Fire Retardant Clothing


Fire Retardant Clothing


Murphy Oil’s Meraux Refinery’s primary commitment is to manage the inherent risks associated with the operation and maintenance of it’s manufacturing complex to ensure a safe work environment for each employee, contractor, vendor, supplier, or guest while on Murphy Oil (MOUSA) property. To complement MOUSA’s overall safety policies, procedures and key job responsibilities, the following flame resistant clothing requirement is implemented, effective June 1, 1993.


The wearing of flame resistant clothing is mandatory for all employees, contract personnel, vendors, suppliers and/or visitors while on MOUSA property in the confines of designated "HOT ZONES" as defined in this policy.


A. Flame Resistant Material is a material that burns slowly or is self-extinguishing after removal of an external source of ignition. Examples of flame-resistant fabrics include Nomex, Kevlar and Proban FR Cotton.

( B. Hot Zone is defined as any of the following areas:

1. All areas within the perimeter fencing and gates of the refinery.

2. All areas within the perimeter fencing and gates of the MOUSA property located north of Judge Perez Highway (North Tank Farm).

3. All areas within the gates of the MOUSA Marketing Terminal, and the piperack area located west of the MOUSA Marketing Terminal.

4. All areas on MOUSA property located south of the Mississippi River levee including the Docks, piperack, roadway and batture areas.


The only exceptions to the requirement to wear flame resistant clothing while in the aforementioned plant areas are as follows:

A. Persons delivering materials outside the prescribed "HOT ZONES" will not be required to be in flame resistant clothing. However, if the delivery is inside a "HOT ZONE", the delivery person(s) must wear flame resistant clothing. Such clothing will be issued by security personnel when entering plant gates.

B. Persons traveling through MOUSA’s marine dock area for the purpose of boarding/deboarding a vessel docked at MOUSA’s property will not be required to wear flame resistant clothing. However, if such individuals are to physically be on a MOUSA dock while performing their assigned responsibilities, they must be in flame resistant clothing.


A. Type of Required Flame Resistant Clothing

MOUSA retains the exclusive right to approve all flame resistant clothing to be worn by any person on its property to assure that such clothing conforms to the personal protective standards intended by this Policy.

NOMEX III shall be the preferred flame resistant clothing in all cases warranting the wearing of such under this Policy.


Due to the increased exposure of heat sources in connection with welding job assignments, persons employed in the position of "Welder", will be issued fire retardant cotton. Welders are encouraged to wear "leathers" to provide additional protection.

B. Outer Garment Worn

Flame resistant clothing must always be the outer garment worn by persons covered by this Policy while in the defined areas. The only exceptions are as follows:

1. Rain gear may be worn over flame resistant clothing for rain protection only.

2. Chemical protective clothing may be worn over flame resistant clothing. For work in the Alky Unit, full length chemical protective suits can be worn in place of Nomex garments. Whenever a job requires only an Alky coat for protection, Nomex pants must also be worn.

3. Bunker gear or other fire fighting protective clothing may be worn over flame resistant clothing.

4. Paper coveralls, meeting NFPA standards, may be worn over flame resistant clothing while performing specific tasks with supervisors approval.

C. Initial Issuance of Flame Resistant Clothing

Each department shall identify each regular, full time MOUSA employee in his area of responsibility as being in one of the following categories:

1. Plant Employee - Those employees whose regular job assignment requires that they work in the defined plant area more than fifty percent (50%) of their time. MOUSA will issue flame resistant clothing to each regular, full time employee in this category, the initial issuance of which shall consist of the following:

a. A jacket with zip-in liner, and

b. Five (5) suits of work clothing to consist of any combination of the following as the employee may desire:

- regular coveralls

- pant/shirt set

c. Lab coats will be available for specific personnel in areas determined by Management.

d) In lieu of C.l.b, employees will have the option to order four sets of NOMEX clothing, plus one insulated coverall at fifty (50%) percent of cost. This can be arranged through payroll deduction.

2. Non-Plant Employee - For those employees whose regular job assignment requires that they seldom visit the defined plant area, MOUSA will have available FRC protective clothing for their use.

D. Clothing Issuance to New Hires

Individuals newly employed by MOUSA to fill a regular, full time position will likewise receive an issue of flame resistant clothing for use until such time as their regular MOUSA issue of garments are available from the vendor.

E. Contractors, Vendors, Suppliers, Visitors

Contractors are responsible for furnishing their own flame resistant clothing and this will be a condition of their contract employment on MOUSA property while working in the defined plant areas.

Vendors, suppliers and/or visitors who will be in the defined plant area will be issued a lab coat by the MOUSA Security Group provided they do not possess flame resistant clothing. These clothes are to be returned to Security at the completion of their visit.

( F. Laundering

Garments of NOMEX III exhibit the same durable press performance and easy care properties in home laundering as polyester/cotton blend garments. The cleaning and laundering of flame resistant clothing will thus be the responsibility of the employee with the clear understanding that the maintenance of such garments must be in strict accordance with the instructions issued by the clothing manufacturer. See Attachment 1.

G. Initial Alterations

Employees are not to alter flame resistant clothing under any circumstances. MOUSA will make arrangements to have such clothing initially altered at its expense to assure that NOMEX thread is used in the process. Clothes requiring subsequent alterations must receive supervisor’s approval and are subject to employee’s expense.

H. Repairs

All necessary repairs to flame resistant clothing issued to MOUSA employees will be handled by the vendor at MOUSA expense. An employee must receive supervisor’s approval before repairs can be made.

I. Size Changes

Subsequent to being issued flame resistant clothing, an employee who incurs a significant weight change to the point that the clothes no longer fit properly, may turn in all such suits of clothing to MOUSA. For employees incurring a weight gain, the Company will pay 80% of the cost for the replacement clothing, the employee will be responsible for the remaining 20%. For employees incurring a weight loss, the Company will pay 100% of the replacement cost.

J. Affixing Patches

For the employees’ added safety, no patch decal, button, etc., is to be affixed to flame resistant clothing without prior approval of MOUSA’s Safety Department. This is to assure that such items do not lessen the protective properties of the garment.

K. Non-Serviceable Garments

Should any flame resistant clothing which was issued by MOUSA be determined by an employee’s supervisor to no longer be serviceable to the extent that it does not provide the employee protection for which it was intended and/or has become sufficiently soiled or contaminated, such clothing will be replaced by MOUSA at no cost to the employee.


Employees are encouraged to maintain one set of flame resistant clothing in their personal locker for accidental events that may require an immediate change of clothing.

MOUSA will maintain guidelines regarding clothing replacement and will make the final determination in all requests for replacement. Employees are responsible for notifying Management of any problems with flame resistant clothing.

L. Sizing

To assure that the flame resistant clothing fits properly and affords maximum protection, regular, full time employees of MOUSA will be individually sized prior to clothing issuance. The flame resistant clothing must always be the outer garment worn. Since this will preclude the use of non-flame resistant coats and jackets being worn over flame resistant clothing, employees should be mindful during the sizing process that they may ultimately wish to wear some of their coverall issues over heavier winter clothing.

M. Dress Standards

Sleeves on flame resistant clothing are not to be rolled up. Sleeves must be worn down and buttoned as designed. Likewise, shirts are to be tucked into trousers and buttoned full front; coveralls are to be fully zipped at all times. Employees have the option of buttoning the top button on both shirts and coveralls.

N. Rain Gear

As provided for in Section V.B.1, rain gear may be worn over flame resistant clothing for rain protection only. See Sections V.B.2 through 5 for additional exceptions to the requirement that flame resistant clothing must always be the outer garment worn.

O. Color

All MOUSA garments will be royal blue. The color red is reserved for company emergency response personnel. Contractors may choose any other available colors for their employees. Contractor’s who have royal blue or red as their company colors must seek Management approval before entering the facility.

P. Termination/Retirement

Upon termination or retirement from employment, all company-issued flame resistant clothing must be returned to the company.


Q. Lost/Misplaced/Stolen Garments

It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain custody and security of the garments assigned to them. In the event a garment falls in to the above mentioned category, it will be the responsibility of the employee to replace the garment. The employee will be provided the opportunity to have the replacement cost on Payroll Deduction, four equal payments, or provide a money order in the full amount, payable to MOUSA.


The facility manager or his designated alternate reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy when conditions allow and/or require such exceptions as required. Exceptions other than those specifically referenced in this Policy must receive written approval from the Refinery Manager or his designated alternate.


The provisions of this Policy will be periodically reviewed with all company employees.



All MOUSA Supervisors are responsible to insure compliance with the requirements set forth in this policy (daily).

Auditing of the Flame Resistant Clothing Program is the responsibility of the Central Safety Committee.

Approved by: William C. Turnage, Jr.

Safety Manager

Approved by: James P. Kowitz

Refinery Manager

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For correct fit, try garment on before washing or wearing. After learning the correct fit, WASH YOUR GARMENT BEFORE WEARING to remove fabric coating.

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Clothing of Du Pont NOMEX* can be washed by home or business laundry, or by dry-cleaning rules without loss of their great protective features. The following suggestions will help keep your clothing looking neat, pleasing and safe:

1. Pre-treat greasy stains and collar/cuff lines.

2. Wash clothing of NOMEX only with other clothing of NOMEX to help avoid surface entrapment of flammable lint.

3. Do not overload home laundry machine. Wash clothing in hot water with heavy-duty cleaner.

4. Do not use chlorine bleach or detergents containing chlorine bleach.

5. Tumble dry garments at a medium setting. Use the cool down cycle if handy. Remove and hang clothing when tumbler stops. Do not hang in direct sunlight. It can cause fading.

6. For greatest fire protection, greases, oily soil and other flammable liquids should be fully removed from clothing of NOMEX after each wearing. If home methods do not do this, dry-cleaning is suggested.

7. When using special laundry aids, be sure to READ AND FOLLOW carefully the manufacturer’s instructions.


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