Student Name:___________________________ Period: _______ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________


2018-2019 COURSE SYLLABUS – Dual Language Spanish Language Arts I

Teacher: Elisa Soto E-mail: Telephone #: (773) 534-3420 Tutoring Hours: W & F 7:00 – 7:30 am


The course is designed to teach Spanish Language Arts to Heritage and Native Spanish Speakers through cultural contexts using literature works. Emphasis is placed on listening, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language in cultural settings. Proficiency in oral communication skills is essential to learning and use of the language. New technology will be used with the inclusion of Prezi presentations, Google Classroom, and Audacity software program.


Students are to use the target language to:

- communicate within and beyond the classroom setting,

- develop an understanding of the customs, art, literature, history and geography associated with the target language,

- make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.


Textbooks: Tejidos (Wayside Publishing) and Sendas Literarias 1and 2 (Pearson Prentice Hall)

Authentic Spanish texts, such as magazines, poems, short stories, and newspaper articles, will also be incorporated into the overall curriculum. In addition to these texts, certain cultural and geographical films and TV series will be shown and incorporated into lessons. Classes will visit the language lab on a rotating basis, roughly once every two weeks. Students will complete computer and internet activities that reinforce skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking such as e-mail exchanges, blogs, and audio recording. Finally, students will also participate in various field trips and educational programs and special projects that will enhance their learning experience.

The tentative plan for material to be covered is the following:

Semester 1

|Hilo 1: Estructura de | Exchange information about modern and traditional families, roles of family members, traditions, and daily life. |

|la familia |Express opinions about the social and cultural changes in family life and roles of family members, including parents’ expectations of |

| |teens. |

| |Compare, contrast, and express perspectives on changes in traditional and modern Hispanic families, including the family structure and |

| |roles of family members. |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic texts and audiovisual sources about the family, including blogs, interviews, and |

| |short narratives. |

| |Plan, produce, and present a written and oral digital product to a Spanish-speaking audience related to changes in the family structure, |

| |roles of family members, & modern-day family life. |

|Hilo 6: Relaciones | Exchange information about communication in family relationships. |

|personales |Exchange messages such as emails, blogs, or social media posts about the influence of social media on relationships. |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of relationships in Spanish-speaking countries from authentic texts, literature, websites, blogs, audiovisual, |

| |and audio, including songs. |

| |Interpret and analyze poems from Hispanic cultures about friends and romantic relationships. |

| |Produce reflections and journal entries to demonstrate understanding of practices and perspectives of relationships in Hispanic cultures.|

|Hilo 10: Identidad |Exchange messages such as emails, blogs, or social media posts about preserving mother tongue languages. |

|nacional e identidad |Engage in discussions about the influence of language on identity. |

|étnica |Demonstrate comprehension of content from a variety of authentic sources about ethnic and national languages in Spanish-speaking |

| |countries. |

| |Analyze and evaluate the diversity of Latin American culture reflected in a variety of authentic materials, including poems, songs, and |

| |other audiovisual sources. |

| |Produce reflections and journal entries to demonstrate understanding of the influence of language on ethnic and national identities. |

| |Semester 2 |

|Hilo 7: | Discuss and demonstrate knowledge about beauty and fashion products, practices and perspectives from different cultures |

| |Exchange messages such as emails, blogs, or social media posts about beauty and fashion preferences, including the influence of |

|Belleza y moda |celebrities’ preferences |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of concepts of beauty imposed by society and how that definition can be expanded |

| |Interpret and analyze perspectives on beauty and fashion preferences from indigenous Hispanic cultures |

| |Collaborate to create, produce, and present a fashion product inspired from an indigenous Hispanic cultures |

|Hilo 2: | Compare and contrast forms of communication in social relationships and family life before and after social networking. |

| |Give advice to educate others on responsible use of social networks. |

|Redes sociales |Interpret a message from an author in order to agree/disagree about advice to parents of teens. |

| |Interpret and analyze statistics about usage of social networking in Spanish-speaking countries. |

| |Create an oral or written publication on the responsible use of social networks. |

|Hilo 9: |Express opinions about what defines a hero. |

| |Ask and respond to questions about individuals from Hispanic cultures who influence and make significant contributions to society. |

|Héroes y personajes |Interpret, analyze, and evaluate the contributions of an individual who defined the identity of a nation. |

|históricos |Write a letter to a hero or historical person from a Hispanic culture. |

| |Synthesize and present the political, social, or cultural contributions of a historical figure from a Hispanic culture. |

IV. GRADING CRITERIA: Students will be evaluated based on the following breakdown (pending Administrative approval):

10%: STUDENT PROFESSIONALISM - Students earn points daily by putting forth effort on their daily attendance,

arrival to class on time, and behavioral conduct (including the use of appropriate language).

40%: PRACTICE – Students earn points daily by putting forth effort and / or completing in class assignments,

participating in class discussions, and completing homework (which will be assigned three days a week).

50%: MASTERY - Students will be assessed every two weeks on lessons and chapters covered in class. If, for

whatever reason, a student misses a quiz or a test, it is his/her responsibility to see me within a week to set up a

make-up exam session. Students will also be given one performance-based activity (project) for each chapter /

unit. These will be cumulative, skills-based assessment including speaking, reading, writing, and listening


V. GRADING SCALE: A = 100 – 90 B = 89 - 80 C = 79 - 70 D = 69 - 60 F = 59 or below


Students are expected to follow the Schurz way: be responsible, respectful, and positive.

All students are expected to:

- Be in class ON TIME! Attendance is important!!!

- Complete all assignments to the best of their ability and turn them in when they are due,

- Maintain a portfolio / folder for their homework, class assignments, quizzes, tests, etc.

- Make efforts to use Spanish in the classroom.

- Participate, ask questions!

- Be respectful. No walking, talking or sleeping in class.

- Wear their IDs AT ALL TIMES

- Refer to the school rules in the BEHAVIORAL MATRIX and follow Mrs. Soto’s classroom rules, posted in the front of

the classroom.

Failure to comply with this policy will make you ineligible to participate in school events, included, but not limited to, sports competitions, after-school clubs, dances, and all school sponsored activities including field trips. 

Electronics Policy: All electronic devices must be put away during class instruction. If I see your electronic device (on or off, it makes no difference), the class will receive a verbal warning. When the next cell phone is seen, security will be called and that student will be removed from the classroom. Cell phones are only permitted when teacher changes classroom indicator to “allowed”.

Late Work Policy: If your absence was excused, you will be able to obtain full credit if classwork is completed within 1 school day of absence. If your absence is unexcused, you cannot make up the assignment. A zero in Gradebook often indicates that an assignment was previously missing and can no longer be made up. Late homework will NOT be accepted regardless of excused or unexcused absences. In cases of long-term absence, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher in order to arrange a plan for submitting missed material.

Academic Honesty Policy: 
You are required to understand and comply with policy related to academic integrity. All coursework that is submitted to meet course requirements must be the student’s own work. A student who submits written work (or performance) which appears to represent another individual’s ideas, discussion, analysis, writing, etc. and has not accurately and appropriately cited the source will have his or her paper returned with a zero grade and a parent-teacher-student conference will take place to discuss the incident with an administrator. Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. Students who are discovered cheating are subject to discipline up to and including failure of a course.

Categories that constitute academic dishonesty are:

➢ Cheating on quizzes, tests and/or examinations.

➢ Copying another’s answers on an examination, or allowing another to copy.

➢ Obtaining unauthorized information about the examination prior to administration of the exam.

➢ Using unauthorized materials or equipment during an examination.

➢ Stealing, destroying or altering another student’s work.

➢ Plagiarism: Using another’s work as one’s own, whether quoting directly or paraphrasing, without giving credit to the original source. This includes use of the Internet.

VII. CLASS SUPPLIES: Students are expected to bring to class every day the following materials:

- Loose-leaf paper and one three ring binder.

- A composition book,

- One folder with pockets,





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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