Connecting You with Hong Kong Business Partners

| |

| |

|I. General Company Information |(If desired, please attach business card in lieu of completing this section.) |

| | |

|Name: | |            |

| |(Salutation, please |(First Name) (Last Name) |

| |choose) | |

|Position: |      |Mobile No: |      |

|Company: |      |

|Address*: |      |

|City: |      |Pr|      |Country: |

| | |ov| | |

| | |in| | |

| | |ce| | |

| | |/ | | |

| | |St| | |

| | |at| | |

| | |e:| | |

|Email Address*: |      |Company Website: |      |

| |

|* Address and Postal Code are mandatory fields for delivery of event materials. |

|All communications with the participant will be sent to the email address. |

|II. Attending Sessions |Please “(” to indicate your attendance |

|“Think Asia, Think Hong Kong” in Los Angeles |

|Date |Venue : JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE, 900 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015 |

|June 14, 2013 |(FULL) “Think Asia, Think Hong Kong” Main Symposium |

|(Friday) | |

| |(FULL) Networking Luncheon |

| |Concurrent afternoon thematic sessions on (Please select one): |

| |(FULL) Selling to China and throughout Asia |

| |Film and Digital Entertainment |

| |Technology Collaboration |

| |Chinese Outbound Investment |

|How did you learn about “Think Asia, Think Hong Kong”? (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |HKTDC Invitation (By email) | |HKTDC Invitation (By phone) | |Online advertisement | |Print advertisement |

| |Website () | |Media (please specify) :       |

| |By association/group (please specify):       | |Other sources (please specify):       |

Would you be interested in business matching activities to connect with visiting Hong Kong delegates and Mainland enterprises?

Yes No

We will send further information regarding our business matching activities via email closer to the event date. To facilitate our preparations, please complete the questions below:

| |

|Is your company interested in setting up an office in Hong Kong? (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |Yes and please forward my information to InvestHK, a government department to facilitate the smooth setting up of your Hong |

| |Kong business, for providing me more relevant information. |

| |No |

|Does your company have any existing business links with Asia, China or Hong Kong? (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |Asia (please specify the countries) : |      | |China |

| |Hong Kong | | |None of the above |

| | |

|For what purpose do you join “Think Asia, Think Hong Kong”? (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |To obtain the latest market intelligence |

| |To discover the Hong Kong advantage as a business platform |

| |To explore setting up a presence in Hong Kong |

| |To explore entering the Chinese mainland market |

| |To prepare for expanding the business internationally |

| |To locate a specific business partner (please specify your interested industry) : |      |

| |Others (please specify) : |      | |

| |

|III. Business Sector | |

|Nature of Business (Please ( as appropriate) |

| Service Provider | Trading (Importer / Exporter) | Manufacturer | Retailer/ Wholesaler/ |

| | | |Distributor |

| Government/ Public Organization | Association / Chamber | Others (please specify) |:       |

|Optional Details | |

|Major Product Handled (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |Audio-Visual Products (P43) | |Clothing Accessories (P11) | |Computer & Peripherals (P44) | |Decorations & Crafts (P23) |

| |Electrical Appliances (P45) | |Electronic / Electrical Components & | |Food & Beverage (P27) | |Footwear (P12) |

| | | |Accessories (P49) | | | | |

| |Furniture (P22) | |Giftware & Premiums (P25) | |Handbags, Travel Goods & Umbrellas| |Hardware (P29) |

| | | | | |(P13) | | |

| |Lighting Products (P46) | |Machinery (P34) | |Packaging Materials (P58) | |Sports Goods (P14) |

| |Stationery & Office Equipment | |Telecom Products (P47) | |Toys & Games (P15) | |Vehicles, Auto Parts, Components & |

| |(P26) | | | | | |Accessories (P32) |

| |Watches & Clocks (P17) | |Others (please specify) |      |

| | | | |

|Major Service Provided (Please ( as appropriate) |

| |Accounting Service (S01) | |Advertising Marketing & Public Relations | |Banking Services (S04) | |Business Management & Consultancy |

| | | |Services (J02) | | | |Services (S06) |

| |Design Services & Brand | |Film / Audio-Visual Production (S11) | |Finance & Investment (S12) | |Information Technology Services (S13) |

| |Strategy (S07) | | | | | | |

| |Interior Design Services (S15)| |Legal Services (S16) | |Logistics & Transport Services | |Technology (S29) |

| | | | | |(S26) | | |

| |Others (please specify) |      | |

| | | | |

| |

If you need to amend your information, or should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at latathk@.

I agree that the above information may be used by the HK Trade Development Council for incorporation in all or any of its databases for business matching (and may therefore become available to the public within and/or outside of HK for use by them), and for any other purposes as stated in the Privacy Policy Statement. I confirm that I have the consent of each individual's name in this form to release their personal data for the purposes stated herein and am admitted to the event on condition that I abide by the above rules & regulations set up by the Organisers. I also agree that HKTDC may pass the above information to the event co-organisers for business liaison. Copies of the Privacy Policy Statement are available any time on request from our hotline at (852) 1830668 or by visiting our website at

If you do not wish to receive any promotional and other materials from the HKTDC via email, fax, postage and any other appropriate means,

please ( the box.

If you do not wish to be included in HKTDC online database accessible by their users for business matching purpose, please ( the box.

Date: June 2, 2013

Thank you for your registration to join “Think Asia, Think Hong Kong”. If you would like to meet the mission delegates from Hong Kong/Chinese Mainland at the event, we are able to help arrange business matching meetings for you. Please fill in the below form that help us understand more about your company and your business need. If you do not need such service, please skip this part.

Date: June 14, 2013

Venue: JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE (Room to be advised)

Part I: Choice of Business Matching Session

Please choose ONE of the below sections. Meetings will be arranged in the mentioned period. Each meeting will last for 15-20 minutes. The below schedule refers to the duration of the entire session. Individual Business Matching schedule will be shared with each registrant at a later stage via Email/Fax/Telephone.

To view the full delegation list, please click here.

|2pm – 5pm |Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Mission | |

|3pm – 6pm |Hong Kong Wine & Gourmet Business Mission | |

|3:45pm – 5:45pm |Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Investment and Partnership Mission | |

| |(to be held after the Thematic Session “The Gateway for Chinese Outbound Investment”) | |

|4:30pm – 5:15pm |Hong Kong Technology Missions | |

| |(to be held after the Thematic Session “Hong Kong –Your Safe and Fast Track to Grow Technology Business | |

| |in China”) | |

Part II: Applicant’s Company and Business Details

|What is your mobile number:       |

| |

|Company/organization headquarters |

|Where is your company/organization headquarters located?       |

|Do you have a Hong Kong office? Yes No |

|Do you have a China office? Yes No |

|If so, please specify the location(s) of your China office by province and city:       |

|Business nature and services (multiple selections are allowed. Skip if you don’t find a match) |

| | |

|Corporation (Non-financial services) |Research & Development |

|Capital-raising |Intermediary firms with investment capital |

|Venture capital & Private equity funds |Intermediary firms with investment projects |

|Trading / Re-exporting |Others (Please specify:      ) |

|The below choices are only applicable to technology-related industry sectors (Multiple selections are allowed) |

| Environmental Technology - Energy efficiency | Electroplating / Surface Finishing & Treatment |

|Environmental Technology - Renewable/clean energy |Chemicals |

|Environmental Technology - Waste water treatment |Metals |

|Environmental Technology - Solid waste management |Diecasting & Foundry |

|Manufacturing Technology & Automation |Mould & Die |

|Automotive / Auto parts |Biotech |

|Electronics |Medical Device |

|Electrical appliances |Health Care |

| |Others (Please specify:      ) |

| Company/organization description (English version) |

|Please provide a brief description of your company with approximately 100 words. |

|      |

|Company/organization description (Chinese version) (Optional) |

|Please provide a brief description of your company with approximately 100 characters. |

|      |

|Year of establishment:      |

| |

|Any business link with Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong or other Asian countries? |

|Chinese Mainland |

|Hong Kong |

|Other Asian countries |

| |

|Is your company/organization listed? Yes No |

| |

|If yes, please specify the name of the Exchange that your company/organization is listed:       |

| Past annual turnover (if applicable)       (in US Dollar) |

| Return on Investment (ROI) (if applicable)     (in %) |

|For fashion-related collaboration, which of the following reason(s) explain your interest in Asian markets? (multiple selections are allowed): |

|Join Venture |

|Strategic Alliance |

|Agent / Dealer / Distributor |

|Contract Manufacturing |

|Tech Transfer / Commercialization |

|Others, please specify:       |

|Part III: Past Deal Experience |

|(Applicable to applicants to meet with Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Investment and Partnership Mission only) |

|If your company is a US corporation and had completed deals with overseas investors/acquirers in the past, please specify the following information: |

|Description of the deal |

|Field of the deal |

|Deal size (in US$) |

|Origin(s) of investment from Chinese Mainland investors (if any) by province and city |

| |

|(For example: Selling natural resources business to company xxx from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 2012) |

|Deal 1:       |

| |

|Deal 2:       |

| |

|Deal 3:       |

|If your company is a US intermediary firm and had facilitated cross-border deals in the past (preferably US-Chinese Mainland), please specify the |

|following information: |

|Description of the deal |

|Field of the deal |

|Deal size (in US$) |

|If there is any investment from Chinese Mainland, please name the city/ies that the investor(s) is/are from |

| |

|(For example: Facilitated the acquiring of company XXX’s natural resources business for company YYY in 2012) |

| |

|Deal 1:       |

| |

|Deal 2:       |

| |

|Deal 3:       |

|Part IV: Deals/Investment project(s) available for overseas investors and business partners |

|(Applicable to applicants to meet with Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Investment and Partnership Mission only) |

|Please check the following and specify the industry and projected deal size for the potential deal(s)/project(s). (Multiple selections are allowed.) |

| |

|Industry |

|Projected deal size |

| |

| |

|Automated manufacturing technology |

| |

|Please specify in detail:       |

|US$500m |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Clean technology |

| |

|Please specify in detail:       |

|US$500m |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Direct Investment (offshore/ onshore) |

| |

|Please specify in detail:       |

|US$500m |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Other |

| |

|Please specify in detail:       |

|US$500m |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Format of Investment/Cooperation |

|Investment |

|Joint Venture |

| |

|Manufacturing & Subcontracting |

|Merge and Acquisition |

| |

|Purchase of machineries, parts or equipment |

|R&D |

| |

|Sales & Distribution Channels |

|Technology Partnership |

| |

|Others: |

| |

| |

|Project profile |

|Please provide a brief description of the project(s) available for overseas investors with approximately 100 words |

|      |

|Part V: Language Can you speak the following languages? |

| English | |

|Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese) | |

Terms and Conditions:

1. Applications must be submitted to the organizers for screening purposes.

2. All admitted participants shall be responsible for arranging and paying for their own transportation, personal expenses and other related arrangement costs. Participation includes networking luncheon, seminar session and business matching.

3. Applicant must be 18 years old or above.

4. Participation for this Programme is voluntary. Under any circumstance that the applicant is unable to participate in this Programme, the organizer(s), co-organizer(s) and supporting organization(s) shall not be obliged to bear any responsibility or make any refund arrangement.

5. Applicant understands that on the occasion of any cancellation or rescheduling of the Programme due to unforeseeable circumstances.

6. Applicant agrees that the organizer(s) and co-organizer(s) can use a portion of the information submitted for administration, marketing, promotional, business-matching, research and statistical purposes. Information may also be shared with third parties in connection with the operation of this Programme or with any other person(s) interested.

7. Applicant understands that he/she will be automatically delisted from the participant list immediately and his/her participation will be terminated if it is found that any of the submitted information is or at any time untrue or inaccurate.

8. The Hong Kong Trade Development Council reserves the rights of making amendments on the programme, schedule, terms and conditions, and also the first right of refusal for participation/application any time. Shall there be any disputes, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council has the right to make final decisions.

Please check the box.

| |I confirm that all fields on this application form have been filled out and I have also read the above terms and conditions carefully. I confirm to |

| |apply for participating in this Programme and understand that I shall be responsible for arranging and paying for my own transportation, personal |

| |expenses and other related arrangement costs. |


|Please return to: | |

|HKTDC Los Angeles Office |Fax: 213 613 1490 |

|Email: latathk@ |

Registration Form


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