Opening Windows Movie Maker and Preparing to Work

Table of Contents

Opening Movie Maker Project and Preparing to Work Everyday 1 – 4

Importing images, video, and sounds into the library 5 – 7

Organizing images, video, and sounds into a movie 8 – 10

Adding Text Slides to Your Movie 11 – 15

Adding Effects to Your Movie 16 – 20

Saving Your Movie Maker Project File Everyday 21 – 22

Saving Your Final Movie Once When Fully Completed 23 - 26


Opening Windows Movie Maker and Preparing to Work

Opening Windows Movie Maker and Preparing to Work

1) Go to the Start menu, click on Programs, and select Windows Movie Maker from the menu.

2) A screen like the one below will open. If the Movie Tasks menu bar on the left side is not there, see step 3. If it is go to step 4.


3) If the Movie Tasks menu was not present in step 2, click on the View menu and select Task Pane from the menu. The Movie Tasks menu should now appear.


4) Next look at the bottom of the screen and compare it to the image below. If the button in the diagram below says Show Storyboard, don’t do anything. If it says, Show Timeline, click it once. The bottom of your screen should look like the image below when you are finished.


5) If there is a [pic] sign next to the word Video on the timeline as shown in step 4 above, click the [pic] sign to show the Transition field. The bottom of your screen should now look like the one below.


Working With Movie Maker Part One: Getting Images, Video, and Sounds

Working with Movie Maker Part 1: Getting Video/Images/Sounds

1) Look at the Capture Video section of the Movie Tasks menu on the left side of the screen. This section is circled in the image below. If this section is not showing, click the arrow [pic] by Capture Video once and it will appear.

2) During the project, you will be working with 3 of the commands: Import Video, Import Pictures, and Import Audio or Music. All 3 work basically the same way, so the rest of these instructions will show the process for getting pictures. Click on Import Pictures.


3) A box like the one below will pop-up. Use the dropdown menu in the Look in box to select the drive where the picture file is located. If you listened, everything should be on your H: Drive as shown below. Then click on the picture file you want and click the Import button. The picture will now appear in the Collections section in the middle of your screen.


4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary to get the images, videos, or music you need.

Working With Movie Maker Part Two: Organizing Images, Video, and Sounds into a Movie

Working with Movie Maker Part 2: Organizing Images, Video, and Sounds into a Movie

1) After getting images, videos, and music into the Collections section in Movie Maker, you can begin to create your movie. You do this by clicking on the item you want in the Collections section and dragging it into the timeline at the bottom of the screen as shown in the image below. You must release the mouse button when your pointer is over the appropriate section of the timeline. For pictures and videos, it must be over the video section. For sounds, it must be over the Audio/Music section.


2) If you are using videos or music, you can also edit the length of the clip. You can do this in the Collections section before you drag the clip into your movie or you can click on the clip in the Timeline of your movie and do it.

a. To split an audio or video clip into sections, click once on the video clip in the Collections section or your Timeline at the bottom of the screen. Then click the Play button [pic] in the video player on right hand side of the screen. Then, as the clip is playing, click the Split Clip button. You will now have two different clips. You can then delete the part you don’t want. This can be done as many times as necessary.

b. To take a still image (picture) of a part of a video, click once on the video clip in the Collections section. Then click the Play button [pic] in the video player on right hand side of the screen. Then, as the clip is playing, click the Take Picture button. A Save As box will appear. Save the image to your H: Drive. You will then see a still image (picture) appear in the Collections section. Follow step 1 above to drag it into your Timeline.


Working With Movie Maker Part Three: Adding Text

Working with Movie Maker Part 3: Adding Text

1) After adding some images and videos you want in your Timeline, you can begin adding text your movie. This is how you will add your text to answer the research questions and your citations at the end. To add text, click on Make Titles or Credits under the Edit Movie section of the Movie Tasks menu on the left hand side of the screen. If this section is not showing, click the arrow [pic] by Edit Movie once and it will appear.


2) The screen will change to show a menu matching the one in the picture below. You will see 5 options. Click on one of the options. It really doesn’t matter which one you pick because you can move the text to different places in the movie very easily by clicking and dragging them on the Timeline.


3) The screen will change to show text boxes for you to enter text into. After adding your text choose the Done, add title to movie option. You will now see a new segment in your Timeline which contains the text you typed.

• Note 1: The default boxes that show up will not allow you to add much text. By clicking on Change the Title Animation option below the text boxes, you can choose a different type of title animation that will allow you to add more text (If you do this go to step 4 now).

• Note 2: You may also click on the Change the Text Font and Color option to change text appearance.


4) If you chose Change the Title Animation, the screen will change to show options for title animations. Highlight one from the list and click the Edit the Title in Text option. Then go back to step 3 above to finish adding text.


Working With Movie Maker Part Four: Adding Effects

Working with Movie Maker Part 4: Adding Effects

1) After you have added your images, video, and text, you can begin editing your movie. There are 2 types of editing commands in Windows Movie Maker Video Effects and Video Transitions.

• Video Effects are generally changes that affect the entire video segment the whole time it plays (except for fade in/out).

• Video Transitions only affect the very beginnings and endings of the video segments as they transition from one to the other.

To add Video Effects or Video Transitions you follow the same basic steps. These instructions will show examples for Video Effects. Click on View Video Effects under the Edit Movie section of the Movie Tasks menu on the left hand side of the screen. If this section is not showing, click the arrow [pic] by Edit Movie once and it will appear.


2) A new screen will appear that looks like the one below. Click on the effect that you want and drag it to the Timeline over the segment of the movie you want to apply it to. Your effect will then show up when you play the movie in the player on the right hand side of the screen. For Video Transitions you will need to drag it into the Transition bar instead of over the clip.


3) To remove a video effect that you do not want, Right-Click over the segment with the effect in the timeline and choose Video Effects from the dropdown menu that appears.


4) A box will pop up listing the video effects applied to that particular video segment. The effects in the Displayed Effects box are the ones that will show up in your Movie Maker project. Click on one that you want to remove to highlight it in blue and then click the Remove button. Then click OK.

• Note: You can also add effects here by clicking on an effect in the Available Effects column and clicking the Add button.



Saving Your Movie Maker Project

Saving Your Movie Maker Project

1) Go to the File menu and choose the Save Project As option.

2) A box will pop-up that looks like the one below. Use the dropdown menu in the Save In box to choose your H: Drive and change the text in the File Name box to your LastNameFirstInitial. Then click the Save button.


3) To save every time after this, you will only need to go to the File menu and click Save Project.


Split Clip Button

Take Picture Button

This option will have the words show over the picture. The other 4 will have the text show either before or after the pictures

Enter text here.

Enter text here.

Clicking this would remove the Film Age, Old effect from the segment since it is highlighted in blue.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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