Implementation Checklist: Month at a Glance

| | |

| | |

| |Institute on Beginning Reading |

| |YEAR 02 |

| |Implementation Checklist |

| | |

| |Developed by: |

| | |

| |Deborah C. Simmons |

| |Edward J. Kame’enui |

|[pic] |Hank Fien |

| |Beth Harn |

| |Carrie Thomas Beck |

| |Rachell Katz |

| |Nicole Sherman Brewer |

| |Trish Travers |

| | |

| | |

| |Institute for the Development of |

| |Educational Achievement |

| |College of Education |

| |University of Oregon |

| | |

| |August 2004 |


Year 02 Implementation Checklist:

Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

| Who Immediate Priorities When |

| | |1. Establish master reading schedule. | | |

| | |2. Map out instruction for benchmark, strategic, and intensive students on CSI maps. | | |

| | |3. Review and refine RAP goals and priorities based on Planning and Evaluation Tool completed at IBR #4. | | |

| | |4. Establish data collection schedule for screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, and outcome measures for the year. | | |

| | |5. Schedule and protect professional development days for the school year. | | |

| | |6. Establish regular meeting times for Grade Level Teams and Early Reading Team. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

September: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and|Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. Review Planning and Evaluation Tool from|1. Schedule and conduct Fall |1. Using CSI summary map as planning |1. Allocate 90 minutes of reading |1. Analyze Fall DIBELS reports in |

|IBR #4. |Schoolwide data collection. |tool, implement the core comprehensive |instruction per day with a minimum of 30 |grade-level team meetings and complete |

| | |reading program. |minutes of small group instruction. |items 2-4. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Identify “assessment team” of individuals | | | |

|2. Review Reading Action Plan from IBR #4.|who will collect data and will represent the | | |2. Identify students that will benefit |

| |school’s “corps of experts.” |2. Using CSI summary map as planning |2. Protect reading instruction time and |from the core curriculum. |

| | |tool, implement supplemental and |ensure that time is allocated to skills and| |

| | |intervention programs. |practices associated with reading success. | |

|3. Communicate plan to faculty school |3. Conduct any necessary DIBELS training or | | | |

|wide. |“retooling”. | | |3. Identify students for whom strategic |

| | | | |intervention is recommended. |

| | |3. Conduct 5-minute observations with |3. Schedule additional instructional time | |

| |4. Organize materials for testing and schedule |all teachers. |for students who need additional support. | |

|4. Designate who is responsible for |a place for testing to occur. | | |4. Identify students for whom intensive |

|implementing action plan and establish | | | |intervention is recommended. |

|dates to evaluate progress. | |4. Begin to conduct fidelity | | |

| |5. Conduct reliability checks to ensure |observations with each classroom |4. Establish pacing timelines for core | |

| |standardized administration and scoring. |teacher |program. |5. Determine instructional groups based on |

| | | | |student performance on DIBELS and |

|5. Define grade-level reading goals based | | | |in-program assessments. |

|on DIBELS benchmarks. |6. Designate individual(s) to enter data into | | | |

| |web-based system. |5. Schedule necessary core, | | |

| | |supplemental and intervention | |6. Determine process for grouping (e.g. |

| | |professional development. | |within class, between class, within grade, |

|6. Review grade level curriculum maps to |7. Set date for Early Reading Team to review | | |between grade). |

|identify high priority instructional items |assessment results and to identify students that| | | |

|and timeline for those items. |may need additional support. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |8. Begin lesson progress reporting system. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |9. Administer in-program placement tests. | | | |

October: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. Review grade-level reading goals based |1. Conduct progress monitoring with students |1. Review criteria from IBR 2 on how to |1. Review pacing timelines for |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

|on DIBELS benchmarks and Fall results. |for whom strategic and intensive intervention |enhance core programs and implement in |core program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |is recommended. |existing core programs. | |student performance on DIBELS data and |

| | | | |in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

|2. Review Reading Action Plan and evaluate | | | | |

|progress based on Fall DIBELS report. | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I programs.| | |

| |2. Designate individual(s) to enter | | | |

| |progress-monitoring data into web-based | | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data and |

| |system. | | |in-program assessment data for students |

|3. All K-3 staff and specialists | | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

|participate in Fall regional IBR. | |3. Determine areas for coaching and provide | |programs. Using the alterable variables chart, |

| | |coaching on content and delivery of core and | |make adjustments in instruction if |

| | |S & I program implementation. | |progress is less than adequate |

| | | | |(based on 3 point rule). |

| |3. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |4. Convene Early Reading Team to review |4. Continue to conduct fidelity observations | | |

| |assessment results, identify students who may |with each classroom teacher. | | |

| |need additional support, and coordinate | | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels and| | | |

| |specialists. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |5. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| | |teachers. | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

November: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

| |1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |core reading program using strategies |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | | |

| | |programs. | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| | | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| | | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |3. Conduct diagnostic assessments with | | |programs. Using |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive | | |the alterable variables chart, |

| |intervention is not working. |3. Determine areas for coaching and | |make adjustments in instruction |

| | |provide coaching on core and S & I program | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| | |implementation. | |3 point rule). |

| | | | | |

| |4. Convene Early Reading Team to review | | | |

| |assessment results, identify students who | | | |

| |may need additional support, and coordinate| | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels |4. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |and specialists. |teachers. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

December: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

| |1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| | |programs. | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| |3. Conduct diagnostic assessment with | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive | | |programs. Using |

| |intervention is not working. | | |the alterable variables chart, |

| | |3. Determine areas for coaching and provide| |make adjustments in instruction |

| | |coaching on core and S & I program | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| | |implementation. | |3 point rule). |

| |4. Convene Early Reading Team to review | | | |

| |assessment results, identify students who | | | |

| |may need additional support, and coordinate| | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels | | | |

| |and specialists. |4. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| | |teachers. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Finalize scheduling for January data | | | |

| |collection. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |6. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

January: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. Make adjustments to grade- level CSI |1. Schedule and conduct Winter schoolwide |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

|maps for Winter. |data collection. |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| | |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Organize materials for testing and | | | |

| |schedule a place for testing to occur. |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | | |

| | |programs. | | |

| | | | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| | | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| |3. Conduct reliability checks to ensure | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |standardized administration and scoring of |3. Determine areas for coaching and provide| |programs. Using |

| |DIBELS. |coaching on core and S & I program | |the alterable variables chart, |

| | |implementation. | |make adjustments in instruction |

| | | | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| |4. Designate individual(s) to enter data | | |3 point rule). |

| |into web-based system. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |4. Conduct second set of fidelity | | |

| | |observations with each classroom teacher. | | |

| |5. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |6. Conduct diagnostic assessments with |5. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |teachers. | | |

| |intervention is not working. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |7. Convene Early Reading Team to review | | | |

| |assessment results, identify students who | | | |

| |may need additional support and coordinate | | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels | | | |

| |and specialists. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |8. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

February: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. Review RAP to identify progress towards |1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

|goals. |students for whom strategic and intensive |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

|2. All K-3 staff and specialists | | | | |

|participate in Winter regional IBR. | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | | |

| | |programs. | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| |3. Conduct diagnostic assessments with | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| |students for whom strategic and intensive | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |intervention is not working. | | |programs. Using |

| | |3. Determine areas for coaching and | |the alterable variables chart, |

| | |provide coaching on core and S & I program | |make adjustments in instruction |

| | |implementation. | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| |4. Convene ERT to review assessment | | |3 point rule). |

| |results, identify students who may need | | | |

| |additional support and coordinate | | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels |4. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |and specialists. |teachers | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

| | | | | |

March: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

| |1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

| | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | | |

| | |programs. | | |

| | | | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| |3. Conduct diagnostic assessments with | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| |students for whom strategic and intensive | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |intervention is not working. | | |programs. Using |

| | |3. Determine areas for coaching and | |the alterable variables chart, |

| | |provide coaching on core and S & I program | |make adjustments in instruction |

| | |implementation. | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| |4. Convene Early Reading Team to review | | |3 point rule). |

| |assessment results, identify students who | | | |

| |may need additional support and coordinate | | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels |4. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |and specialists. |teachers. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

April: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

| |1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | | |

| | |programs. | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

| |3. Conduct diagnostic assessments with | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| |students for whom strategic and intensive | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |intervention is not working. | | |programs. Using |

| | | | |the alterable variables chart, |

| | |3. Determine areas for coaching and | |make adjustments in instruction |

| |4. Convene Early Reading Team to review |provide coaching on core and S & I program | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| |assessment results, identify students who |implementation. | |3 point rule). |

| |may need additional support and coordinate | | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels | | | |

| |and specialists. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |4. Conduct third set of fidelity of | | |

| | |implementation observations. | | |

| |5. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |5. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |6. Finalize scheduling of assessments in |teachers. | | |

| |May (including both Reading First and | | | |

| |district assessments). | | | |

May: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. All K-3 staff and specialists |1. Schedule and conduct Spring schoolwide |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Review pacing timelines for core |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

|participate in Spring regional IBR. |data collection. |core comprehensive reading program using |program. |current instructional groupings based on |

| | |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data |

| | | | |and in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

|2. Update CSI maps to prepare for Fall. | | | | |

| |2. Organize materials for testing and |2. Provide ongoing PD for S & I programs. | | |

| |schedule a place for testing to occur. | | | |

| | | | |2. Review DIBELS progress monitoring data |

|3. Rescore PET-R. | | | |and in-program assessment data for students|

| | | | |receiving supplemental and intervention |

| |3. Conduct reliability checks to ensure |3. Determine areas for coaching and provide| |programs. Using |

| |standardized administration and scoring of |coaching on core and S & I program | |the alterable variables chart, |

|4. Complete RAP for 05-06. |DIBELS. |implementation. | |make adjustments in instruction |

| | | | |if progress is less than adequate (based on|

| | | | |3 point rule). |

| | | | | |

|5. Identify PD goals for 05-06. | | | | |

| |4. Designate individual(s) to enter data |4. Conduct follow-up observations with | | |

| |into web-based system. |teachers. | | |

| | | | | |

|6. Revisit grade-level reading goals based | | | | |

|on DIBELS benchmarks and evaluate student | | | | |

|performance in 04-05. |5. Administer in-program assessments. |5. Reorder replacement materials and | | |

| | |consider ordering additional S & I programs| | |

| | |for next year. | | |

| | | | | |

| |6. Convene Early Reading Team to review | | | |

| |assessment results, identify students who | | | |

| |may need additional support and coordinate |6. Schedule PD for next year. | | |

| |instructional planning across grade levels | | | |

| |and specialists. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |7. Collect lesson progress reports. | | | |

June: Year 02 Implementation Checklist: Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model

|Element I: Goals , Objectives, Priorities |Element II: Assessment |Element III: Instructional Programs and |Element IV: Instructional Time |Element V: Differentiated Instruction/ |

| | |Materials | |Grouping/ Scheduling |

|1. Share school progress with stakeholders.|1. Conduct progress monitoring with |1. Continue to refine implementation of the|1. Begin planning reading blocks for |1. In grade level team meetings, evaluate |

| |students for whom strategic and intensive |core comprehensive reading program using |2005-2006. |current instructional grouping based on |

| |intervention is recommended. |strategies learned in IBR 2. | |student performance on DIBELS data and |

| | | | |in-program assessments. |

| | | | | |

| |2. Administer in-program assessments. | |2. Using pacing timelines, evaluate | |

| | | |progress made in the core. | |

| | |2. Provide ongoing PD for new S & I | |2. Review spring DIBELS benchmark data for|

| | |programs. | |students receiving supplemental and |

| |3. Collect end of year lesson progress | | |intervention programs and consider |

| |reports. | | |instructional |

| | | | |placements for next year. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |4. Meet with next year’s grade level | | | |

| |teachers to share students’ DIBELS data and| | | |

| |in-program assessment data. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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