgia. He was born on 23 Oct 1905 at Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Georgia. He married Lizzie Emma Cason on 6 Apr 1929 at Cogdell Rd., Clinch Co., Georgia. He died on 22 Feb 1985 at Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Georgia, at age 79.

(a) Opaline Niwanna 'Georgia'10 Evans

i) Ellen Ivonne11 De La Cruz

ii) Robert Alexander11 De La Cruz

(a) Robert Alexander12 De La Cruz

(b) Andrea Rochelle12 De La Cruz

iii) Michelle Suzanne11 De La Cruz

(a) Theodore Constantine12 Tampary

(b) Anastasia Michelle12 Tampary

(b) Janice Lorene10 Evans

i) Anita Joanne Fountain11 Berger

(a) Adam Keiichiro12 Yamada

(b) Rachael Liane12 Yamada

ii) James Randall Fountain11 Berger

iii) Donald Edward11 Berger

iv) Kevin Eugene11 Berger

(c) Rose Ellen10 Evans

(d) Alicia Lawrencene 'Punkin'10 Evans

viii) Mary9 Evans was born in Jan 1907 at Florida. She died on 3 Jan 1974.

ix) Sara Merle9 Evans was born in 1909 at Georgia. She died in 1970.

(h) Maud Virginia8 Robinson. Her married name was Kight. She was born on 8 Nov 1890. She married Sherman Kight on 5 Jan 1908 at Homerville, Clinch Co., Georgia.

(i) Gustava Gertrude8 Robinson. Her married name was Barber. She was buried at Homerville Cem., Clinch Co., Georgia. She was born on 25 Dec 1892. She married Samuel Jackson Barber on 26 Dec 1910 at Clinch Co., Georgia. She died on 1 Mar 1961 at Cogdell, Clinch Co., Georgia, at age 68.

(j) Margaret Inez8 Robinson. Her married name was Beverley. She Married Forrest Jasper Beverly. She was born on 6 Oct 1895. She married F. J. Beverley on 7 Apr 1912 at Clinch Co., Georgia. She died on 2 Jul 1973 at age 77.

(k) Marvin Hobson8 Robinson was born on 28 Jun 1898 at Ware Co., Georgia. He died in 1959 at Waynesville, Brantley Co., Georgia. He was buried in 1959 at Manor, Ware Co., Georgia.

i) Ruth9 Robinson

ii) Clinton Alexander9 Robinson

(l) Sarah Belle8 Robinson Sara Belle 'Aunt Belle' and 'Dad' Connell raised their two sets of children and together had a son, Jimmy. Sara Belle and George, along with George's first wife, Lula, are all buried in Sunset Hills Cem., Valdosta, Ga. She was born on 12 Jan 1904. She died in 1973 at Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Georgia.

i) James B.9 Connell

ii) Lois9 Brooker

iii) Myra9 Brooker

iv) Sara9 Brooker died in Dec 1982.

ii) Nancy7 Robinson was born on 2 Jan 1855. She died on 30 Mar 1938 at age 83.

iii) Sarah Iola7 Robinson. Her married name was Hodges. She was born on 25 Dec 1887. She married Joel Lee Hodges on 18 Apr 1909. She died on 8 Dec 1958 at age 70.

(n) Thomas6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1838.

(o) Curtis6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1840.

(p) Edward6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842.

(q) Jesse6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1844. He died in 1862.

(r) James6 Robinson Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1845.

(11) William5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. *Florida Land Grant: *William B. O'Steen 119.47 Apr. 01, 1859 Newnanville FL0410_.147 00017315 272002 Apr. 24, 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entries *William B. O'Steen 40.21 May 01, 1855 Newnanville FL0370_.218 00018191 272002 Apr. 24, 1820 3 Stat. 566 Sale-Cash Entries *William B. O'Steen 119.91 Feb. 19, 1857 Newnanville FL0390_.166 00019007 272002 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat. 566 Sale-Cash Entries *William B. O'Steen 79.82 Feb. 19, 1857 Newnanville FL0390_.470 00019882 272002 Apr. 24, 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entries *William B. O'Steen 79.44 Jul. 03, 1902 Gainsville FL1040_.186 00021578 251101 May 20, 1862 12 Stat.392 *Bureau Of Land Management CD-ROM General Land Office Records Project GLO TERMS and DATA FIELD DEFINATIONS. He was born in 1803.

(a) Nancy6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1830.

(b) Elizabeth6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1831.

(c) John6 Osteen was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 22 Jan 1832 at Tattnall County, Georgia. He married Sarah Moody circa 1866. He married Delilah Lane on 17 Jun 1881 at Clinch County, Georgia. He died in 1888 at Ware County, Georgia.

i) Silas7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1868. He died in 1923.

ii) Thomas7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1871. He died in 1934.

iii) Frances7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1875.

iv) Georgia7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1879.

v) Emma Jane7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1882.

vi) John7 Osteen was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1883. He died in 1943.

vii) Nancy7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1885.

viii) Rebecca7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1886. She died in 1960.

(d) Rebecca6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1834.

(e) Eda6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1835.

(f) Amelia6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1836.

(g) Mary6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1837.

(h) Sarah6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1838.

(12) James5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Florida Land Grant: *James O'Steen 40.17 Jul 10, 1844 St. Augustine FL0320_.257 00015265 272002 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat. 566 Sale-Cash Entry *James O'Steen 280.02 Apr. 01, 1859 Newnansville FL0400_.367 00019731 272002 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entry *James O'Steen 39.98 Apr. 01, 1859 Newnansville FL0400_.294 00019651 272002 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat.566 Sale-Cash Entry *James O'Steen 39.98 Jan. 29 1897 Gainsville, FL0430_.294 00017611 272002 Apr. 24 1820 3 Stat.566. He was born in 1804 at Georgia. He married Milly Locklier circa 1826.

(a) Archibald S.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1827. He died between 1867 and 1870.

i) James7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1851.

ii) Mary7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1854.

iii) Ellen7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1859.

iv) Obediah7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1862.

v) Jacob7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1864.

vi) Georgia7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1867.

(b) Obediah6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He married Martha M. Cannon, daughter of William David Cannon and Elizabeth Green. He was born circa 1829. He was born in 1839 at Georiga. He died on 27 Feb 1904 at Old Town, Dixie County, Florida.

i) Cynthia7 Osteen married (--?--) Gainey. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1854.

ii) Henry7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1854. He was born circa 1856. He married Marzellie Downing, daughter of William Richard Renatus Downing and Martha Ann Herndon, in 1885 at Laffyatte County, Florida. He died in 1919 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida.

(a) Callie Ann8 Osteen

i) Rosa Lee9 Fuquay

ii) Lonnie McQueen9 Osteen married Rosa Lee Fuquay at in Lafayette County, Florida. He was born on 18 Jun 1912 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 28 May 1963 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 50.

(a) Harrell 'Buddy'10 Osteen was born on 5 Sep 1950 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 16 Dec 1986 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 36.

(b) William8 Osteen

(c) Alexander8 Osteen was born in 1884. He died in May 1955 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida.

i) Pearl9 Osteen

ii) Minnie9 Osteen was born in 1911 at Lafayette County, Florida. She died on 7 Feb 1961 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida.

iii) Henry Alex9 Osteen was born on 8 Nov 1914 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 18 Jan 1970 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 55.

iv) Lloyd L.9 Osteen was born on 8 Oct 1916 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 24 Sep 1971 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 54.

v) Warren A.9 Osteen was born on 28 Sep 1924 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 23 Aug 1986 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 61.

(d) Shadie8 Osteen was born in 1890 at Lafayette County, Florida. He married Annie Philman on 22 Mar 1914 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died in 1928 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida.

(e) Obe8 Osteen was born on 6 Jan 1891 at Lafayette County, Florida. He married Josephine Valentine on 1 Jun 1919 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 22 Jan 1947 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 56.

(f) Marzilla Margie8 Osteen was born in 1927 at Lafayette County, Florida. She died in 1979 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida.

iii) William R.7 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 29 Dec 1856 at Dixie County, Florida. He married Remma Downing, daughter of William Richard Renatus Downing and Martha Ann Herndon, on 20 Jan 1878 at Lafayetee, Florida, USA. He married Cynthia Ann Overstreet on 23 Sep 1894 at Laffyatte County, Florida. He died on 26 Sep 1902 at Butler Cemetery, Dixie County, Florida, at age 45.

(a) William Riley8 Osteen was born on 24 Sep 1895 at Lafayette County, Florida. He married Ruby Ellen Driggers on 14 Dec 1919 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 14 Aug 1957 at Cross City Cemetery, Dixie county, Florida, at age 61.

(b) James S. 'Jim'8 Osteen was born on 27 Jan 1898 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 10 Feb 1970 at Cross City Cemetery, Dixie county, Florida, at age 72.

iv) Patsy Martha7 Osteen. Her married name was Simpson. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 31 Dec 1860 at Tampa, Hillsbrough county, Florida. She married Richard S. 'Mason' Simpson, son of (--?--) Simpson and Susan (--?--), on 22 May 1877 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. She died on 1 Dec 1909 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida, at age 48. She and Richard S. 'Mason' Simpson were Widowed before 1910 at Old Town, Lafayette, Florida, USA.

(a) Samuel8 Simpson. His Social Security Number was Issued in Florida, Death location listed as Suwanee, Dixie, Florida. Zip code 32692. Name listed as Sam Simpson at 267-96-7449. He was born on 3 Jul 1878 at Lafayette, Florida, USA. He married Mary Abbie Tindel, daughter of Ezekiel Tindel and Sara Shand, on 24 Dec 1908 at Levy, Florida, USA. He appeared on the census of 1910 at listed in Precinct No. 5, Old Town, Lafayette, Florida, USA. He died on 15 Feb 1967 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida, at age 88.

i) Clodia A.9 Simpson. Her married name was Parker. She appeared on the census of 1910 at Precent No. 5, Old Town, Lafayette, Florida, USA. She was born on 13 Jan 1910 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. She married Ruphus 'Bobe' Parker, son of Alexander L. PARKER and Nancy E. FUTCH, on 14 May 1932 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. She married Albert J. Branon on 8 Apr 1944. She died on 16 Mar 1980 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida, at age 70.

ii) Clenton9 Simpson was born on 7 Jan 1912 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. He died on 24 May 1912 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida.

iii) Cecell9 Simpson was born on 18 Jan 1919 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. He married Berth Mae Herring on 26 Nov 1942 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. He married Willie Florence Quiette, daughter of William Thomas Quiette and Pearl Futch, on 26 Jun 1947. He died on 19 Oct 1991 at Old Town, Dixie County, Florida, at age 72.

(a) Mary Pearl10 Simpson was born on 7 Sep 1950 at Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USA. She married Edward F. Dunn Jr on 10 Oct 1966.

i) Richard Troy11 Dunn was born on 10 Jan 1972 at Fort Perice, Florida, USA.

ii) Tracy11 Dunn was born on 1 Oct 1974 at Gainesville, Alachua, Florida, USA.

(b) Charles Dell10 Simpson was born on 7 Sep 1950 at Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USA. He married Glenda Fults on 1 May 1971.

i) Charles Bryan11 Simpson was born on 28 Jul 1974 at Charlton, South Carolina, USA.

iv) Thomas William9 Parker Sr. (see also img src="">). He was born on 21 Aug 1938 at Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA. He married Barbara Ann Jones, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Jones and Norma Talmidge Driggers, on 13 Mar 1959 at Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, USA.

(a) Thomas William10 Parker Jr was born on 23 May 1964 at Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, United States of America. He married Rebecca Dayhoff, daughter of Carl Lester Dayhoff and Annabel PATRICK, on 21 Jun 1987 at Port Charlotte, Charlotte, Florida, United States. He and Rebecca Dayhoff were divorced in 1991 at Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States.

i) Lydia Michell11 Parker was born on 3 Jun 1988 at Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States.

ii) Thomas William11 Parker III was born on 3 Feb 1990 at Port Charlotte, Charlotte, Florida, United States.

(b) Rebecca Ann10 Parker. Rebecca was adopted. She was born on 22 Sep 1970 at Bradenton, Manatee, Florida, United States.

(c) Ben Allen10 Parker was born on 29 Mar 1977 at Arcadia, Desoto, Florida, United States.

(d) Missty Michelea10 Parker was born on 30 Jun 1978 at Arcadia, Desoto, Florida, United States.

(e) David Daniel10 Parker was born on 14 Apr 1980 at Arcadia, Desoto, Florida, United States.

(f) Berry Joe10 Parker. (see also ). (see also img src="">). He was born on 23 Sep 1982 at Born at home on Grove Wood Cir., Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, United States.

(b) Drucilla H.8 Simpson. Her married name was Hodge. She was born on 3 May 1880 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. She married James A. Hodge, son of James Hodge and Elizabeth (--?--), on 6 Aug 1899 at Lafayette County, Florida. She died on 16 Apr 1927 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida, at age 46.

i) Sam9 Hodge

ii) Bridy9 Hodge

iii) Hinton9 Hodge married Pearlie Woodham. He was born on 27 Aug 1910 at Lafayette, Florida, USA. He died on 6 Mar 1969 at Old Town Cem., Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA, at age 58.

iv) Arthur C.9 Hodge Sr married Floria (--?--). He was born on 11 Oct 1913. He died on 17 Dec 1967 at Old Town Cem., Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA, at age 54.

(a) Infant10 Hodge was born in 1940 at Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA. He/she died in 1940 at Old Town Cem., Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA.

v) Lee9 Hodge married Kathryn (--?--). He was born on 12 Apr 1915 at Old Town, Lafayette, Florida, USA. He died on 22 Aug 1974 at Buried: Old Town Cem., Old Town, Lafayette, Florida, USA, at age 59.

(c) James Joseph8 Simpson Sr was also known as Jim Simpson. He was born on 6 Apr 1881 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. He married Virginia Mott, daughter of Elijah Mott and Eliza Jane Cannon, on 3 Apr 1905 at Florida, USA. He died on 29 Aug 1949 at Old Town, Dixie County, Florida, at age 68.

i) James Joseph9 Simpson Jr married Edna Louise Rain. He was born on 3 Dec 1905 at Lafayette County, Florida. He married Mamie Williams on 13 Feb 1927 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 7 Oct 1941 at Old Town Cem. Dixie County, Florida, at age 35.

(a) Janie Pauline10 SIMPSON was born on 23 Jul 1930 at Cedar Keys, Levy, Florida, USA. She married William Lee Karavitis CARLTON, son of Marvin Hendry CARLTON and Mattie Mae FUTCH, on 15 Apr 1947 at Quitman, Georgia, USA. As of 15 Apr 1947, her married name was CARLTON.

i) Joseph Marvin11 CARLTON If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 1 May 1948 at Perry, Florida, USA. He died on 12 Dec 1969 at Perry, Taylor County, Florida, USA, at age 21.

ii) Mattie Louise11 CARLTON Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. She If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. She was born on 15 Aug 1949 at Perry, Florida, USA.

iii) William Lee Karavitis11 CARLTON Jr Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 14 Sep 1950 at Perry, Florida, USA.

(a) Tonya12 CARLTON Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. She If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@.

i) Mr13 SCHMIDT Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@.

(b) Nicole12 CARLTON Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. She If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@.

iv) Thomas Lee Alton11 CARLTON If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 8 Feb 1952 at Perry, Florida, USA. He died circa Apr 1990.

v) John Henry11 CARLTON If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 12 Sep 1953 at Perry, Florida, USA. He died in Sep 1976 at St Petersburg, Florida, USA.

vi) Samuel Richard11 CARLTON Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 21 Aug 1955 at Perry, Florida, USA.

vii) Stanley Otis11 CARLTON Email me for possible LIVING information. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He If you find something useful ... please let me know ... and if you can add to the info in my file ... please let me know. THANKS. Michael J. Godshalk godshalk@@. He was born on 2 Jul 1956 at Tallahasee, Leon, Florida, USA.

ii) Patricia9 Simpson was also known as Patsy Simpson. She married Franklin Collins. She was buried at Cedar Key, Levy, Florida, USA. She was born on 18 Oct 1908 at Old Town, Dixie, Florida, USA. She married Joseph Alvin Campbell on 26 Jul 1926.

(a) Elmo Ruth10 Campbell married Ernol Wadley Watson at Bronson, Levy, Florida, USA.

(b) Joseph10 Campbell

(c) Esther10 Campbell

iii) Richard S.9 Simpson married Ruth Annie Rains, daughter of Samuel Burnett Rains and Amanda Rowland. He was born on 9 Sep 1916 at Old Town, Laffyatte County, Florida. He died in 1975 at Old Town Cem. Dixie County, Florida.

iv) Virginia Inez9 Simpson married Samuel Wesley Burnett Rains, son of Samuel Burnett Rains and Amanda Rowland. She was born on 4 May 1919 at Cedar Key, Levy, Florida, USA. She died on 25 May 1988 at Cedar Key, Levy, Florida, USA, at age 69.

(a) Alfed Martin10 Rains was born on 22 Jan 1936 at Cross City, Dixie, Florida, USA. He married Coris Fae Wadley on 21 Jul 1954.

(b) Richard Charles10 Rains was born on 10 Oct 1938 at Cross City, Dixie, Florida, USA. He married Alfa Marie Egerton on 17 Oct 1956.

(c) Thelma10 Rains was born on 20 Nov 1940 at Cross City, Dixie, Florida, USA. She married Mack Fait McCain on 14 Feb 1958.

(d) James Wesley10 Rains was born on 23 Jan 1952 at Williston, Levy, Florida, USA. He married Susan Beltz on 29 Aug 1972.

(e) Joseph Burnette10 Rains was born on 12 Dec 1959 at Williston, Levy, Florida, USA. He married Elaine Campbell on 20 Apr 1978.

(f) Jerry Lee10 Rains was born circa 18 Aug 1960 at Williston, Levy, Florida, USA. He married Jodi Hilgendorf on 14 Feb 1978.

(d) Susan Virginia8 Simpson. Her married name was Light. She was born on 14 Feb 1884 at Old Town, Dixie county, Florida. She married James A. Light on 23 Feb 1900 at Lafayette County, Florida.

(13) Allen5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla *Florida Land Grant Allen O'Steen - 40.04 - Feb. 25, 1857 - Newnanville, FL0400_.040 - 0019028 - 272002 - Apr. 24 , 1820 - 3 Stat. 566 - Sale-Cash Entries. He was born in 1807 at Georgia.

b) Ann4 Osteen. Her married name was Weeks. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. *Mrs Ann O'Steen Weeks before Robert Brown, Judge of the Columbia County Florida Court, on Apr il 18 1844, made her Declaration to obtain a widow's pension for the services of her decease d husband Theophilus Weeks who she says died July 20, 1839, in said Columbia County; that sh e was 80 years old; that she and her husband were married in __, 1782; that they were not mar ried prior to his leaving the service but was married prior to Jan. 1, 1794. *In a supporting affidavit made the same date before the same officer Mrs. Ada O'Steen depose d that she was a sister of said Theophilus Weeks; that he was married before the close of th e Revolutionary War to Ann O'Steen in the State of North Carolina; and that the Family Bibl e record read to her from an old Bible (which is hereunto annexed) containing the births of t he children of said Theoplilus and Ann, beginning with daughter Mary and endingwith son John , is a true and perfect list of their children, and given in their order, and that the firs t child Mary was born inless than a year after marriage of her parents. *In another supporting affidavit made the same date before the same officer, Mrs. Hester Week s says she is a sister of said Ann Weeks, and that Theophilus Weeks died in said county Jul y 20, 1839; that she was present at the marriage of said Theophilus and Ann (maiden name An n O'Steen) in the State of North Carolina, and she varifies the list of children of Theophilu s and Ann O'Steen Weeks, as did the above Ada O'Steen. *Ezekiel Weeks on April 22, 1844, before the same officer, made a supporting affidavit, says t hat the entries in the Family Bible allued to was made by James Brooks and that it has been i n possession of said Ann Weeks for 30 years. *The widow's pension was granted Aug. 12, 1844, and she was paid $80.00 per year retroactive t o July 20, 1839. *Attached to the affidavit in this matter, were five original pages that had been torn out o f the Family Bible, containing the births in the Weeks and O'Steen families. The first pag e has the following entries: (Marriages added from other sources) *Mary Weeks -- was born Oct. 4, 1782, M., ______ Smith Silas Weeks -- was born Sept. 17, 1784, M., Mourning _____ Betsy Weeks -- was born Sept. 3, 1786, M. _____ Williams Rebecca Weeks -- was born June __,1788 Ailsy Weeks -- was born April 6, 1790 Sarah Weeks -- was born March 7 1792 Ezikla Week -- was born Jan. 3, 1795 Ezekiel Weeks -- was born March 18, 1797, M., !st. Cotena Atkinson, Mar. 28, 1810 -- 2nd. Mar y Roberts in Florida. *Theophilus Weeks -- was born Feb. 29, 1800 M., Elizabeth Ellis, Mar. 2, 1825 John Weeks -- was born June 9, 1804 *One entry only on second page, viz: Theophilus Weeks was born Oct. 21, 1760 *Third page has four entries, apparently those of the children of Ezekiel Weeks John Weeks, son of Ezekiel Weeks and wife Cotena was born Jan. 5, 1820 Reubin Weeks was born Jan. 17, 1827 Hester Ann Weeks was born May 7, 1829 George W. Weeks was born April 30, 1831 *Fourth page contains birth of children identified as those of John O'Steen and wife Ada Week s O'Steen, the first one having been born evidently before her mother's marriage. (Data on m arriages, supplied from other sources): *Phoebe Weeks born, Feb. 22, 1785, M., John Roberts Reubin O'Steen born April 15, 1788, M., Nancy _____ Cassie O'Steen born May 10, 1790 Ezekiel O'Steen born Nov. 27, 1791, M., Leah Prevatt, Dec. 24, 1816 Leonard O'Steen born Oct. 14, 1793, M., Tillie Thigpen, March 20, 1841 Bartholomew O'Steen born April 15, 1795 Nancy O'Steen born Dec. 7, 1796, M., John Moore Argent O'Steen born Aug. 23, 1798, M., Josiah Stafford Easter O'Steen born March 12, 1801, M., James Robinson *The fifth page contains six Williams children, evidently those of the above Elizabeth (Betsy ) Weeks Williams and her husband: *John Williams, born Sept. 4, 1808 Isaac Williams, born Nov. 30, 1809 Jacob Williams, born Sept. 7, 1811 Alex (or Ailsy?) Williams, born April 9, 1813 Levi Williams, born Dec. 15, 1814 Mary Williams, born March 15, 1818. She was born on 25 Oct 1763 at Carteret County, North Carolina. She married Theophilus Weeks, son of Silas Weeks and Zillar Hunter, in 1782 at North Carolina. She died on 1 May 1844 at Columbia County, Florida, at age 80.

(1) Mary5 Weeks married Zachariah Roberts. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 4 Oct 1782 at Onslow County, North Carolina. She died on 20 Jan 1854 at Columbia County, Florida, at age 71.

(a) Asa6 Roberts married Argent M. Cason, daughter of Eli Cason and Cassandra Osteen. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1799 at South Carolina. He married Belinda Burnett circa 1823. He died in 1879 at Columbia County, Florida.

i) Robert B.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1830 at Florida.

ii) Mary Reithy7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1831 at Florida.

iii) Lovey O'Steen7 Roberts (see above)

iv) Bennett7 Roberts (see above)

v) William7 Roberts (see above)

vi) Cathey7 Roberts (see above)

vii) Henry7 Roberts (see above)

viii) John7 Roberts (see above)

ix) Calibe7 Roberts (see above)

x) Phoeby7 Roberts (see above)

xi) James B.7 Roberts (see above)

(b) Reithy6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1801.

(c) Randal6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1802.

(d) Allie6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1804.

(e) Mary6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1806.

(f) Zachariah Randal6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Captain in the Militia Capt. Zachariah Roberts, a Florida Pioneer started Old Bethel Church. He was born in 1806 at South Carolina. He married Mary Vinzant Hancock before 1841. He died in 1889 at Florida.

i) Elizabeth Amanda7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1841 at Florida.

ii) Mary F.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1842 at Florida.

iii) Martha R.7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1848 at Florida.

(g) Captain Arthur6 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Civil War Capt. Arthur Roberts - Company A, 1st Florida Calvary joined May 12, 1861, but resi gned in 1862 due to age; Also fought in Second Seminole Indian War. He married Ann Mary Lavinia Collins. He was buried at Bethal Methodist Cemetery (Off Hwy. 441), Lake City, Florida, USA. He was born on 24 Oct 1812 at Taylor, Georgia. He died on 18 Dec 1897 at Columbia County, Florida, at age 85.

i) Missouri7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

ii) W. H. Alanzo7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

iii) Susan7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

iv) Mary7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

v) Sara Rebecca7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

vi) Hezekiah Lee Reed7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842. He died in 1905.

vii) Cornelius7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Jul 1843 at Florida. He died on 30 May 1876 at age 32.

viii) Laura Ann Julia7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 26 Apr 1865 at Florida. She died on 1 Apr 1937 at Manatee County, Florida, at age 71.

ix) Raymond Arthur Young7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 13 Feb 1869 at Columbia County, Florida. He died on 20 May 1936 at Providence, Union County, Florida, at age 67.

(a) Norman8 Roberts

i) Thomas9 Roberts

(a) William10 Roberts

x) Lorima Alaska7 Roberts Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She married Lee Benignton Davis at Lake City, Coloumbia, Florida, USA. She was born on 17 Feb 1872 at Lake City, Columbia, Florida, USA. She died on 29 Mar 1912 at Ludowici, Georgia, USA, at age 40. She was buried after 29 Mar 1912 at Baggs Cemetery, Ludowici, Georgia, USA.

(a) Authur Lee8 Davis

(b) Ernest Carlisle8 Davis

(c) Eunice Lillian8 Davis

(d) Katie Inman8 Davis

(e) Raymond Augustus8 Davis

(f) Annie Virginia8 Davis

(g) Bessie Evelyn8 Davis

(h) Harry Dixon8 Davis

i) Judy9 Davis married (--?--) Fuller. Judy Davis lived at Greenfield, Indiana, USA. She married (--?--) Emard. Her married name was Davis-Fuller. Her married name was Emard.

(a) John Dixon10 Emard

ii) Harry Lee9 Davis

(2) Silas5 Weeks was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 14 Oct 1784 at Onslow County, North Carolina.

(a) Caroline6 Weeks married John Q. Prevatt, son of John M. Prevatt and Ezilla Weeks. She was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was Type: Burial Location at Port Orange, Florida. She was Type: 1900 Census at Volusia County, Florida. She was Type: 1870 census at Columbia County, Florida. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 28 Feb 1824 at South Carolina. She was born circa 1830. She died on 9 Jan 1908 at Port Orange, Volusia County, Florida.

i) Thomas J.7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was born circa 1842.

ii) Civility7 Prevatt. Her married name was Wells. She was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was Type: 1900 Census at Volusia County, Florida. She was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was born in Nov 1844. She married Israel J. Wells on 25 Jan 1866 at Columbia County, Florida.

(a) (--?--)8 (--?--)

(b) (--?--)8 (--?--)

(c) William E.8 Wells was Type: 1900 Census at Volusia County, Florida. He was born in Jul 1870.

(d) G.J.8 Wells was Type: 1900 Census at Volusia County, Florida. He was born in Nov 1876.

iii) Elsey7 Prevatt. Her married name was Vanzant. She was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was born circa 1847. She married James J. Vanzant on 30 Dec 1868 at Columbia County, Florida.

iv) Barnett C 'Sam'7 Prevatt was Type: 1870 census at Columbia County, Florida. He was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at Levy County, Florida. He was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was born circa 1849 at Olustee, Baker County, Florida. He died between 1880 and 1885.

(a) John D.8 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at 1885 Levy County, Florida. He was born circa 1869.

(b) Arnell Della8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. She was Type: 1880 Census at 1885 Levy County, Florida. She was born in May 1873 at Florida.

i) Eula9 Beck was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. She was born in Jan 1892.

ii) M. Orien9 Beck was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. He was born in Aug 1894.

iii) Pennie9 Beck was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. She was born in Aug 1898.

(c) Jane A.8 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at Levy County, Florida. She was born circa 1875.

(d) James Orvell8 Prevatt was (an unknown value) at Barber. He was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. He was Type: Burial Location at Chiefland Cemetery, Chiefland, Levy, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Levy County, FLorida. He was born on 1 Dec 1875 at Levy County, Florida. He died on 23 Aug 1950 at Chiefland, Levy County, Florida, at age 74.

(e) Walter C. 'Code'8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885 Levy County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Evergreen Cemetery, Gainesville, Florida. He was born on 2 May 1878. He died on 25 Aug 1908 at Gainesville, Florida, USA, at age 30.

(f) Jesse Charles8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at Levy County, FLorida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Levy County, FLorida. He was Type: Burial Location at Evergreen Cemetery, Gainesville, Florida. He was Type: 1920 Census at Alachua County, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Barber. He was born on 4 Mar 1882 at Levy County, Florida. He married Mary Maude Phillips, daughter of J. J. Phillips and Emily Hundley, on 28 Mar 1909 at Gainesville, Florida, USA. He died on 23 Nov 1944 at Gainesville, Fla (Alachua General Hospital), at age 62.

i) Barney Curtis9 Prevatt was Type: 1910 Census at Alachua County, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Mens Clothing. He was Type: Burial Location at Evergreen Cemetery, Gainesville, Florida. He was Type: SS number at 263-03-0507. He was Type: 1920 Census at Alachua County, Florida. He was born on 3 Dec 1909 at Gainesville, Florida, USA. He married Bernice Troughton in 1942 at Alachua County, Florida. He died on 2 Sep 1981 at Gainesville, Florida, USA, at age 71.

(a) R. Curtis10 Prevatt

(b) Gary K.10 Prevatt

ii) Ernest Edwin9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 261-03-5470. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 45-Columbia County, Fl. He was Type: Burial Location at Sherman, Texas. He was Type: 1920 Census at Alachua County, Florida. He was born on 3 Jul 1913 at Gainesville, Florida, USA. He died in Apr 1986 at Sherman, Texas, at age 72.

(a) Charles Ernest10 Prevatt

(b) Mary L.10 Prevatt

iii) Herbert Charles9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 262-28-6595. He was Type: 1920 Census at Alachua County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Evergreen Cemetery, Gainesville, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Grocery Store Owner. He was born on 15 Aug 1917 at Gainesville, Florida, USA. He died on 29 May 1970 at Lakeland, Polk County, Florida, at age 52.

(a) John C.10 Prevatt

(b) Ronnie H.10 Prevatt

(c) Ernest Edward10 Prevatt

iv) Robert Lee 'Bobby'9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 264-16-1182. He was (an unknown value) at Barber. He was Type: Burial Location at Highland Memorial Park, Ocala, Marion County, Florida. Robert Lee 'Bobby' Prevatt lived at at an unknown place. He was born on 1 Jul 1922 at Florida. He died on 27 Dec 1976 at Ocala, Marion County, Florida, at age 54.

(a) Sonya L.10 Prevatt

v) David A.7 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at Volusia County, Florida. He was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was born circa 1853 at Georgia.

(a) James8 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at Volusia County, Florida. He was born circa 1876.

(b) Susan8 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at Volusia County, Florida. She was born circa 1878.

(b) George6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1831.

(c) Silas6 Weeks II Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1842.

(3) Elizabeth Betsey5 Weeks. Her married name was Williams. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 3 Sep 1786 at Onslow County, North Carolina. She married Unknown Williams circa 1807.

(a) John6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1808.

(b) Isaac6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1809.

(c) Jacob6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1811.

(d) Alex6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1813.

(e) Levi6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1814.

(f) Mary6 Williams Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1818.

(4) Rebecca5 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born in Jun 1788 at Onslow County, North Carolina.

(5) Ailsey5 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 6 Apr 1790 at Onslow County, North Carolina.

(6) Sarah5 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 7 Mar 1792 at Onslow County, North Carolina.

(7) Ezilla5 Weeks. Her married name was Prevatt. She was also known as Ezikla Weeks. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was Type: 1870 census at Bradford County, Florida. She was Type: 1850 Census at 1830 ALachua, 1840 Columbia, 1850 Columbia. She was born on 3 Jan 1795 at Carteret County, North Carolina, USA. She was born on 3 Jan 1795 at Onslow County, North Carolina. She married John M. Prevatt, son of James D. Prevatt , Sr, on 7 Aug 1817 at Camden Co, Georgia.

(a) Male6 Prevatt

(b) Reuben6 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at 1830 ALachua, 1850 Columbia Co, Fl. He enlisted 8/15/1863 in the 9th Florida Infantry, Company E at Lake City, Florida and trasnferred to Company H 10/1/1863 as 2nd Sgt. He was hospitalized in Richmond in late 1864 or early 1865. He surrendereed at Appomattox 4/9/1865. *Enlisted 11/9/1861 in Newnansville but was discharged 7/16/1862 by the Conscript Act. He was 5'9' light skin and hair, blue eyes, and was a farmer. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at 1875- Alachua County, Florida. He was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was born circa 1820 at Camden County, Georgia. He married Rebecca R. Coombs on 12 Mar 1840 at Columbia County. He died on 4 Dec 1899 at Alachua or Columbia County.

i) John7 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was born circa 1842.

ii) Emanuel Morgan7 Prevatt Served in 9th Florida Infantry, Company E. enlisted 2/11`/1863 at Lake City, Florida adn transferred to Company H 10/1/1863. He was wounded and admitted to Stuart Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. He was present on the last roll and hospitalized in Richmond in March 1865. He surrendered at Appomattox 4/9/1865. He was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was born in 1845.

iii) Eucilla7 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was born circa 1846.

iv) Elizabeth Jane7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. She was born circa 1848.

v) Mourning7 Prevatt. Her married name was White. She was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. She was Type: 1870 census at 1875- Alachua County, Florida. She was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. She was born circa 1849. She married Ransom White on 19 Feb 1867 at Marion County, Florida.

vi) Rebecca C.7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. She was born circa 1854.

vii) Stephen7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was born circa 1855.

viii) Francis Preston7 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery, Hastings, Florida. He was Type: 1910 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at farmer. He was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at 1875- Alachua County, Florida. He was born on 8 Jan 1857 at Alachua County, Fl. He died on 14 Sep 1941 at Hastings, Florida, at age 84.

(a) Elizabeth8 Prevatt was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Putnam County, Florida. She was born circa 1873.

(b) Albert8 Prevatt was Type: 1910 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at barber. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl. He was Type: 1920 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MDC 2 previous heart attacks. He was Type: 1900 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was born on 29 May 1887 at Mashua(Putnam Co)fl. He died on 2 Sep 1955 at St. Augustine, Fl, at age 68.

i) Marguerite9 Prevatt

(a) Stillborn10 Prevatt

ii) Helen9 Prevatt

(a) Milo10 Cleveland

(b) Herschel10 Cleveland

iii) Mildred9 Prevatt

(a) Richard Albert10 O'Steen

(b) Donna Jean10 O'Steen

iv) Clarence Albert9 Prevatt was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl-45 St. Johns Co, Fl. He was Type: 1920 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: SS number at 265-24-2700. He was born on 27 Sep 1913 at Hastings, Florida. He married Earie Lee in 1933 at Putnam Co, Fl. He died on 15 Jul 1991 at Putnam Co, Fl, at age 77.

(a) Richard Albert10 Prevatt

(b) Mary Francis10 Prevatt

(c) Harry Robert10 Prevatt ,Sr

(d) Clarence Arnold10 Prevatt

(e) Pearl Marie10 Prevatt was born in May 1934. She died circa 1990 at St Augustine.

v) Francis Preston9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 266-10-6477. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl. He was Type: Burial Location at Westview Cemetery, Palatka, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at upholsterer. He was Type: 1920 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was born on 21 Sep 1915 at Hastings, St. Johns County, Florida. He died on 31 Jul 1994 at Palatka, Putnam County, Florida, at age 78.

(a) Jimmie F.10 Prevatt

(b) Montine P.10 Prevatt

vi) Stillborn9 Prevatt was born on 17 Oct 1926 at Hastings, Florida. He died on 17 Oct 1926 at Hastings, Florida.

(c) Ella Mae8 Prevatt was Type: 1910 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was Type: 1900 Census at Putnam County, Florida. She was born in Apr 1889.

ix) Jefferson Davis7 Prevatt was Type: 1920 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Phillips Cemetery, Jacksonville, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at 1875- Alachua County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-St. Johns County, Florida. He was born on 12 Apr 1861 at Providence, Florida. He died on 5 Oct 1935 at Jacksonville, Florida, at age 74.

(a) Mattie Nora8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-St. Johns County, Florida. She was born in Sep 1883.

(b) Abraham David8 Prevatt was Type: 1920 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Evergreen Cemetery, Jacksonville, Florida. He was born on 21 Dec 1885 at Hastings, Florida. He married Jennie Melissa Rosalee Blackburn on 16 Jun 1906 at Bradford County, Florida. He died on 7 May 1952 at Jacksonville, Florida, USA, at age 66.

i) Estell9 Prevatt

(a) Betty Jane10 Howell

ii) Ada9 Prevatt

iii) James Harley9 Prevatt

iv) Arthur Robert9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 261-12-6981-A. He was Type: 1920 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Peoria Cemetery, Dr.'s Inlet, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Truck Driver. He was born on 18 Aug 1907 at Palatka, Florida. He died on 13 Jan 1974 at Holly Hill, Volusia County, Florida, at age 66.

(a) Charles10 Prevatt

(b) Johnny10 Prevatt

(c) Alice10 Prevatt

(d) Gladys10 Prevatt

(e) Martha10 Prevatt

(f) Benny B.10 Prevatt

(g) James10 Prevatt

(h) Jeff10 Prevatt

(i) (--?--)10 stillborn

(j) Henry10 Prevatt

(k) Arthur10 Prevatt

(l) stillborn10 Prevatt

(m) Infant girl10 Prevatt was born on 9 Feb 1951 at Doctor's Inlet, Florida. She died on 9 Feb 1951 at Doctor's Inlet, Florida.

(c) Mary8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was born in Feb 1887.

(d) Missouri8 Prevatt was born circa 1888.

(e) Lula8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was born in Feb 1891.

(f) Francis8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was born in Jul 1891.

(g) Ella8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was born in Nov 1892.

(h) Zella8 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. She was born in Feb 1897.

(i) Charlie8 Prevatt was Type: 1920 Census at Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at West Evergreen Cemetery, Jax, Fl. He was born on 1 Mar 1900 at St. Augustine, Florida. He died on 4 Dec 1927 at Jacksonville, Fl, at age 27.

i) Marguerite9 Prevatt

ii) Daughter9 Prevatt

x) Reuben Robert7 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Putnam County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery. He was Type: 1870 census at 1875- Alachua County, Florida. He was born circa 1863 at Bradford Co, Florida. He died on 8 Jan 1918 at Hastings, (ST Johns) Fla.

(a) Minnie8 Prevatt

(b) Raymond M.8 Prevatt was Type: 1920 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Blacksmith. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery, St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: SS number at 264-46-7348. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl. He was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was born on 22 Sep 1895 at Oklawaha, Putnam County, Florida. He died on 11 Sep 1956 at Lake City, FLorida, at age 60.

i) Robert Walter9 Prevatt

(a) Garry10 Prevatt

(b) Gail10 Prevatt

(c) Cindy10 Prevatt

(d) David E.10 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 263-31-7027. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery, St. Johns County, Florida. He was born on 11 Jun 1957. He died on 14 Jun 1976 at Germany at age 19.

ii) Charles Raymond9 Prevatt

iii) Lawrence 'Larry' Allen9 Prevatt

(a) Ray10 Prevatt

(b) Kyle10 Prevatt

iv) James Luther9 Prevatt

(a) Valerie Jane10 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 264-61-6056. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MDC car accident. She was Type: Burial Location at Oak Hill Cemetery, Palatka, Florida. She was born on 4 Feb 1961 at Florida. She died on 25 Jan 1976 at St. Augustine, St. Johns County, Florida, at age 14.

v) Bernice9 Prevatt

(a) Susan M.10 Burrell

(b) Karen Maureen10 Burrell

(c) Maurice Ivan10 Burrell

(d) Bernice Elaine10 Burrell

(e) Melonie Kay10 Burrell

(f) John Kevin10 Burrell

vi) Rachel Vernell9 Prevatt

(a) Patty10 Jackson

(b) Robert M.10 Jackson

(c) Raymond Lee10 Jackson

(d) Roger M.10 Jackson

(e) Randall10 Jackson

vii) Amos Raymond9 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 262-42-2543. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl. He was Type: Burial Location at Pilgrim Rest Cemetery, Baker, Florida. He was (an unknown value) at Civil Service. He was born on 17 Jun 1929 at Hastings, St. Johns County, Florida. He died on 8 Mar 1981 at Crestview, Okaloosa County, Florida, at age 51.

(a) Charles Andrew10 Prevatt

(b) Donna J.10 Prevatt

(c) Rufus8 Prevatt was Type: SS number at 266-09-4528. He was Type: 1935-45 Census at 35-St.Johns County, Fl. He was Type: Burial Location at Pellicer Creek Cemetery, St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: 1900 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was Type: 1920 Census at St. Johns County, Florida. He was born on 20 Sep 1897 at Florida. He died on 6 Jan 1965 at age 67.

(c) John Q.6 Prevatt married Caroline Weeks, daughter of Silas Weeks and Unknown Mourning. He was Type: 1850 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at Columbia County, Florida. He was Type: 1860 Census at Columbia County, Florida. He This could be the John Prevatt who served in the 9th Florida infantry, Company E. He enlisted 8/15/1863 at Lake City and transferred to Compnay H 10/1/1863. He was captured at Baldwin 2/9/1864 and sent to Fort Delaware prison. He died 5/9/1864 and was buried in the prison cemetery. He was born circa 1822 at Georgia.

i) Thomas J.7 Prevatt (see above)

ii) Civility7 Prevatt (see above)

(a) (--?--)8 (--?--) (see above)

(b) (--?--)8 (--?--) (see above)

(c) William E.8 Wells (see above)

(d) G.J.8 Wells (see above)

iii) Elsey7 Prevatt (see above)

iv) Barnett C 'Sam'7 Prevatt (see above)

(a) John D.8 Prevatt (see above)

(b) Arnell Della8 Prevatt (see above)

i) Eula9 Beck (see above)

ii) M. Orien9 Beck (see above)

iii) Pennie9 Beck (see above)

(c) Jane A.8 Prevatt (see above)

(d) James Orvell8 Prevatt (see above)

(e) Walter C. 'Code'8 Prevatt (see above)

(f) Jesse Charles8 Prevatt (see above)

i) Barney Curtis9 Prevatt (see above)

(a) R. Curtis10 Prevatt (see above)

(b) Gary K.10 Prevatt (see above)

ii) Ernest Edwin9 Prevatt (see above)

(a) Charles Ernest10 Prevatt (see above)

(b) Mary L.10 Prevatt (see above)

iii) Herbert Charles9 Prevatt (see above)

(a) John C.10 Prevatt (see above)

(b) Ronnie H.10 Prevatt (see above)

(c) Ernest Edward10 Prevatt (see above)

iv) Robert Lee 'Bobby'9 Prevatt (see above)

(a) Sonya L.10 Prevatt (see above)

v) David A.7 Prevatt (see above)

(a) James8 Prevatt (see above)

(b) Susan8 Prevatt (see above)

(d) Cornelius6 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at 1830 ALachua, 1840 Columbia, 1850 Columbia. He was born in 1828 at Ga.

(e) Abraham J.6 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was Type: Burial Location at Old City Cemetery, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at Duval County, Florida. He was Type: 1850 Census at 1830 ALachua, 1850 Columbia Co, Fl. He Served in Ninth Florida Infantry , Company E. Enlisted 2/11/1863 in Lake City, Florida and transferred to Company H 10/1/1863 as 2nd Lt. He was hospitialized in Richmond in late 1864 and returned to duty 3/24/1865. he surrendered at Appomattox on 4/9/1865. He was born in 1830 at Fl.

i) Ida E.7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. She was born in 1855.

ii) Ezilla W.7 Prevatt was Type: 1870 census at Duval County, Florida. She was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. She was born in 1857.

iii) Abraham J.7 Prevatt was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885-Duval County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at Duval County, Florida. He was born in 1860. He married Mary Augusta 'Gussie' Coughlan on 8 Jun 1890 at Duval County, Florida.

(a) Dorothy8 Prevatt

iv) George B.7 Prevatt was Type: 1900 Census at Volusia County, Florida. He was Type: 1880 Census at 1885- Duval County, FLorida. He was Type: Burial Location at County Cemetery. He was Type: 1860 Census at Bradford County, Florida. He was Type: 1870 census at Duval County, Florida. He was born on 19 Mar 1875 at Florida. He died on 7 Mar 1933 at West Belmont Heights, Hillsborough County, Florida, at age 57.

(f) Cothenia6 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at 1840 Columbia, 1850 Columbia. She was born in 1831 at Fl.

(g) Mary6 Prevatt was Type: 1850 Census at 1840 Columbia, 1850 Columbia. She was born in 1838 at Fl.

(8) Ezekiel5 Weeks was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 18 Mar 1797 at Carteret County, North Carolina. He married Cotena Atkinson on 28 Mar 1819.

(a) John6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1820.

(b) Reubin6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1827.

(c) Hester Abb6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1829.

(d) George W.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1831.

(e) Andrew6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1833.

(f) Lydia A.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1836.

(g) Mary6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1838.

(h) Ezekiel6 Weeks was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1840.

(i) William H.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1841.

(j) Emaly6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1843.

(k) Orlof6 Weeks was also known as MD. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1845.

(9) Theophilus5 Weeks was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 28 Feb 1800 at Onslow County, North Carolina. He married Elizabeth Ellis on 3 Mar 1823 at Florida. He died on 28 Sep 1857 at Columbia County, Florida, at age 57.

(a) Sherrod S.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1827.

(b) Jonathan H.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1832.

(c) Richard C.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1834.

(d) Selete C.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1836.

(e) William Theophilus6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1838. He married Mattie L. Turner circa 1883 at Providence, Union County, Florida. He died in 1933.

i) Robert Albert7 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1884. He died in 1962.

(f) Alexander6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1841.

(g) Francis M.6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1843.

(10) John5 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 9 Jun 1804 at Onslow County, North Carolina. He married Clarissa Roberts circa 1830. He married Clarissa Roberts circa 1830.

(a) Levi Reuben6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was buried at Tennessee. He was born on 16 Mar 1831. He married Sarah Ann Hancock on 12 Aug 1852. He died on 24 Sep 1863 at Battle of Chickmauga at age 32.

c) Esther4 Osteen. Her married name was Weeks. She Person Source. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born circa 1768 at Carteret Co, Nc. She married Levi Weeks on 24 Dec 1778 at Carteret County, North Carolina. She died after 1844 at Columbia County, Florida.

(1) John5 Weeks married Margarita Bennett. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1781. He was born before 1790 at Carteret Co, Nc. He died on 21 Jan 1844 at Alachua Co, Fl.

(a) John Leon6 Weeks married Deborah Tanner. He married Sarah Ann Mercer. He married Elizabeth Raulerson.

(b) Celia6 Weeks married Daniel Driggers. She was also known as Ann Driggers. She was also known as Nancy Driggers. She named in fathers will on 21 Jan 1844 at Hillsborough, Florida, USA.

(c) Madison6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(d) John Leon6 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1832. He died before 1900.

i) Sarah Jane7 Weeks was also known as Sallie. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1864. She died in 1878.

(2) David5 WEEKS Person Source. He was born circa 1792 at Carteret Co, Nc.

(3) Archibald5 WEEKS Person Source. He was born circa 1794 at Carteret Co, Nc.

(4) Thomas5 Weeks Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He Person Source. He was born circa 1796 at Carteret Co, Nc.

d) Shadrick4 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1777. He died in 1857.

(1) James William5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born in 1815 at Georgia. He died in 1877.

(a) Ann Catherine6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1841.

(b) William Shadrack6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1848. He died in 1936.

(c) Minnie6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1850.

(d) James Alfred6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1852.

(e) John Hance6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1856. He died circa 1948.

(f) Elias6 Osteen was also known as Shug. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1860.

(g) Leonard Franklin6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1861. He died in 1935.

(h) Andrew6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1863.

(2) Elias5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1817.

(3) William E.5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1817.

(a) Winnifred6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1849.

(b) William Jasper6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1852.

(c) Marion Alfred6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1854. He died in 1948.

(d) Laura6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1859.

(e) John E.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1860.

(f) Texarkana6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He/she was born circa 1862.

(g) Zonia6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1864.

(4) Shad5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1819.

(5) Shad5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1821.

(6) Shad5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1823.

e) Mary4 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. 'I question Mary's birth date as it would make Elizabeth Davis who is listed as her mother ov er 50 years old when she was born. Either birthdate is wrong or Mary's father remarried ayou nger woman who was Mary's mother.' She was born circa 1798 at Liberty County, Georgia. She died circa 1853.

(1) Naomi5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1819 at Tattnall County, Georgia.

(2) William5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1820 at Tattnall County, Georgia.

(a) Simeon6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1841.

(b) Silas6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1843.

(c) Sarah6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1846.

(d) Shadrick6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1848.

(e) Matthew M.6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1850.

(f) Jesse6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1852.

(g) William6 Thornton was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1854.

(h) Isaac6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1856.

(i) Frances6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1859.

(j) Mary6 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 20 Jun 1862. She died on 16 Dec 1927 at age 65.

(3) George W.5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 2 Mar 1822.

(4) Elizabeth A.5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 19 Jul 1823.

(5) Nancy5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 10 Oct 1826.

(6) Issac5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 20 Mar 1830 at Appling County, Georgia.

(7) Jane5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 19 Jun 1832.

(8) Davis5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 9 Oct 1836.

(9) Matthew5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born circa 1838.

(10) James A.5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 9 Jun 1840.

(11) Mary5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born on 19 Jun 1843.

(12) John B.5 Thornton Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. He was born on 26 Sep 1843.

2. Thomas J.3 Osteen II died WFT Est. 1788 1848. He Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID AB393F4048A30840B6359610734EFBC9AC16. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 7180C022E630084AA6C1BAC3FE80333C0C48. He was born in 1750.

a) Jacob4 Osteen Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 0744C5807974E746B82C80685C85077CDA5B. He was born in 1769 at North Carolina. He died in 1847.

(1) William5 Osteen Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born on 13 Jan 1793 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(a) Esther6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born in 1823 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(b) Joshua6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1827 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(c) Caleb6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1827 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(d) Elizabeth M.6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born in Jul 1828.

(e) Thomas J.6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1832 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(f) Joseph A.6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1832 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(g) Emanuel O.6 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born on 12 Jul 1836 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(2) Gabriel5 Osteen was born in 1799 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(3) Willis5 Osteen was born in 1801 at Sumter, South Carolina. He was (an unknown value) in 1850 at Planter. He lived in 1850 at 1850 Federal Census, Sumter District, South Carolina.

(a) Edwin6 Osteen was born in 1830.

(b) Eugenia6 Osteen was born in 1832.

(c) Lidia6 Osteen was born in 1834.

(d) Haniah6 Osteen was born in 1836.

(e) Alford6 Osteen was born in 1838.

(f) John6 Osteen was born in 1840.

(g) Emma6 Osteen was born in 1842.

(h) Drawn6 Osteen was born in 1844.

(i) James M.6 Osteen was born in 1847.

(j) Infant6 Osteen was born in 1850.

(4) Rachel5 Osteen was born in 1803 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(5) Charles Leroy5 Osteen was born in 1804 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(6) Tempe5 Osteen was born in 1805 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(7) Molly5 Osteen was born in 1807 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(8) Dorcas5 Osteen was born in 1808 at Sumter, South Carolina.

(a) Solomon Gabriel6 Geddings

(b) Elizabeth6 Geddings

(c) Jane6 Geddings

(d) Sampson Jacob6 Geddings

(e) Mary6 Geddings

(f) Peter James6 Geddings

(g) Thomas George Washington6 Geddings

(h) James Silas6 Geddings

(i) Jobe Manning6 Geddings

(j) Vermell6 Geddings

(k) Dorcus6 Geddings was born in 1826.

(9) Mahala5 Osteen was born in 1809 at Sumter, South Carolina.

b) Thomas4 Osteen III For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 7959DBC9D212414DA2B5EBE2529262A9FB2D. He Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He was born in 1771.

c) Hezekiah4 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 02B90822FE00534E99F112D63D05EEC2E89F. He Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He was born in 1773.

d) Solomon4 Osteen I married Nancy Ann Sentelle. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He was born in 1785. He died in 1852.

(1) Sarah5 Osteen For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born on 2 Jul 1809 at Hernderson, North Carolina, USA. She married Joseph Hamilton, son of Robert Hamilton and Ann Orr, on 24 Feb 1838. She died on 2 Mar 1898 at Buried Holly Springs Baptist Church Cemetery, Henderson, North Carolina, USA, at age 88.

(2) Elizabeth5 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 0E21E8B997B59B429E6DEFCD048B71F9B931. She For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born in 1811.

(3) Thomas5 Osteen married Jane Evans. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born on 5 Jul 1812. He died on 24 Dec 1885 at Crab Creek Baptist Church Cem., Henderson, North Carolina, USA, at age 73.

(4) Solomon5 Osteen II married Joice Sentelle, daughter of Richard Sentelle and Sarah Robinson. He Info on this family group from Marion Smith Whiting -- Pianomuth@. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 0496A097283FCC4C946EC33338E2611DE046. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 91AA8CA3183EBC4FA596E892D126C89BDA4B. He was born in 1816. He died in 1871.

(a) Richard Sentelle6 Osteen married Mary Ann Shipman. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was (an unknown value) at Blacksmith. He was born on 28 Jan 1838 at Henderson County, NC. He married Mary Ann Shipman circa 1860 at Little River Township, Transylvania County, NC. He lived in 1860 at 1860 Federal Census, Henderson County, North Carolina. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MIL on 1 Mar 1865 at Enlisted Union July 15, 1862 in Hendersonville, NC Pvt. He lived in 1882 at Moved his family to South Carolina. He lived in 1900 at 1900 Federal Census - Williamston, Anderson County, SC. He died in 1913. He was buried in Jan 1913 at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC. He died on 15 Jan 1913 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 74.

i) Thomas A.7 Osteen was born on 16 Nov 1861 at Henderson County, North Carolina. He died on 26 Aug 1926 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 64. He was buried on 28 Aug 1926 at Bethel Cemetery Greenville, South Carolina.

(a) Elam8 Osteen was born on 28 Feb 1885 at Greenville, South Carolina. He married Ada Jones in 1902. He died on 2 Jul 1921 at age 36.

(b) Mary Josephine8 Osteen. Her married name was Lenhardt. She was born on 16 Jun 1888 at Greenville, South Carolina. She married Hugh Lenhardt in 1904. She died on 13 Dec 1928 at age 40.

(c) Joseph Henry8 Osteen was born on 12 Jun 1890 at Greenville, South Carolina. He married Edith Mitchell in 1907. He died on 17 Oct 1946 at age 56.

(d) Clara8 Osteen was born in Mar 1892 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(e) Ester N.8 Osteen was born in Nov 1895 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(f) Eula E.8 Osteen was born in Nov 1895 at Greenville, South Carolina.

ii) Francis Marion7 Osteen was also known as Frank. He was born on 13 Apr 1864 at Henderson County, North Carolina. He married Margaret Guffin Thacker on 15 Dec 1889. He died on 17 Sep 1916 at age 52.

(a) Lillian Thacker8 Osteen was born in 1890 at North Carolina.

(b) William Thacker8 Osteen was born in Feb 1891.

(c) Richard8 Osteen was born in Mar 1892 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(d) Frank Thacker8 Osteen was buried at Greenville, South Carolina. He was born on 27 Nov 1894 at Greenville, South Carolina. He died in Sep 1977 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 82.

(e) Nellie Thacker8 Osteen was born in Oct 1896 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(f) Mary Thacker8 Osteen was born in Sep 1898 at Greenville, South Carolina.

iii) Hattie Angeline7 Osteen was born on 1 Mar 1866 at Henderson County North Carolina. She died on 10 Mar 1966 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 100. She was buried on 12 Mar 1966 at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC.

(a) Jake8 Fowler

(b) George Young8 Fowler. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MIL at World War I. He was born on 5 Oct 1896 at Greenville, South Carolina. He was buried in Jan 1957 at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC. He died on 21 Jan 1957 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 60.

iv) ALICE SABRINA7 OSTEEN. Her married name was SMITH. She was (an unknown value) at Kindergarten Teacher. She was (an unknown value) at Ran boardinghouse. She was born on 18 Jul 1869 at Hendersonville, North Carolina. She married WILLIAM WALTER SMITH between 1889 and 1893 at South Carolina. She died on 18 Jan 1955 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 85. She was buried on 19 Jan 1955 at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC.

(a) Ethel M.8 Smith was born in Mar 1894 at Greenville, South Carolina. She died on 26 Oct 1944 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 50. She was buried on 29 Oct 1944 at Graceland Cemetery Greenville, SC.

i) William Joseph9 Carnes married Myrtle Hawkins at Greenville, S. C. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MIL at Served in the US Army WWII in the European Front. He was born on 12 Dec 1912 at Greenville County, South Carolina. He was buried in Jul 1980 at Graceland Cemetery, Greenville, South Carolina. He died in Jul 1980 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 67.

(a) Living10 Carnes

(b) Living10 Carnes

ii) James Arthur9 Carnes , Jr married (--?--) Marie at Greenville, S. C. He was born on 24 Sep 1914 at Greenville County, South Carolina. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MIL between 1944 and 1947 at United States Coastguard Seabees, WWII. He was (an unknown value) between 1947 and 1980 at Textile Plant Overseer. He died on 27 Jul 1995 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 80. He was buried on 29 Jul 1995 at Graceland Cemetery, Greenville, South Carolina.

(a) Living10 Carnes

iii) Richard Smith9 Carnes was born on 21 Mar 1924 at Greenville, South Carolina. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MIL between 1945 and 1947 at United States Marines WWII. He was (an unknown value) in 1960 at Ladies Ready to Wear Shop Owner. He was buried in Mar 1976 at Graceland Cemetery, Greenville, South Carolina. He died in Mar 1976 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(b) Juanita8 Smith was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC. She was born on 31 Jul 1896. She died on 1 Jul 1897 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(c) Annie Doris8 Smith was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC. She was born on 16 Apr 1898 at Greenville, South Carolina. She died on 12 Oct 1898 at Greenville, South Carolina.

(d) Evileen8 Smith was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery Piedmont, SC. She was born on 26 Oct 1899 at Greenville, South Carolina. She died on 16 Nov 1901 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 2.

(e) Richard Anderson8 Smith witnessed the adoption of Donald Allen Smith. He married Hellen Lowe at Pennsylvania. He was buried at Graceland Cemetery Greenville, SC. He was born on 17 Dec 1901 at Greenville, South Carolina. He died in Nov 1978 at Piedmont, South Carolina, at age 76.

i) Donald Allen9 Smith was adopted. He was born on 7 Feb 1931 at Greenville, South Carolina. He died in Nov 1978 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 47. He was buried in Nov 1978 at Graceland Cemetery, Greenville, South Carolina.

(a) Living10 Smith

(b) Living10 Smith

(c) Living10 Smith

(d) Living10 Smith

(f) William Haskel8 Smith , Sr was born on 19 Apr 1904 at Buford, GA. He was buried in Sep 1980 at Graceland Cemetery. He died on 17 Sep 1980 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 76.

i) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Furman

(b) Living10 Hughey

(c) Living10 Hughey

ii) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Smith

i) Living11 Smith

ii) Living11 Smith

iii) Living11 Smith

(b) Living10 Arnold

(c) Living10 Arnold

iii) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Duvall

(b) Living10 Duvall

(c) Living10 Duvall

(d) Living10 Duvall

(e) Living10 Duvall

(f) Living10 Duvall

iv) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Marko

(b) Living10 Marko

(c) Living10 Marko

v) William Haskel9 Smith , Jr was born in Oct 1932 at Greenville County, South Carolina. He died in 1933.

vi) Kenneth Olin9 Smith was born on 11 Nov 1949 at Greenville County, South Carolina. He died on 11 Nov 1949 at Greenville County, South Carolina. He was buried on 12 Nov 1949 at Graceland Cemetery.

(g) CHAMP ALLEN8 SMITH , SR was (an unknown value). His Social Security Number was (an unknown value) at 247-01-5431. He was (an unknown value) at Insurance Representative. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MDC Acute Myocardial Infarction, Ventricular Fibrillation. Borderline Diabetes. He was born on 12 Jun 1905 at Atlanta, Georgia. He was educated between 1922 and 1925 at Tigerville High School. He was educated between 1925 and 1926 at Furman Unversity. He married IDA MAE ROCHESTER on 17 Oct 1930 at Greenville, S. C. He died on 6 Mar 1988 at Greenville, South Carolina, Age 81, at age 82. He was buried on 8 Mar 1988 at Woodlawn Memorial Park Greenville, SC.

i) Marion9 SMITH

(a) Living10 WHITING

i) Living11 HOOPER

ii) Living11 HOOPER

(b) Living10 WHITING

i) Living11 WHITING

ii) Living11 WHITING

(a) Living12 Whiting

(b) Living12 Lollis

iii) Living11 HEDRICK

iv) Living11 HEDRICK

(c) Living10 WHITING

i) Living11 PYNNE

(d) Living10 WHITING

i) Living11 WHITING

ii) Living11 WHITING

ii) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Smith

i) Living11 Smith

ii) Living11 Smith

iii) Living11 Smith

iv) Living11 Smith

(b) Living10 Smith

i) Living11 Gerety

ii) Living11 Gerety

iii) Living9 Smith

(a) Living10 Payne

(b) Living10 Payne

(h) Lillian8 Smith was born on 13 Oct 1908 at Greenville, South Carolina. She died on 14 Oct 1908 at Greenville, South Carolina.

v) Josephus S.7 Osteen was born on 25 Mar 1872 at Henderson County North Carolina. He was buried in Apr 1948 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Piedmont, SC. He died on 8 Apr 1948 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 76.

(a) John8 Osteen was born in Nov 1899 at South Carolina.

vi) Esther7 Osteen was born on 13 Apr 1875 at Greenville County, South Carolina. She was buried in Jul 1936 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Piedmont, SC. She died on 31 Jul 1936 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 61.

(a) Living8 Thacker

(b) Richard8 Thacker was born in May 1899.

vii) James Champion7 Osteen was also known as Champ. He was born on 24 Feb 1877 at Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. He was buried in Dec 1962 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Piedmont, SC. He died on 14 Dec 1962 at Greenville, South Carolina, at age 85.

(a) Living8 Osteen

(b) Living8 Osteen

(c) Living8 Osteen

(d) Living8 Osteen

(e) Living8 Osteen

(f) Gladys8 Osteen was born on 31 Aug 1907. She died on 19 Nov 1995 at Piedmont, South Carolina, at age 88.

i) Living9 Hughey

(g) Harry8 Osteen was born on 9 Oct 1912. He died in Jan 1981 at age 68.

(h) Beulah8 Osteen was born on 4 Sep 1916. She was buried in Nov 1971 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Piedmont, SC. She died on 2 Nov 1971 at Greenville County, South Carolina, at age 55.

(i) Joe8 Osteen was born on 29 Oct 1920. He died in May 1986 at age 65.

(j) Minnie E.8 Osteen was buried in Sep at Rose Hill Cemetery, Piedmont, SC. She was born on 6 Aug 1923. She died on 20 Sep 1923 at Greenville, South Carolina.

viii) Joyce M.7 Osteen was born in 1878 at Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina.

(b) Thomas Pinkney6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 91279C75C4892B439B686E00BE8BAB5D467E. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1839.

(c) Solomon6 Osteen Jr Military service in the Union Army. He was born in 1840 at Henderson, North Carolina, USA.

(d) Sarah L.6 Osteen was born in 1842.

(e) Nancy Louisa6 Osteen. Her married name was Fletcher. She was born on 25 Mar 1843 at Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. She married James Monroe Fletcher on 7 Oct 1866. She died on 29 Nov 1938 at Piedmont, South Carolina, at age 95.

i) William Thomas Pinckney Wample7 Fletcher was born on 2 Sep 1867. He died on 10 Dec 1890 at age 23.

ii) Stimpson Alexander Montgomery7 Fletcher was born on 18 Jan 1869. He died on 3 Apr 1931 at age 62.

iii) Rosa Mae7 Fletcher was born on 8 Feb 1871. She died on 10 Apr 1925 at age 54.

iv) Solomon Otis7 Fletcher was born on 30 Mar 1873. He died on 24 Sep 1962 at age 89.

v) Erastus Caldwell7 Fletcher was born on 18 Apr 1875. He died on 11 Nov 1958 at age 83.

vi) Richard DeCalb 'Cab'7 Fletcher was born on 26 Jun 1877. He died on 19 Oct 1963 at age 86.

vii) Joyce Naomi 'Omie'7 Fletcher was born on 28 Mar 1879. She died on 29 Apr 1948 at age 69.

viii) Infant7 Fletcher was born on 28 Oct 1882.

ix) Infant7 Fletcher was born on 26 May 1884.

x) Louisa Elvira7 Fletcher was born on 28 Dec 1885. She died on 20 Feb 1886.

xi) Infant7 Fletcher was born on 1 Jan 1887.

(f) John6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 664AFB25E5E5574D9A53A0505923E46DE866. He For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He was born in 1853.

(g) Mary Polly6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID D1CA5C0F5046754D86A304484FA75F90B85E. She For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born in 1854.

(h) W. R.6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 0485D9A929AA2942AD8DD5B28185377FC6DF. He/she For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He/she was born in 1856.

(i) M. R.6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID 75C0B1919BF247429C93ED7322BDC39351E7. He/she For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . He/she was born in 1857.

(j) Janie6 Osteen. Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _UID FF07B31E82245C4A90A383A47A50F17AB2EE. She For an Index to the Reference Numbers please go to: . She was born in 1858.

(5) Martha5 Osteen was born in 1817.

(6) Edward5 Osteen married Jean McMinn, daughter of Robert McMinn and Sarah Kuykendall. He was born on 1 Oct 1818.

(a) Charles Decalb6 Osteen married Malinda McCall. He was born on 8 Feb 1861.

i) Nona Lee7 Osteen married Kimzey Osteen. She was born on 4 Apr 1883.

(7) Luke5 Osteen married Priscilla Sentelle, daughter of Richard Sentelle and Sarah Robinson. He was born in 1822. He 1861 Union Army, Company F 2nd Mtd Inf circa 1861.

(8) Nancy Mirah5 Osteen married James N. McCall. She was born on 7 Feb 1826. She died on 14 Jul 1898 at age 72.

3. Obediah3 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. *Listed in the 'Additions and Corrections to Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia' Vol 8, page 421: *O'Steen, Obediah - Col. IV: He and his father were in Liberty County, Georgia as early as 17 93; they served as Privates in the Liberty County Militia according to company roll for tha t unit. Since a person subject to militia duty had to be 21 years of age, it is likely Obedi ah was born in 1772 instead of 1782. The 1782 date used in the sketch in Vol. IV was actuall y an approximation. The birth years of the children were based on the census. He was born circa 1760 at Carteret, North Carolina. He (an unknown value) in 1790 at Tax roll, Georgia, USA. He married Sarah (--?--) circa 1802 at Liberty, Georgia. He died in 1816 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia.

a) Chancey4 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.

b) James Allen4 Osteen was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From 'Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia' Vol. 8 On page 262, sketch of James O'Steen (1804-1877) Camden *'James O'Steen was born in Bryan County in 1804, only son of Obediah and Sarah O'Steen. *MORE: Grew up in Bryan and Liberty Counties, Georgia Moved to Camden County, Georgia soon after marriage until 1844 Moved to Nassau County, Florida in 1844 Later moved on to Suwannee County and later to Baker County, Florida Granted 200 acres in Camden County, Georgia in 1835. He was also known as James J Osteen. He was born between 28 Dec 1805 and 28 Dec 1806 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia/Bryan County, Georgia. He married Mary Thompson, daughter of Richard Thompson and Lucretia Rogers, on 8 Jan 1828 at Chatham, Georgia. He died in 1877 at Baker County, Suwannee, Florida.

(1) Richard5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 27 Aug 1829 at Hastings, St. Johns, Florida. He died on 3 Jul 1883 at Baker County, Florida, at age 53.

(a) Calvin6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1854. He died in 1944.

(b) Fred R.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(c) Edward6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1859.

(d) Emma6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1862.

(e) Edwin6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1863.

(f) Margaret Jane6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1870. She died circa 1924.

(g) Franklin Bryant6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1875.

(h) John D.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1877. He died circa 1973.

(i) Mary H.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1881.

(2) Mary Ann5 Osteen married Jesse Bennett. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 14 Nov 1830 at Hastings, St. Johns, Florida.

(3) James Allen5 Osteen was also known as James Allen Osteen II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was also known as James J Osteen. He was born on 27 Apr 1834 at Georgia/Florida. He married Julia Ann Green on 19 Sep 1859 at St. Johns County, Florida. He died on 19 Nov 1902 at age 68.

(a) William Edward6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1862. He died in 1908.

(b) James Aldrich6 Osteen was also known as I. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1867. He died in 1934.

(c) John Riley6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1869. He died in 1945.

(d) Mary Catherine6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1871. She died in 1876.

(e) Sarah (Sadie) Jane6 Osteen. Her married name was Hagin. She was born on 16 Sep 1873 at Switzerland, Florida. She married Edward Alexander Hagin on 14 Jan 1891 at Duval County, Florida. She died on 15 Mar 1948 at Merritt Island, Florida, at age 74.

i) Living7 Hagin. Her married name was Matthews. She married Living Matthews on 4 Dec 1932 at Titusville, Florida.

(a) Living8 Matthews. Her married name was Parsons. She married Living Parsons on 22 Sep 1957 at Ft. Pierce, Florida--St. Lucie County.

i) Living9 Parsons

ii) Living9 Parsons

iii) Living9 Parsons

iv) Living9 Parsons. Her married name was Thompson. She married Living Thompson in 1980.

v) Living9 Parsons married Living Newton on 6 Nov 1990 at Couer d'Alene, Idaho--Couer d'Alene County. He married Living Newton on 6 Nov 1990 at Couer d'Alene, Idaho.

(b) Living8 Matthews. Her married name was Mathis. She married Living Mathis on 9 Jun 1953.

(c) Living8 Matthews

i) Living9 Matthews

ii) Living9 Matthews

(d) Living8 Matthews

(f) Henry Samuel6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1875. He died in 1957.

(g) Allen Arnold6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1879. He died in 1918.

(h) Richard Bryant6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1882. He died in 1960.

(i) Charles Wesley6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1884. He died in 1885.

(4) Riley5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1837 at Florida. He married Rhoda Lowe on 30 Mar 1859.

(5) William Edward5 Osteen was also known as Bill. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1838 at Florida. He married Catherine P. Smith on 4 Apr 1858. He married Martha Knight on 18 Sep 1865. He died in 1917.

(6) Martha B.5 Osteen. Her married name was Padgett. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1841 at Florida. She married Samuel Josiah Padgett on 15 Sep 1857. She died circa 1902.

(a) Samuel Josiah6 Padgett was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1858. He died after 1902.

(7) Allen5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1843 at Florida.

(8) Elizabeth5 Osteen. Her married name was Mettz. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1845 at Florida. She married Lafayette E. Mettz in Dec 1865.

(9) Jackson5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 16 Feb 1847 at Nassay County, Florida. He died in 1923.

(a) Mary Ann6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1870. She died in 1941.

(b) David E.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1872. He died in 1918.

(c) Lee A.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1874. He died in 1951.

(d) Tassie B.6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1876. She died in 1955.

(e) Cora Keziah6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1878. She died in 1963.

(f) Noah6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1880. He died in 1907.

(g) Alexander6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1882.

(h) Roy Jackson6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1886. He died in 1966.

(10) John5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1848 at Camden County, Georgia. He married Rachel E. Carter on 15 Apr 1870.

(11) Penelope5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1850.

(12) Jane5 Osteen was also known as Luginia. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born between 11 Jan 1850 and 1851 at St. Augustine, Florida. She died on 21 May 1927.

(13) Nancy L.5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1851. She died in 1937.

(a) William Henry6 Tillman Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1870.

(b) Laura Idella Carter6 Tillman Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1872.

(14) Thomas Theodore5 Osteen was also known as Tom. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born between 1852 and 1856 at St. Augustine, Florida. He died in 1930.

(a) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(b) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(c) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(d) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(e) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(f) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(g) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(h) Living6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@.

(i) Matthew Francis6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1881. He died in 1960.

(j) Rebecca6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1881. She died in 1881.

(k) Albert Cleve6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1886. He died in 1966.

(l) Mary Lena6 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1888.

(15) Calvert E.5 Osteen Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1858.

c) Elizabeth4 Osteen. Her married name was Walker. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born in 1806 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia. She married Thomas Walker in 1819 at Colleton County, South Carolina. She died circa 1885.

(1) Isaac5 Walker Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 7 Jul 1820 at Georgia. He married Amanda Pouchier in 1849. He died on 2 Aug 1886 at Lafayette County, Florida, at age 66.

(2) Susan5 Walker Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1823 at Georgia.

(3) James A.5 Walker Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 10 Apr 1825 at Georgia. He married Rachel E. Hasmape in 1846. He married Elizabeth Mathis circa 1868. He married Mary Armstrong on 24 Nov 1881 at Lafayette County, Florida. He died on 27 Oct 1901 at Lafayette County, Florida, at age 76.

(4) Littleberry5 Walker was also known as Berry. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born between 1834 and 1835 at Florida. He married Georgia Ann Sullivan circa 1859. He died on 4 Jun 1904.

(5) Thomas5 Walker was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1839 at Georgia. He married Roxie Ann Sullivan circa 1859.

d) Ailsy4 Osteen was also known as Elsie. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born in 1808 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia. She died in 1891 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(1) Unknown5 Chancey

(2) Jeremiah5 Chancey was also known as II. He was also known as Dud. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ AFter his first marriage Mr. Chancey lived a few years on a portion of the lands which Mrs. C hancey had inherited from her father (who was dead when they married) on Suwannoochee Crook a bout 2 1/2 miles north of the present town of DuPont, Georgia. They sold about 1856-1858, an d moved to near Homerville where he farmed. The Civil War was coming on, he enlisted July 16 , 1863, in Co. 'K', 10th Georgia Regiment, CSA and served as a private through the war. Afte r the war he moved his family down to the present Fargo District (a portion of th ecounty wit h only a few families living there then) and settled on lands near the Suwannee River. He li ved there until his death Nov. 25, 1905, and was buried at Ramah Primitive Baptist Church. H is first wife was buried in a small burial ground in a field under a large live oak tree on t he old Mobly place near present Fargo. The second wife survived him a few years and died abo ut 1920 and was buried along side him at Ramah Church. *The sons of his first wife listed as living in Florida, all became large and wealthy cattle o wners in the days of the open range in Florida. '(Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). He was buried at Ramah Primitive Baptist Church. He was born in 1828 at Appling or Ware County, Georgia. He married Nancy Joyce in May 1850. He died on 25 Nov 1906.

(a) Hansell6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived at Jasper, Florida (Huxford, Vol. &, pp. 84-85). He was born in 1851 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(b) Sarah Ann6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1853.

(c) John Van6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Lived at Jasper, Florida (Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). He was born in 1855.

(d) Francis Marion6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85. He was born in 1857. He married Sallie Lee on 26 May 1883.

(e) Samuel6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived at Mayo, Florida (Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). He was born in 1861.

(f) Jeremiah6 Chancey was also known as III. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived at Perry, Florida (Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). He was born in 1863.

(g) Wade H.6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ Lived at Mayo, Florida (Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). He was born in 1866.

(h) Ardella6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Never married (Huxford, Vol. 7, pp. 84-85). She was born in 1870 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(i) Dudley6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *FACT 1: From IGI. He was born in 1872 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(j) James B.6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1874.

(k) Joseph J.6 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1876.

(3) John McIntyre5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *From IGI. Has his middle name both as McIntyre and McIntosh. In the Civil War, with brother Mark, in Co. 'K', 26th Georgia Infantry. Moved to Lake Butler, Columbia County, Florida and were members of Mt. Zion Church (Swift Cre ek Church), about 6 miles NW of Lake Butler, Florida. He was born in 1832. He died circa 1917.

(a) James Walter6 Chancey (see above)

(b) John Beauregard6 Chancey (see above)

(c) Ardelia6 Chancey (see above)

(d) Marcus Hampton6 Chancey (see above)

(e) Edmund Stafford6 Chancey (see above)

(f) Jasper Newton6 Chancey (see above)

(g) Thomas Leonard6 Chancey (see above)

(h) John Riley6 Chancey (see above)

(i) George Washington6 Chancey (see above)

(j) Rufus A.6 Chancey (see above)

(k) Francis Marion6 Chancey (see above)

(l) Nettie Irene6 Chancey (see above)

(4) Samuel5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Died in hospital, in Civil War, in Oc. 'G' 60th Georgia Vol. Regiment. He was born circa 1837 at Georgia. He died on 19 Jun 1862 at Savannah, Georgia.

(5) Olive5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1838.

(6) Lucy5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *Never married. She was born circa 1840 at Ware County, Georgia.

(7) Wade Hampton5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born on 2 May 1842 at Clinch County, Georgia. He died on 22 Aug 1926 at Clinch County, Georgia, at age 84.

(8) Rowan5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1844 at Georgia.

(9) Shelton B.5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@ *No children. He was born on 3 Sep 1846 at Clinch County, Georgia.

(10) Rachel5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1848 at Ware County, Georgia.

(11) Rebecca5 Chancey Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1850 at Ware County, Georgia. She died in 1924 at Lowndes County, Georgia.

e) Sarah4 Osteen. Her married name was Hall. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla. She was born in 1810 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia. She married James T. Hall on 23 Dec 1830 at Hamilton County, Florida.

(1) James5 Hall Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1840.

(2) Elizabeth5 Hall Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born circa 1849.

(3) Isaac5 Hall Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born circa 1854.

f) Mary Polly4 Osteen. Her married name was Mims. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 6 Jan 1812 at Liberty, Ware County, Georgia. She married James Mims on 4 Sep 1828 at Hamilton County, Florida. She died on 4 Sep 1886 at Suwannee County, Florida, at age 74.

(1) Valentine5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1831 at Hamilton County, Florida. He died on 27 Oct 1905 at Medina County, Texas.

(2) James5 Mims was also known as II. He Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1832 at Hamilton County, Florida. He died before Jun 1884 at Taylor County, Florida.

(3) Sarah A.5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1834 at Hamilton County, Florida.

(4) Elizabeth5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1836 at Hamilton County, Florida.

(5) Nancy5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born on 25 May 1839 at Hamilton County, Florida. She died on 31 Jul 1898 at Suwannee County, Florida, at age 59.

(6) William Jasper5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1842 at Hamilton County, Florida. He died on 9 Jul 1861 at Mobile, Mobile, Alabama.

(7) Martha Jane5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in Nov 1844 at Hamilton County, Florida. She died on 6 Aug 1915 at Suwannee County, Florida, at age 70.

(8) Elizar5 Mims was also known as Eliza. She Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1847 at Hamilton County, Florida.

(9) Rebecca Mary Amanda5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. She was born in 1849 at Hamilton County, Florida.

(10) Thomas Nuten5 Mims Info from: Judy Crabb Roberts-Oxford, Fla.- J2ROBERTS@. He was born in 1852 at Hamilton County, Florida. He married Cornelia A. Sessions on 11 Apr 1870 at Suwannee County, Florida. He married Martha J. Allen on 20 Dec 1877.

Printed on: 12 Feb 2005

Prepared by:

Thomas W. Parker Jr.

11300 N. Central Ave.

Tampa, Fl 33612




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