Unit 3 – The Beginnings of Islam Test – Study Guide

Islam Test Study Guide

Directions: Fill in the blanks. You will need to know this Islam vocabulary for the matching section of the test.

1) a chief of a Bedouin tribe is called this ______________

2) the holy book of Islam containing what Allah revealed to Muhammad ___________________

3) a journey to a sacred place or shrine ______________________

4) the leader or ruler of a Muslim state; the word means “successor”________________________

5) prophet and founder of Islam; proclaimed message of Allah; considered by Muslims to be last prophet _____________

6) the Arabic word for God _____________________

7) an area of vegetation fed by underground springs and surrounded by desert ______________________

8) a person who moves from one area to another and does not have a permanent home ___________________

9) a city in western Saudi Arabia; the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad; the holiest Muslim city ________________

10) Some of the most important people in a Bedouin tribe were ______________________

11) a building for Muslim worship designed to face the city of Mecca ________________________

12) the belief in one god ____________________________

13) This term describes the process when an object or idea is transferred from one culture to another. ____________

14) a member of the branch of Islam that supports the descendents of Muhammad as his rightful successors; only a descendant or blood relative of Muhammad may be a ruler__________________________

15) the branch of Islam that accepts the validity of the first four caliphs elected as successors to Muhammad; any Muslim who follows Muhammad’s example may be a ruler____________________

16) the religion practiced by Muslims; based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammd and on the words of Allah in the holy book, the Qur’an_______________________________

17) for Muslims, a pilgrimage or sacred journey to Mecca; Muslims throughout the world who can afford to do so try to make the pilgrimage once in their life _________________________________

18) Muslim prayer leader___________________________________

19) ninth month of the Muslim calendar marked by fasting; in this month Muhammad received his first

message from Allah. Muslims must not eat or drink from the break of dawn until the setting of the sun.

The fast teaches self-discipline, humility, and sympathy for the hungry & brings them closer to Allah________________________

20) prayer, said five times a day; one of the Five Pillars of Islam __________________________________

21) a shrine in Mecca considered one of the holiest places for Muslims. Muslims believe that Abraham

and his son Ishmael built this structure as a temple to God. _____________________________________________

22) the term means “to struggle”; to do one’s best to resist temptation and overcome evil; in more recent

times the word has come to mean Muslim holy war _____________________________________________

23) “the words and deeds of Muhammad” and the 5 pillars are found in this book __________________________

24) A word to describe the Muslim community (hint: starts with the letter U) _________________________

25) the head scarf worn by some Muslim women to cover the head and hair ________________________________

(this word was from the “What is Islam?” video!)


26) What is an oasis AND why are they important on the Arabian Peninsula?

27) What is the Ka’aba, where is it located, and who built it?

28) How did Geographic isolation benefit the Arabs?

29) What was the main effect of the growth of trade on the Arabian Peninsula?

30) What happened to Muslims after Muhammad’s death?

31) Why did the Muslim community split?

32) How were clans important to Bedouin life in the Arabian Peninsula?

33) Why do you think Muhammad began his teaching in Mecca?

34) What is the type of handwriting and floral art work used in many Mosques and religious literature?

35) What are Arabic numerals and why are they easier to use than Roman numerals?

36) Why did the Shiites oppose the Umayyad rule, when they took over?

37) Who was Abu Bakr Muhmmad ibn Zakrariya al-Razi and what were 2 achievements of his?

38) Who was Ib Sina and what were 2 achievements of his?

39) Why were hospitals considered advanced in the Islamic Empire, how were they different from European hospitals?

40) Describe the advancements Muslims made in regards to agriculture/irrigation?

41) Why was Mecca an important trade center?

42) What beliefs do Muslims, Christians, and Jewish people share?

o Example - All three believe that Abraham was a prophet

43) How were the actions of the Umayyad family different than the four caliphs that ruled before them?

44) Who took control of the Muslim Empire after the Umayyads?

45) A golden age in the Muslim Empire occurred during the rule of the Abbasids. What is a golden age? (p. 285)

Directions: Fill in the chart below with facts about the Five Pillars of Islam - you will need to do this on the test

|Shahada |Salat |Zakat |Sawm |Hajj |


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