Danny's Language Lab

I WISH … (Part I)


LEVEL: Low Intermediate

CLASS SIZE: 6 students


- 5 flashcards about wishes,

- ws n1 Guess their wishes (x3)

- ws n2 Make wishlist in order (x3)

- ws n3 Make greeting cards (x3)

TIME: 50 min


• To learn correct structure and usage of the verb “to wish” to express unlikable facts in the future through examples and CCQ’s.

• To distinguish the usages of “to wish” (unrealistic) from those of “to hope” (realistic) through examples and the timeline.

• To get used to the form [Subj + wish + (that) clause composed of subj. and verb in simple past form] through simple substitution drill with different verbs and situations.

• To figure out proper wish-greetings for different situations of people creating students’ own greeting cards.


• Speaking: using “wish” structures correctly

• Listening: listening to “Wishlist” of Pearl Jam and recognize the wide usage of the verb “to wish”.

• Writing: proper ways to write greetings according to situations.


• Grammar: Structure of the verb “to wish” in its first type (with simple past forms).

• Functional language: Expressing ideal wishes of the future in varied situations.

• Functional language: Expressions suitable for poems and lyrics.


• Students already know most of regular simple past verbs.

• Students may not know the differences between “wishes” and “hopes.”

• Students have already studied Conditionals (first and second type)

• Students are used to study grammar structures by means of timelines.

• Students tend to pronounce every single word including some non-content words.


• Students might think of past tenses when they see the “to wish” structures. -> Make good CCQ’s and clear every single doubt before moving on to the practice stage.

• Students may misuse the verb “to wish” to express something they hope happens in the future. -> State clearly the different usages through examples.

• Audio devices could fail -> Elicit and check the answers of the main activity without listening.

• Some words in the lyric may sound strange. -> Teach them when students ask upon doing the exercise.


MATERIAL: flashcards - magic lamp / genie / $1.000.000 / Sports car / Celebrities

SET UP: whole class

TIME: 4 min


• Start talking about the springtime weather. We really would like be out right now enjoying the Sun, but we can’t. We must study: that wish is unrealistic.

• Show the picture of magic lamp, elicit what the object and who the person is.

• Using the rest of the flashcards, elicit what people usually would want if they could ask for wishes.

• Elicit expressions related to “rich, famous, pretty wife, gorgeous husband, sports car.

• Students’ error doesn’t matter. As they speak, correct them eliciting the right answers.


MATERIAL: whiteboard, to draw a timeline.

SET UP: whole class

TIME: 15 min


• Write the topic on the board: “I wish….” Part I

• Recall one of the most interesting answers of the former stage and write it spaciously and clearly on board.

|I wish….. (part I) |

| |

|I wish I was Angelina / Brad |

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- Do you want to be Angelina / Brad?

- Are you Angelina / Brad now?

- Can you become Angelina / Brad in the future?

• Write the grammar point on the board:

I wish I was/wasn’t blond.


I wish she had/didn’t have blue eyes.

|I wish….. (part I) |

| |

|I wish I was/wasn’t blond. |

|(Were/weren’t) |

|she had/didn’t have blue eyes |

| |

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| |

• Get first whole class, and then individual student quick drill each sentence. (2 min)

• Teach pronunciation: (1 min)

- I wish I was [aIwI∫aw∂z] / I wish I had [aIwI∫aId∂]

• Add the form on the board (1 min)

|I wish….. (part I) |

| |

|I wish I was/wasn’t blond. |

|(Were/weren’t) Timeline |

|I wish she had/didn’t have blue eyes. |

|[Subj] + wish + [(Subj + Verb/S.P + …………………………...)] |

|Pos/neg |

| |

| |

| |

| |

• When explaining the form, teach be / none- be verb and pos/neg form.

• Draw a timeline on the board. (3 min)

bubbles X(blue eyes) Future (ideal / dream) ->wish

________________[pic]______________________________> ->(hope)

Past Now Future (realistic)

• CCQ (based on the timeline) (2 min)

- Where are you now?

- Do you have blue eyes now?

- Will you have blue eyes in the future?

- But do you want to have beautiful blue eyes?

• Do simple substitution drill (2 min)

- Write on the board:

|I wish….. (part I) |

| |

|I wish I was/wasn’t blond. |

|(Were/weren’t) Timeline |

|I wish she had/didn’t have blue eyes. |

|[Subj] + wish + [(Subj + Verb/S.P + …………………………...)] Usage:__________________ |

|Pos/neg |

| |

|I wish 1. I was in Whistler now. |

|2. Yeob had a crocodile at his place. |

|3. the World lived in peace. |

|4. they didn’t talk too much. |

Write the uses on the board and give examples: (3min)

- We use wish + past simple

- we want a situation in the present (or future) to be different.


MATERIAL: ws n1 Guess what they wish / wish not

SET UP: pairs

TIME: 4 min


• Instructions:

- You will have a worksheet. Look at the pictures and in groups you will guess what each person on the picture wishes and wishes not.

- Write 1 thing they do wish, and 1 that they wish not. Prompt words in parenthesis will help you find the answers.

- Work in groups / 3 min

• ICCQ’s

- What are the 2 things you have to writer?

- Who are you working with?

• Closing: When they have finished, elicit answers individually.


MATERAL: Downloaded UCC clip of “Wishlist” of Pearl Jam, ws n2- Wish list order.

SET UP: Pairs

TIME: 7 min


• Explain that we can include everything to our “wish list” since it’s almost always unrealistic. Therefore, students are now asked to make order of a messy wish list.

• Instructions:

- Pair work

- Worksheet with small pieces of a wish list broken phrases.

- They are kind of poetic statements.

- Find correct order of phrases to complete the wish list.

- 4 min


- Who are you working with?

- What do you have to do with the small pieces of paper?

• Run

• As students finished, get them listen the UCC clip and encourage them to figure out the right orders as they listen.


MATERIAL: ws n3 greeting cards

SET UP: pairs

TIME: 15 min


• Introduce the activity: In different occasions, we send wish cards to our family, friends or mates to show what we feel in our heart.

• Your best friends are in different situations now. You have to create your own greetings according to the pictures in the worksheet. Be as creative as possible showing your best wishes. If you want, you can create your own design with graphics too.

• Work in pairs / 12 min

• Monitor students but let them be as creative as possible, even if they might make some errors. Help them if they need to use more complicated structures of the verb “to wish”.

• After they have done, share their ideas with whole class.



SET UP: whole class

TIME: 2 min


• Erase grammar form and get one student come up and rebuild the erased form.

• Get another student come up and write a sentence with “to wish”

• Elicit from another student the negative form of the written example.

• Ask another student the formal form of be verb when it’s used after “to wish”

• Leave a questions for the next lesson: “What about wishes of future or past?”

• Conclude.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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