Craiglockhart Primary School

Literacy-L.I To revise Block 2 sounds and tricky words and to practice letter formations. To blend and segment sounds to read and write words and sentences.Lesson 1.Revise the sound sh (action: finger to lips and say shhhh)Build or write the words ship, shut, rush, rash, dish, fish, wish, sheep. Sound each letter as you build, blend the sounds to read. Identify rhyming words.Practise writing the sound sh thinking carefully about letter formations.Adult write out the sentences: I put it in the shed. His cash is in the bag. She got a rug at the shop.Ask your child to circle the tricky words and sh sounds. Read the sentences. Read all the tricky word flash cards. Write a selection of tricky words. Say a word and ask your child to point at the correct word.Lesson 2.Revise the sound ch (action: making choo choo noise and moving arms in a train motion))Build or write the words chum, chat, chip, chop, rich, much, mash, chick, church. Sound each letter as you build and blend the sounds to read.Practise writing the sound ch thinking carefully about letter formations.Adult write out the sentences: I had fish and chips. Dad is a rich man he has lots of cash. The chick said cheep cheep.Ask your child to circle the tricky words and sh/ch sounds. Read the sentences.Read all the tricky word flash cards. Ask your child to write some tricky words.Lesson 3Revise the sound th (action: a rude clown sticking it’s tongue out, making thhhhh sound)Build or write the words this, that, them, think, then, bath, moth, with, path. Sound each letter as you build and blend the sounds to read.Practise writing the sound th thinking carefully about letter formations.Adult write out the sentences: I had a hot bath. The moth flew into the light. The path led me to the woods.Ask your child to circle the tricky words and th/oo/ew/igh sounds. Read the sentences.Read all the tricky word flash cards. Ask your child to write a sentence using a sh/ch or th word. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Encourage good letter formation.Lesson 4Revise the sound wh (action: making wh sounds whilst blowing in cupped hands)Build or write the words when, whip, whim, which, whizz. Sound each letter as you build and blend the sounds to read.Practise writing the sound wh thinking carefully about letter formations.Read all the tricky word flash cards. Ask your child to write some tricky words.Adult model sentence writing: The man had a whip for the lion.Talk about the capital letter, finger spaces, sound the words and highlight the full stop.Ask your child to write a sentence using shark/chum/chick/path or think.Extra Suggested Literacy Activities:?PlayFollow this link for games to practice spelling, tricky words and letter formations. I spy?Pick items around you that contain the digraph sounds taught so far.? They do not need to begin with this sound, it may be in middle or at end of the word.??Sound splat?Write some of the digraph sounds taught so far onto post it notes or small pieces of paper.? Lay out on floor or table.? Adult reads out words from spelling lists containing these sounds one at a time, child has to find the sound from the word and splat it with their hand as fast as they can saying the sound as they do it.?Middle PigUsing sound cards or a white board. Make a word e.g. fish, cover or rub out the middle sound. Player 2 has to guess the middle sound.Watch and Listen?Watch the Alphablocks episode about sh and ch, read and write the words as they make them? th episode - read and write the words as they make them. the Giraffe learning the wh sound. this link on youtube for a new, fun tricky word song to help reinforce tricky words,? To use knowledge of sounds and tricky words to write independently.This week we are thinking about The Very Hungry caterpillar.Your writing task is to make your own book. You could make a concertina book. If I was the Very hungry caterpillar I would eat……On Monday I ate……write and draw.Take a new page for each day of the week.Remember Capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop. You could write a page each day.Reading-L.I To use knowledge of sounds and tricky words to read independently. To read texts for enjoyment. To listen to texts and respond to questions or retell the story in your own words. To look at the features of a non fiction text.Remember to check your Learning Journal every Monday for your new group readers.Enjoy reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French and English.There is also a lovely story for you to enjoy in the Science section- Waiting for the Wings by Lois Ehlert.Do you have any information books in your house to find out more information about the life cycles of butterflies?French-L.I - To say the days of the week in French, To say names of fruit in FrenchListen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French you hear the different days of the week throughout the story? You may even recognise some numbers.Re-cap the French days of the week.Listen to and repeat the days of the week in French. the names of some of the fruit that the very hungry caterpillar eats during the story:Une Pomme – appleUne Poire – pearUne Prune – plumUne fraise – strawberryUne orànge - orangeListen and repeat the names of fruit in French. There are lots on this link but focus on the 5 above so there are not too many to remember. you are having any of the above fruit to eat this week, try asking for it in French. Can parents guess what piece of fruit you would like?Try to focus on saying the day of the week in French each day if you are doing a calendar as part of daily tasks. Can you say the day before and after in French too?Art- L.I I can use a variety of materials to create symmetrical pictures and collages. I can watch and follow instructions Use paint, playdough or loose parts to make symmetrical butterflies. See the variety of activities in the maths section for art and symmetry.Follow the link below to make a moving caterpillar! Make a few and have races. Inspiried by a range of stimuli I can investigate rhythm and sound. I can respond to music by describing my thoughts and feelings.If out on a walk, or in the garden, or in a park, try to see how many minibeast creatures you can spot / see…… eg. caterpillar, bee, snail, worm, spider, fly, ant, beetle, slug, frog butterfly, centipedes, ladybirds. 1. Can you make a list when you get home. 2. Can you draw them and colour them in. 3. Try to clap the sound of their name / word……. Eg. Bee one sound/ bumble bee 3 sounds 4. Now draw your creatures in a pattern on some paper. Spider/spider/worm/bumble bee5. Try to clap / tap the sound of their name as you get to each creature. ( 6. Try to use different sounds for each picture / creature eg. Perhaps a plant pot for a beetle, plastic for centipedes, scrape stones for a caterpillar. Experiment with different sounds and different rhythms. 7. Remember that some creatures will move fast, some will move slowly and some will be loud and some will be quiet. Listen to this piece of music about a Bumble Bee, there are many versions on you Tube “Flight of The Bumble Bee” – Flute Xylophone Orchestra Science-L.I I have observed things in the environment over time.Listen to the book “Waiting for Wings” by Lois Ehlert being read by following the link below.htps://watch?v=vzuOVA5j53UThe book explains, using beautiful pictures, how the life cycle of the butterfly works.Once you have listened the story draw four boxes and draw a different stage in the life cycle of a butterfly. You can either do this on a plain piece of paper – or if you have a printer you can complete the worksheet below. and MathsL.I- To sequence, order, add 2 or 3 numbers within 10, 20, 50, counting in 2s, 5s, 10s.L.I-To continue and create a repeating pattern involving shapes, pictures and symbols.Mild Spicy HotDaily number warm up, Counting forwards/ backwards within 10, 20, 50. Say number before or after a given number, give missing numbers from a sequence. Activities for daily number warm up:Make a number line with flash cards numbered to 20, 30, 50. Choose a small selection of numbers, mix numbers up, place in correct order. Take some numbers away, can you say which numbers are missing? Can you sequence the numbers forwards and backwards? Point to each number on the number line as you say it. Try this counting in 2s. Can you count forward/backward in 2s. Can you recognise the pattern in the numbers as you count (missing numbers out). Discuss even/odd numbers.Can you count in 5s and 10s, look at the patterns in these sequences. Some of you may be able to make the link to multiplication. Maths Focus: Pattern and SymmetryActivities1. Watch the link below about repeating patterns at the repeating patterns below, can you copy them and continue? (1:1 pattern) ?×?×?×(1:2 pattern) ???????Can you create a simple 1:1 or 1:1:1 repeating pattern on your own? Find items from around the house or garden to use, for example cubes, beads, pebbles, leaves, sticks.Can you create your own 1:2 or 2:2 repeating pattern?Can you create a more complex repeating pattern such as 2:3,2:4, or 4?. Think of your own repeating sequences 2. Follow the link below to play the pattern game on topmarks level 1, level 2 or level 3Can you complete the patterns on the caterpillar sheet? Print off or draw your own caterpillar to colour 2 colours, use 4 colours, use 6 colours in your pattern. Can you describe your pattern? What could you use at home to make a caterpillar?3. If you feel like you need more practice with repeating patterns continue with some of the above activities. If you are confident with repeating patterns and are able to make lots of your own, go onto the next activity.Patterns can also be symmetrical. This means the same on both sides. Watch the following link to find out a little bit more about symmetrical patterns. you make your own picture with a line of symmetry down the middle? Remember whatever you have on one side of the line needs to be in the same place on the opposite side of the line.You can also use loose parts and items from the home or garden to make a symmetrical collage or model. This can be as complicated or as simple as you wish. 4. Butterflies are symmetrical. Look at the butterfly in this week’s story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Can you spot the symmetrical pattern on the butterfly? Ask an adult to draw one half of a butterfly with a pattern, can you complete the other half to make it symmetrical? You could swap so you can start the butterfly and your adult can complete it.If you have paint try painting one half of the butterfly then fold the paper in half and see how it creates a symmetrical picture.Monster Symmetry: Can you complete the monster pictures in the link below to make them symmetrical? Either print off the worksheet or ask an adult to start the picture so you can finish it. symmetry: These are slightly more detailed. Can you complete the shape pictures in the link below to make them symmetrical? Either print off the worksheet or ask an adult to start the picture so you can finish it. you find the lines of symmetry in the pictures in the following link? Some might have more than one! a go at this symmetry sorting game continue with number and addition reinforcement try some of these games addition game is more of a challenge and Wellbeing and talking and listeningL.I - I know that change is a necessary part of life.LI – Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.Once you have done the science activity below – you will have a much clearer understanding of the different stages a butterfly has to go through to become a butterfly. At each stage I am sure the butterfly is very nervous about the change but bravely makes the change anyway. Once it makes the change it realises that life is even better that it was before.In the same way - we will go through many changes in our lives. Can you think back over your life and tell your adult what big changes you have gone through? For example moving house or getting a new pet or even a new brother or sister. How did each of those changes make you feel at the time? How do you feel about them now?You could also ask your grown up what the big changes have been in their lives and how they feel about them.As a follow up – you could draw a picture of one of these big life changes and write feeling words round the picture to describe all the feeling associated with that change. You could even ask your adult to draw and write about one of their life changes! If you do this then please share a picture of your work in your learning journal so we can see it too!Something for FunUse chalks outside to make symmetrical pictures and patterns.Use the Story of the Hungry caterpillar to make a puppet showP.E- L.I- To move and control my body well, To describe how my body feels after exerciseTry this animal HIIT workout. Can you do all of the movements. Think about how your body feels when you have done them. Are you hot? Breathless? Any tired muscles?A Message from my TeacherDear Boys and Girls, we hope you and your families are all well. Apologies for the mix up on our Learning Grid last week, we didn’t know Mr Hedgehog and mr Law were going to go off the Building resilience script! We loved Mr Hedgehog’s rock and roll music though! We have been busy finding lots of ideas for you to keep learning at home. We hope you enjoy The Very Hungry Caterpillar ideas. Mrs Ginney sent you a music lesson based on mini beasts, it sounds like fun, maybe you can conduct a family orchestra! Thank you to everyone that has shared their learning on the Learning Journals or by emailing us. We really do appreciate seeing how you are getting on; the pictures brighten up our day.Look on the School website to see pictures of everyone dressed up in their uniforms on Friday!Have a great week, lots of love from Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Perez and Mrs Swinson.Send photos of your work and successes to to be loaded onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning JournalDaily tasks:Start each day with the calendar; talk about the day of the week, the month, the season, the weather and how you are feeling today.Read for at least 15 minutesTake some daily exercise- Check out Joe Wicks Body Coach for kids at ................

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