CITY OF WATERVILLEREGULAR MEETING COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 2018EXECUTIVE SESSION6:45 P.M.LABOR NEGOTIATIONS 1 M.R.S.A. §405 (6)(D)REGULAR MEETING7:00 P.M.PRESENT:NICHOLAS ISGRO, MAYOR MIKE ROY, CITY MANAGERCOUNCILORS:STEPHEN SOULE, NATHANIEL WHITE, LAUREN LESSING, SYDNEY MAYHEW, JOHN O’DONNELL, WINIFRED TATE, JACQUELINE DUPONTCOMMUNITY NOTESBrian Phipps, Ward 6, shared his concern over the parking in the downtown area and suggested the elimination of a few spaces to make spaces large enough for full-sized vehicles. Mr. Phipps also suggested that a space be made for a taxi stand near the new Colby building.Mayor Isgro shared that we will be bringing back discussions of the downtown for public input regarding two-way traffic, parking, etc.Mr. Anthony George, Ward 6, revealed that he had received copies of emails of several City Councilors, which he feels shows that they are misleading the public by saying that they didn’t know about the 13% budget increase and that they had not met outside of the City Council meetings. Mr. George urged the Councilors to start listening to the people.Mr. Scott McAdoo announced the 15th annual South End Night Out event being held at the Green Street Park on August 7th from 5-7 p.m. The event will include live music, a barbeque and a bounce house.Mr. Patrick Henyan, Ward 6, expressed his frustration with the divisive comments and fighting among City Councilors and the Mayor. He suggested we put a policy together to avert future budget crises and proposed a $10 lodging tax and a two mil tax for tax-exempt properties. Mayor Isgro stated that he was working on setting up a series of meetings for community conversations so that the City can start setting priorities.Eric Chamberlain, Ward 5, questioned how councilors could propose budget cuts when the budget was labelled as bare-bones. He urges the Councilors to use common sense and to get back on track.Mr. Phil Bofia, Ward 2, suggested that discussions should be about what we’re going to do next year regarding the budget. Mr. Bofia urged anyone who was interested in volunteering with Habitat for Humanity to get involved.Cathy Weeks, Ward 1, expressed her hope that the budget would be revisited and urged the City Councilors to have a consultant look at the budget.Councilor Tate congratulated the MIFF organizers for their efforts in organizing an event that draws many to WatervilleCity Manager Roy announced the pending departure of Finance Director Heather Rowden and thanked her for her work.DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTNO ONE DISCLOSED ANY CONFLICTSAPPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDACITY COUNCIL MEETINGS OF JULY 3 & JULY 10, 2018RESOLUTION 120-2018ROLL OF ACCOUNTS NO 14Motion Made and Seconded for Approval of Consent AgendaVote: All in Favor (5-0)UNFINISHED BUSINESSRESOLUTION 104-2018ISSUANCE OF AN OUTDOOR DINING PERMIT – 18 BELOWORDER 119-2018APPROVAL OF FORFEITURE (KANARIS)Motion Made and Seconded to Postpone IndefinitelyVote: All in Favor (5-0)NEW BUSINESSRESOLUTION 121-2018APPROVAL OF LEASE (LAND) AT LAFLEUR AIRPORTMotion Made and Seconded to AdoptVote: All in Favor (5-0)ORDER 122-2018APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS (AIRPORT TRUCK)Motion Made and Seconded to AdoptVote: All in Favor (5-0)RESOLUTION 123-2018CONTRACT EXTENSION – WASTE ZERO PAYT TRASH BAGSMotion Made and Seconded to AdoptMayor Isgro pointed out that the revenue from bag sales goes towards the costs to pick up and dispose of the trash. He added that recycling is cheaper for residents because they use fewer bags.Councilor Mayhew questioned whether we should consider a longer contract to keep the costs to residents down, but added that we need to discuss the topic of solid waste in the upcoming public forums.Mr. Vear suggested that the contract length be reduced to one year so that we can look at other options.Councilor Dupont asked for the length of the contract with Ecomaine. Mr. Roy answered that we were in the second year of a five-year contract with them.Julian Payne, Ward 5, asked the Public Works Director how the trash collection process had been going with the new dual packer. Mr. Turner said that they had experienced some glitches but that it was going well.Ward 3 resident, Chris Smith, said that he had had some issues with the quality of the bags from Waste Zero and suggested that we explore the possibility of offering specific trash cans for a monthly fee.Mark Turner explained that the specialized trash cans are usually in use with an automated pick up system.Vote: All in Favor (5-0)RESOLUTION 124-2018COOPERATIVE PURCHASE - FY 18/19 WINTER ROAD SALTMotion Made and Seconded to Read by Title OnlyVote: All in Favor (5-0)Motion Made and Seconded to AdoptVote: All in Favor (5-0)Motion Made and Seconded to AdjournAdjourned at 7:45 p.m._________________City Clerk ................

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