
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2016- Distance/Mid-Distance Indoor Preseason Training Schedule 2016 ADVANCED (Running 30-40 miles weekly during the Fall season)MileageSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayOFF FOR XC STATE RUNNERS & Light week for all others (12-16 miles)10/3010/3111/13-4 mile endurance11/23-4 mile enduranceSTRIDERS11/3OFF11/43-4 mile endurance11/53-4 mile endurance17-21 miles11/6OFF11/74-5 mile endur.run11/83-4 mile 6x100m AX11/94 mile endur.runSTRENGTH EX11/103-4 mile endur. runSTRIDERS11/11OFF11/123-4 mile endur. run6x100m AXApprox.22-27 miles11/135-6 mile long endurance run11/143-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/15Fartlek Run11/163 mile endur. run/Cross train 30 minSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX11/173-4 mile endur. run11/18OFF11/193-4 mile hill fartlek endurance.runCORE EXERCISES6x100m AXApprox.26-31 miles11/206-7 mile long endurance run11/214-5 mile endur.run6x100m AX11/22Distance tempo rep Or Mid tempo rep 11/233-4 mile endur. runSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX11/24OFF11/25HILL WORKOUT11/263-4 mile endur.run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISESApprox.29-35 miles11/277-8 mile long endurance run11/284-5 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/29D-Track PyramidMD- Track Pyramid11/304-5 mile endur.runSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX12/110 min easy, 20-25 min up-tempo run (85-90% of 5k race pace) 10-15 min CD12/2OFF12/34-5 mile endur. run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISESEndurance The intensity of these runs on your body is not the same (meaning it is less intense) than the workouts that you do, but it is NOT a recovery run! The purpose of these runs is to build your stamina, aka, increase how long you can hold a speed while feeling relatively “comfortable.” Over time, that “comfortable” speed should become faster if you run these correctly. Please see the attached pacing guide for your endurance runs. Also, download the app “Runkeeper” if you can, and run with your phone (buy an arm band) as it will track your pacing and improve the quality at which you run these runs. If you can’t download the app, then ALWAYS map out your run in advance and know where your mile markers are, so you can check your pacing against your watch. YOU ALL MUST, AT MINIMUM, HAVE A RUNNING WATCH.MID-DISTANCE FARTLEK- 10 min easy, 3 x the following with 1 min jog between each set- 15 seconds hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 sec hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)DISTANCE FARTLEK- 10 min easy, 2 x the following with 2 min jog between each set- 15 sec hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 1:30 hard, 1:30 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)Cross train- Quality cardio at an endurance pace (preferably- no impact/pounding)- biking, elliptical, swimming, pool runningDistance Tempo Rep 10 min easy, 3 x 6 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for mile) with 2 min easy jog between each rep, 10 min CDMid-distance Tempo Rep 10 min easy, 5 x 3 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for 800m-1000m) with 2 min easy jog btwn reps, 10 min CDHILL WORKOUT 10 min easy, 10-12 x HARD up-hill reps with easy jog downhill for rest (use a steep hill about 150m in length- you can use Sturges), 10 min cool downHill Fartlek Map out a hilly route, run at an endurance pace then on hills, attack each striving to speed up with strong form (lift knees, pump arms, don’t hunch back)D Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x400, 1x600, 1x800, 1x600, 1x400 (rest after 400= 2 min, after 600=3 min, after 800=4 min), 20 min CDM Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time each and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x100, 1x200, 1x400, 1x600, 1x400, 1x200, 1x100 (rest after 100= 1 min, after 200= 2 min, after 400= 3 min, after 600=4 min), 15-20 min CD CORE EXERCISES 2 x 1 min front plank, 2x45 sec crunches, 2x30 s supermen/women, 2x30 s windshield wipers, 2 x 15-20 push-ups, 2x30 s 6 inches (30 sec rest betwn all)STRENGTHENING EXERCISES 2 x 10 lunges per leg (do not extend knee over toe), 2x10per leg hamstring lifts, 2x10 per leg fire hydrants, 2 x 15 squats (knee not past toe), 2x10 per leg IT band lifts, WALKING DRILLS (20m for each- on heels, on toes, on outside edge of foot, on inside edge, flat foot with toes turned inward, flat foot with toes turned out)AX= Accelerations- After your run, using 100m, gradually build speed for the first 20-30 meters, then run in a FULL OUT sprint for the remaining 70-80m (rest for about 30sec)STRIDERS- Over 100m, gradually and NATURALLY allow your body to build speed as you focus on lengthening your stride each step and settling into strong, relaxed formNOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2016- Distance/Mid-Distance Indoor Preseason Training Schedule 2016 INTERMEDIATE (Running 20-30 miles weekly during the Fall season)MileageSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayOFF FOR XC STATE RUNNERS & Light week for all others (12 miles)10/3010/3111/13 mile endurance11/23 mile enduranceSTRIDERS11/3OFF11/43 mile endurance11/53 mile endurance15 miles11/6OFF11/73 mile endur.run11/83 mile 6x100m AX11/93 mile endur.runSTRENGTH EX11/103 mile endur. runSTRIDERS11/11OFF11/123 mile endur. run6x100m AXApprox.16-20 miles11/134-5 mile long endurance run11/143-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/15Fartlek Run11/163 mile endur. run/Cross train 30 minSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX11/173-4 mile endur. run11/18OFF11/193-4 mile hill fartlek endurance.runCORE EXERCISES6x100m AXApprox.21-25 miles11/205-6 mile long endurance run11/213 mile endur.run6x100m AX11/22Distance tempo rep Or Mid tempo rep 11/233 mile endur. runSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX11/24OFF11/25HILL WORKOUT11/263-4 mile endur.run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISESApprox.25-30 miles11/276-7 mile long endurance run11/283-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/29D-Track PyramidMD- Track Pyramid11/304-5 mile endur.runSTRIDERS STRENGTH EX12/110 min easy, 20-25 min up-tempo run (85-90% of 5k race pace) 10-15 min CD12/2OFF12/33-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISESEndurance The intensity of these runs on your body is not the same (meaning it is less intense) than the workouts that you do, but it is NOT a recovery run! The purpose of these runs is to build your stamina, aka, increase how long you can hold a speed while feeling relatively “comfortable.” Over time, that “comfortable” speed should become faster if you run these correctly. Please see the attached pacing guide for your endurance runs. Also, download the app “Runkeeper” if you can, and run with your phone (buy an arm band) as it will track your pacing and improve the quality at which you run these runs. If you can’t download the app, then ALWAYS map out your run in advance and know where your mile markers are, so you can check your pacing against your watch. YOU ALL MUST, AT MINIMUM, HAVE A RUNNING WATCH.MID-DISTANCE FARTLEK- 10 min easy, 3 x the following with 1 min jog between each set- 15 seconds hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 sec hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)DISTANCE FARTLEK- 10 min easy, 2 x the following with 2 min jog between each set- 15 sec hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 1:30 hard, 1:30 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)Cross train- Quality cardio at an endurance pace (preferably- no impact/pounding)- biking, elliptical, swimming, pool runningDistance Tempo Rep 10 min easy, 3 x 6 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for mile) with 2 min easy jog between each rep, 10 min CDMid-distance Tempo Rep 10 min easy, 5 x 3 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for 800m-1000m) with 2 min easy jog btwn reps, 10 min CDHILL WORKOUT 10 min easy, 10-12 x HARD up-hill reps with easy jog downhill for rest (use a steep hill about 150m in length- you can use Sturges), 10 min cool downHill Fartlek Map out a hilly route, run at an endurance pace then on hills, attack each striving to speed up with strong form (lift knees, pump arms, don’t hunch back)D Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x400, 1x600, 1x800, 1x600, 1x400 (rest after 400= 2 min, after 600=3 min, after 800=4 min), 20 min CDMD Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time each and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x100, 1x200, 1x400, 1x600, 1x400, 1x200, 1x100 (rest after 100= 1 min, after 200= 2 min, after 400= 3 min, after 600=4 min), 20 min CD CORE EXERCISES 2 x 1 min front plank, 2x45 sec crunches, 2x30 s supermen/women, 2x30 s windshield wipers, 2 x 15-20 push-ups, 2x30 s 6 inches (30 sec rest betwn all)STRENGTHENING EXERCISES 2 x 10 lunges per leg (do not extend knee over toe), 2x10per leg hamstring lifts, 2x10 per leg fire hydrants, 2 x 15 squats (knee not past toe), 2x10 per leg IT band lifts, WALKING DRILLS (20m for each- on heels, on toes, on outside edge of foot, on inside edge, flat foot with toes turned inward, flat foot with toes turned out)AX= Accelerations- After your run, using 100m, gradually build speed for the first 20-30 meters, then run in a FULL OUT sprint for the remaining 70-80m (rest for about 30sec)STRIDERS- Over 100m, gradually and NATURALLY allow your body to build speed as you focus on lengthening your stride each step and settling into strong, relaxed formNOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2016- Distance/Mid-Distance Indoor Preseason Training Schedule 2016 BEGINNER (Running under 15 miles weekly during the Fall season)Run MileageSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday6 miles + cross training10/3010/3111/1Cross train 20-30 min 11/23 mile enduranceSTRIDERS11/3OFF11/4Cross train 20-30 min11/53 mile endurance9 miles+CT11/6OFF11/73 mile endur. run11/83 mile endur. run11/9OFF11/10Cross train 20-30 min11/11OFF11/123 mile endur. run12-14 miles+CT11/133-4 mile endurance run11/143 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/15OFF11/16Cross train 20-30 minSTRIDERS11/173-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/18OFF11/193 mile hill fartlek.runCORE EXERCISES16-18 miles + CT11/204-5 mile long endurance run11/213 mile endur.run6x100m AX11/22Fartlek Run 11/23Cross 20-30 minSTRENGTH EXSTRIDERS11/24OFF11/25HILL WORKOUT11/263 mile endur.run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISES19-23 miles +CT11/275-6 mile long endurance run11/283-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX11/29Distance tempo rep Or Mid tempo rep11/30Cross 20-30 minSTRENGTH EXSTRIDERS12/15 min easy, 15-20 min up-tempo run (85-90% effort- gauge off 5k race pace) 10 min CD12/2OFF12/33-4 mile endur. run6x100m AX CORE EXERCISESEndurance The intensity of these runs on your body is not the same (meaning it is less intense) than the workouts that you do, but it is NOT a recovery run! The purpose of these runs is to build your stamina, aka, increase how long you can hold a speed while feeling relatively “comfortable.” Over time, that “comfortable” speed should become faster if you run these correctly. Please see the attached pacing guide for your endurance runs. Also, download the app “Runkeeper” if you can, and run with your phone (buy an arm band) as it will track your pacing and improve the quality at which you run these runs. If you can’t download the app, then ALWAYS map out your run in advance and know where your mile markers are, so you can check your pacing against your watch. YOU ALL MUST, AT MINIMUM, HAVE A RUNNING WATCH.MID-DISTANCE FARTLEK- 5 min easy, 2 x the following with 1 min jog between each set- 15 seconds hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 sec hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 5-10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)DISTANCE FARTLEK- 5-10 min easy, 2 x the following with 2 min jog between each set- 15 sec hard, 15 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 1 min hard, 1 min easy, 45 hard, 45 easy, 30 hard, 30 easy, 15 hard, 15 easy, then 10 min cool down (HARD REPS SHOULD BE AT 95-100% for each duration)Cross train- Quality cardio at an endurance pace (preferably- no impact/pounding)- biking, elliptical, swimming, pool runningDistance Tempo Rep 5 min easy, 2 x 6 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for mile) with 2 min easy jog between each rep, 10 min CDMid-distance Tempo Rep 5 min easy, 4 x 3 min at tempo pace (85-90% effort- gauge against 85-90% race pace for 800m-1000m) with 2 min easy jog btwn reps, 10 min CDHILL WORKOUT 10 min easy, 6-8 x HARD up-hill reps with easy jog downhill for rest (use a steep hill about 150m in length- you can use Sturges), 10 min cool downHill Fartlek Map out a hilly route, run at an endurance pace then on hills, attack each striving to speed up with strong form (lift knees, pump arms, don’t hunch back)D Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x400, 1x600, 1x800, 1x600, 1x400 (rest after 400= 2 min, after 600=3 min, after 800=4 min), 10 min CDMD Track Pyramid 2 lap warm up, continuous motion, dynamic stretching- run the following at 85-90% effort (time each and try to hit same time or faster for same distance) 1x100, 1x200, 1x400, 1x600, 1x400, 1x200, 1x100 (rest after 100= 1 min, after 200= 2 min, after 400= 3 min, after 600=4 min), 20 min CD CORE EXERCISES 2 x 1 min front plank, 2x45 sec crunches, 2x30 s supermen/women, 2x30 s windshield wipers, 2 x 15-20 push-ups, 2x30 s 6 inches (30 sec rest betwn all)STRENGTHENING EXERCISES 2 x 10 lunges per leg (do not extend knee over toe), 2x10per leg hamstring lifts, 2x10 per leg fire hydrants, 2 x 15 squats (knee not past toe), 2x10 per leg IT band lifts, WALKING DRILLS (20m for each- on heels, on toes, on outside edge of foot, on inside edge, flat foot with toes turned inward, flat foot with toes turned out)AX= Accelerations- After your run, using 100m, gradually build speed for the first 20-30 meters, then run in a FULL OUT sprint for the remaining 70-80m (rest for about 30sec)STRIDERS- Over 100m, gradually and NATURALLY allow your body to build speed as you focus on lengthening your stride each step and settling into strong, relaxed formEndurance Run Pacing Guide:Mile PR (Best mile time as long as run recently)Endurance PaceSub 5 min mile7:00-7:20 per mile5:00-5:307:20-7:40 per mile5:30-6:007:40-8:00 per mile6:00-6:308:00-8:20 per mile6:30-7:008:20-8:40 per mile7:00-7:308:40-9:00 per mile7:30-8:009:00-9:20 per mile8:00-8:309:20-9:40 per mile8:30-9:009:40-10:00 per mile ................

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