The Book Thief Final Project Choices

Please choose one of the projects below. Make sure you read your instructions carefully. The rubric located at the bottom will apply to all project choices. This project will be due on: ___________.FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS: Your project should be extremely neat and aesthetically pleasing. No glue smears or marker smears, messy handwriting, pencil writing, awkwardly cut papers, or crumpled edges. Please put some time and effort into it. Choices: Are Humans Brutal or Beautiful? Create a poster that demonstrates your ability to argue whether or not you think humans in The Book Thief and in the real world are more “beautiful” or more “brutal.” Your poster should contain:A title that states your opinion (e.g. Humans are Beautiful or Humans are Brutal). Three examples from The Book Thief and three examples from the real world supporting your opinion (on your poster). At least five quality images, either hand-drawn, cut from a magazine, or found electronically. These images should enhance your argument.1-2 paragraphs of explanation for each example. You should have a quotation that supports your idea for each of your three examples in The Book Thief. These paragraphs should explain why these examples from the book and the real world show that humans are beautiful or brutal. Explanation and justification of your ideas is the BIGGEST FACTOR OF YOUR GRADE! (this does not have to be on your poster) You will choose an event in history that interests you. (i.e. WWI, JFK’s assassination, Obama’s inauguration, the fall of the Berlin wall, 9-11, shooting at Columbine, etc.)You will then need to find one quote from that event that represents the event as a whole. You must include both the positives and negatives of the event, and incorporate the quotation in some way. Next, choose 1 or 2 colors that represent the emotions of that event. On a HALF sheet of poster board (or that size) you will create a collage of that event. It can be 2D or 3D. You can include symbols that are present, the event, photos, etc. You will also include a quote from The Book Thief that best represents the emotions of this event.3-4 paragraphs of explanation for the negatives and positives. This will also explain why you chose the colors you did to represent the emotions. Discuss how this event connects to the brutality of humans in both the real world and in The Book Thief. You will explain how Death, our narrator, would react to this event. Explanation and justification of your ideas is the BIGGEST FACTOR OF YOUR GRADE! Figurative Language Booklet: Create a booklet that outlines your top ten favorite lines from the book where we see imagery/figurative language being used. This will be a picture book like the one Max created Liesel. Each page will feature a new line, an image and a brief explanation as to what it means. Each page must containVisual picture of the line you chose. Line from the text with CORRECT identification of what literary devices are being used: personification, imagery, metaphor, simile, etc.2-4 sentence explanation as to what the author is getting at with each line.A 1-2 paragraph explanation of the effectiveness of Zusak’s style and use of Death as a narrator. Explanation and justification of your ideas is the BIGGEST FACTOR OF YOUR GRADE! In the narrative style of the author, write an alternative ending for the novel OR extend the ending beyond where the author leaves us. This should be at least 2 pages double-spaced.Create a list of sections within your ending (at least 3)Death must interrupt at least onceA one-paragraph response justifying your choices; use the plot of The Book Thief to help support your choices.Did your project . . . Contain images /examples that demonstrated your understanding of the novel? Were they relevant, important and directly tied to the book?_____/5Contain written explanations that were proofread, grammatically correct and easy to understand?_____/5Contain written explanations that were detailed, thorough, answered the prompt and directly tied to the novel?_____/10Fulfill all of the requirements listed in your project choice? Please read your choice carefully.____/5Present itself neatly? Was it organized, clean, easy to follow? (Please re-read the bolded box at the top).____/5 ................

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