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Earth Science

Test 5 (chapter 3)


1. Progressive Creationism—God created the earth and universe billions of years ago, starting with the Big Bang. Later, He created original, simple kinds of animals and plants. Through time, He created more complex animals and plants

2. map—a simplified image that is a model of part of the earth’s surface

3. oblique view—a tilted or slanted view

4. globe—a special kind of map that shows the earth’s surface as it appears from space (show the true shape of the continents and oceans)

5. map scale—ratio of a distance represented on a map to the same distance in the real world

6. cartographers—mapmakers

7. large scale maps—maps with larger scale ratio show smaller areas and land features appear larger

8. small scale map—smaller scale regions show larger areas and land feature look small

9. cardinal directions—north, south, east and west

10. map legend—a box on a map that defines all the symbols and colors used on the map

11. equator—divides northern hemisphere from southern hemisphere, 0º latitude

12. line of latitude are called parallel lines because they run parallel to the equator, marks North and South

13. longitude lines are called meridians (meridian means ‘mid-day’) marks East and West

14. Prime Meridian runs 0º (passes through Greenwich England) International Date Line run roughly at 180º (Pacific Ocean)

15. a new starts at midnight at the IDL

16. geographic coordinates—intersection of both a line of latitude and a line of longitude

17. ‘fixing your position’ is finding out exactly where you are on a map

18. Sailors used astrolabes or sextants to calculate their latitude before electronic navigation systems were invented.

19. A GPS receiver must be able to detect signals from at least three satellites to get a horizontal position fix.

20. The GPS constellation is the term that refers to the whole group of satellites in orbit around the earth. There are at least 24 satellites orbiting, more as back up.

21. GPS satellites help map and measure the earth’s movements due to earthquakes and volcanoes.

22. Types of maps:

1. Political—shows names, boundaries and shapes of countries…any feature established by local and state or national government

2. Geographic—focuses on man-made and natural physical features (roads, highways…)

3. Topographic—displays elevation an landform information, usually has contour lines or landform shading

23. Contour lines connect equal elevations on the map above some standard height (usually sea level)

24. Contour line far apart represent a gentle slope, closer together represent a steep slope

25. thematic map—plotting information on a map using a theme to unify the information (earthquakes, types of rocks…)

26. GIS—geographic information system—computerized program that includes data, programs, and mapmakers

27. GIS helps us organize and layer the information [page 64]

28. Surveying help engineers gather information measuring the distance and direction from a location with known geographic coordinates and storing that information in a data base. (modern surveying is done by GPS)

29. remote sensing—using aircraft equipped with special radar and satellites (including cameras) to map large areas

30. LIDAR is similar to radar but uses radio waves.

31. during one mission, NASA used a space shuttle to map most of the earth’s surface with a special height-measuring radar.

32. Acoustic sensing—using sonar to create sea-floor maps


A. map projection—transferring a spherical surface to a flat surface [see page 59]

1. equatorial projection—flat surface is on the equator

2. polar projection—flat surface is on a pole

3. oblique projection—flat surface is somewhere between Equator and a pole

B. The Robinson projection is a map projection of a world map which shows the entire world at once. It was specifically created in an attempt to find a good compromise to the problem of readily showing the whole globe as a flat image. [Wikipedia]

C. Scale maps


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