Denison Pride Award Program

Denison Pride Award Program

The mission of the Denison Pride Award program is to help Denison promote a beautiful community by recognizing community members who encourage and participate in the strengthening of community aesthetics and good property maintenance. The Denison Pride Award program was established to recognize those who make significant efforts toward cleaning or beautifying their small part of the world by:

• Landscaping Improvement 

This category focuses on the front yard and landscape improvements. The judging will emphasize year-round visual appeal and environmental considerations.


• Structural Improvement 

This category focuses on exterior structural improvements. Judging will emphasize the overall visual effect of the structural improvements.

Any owner, or renter, of a residential property located within the city limits of Denison and visible by the general public, can nominate themselves or someone else with an application.

Overall, we will be looking at the outside appearance of the structure and the landscaping grounds of the yard, as seen from the street. Winners will be selected based on the following criteria:

• Effort, rather than cost.

• Creativity and effort combined.

• Tasteful landscaping, including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, and flowers.

• The property must be well maintained.

The judging committee is typically comprised of representatives from the following groups:

• Denison Code Enforcement Division

• Crawford County Development Corporation

The Beautification Committee will be awarding the winners with the following accolades:

• Public Announcement of Award.

• A Certificate of Appreciation presented monthly at the City Council Meeting.

• A Recognition Sign to be placed in their yard for a period of thirty days.

• A CDC gift card.

• Recognition on the City of Denison Website.


Eligibility Requirements

1. The nominee(s) must reside in the city limits of Denison.

Entry Procedure


1. Complete the nomination form and answer all applicable questions.

2. If possible, prepare supplementary material, i.e., before and after photographs.

3. Drop off or mail completed form to: 

City of Denison 

Denison Pride Award

111 N. Main St.

Denison, IA.  51442

Application Requirements: 


1. The property will be judged on how it looks from the street. 

2. All required building permits must have been obtained.  Properties with any outstanding violations will be disqualified. 

3. A “before” and “after” photograph of the property is preferred, but not required.  If a before photograph is not available, please take extra care to provide details of the property’s original condition).  Photos will not be returned. 

4. The committee reserves the right to withdraw your application if any instructions are not followed. 


Award recipients will be notified by phone or in person. This award will be presented at the next available City Council Meeting. If you have any questions please call City Hall 712-263-3143.

This is the nomination paper that will be on the website.

 Denison Awards Program Application

1.  Property Address (within City Limits): ___________________________________________


2.  Name of Applicant / Nominee: __________________________________________________


3. Contact Name (If different than above): ___________________________________________


4. Contact Phone Number:  _______________________________________________________

5.  What improvements were made and why? _________________________________________



6.   Who did the design work and what was the concept behind it? ________________________


7.  Who actually made the improvements?  ___________________________________________


8.  What unique ideas or innovations were used?  Explain _______________________________


10. What obstacles, if any, did you overcome in making the improvements?  ________________



11. Is the overall property maintained / well-groomed?  (Direct comments toward both the landscaping and the structure.)  ____________________________________________________


12. Have your improvements inspired others?  (i.e., have you received comments from neighbors, or shared your expertise?) _______________________________________________


13. Additional comments: ________________________________________________________



PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING -- By submitting this application, the undersigned hereby  consents to the use of his/her name, likeness, and picture of the subject property, and releases the City from any and all claims, damages, causes of action, of whatever kind or nature, relating to the use of such information and pictures on the City of Denison’s web site. 


Submitter’s Name (please print):  __________________________________________________


Submitter’s Signature:   __________________________________________________________


Address:  ______________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________


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