FMP EVALUATION 2017Did you meet your stated aims?Yes I was able to meet my stated aims. I aimed at making an animation, music video- where I based the story around the music. (In my own interpretation.)- and I did that. In terms of being able to as creative as possible- I was able to show off what I could do and be as experimental as I wanted to be. When it came to research I looked at animation and music videos- where I did in fact learn how to draw much more advanced and understand how animation moves. But that wouldn't have been so clear without the extra research that I did about different types of animation, which made me understand what type of animation and music helps to create a story. Unfortunately I didn't include books within my research- as I struggled to find anything that I could use, so instead I found a few articles that I stated within my research. Another way that I met my stated aims is that I was inspired by my 3 practitioners different styles and interpretations of animation- which had inspired to watch their animations, to learn more about an animators style. I would also say that I did draw free hand- but not in the way, that you would have to keep drawing and drawing every single frame. But I did draw my animations and use stop motion to help create this effect. In my Proposal evaluation I recorded my journey through my journal- where I went into as much detail as possible of each and everyday. With lastly I've made sure to write all of my idea development down within my journal- to make it clear when I've changed my idea and how it got towards my final product. How does your work compare with your chosen practitioner?My work compares with my chosen practitioners- I have 3 Practitioners: Winsor Mccay, Milt Kahl and Gene Deitch. My animation compares with Winsor Mccay's animation- 'Gertie the Dinosaur.' It introduces interaction between animator and animation, like what I've done with my actor and animation. Or you could say object and telescope- like A-ha's music video, 'Take on me'- where they had interaction between actor and newspaper. (Which I researched into as well.) With this animation in particular- it conveyed a lot of emotions and with my animation- it gives the same mix of emotion. They are visually clear to the audience- they understand what they've seen to the point where it would make them react to it too. Also Mccay's animation provides a sweet and simple narrative, which people generally like and it seems that from my feedback- that my animation, music video fits into the same category. My animation, music video also compares to my other practitioners work: Milt Kahl and Gene Deith both have a cartoony and kiddie style-, which inspired me and was very ideal for what I wanted. Did you make any changes? Why? How did your concept develop?Yes I made quite a lot of changes! My original idea was to use a song called 'I'm Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO- and then do my own version. Where I do the simple animation of weight lifting to the point where they become so muscular that they pop- with just using the music as a base. I made these changes because animating for 3 to maybe 5 mins of animation took so long- especially when I only did a small section. It was an impossibility of where I was in my project, to do a film length of animation- so then I thought about doing a bit of live footage and then putting in animation where appropriate. This was a great change, because it fixed the issue of having no story and actually creating one- alongside the music. I also picked and changed my music constantly- 'I'm Sexy And I Know It' was too long and too fast paced- for there to be a narrative or a simple, slower paced animation. 'I Swear' became a little inappropriate when I thought of using my cousin as my actor. (She's like 9 or 11.) So I then I changed it to 'Fly me to the Moon'- where it suited the age of my cousin and made it sort of sweet and innocent. (Purely, where I picked the girl version of this song.) With the music sorted it made it much more easier to develop ideas. I started thinking of using effects- like having a circle effect on the animation, to make it look like it's being viewed from the telescope. I also had ideas about using a starry background- instead of a plain one and then make the animation look more detailed and cartoony. Everything seemed to fit into place with my animation. Then I started doing live footage and I planned it really well. I didn't have to change anything major at all- but the one thing that I did do is film in all of my scenes in the day- where the telescope scene is meant to be filmed at night. The reason why I changed this is because, I was stuck with the amount of time I had and the amount of time that I could hire my actor for. Filming in the dark didn't work the first time and when I wanted to film- It rained (I was going to use led lights) and I was given very little time to do this. So I decided to film in the day and focus on purely, executing my shots. Does the finished product appeal to the target audience?Yes I think it does appeal to my target audience because I should what I had so far of my animation, music video to my classmates. I aimed my target audience at teenagers and students, so it was really fitting to show them. I got a lot of positive feedback- for example, 'Lily said, that she really liked my animation.' as well as they said it was sweet and had a nice narrative- It made you go 'aww' at the end. It very much appeals to me- because it's so positive, upbeat and makes you think differently about the world. Even though it appeals to my target audience- I would say it appeals to families with children as well. For example, my dad after watching my animation, music video- expressed on how good it was and how much he liked it. Somewhere in the way it's put together and the fact it features a child- there's something magical about it, that appeals to a lot of people. Which is great!How well does the product reflect your skills and the things you have learnt this year?This product reflects my skills really well: it shows my skills in editing and how I can improvise with my footage, especially when I need to add in something that I may or may not have planned originally. In the main, this product shows how much skill I have got in the way that I can take on new things and apply them. It also shows me that I am better in other parts of media than others, such as: corporate videos and probably music videos. With lastly I’ve learnt that research is very important, because without research and just going in blindly. You won’t get very far with your production and therefore you are not as successful, as you should be.What would you do differently next time? What did you learn?To be honest, I wouldn't do anything too differently next time. Because for this video- I planned really well, I was well organized and I recorded and edited in good time. The only thing that I would probably change- to make it more realistic- is to film the telescope scene at night. From doing this project- I have learnt many things. I have learnt that animation takes a lot longer than I thought- even if you are only doing a section. I also learnt that doing a full-length animation is impossible- especially for a beginner and it’s better to do a small animation to start with. And lastly, I have learnt is that you must have a slow paced song and a story, especially when you are a beginner. Because when you have fast-paced music- you simply have to do more animation at a quicker pace- and without a story, it’s very hard to create anything. What would you do differently if you had a larger/unlimited budget?If I had a larger/unlimited budget and I could do it differently- then I would probably hire out more actors and more equipment- such as lighting equipment and more cameras. I probably would also think about using a different editing program- basically a program that would have a different variety of effects and transitions that I could experiment with and use. And lastly the last thing I would do if I had a larger/unlimited budget is that I would use more loations. ................

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