The Professionals

The ProfessionalsKevin McCallionBenjiro NelsonJulie TrohanEkele OgbaduDesign DocumentThe Professionals:Group Leader:Kevin McCallionWeb Master / Database Expert:Benjiro NelsonDocumentation:Julie TrohanConsistency:Ekele OgbaduWe are a team of web developers taking CSCI304 at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania during the fall 2006 semester. Table of Contents:Section 1: Goals3Section 2: User Experience32.1Audience Definition32.2Audience level of experience32.3Scenarios42.4Competitive Analysis5Section 3: Site Content63.1 Contents:63.2 Functional Requirements63.3Database7Section 4: Site Architecture74.1 User Side Architecture74.2Admin Side Architecture84.3Database84.4Global and Local Navigation Systems9Section 5: Visual Design105.1 Standard User Content Page (Blank)105.2 Standard User Content Page (Sample)115.3Administration Interface125.4Information Modification Form13Section 1: Goals1.1 Purpose and mission:The Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival were created by Dr. Tim Thompson and his public relations classes in the fall of 1992. The Games and Festival were formed to provide and promote the gathering of Scottish Clans. The activities of the Games and Festival include traditional dancing, piping, drumming, athletic events, music, and Gaelic culture. The Games and Festival are located on the campus of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in Edinboro, PA and are held during the second weekend of May. The goal of the website is to provide detailed information about events, tickets, performances and other activities to visitors and participants. A second goal of the site is to provide an advertising media to people who are not familiar with the Highland Games. The site will allow visitors to sign up for different event and print out ticket request forms. The site will be logically arranged so that it can be easily maintained and updated in order to be reused during subsequent years.Section 2: User Experience2.1Audience Definition:During a meeting with Mr. Tim Thompson, the client for whom we are constructing the website, we were able to determine the different classes of visitors that we expected to view the Highland Games site.a. Festival participants who are already knowledgeable about the Games and who just need updated information.b. People from the area that have never been to the Highland Games but are interested in knowing more.c. People that have no idea about the Highland Games and just visited the site randomly.d. Festival participants who need to sign up for particular events.e. Sponsors of the festival who would like to know more.2.2Audience Level of Experience:While user experience might range from beginner to expert, the website will be designed to meet the need of all users. The site shall employ icons such as buttons that will be instantly recognizable to novice users. The buttons will change in order to denote what page of the site the user is currently viewing. We will actively try to avoid anything that could complicate the navigation process. 2.3ScenariosScenario 1:Character:I am interested in visiting the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival. I may or may not have been to the Games previously.Purpose:I need to know more information about what types of events the Highland Games includes. I also am interested in the ticket prices and the schedules. If the topic is interesting to me, I will want to read about the history of the Highland Games and Scottish Festival. I will also want to learn more about each of the events that make up the Highland Games.Potential Problems:The information provided has to grab the visitor’s attention so that they don’t instantly leave the site. The information must also be up to date and accurate. The site must be easy to navigate so that users don’t get lost or run into dead-ends. Scenario 2:Character:I am interested in participating in the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival.Purpose:I want to be able to sign up for any of the events that will be occurring at the Highland Games. I also want to see all schedules for the events.Potential Problems:The site must be easily navigated by this visitor type as well. The forms must collect all the necessary information and store it so that the coordinators of the event can get a list of all competitors.Scenario 3:Character:I am I need to update the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival webpage.Purpose:I am part of the committee that puts on the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival and I want to make updates to the site. I don’t know much about computers or how to make changes to HTML. Potential Problems:The site needs to be updated every time the information changes. We will implement a series of HTML forms to enable addition, modification, and deletion of information from the website. The forms will use PHP to interact with out database that will store all the information about events, performances and other petitive AnalysisThe main competitors to the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival are the other Highland Games websites on the internet. Although they are not very harsh competitors, due to geographic location, we still evaluated a few of the most popular Highland Games sites.a. Grandfather Mountain Highland Games Homepage ()This site has a lot of content, but the visual appeal is lacking. The site contains a plethora of information about all the activities that they conduct and the associated schedules. They even have an online store for merchandise and various video clips.b. New Hampshire Highland Games ()This site definitely has a more professional look to it, when compared to the last one. They effectively used graphics to present a visually appealing, attention grabbing, main page. These good looks might come at the cost of a long load time for dial-up users however. They also implemented things such as search boxes and countdown timers, which would slow load times even more. The site is not as straightforward with its navigation as it could be, but if you look around you can find what you want.The Edinboro Highland Games site will try to use the best parts of both these sites. We will use effective navigation techniques and good content, in combination with an attractive design that grabs user’s attention.Section 3: Content3.1Contents:a. The entry page will contain recent news bulletins and a general welcome message. b. There will be a global navigation bar on the left side of every page. The links in this bar are:1. Home2. EventsThis page will contain schedules and general information about:-Scottish Dancing-Heavy Athletics-Piping and Drumming3. PerformancesThis page will contain schedules of the different musical performances. It will also contain short biographies about the performers and picture galleries.4. HistoryThis page will contain an essay about the history of the Highland Games at Edinboro and in general. It may also contain a basic history of Scotland or Edinboro University.5. CompetitorsThis page will have HTML forms for people wishing to compete in the three “events” will need to fill out.6. TicketsThis page will contain a PDF document that visitors can print out and mail in.7. SponsorsThis page will contain a list of all the sponsors, a brief description and a link to their respective websites.8. ContactThis page will contain all the contact information for the Edinboro Highland Games. 3.2Functional Requirementsa. The website should be easy to navigate.b. The website should be visually appealing and attractive.c. The website should be accessible to all potential users.-Disabled-Slow Connections (dial-up)DatabaseThe Contents table includes:Title “varchar(25)”HTML ”text”Events, Performers, Competitors“Users descriptions of the titles”The Image table includes:Filename “varchar(50)Images/example.jpgSection 4: Site ArchitectureUser Side:Key: E – EventsP – PerformancesH – HistoryC – CompetitorsT – TicketsS – SponsorsX - ContactAdmin Side:Key: V – View InformationD – Delete InformationA – Add InformationM – Modify InformationDatabaseThe database will include the following tables:ContentImagesContent:The content table contains the contents for each individual page. The content tables store text for the webpage’s in HTML code.Images:The image table contains links to the images that are posted on the website. Global and Local Navigation SystemsGlobal:There will be a navigation bar on the left side of every page the user will see. This will provide an easy and intuitive method of switching between topics (pages). The buttons on the navigation bar will change color to denote the current page. There will always be a “Home” button on top so the user can start over.Local:Where needed, anchor tags will be implemented to navigate longer content pages. Admin:The administration interface will simply be a page where an activity will be chosen. A new window will pop up based on what event was chosen.Miscellaneous: There will be a bar at the bottom that will include links to the administrator page, a privacy policy and a link back to EUP’s website.Section 5: Visual DesignStandard User Content Page (Blank)Standard User Content Page (Sample)Administration InterfaceInformation Modification Form ................

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