International Online High School




1. YOUR ASSIGNMENTS are on this SYLLABUS.  READ IT ALL BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR WORK. Links for assignments are on this document. For textual readings, use the “Access Class Downloads” link on your class page. Any additional links will be on this syllabus.  


A. FIRST, complete your assignments for “WEEK ONE” on paper or computer. Essays MUST be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman black font. Always save your work. Always type final work unless it is a drawing or graph. DO NOT SUBMIT SCANS OF WORK that are not for the purpose of a special project, art, or a mathematical graph or hand done math worksheet by which the answers could not be typed. Still copy that scan or photo to this document. Keep photos/images small.

B. NEXT, Type or copy & paste typed responses that you have prepared, in the spaces provided on THIS DOCUMENT. Only add your responses in the boxes that ask for them – such as “Add Responses Here”. Some assignments may require you to upload a photo or scan. PROOFREAD and double check your work. REPEAT “A” AND “B” FOR EACH WEEK. Save your work.

C. Then, submit your form with the ALL FIVE WEEKS COMPLETED.   DO NOT SUBMIT WEEK BY WEEK. WE NO LONGER ACCEPT WORK WEEKLY. YOU MUST SUBMIT ALL FIVE WEEKS AT ONCE. Go to the website and select “Student Services” and then “Submit Your 5-Week Portfolio”.

3. GRADES: The evaluator will grade each weekly assignment and average your grades. You will receive a reply in about 5 business days. Your 5 weekly grades must average to a 2 (“C”) or better to receive your credit.

You will be given only ONE ADDITIONAL opportunity to improve your averaged grade so submit your best.  If your course does not require a final exam, you will receive a Grade Report as your official transcript for the completion of your class. If your class requires a final exam then you must request it (Read #4).

4. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT: If your syllabus says “REQUEST YOUR FINAL EXAM”; then you must return to the school’s website and request your final exam. You will need to ask a non-related adult to supervise you while you test online. This can be a teacher or counselor or family friend. If it is not a school counselor, you will need to provide the persons legal ID number on your request form. All components of your course, including your final exam must be completed by the end of the 8th week from the time of your registration. YOU WILL NOT BE REMINDED NOR RECEIVE EXTRA TIME – your class will close after the allotted 8 weeks and you will not be issued a credit. If you have a medical emergency preventing you from completing your class, contact the number below.

5. MESSAGE directly from the site for assistance. Also use the “Homework Help” assistance form the website. For urgent matters call Dr. Stroud TUES – THUR 10AM TO 6PM at 773-499-2668 or text MON – FRI 9AM – 5PM

Plagiarism Statement

I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts of which I will be immediately expelled without refund:

• To submit an essay written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own.

• To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source.

• To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the source.

• To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source.

• To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the source.

• To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher.

• To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information--including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers.

• To copy another student's work and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor.



|Course LAN129: SPANISH I: This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking and writing, providing opportunities to make and respond to basic |

|requests and questions, understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address, participate in brief guided conversations on familiar topics, and write |

|short. This course also emphasizes the development of reading and listening comprehension skills, such as reading isolated words and phrases in a situational |

|context and comprehending brief written or oral directions. Additionally, students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking |

|culture; recognize basic routine practices of the target culture; and recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. |

|Online Spanish Course |

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|Use for practice and to complete assignments |

|Spanish Dictionary |

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|This Spanish class is fully online. Use the link above to access course materials. You will be provided flash cards, recordings, practice tests, and videos. |

|Please do not register for online tutors; this component is unnecessary and not free. Pace yourself. With proper pacing, you WILL finish in 5 weeks. Because |

|this course is self-directed, you will have to decide when you feel ready for your final exam which is with your class downloads. |

|GO TO |

|ASSIGNMENT: Complete sections 1 – 5 online – Study and do all exercises |

|Scroll to bottom of the webpage and click "index" - then you will find the assignments.  You can number them and you'll do them as listed on your syllabus |

|Index of Spanish Lessons |

|Spanish I |

|Basic Spanish Phrases |

|Pronunciation |

|Alphabet |

|Nouns, Articles, and Demonstratives |

|Subject Pronouns |

|SCREENSHOT RESULTS: Copy/Paste your screenshots below |

|For Exercises results for Section 1 |

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|Fill In The Blanks for Category: names_1 |

|Highlight or make bold the best option that completes each sentence. |

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|1) Me _________ Jennifer. (llama, soy, llames, llamo) |

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|2) Me _________ María. (llama, llame, llamo) |

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|3) _________, me llamo Roberta. (Bola, Mola, Cola, Hola) |

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|Dialog 1, Pedro y Julia |

|Julia es una estudiante de la Universidad de México. Estudia en la biblioteca, cuando Pedro llega.  |

|Pedro : ¡Julia, hola! |

|Julia : Pedro, buenos días. ¿Comó estas? |

|Pedro : Bien, gracias. ¿Y tu? |

|Julia : Así, así. Yo estudio para un examen. |

|Pedro : ¿Cuál examen? |

|Julia : La historia de México. |

|Pedro : Ah... ¡Buena suerte! |

|ASSIGNMENT: Questions |

|What do you think the relationship between Julia and Pedro is? Are they strangers, or friends? |

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|What was Julia doing before greeting Pedro? |

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|What might Julia be worrying about? |

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|Fill In The Blanks for Category: adjectives |

|Highlight or make bold the best option that completes each sentence. |

|1) perro _________ |

|(bonito, bonitos, bonita, bonitas) |

| |

|2) reloj _________ |

|(nueve, nuevos, nueva, nuevo) |

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|3) avión _________ |

|(granda, grand, grande, grandes) |

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|4) La pelota es _________ y blanca. |

|(azul, azules, bluzul) |

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|5) Ellos llevaron _________ maletas. |

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|(pronto, poca, muchas) |

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|Fill In The Blanks for Category: introductions |

|Highlight or make bold the best option that completes each sentence. |

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|1) _________ presentarme. Mi nombre es... |

|(Déjarme, Déjame) |

| |

|2) _________ presentarme. Mi nombre es... |

|(Déme, Déjeme) |

| |

|3) _________ es mi novio. |

|(Este, Esta) |

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|4) Buenos días, Luis, te _________ a un amigo. |

|(presento, presentamos) |

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|5) _________ presentarme. Mi nombre es... |

|(Déjeme, Digame) |

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|6) Hola, _________ Robert. |

|(me llama, my nameo, me llamo) |

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|7) Estoy _________ de conocerla. |

|(encantade, encantada, enchantado) |

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|8) Mucho gusto, me _________ Patty. |

|(llamas, llamar, llamo) |

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|9) Te quiero _________ a un amigo. |

|(presenta, presentar) |

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|10) _________ es su novia. |

|(Esto, Esta) |

|Beginner Spanish No. 1: Introducciones |

|ASSIGNMENT: Type an eight sentence paragraph below, introducing yourself to your instructor. Use the examples below for a guideline. |


|Soy______________ |

|I'm ____________ |

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|Soy Jennifer |

|I'm Jennifer |

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|¡Hola, soy Jennifer! Tengo 9 años. Vivo en Houston, Texas con mi madre, mi padre y mis dos hermanos. Me gusta ir a la escuela pero odio hacer tareas y tomar |

|exámenes. En la escuela estudio inglés, español, ciencia, sociales y matemáticas. Amo ir a la escuela y ver a mis amigos y profesores todos los días. También me |

|gusta jugar béisbol después de la escuela. Yo no tengo hermanas, pero mi mejor amiga Olga es como mi hermana. Nosotras nos contamos todo. También estudiamos y |

|vemos televisión juntas. Cuando crezca voy a ser enfermera y voy a cuidar a las personas enfermas. |

|Hi! I’m Jennifer! I am 9 years old. I live in Houston, Texas with my mother, father, and two brothers. I like going to school but I hate doing homework and taking |

|exams. At school I study English, Spanish, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics. I love going to school and seeing my friends and teachers every day. I also |

|like to play baseball after school. I don’t have a sister but my best friend Olga is just like my sister. We tell each other everything. We also study and watch TV|

|together. When I grow up I’m going to be a nurse and take care of sick people. |

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|Me llamo Martha |

|My name is Martha |

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|Hola, mi nombre es Martha. Tengo 41 años y soy casada con dos hijos. Vivo en Hoboken, que está en el estado de Nueva Jersey, en la costa este de los Estados |

|Unidos. Trabajo medio tiempo en una librería. Es un gran trabajo. Puedo leer tantos libros gratis como quiera y puedo pasar bastante tiempo con mis hijos. Mi |

|esposo tiene su propio negocio y trabaja de las 8 de la mañana a las 9 de la noche. Un día él venderá el negocio por mucho dinero para poder pasar más tiempo con |

|su familia. Cuando no estoy trabajando, paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo limpiando la casa, lavando la ropa, pagando las cuentas y cocinando para la familia. Me |

|gustaría que mi esposo vendiera su negocio pronto para que pudiera pasar más tiempo con nosotros. |

|Hello ! My name is Martha. I am 41 years old, married with 2 kids. I live in Hoboken which is in the state of New Jersey on the east coast of the United States. I |

|work part-time in a bookstore. It is a great job. I can read as many books as I want for free and I get to spend plenty of time with my kids. My husband has his |

|own business and works from 8am to 9pm. One day he will sell the business for a lot of money so that he can spend more time with his family. When I am not working,|

|I spend most of my time cleaning the house, doing the laundry, paying the bills and cooking for the family. I would like my husband to sell his business soon so |

|that he can spend more time with us. |

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|Mi nombre es Marco |

|My name is Marco |

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|Hola, mi nombre es Marco. Tengo 17 años y me mudé a los Estados Unidos con mis padres hace 2 años, desde el Perú. No tengo hermanos o hermanas; soy hijo único. Mis|

|padres vinieron a los Estados Unidos porque no pudieron encontrar trabajo en el Perú. Mi tía y tío se mudaron aquí hace 12 años y tienen un restaurante. Mi padre |

|trabaja como chef y mi madre trabaja como mesera en el restaurante. Es un trabajo difícil pero ellos están felices de tener ahora suficiente dinero y de que yo |

|tenga la oportunidad de obtener una buena educación. Dejar el Perú fue difícil para mí. Allá tenía mucha familia y amigos. Yo sólo podía hablar un poco de inglés y|

|mi familia no tenía mucho dinero. Las cosas van mejor ahora. He hecho algunos amigos y estoy aprendiendo inglés rápido. Me voy a graduar de preparatoria el próximo|

|año y espero ir a la universidad. Después de eso obtendré un trabajo como ingeniero y haré mucho dinero para que mis padres ya no tengan que trabajar tan duro. |

|Hi ! My name is Marco. I am 17 years old and moved to the United States 2 years ago from Peru with my parents. I don’t have any brothers or sisters; I am an only |

|child. My parents came to the US because they could not find work in Peru. My Aunt and Uncle had moved here 12 years ago and own a restaurant. My father works as a|

|chef and my mother works as a waitress at the restaurant. It is hard work but they are happy that they now have enough money and that I have the opportunity to get|

|a good education. Leaving Peru was hard for me. I had a lot of family and friends there. I could speak very little English and my family didn’t have a lot of |

|money. Things are better now. I have made a few friends and I am learning English fast. I will graduate High School next year and hope to go to college. After that|

|I will get a job as an Engineer and make a lot of money so that my parents don’t have to work so hard anymore. |

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|GO TO |

|ASSIGNMENT: Complete sections 6 – 10 online – Study and do all exercises |

|Scroll to bottom of the webpage and click "index" - then you will find the assignments.  You can number them and you'll do them as listed on your syllabus |

|Index of Spanish Lessons |

|Spanish I |

|To Be & to Have |

|Question Words |

|Numbers |

|Days of the Week |

|Months of the Year |

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|SCREENSHOT RESULTS: Copy/Paste Exercises results for Sections 6, 7 and 8 |

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|Latin Culture |

|ASSIGNMENT: Pretend that you are a travel agent and are persuading me to visit each location below. Create an informative colorful flyer IN ENGLISH for each |

|travel destination below. Share photos and a description of the country’ |







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|GO TO |

|ASSIGNMENT: Complete sections 11 – 15 online – Study and do all exercises |

|SCREENSHOT RESULTS: Copy/Paste Exercises results for Sections 13, 14 and 15 |

|Scroll to bottom of the webpage and click "index" - then you will find the assignments.  You can number them and you'll do them as listed on your syllabus |

|Index of Spanish Lessons |

|Spanish I |

|Seasons and Directions |

|Colors and Shapes |

|Time |

|Weather |

|Prepositions |

|ASSIGNMENT - RESEARCH: Select one and share a 4 page report. Make sure you give citations for your sources. Report what is of interest to YOU on the topic. |

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|La Quinceañera (15 year old birthday celebration in México) |

|Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) |

|Semana Santa (Holy Week in Spain) |

|La Navidad (Christmas in Spanish Speaking countries) |

|Día de Los Tres Reyes (Three Kings Day in Spanish Speaking countries) |

|San Fermines (Running of the Bulls) |

|Aztecs, Incas OR Mayas |

|Cinco de Mayo Revolution |

|Music AND Dance of México and/or Spain |

|Artists of Spain and/or México |

|National Dress of Spanish speaking countries |

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|Sentence Match Quiz for Category: expressions_1 |

|Highlight or make bold the sentence that matches each item below. |

| |

|1) Yo quería que Juan se apurara. |

|- A: If only you knew! |

|- B: I don´t understand anything. |

|- C: in the afternoon (no specific time) |

|- D: I wanted John to hurry. |

|2) hace fresco |

|- A: He never complains. |

|- B: Juan, hurry. |

|- C: He speaks as fast as a train. |

|- D: it's cool |

|3) Todo el cuerpo. |

|- A: What's up? |

|- B: The entire body. |

|- C: The weather is good. |

|- D: How are you? |

|4) Tengo que apurarme. |

|- A: all you can eat |

|- B: I won't pay the rent unless they fix the roof. |

|- C: to agree |

|- D: I have to hurry. |

|5) Lo haría por tu bien. |

|- A: all you can eat |

|- B: nothing to declare |

|- C: soaked to the skin |

|- D: She would do it for your own good. |

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|Sentence Match Quiz for Category: cognates_1 |

|Highlight or make bold the sentence that matches each item below. |

| |

|1) Él corrige los documentos. |

|- A: The melons and watermelons are typical in summer. |

|- B: This car has a manual transmission. |

|- C: He corrects the documents. |

|- D: It's convenient to take warm clothes because in the countryside it can be quite cold |

|2) La hamburguesa lleva lechuga, cebolla, tomate, pepinillos y doble de queso |

|- A: Do you like the apartment? |

|- B: The hamburger has lettuce, onion, tomato, pickles, and double cheese |

|- C: Yours are horrible. |

|- D: It was delicious. |

|3) Los melones y sandías son típicos de la época estival. |

|- A: You are livid! (feminine) |

|- B: The animal with the longest neck is the giraff. |

|- C: I like khaki trousers. |

|- D: The melons and watermelons are typical in summer. |

|4) El tren de cercanías llega hasta la terminal dos del aeropuerto |

|- A: How much are the tomatoes? |

|- B: This car has a manual transmission. |

|- C: This apartment has central air conditioning. |

|- D: The suburban train goes to the terminal two of the airport |

|5) A mí me gustan los pantalones caqui. |

|- A: I like khaki trousers. |

|- B: Yours are horrible. |

|- C: The hamburger has lettuce, onion, tomato, pickles, and double cheese |

|- D: The operator's manual lists directions for that on page ten. |

|6) ¡Estás lívida! |

|- A: You are livid! (feminine) |

|- B: I never carry a map. |

|- C: I like to travel in first class. |

|- D: The operator's manual lists directions for that on page ten. |

|7) Siga las instrucciones exactamente. |

|- A: Follow the directions exactly. |

|- B: The hamburger has lettuce, onion, tomato, pickles, and double cheese |

|- C: Do you have identification? |

|- D: How much are the tomatoes? |

|8) El manual de operador incluye instrucciones para eso en la página diez. |

|- A: The operator's manual lists directions for that on page ten. |

|- B: This car has a manual transmission. |

|- C: The hamburger has lettuce, onion, tomato, pickles, and double cheese |

|- D: The active ingredients are listed on the back of the package. |

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|Sentence Match Quiz for Category: courtesy_1 |

|Highlight or make bold the sentence that matches each item below. |

| |

|1) Muchas gracias. |

|- A: Thank you very much. |

|- B: The steak for me, please. |

|- C: And you guys, could you come? |

|- D: I would like a price quote for a room. |

|2) ¿Me pudiera dar un asiento de ventana, por favor? |

|- A: Would you be able to give me a window seat, please? |

|- B: I would like a glass of water. |

|- C: I would like to make a reservation. |

|- D: I would like to change some traveler’s checks, please. |

|3) ¿Me prestaría una pluma, por favor? |

|- A: Would you lend me a pen, please? |

|- B: I would like a glass of orange juice. |

|- C: I am very sorry, but we have no rooms available. |

|- D: Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is? |

|4) Quisiera un vaso de agua. |

|- A: Excuse me, where is the park? |

|- B: Pardon me, I will arrive as soon as I can. |

|- C: Can I pay by card? |

|- D: I would like a glass of water. |

|5) Yo quisiera un vaso de jugo de naranja. |

|- A: Thank you for buying at... |

|- B: Oh! Sorry, I'll put it for you in a moment. |

|- C: Thank you very much. |

|- D: I would like a glass of orange juice. |

|6) Y vosotros ¿podríais venir? |

|- A: And you guys, could you come? |

|- B: Thank you very much. |

|- C: Would you be able to give me a window seat, please? |

|- D: I would like a glass of water. |

|7) Gracias por comprar en... |

|- A: When you say "Thank you" the correct answer is "you are welcome". |

|- B: I would like to have some information about package tours in the north of Spain. |

|- C: Thanks, that's good. |

|- D: Thank you for buying at... |

|8) El filete para mí, por favor. |

|- A: The steak for me, please. |

|- B: Twenty liters of unleaded gasoline, please. |

|- C: Excuse me, is this downtown? |

|- D: Would you lend me a pen, please? |

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|Sentence Match Quiz for Category: hacer_weather_1 |

|Highlight or make bold the sentence that matches each item below. |

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|1) Si hace calor hay que beber mucho líquido. |

|- A: If it is hot, you need to drink lots of water. |

|- B: It's hot. |

|- C: it's sunny |

|- D: there is a wind blowing outside |

|2) hace sol |

|- A: It's hot. |

|- B: If it is hot, you need to drink lots of water. |

|- C: Let's go to the beach, it's incredibly sunny. |

|- D: it's sunny |

|3) hace fresco |

|- A: it's windy |

|- B: Today is neither hot nor cold. |

|- C: It's sunny. |

|- D: it's cool |

|4) Hace calor. |

|- A: It's hot. |

|- B: The weather there is hot and it's very sunny. |

|- C: The weather is bad. |

|- D: it's sunny |

|5) Hace mucho frío en el norte, pero por lo menos se usa la calefacción. |

|- A: The day started out hot but now it's cold. |

|- B: Let's go to the beach, it's incredibly sunny. |

|- C: What a good day it is today for a trip to the countryside! |

|- D: It's cold up north, but at least they use heaters. |

|6) Hace viento. |

|- A: it's warm (hot) |

|- B: If the weather is good, we will go swimming. |

|- C: Since last night. It is so hot. |

|- D: It's windy. |

|7) ¡Qué buen día hace hoy para ir de excursión al campo! |

|- A: What a good day it is today for a trip to the countryside! |

|- B: The day started out hot but now it's cold. |

|- C: It is cold and I need a jacket, will you lend me yours? |

|- D: Its very cold. |

|8) Hoy no hace ni frío ni calor. |

|- A: The day started out hot but now it's cold. |

|- B: It's hot. |

|- C: Since last night. It is so hot. |

|- D: Today is neither hot nor cold. |


|GO TO |

|Complete sections 16 – 20 online – Study and do all exercises |

|Scroll to bottom of the webpage and click "index" - then you will find the assignments.  You can number them and you'll do them as listed on your syllabus |

|Index of Spanish Lessons |

|Spanish I |

|Time |

|Weather |

|Prepositions |

|Family and Animals |

|Possessive Adjectives |

|To Do / Make |

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|SCREENSHOT RESULTS: Copy/Paste Exercises results for Sections 17 and 20 |

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|Spanish-1 Weather Project |

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|*Using your laptops, find out today’s weather in each city below |

|*Give the weather report using THREE weather sentences for each city and include a photo of an appropriate weather picture for each city |

|(5 cities X 3 weather sentences each=15 sentences and 5 pictures total) |

|*At the top of the page, write out the date in Spanish (include day, #, and month) |

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|Cities: |

|Miami, Florida Tokyo, Japan |

|Buenos Aires, Argentina Kuala Lampur, Malaysia |

|Caracas, Venezuela Madrid, Spain |

|Anchorage, Alaska Tel Aviv, Israel |

|Melbourne, Australia San Juan, Puerto Rico |

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|Alternate Assignment: Build your vocabulary. Go to the link below and practice. |

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|Place a screenshot of your final score below. |

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|Place a screenshot of your final score below. |



|ASSIGNMENT: You must interview a Spanish Native – a person who was born in a Spanish Speaking country and spent at least 10 years living there. Provide below a |

|list of 20 questions along with their responses. Ask probing questions about their community and memories while living there. Be creative. |


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|DISH: |

|For this project you need to present a recipe and finished meal. The recipe has to be from a Spanish Speaking Country. You have complete freedom to choose the |

|country and the recipe. For this you might use a family recipe, a friend’s recipe, a recipe book, or simply look it up on the internet. |

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|Must include the following information: |

|Recipe and simple instructions |

|5 photos of the finished food that YOU prepared – You must be in at least one of the photos preparing the meal. |

|What interested you most about your country (cultural practice, product or perspective)? 1 full page |

|Have fun while you learn! |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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