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(60-points Mult. Choice)

TRUE/FALSE: Mark “A” for True and “B” for False.

1. Roxane has fond memories of her childhood with Cyrano. A

2. Roxane tells Cyrano of her deep love of Christian because she wants Cyrano to protect him. A

3. Cyrano refuses to befriend Christian because he thinks Christian is a fool. B

4. Christian agrees to have Cyrano write letters for him. A

5. Roxane pretends to love De Guiche to protect Cyrano from going to war. A

6. Both Roxane and Cyrano are static characters. B

7. Cyrano retrieves De Guiche’s white scarf while under heavy enemy fire. A

8. De Guiche tells the cadets that Spanish troops will attack their regiment. A

9. Roxane crosses enemy lines with a special permit. B

10. Christian never realizes that Cyrano loves Roxane. B

11. Immediately after Christian’s death, Cyrano reveals to Roxane that he wrote Christian’s letters. B

12. Roxane has lived in a convent for 14-15 years. A

13. Roxane has stopped loving Christian. B

14. Cyrano has finally succeeded and lives comfortably. B

15. Roxane finally knows that Cyrano wrote the letters. A

16. Cyrano dies with Roxane’s name on his lips. B


17. The setting for most of the play is:

A. Paris 1640s B. Paris 1890s C. Arras 1640s D. Arras 1890s

18. Before Cyrano appears, he has been described in great detail by:

A. the actors B. the pages C. his enemies D. his friends

19. What contrasts are there between Cyrano and Christian?

A. Cyrano is middle-aged and poor; Christian is young and rich.

B. Cyrano is ugly and witty; Christian is handsome but not clever.

C. Cyrano is impulsive and proud; Christian is cautious and humble.

D. Cyrano is cynical and bold; Christian is idealistic but not rash.

20. Cyrano is most sensitive about his:

A. poverty B. voice C. weight D. nose

21. Which of these following groups is made up of Cyrano’s friends?

A. Ragueneau, Montfleury, and Bellerose

B. Ligniere, Le Bret, and Ragueneau

C. Montfleury, Christian, and De Guiche

D. Le Bret, Valvert, and De Guiche

22. Near the end of ACT I, Cyrano’s mood is transformed from sadness to joy because:

A. he is about to fight a hundred men

B. the duenna tells him that Roxane wants to speak with him

C. the duenna tells him that Roxane is glad he won the duel

D. he realizes that the refreshment girl is attracted to him.

23. Which line best shows that Cyrano is a man of honor who does not compromise his ideals?

A. “I order you to be silent!’

B. “Since I fear a refusal would offend you, I will accept...very little!”

C. “...I suddenly see the shadow of my profile on the garden wall.”

D. “How dare you accuse me of anything so ridiculous?”

24. In Act II, Ragueneau and Cyrano are similar in that they are both:

A. poor and proud. B. idealists and poets. C. of peasant background. D. brave and clever.

25. Roxane ___ that Cyrano is in love with her.

A. is distressed to learn B. is secretly pleased C. suspects D. ignores signs

26. Roxane assumes that Christian is witty and intelligent because:

A. her acquaintances have told her so. B. he has sent her an eloquent love letter.

C. he is handsome. D. he has a witty and intelligent friend--Cyrano.

27. Christian’s goading of Cyrano in front of the Cadets is an example of dramatic irony because:

A. Christian does not know that Cyrano is Roxane’s cousin.

B. Cyrano does not know that Christian loves Roxane.

C. Christian does not know that Cyrano kills people who annoy him.

D. Christian does not know that Cyrano has promised to protect him.

28. In ACT III, when Roxane “reads” the letter brought by the monk, she reveals that she can be quite:

A. compassionate. B. unselfish. C. resourceful. D. melancholy.

29. Christian shows his idealism when he:

A. proposes to Roxane. B. thanks Cyrano for his aid.

C. risks his life for Cyrano. D. tries to stop deceiving Roxane by speaking for himself.

30. What is the dramatic irony in the line, “How gladly I would give my happiness for the sake of

yours, even without your knowledge...”?

A. Roxane does not know that it is Cyrano, not Christian, who is speaking and that Cyrano is giving up his happiness for hers.

B. Christian does not know that Roxane, who is speaking, is attempting to keep him safe.

C. De Guiche does not realize that Roxane, who is speaking, is not referring to him but, rather, to her

love of Christian.

D. The audience does not know if Roxane would love Cyrano if she knew that he was speaking for Christian.

31. Cyrano pretends that he has fallen from the moon in order to:

A. amuse Roxane. B. delay Roxane’s duenna. C. stall De Guiche. D. divert the Capuchin.

32. An example of foreshadowing is:

A. Cyrano’s two daily trips through enemy lines.

B. Cyrano’s remark that he and Christian will never see Roxane again.

C. Roxane’s promise that she would love Christian even if he were ugly.

D. Cyrano’s remark that the French will soon either eat or die.

33. To the delight of the Cadets, Roxane brings :

A. letters. B. food. C. muskets. D. a flag.

34. Cyrano is prevented from telling Roxane the truth about his love because he:

A. knows that Christian and she are legally married.

B. realizes that his idealistic love may not withstand the realities of married life.

C. feels that he should not compete with a dead man.

D. is certain that he also will die in the attack.

35. How does the setting of Act V complement the events in Act V?

A. When Cyrano realizes that he is dying, he goes to a convent, where he repents any pain he has caused others.

B. Cyrano, whose spirit is more beautiful than his body, dies in a convent, a place which the spirit is more valued than the body.

C. Roxane, who has chosen to withdraw from the world, resides in a convent, where many others have withdrawn from the world.

D. Roxane believes that her life is beginning anew when she knows that Cyrano loves her; the nuns also have begun new lives.

36. Cyrano tells Roxane that he is late because “an old acquaintance” delayed him. Who is the old acquaintance? A. Ragueneau B. De Guiche C. death D. compromise

37. The mortal wound that Cyrano has sustained is ironic in that Cyrano:

A. has been wounded in a duel with a young dramatist who has “taken a scene” from one of his unproduced plays.

B. has been stabbed in the shoulder that was wounded in Arras.

C. wants to die in battle but is killed because a log is dropped on him.

D. has been shot by his own cadets.

38. Roxane first begins to realize that she has been in love with Cyrano’s soul, not Christian’s, when:

A. Cyrano asks her if he may read Christian’s last letter.

B. She recognizes Cyrano’s voice as the one she heard under her balcony.

C. Cyrano reads a poem that she thought Christian had written.

D. Cyrano tells her that his tears and Christian’s blood are on the letter.

39. At the end of ACT V, Cyrano’s white plume symbolizes his:

A. integrity and pride. B. eternal hope of victory.

C. sense of failure “In everything, even in...death”. D. heroic deeds in combat.

40. A Cadet says, “My stomach is so empty that if I bend at the waist I’ll break in half.” This is an

example of which literary device?

A. hyperbole B. verbal irony C. metaphor D. simile E. symbolism

41. The line “his ugliness melted away like snow in the warmth of the sun” is an example of:

A. symbolism B. irony C. metaphor D. simile E. symbolism

42. De Guiche refers to the novel and character Don Quixote fighting windmills. This is an example of:

A. allusion B. irony C. metaphor D. personification E. symbolism

43. One of the themes of the play is that:

A. Inner strength can encompass physical idealism B. Spiritual beauty transcends physical reality.

C. Society’s values comprise individualism D. Reality can triumph over imagination.

44. Which of the following set of events is the play’s resolution?

A. Christian dies; Roxane retires to a convent. B. Cyrano is “ambushed C. Roxane discovers that

Cyrano loves her; Cyrano dies. D. Cyrano reads Christian’s letter; he loses his last duel.

45. Both Cyrano and Roxane believe that a soul expresses itself most effectively through:

A. courageous actions. B. beautiful language. C. a handsome face. D. kind deeds.

56. “Proclaim your pride and bitterness loudly to the world, but to me speak softly and tell me simply that she doesn’t love you.” B

57. “Beat some eggs till they are foamy / Mix with tangy citron juice; / … / Now remove them from the oven: / Luscious, dainty almond tarts!” A

58. “Cyrano is living in isolation and poverty, just as I predicted!” B

59. “I will treat poetry however I please!” E

60. “Happy is he who shuns the pomp of courts…” D


A. Ragueneau B. Le Bret C. Ligniere D. Montfleury E. Lise


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