Lady of my Dreams - KUHMANN

The Lady In My Dreams

To begin, he offers a kiss on the back of her neck -- where it s-p-r-e-a-d-s …


[pic] As we aspire to A Love for All Time...

‘Tis The Mind That Dashes Eagerly Into The Depths Of Thought.

Has He Found The Loveliest Of Women (Whom He Has Sought)?

But Are New Relationships Ever Quite As They Seem?

And Is She That Perfect Seraph (The Lady In His Dreams)?

[pic] He would make her feel Beautiful All Over...

Ah Beating Heart, Pulsing Lifeblood So Hot,

Listen -- Do You Hear Her Angelic Aria Not?

Her Unknown Absence Is What Makes It So,

Hence, Her Softest Kisses Alone Might Quench This Flow.

[pic] He would never wish to be Without You (her)...

Music Plays An Undying Together, Set To Love,

A Never-Ending Melody, One Never Grows Tired Of.

Share The Sweetest Joy, Survive The Saddest Woe.

An Enduring Union, Adoration Will Sow.

[pic] He would honor her space, for Sometimes We Walk Alone…

And Now Here Is The Secret Key,

The All-essential Unlock Of The Mystery Of Me.

It Is Only With The Heart That One Can See Rightly,

What True Feelings (Invisible To The Eye) Burn Brightly?

[pic] He would share his Secret Dreams...

Real Love Is A Potion Of The Soul,

And It Is Of The Same Nature As Our Whole.

Celestial Breathing Of The Atmosphere Of Paradise.

Heavenly Being, And Before God All Do Rejoice.

[pic]He would Divide Thy Grief…

Are You Ready To Love Someone Like Me?

And Are You The One With Whom I Would Traverse Eternity?

Faults Are Thick, Where Love Is Thin,

The Problem For You, Will Be With Whom To Begin, Again.

[pic] Of late, YOU are The Lady in My Dreams…!


“A poem composed … as an expression of dreams (with love and passion), is better than a poem written (with perfect spelling), but without Spirit - for the Power of Words touches but one heart at a time!” -RCK

"Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?" -Cinderella

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein

Secret Notes:

1) Italics – poem titles (click on links)

2) BOLD letters – her beautiful name

Copyright ©August 2003 – Robert C. Kuhmann -- All Rights Reserved


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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