and let the theologians ponder God? should pastors be allowed to poke their nose into the research laboratory? Can science and faith ever really

CHbAe pParTtnEersRin p3u:rsuDit Oof tUheBulTtimSateAaBnswOerUs oTf lifDe? ARWINISM

i knew i needed to get some answers to those questions before i could go any further. i pulled the blanket up to my neck and decided to get some sleep. tomorrow, i'd be planning another journey.

foR fURTheR eVIDenCe More Resources on This Topic

denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. bethesda, Md.: adler & adler, 1986.

hanegraaff, hank. The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution. nashville: Word, 1998.

Johnson, phillip. Darwin on Trial. 2nd ed. downers Grove, ill.: interVarsity press, 1993.

Wells, Jonathan. Icons of Evolution. Washington, d.C.: regnery, 2000.

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Ch a PTeR 4: Where Science Meets Faith


for further evidence More Resources on This Topic

dembski, William. The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design. downers Grove, ill.: interVarsity, 2004.

McGrath, alister. Glimpsing the Face of God. Grand rapids, Mich.: eerdmans, 2002.

Meyer, stephen C. "evidence for design in physics and biology." in Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, ed. Michael J. behe, William a. dembski, and stephen C. Meyer. san Francisco: ignatius, 1999.

------ . "Modern science and the return of the God hypothesis." in Science and Christianity: Four Views, ed. richard F. Carlson. downers Grove, ill.: interVarsity, 2000.

Moreland, J. p. Christianity and the Nature of Science. Grand rapids, Mich.: baker, 1989.

Witham, larry. By Design: Science and the Search for God. san Francisco: encounter, 2003.


i leaned over and punched the "stop" button on my recorder. i couldn't think of a better segue to my next interview. now that Craig

CHAhadPmTaEdeRa p5ow:erTfuHl caEse EforVGIoDd aEs CNreCatoEr oOf tFhe CuniOverSseM, itOwaLs OGY

time to consider the laws and parameters of physics. is there any credibility, i wondered, to the claim that they have been tuned to an incomprehensible precision in order to create a livable habitat for humankind?

for further evidence More Resources on This Topic

Craig, William lane. "design and the Cosmological argument." in Mere Creation, ed. William a. dembski. downers Grove, ill.: interVarsity, 1998.

------ . Reasonable Faith. rev. ed. Wheaton, ill.: Crossway, 1994. ------ , and Quentin smith. Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology.

oxford: oxford University press, 1993. Moreland, J. p., and Kai nielsen. Does God Exist? amherst, n.Y.: prometheus,


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in the cosmos? Could our very existence on a life-sustaining rock on the outskirts of the Milky Way tell us anything about the Creator who has

CthHusAfarPbTeenEsoRhi6gh:lyTsuHggeEstedEbVy cIoDsmEoloNgyCanEd pOhyFsicsP? HYSICS

i made my decision as i drove away from the campus: it was time to quiz an astronomer about what we can learn from the mystery and grandeur of the heavens.

for further evidence More Resources on This Topic

Collins, robin. "the argument from design and the Many-Worlds hypothesis." in Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide, ed. William lane Craig. new brunswick, n.J.: rutgers University press, 2002.

------ . "the evidence for Fine-tuning." in God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science, ed. neil Manson. new York: routledge, 2003.

------ . "a scientific argument for the existence of God: the Fine-tuning design argument." in Reason for the Hope Within, ed. Michael J. Murray. Grand rapids, Mich.: eerdmans, 1999.

------ . "the teleological argument." in The Rationality of Theism, ed. paul Copan and paul Moser. new York: routledge, 2003.

dubay, thomas. The Evidential Power of Beauty. san Francisco: ignatius, 1999. leslie, John. Universes. new York: routledge, 1989.

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