Readers’ Workshop Unit of Study Year-long Planner

Readers’ Workshop Unit of Study Year-long Planner: Grade Two

|Month |Unit of Study |Key Focus Lessons |

|September |Launching Readers’ Workshop |What is Readers’ Workshop? |

| | |Procedures & routines of RW |

| | |Choosing “just right” books |

| | |Reading is thinking |

|October |Retelling |Story structure & elements |

| | |Story sequence |

| | |Using graphic organizers to retell |

|November |Monitoring for Meaning |Stop and think while reading |

| | |Readers ask M, S, V questions |

| | |Strategies to solve unknown words |

| | |Use fix-up strategies at the word and passage level |

|December |Creating Sensory Images |Making mind movies/visualizing |

| | |Use sensory image to understand |

| | |Our sensory images are different from each other and |

| | |illustrations |

|January |Making Connections |Using schema to understand |

| | |Making meaningful connections |

| | |Our schema changes |

|February |Asking Questions |Questioning before, during, & after reading |

| | |Different kinds of questions |

| | |Purposes of asking questions |

| | |Finding answers to questions in text |

|March |Inferring |What is inferring? |

| | |Answering questions not in text |

| | |Character traits & development |

| | |Author’s theme and/or message |

|April |Genre Study: Nonfiction |Characteristics of nonfiction |

| | |Differences between fiction & NF |

| | |Understanding & using conventions of NF to locate info. |

|May |Determining Importance |Differences between important & interesting information |

| | |Determining important plot events & theme in fiction |

|June |Author Study |Building schema for an author |

| | |Making text to text connections |

| | |Review grade 2 comprehension strategies as needed |

Launching Readers’ Workshop Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What is Readers’ Workshop? |What is an anchor chart? |We are all readers. |Getting to know our classroom library |How to take care of books |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What kind of reader are you? |How to turn and talk about a favorite |How do we listen? |Respecting other readers |What is a book bag? / Choosing a “just|

| |book | | |right” book |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Choosing a reading spot Day 1 |Choosing a reading spot Day 2 |Why do readers leave their spot? |How do we swap books? |What is an independent reading |

| | | | |conference? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Growing a conversation |How to partner read |Building stamina |Keeping a log of our reading – |Readers think as they read. |

| | | |introduce book logs | |

Retelling Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What is retelling? |Retelling helps you understand |Good readers retell stories from their|Good readers stop, think, and remember|Good readers can retell simple |

| | |own lives. |elements of a story. |stories. |

|Good readers can name the characters |Good readers understand that settings |Good readers can name the problem and |Good readers can name the problem and |Good readers can identify the |

|and setting in their retelling. |can change. |solution of a story. |solution of a story. |structure of a familiar story |

| | |Day 1 |Day 2 |(beginning, middle, & end). |

| | | | | |

|Good readers can retell a story in the|Good readers can record the retelling |Good readers find and use important |Good readers find and use important |Giving a book talk |

|correct sequence. |of a story. |language from the text in their |language from the text in their | |

| | |retelling. Day 1 |retelling. Day 2 | |

|Good readers practice retelling with |Good readers practice retelling longer|Good readers practice retelling longer|Good readers practice retelling in |Good readers practice retelling in |

|partners. |texts. |texts. |writing. |writing. |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 1 |Day 2 |

Monitoring for Meaning Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Good readers are thinkers. |Good readers listen to their inner |Good readers leave tracks of their |Good readers make mental pictures to |Good readers stop when they no longer |

| |voice. |thinking. |increase understanding. |have a mental picture of the text. |

| | | | | |

|Good readers stop reading when they |Good readers stop reading when they |Good readers notice when something |Good readers stop, think, and react to|Good readers stop, think, and react to|

|are unfocused. |are confused. |doesn’t make sense. |nonfiction. |nonfiction. |

| | | |DAY 1 |DAY 2 |

|Good readers stop when a word doesn’t |Good readers ask themselves three |Good readers use pictures to make |Good readers sometimes skip and |Good readers use sounds and chunks to |

|make sense. |questions. Does it look right? Sound |meaning of text. |unknown word, read on to the end of |figure out unknown words |

| |right? Make sense? | |the sentence, and then go back to | |

| | | |figure out the unknown word. | |

|Good readers use word families (word |Good readers reread when their reading|Good readers reread when their reading| | |

|patterns) to figure out unknown words.|doesn’t make sense. |doesn’t make sense. | | |

| |DAY 1 |DAY 2 | | |

Creating Sensory Images Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What are sensory images? |Sensory images help us to better |Readers see pictures in their minds |Readers also use the senses of |Why do readers create sensory images? |

| |understand and remember the story. |based on words and pictures from the |hearing, smell, touch, and taste to |Start anchor chart. |

| | |text. |enhance their sensory images. | |

|Why do readers create sensory images? |Good readers create sensory images |Good readers create sensory images |Recording our sensory images using |Everyone creates different sensory |

|Continue anchor chart. |that are full of detail. |that are full of detail. |illustrations and/or words |images based on their schema. DAY 1 |

| |DAY 1 |DAY 2 | | |

| | | | |Reading With Meaning, |

| | | | |Debbie Miller, pg. 93 |

|Everyone creates different sensory |Readers show evidence to support their|Readers show evidence to support their|Readers change their sensory images as|Readers change their sensory images as|

|images based on their schema. DAY 2 |sensory images based on the text |sensory images based on the text |they read based on the text. |they read based on the text. |

| |and/or their own schema. DAY 1 |and/or their own schema. DAY 2 |DAY 1 |DAY 2 |

|Reading With Meaning, | | | | |

|Debbie Miller, pg. 93 | | | | |

|Readers change their sensory images |Readers change their sensory images |Good readers create sensory images as |Good readers create sensory images as | |

|based on the conversations they have |based on the conversations they have |they read and listen to nonfiction. |they read and listen to poetry. | |

|with others. |with others. | | | |

|DAY 1 |DAY 2 | | | |

|Reading With Meaning, |Reading With Meaning, | | | |

|Debbie Miller, pg. 89 |Debbie Miller, pg. 89 | | | |

Making Connections Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What is making connections? |What is schema? What is your schema? |Good readers use their schema to |Readers have different schema. |Readers use their schema before they |

| | |better understand a story. | |read. |

| | | | | |

|Readers use their schema while they |Readers use their schema after they |Readers make text-to-self connections.|Readers make text-to-self connections.|Readers make text-to-text connections.|

|read. |read. | | | |

| | |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 1 |

|Readers make text-to-text connections.|Readers make text-to-world |Readers make text-to-world |Making meaningful connections |Making meaningful connections |

| |connections. |connections. |Day 1 |Day 2 |

|Day 2 |Day 1 |Day 2 | | |

| | | | | |

|Schema changes as we’re reading |Schema changes as we’re reading |Good readers understand how schema |Good readers understand how schema | |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |changes their understanding of a text |changes their understanding of a text | |

| | |as they read. |as they read. | |

| | |Day 1 |Day 2 | |

|See Debbie Miller chart, page 68 |See Debbie Miller chart, page 68 | | | |

Asking Questions Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Readers ask questions. |Readers look for answers to their |Readers look for answers to their |Why do readers ask questions before, |Good readers ask questions while |

| |questions in the text. Day 1 |questions in the text. Day 2 |during, and after their reading? |taking a picture walk to become |

| | | | |familiar with the format of the book. |

| | | |Start anchor chart | |

|Good readers ask questions to predict |Good readers ask questions to revise |Good readers ask questions to clarify |Good readers ask questions to clarify |Good readers ask questions to clarify |

|what will happen next. |their predictions based on evidence |meaning at the word level. Day 1 |meaning at the word level. Day 2 |meaning at the passage level. Day 1 |

| |from the text. | | | |

|Good readers ask questions to clarify |During and after reading text, good |During and after reading text, good |Good readers ask meaningful questions |Good readers ask meaningful questions |

|meaning at the passage level. Day 2 |readers talk about their questions and|readers talk about their questions and|(thin and thick questions). Day 1 |(thin and thick questions). Day 2 |

| |answers with others. Day 1 |answers with others. Day 2 | | |

|Good readers ask meaningful questions |Some questions cannot be answered in |Good readers can ask questions before,|Good readers can ask questions before,| |

|(thin and thick questions). Day 3 |the text. |during, and after reading nonfiction. |during, and after reading poetry. | |

Inferring Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What is inferring? |Inferring through oral games and/or |Inferring using the front and back |Inferring using illustrations during a|Predicting what will happen in the |

|Make anchor chart |riddles |cover of a book |picture walk |text (inferring) by using background |

|BK+TC=I | | | |knowledge (BK) and text clues (TC) |

| | | | |Reading with Meaning, Debbie Miller, |

| | | | |pg 112 |

|Strategies That Work, pg 141 | | | | |

|Revising our predictions (inferences) |Revising our predictions (inferences) |Recalling our questions and inferring |Recalling our questions and inferring |Recalling our questions and inferring |

|based on new reading in the text |based on new reading in the text |the answers |answers not explicitly stated in the |answers not explicitly stated in the |

|DAY 1 |DAY 2 | |text DAY 1 |text DAY 2 |

| | |Reading with Meaning, Debbie Miller, | | |

| | |pg 114-115 | | |

|Word level inferring |Word level inferring |Inferring characters’ feelings and |Inferring character traits |Inferring character traits |

|DAY 1 |DAY 2 |thinking (Example “What did _______ | | |

|Reading with Meaning, Debbie Miller, |Reading with Meaning, Debbie Miller, |learn?” | | |

|pg 109-110 |pg 109-110 | | | |

|Inferring character development |Inferring theme, author’s message, |Inferring theme, author’s message, |Using poetry to infer |Using poetry to infer |

|(character traits at the beginning and|and/or moral of the story |and/or moral of the story | | |

|end of the story) | | | | |

Nonfiction Genre Study Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|What is nonfiction? Show several NF |Readers know the difference between |Readers notice and remember |Readers learn new vocabulary about the|Nonfiction conventions: Review using |

|books. |nonfiction and fiction. |information when they learn something |topic when they read NF. |photographs, captions, illustrations, |

|Sort fiction and nonfiction. How do |Create anchor chart. Reading With |new in nonfiction. | |labels, and types of print to find |

|you know which books are fiction and |Meaning, Debbie Miller, | | |information & determine importance in |

|which are nonfiction? |Pg 144-147 | | |NF text |

|Nonfiction conventions: Using the |Nonfiction conventions: Using headings|Nonfiction conventions: Using maps and|Readers think about what they already |Readers ask questions before and while|

|table of contents, glossary, and index|and subheadings to preview and locate |cutaways to create sensory images in |know (schema) about the topic before |they read NF. DAY 1 |

|to preview & locate information |information |NF text |they begin to read. | |

|Readers ask questions before and while|Readers do not always read nonfiction |Readers locate specific information in|Readers locate specific information in|Readers can locate information in NF |

|they read NF. DAY 2 |books cover-to-cover or sequentially |NF text. |NF text. |text by skimming and scanning. |

| |(beginning-to-end) |DAY 1 |DAY 2 | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reading With Meaning, Debbie Miller, |Reading With Meaning, Debbie Miller, | |

| | |Pg 150-151 |Pg 150-151 | |

|Readers determine what is important in|Readers determine what is important in|Good readers can determine what is |Good readers can determine what is |Readers can write notes (on post its, |

|NF. |NF and include those facts in their |important vs. what is simply |important vs. what is simply |etc) to remember important information|

| |retelling. |interesting. |interesting. |in NF. |

| | |DAY 1 |DAY 2 | |

Determining Importance Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Good readers can tell the difference |Good readers can tell the difference |Good reader can determine what’s |Good readers can determine the most |Good readers can identify the most |

|between important and unimportant |between important and unimportant |important vs. interesting in fiction. |important characters in fiction. |important events in fiction. |

|information in text. |information in fiction. | | | |

|Good readers can identify the most |Good readers can identify the most |Good readers can explain the most |Good readers can explain the most |Good readers can explain the most |

|important events and tell why in |important events and tell why in |important events of fiction in a |important events of fiction in a |important events of fiction in a |

|fiction. |fiction. |retelling and/or summary. |retelling and/or summary. |retelling and/or summary. |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |

|Good readers can determine the theme, |Good readers can determine the theme, |Good readers can tell the difference |Good readers can determine what’s |Good readers can determine the most |

|author’s message, and/or moral in |author’s message, and/or moral in |between important and unimportant |important vs. interesting in |important information in nonfiction. |

|fiction. |fiction. |information in nonfiction. |nonfiction. |Day 1 |

|Day 1 |Day 2 | | | |

|Good readers can determine the most |Good readers can explain the most |Good readers can explain the most |Good readers can explain the most | |

|important information in nonfiction. |important information in a retelling |important information in a retelling |important information in a retelling | |

|Day 2 |and/or summary of nonfiction. |and/or summary of nonfiction. |and/or summary of nonfiction. | |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 | |

Strategy Review Tthrough Author Study Unit Calendar: Grade Two

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Introduce author |Examine multiple books by the author |Examine multiple books by the author |Review making text to self connections|Review making text to text connections|

| | |and create anchor chart | |Day 1 |

| | |“Characteristics of books by ___” | | |

|Review making text to text connections|Review creating sensory images as we |Review retelling |Review asking questions |Review inferring the author’s theme |

|Day 2 |read | | |and/or message |

|Review inferring how characters can |Celebrating and/or sharing our |Celebrating and/or sharing our | | |

|change in text |favorite authors |favorite authors | | |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 | | |


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