|Job Number |G14/46395 |

| | |

|Site Location |As Above |

| | |

|Work/Tasks to be carried out :- |Construction of New Parking Bays & Concrete Hardstanding |

|Contractors Project Manager |Geoff Field |Contact Mobile |07753-850726 |

| | |E.mail | |

|Client |Robertsbridge Community College |

|Address |Knelle Road, Robertsbridge, TN32 5EA. |

|Contact Details |Tony Hougham |Contact Mobile | |

| | |E.mail | |

|Dates/times the work will be carried out :- |

|Start Date |28/7/2014 |

|Duration of works |10 Days |

|Normal Working Hours |Between 8.00am - 6.00pm |


a) Generic Risk Assessments - See Appendix D

b) Site Specific Operations

|What is the Activity |

|Name of Assessor |Date of assessment |Site Foreman |Operative |Client |Other |


|5 |Fatality |

|4 |Major injury / illness |

|3 |More than 3 days off work |

|2 |Minor injury |

|1 |Near miss |


|3 |Very likely to occur |

|2 |Likely to occur |

|1 |Unlikely to occur |


|+12 Very High Risk |Find alternative method; if necessary involving CDM Coordinator and Design Team. |

|8-12 High Risk |If possible use alternative method. If not, implement further control measures Method Statement sections |

| |below must be completed. |

|4-6 Medium Risk |Control measures needed. |

|1-3 Low Risk |No further action needed. |

|COSHH assessment |Is a COSHH assessment required? |Yes |No |

|Summary of details below:- |x | |

|Type of materials |Manufacturer |Attached COSHH Sheet |

|Coated macadam |Tarmac |See Appendix B |

|Bitumen Tack Coat |Colas |See Appendix B |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Permit to work required?:- |

|Permit type :- |Yes /No |Location on site |Details when used |

|Hot Works |no | | |

| | | | |

|Confined space |no | | |

| | | | |

|Access |no | | |

| | | | |

|Planning only |no | | |

| | | | |

|Work on or near |no | | |

|electrical equipment | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Additional Details |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Detail any personal protective equipment required (PPE):- |

|PPE item |Yes /No |Type |Details when used - |

|Safety Footwear |Yes |Steel toecap with mid sole protection |All times on site |

| | |safety boots | |

|Head Protection |Yes |Only helmets to BS 5240 or EN 397 less |Safety helmets will be worn by all our operatives at all times, |

| | |than 3 years old will be worn. |in specified locations |

|Hi-Vis Clothing |Yes |Class 1 |At all times on site |

|Gloves, include type |Yes |Leather |At all times on site |

|Weather Protection |Yes |Water Resistant |When necessary |

|Eye Protection |Yes |Glasses |At all times on site |

|Ear Protection |Yes |Full ear defender |When operating machinery |

|Full body safety harness |No | | |

|Respiratory Protection |No |FFP1 | |FFP2 | |FFP3 | |

|Detail any safety equipment that will be required:- |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Noise assessment |Is a noise assessment required? |Yes |No |

|Full details below:- | | |

| Type of machine |Name of machine |dB (A) max. at |Area of use: |Ear protection requirements and type: |

| | |source | | |

|Compressor |Atlas Copco |85 |In the open air |Ear Defenders |

|Tandem vib roller |BOMAG |85 |In the open air |Ear defenders |

|Spin Cutter |Stihl |85 |In the open air |Ear Defenders |

|Vibrating plate |WACKER |85 |In the open air |Ear Defenders |

|Paving Machine |Marini |85 |In the open air |Ear Defenders |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Vibration assessment |Is a vibration assessment required? |Yes |No |

|Full details below: | | |

| Type of machine |Name of machine |Vibration level m/ |Exposure limit and control measure |

| | |sec ² | |

|Compressor |Atlas Copco |tba |45minutes per person |

|Vibrating plate |WACKER |tba |45minutes per person |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Manual handling assessment |

|Material/ |Weight |Amount |Dimensions |Control measure |

|equipment | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Additional Details |

|No items in excess of 20kg to be lifted by individual operatives |

|Detailed sequence of work operations in a logical order |

|See Appendix A for relevant drawings/sketches and/or technical information if required. |

|SITE INDUCTION |Ensure that a site induction is carried out with all site personnel prior to the works commencing |

| |To ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the attached risk |

| |assessments |

| |Ensure that all risk assessments have been discussed and that emergency and fire procedures are in place |

| |Ensure that all site personnel are familiar with the safe use of plant to be used |

| |Ensure that site plant has been appropriately maintained and is fit for use |

| | |

| |Before commencement of works, ensure that the site is ‘walked’ by the operatives to familiarise themselves|

| |with its terrain |

| |Remove any obvious hazards and the like. |

| |Carry out visual check for both overhead and underground services |

| |Cable Avoidance Tool is to be used prior to works to establish locations of underground services |

|GENERAL SITE APPRAISEL |Check for lose and damaged branches and remove as required |

| |Check ground conditions are suitable for safe working |

|THE WORKS |Parking Bays Away From Tree Roots |

| |To excavate area 290mm below required finish levels and dispose of all arisings on site. To supply and lay|

| |new 255 x 125mm HB kerbs on concrete bed and haunch. To supply and fit 2 no. new 900 x 450mm diameter |

| |plastic road gullies with 425 x 425mm cast iron gratings. To connect to existing drainage with 10mm |

| |diameter plastic pipe. To supply and lay 200mm depth of granular sub-base, 60mm depth of AC 20 dense |

| |binder 100/150 asphalt and 30mm depth of AC 10 close surface 100/150 asphalt consolidated. |

| |Parking Bays Above Tree Roots |

| |To carefully excavate BY HAND DIGGING existing turf to an approximate depth of 50mm and dispose of all |

| |arisings. To exacavate for new kerbing BY HAND DIGGING and dispose of all arisings. To supply and lay new |

| |2600mmx120mmx200mm railway sleepers and secure with new 600mmx50mmx50mm wooden pegs. To supply and lay |

| |200mm depth of Type 3 granular sub-base, 60mm depth of AC 20 open binder 100/150 asphalt and 30mm depth of |

| |AC 10 open surface 100/150 asphalt consolidated. |

| |Footpath Above Tree Roots |

| |To carefully excavate BY HAND DIGGING existing turf to an approximate depth of 50mm and dispose of all |

| |arisings on site. To excavate for new kerbing BY HAND DIGGING and dispose of all arisings on site. To |

| |supply and lay new 150x25mm tanalised timber edging board and secure with 600mmx50mmx50mm wooden pegs. To |

| |supply and lay 150mm depth of Type 3 granular sub-base, 45mm depth of AC 20 open binder 100/150 asphalt and|

| |20mm depth of AC 6 open surface 100/150 asphalt consolidated. |

| | |

| |Bike Shelter Base |

| |NO EXCAVATION TO BE CARRIED OUT. To supply and lay 100mm depth of granular sub-base. To supply and fit |

| |shuttering. To supply and lay polythene membrane, a single layer of A142 reinforcing mesh and 150mm depth |

| |of C30 concrete. |

| | |

| |7.2.1 To avoid damage to tree roots, existing ground levels should be retained |

| |within the RPA. Intrusion into soil (other than for piling) within the RPA is |

| |generally not acceptable, and topsoil within it should be retained in situ. |

| |However, limited manual excavation within the RPA might be acceptable, |

| |subject to justification. Such excavation should be undertaken carefully, using |

| |hand-held tools and preferably by compressed air soil displacement. |

| |NOTE Due to the demands that manual excavation places on a development |

| |project, and limitations arising from health and safety considerations, it is not |

| |realistic to plan for excavation using hand-held tools where there is a need for |

| |trench shoring or grading the sides of the excavation to a stable angle of repose. |

| |7.2.2 Roots, whilst exposed, should immediately be wrapped or covered to |

| |prevent desiccation and to protect them from rapid temperature changes. Any |

| |wrapping should be removed prior to backfilling, which should take place as |

| |soon as possible. |

| |7.2.3 Roots smaller than 25 mm diameter may be pruned back, making a clean |

| |cut with a suitable sharp tool (e.g. bypass secateurs or handsaw), except where |

| |they occur in clumps. Roots occurring in clumps or of 25 mm diameter and over |

| |should be severed only following consultation with an arboriculturist, as such |

| |roots might be essential to the tree’s health and stability. |

| |7.2.4 Prior to backfilling, retained roots should be surrounded with topsoil or |

| |encompassed sharp sand (builders’ sand should not be used because of its high |

| |salt content, which is toxic to tree roots), or other loose inert granular fill, |

| |before soil or other suitable material is replaced. This material should be free of |

| |contaminants and other foreign objects potentially injurious to tree roots. |

| | |

|Resources |

|Number of operatives anticipated to be on site to carry out the work |3 |

|safely:- | |

|Plant, equipment to be used |

|Inspection/certification requirements – See appendix C |

|Van |

|Tandem roller |

|Wacker plate |

|3T Excavator |

|3T Dumper |

|16T Grab Lorry |

|Materials to be used |

|255mm x 125mm HB Kerbs |

|150mm x 50mm BN Kerbs |

|C20 Concrete |

|Type 1 Granular Sub Base |

|Type 3 Granular Sub Base |

|AC 20 dense binder 100/150 |

|AC 20 OPEN binder 100/150 |

|AC 10 close surface 100/150 |

|AC 10 OPEN surface 100/150 |

|Details of access and egress to work areas:- |

|All access to site to be gained from KnelleRoad. |

| |

|Arrangements for delivery, stacking, storing and movement on site of plant/ materials:- |

| |

|Delivery |

|Materials delivered and retained on trucks until required |

| |

| |

|Stacking & Storage |

|Stored on delivery vehicles |

| |

| |

|Movement of plant/Materials |

|On specified Haul routes and |

|Under supervision of a banksman |

| |

| |

|Protection needed for any site visitors:- |

| |Yes |No | |

|Full details below:- | |x |

|Information – |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Detail of work at height |None X |

|Specific detailed description of safe working at heights/prevention of falls:- |

|Hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at height. |

| |Equipment |Selected Equipment |Details of use, also give reasons why equipment is not|

| | | |used. |

| | |To be used | N/A |Not Suitable | |

|2 |Scaffolding/ Fixed Guardrails | |X | | |

|3 |Stepladders | |X | | |

|4 |Ladders | |X | | |

|5 |Safety Harness / Safety Lines. | |X | | |

|Detail of work at depths not exceeding 5m |None X |

|Specific detailed description of safe working at depths not exceeding 5m:- |

|Hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at depth. |

| |Equipment |Selected Equipment |Details of use, also give reasons why equipment is not|

| | | |used. |

| | |To be used | N/A |Not Suitable | |

|2 |Gas Detection | |X | | |

|3 |Ladders | |X | | |

|4 | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | |

|Environmental controls details |

| |

|Ensure that any fauna and natural wildlife is not unnecessarily disturbed by the works |

| |

|Description of clearance of waste from site including waste transfer procedures:- |

| |

|Excavated materials to be loaded on to tipper and taken to a licenced waste facility |

|Site Welfare |

| |

|Toilet and hand washing facility are available on site |

|Description of emergency/rescue and fire procedures. |

| |

|Ensure that any formal Fire Procedures explained at site induction are adhered to- |

|For out of hours emergency contact:- |

|First name |Surname |Contact Number |

|Geoff |Field |07753-850726 |

| | | |

|Who will be the on-site First Aider:- |

|First name |Surname |Training course/date |

|Nick |Honeysett |July 2013 |

| | | |

|Nearest Accident and Emergency Hospital |


|The Ridge, St Leonards on Sea, Hastings, TN37 7RD. |

|01424-755255 |

|Competent person/supervision/training/procedures:- |

|Duties of supervisor/foreman (name if known at this stage) |

|To act as Company Foreman/representative to carry out works as instructed and specified |

|First name |Surname |Training/ level of competence |

|Nick |Honeysett |Foreman |

| | | |

| | | |

|Name and contact details of Health and Safety Officer/Manager or Consultant |

|(Must include qualifications/ membership of professional H&S body) |

|Name |Contact details |Qualifications/membership of professional H&S |

| | |body |

|Bryan Sheldon |0845-2268393 |MIOSH, MIIRSM |

|Names of all operatives involved in this operation:- |Rev No | |

|NB. To be completed by all operatives involved in the works after Site Supervisor has explained the contents. | | |

| | |

|First Name |Surname |Job title |Signature |Date |

|Nick |Honeysett |Foreman | |21/7/2014 |

|David |Dann |Skilled Operative | |21/7/2014 |

|Dave |Seymour |Skilled Operative | |21/7/2014 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Name of competent person/s who prepared this method statement:- |

|Name |Job title |Signature |Date |

|Geoff Field |Managing Director | |15/7/2014 |

| | | | |


Site Drawings

Technical Information


COSHH Details – (Carried in Foreman Pack)


Plant Inspection / Certification


Generic Risk Assessments – (Carried in Foreman Pack)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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