SOAPAIMS - Use as a checklist for this question

SOAPAIMS - Use as a checklist for this question

|S | |As cold as ice |

| |IMILE |Greasy like chips |

| | |The clouds were fluffy like cotton wool |

|O | |Bang |


| | |squeak |

| | |Miaow |

|A | |Tall trees |

| |LLITERATION |Sun shining on the sea |

| | |Wicked witch of the west |

|P | |The trees cried happy tears |

| |ERSONIFICATION |The moon smiled |

| | |The wind sighed |

|A | |Beautiful |

| |DJECTIVE |Amazing |

| | |Yellow |

| | |Tall |

|I | |Do your words create a picture in the mind |

| |MAGERY |of the reader? Is it interesting to read? |

|M | |Love is blind |

| |ETAPHOR |I’m heart broken |

| | |Life is a stage and we are players |

|S | |Crash. |

| |ENTENCE STRUCTURE |It was dark. Midnight. |

| | |It was a long hot day, as beautiful as the |

| | |sparkling ocean. |


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