Book List for the Path II - Meetup

Reading List for the Path


The following books explore the nature of the Self and the Path of Enlightenment. They are in no sense a complete guide to worthy documents on the nature of and pathway to Self-Realization. They simply offer pointers to the one Eternal Truth, guidance as to the many aspects of uncovering this Truth within, and rich inspiration for the journey. There are many paths to Self-realization, for in the course of history and in every culture, there have been those who have set out in search of the ultimate Reality, the ultimate possibility and use of a human life.

It seems clear that different people find resonance with different books, and also that the same person may find different books appealing and of value at different times on their journey. It can be powerfully reinforcing to read about the same Reality from different angles and experiences. When the intent for God, Freedom (or whatever we call Self-Realization) becomes overwhelming, we may find that our reading tends to broaden. When a wide reading is undertaken in the context of also attempting to live the Path with some deep sincerity and devotion, then the readings seem to accelerate a feedback loop of more profound reflection, which in turn deepens the intuitive sense of the Path and how to live it. Often, hearing or reading a single phrase or word can be enough to trigger a specific realization, which may stimulate a release of old energies or prior limiting belief patterns. One interesting and faith inducing phenomenon to behold among all great and genuine writings of Truth is their striking concordance. This is true across history and across the cultural map.

Readers may initially be fooled by the use of different terminology, different language, and by the different seeming paths that are emphasized across the spectrum of teachings. For example, in Buddhism and Zen, the Absolute is referred to as Mind, or Buddhahood, or Nirvana. Whereas the more devotional traditions speak more obviously of God, or deities which represent God. By whatever name It goes – Mind, God, the Absolute, the Self, Buddhahood, Buddha nature, Universal Mind, No Mind, No self, The Atman, The Great Is, Reality, Your True Nature, etc - the subjective Realization of That, the absolute and irrevocable self-identity with and abiding in That, with no remaining trace of personal self or identification - that is the end of the Path. These different traditions each point to the same ultimate Reality. (As the Path unfolds, even distinctions such as Path of the Heart vs. Path of the Mind collapse into each other.) Most of these works have their origin in the spiritual traditions of the East, not because it is easier to realize God as an Indian or Chinese person, but because this is where spiritual life has been most powerfully established, nurtured, lived and supported by the culture over many centuries, and where these traditions have not been completely stifled or extinguished by modern times.

As one matures along the Path, the greater intuitive sense of the goal, and of the Path (as spoken of, above) allows one to see more deeply into what is being read, and so it becomes easier to see past the surface level discrepancies in language, style and approach in the different spiritual traditions of the world. With more subjective experience, the Unity of Reality begins to beckon to us more loudly and recognizably from within the pages of many very different texts.

This list contains some of the powerful writings in the human library. It is not a recommendation to any one student. Though one can definitely absorb these great works with much spiritual fruit, one must avoid being overwhelmed or feeling that this list is in any way a mandatory curriculum for success on the Path. Ultimately, one needs no books to realize the Truth. It is between you and God, or you and Your Self. Each person comes to the Path with different orientations, different lessons to learn, certainly different limiting patterns to resolve (karma to dissolve), and a different level of hunger for the Path and for God or Self-Realization. Therefore no one road map would or could ever suffice. This is another benefit of wide exposure to the words and teachings of the Great Beings of many traditions. A greater sense of one’s own road map begins to emerge from the mist. However, this is only the case when the fire and hunger for the Path become strong and you have already been sincerely attempting to live the Path for some time.

One common thread among those who make profound progress on the Path seems to be a powerful and in many cases all-consuming intent for Truth or God. It is only such a fierce intent which makes one strong enough to overcome the obstacles, inevitable ignorance, temptations, seeming reversals and multiple tests of faith that await one on this greatest of all possible journeys. It is certainly a hero’s journey in every sense. Strong intent tends to be a catalyst for one-pointedness of mind. It seems that it is often this very quality of intent which brings the teachings, teachers and the Grace into the life of the seeker that then lead him or her towards the Goal, and which give him/her the strength and the inspiration to persevere through the tests when others may turn back or choose more normal patterns of resistance and distraction.

To know the Truth is to live it and BE it. The power is in what you have become, not knowing about it. As the awareness develops and ripens, the books will eventually become more redundant. But this is only true in the later stages of the Path. The teachings have been likened to a thorn that is used to extract another thorn from the foot, but which, once the thorn is extracted, no longer serves any purpose. The teachings are not the Truth. The Truth is beyond words and concepts, and so at best the words are pointers. Hence the Buddhist term, that any teacher or teaching is simply a “finger pointing at the moon.” The moon is the pearl of great price, not the finger that points to it.

The true worth of these books is therefore not merely concepts and ideas, but in the silent radiance of the Presence from which the best of them are written, and which they reveal. To read these works is, depending on one’s openness to, and readiness and hunger for Truth, to receive a powerful ‘transmission’ from a greater awareness than one’s own. This is the most powerful and often hidden value of reading Truth. In addition, it must also be emphasized that having a rich and clear framework for what the Truth is and what it is not is of immeasurable value in walking the Path and avoiding the pitfalls and dead ends that would otherwise be most likely for the uninitiated. The insights, teachings and life examples of the most illumined beings who have walked the earth only serve to support the gaining of subjective insight and intuitive understanding. They prepare the mind and heart for God, for Love, for the deep surrender that is the price of Freedom. The sincere reader gets to see that absolutely any price is worth paying in order to make the most of this human life, and to realize God.

As greater understanding is gained, more of it can be lived in the day to day of one’s life, and this sense of real progress in one’s relationship to oneself and life often encourages a deepening of the Spiritual Will and greater surrender to the Ultimate Reality, by whatever name you call It. Above and beyond this, the teachings also provide a rich vein of inspiration, including tales of those who have really done it, who have really given and sacrificed everything it takes to allow the ultimate Reality to live through them. In the case of a rare few, their karma was so ripe that little or no sadhana (the process of spiritual practice for the purposes of spiritual maturation or ripening) was needed. Ramana Maharshi and Anandamayi Ma were like this. However, no matter how they arrived at their level of Realization, their words and stories are uplifting and timeless. To read these works is, in a more real way than one might ever imagine, to keep the company of the Great Beings of history. When the student is ready, these works can be doorways to infinity. As such they can also be powerful tools in times of crisis and forgetting.

The following works are listed by author or teacher (in the case where teachings were recorded only by others). They are in no special order. No doubt many wonderful books have been missed out. Where I only include one or two of the books by a certain author or on a certain teacher, I do not imply that others by or about them are not worth your attention too. It is likely that there are either too many to mention (i.e., with Sivananda, Buddha, etc), or that I am simply unaware of some of the others. Also, this is intended as a concise list of the most powerful writings. It is more than enough for any individual to get a deep sense of the Path and the inner world of those who have walked it and lived it from many perspectives. Finally, I use the word Liberated gently and loosely in this document to refer to some unusually high degree of Realization or Perfection. All the authors listed here either reached some very profound state of Being themselves, or have something profoundly valuable to say and share about the Path. It is not important or useful to rank the most illumined beings of history more specifically. Moreover, the very highest stages of illumination and the varying expressions of Being among the most illumined remain a mystery, and are of only academic interest, which is not our concern. For our purposes, this list is merely a collection of some of the most powerful teachings and life stories that have ever inspired the human adventure, and they are a gift to us all. The eternal Grace speaks loudly through these windows.

Remember that different books may be most worthy of your attention at any one time, according to your own needs, individual leanings and where you are at on your Path. You must choose what speaks to you, what touches something deep within you, what inspires you. You will also find it may be valuable to read several books at the same time. Such an approach might seem unfocused and restless if these were simple works of fiction. However, in this case, you may imagine you are sitting around the campfire, or the dinner table, in a conversation with some of the greatest beings who have ever lived. As you do, you will notice that some of the feeling and energy of their inner world will become your own. Thus, photographs are included for further inspiration.

The following works are thus intended to be helpful and supportive of the Path:

Ramana Maharshi


1) Be as you are: The teachings of Ramana Maharshi

2) Padamalai – Teachings of Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Muruganar

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) The Power of the Presence – 3 Vols, by David Godman

One of the Great Teachers of the 20th Century, Ramana’s teachings are powerful, and explore the nature of the Self, and his “two paths to Self-realization”: Absolute surrender to God, and Self-inquiry. Many beings were powerfully transformed or became Self-realized in his Presence.

The books are available everywhere, except perhaps Padamalai, which can be found at

Papaji (Sri H.W.L.Poonja)


1) Nothing Ever Happened (3 volume set)

2) Papaji: Interviews

3) The Truth Is

Indian Self-realized being, former disciple of Ramana Maharshi, his biography (1, above) is a powerful account of this extraordinary life, and of the powerful effect of The Presence which expressed through and as him on all who came into contact with It. Includes many of his own letters and writings, and accounts of the miraculous happenings that became everyday events around Papaji.

Available at his website:

Sri Ramakrishna


1) The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

2) Ramakrishna and his Divine Play

3) Great Swan – meetings with Ramakrishna

4) Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna

One of the greatest of all the illumined ones. Ramakrishna studied and followed each of the major religious pathways to their ultimate conclusion in the revelation of God consciousness. His teachings are very powerful, allegorical like those of Christ, and filled with devotion and timeless wisdom. His life is said to have influenced the entire course of Indian spiritual development from the 19th century on. The last book, and many other wonderful tomes synthesizing Ramakrishna’s teachings, are available at the Vedanta Bookshop, Hollywood, CA, USA. Tel 1-323 465 7114. See

Swami Sivananda


1) Autobiography of Swami Sivananda

2) Samadhi Yoga

3) Many other titles… (see below)

Swami Sivananda was a medical doctor who became illumined and wrote prolifically on all matters relating to the Path and the control of the mind. His writings are very clear, and his autobiography contains many insights about the Path for all aspirants. See the website, which includes many free downloads:

Swami Ramdas


1) In Quest of God

2) In the Vision of God, Vol I

3) In the Vision of God, Vol II

4) The Essential Swami Ramdas.

This is Swami Ramdas (abbreviated here as Ramdas, but to be clear this is not the white guy, Richard Alpert, who changed his name to Ram Dass after being inspired by this Indian Saint). Where the Zen Masters express a seemingly more Mind oriented Path to Realization, Ramdas is a living example of trusting God in all things. His is a personal odyssey in which the ultimate Reality revealed itself within him through intense devotion and repetition of God’s name. His many stories bring a lightness and joy that is inspirational and they show how miracles can unfold so easily when one’s heart is fully devoted to the Reality of the Presence of God.

Available at , also from the Blue Dove Press

( ), and also from Ramdas’ own ashram in Kerala, India. His complete works will cost you the princely sum of about US$50, including shipping, if you buy them direct from the ashram. I strongly recommend it. You can reach them on Their direct email is: papa@

Mother Krishnabai


1) Guru’s Grace – by Mother Krishnabai.

Known as Mother Krishnabai, she was the chief student of Swami Ramdas, and after her Self-Realization became his partner in a shared teaching mission for many years. Her autobiography is an expression of her highly devotional nature and deep dedication to her Guru.

Robert Adams


1) Silence of the Heart

Had a spontaneous awakening in early teenage life, and spent his life among the sages and saints of the world. His teachings reveal a rare degree of illumination, perhaps even rare among the enlightened ones. This is expressed as a piercing simplicity throughout his recorded dialogues. He kept himself scrupulously out of the public gaze, and simply gave satsang. This one book is a treasure, and an extremely powerful exposition of this same simplicity of existence as the Truth.

His website is:

Another site devoted to his teaching is:

Baba Hari Dass


1) Silence Speaks

2) Everyday Peace

3) Fire without Fuel

4) Vinaya Chalisa – Forty prayers

Baba Hari Dass is an Indian monk who took vows of silence many years ago and has remained that way after his spiritual liberation. Perhaps one of the few Liberated ones alive (that we know of – it has often been the case that the most illumined Beings are known widely only after their death, if at all). His writings on yoga and the Path have immense power and clarity. See also his edition of the Yoga Sutras, under Patanjali, below. Vinaya Chalisa is the most beautiful booklet of prayers for inviting clarity and Grace.

His books can be found at:

Or via his center located in northern California:

They have an excellent bookstore, and are very used to sending things out.



1) Advanced Yoga Practices – Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living

Yogani is an anonymous teacher, who is said to be the first purely e-Guru. He has chosen to remain anonymous as a statement of his intent to make the teachings the focus of attention, not the guru. Much of his work is online, and freely available. His book contains more than the website does. It is really one of the most encyclopedic collections of advanced yogic practices compiled in a single volume. There are 250 or so well labeled and organized lessons on a vast array of spiritual practices, meditation techniques, pranayama, and many other aspects of the Path. He is one of the first to talk openly of the specific sacred practices known as Kriya Yoga. An invaluable volume, written with clear instructions in plain English, of great value to the beginner and advanced practitioner alike. His website is:

Byron Katie


1) Loving what is

2) I need your Love – Is that True ?

3) A Thousand Names for Joy

American woman who awoke suddenly from normal egoic consciousness into a world of splendor and joy in 1986. She embodies the simplicity, ordinariness and power of the unschooled sage. Her latest book, A Thousand Names for Joy, is a series of commentaries on the Tao Te Ching, the ancient Chinese book of wisdom, and her insights express the practical aspects of the awakened mind in action, so to speak. Her work is centered on enquiring into and disassembling the core beliefs that bring suffering. Her website, offers many ways to interact with her and her Work.



1) The Buddha and his Teachings – ed. by Samuel Bercholz and Sherab Chödzin Kohn

2) A Buddhist Bible – Dwight Goddard. Online Link:

3) The Heart of Buddha’s Teachings – Thich Nhat Hahn

These describe the main teachings of Buddhism, the ways of mastering the Mind, and the pathway to Nirvana as told by the Buddha and those illumined ones who followed him and have influenced the teachings as they have been passed to us. The entire Buddhist Bible is online, and includes some of the most sacred texts on the nature of Reality. The Buddha needs no introduction, and is thought to have been special even among the illumined ones of history.

Mother Anasuya Devi


2) Mother of All – Richard Schiffman.

A most unusual Indian saint who from birth was in a profound state of consciousness: it seems that she went into Nirvikalpa Samadhi at only 4 days old. From infancy she would speak of herself as Reality and displayed a knowledge of spiritual and yogic wisdom that had never been learned directly. The above is a penetrating biography of this 20th Century woman who they called the Divine Mother.



3) The Yoga Sutras – Translation and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda.

4) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Translation and commentary by Baba Hari Dass.

The Sutras are a collection of aphorisms, passed from yogi to yogi and laid down from an oral tradition of thousands of years, which together comprise the sum total of what must be understood to realize the state of God-consciousness. Both of these versions offer something unique.

Dipa Ma


1) Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master – Amy Schmidt

2) Knee deep in Grace: The extraordinary life and teaching of Dipa Ma – Amy Schmidt

Indian Buddhist saint who reached a very high state of illumination, she woke up later in life via meditation, and still raised a daughter and taught many people how to become Free while living a ‘normal’ life. Became highly influential in the West. Hers is a very beautiful story.

Anandamayi Ma


1) Life and Teaching of Sri Anandamayi Ma - Alexander Lipski

2) Bliss Now: My journey with Sri Anandamayi Ma – Swami Ramananda

3) Mother of Bliss: Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982) – Lisa Lassell Hallstrom

4) The Compassionate Touch of Ma Anandamayee – Narayan Chauduri

Indian saint of the 20th Century, whose radiance illumined all who knew her. Allegedly born awakened, hers is a portrait of the Divine in action. Had a powerful influence on all who met her. From many heads of state to the poorest villagers – they all came to seek her counsel and her Grace. She embodies all of the glory of the Divine Mother. She is very special source of inspiration and Light.

The website dedicated to her has more books, stories and pictures, etc.

And a more complete collection of books on her can be found in the US at:

Bernadette Roberts


1) The Experience of No-Self

2) The Path to No-Self

American Christian nun turned mystic who seems to have reached the higher states of consciousness, and then gone past the stage of consciousness itself to the place of Being, beyond the state of union with God. Her books give a very detailed description of her journey, and provide a powerful modern expression of Christian mystical experience.

Here is a short review of her life and work:

Below here is an interview with her from 1985:

And a website dedicated to her work and managed by her students:

Brother Lawrence


1) The Practice of the Presence of God

These are the simple writings of a 17th Century Christian monk who speaks of how to keep the Presence with you at all times.



1) The Way of a Pilgrim

Christian classic, telling of the devotion of a 19th century Russian wanderer who found that praying without ceasing invited one to be taken over by the Presence of God.

Nisargadatta Maharaj


1) Prior to Consciousness

2) I am That

Contemporary of Ramana Maharshi, who taught from his attic above the Bidi shop in Bombay, India. Known for his more brusque, confrontational approach to teaching enlightenment, it is said that Ramana would often send him those students who were making slow progress on the Path, to be set straight. Nevertheless, the same Love is Present. Nisargadatta is known as one of the Great Teachers of India, certainly one of the towering spiritual Beings of the 20th Century. I AM THAT is an extremely powerful exposition on all aspects of the Path, divided into subjects for easy reference. Many have found a most powerful transmission from I Am That.

Krishna – The Bhagavad Gita


1) The Baghavad Gita – A Walkthrough for Westerners, by Jack Hawley

2) The Essence of the Baghavad Gita - Explained by Paramahansa Yogananda. As remembered by his disciple Swami Kriyananda

One of India’s most sacred, ancient, widely revered and illuminating books, it is a statement of the Reality of God, the nature of Truth, and how it appears in this world. It has been described as a universal love song, sung by God, to his friend Man, advising Man how to avoid the pitfalls within worldly life, and on what he must do to realize the infinite. It remains a cornerstone guide to life for millions of people in India today. 1), above, perhaps offers the most accessible version to begin with, with no loss of power or significance.



1) Emptiness Dancing

2) The Impact of Awakening

3) True Meditation

Modern teacher Adyashanti brings many profound insights to the student on the Path of enlightenment. There is great clarity about the process of undoing the personal sense of self, and considerable skill at addressing students at many levels. He goes to the heart of many of the most profound and complex questions of the Path, and reduces them to their simple essence. Many have also found his audio CD’s of retreats and satsangs very helpful too.

His website is:

Huang Po


1) The Zen Teachings of Huang Po

Classic of Zen Buddhism, Huang Po’s teachings are very clear, succinct and powerful, and offer, in a different language, the way to revealing one’s Universal nature as Mind.

Roshi Philip Kapleau

[pic] [pic]

1) The Three Pillars of Zen

One of the modern classics on Zen Buddhism, Kapleau’s book has been an inspiration to many in the West about the teaching, practice and way of enlightenment that is Zen. Now in its 25th Anniversary Edition, it is filled with stories and quotes from the author’s own Japanese Zen teachers, elucidating much of the nuance and color of the Path. This also includes interviews with students where the true nature of the Path to awakening is illuminated. Still regarded as the seminal book of the modern era on Zen Buddhism.

Franklin Merrell Wolff


1) Experience and philosophy

This contains his two works, “Pathways Through to Space” together with “Consciousness without an Object”. This 20th Century American philosopher and sage is perhaps one of the least known ‘great beings’. It seems that Merrell Wolff reached the very pinnacle of enlightenment, describing states ‘beyond Nirvana’. He writes: “My final word on this particular subject is: I sought a Goal the existence of which I had become convinced was highly probable. I succeeded in finding this Goal, and now I KNOW, and can also say to all others: ‘IT IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH ANYTHING THAT IT MAY COST, AND IMMEASURABLY MORE.’” His writing style can be dense and academic, but no less powerful for that if you can manage to work your way through it.

You can read about him on the websites:

Jesus Christ


1) ‘The Red Letter edition’ of The Bible

Certainly one of the Greatest and best known of all the Liberated Ones. Though a genuine seeker on the Path of Enlightenment may not have any particular interest in Christianity or the religion that has evolved from the original oral teachings, Christ’s words themselves (or those allegedly spoken by Him) have immense power and resonance, and are more and more illuminating the further one walks down the Path (so to speak). With greater spiritual maturity, it becomes easier to see what Christ was pointing at and more of what the real meaning of His words was (as distinct from more conventional religious interpretations). The Red Letter edition of the Bible contains his words specially highlighted in red. There are also various other gospels which allegedly contain his more controversial and more radical teachings which were either suppressed or simply didn’t make it into the mainstream religious canon. However, so vast is the mythology and writing surrounding this pivotal figure of history, that it is a research project in itself to find the most authentic material from Christ or about Him.

Lao Tzu


1) Tao Te Ching – an English version by Stephen Mitchell

2) The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu – by Hua Hu Ching

The classic of Taoist literature, this is a work of immense power and disarming simplicity, which can be read in half an hour, and expresses the way of living of the Awakened Mind. This version of the Tao was the inspiration for Byron Katie’s recent book, A Thousand Names For Joy. (Stephen Mitchell is her husband.) The power of this version is its simplicity, and its modern rendition, without leaving behind any of its depth and power. It is inspiring and a great addition to the library of any true seeker of Truth.

The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu (2, above) is a collection of 81 lessons for attaining enlightenment and peace of mind. The book was once banned in China, and so the lessons were passed on orally from teacher to student. They are simple, beautiful and inspirational.

Shiva Bala Yogi


1) Divine Play: The Silent Teaching of Shiva Bala Yogi – Tom Palotas

Indian Self-realized master of the 20th Century who began his ‘sadhana’ while barely in his teens, under the guidance and visionary inspiration of Lord Shiva himself, and then proceeded to meditate for 12 years in seclusion, the first 8 of which were spent in Samadhi for 23 hours each day, taking a break only to drink a little milk and wash. Became a prolific teacher and initiated many into his meditative technique. Was said to have a very unusual degree of operational influence as the Universal Mind. He claims to be even more available to devotees today, now that he is free of the restriction of his body.

His website is:

Ch’an Master Sheng Yen


1) Getting the Buddha Mind

2) Complete Enlightenment

3) There is no suffering

4) The Sword of Wisdom

Self-Realized Zen Master, Sheng Yen is the lineage holder and flag bearer for the Chinese stream of Zen, called Ch’an. There is a noticeable sweetness and fullness of heart energy in Sheng Yen, perhaps unusual in the Zen tradition. His works bring forth great clarity about some of the obstacles to Liberation, and the importance and varying methods of practice for clearing the Mind. His commentaries on the Heart Sutra are illuminating. His website, below, contains more details of his books and biographical details.

Neem Karoli Baba


1) Miracle of Love

2) By His Grace – A devotee’s story

It seems he was one of the great Liberated Ones of history. Here is a commentary on the “Miracle of Love”: ‘This book is a marvelous collection of anecdotes and teaching stories from the devotees of Neem Karoli Baba, a true "Avadhut" (one who has "shaken off" the world, to exist as a wandering vessel of God) of the Hindu tradition, but who transcended all traditional spiritual paths. He was impossible to classify or pin down. ‘Maharajji’, as he was lovingly called, would simply wander into a village and stay awhile, while people offered fruits and sat at his feet, then he would abruptly disappear into the jungle. He would laugh, scold, hug, talk briefly, or just sit. Miracles occurred often in his presence. Maharajji's only teachings seemed to be love, serve and see God in everything. No one could keep him in one place, not even police or jail cells. When the time came to leave a place, he just left. He was simply an old man in a plaid blanket, full of humor and love, who shone the Light of Eternal Consciousness.’ See

Shirdi Sai Baba


1) The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi – Antonio Rigopoulos

This is not the better known and more controversial Sai Baba of modern times (Satya Sai Baba). Sai Baba of Shirdi lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his life is much less known. This is an insightful and penetrating portrait and biography of the one of the greatest saints of India. Considered as an incarnation in the Avadhuta tradition of Masters, Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi is a living god for millions of Indians today. It seems also that he may have been one of the select group of Liberated Beings.



1) Bhagawan Nityananda – by Swami Muktananda

Nityananda was a highly illumined Indian Saint, who was also the guru of the better known Swami Muktananda (who, on his Guru’s instruction, came to the West to found and spread Siddha Yoga). This is a loving biography and tribute to his life and Being by Muktananda. It is a story filled with miracles, love, devotion to God, the power of Siddha Yoga, and in particular the author's expressions of indebtedness to the man who made him what he was.

Jean Klein


1) Transmission of the Flame

2) Living Truth: Where time and timelessness meet

3) Ease of Being

4) I Am

Western teacher of the 20th Century who wrote very powerfully of the nature of Reality and on many subjects of modern life which are touched and seen differently in the light of higher consciousness. Like the best of the Western enlightened masters, his gift was to express the Path and the Truth in a modern simple western idiom, free of some of the cultural references and terminology that can make it less accessible to the western mind.

Here is a link to buy some of his books which are not ordinarily available:

Wei Wu Wei


1) Ask The Awakened

Wei Wu Wei’s directness and powerful facility with language help to illuminate the Path and explain the unexplainable. An Englishman who became a living example and a scholar of the Eastern teachings of enlightenment, his works help to prize the very essence of the Truth from within its local cultural context and speak of it powerfully in a western idiom.

As one commentator wrote: ‘Wei Wu Wei goes right for the root. He takes away everything, and leaves nothing. Then he takes that away.’ Another says of the book, Ask the Awakened, ‘this is a rich and beautiful collection of short essays, quotes, and commentaries regarding the glorious "path" of nondualist realization. The mysterious Wei Wu Wei shares wondrous bits of the highest wisdom from his own understandings and insights but also quotes liberally from taoism, zen, vedanta, buddhism, and other more obscure sources. This vital collection includes over 100 short pieces, some a page or two, some only a paragraph. We know little about the "author". We know he spent time with the great Ramana Maharshi in India before Ramana died. However, the author's own high realization shines through as he beautifully develops his "negative way" theme in this great book. For the reader interested in giving up his self in favor of his Self, this grand collection (and his other books) offers much to ponder, numerous fingers pointing at the moon.’

If you have any questions about the material presented in this document, or about the subject matter it deals with, please feel free to contact Patrick Connor at:


Bookstores and online book resources:

Most teachers have their own websites dedicated to the dissemination of their work and teachings, or else they have sites dedicated to them by their devotees. These are often excellent and more complete sources for books, audio CD’s and other material. Below are links to some of the best online sources for spiritual books, and to some of the best offline spiritual bookstores in the world.

1) Amazon:

2) The Blue Dove Press:

3) The Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Los Angeles, CA, USA:

4) Non Duality Press:

5) East West Books, New York City, NY, USA:

6) Transitions Bookplace, Chicago, IL, USA:

7) Full Circle Bookstore, New Delhi, India:

8) Watkins Bookstore, London, UK:

Link to other local USA Spiritual Bookstores:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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