Actions for Accessing Post Secondary Education

Actions for Accessing Post Secondary Education

* To be completed only if student wishes to access post-secondary education

|Action |When |Who |What Was Done And When |

|1. Attend “college fair night” at high school |Junior year |Student | |

|2. Visit IHEs that student may be interested in attending and meet with |Junior Year |Student and parent | |

|Disabilities Support Services (DSS) Representatives, if possible. | | | |

|3. Determine the admission process for the college(s) of choice and find out|Junior year |Student and parent | |

|if the IHE requires a standard college admission test score (SAT/ACT)? Take| | | |

|appropriate test with accom. and mods (as allowable). If necessary, take | | | |

|ACT/SAT again for needed scores required by college(s) of choice. | | | |

|4. Apply to college(s) of choice online or by mail. |End of Junior year, start |Student, parent | |

| |of Senior year | | |

|5. Identify information on scholarships and financial aid. Apply as |End of Junior year, start |Student, school counselor, parent | |

|necessary (up to 5 colleges). |of Senior year | | |

|6. Teach the student to identify and articulate (a) the disability(ies) |Freshman, Sophomore, |Special education teacher, parent, | |

|he/she has,(b) the functional limitations he/she experiences as a result of|Junior and- Senior Year | | |

|the disability(ies), (c) learning style, (d) strengths, gifts, and talents, | | | |

|(e) problems he/she can solve, and (f) support needs. | | | |

|7. Teach student study, time management and organization skills in |Senior year |Special education teacher | |

|preparation for the intense amount of work required at the collegiate level.| | | |

|Make them aware of the differences in expectations, workloads and settings | | | |

|at the college level. | | | |

|8. Locate current psychological exam or conduct a new one (must be no more|Senior year |School psychologist, special | |

|than three years old) and provide to the Office of Disability at the college| |education teacher, student | |

|of choice to determine eligibility for services. | | | |

|9. Upon becoming eligible for services, meet with DSS representative at the|Summer before starting |Student | |

|college of choice to determine accommodations /modifications. These are |college- after admission, | | |

|determined each semester. |after orientation | | |

|10. Share accommodations/ modifications with professor(s) as applicable. | |Student, with DSS representative | |

|11. Explain the differences in the level of parental involvement at high | |Special education teacher | |

|school and college and that is significantly less in college. | | | |


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