Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Competency Based Behavioral Interview Questions Competency Based Behavioral Interview Questions Behavioral interviewing is a technique by which the interviewee is asked how he or she acts or acted in particular situations. Because one’s past behavior generally predicts future behavior, the answers to behavior-based questions can give you an excellent idea about how the candidate would deal with actual work situations, and can help you assess a person’s ability to achieve or demonstrate the competencies and capabilities required to be successful in the position. In preparing the questions you will ask, take time to identify the competencies that are vital to the position. This will help you target your questioning to reveal the information that matters most. Feel free to include a few key questions based on the following Harvard-wide core competencies: Delivers Results – Establishes high goals for organizational success and personal accomplishment; meets or exceeds those goals; conveys a sense of urgency and drives issues to closure.Tell me about a project or responsibility in which you were involved and are proud of the outcome.What was expected? What were the results?What steps did you take to face the challenge?Tell me about a project or idea that was sold or implemented primarily because of your efforts.Describe a time when your quick response to a problem or situation made a difference. What happened?Tell me about a time when you challenged yourself and others to pull off something really tough.Tell me about a time when you had to work to an unreasonable deadline or have been faced with a huge challenge. What was the outcome?Job Knowledge – Has achieved a satisfactory level of technical and professional skill or knowledge in position-related areas; keeps up with current development and trends in areas of expertise.Tell me about a new complex aspect of your job in your current role you needed to learn.How long did it take you to learn it? How did you go about acquiring the skill?What technical aspects of your job have you mastered?Give me an example of a process you’ve used for a while but haven’t mastered.How have you taken steps to improve your skills or performance? How do you keep up to date in your field?Tell me about a time when others have asked you for advice or information within your munication Skills - Proactively communicates; informs others of what they need to know. Utilizes oral and written communication to enhance relationships across the organization. Capably articulates thoughts and ideas in speaking and listens carefully to others.Give an example of how you think about your audience before communicating with them. What factors influence your communication?Describe a presentation you recently gave. How did you approach the presentation? How did you communicate the materials?Tell me about a time when you had to get clarification on a request that was vague. What did you do?Describe how you communicate with project team membersTell me about a time that you didn’t communicate information you should have. What were your reasons, what happened?Tell me about a time when you had to be the bearer of bad news.Tell me about a time when you had a substantive discussion with someone who struggled with what you were telling him or her.Teamwork and Collaboration – Actively participates as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals. Maintains strong, personal connections with team members and key stakeholders. Aligns personal work and performance with the broader team to achieve mutual outcomes.Give me an example of a time when you worked with a group/team to determine project responsibilities. What was your role? What difficulties or issues came up?Describe a situation in which you needed to brainstorm differing/conflicting ideas with others to accomplish work goals.Describe a time when you wished you’d been more collaborative with others at work. What did you do?Tell me about an experience with someone you’ve worked with who was less cooperative than you needed him or her to be. How did you handle the situation?Tell me about a time you had difficulty getting information for others so you could solve a problem or complete your work. Describe a situation you’ve had like this, what did you do?Describe a situation where you were able to help out a peer or team member.Embraces Change –Actively identifies problems and opportunities for change and implements solutions where appropriate. Maintains effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; adjusts effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures.Tell me about a situation in which you had to adjust quickly to a significant change in organization, department or team priorities. How did the change affect you? What did you do?Can you give me an example of a time when you recently made an effective adjustment to a changing policy or procedure? What did you do? Why was it effective?Describe a time when you were responsible for helping a group of people understand why a specific change (in process, policy or procedure) was necessary. What was the change? What did you do?Describe what you consider to be your best suggestion for a change. How did you come up with the idea and what happened with it.Tell me about a time you took a good idea from A to Z. What was the result?Tell how you implemented a new system in an organization with a team you had not worked with before. What did you learn?Tell me about a time when you had to change something significant in your work environment. What actions did you take? What happened?Tell me about a time when everything was up in the air. How did you handle the situation? What eventually happened?Building a High Performance Team (management positions only) - Develops a capable, diverse and cohesive team to maximize their collective skills and talents; motivates others to achieve the organization's goals; recognizes and rewards contributions.How have you encouraged members on your team to share their perspectives and ideas? What did you do or say to encourage them? What happened?Describe how you've worked with a team to set specific and measurable goals and objectives. What process did you use?Sometimes teams get off track when working toward a specific project or goal. Describe a time when this happened and you were able to help your team get back on track. What did you do?What systems have you put in place to recognize or reward associates who suggest or make effective changes? What effect has this recognition had on others’ innovation? Give me a specific example.Resource Allocation (management positions only) – Manages finances and organizational resources to enhance department, school or university goals. Deploys funds, staffing or resources economically and effectively.Tell me about a time when you had to coordinate resources (people, processes, departments, equipment) to complete a complex project.We have all faced situations where the resources we needed to be successful were not within out span of control. Tell me about a project or goal where this is true for you.Additional Core Competencies - Sample Behavioral Interview QuestionsValuing Diversity – Appreciates and leverages the capabilities, insights, and ideas of all individuals; works effectively with individuals of diverse style, ability, and motivation.Tell me about a time when you achieved superior outcomes by incorporating diverse perspectives.What efforts have you made, or been involved with, to foster diversity and inclusion competencies and understanding? How have you demonstrated what you have learned?Have you ever seen any bias against someone from a different background than the norm?What did you do?How have you handled a situation when a colleague or a direct report was not accepting of others’ background, values, or experiences?Cultivate Culture that Advances the FAS’s Mission - FAS advances knowledge, improves learning, and shapes leaders.Tell me about the relationship of your goals in your current position to the organization as a whole.Tell me about a time when you helped others shape priorities to reflect the organization’s vision and values.Tell me about a time when you anticipated the future and made changes to meet these future needs. Did the anticipated future occur?Shepard the FAS’s Resources Wisely Tell me about a time when you made a project or task more efficient by saving time, money or people resources.What steps have you taken to ensure that resources are available for a person to develop their skills and abilities?Have you identified any opportunities for cutting costs in your current role?Tell me about the last change or improvement you initiated.Balance Interests of the FAS in Decision-makingSometimes the only way people or department can accomplish their individual goals is to form a partnership. Tell me about a time where, had you not partnered, your individual goals might not have been achieved.Tell me about a time when the organizational culture in which you worked supported or did not support collaboration among departments.Describe a situation when you had to negotiate an agreement over resources/policies with peers.Give me an example of a time you used your (political) savvy to push something through for approval.What influence strategies have you found to be effective? Describe a situation in which you used these strategies to your advantage.Strengthen the Standing and Reputation of the FASTell me about a cross functional / departmental initiative you have worked on. What was your role? What were the obstacles/challenges you encountered?Tell me about a time when you built a strong relationship/partnership where none existed before.Describe how you’ve rebuilt a partnership that was damaged (not necessarily by you).Describe how you’ve built partnerships with employees within your organization to achieve business goals.For more information contact:FAS Recruitment Servicesrecruitment@fas.harvard.edu ................

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