Round 15

Round 15

|1. What was erected in 1982 to commemorate the loss of 58,000 American lives between 1959 and 1975? |___ |___ |

|Answer: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial | | |

| | | |

|2. Which of these is not a dominant trait: skin pigmentation, nearsightedness, short stature, a or b blood group, or albinism? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Albinism | | |

| | | |

|3. What year is indicated in this line from a Spanish folk song: EN EL MIL NUEVE CIENTOS Y DIEZ? |___ |___ |

|Answer: 1910 | | |

| | | |

|4. What city has been chosen by the U.S. Olympic Committee to be America's nominee to host the 2012 Summer Games? |___ |___ |

|Answer: New York City | | |

| | | |

|5. Madam reads the same backward or forward. Such words are called what? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Palindromes | | |

| | | |

|6. Identify the largest state of Australia. |___ |___ |

|Answer: Western Australia | | |

| | | |

|7. The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and China were known as the Big Four during the Second World War. Name their |___ |___ |

|respective leaders. | | |

|Answer: (in order) Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, Chiang Kai-Shek | | |

| | | |

|8. Max Planck and Al Capone die, New York beats Brooklyn in the World Series, Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Act, India becomes |___ |___ |

|independent, and the Marshall Plan is proposed. These events all occurred in what year? | | |

|Answer: 1947 | | |

| | | |

|9. Which religious order requires its monks to maintain complete silence: Jesuits, Trappists, Cistercians, Benedictines, or |___ |___ |

|Franciscans? | | |

|Answer: Trappists | | |

| | | |

|10. Which E.M. Forster novel is divided into three sections: MOSQUE, CAVES, and TEMPLE? |___ |___ |

|Answer: A PASSAGE TO INDIA | | |

| | | |

|11. Which of the following quotations is not attributed to Benjamin Franklin: (a) Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, |___ |___ |

|wealthy, and wise. (b) God helps them that help themselves. (c) We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.| | |

|(d) I begin to smell a rat. (e) There never was a good war or a bad peace. | | |

|Answer: (d) which is from HAMLET | | |

| | | |

|12. Proselytize" means "to induce someone to convert to one's faith or join one's party, institution, or faith." Spell proselytize. |___ |___ |

|Answer: | | |

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|13. You must remember this, it's the most populous city in Morocco, but not its capital. |___ |___ |

|Answer: Casablanca | | |

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|14. Which term describes two points on a periodic wave that are moving in the same direction and have the same displacement from their|___ |___ |

|equilibrium positions: dispersed, refracted, reflected, polarized, or in phase? | | |

|Answer: In phase | | |

| | | |

|15. This newspaper, founded in 1847, was so associated with its editor that it was finally renamed "Frederick Douglass's paper." What|___ |___ |

|was its original two-word name, which comes from the astronomical body Polaris? | | |

|Answer: North Star | | |

| | | |

|16. What actor's last line in the theater was: "The South is avenged"? |___ |___ |

|Answer: John Wilkes Booth | | |

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|17. When Roald Amundsen was standing at the South Pole, what star was at his nadir? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Polaris (North Star) | | |

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|18. What disease afflicted 82% of the workers on the Panama Canal in 1906? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Malaria | | |

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|19. Can you tell me exactly how many human beings were in the ark during the worldwide flood recorded in the book of Genesis? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Eight (Noah, his three sons, and all of their wives) | | |

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|20. What is the hyphenated name for a technical drawing of an object cut vertically to display interior detail? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Cross-section | | |

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|21. What is the cube root of -125? |___ |___ |

|Answer: -5 | | |

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|22. Scoring three goals in a hockey game is called what? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Hat trick | | |

| | | |

|23. Her name was Sacajawea. What event in U.S. history was she most closely associated with? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Lewis and Clark expedition | | |

| | | |

|24. Caused by a strong upward draft of air, this column revolves rapidly, and creates an of low pressure at its center. Moist air |___ |___ |

|rushes into the column, is cooled and becomes a visible vapor. Identify this whirling cloud of air and vapor which extends from a | | |

|cloud to the surface of a lake, a sea, or an ocean. | | |

|Answer: Waterspout | | |

| | | |

|25. What other word is always necessary when using a coordinating conjunction that begins with "both"? |___ |___ |

|Answer: And | | |

| | | |

|26. Which famous ship didn't sink: Andrea Doria, Old Ironsides, Titanic, or Bismarck? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Old Ironsides | | |

| | | |

|27. An American girl travels in Europe, where her innocence, ignorance, and disregard of propriety put her into compromising |___ |___ |

|situations and frequently expose her conduct to misconstruction. The author of the book is Henry James. What is the title? | | |

|Answer: Daisy Miller | | |

| | | |

|28. Erythromycin is a common form of: antibiotic, plankton, yeast, or carbon? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Antibiotic | | |

| | | |

|29. Finish this Elizabeth Barrett Browning line: "How do I love thee? ..." |___ |___ |

|Answer: " ... Let me count the ways." | | |

| | | |

|30. So much gold was found in and around this city in the early 19th century, the U.S.'s major producer and a branch of the U.S. Mint |___ |___ |

|operated there from 1837 to 1861, before the Gold Rush moved to California. What is this largest city in North Carolina? | | |

|Answer: Charlotte | | |

| | | |

|31. A substance that changes color when put in acids or alkalis is known as an ... |___ |___ |

|Answer: Indicator | | |

| | | |

|32. God placed a mark on him with the intent of protecting him from harm. |___ |___ |

|Answer: Cain | | |

| | | |

|33. During the World War I era, this word was a synonym for all heavily armed battleships. It had been the name of the first heavy |___ |___ |

|battleship in the British navy, launched in 1906. Later, it was the name of Britain's first nuclear submarine. What's the word? | | |

|Answer: Dreadnought | | |

| | | |

|34. Polonius said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." Quote these three other famous, but brief, maxims. (a) What comment did Samuel |___ |___ |

|Butler offer about the evils of avoiding corporal punishment? (b) What did William Tecumseh Sherman say about war? (c) In three | | |

|words, what did Chaucer in "The Merchant's Tale" and Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice have to say about love? | | |

|Answer: (a) Spare the rod and spoil the child. (b) War is hell. (c) Love is blind. | | |

| | | |

|35. Massenet's opera about which 12th century Castilian hero is set in Seville? |___ |___ |

|Answer: El Cid | | |

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|36. Which city is an Adriatic port: Rome, Athens, Trieste, Genoa, or Naples? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Trieste | | |

| | | |

|37. The next order of business on the Senate floor after the ratification of the Kellogg-Briand Pact was a bill appropriating $274 |___ |___ |

|million to build battleships. This was ironic because signers of the pact renounced what as an instrument of national policy? | | |

|Answer: War | | |

| | | |

|38. To restore the odor of your closet's cedar blocks, rub the surface with ... |___ |___ |

|Answer: Sandpaper | | |

| | | |

|39. An 1877 parade in Delhi celebrated Queen Victoria being given what title? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Empress of India | | |

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|40. The state capitals of Wyoming and Florida both have Indian names. Can you identify them? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Cheyenne and Tallahassee | | |

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|41. Which word means inhabitant: indigent, ruminant, denizen, or tribune? |___ |___ |

|Answer: Denizen | | |

| | | |

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Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

|Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups |1 |1 |

|Grammar | | |

|42. This passage refers to a rule governing the use of what part of speech? "The people who insist on this rule do not always |___ |___ |

|know about what they are talking. They do not know for what rules are. And it makes one wonder to what they are up. " | | |

|Ans: Prepositions | | |

|43. What term relating to verb tense means completion? |___ |___ |

|Ans: Perfect | | |

|44. What is the mood of the main verb in this statement by Horace Mann? "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for |___ |___ |

|humanity. " | | |

|Ans: Imperative | | |

|45. Intensive pronouns have the same form as what other category of pronouns? |___ |___ |

|Ans: Reflexive pronouns | | |

| | | |

|Greek Drama: 1. Write down these names: Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles. I'll name the play and you name the | | |

|author. | | |

|46. Agamemnon |___ |___ |

|Ans: Aeschylus | | |

|47. Electra |___ |___ |

|Ans: Euripides | | |

|48. Antigone |___ |___ |

|Ans: Sophocles | | |

|49. Prometheus Bound |___ |___ |

|Ans: Aeschylus | | |

|50. Oedipus Rex |___ |___ |

|Ans: Sophocles | | |

|51. Lysistrata |___ |___ |

|Ans: Aristophanes | | |

|52. Medea |___ |___ |

|Ans: Euripides | | |

|53. The Birds |___ |___ |

|Ans: Aristophanes | | |

|54. The Trojan Women |___ |___ |

|Ans: 10. Oedipus at Colonus | | |

|Sophocles | | |

| | | |

|Popourii | | |

|55. For the first 500 years of Christianity, nobody could agree on when Easter should occur. Now, almost no one can explain |___ |___ |

|when Easter DOES occur. Fill in the blanks in the formula for determining the date of Easter: the first _____ after the first | | |

|full __ | | |

|Ans: Sunday, moon, equinox | | |

|56. Members from Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and D.C. can introduce _____ into the House of Representatives. |___ |___ |

|Ans: Bills | | |

|57. A Diomedian swap is an exchange in which __________ benefit or benefits: (a) only one side, (b) both parties, (c) no one, |___ |___ |

|(d) an outside party, or (e) the underdog? | | |

|Ans: (a) only one side | | |

|58. British Prime Minister Palmerston, during his first term of office (1855-1858), vigorously prosecuted the Crimean War. What|___ |___ |

|word for "a piece of flaming wood" or "a person who incites others" completes the name "_________ Palmerston" that he acquired | | |

|bec | | |

|Ans: Firebrand | | |

| | | |

|Two-Letter Words: Most words in most languages are more than two letters long, but knowing the two-letter ones is crucial to | | |

|crossword puzzle aficionados; and, in this bonus, for you. I'll give you a crossword clue and you spell for me the correct | | |

|response. | | |

|59. Three-toed sloth |___ |___ |

|Ans: Ai | | |

|60. Hawaiian lava |___ |___ |

|Ans: Aa | | |

|61. Abraham's birthplace |___ |___ |

|Ans: Ur | | |

|62. Russian river |___ |___ |

|Ans: Ob | | |

| | | |


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